February 21, 2009

National Treasure III: Geronimo's Skull & the Sire of Presidents

You've seen it here before, but now the NYT is covering my favorite bit of weird Americana: the claim by future Sen. Prescott Bush, father and grandfather of Presidents, that he stole Geronimo's skull and put it on display in the fortress-like headquarters of Skull and Bones at Yale.

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. Probably false. Geronimo was buried in a secret grave to prevent his remains being made into various relics that would inspire future uprisings.

    Yes, the guy was that dangerous and scared the hell out of people.

    Oddly enough, he became a Christian late in life (doubts remain about his sincerity, if it was a political move to get him released, the man was nothing if not savvy).

    There are also accounts of the man romancing women forty years his junior while captive on the Florida panhandle. Since he was at the time one of the world's greatest celebrities.

  2. Just when you think Bush Derangement Syndrome is over and done with, the Left finds an exciting new vein of Bush hatred to mine!

  3. not really ot: the karl denninger economics website that apparently some isteve fans have been visiting lately really is full of interesting contributions...

    'Glenn Beck had Gerald Celente and others on tonight talking scenarios. They had to put "viewer discretion advised" bumpers on so as not to scare people. Barter, gated communities, and private militias. They didn't talk about food, power, and water shortages. California, on top of everything else, is up for a major drought. This summer is going to be interesting.'

    barter?!!! private militias? steve, is "KD" a solid source of info? are you reading his website and taking it to heart?

  4. Nahh, as crazy Bush rumors go, you can't top Barbara Bush (the handsome one, no the young one) being the daughter of noted Satanist Aleister Crowley.

  5. Well, being in league with the Infernal Powers certainly explains why Barbara Bush has her picture on the $1 bill...

  6. Yes, those claims are quite far-fetched, but then again the concept that Barak Obama is not a citizen. Often in times of lies the truth becomes "far-fetched," or simply made to sound that way as to mitigate the impact of it. What if the claims are true? Our nation's leadership has been for quite some time a group of Satanic nutjobs.
    That by no means precludes those not Bushes. By that way, it is most diturbing that they are all related. Obama, Cheney, Bush, Kerry, the Queen mother, Jimmy Carter. So add inbred to the list, if the rumors are true.

  7. For a bunch of supposedly smart guys, the Bonesmen have certainly had a baleful influence on America. It's enough to make me wonder if the spirit of Geronimo is somehow acting through them to take his revenge. Maybe somebody should bury that skull before it's too late!

  8. What will America yell when it goes over the economic cliff?

    You guessed it.


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