June 5, 2014

"The Closing of the Right's Mind"

Read my post "The Closing of the Right's Mind" at The Unz Review and comment there.



  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnKJzCUy9Tw

    Of all the dumb things I've seen...

  2. The Unz Review has Robert Scheer, for God's sake, amongst other "alternative" voices, which is to say Cathedral theologians. It looks like an example of the paleo-progressive convergence, or what I call the "Confederate-Communist connection".

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wZtJJJ6KhA

    Russian science

  4. I'm tired of caring about the rights of minorities, whether it is Jews, Africans or Muslims in Europe or the Rainbow in the U.S. No kindness is ever reciprocated. They are the aggressors at this point, and I don't really care what happens to them.

    I want to be a White and a Westerner in my own homeland, without apologizing to anybody.

  5. Well, the new Unz format is just too hard to deal with on my tablet.

    With this site, I could simply scroll down to previous posts over the course of a few days or hours and read the new comments.

    At the Unz site, moving from one post to another and checking on new comments on each post becomes more time consuming.

    Yes, Samsung 7.7 tablets aren't the best for viewing, but it worked well for this site.

  6. The Unz Review has Robert Scheer, for God's sake, amongst other "alternative" voices, which is to say Cathedral theologians. It looks like an example of the paleo-progressive convergence, or what I call the "Confederate-Communist connection".

    Unless you're afraid someone like Sailer will come out wanting in comparison by being so near, you should welcome it.
    The debate hasn't been between capitalism and Marxism for a long time. It's now about cultural Marxism v National identity. Promoting a borderless welfare state is untenable and open borders are as much a globalist capitalist project as anything else. The left should have its nose rubbed in this fact daily. Sailer is just the man to do it.

    Exposing lefties to Sailer is just the thing they need to rouse them from their self-delusion. The splc crowd would have people read only their denunciations of Sailer, rather than read Sailer. Placing Sailer side-by-side with the opposition is a very good thing, and God bless Unz for what he's doing.

    Because if you read Sailer at any length you have to conclude he's the farthest thing from "hate" out there. As powerful as it is, the Cathedral is terrified of equal terms. I ain't afraid of no Cathedral, and you shouldn't be either.

  7. Steve,

    Please tell your friend Ron to try reading and commenting on your blog here and on his site with an iPhone. His site offers a worse experience. He should fix that.

  8. Dear Dave:

    I just forwarded your comment to him. Can you list specifics that can be improved?


    1. Thanks, Steve. Two main issues:

      1) Blogger is "responsive", which means it knows I'm reading your blog on mobile and it automatically formats it accordingly. I just tweeted you screen captures of both so you can see and forward to Ron via email.

      2) Blogger comments allow you to reply to another commenter on mobile. Unz's site's commenting system doesn't. Disqus would be an improvement on both, in my opinion, and anonymous commenters could still comment as guests.

  9. The Unz Review has Robert Scheer, for God's sake, amongst other "alternative" voices, which is to say Cathedral theologians. It looks like an example of the paleo-progressive convergence, or what I call the "Confederate-Communist connection".


    Scheer was fired from his job as a columnist for opposing the Iraq war by a newspaper that pushes hardcore cultural Marxism, open borders and globalsim.

    He was one of those folks Steve talks about who was punished for being right about Iraq while all the neocons and liberal interventionists are still in lofty perches.

    Scheer also has a long history of supporting free speech and dissent from globalization and neoliberalism.


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