September 3, 2008

Speaking of vetting ...

How about we all pat ourselves on the back for the great job this country did in vetting the Democratic nominee for President? After all, by the middle of March 2008, when the vast majority of Americans first heard about the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., there were still eight (count 'em, eight!) states that hadn't yet held primaries or caucuses. Sure, 42 primaries / caucuses had been held in ignorance of Barack Obama's actual background, but, hey, 8 out of 50 ain't bad!

By the time the Rev. came back from his cruise and proved six weeks later that in Obama's celebrated "More Perfect Union" oration, Obama had merely been "saying what a politician has to say," thus making Obama so mad he finally did disown Wright, there were still seven states left. And by the time Rev. Wright's much ballyhooed successor, Otis Moss, had proven how leftist he was, causing Obama to disown his church at the very end of May, there were two entire primaries left.

America, you're doing a heck of a job!

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. Typical paleo alienated b.s. The fault lies with the librul media and you know it!

  2. In how many of those partially informed last 8 states did Obama win the Democratic Primary?

    Do you think this will carry over into the general electon with all those independent and swing-state voters?

    Will the MSM be able to give Obama enough well-staged dramatic one-way propaganda set pieces (e.g. Philly race speech, European rainbow tour, DNC) to anesthetize these voters as to his real history and proclavaties?

  3. Steve, as the leading Obamologist, you seem to have missed the most scary thing I've read about BO, which makes me wonder if it's not true. I read his foreign policy adviser is Zbigniew Brznski (or something like that) the father of Al Qaida, who if I'm not mistaken was responsible for funding and arming Muslim fundamentalists to fight the Soviet-backed secular Afghan govt. Sure, it worked if you think bringing down the Soviet Union was worth it, but "who cares about a few Muslims stirred up"? It seems to me Zbig B personifies the malign influence of East European emigres on US foreign policy. Surely his influence on BO (if true) is something to worry about?

  4. Maybe fooling all of the people some of the time is enough.

  5. The media protected Obama, as they did in his campaigns for the Senate and State Senate, while smearing opponents (Ryan, Hillary).

    And now of course, Palin.

    Obama has leveraged this Media protection the way John Edwards did -- Obama could be snorting coke (again) in full view of the Press and they would never report it. Heck I've often wondered how 72 year old McCain out works Obama on the campaign trail.

  6. So we're in trouble if McCain dies...and conversely,if Obama lives! Ha ha ha ! The way Biden acts,making up stuff continuously,makes me wonder about HIM. They make quite a quartet!

  7. Well, Obama survived the racist-church controversy, and McCain doesn't have the guts to bring up this issue in the election.

    What is the talk of the day though is - once again - Sarah Palin. Today, there's pictures of her daughter getting drunk and brandishing guns like they're toys, plastered all over the internet. This was all on the boyfriend's Myspace page. The pregnancy is one thing. Daily revelations that confirm the Palins as being the worst caricatures of redneck, white trash will spell doom for the Republican party. I think Obama's gotten more bounce in the past day or two than he actually got out of his lame convention. That's sad.

    Good God, what was McCain thinking.

  8. Wasn't it, like, 2007 when Barack Heather Obama announced that he was an instrument of God's will, destined to create a kingdom on Earth? None of the leftists I know give a rat's tush about THAT. Why should they care about "God damn America?"


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