January 25, 2005

"Natalism" Rears Its Nonexistent Head Again


I spent an hour on the phone today with a newspaper reporter who called me to get the inside scoop on the new Natalist Movement to force women to have more children that's sweeping the nation. Apparently, I'm the evil genius behind this trend toward keeping women barefoot and pregnant.

No, I kept trying to explain, NYT op-edster David Brooks just made it all up when he wrote, "There is a little-known movement sweeping across the United States. The movement is 'natalism.'" He just did it because journalists try to make everything sound like a trend. If Isaac Newton had been a reporter, he wouldn't have named his book explaining the Law of Gravity the Principia. No, he would have called it something newsworthy like "The Growing Trend toward Gravityism."

There's no organized "natalist" movement to speak of; there's just people having babies. What I have found is that some parts of the country are more conducive to having babies than other parts, and those baby-friendly states vote Republican more than baby-unfriendly states. That's it.

Steve Sailer's homepage and blog is iSteve.com

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