June 7, 2006

WSJ OpinionJournal headlines of op-eds I don't need to read

It often seems lately as if the WSJ Editorial Page boys are just going through the motions, that they've been so catastrophically wrong that they're starting to get depressed and are just winging it. Here are some recent headlines from their website that make the essays sound self-evidently bogus:

On the Editorial Page BY NANCY DE WOLF SMITH
Reza Pahlavi says America should help Iranians who oppose the regime.

By any chance, would one of those Iranians who oppose the regime and thus deserve help from America be Reza Pahlavi, son of the late Shah of Iran?

Do Americans still understand the meaning of honor?

Isn't there something a little ironic about the people who helped lie us into the war in Iraq with their WMD duplicity nagging the rest of us about how we don't have enough "honor?" When did fraud become honorable?

On the Editorial Page BY KOFI A. ANNAN
Nations that welcome immigrants are the most dynamic in the world.

Sure, like China, South Korea, and India ... Isn't it funny how the WSJ, which denounces UN supremo Kofi Annan weekly as a crook and a liar, is happy to publish his crooked lies about immigration? (Do check out the readers' spirited responses.)

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