December 2, 2007

Saletan's Editor Jacob Weiselberg Weisels Out

My VDARE.COM column will be out Monday night this week instead of Sunday night. I think you'll like it. In the meantime, James Fulford dissects William Saletan's craven editor.

VDARE is having a fund-raising drive.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. What do you expect from a guy whose major intellectual contributions to American political discourse are "Bushisms" and "More George W. Bushisms." In other words, Weisberg is to journalism what the Sniglets guy is to comedy.


  2. Not your best pun, Steve. (The German word for weasel, by the way, is "Wiesel"; "Weisel" means queen bee.) Some scorn is doubtless appropriate, but I could do without the adolescent ad hominem.

    Fulford's article is good, but he goes too far when he calls Weisberg's writings "hate speech".

  3. In his 1991 book Dave Barry Talks Back, reprinting a column on linguistic humor, Dave Barry contrasts the phrases "Richard Nixon wearing a necktie" with "Richard Nixon wearing a neck weasel", and "Scientists have discovered a 23rd moon orbiting Jupiter" with "Scientists have discovered a giant weasel orbiting Jupiter." Barry concludes that "You can improve the humor value of almost any situation by injecting a weasel into it."

  4. My suspicion is that Saletan and/or Weisberg needed an out and seized on this wild story about not having a clue who Rushton was as an acceptable excuse. OH MY STARS I'VE BEEN FOOLED BY RACISTS!!!

    I mean, consider that you are a well-meaning liberal journalist, that you wish to write a thoughtful thumb-sucker about the most controversial subject in America, and you're going to go ahead and cite research that is widely and loudly derided by all your liberal peers and then claim YOU JUST DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT THAT SCANDALOUS PIONEER FUND.

    I mean I don't think Saletan is much of a writer or thinker but it's hard to believe he's that fucking stupid, or that fucking careless in the wake of James Watson's ritual condemnation and expulsion from polite society.

    Pull the other one.

  5. Whew! I have always disliked the appearance of the VDare weblog. Its large type, numerous boldfaced quotations, and lurid color have, to me, always reflected emotional rage. When I first encountered it is 2002 I had a visceral fear of its appearance and subsequently have always tried to avoid it. Couldn't VDares management adopt an air of cool. detached, intellectualism like gnxp? Also possibly changing its name to something more pragmatic than the subconscious 'Dare to read' (VDare) would widen its acceptance.

  6. James Fulford dissects William Saletan's craven editor.

    While the role of "editors" in the American media goes nearly without discussion, the isteve blog has had some savvy commenters who have noted in the past that all journalistic skew must be signed-off on by a higher-up. In other words, one or more editors must share ideologoy with the writer/s in order to produce a printed headline and accompanying story.

    On this issue Lawrence Auster's regular reamings of the New York Sun are instructive.

  7. Toadal said...

    I have always disliked the appearance of the VDare weblog. Its large type, numerous boldfaced quotations, and lurid color have, to me, always reflected emotional rage. When I first encountered it is 2002 I had a visceral fear of its appearance and subsequently have always tried to avoid it.

    What exactly is wrong with "emotional rage" as it relates to the mass immigration scheme and its deleterious effects on native population?

    I submit that any citizen on the receiving end of our Elites' "Elect a New People" program is naturally entitled to a significant amount of "emotional rage".

  8. Couldn't VDares management adopt an air of cool. detached, intellectualism like gnxp?



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