January 25, 2005

The Unamerican Simon Cowell


"American Idol's" sardonic British judge is the antithesis of the modern American Oprah-style television host. These days, Americanism is all about encouraging people to "follow their dreams," whereas Simon typically listens to contestants sing for five seconds, then tells them to forget their dreams and give up all hope of a singing career. In the singing business, it's kind to be cruel, because, otherwise, ambitious but talentless young people always wind up sexually exploited by promoters as cold-blooded as Cowell, but lacking his honesty.

Similarly, Larry Summers is being condemned for causing young female math and science students to doubt their dreams, but doubt is exactly what people considering entering a career like math or physics should do before making a lifetime commitment. What's the point of being, say, a third rate mathematics professor if you'll never achieve any breakthroughs when you make far more money with your quant skills in private industry?

Steve Sailer's homepage and blog is iSteve.com

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