November 25, 2009


I don't understand why some Americans are simply unable to grasp how important these tribal struggles over the best goat pasturage in the Hindu Kush are to the American national interest. I would refer you to the various outlets of the Washington Post Co. for voluminous elucidation on the vital goat lands issue.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. Here comes Whiskey to educate you about the vast importance of those Afghani goat pastures (musn't let Al Qaeda monopolize the goat pasture business and use the proceeds to train people to fly aircaft into skyscrapers!).

  2. Steve, you consistently underestimate the danger of nuclear goats.

  3. By 'goat pastures', do you mean heroin fields?

  4. By 'goat pastures', do you mean heroin fields?

  5. Ha, nicely said Steve.

    Now, I know happily married six foot four baby boomers are extremely averse to tinfoilhattism, but when the source of the world's opium production, Afghanistan, is taken over by strict religious dudes who successfully eradicate production thereof, and is subsequently and immediately invaded and occupied, resulting in Afghanistan now producing 90% of the heroin on the streets of the world, roughly around the same time that consumer countries like USA and Canada are feverishly encouraging their rabble to become heroin junkies via needle exchanges and shooting gallery parks, does a little light not go off in your head thinking that maybe Afghanistan was invaded not so much because it represents a military threat to America but rather because the powers that be wanted Afghanistan to resume production?

  6. When the Taliban were in power they put the kibosh on the heroin trade. Guess what's happened now that our stooges are in power?

  7. By 'goat pastures', do you mean heroin fields?

    Anonymous - you mean the heroin fields in the Helmand river valley where the majority of Afghan opium is sourced that were once goat pastures before that snowmelt-fed river was dammed, to coin a phrase, by Americans after WWII in an attempt to create a new, modern Afghanistan viz. the Helmand Valley Project, but which succeeded only in salting the land, changing the environment such that locals could only grow cool crops like wheat or poppy, and ladening it with non-Pashtun immigrant farmers? Nope, no goat pasture and they have America to thank for becoming so much more modern and Afghany because of it.

  8. Are the nukes in Pakistan or not?

    They are there. Wishing away reality is like pretending there is no diversity cost. Pretending all peoples, races, sexes, and groups are equal.

    In fact, we did EXACTLY what Steve advocates during Clinton's term. How'd that work out for about 3,000 New Yorkers again?

  9. shades of mencken...

  10. "In fact, we did EXACTLY what Steve advocates during Clinton's term. How'd that work out for about 3,000 New Yorkers again?"

    Did we also implement the immigration controls that Steve advocates? No? Then WTF are you getting on about with this EXACTLY stuff?

    9/11 could have been prevented by keeping the hijackers out of the country -- going and bombing Iraq and Afghanistan hasn't helped a thing.

  11. Homer Simpson says:

    mmmmm Goat!! ugghhh

  12. In fact, we did EXACTLY what Steve advocates during Clinton's term. How'd that work out for about 3,000 New Yorkers again?

    Cost a hell of a lot less to keep the damn savages out of our country than to try and civilize them in their own country.

  13. "Whiskey said...

    In fact, we did EXACTLY what Steve advocates during Clinton's term. How'd that work out for about 3,000 New Yorkers again?"

    No, we did NOT!, you willfully stupid, strutting little poseur.

    The INS stamped a big fat visa on Mohammed Atta's passport (apparently under the wild-eyed psychotic killer quota) and admitted him here amongst us to plot and carry out mass murder. I'm sure if you have asked Steve whether it was a good idea to admit such men to this country, he'd have answered with a decisive 'No'.

    When will you get it through your puss-filled head, that the way to keep terrorists out of this country is by keeping them out of THIS country.


  14. Are the nukes in Pakistan or not?

    They are there. Wishing away reality is like pretending there is no diversity cost. Pretending all peoples, races, sexes, and groups are equal.

    In fact, we did EXACTLY what Steve advocates during Clinton's term. How'd that work out for about 3,000 New Yorkers again?

    That's all you got this time? Nothing about big men, polygamy, briefcases and WHITE WOMEN? Are you giving up on us?

  15. Mr. President, we must not allow a goat pasture gap!

  16. Jane, you ignorant slut. Once again, your incessant keyboard chatter has left your wrists as limp as Adam Lambert autoasphysiating himself in a SF bathhouse. You should stick to movie reviews and leave the heavy geopolitical lifting to he-men like me.

    If the US doesn't control these critical goat pastures, how long do you think it will be before co-ethnic across the Pakistani boarder hand these hearders ICBM and nuclear technology?

    Cowering under your Areon while soiling your Dockers in fear only invites these multi-nuclear tipped goat ICBMs wreaking havoc right here in River City.

    So man up and send your footballer son to Warziristan instead of having him waste his time in "college". He sounds like he could pass the physical. Besides, education never did jack for my hard fightin' and harder lovin' Scots-Irish tokhes.

  17. "They are there."

    Whiskey, God love your celibate micro-dick ass, but there's no way in fuck the Paki's can deliver a nuke to NYC or any other meaningful fucking American place in the next 20 years --unless we stamp their visas. a

    Fuck yourself re the 3,000 New Yorkers. You didn"t know dick and you still don't know dick.

  18. The only decent reason to be in Afghanistan is to kill Osama, and there has to be a thousand ways more clever to see his throat slit.

  19. Into this happy world the 21st century brought two new facts; the thermonuclear device and the American Government.

  20. In fact, we did EXACTLY what Steve advocates during Clinton's term. How'd that work out for about 3,000 New Yorkers again?

    Nice try. Clinton let in tons of foreigners, many from the ME. Had he tightenend the borders like Steve sez, there wouldn't have been ME doods flying plains in NYC. NYC!

  21. I was gonna call "whiskey" a psychotic, deluded, little retard, but so many people got there first. Also, I do it so often. Most people with severe psychotic disorders don't know that there's help available.

    "Nukes in Pakistan" -> nationbuilding in Afghanistan how?

    I think Whiskey just wants Afghanis killed because they're "bad-boys" whom women prefer.

  22. If we weren't there in the Hindu Kush, they'd be over here looking for goat pasturage in the Appalacians and Rockies.

    It is well known that Al Qaeda and the Taliban have plans to fly the goats over along with their herders in those Cesna drones that Saddam had planned to use to invade and conquer America.

  23. Whiskey, please explain to me what Clinton had to do with 911, other than the specific warnings and intelligence that they turned over to the Bush administration, which promptly ignored them?

    From a New Yorker - GFY.

  24. It is indeed a faraway land of which we know little (except that it borders at least one country with nukes).

  25. "In fact, we did EXACTLY what Steve advocates during Clinton's term."

    We closed down our borders? We prevented foreigners from moving here? We stopped interfering in other countries internal affairs? We stopped bombing other countries to force them to do what we wanted them to do?

    This is not how I remember the Clinton years. Clearly you are visiting us from an alternate historical timeline, where there was a Jeffersonian/Jacksonian isolationist president named "Clinton" in the White House. This is not the historical timeline that the rest of us inhabit.

  26. Helene Edwards11/29/09, 2:55 PM

    I wonder if anyone remembers what the big "progressive" issue was on 9/10. It was Mumia. Here in the Bay Area, people had Free Mumia posters in their living room windows and dorm windows, like he was running for school board or something. I remember that with the first 50 or so "No Blood For Oil" types I argued with, the Free Mumia correlation was bout .8


  27. In fact, we did EXACTLY what Steve advocates during Clinton's term. How'd that work out for about 3,000 New Yorkers again?

    I know, I know. EVERYONE misses the Clinton immigration restrictionists.


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