November 24, 2009

"The Blind Side:" A story America wants to see

When I first heard of Michael Lewis's 2006 book "The Blind Side," about a giant homeless black teen who is adopted by a white family, I thought to myself the same thing Lewis did when he heard the story: this is what America wants to hear.

On the Hollywood Stock Exchange prediction market, where people bet on how much money films will make in their first four weeks of domestic release, "The Blind Side" was trading at $20 million all summer, then slowly rose to about $40 million last Thursday. Right now, it's trading at over $108 million.

Of course, I'm not claiming that, literally, many white Americans want to adopt giant black children. I'm just saying that the success of "The Blind Side" fits into a growing cultural trope that what black children need is to be taken away from their black parents for as much of their waking hours as possible and raised right. Look how it worked out for the President!

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. Dirt Pipe Milkshakes11/24/09, 2:31 PM

    Are you going to be reviewing this movie this week?

  2. The ones who grow up with fathers generally do OK, too.

  3. Adopting homeless black kids strikes me as similar to adopting a raccoon. It seems like it could be a good idea, but they could revert to their wild state in an instant and cause all sorts of problems.

  4. (Cliff Arroyo)

    Meanwhile, the story Sailer wants to see is about a class of black high school students who learn the hard lesson that they're just not smart enough to compete with the white kids and the Asians. Fortunately with the help of a kindly white teacher and his strict black assistant, they learn to be happy as maids and janitors under the firm watchfulness of white supervisors while the Meskins are forcibly removed to Guanajuato and Oaxaca.

    If this isn't the case, then what is the story that Sailer wants to see about impoverished black kids?
    Or should they just not blight the nations' movie screens?

  5. They do, but possibly more important - teachers need to learn cultural competence.

    Most important - the teachers need to improve their cultural competence.

    "The task group is part of the Teacher Education Redesign Initiative, a multiyear project to change the way future teachers are trained at the U’s flagship campus. The initiative is premised, in part, on the conviction that Minnesota teachers’ lack of “cultural competence” contributes to the poor academic performance of the state’s minority students. Last spring, it charged the task group with coming up with recommendations to change this. In January, planners will review the recommendations and decide how to proceed.

    The report advocates making race, class and gender politics the “overarching framework” for all teaching courses at the U."

  6. Christian Lander needs a new entry over at SWPL -

    Adopting black children!

  7. "
    Meanwhile, the story Sailer wants to see is about a class of black high school students who learn the hard lesson that they're just not smart enough to compete with the white kids and the Asians. Fortunately with the help of a kindly white teacher and his strict black assistant, they learn to be happy as maids and janitors under the firm watchfulness of white supervisors while the Meskins are forcibly removed to Guanajuato and Oaxaca.

    FTW. love it.

  8. Adopting homeless black kids strikes me as similar to adopting a raccoon. It seems like it could be a good idea, but they could revert to their wild state in an instant and cause all sorts of problems.

    Do some of you actually wonder why mainstream society rejects HBD?

  9. walter condley11/24/09, 5:28 PM

    A story for those like Cliff Arroyo still caught in the meme that criticism of black culture = actual malice. It's 1993 and I'm shooting buckets at the gleaming new rec facility on the Berkeley campus. A black guy, 6'1" about 220, wanders over and joins me. Turns out we went to school in San Francisco at about the same time, mine mostly white/asian, his heavily black. He tells me, "you'da lasted about a week at Lincoln, man." Then with a big smile he says, "Naw, don't worry, I'da protected you man." He also had an interesting personal version of affirmative action. He insisted on playing 1-on-1, then when he lost whined about how the game should really go to 20.

  10. Katherine Kersten: At U, future teachers may be reeducated

    They must denounce exclusionary biases and embrace the vision. (Or else.)

    Do you believe in the American dream -- the idea that in this country, hardworking people of every race, color and creed can get ahead on their own merits? If so, that belief may soon bar you from getting a license to teach in Minnesota public schools -- at least if you plan to get your teaching degree at the University of Minnesota's Twin Cities campus.

    In a report compiled last summer, the Race, Culture, Class and Gender Task Group at the U's College of Education and Human Development recommended that aspiring teachers there must repudiate the notion of "the American Dream" in order to obtain the recommendation for licensure required by the Minnesota Board of Teaching. Instead, teacher candidates must embrace -- and be prepared to teach our state's kids -- the task force's own vision of America as an oppressive hellhole: racist, sexist and homophobic.

    The task group is part of the Teacher Education Redesign Initiative, a multiyear project to change the way future teachers are trained at the U's flagship campus. The initiative is premised, in part, on the conviction that Minnesota teachers' lack of "cultural competence" contributes to the poor academic performance of the state's minority students. Last spring, it charged the task group with coming up with recommendations to change this. In January, planners will review the recommendations and decide how to proceed.

    The report advocates making race, class and gender politics the "overarching framework" for all teaching courses at the U. It calls for evaluating future teachers in both coursework and practice teaching based on their willingness to fall into ideological lockstep.

    The first step toward "cultural competence," says the task group, is for future teachers to recognize -- and confess -- their own bigotry. Anyone familiar with the reeducation camps of China's Cultural Revolution will recognize the modus operandi.

  11. "If this isn't the case, then what is the story that Sailer wants to see about impoverished black kids?"

    Can't speak for Sailer, but a film with a strong father and mother would be swell.

    Wouldn't even have to be about blacks necessarily.

  12. "If this isn't the case, then what is the story that Sailer wants to see about impoverished black kids?"

    Can't speak for Steve, but I think that without PC BS clouding the public's minds, the races would tend to re-segregate of their own accord. To each his own. I'm all for each group being responsible for itself. I think that instinctively this is what most people would prefer. Leftists see the suppression of such instincts as one of their most important jobs. By the way, if you think that whites should be held responsible for the education of black kids, I'd love to see your reasons for thinking that. What are they?

  13. I'm not gonna lie, Cliff Arroyo's story actually sounds pretty good to me.

    Does that make me a bad person?

  14. Cliff,

    I for one would pay double to see that movie!

  15. Not really Steve.

    The Blind Side's opening week-end was $34 million. The Grudge, from 2004, opened at $40 million it's first weekend.

    Let's ponder that for a bit -- the movie did less well than a remake of an obscure Japanese horror flick.

    Cliff Arroyo -- America is about 12.5-12.8% Black, depending on the Census Bureau 2005-2007 community survey, or the 2008 estimate (the latter figure). That means that as a practical matter, Blacks are irrelevant in and of themselves for movie makers. There just are not enough of them to be a widespread success as a "Black" themed film. Tyler Perry makes ultra-cheap movies that turn out his core Black audience, but he's never going to create the profits that say, Iron Man or National Treasure do because the revenue stream is just too small.

    Most Whites, contrary to Steve, just don't care one way or another about Blacks. They don't show up for Black themed (Perry, Precious, etc.) films and are fairly indifferent to Blind Side.

    Meanwhile, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 as I've noted, did $310 million in sales the first day, and $550 million in the first five days. You don't see it discussed much, but the audience/customer base AND REVENUE for whacking terrorists is far bigger than stuff that appeals to a few SWPL yuppies.

  16. " Look how it worked out for the President!"

    Obama isn't comparable to the vast majority of black children:

    1. He's half white, which means he regressed to a racial mean IQ of about 92.5, whereas most black children regress to a racial mean IQ of 85.

    2. His mother did complicated work for the World Bank, and we can infer from this that she had an IQ that was high even for a white person.

    3. His father was easily, I would say, in the top 2 Percentiles for Kenyans in terms of his Academic Abilities.

  17. Katherine Kersten: At U, future teachers may be reeducated

    They must denounce exclusionary biases and embrace the vision. (Or else.)

    Do you believe in the American dream -- the idea that in this country, hardworking people of every race, color and creed can get ahead on their own merits? If so, that belief may soon bar you from getting a license to teach in Minnesota public schools -- at least if you plan to get your teaching degree at the University of Minnesota's Twin Cities campus.

    In a report compiled last summer, the Race, Culture, Class and Gender Task Group at the U's College of Education and Human Development recommended that aspiring teachers there must repudiate the notion of "the American Dream" in order to obtain the recommendation for licensure required by the Minnesota Board of Teaching. Instead, teacher candidates must embrace -- and be prepared to teach our state's kids -- the task force's own vision of America as an oppressive hellhole: racist, sexist and homophobic.

    The task group is part of the Teacher Education Redesign Initiative, a multiyear project to change the way future teachers are trained at the U's flagship campus. The initiative is premised, in part, on the conviction that Minnesota teachers' lack of "cultural competence" contributes to the poor academic performance of the state's minority students. Last spring, it charged the task group with coming up with recommendations to change this. In January, planners will review the recommendations and decide how to proceed.

    The report advocates making race, class and gender politics the "overarching framework" for all teaching courses at the U. It calls for evaluating future teachers in both coursework and practice teaching based on their willingness to fall into ideological lockstep.

    The first step toward "cultural competence," says the task group, is for future teachers to recognize -- and confess -- their own bigotry. Anyone familiar with the reeducation camps of China's Cultural Revolution will recognize the modus operandi.

  18. Even if ALL Black children in the US were forcibly taken from their parents and raised by Whites, it wouldn't raise their average 85 IQ by much, much less the 17% higher testosterone rate which causes their agression and impulsiveness.

  19. "Anonymous said...

    (Cliff Arroyo)

    Meanwhile, the story Sailer wants to see is about a class of black high school students who learn the hard lesson that they're just not smart enough to compete with the white kids and the Asians. Fortunately with the help of a kindly white teacher and his strict black assistant, they learn to be happy as maids and janitors under the firm watchfulness of white supervisors while the Meskins are forcibly removed to Guanajuato and Oaxaca."

    I just want to see black kids no longer being told from every side that their problems are all down to the Man - a belief which many (perhaps most) internalize, and some (an increasing number it seems) act on with violence.

    I want to see an end to all the horses**t thrown around regarding black-white relations.

    And yeah, I want to see the mexicans deported.

  20. I gotta admit, Cliff got a LOL.

    I am sure Steve wouldn't want this, but I've been fortunate enough in my life to go weeks and months without seeing a "person of color" live, and not even many of the tele (don't watch much). Can't say I felt I was missing anything.

  21. The Blind Side fits into a growing cultural trope that what black children need is to be taken away from their black parents for as much of their waking hours as possible and raised right. Look how it worked out for the President! Steve Sailer

    Barack Obama was born to a white mother and raised by HIS blood relatives. I don't see your logic, Steve. Did anybody else catch this?..

  22. Middletown Girl11/24/09, 8:12 PM

    "Barack Obama was born to a white mother and raised by HIS blood relatives. I don't see your logic, Steve. Did anybody else catch this?"

    Barack was born to a RADICAL white woman who rejected her own kind and refused to instill her son with white middle class values. Barry's father was one wildass dude who was a commie and impregated a whole bunch of women. He was a wino too.

    So, Barack didn't get much good from his radical anti-white white mother and his angry anti-white black father. Come to think of it, his white grandfather was useless too. But, his white grandmother provided him with a stable environment, middle class values(which he rejected but was influenced by anyway), and put him on the path towards studying and etc.

    So, even as Barry is half-white, he wouldn't have gotten any white cultural values from his mother or his father. He lucked out only because his grandmother turned out to be a bourgeois sort of woman. Too bad she married a creep, gave birth to an idiot daughter, and raised a kid who turned out to be Damien for the United States. Look at Barry's head. 666.

  23. Let's ponder that for a bit -- the movie did less well than a remake of an obscure Japanese horror flick.

    Let's ponder how much box office The Grudge would have done up against the latest installment of Twilight?

  24. Meanwhile, the story Sailer wants to see is about a class of black high school students who learn the hard lesson that they're just not smart enough to compete with the white kids and the Asians. Fortunately with the help of a kindly white teacher and his strict black assistant, they learn to be happy as maids and janitors under the firm watchfulness of white supervisors while the Meskins are forcibly removed to Guanajuato and Oaxaca.

    Quite right. Lets instead build an education system that constantly tells everybody they can all be above average and lets keep all those Meskins here - what could possibly go wrong. And you guys can lay out the details of how thats all meant to work successfully as well.

  25. Cliff's comment made me chuckle a bit :)

    Truth of the matter is, many (perhaps most?) blacks bought in to HBD long, long ago. Black youth don't care for school or working a steady job because they believe that they can't succeed at anything besides sports or some type of entertainment. The general attitude is "If i can't be a basketball player or a rapper, I'll just become a drug dealer".

    Oh and no need to worry about this becoming a real life trend. Whites who can afford to do so, prefer to adopt children/teenagers who "look more like us". This includes Asians, and some Latinos with no or minimal black ancestry.

    I don't think upper middle class whites should feel compelled to educate, clothe, feed or nurture blacks in anyway. I agree with the guy who said that each group should be responsible for themselves. If it was up to me the whole idea of integration would've died off with MLK. However, I doubt if there'll ever be complete segregation in the U.S.

    Blacks might not contribute much to the economy in terms of production but they consume a large portion of America's goods. So to abruptly cut them off from the rest of society would cause many businesses to loose money. No more NFL or Nba either.

    I'm black and I don't think it's racist for whites to not want to be around us. Blacks don't blend in as well as Latino, Asian and other groups. We should have a separate nation or a government sponsored segregation program in the U.S. that includes wealth distribution this time. The separate but equal doctrine didn't work because there was never any economic compensation for slavery. There should have been.

  26. "The Blind Side" has to be one of the most heavily advertised films of this decade. Thirty-four million seems like fairly modest box office considering whatever the cost must be for that blitzkrieg of television ads.

  27. Er…, am I just confused or has Australia just apologized to the Aborigines for a policy 100 years ago which did exactly what you say should be done for black teens? As far as I am concerned your proposal just amounts to more fodder for the grievance train 20 years hence, by when the slavery tax will already have passed both houses and NAACP/$PLC/Dems/ADL will be looking for new pastures.

  28. Cliff Arroyo/FemX sed:

    Meanwhile, the story Sailer wants to see is about a class of black high school students who learn the hard lesson that they're just not smart enough to compete with the white kids and the Asians. Fortunately with the help of a kindly white teacher and his strict black assistant, they learn to be happy as maids and janitors under the firm watchfulness of white supervisors while the Meskins are forcibly removed to Guanajuato and Oaxaca."

    So? This is what Mugabe and the ANC in South Africa are practicing, not just wanting. Except that the victims are whites who are generally smarter than the ANC and ZANU stooges who conduct the ethnic cleansing and race-based murder against whites.

  29. Meanwhile, the story Sailer wants to see is about a class of black high school students who learn the hard lesson that they're just not smart enough to compete with the white kids and the Asians. Fortunately with the help of a kindly white teacher and his strict black assistant, they learn to be happy as maids and janitors under the firm watchfulness of white supervisors while the Meskins are forcibly removed to Guanajuato and Oaxaca

    this is tough to hear, but it is the truth.

  30. Is it the story we want to hear, or is it the story we're supposed to think we want to hear?

    Cliff, I like your pitch.

    DAJ said

    > Do some of you actually wonder why mainstream society rejects HBD? <

    Here's a site that reports on the mainstream. Do you actually wonder why we - and implicitly, most whites - reject the mainstream sewer?

  31. Jimmy Crackedcorn11/25/09, 6:12 AM

    Do some of you actually wonder why mainstream society rejects HBD?

    I don't think the average member of "mainstream society" is reading this or any other HBD site. I don't think they see the callous remarks we all too often make here. "Mainstream society" rejects HBD because it's how they've been brainwashed, because it's not how they want the world to be, or because they just plain haven't really thought about it.

    People here place a lot of emphasis on genetics. Genetics may explain a lot, but it doesn't explain everything. As we've seen since the 60s, culture can matter a lot. People haven't changed their breeding habits over the last 45 years because their genes told them to. For another example on the importance of culture see also society's rejection of HBD.

  32. Cliff Aroyo - a film that showed a little respect to maids, janitors and other lower-IQ, lower-earning jobs would be good with me. No more of that "jobs Americans won't do" crap. Paul Blart: Mall Cop was a good start.

    Of course, IRL plenty of black men are capable of skilled work, like the Jamaican carpentry firm who laid my wooden floor, and did a good job. Again, a little respect for these professions would be nice.

    Whether those would make good movies, I dunno. Why should movies define everything of value, though?

  33. Henry Canaday11/25/09, 7:08 AM

    Funny how the Victorian English worried that their children were getting over-civilized and fantasized about a genetic member of their elite tribe being raised by apes, as in Tarzan. Gielgud, in his last movie: "If's he's a Greystoke, I'll know him."

    We, with a more tenuous hold on civilization, are drawn to the opposite story.

  34. "He's half white, which means he regressed to a racial mean IQ of about 92.5, whereas most black children regress to a racial mean IQ of 85."


    I don't understand regression to the mean as HBD r's often use it. Looking at an individual, they'd regress to the (ancestral proximity-weighted) mean of their actual ancestors NOT their race, right? I'm confused.

  35. I think many American whites like this sort of story because...

    1) it appeals to their universal morality. the presence of the large black young male strains it, but once we find he is harmless, we can accept the charge of caring for the less fortunate.

    2) it temporarily relieves our "Stockholm syndrome"-like feelings we have around blacks. Most of us who went to public schools learned a sense of helplessness around blacks, and unfortunately this has been carried on into adulthood. So we can relieve it from time to time with these sorts of stories or with major sports/music stars.

    (hypothetical) Hey! Maybe they're not so bad, maybe it was just the ones I went to school with, or the ones around the mall after closing, or the ones from the news story on TV.

  36. Do some of you actually wonder why mainstream society rejects HBD?

    I reject the premises of your question:

    1) Society deliberates in a meaningful way on such issues.

    2) Society has been exposed to HBD.

    P.S., yours is a straw man argument (find weakest argument of opponent), or a guilt by association argument (Hitler used indoor plumbing, ergo indoor plumbing is evil), or both; a bit silly for an adult.

  37. "Let's ponder how much box office The Grudge would have done up against the latest installment of Twilight?"

    Idiot. Studio execs don't just throw darts at a calendar to determine when a movie is released. It should be fairly obvious that this film didn't go "up against" Twilight - there is little overlap for the potential audiences.

    The Grudge would have indeed suffered because it targeted the same demographics as Twilight - and therefore it probably wouldn't have been released the same week.

  38. "Do some of you actually wonder why mainstream society rejects HBD?"

    No, we don't. This rejection does no discredit to HBD: it is a resounding indictment of "mainstream society" and its blinkered, brainwashed refusal to face reality.

  39. OT:

    Looks like Dobbs is confirming his real identity as another careerist phony who fools the Fox folks.

  40. The "whiter person" ideal of raising someone else's neglected offspring rather than having one's own is not new. I distinctly remember an episode of All in the Family where Meathead and Little Goyle self-righteously announced they would be adopting rather than procreating, since how could one even think of bringing another child into the world when there were already so many without families? The idea that the adopted child should be as racially and culturally alien as possible is simply a "perfection" on this decades-old ideal.

    And we of course know who was behind that sitcom as well as so many others which shaped modern SWPL sensibilities. The more I think of it, the more certain I become that if there is a "secret state", then Norman Lear must certainly be at the center of it.

  41. The same sick, twisted freaks who like to watch the morbidly obese on the Discovery Channel, I guess. Those tubbos should be wards of the state, too, right?

  42. Snake Charmer from Cawnpore11/25/09, 12:21 PM

    The Aussies tried that with aboriginal kids some decades ago. It was nothing less than a total disaster. To their surprise, Aboriginal kids did not turn into English kids and now Australia cannot apologise enough for this brutal (and stupid) past. Why can’t White people just leave others alone, why do they have this drive to improve the world? It causes more trouble than there is in the first place. Of course this raises the next question, why cannot non-Whites leave White people alone? But that is a different issue all together.

  43. Col. Everett Dasher Breed11/25/09, 12:35 PM

    "Idiot. Studio execs don't just throw darts at a calendar to determine when a movie is released. It should be fairly obvious that this film didn't go "up against" Twilight - there is little overlap for the potential audiences."

    Exactly, moron. Whiskey is comparing apples and turnips.

  44. "I distinctly remember an episode of All in the Family where Meathead and Little Goyle self-righteously announced they would be adopting rather than procreating, since how could one even think of bringing another child into the world when there were already so many without families?"

    Yeah, but in the end (maybe not the same episode, but down the line) they did have their own kid and their original anti-procreation views were mocked.

  45. I just saw an ad for this film that said "If you go to the movies to be inspired, this movie will make you very happy."

    What the hell is wrong with these people? It's like they're selling the movie to 5-year-olds.

  46. "I distinctly remember an episode of All in the Family where Meathead and Little Goyle self-righteously announced they would be adopting rather than procreating, since how could one even think of bringing another child into the world when there were already so many without families?"

    Yeah, but in the end (maybe not the same episode, but down the line) they did have their own kid and their original anti-procreation views were mocked.

    Although Sally Struthers had one kid, Rob Reiner kept the promise and is childless. Both have been encouraging (Struthers) or trying to legally mandate (Reiner) spreading the wealth from America parents reproducing within their means to poor American and third world parents who cannot support the children they brought into the world.

  47. "Do you actually wonder why we - and implicitly, most whites - reject the mainstream sewer?"

    You guys ARE the mainstream sewer; whiners always are, it's the doers who make up the rebellion in any movement.

    ""The Blind Side" has to be one of the most heavily advertised films of this decade."

    "One of the most heavily advertised films of the decade"


    "The film ad I saw twice and had ingrained in my cerebral cortex because there was some Big Buck Mandingo standing a little too close to Sandra Bullock"

    I don't know.

    "The general attitude is "If i can't be a basketball player or a rapper, I'll just become a drug dealer".

    I think you are spending way too much time on this website, Sport.

    "Blacks don't blend in as well as Latino, Asian and other groups."

    Does this include you?

  48. Here in the upper great lakes area; many young, White women are synthesizing The Blind Side and the Barry O. stories by mating with (relatively scarce)Black males and raising the offspring - single mom style - with ample, de-stigmatized social welfare schemes, educational benefits, and the cooperation/support/encouragement of their Boomer Grandmas and churches.

  49. Meanwhile, the story Sailer wants to see is about a class of black high school students who learn the hard lesson that they're just not smart enough to compete with the white kids and the Asians. Fortunately with the help of a kindly white teacher and his strict black assistant, they learn to be happy as maids and janitors under the firm watchfulness of white supervisors while the Meskins are forcibly removed to Guanajuato and Oaxaca

    How about a story where a valiant person of who cares what race opens up a trade school and teaches kids to do useful work, and another valiant person teaches them all the importance of chastity, and the girls make the boys marry them before getting any, and the boys become plumbers and mechanics and shopkeepers, and the smart ones read Dickens in their spare time and the less smart ones play musical instruments? And they all go to church. Then everyone lives happily ever after. You could add some explosions.

  50. People here place a lot of emphasis on genetics. Genetics may explain a lot, but it doesn't explain everything. As we've seen since the 60s, culture can matter a lot.

    Yes, culture matters. Read Boyd (UCLA) and Richerson (UC-Davis).

  51. Jimmy Crackedcorn11/25/09, 8:45 PM

    How about a story where a valiant person of who cares what race opens up a trade school and teaches kids to do useful work, and another valiant person teaches them all the importance of chastity, and the girls make the boys marry them before getting any, and the boys become plumbers and mechanics and shopkeepers, and the smart ones read Dickens in their spare time and the less smart ones play musical instruments? And they all go to church. Then everyone lives happily ever after. You could add some explosions.

    I'm clicking the "Like" button on this one.

    Yeah, God forbid we teach people who just might not be mentally capable of book learnin' that going to work day in and day out and doing your job, however lowly, is a noble thing.

    But I guess the millions of sub-90 IQ men and women in this country are supposed to spend their lives hating their jobs and cursing society's racism for the fact that they didn't get to be doctors.

  52. ...but in the sequel, as you have so aptly pointed out, the black parents sue (with the benevolent help of abby lebo-dershotiwzenstein) the white christian family for the stolen generation

  53. The last Anonymous (well before this one or any other one that comes after it) was probably the best idea I have ever read in these comments or from S.S. for that matter. You know the comment about going to church and learning a real, productive trade, chasity and marriage.

  54. Anon:
    "I'm black and I don't think it's racist for whites to not want to be around us. Blacks don't blend in as well as Latino, Asian and other groups."

    That may be true in the US, but it's as much nurture as nature. Here in the UK, it's often noted how Caribbean and African-Christian blacks integrate much better than do Muslims, who are mostly south-Asian, though we do now have lots of vicious Somali gangs thanks to the terrible 'asylum' laws.

    Blacks have lower median IQ than whites, and relatively higher crime rates - usually 6-8 times the white violent crime rate, whatever that is in the locality. But the kind of race-hatred many US blacks display is not universal. IME the white British are much more willing to tolerate high black crime rates than Islamic expansionism.

    And if overall crime rates are low enough, then the relatively high black violent crime rate becomes tolerable, just as women can tolerate the much higher male violent crime rate.

    So, separation might seem the only answer in the US, where many thousands of whites are murdered by blacks every year, but this might not be the case if the culture could be changed.

  55. anon:
    "How about a story where a valiant person of who cares what race opens up a trade school and teaches kids to do useful work, and another valiant person teaches them all the importance of chastity, and the girls make the boys marry them before getting any, and the boys become plumbers and mechanics and shopkeepers, and the smart ones read Dickens in their spare time and the less smart ones play musical instruments? And they all go to church. Then everyone lives happily ever after. You could add some explosions."

    Sounds good to me. You want to set it against the backdrop of some big event, like a big war or the aftermath of a natural disaster, either historical (WW2?) or futuristic, maybe in the aftermath of that big collapse we suspect is coming.

    Kinda Mad Max in reverse.

  56. You suggest that the current president was wrested away from "black parents" and rendered safely into the hands of 2 adoptive white parents? He was the product of a white mother. Her family (as maternal families generally do) embraced him and did what grand parents do for their grandchildren. When does human existence escape the racial edge for you? Never?

  57. Another touching story soon to be made into a movie, in time for Thanksgiving, for the Steve-O-Sphere.

  58. Adopting homeless black kids strikes me as similar to adopting a raccoon. It seems like it could be a good idea, but they could revert to their wild state in an instant and cause all sorts of problems.

    And yet Komment Kontrol censors more than half of my posts?

    Sheesh - what does a guy have to do to get any love around here?

  59. Cliff Aroyo's point is actually rather profound - it touches on the dark [no pun intended] ugly truth of the matter that [pretty much] no one has the strength of character to confront.

    Which is to say: There's just not all that much about low-IQ folks which is particularly interesting or noteworthy.

    Samuel Clemens probably did about as much with the subject matter as anyone can do honestly [i.e. without twisting & perverting reality into fantasy & nonsense].

  60. We, with a more tenuous hold on civilization, are drawn to the opposite story.

    Jesus Christ, did they break out the eggnog a little early chez Komment Kontrol?


  61. And they all go to church. Then everyone lives happily ever after. You could add some explosions.



  62. > ".. writing a humongous black youth into their wills. "

    Steve, you're getting off of objective analysis, this phrase is just ugly; it's not much the kids fault what diet they were fed so mocking them for it is just being nasty.

  63. Steve, I thought you might find this quote from Jim Kelly amusing:

    " ... you have to look at the top three quarterbacks in the draft, really study them. And you look for a guy with good character, good leadership ability and good arm strength -- and a guy who doesn't come from California."

  64. @david

    That Lou Dobbs link was disappointing. I always liked him. Now that he is for amnesty, I don't know if the people can rally to defeat it like we did 2 years ago.

  65. with the benevolent help of abby lebo-dershotiwzenstein

    LOL #2 on this thread.

    Tragicomedy is teh r0x0r.

    PS: You know - now that I think about it - one could argue that, to a certain extent, the sequel has already been made - or, if not made, then at least foreshadowed.

    PPS: If there is any justice in the next life, then that little sh*t is gonna pay dearly for his role in the murders of Sunny von Bülow, Nicole Brown Simpson, and Ron Goldman.

  66. "But I guess the millions of sub-90 IQ men and women in this country are supposed to spend their lives hating their jobs and cursing society's racism for the fact that they didn't get to be doctors."

    Well why not James?

    It seems that the "high-IQ" people here spend their lives hating their jobs and cursing society's racism for the fact that someone else does.

  67. Middletown Girl11/28/09, 3:17 PM

    "IME the white British are much more willing to tolerate high black crime rates than Islamic expansionism."

    If Muslims dominated the pop music charts, it might be the other way around.

  68. Middletown Girl11/28/09, 3:37 PM

    Come to think of it, this is nothing new. During the 90s, Clinton sought to tear down all the housing projects and disperse ghetto blacks into white communities. The idea was that blacks had been 'warehoused' together and had developed a pathological black culture. So, the solution was that blacks had to be spread out thin and surrounded by white communities--in the hope that white influence would rub off on blacks. This was not adoption in the technical sense, but the idea and theory was much the same. Make white communities adopt a black settlement here and there. Don't let blacks congregate or concentrate altogether and create their own enclave. The idea behind this was both liberal and conservative. Liberal in its integrationism but also conservative in the idea that white/suburban culture is more functional than black/urban culture. It was also a way for big cities to empty out the blacks from choice real estate areas into the suburbs and bring yuppies into gentrified neighborhoods or gated communities--like in Paris.

    Behind this project--which was half-implemented with not-so-good results--was what might called the critical badass theory. When something reaches critical mass, it goes kaboom. The critical badass theory says if you have enough blacks in one place, social order will go kaboom. Just look at Detroit. It looks worse than Hiroshima after the atomic bomb. So, the whole idea was to fix the problems caused the Afromic Bomb that denoated in many cities across America.

    Since no white neighborhood wants TOO MANY BLACKS, the idea was to let each white community take in or adopt its quota of troubled blacks. In time, or so the social theorists thought, blacks would become culturally and racially mixed in with the larger community. It could be seen as 'miscegenist' or 'dilutocidal' depending on one's perspective. Some people promoted race mixing as a social and biological good. Other promoted it in the idea that unless blackness is diluted and spread thin--and made less potent--throughout the population, blacks will grow in numbers as a united mass of angry BLACK people who will Detroit-ize all of America. In other words, let us all turn into Obamas rather than remain a dwindling number of white folks who will eventually be outnumbered by people-of-color. Let's swallow them before they swallow us. Or so the theory went, especially from the likes of Michael Lind.

    Anyway, this program might have worked if black population was 1-5%. But, it is 15%. Among young people, even higher. Also, with all the liberal white guilt crap and white obession with cool hip black badass culture, there isn't much of a white culture to assimilate into. Much of it's quite trashy. Also, blacks don't miraculously become smarter or more geeky. More likely, trashy whites hang with the blacks socially and sexually. In time, there is a slow decline of community standards. I've seen it everywhere. You have the eminemization of America.

  69. It seems that the "high-IQ" people here spend their lives hating their jobs and cursing society's racism for the fact that someone else does.

    I know, we're such twisted brutes for wanting freedom of association.

    P.S., I love my work.

  70. "P.S., I love my work."

    You have freedom of association, you just don't have the freedom to tell OTHER people whom they can associate with...and I've gathered how much you love your work through your reluctance to tell anyone what it is.

  71. You have freedom of association, you just don't have the freedom to tell OTHER people whom they can associate with

    There is no "freedom of association" without "freedom of disassociation," and the latter is outlawed in many circumstances.

    and I've gathered how much you love your work through your reluctance to tell anyone what it is.

    Strange logic on your part. Does the fact that I don't use my given name online mean that hate it?

  72. I had a Blind Side experience in my junior and senior year of high school. I was kicked out of the house at 16 by my parents who were going through bankruptcy, drug&alcohol, and intense violent tempers. A small family of 4 (two adopted girls) took me in. It was through their lives that I learned the simplest kindnesses and lessons. I thank God for their timely position in my life. I am today, 52, and the wife of a fine, godly man, public preacher.

  73. You have freedom of association, you just don't have the freedom to tell OTHER people whom they can associate with

    What nonsense. Whites cannot create a school for themselves, because of "anti-discrimination" law. Might as well call them "anti-freedom" laws. Same goes for neighborhoods, businesses, institutions, etc.

    It's good to know that you have to rationalize things to yourself though, it gives me hope; the utterly facile "move to Idaho" response not quite doing it for you?

    NO, NO, NO, I don't have a scintilla of interest in limiting others' Freedom of Association. My only interest in others' FoA is that they have it; how they exercise it is very much their own business.

    But this has me thinking that you don't even understand WTF FoA is. If by your assertion that I want to dictate others' FoA, you mean that I want power to prevent X from associating with Y, please give me an example. That way I don't have to go through the whole phonebook of possible values for X and Y, and can respond to your specific fear. Pending that, I can also go ahead and scream from the rooftops that for any possible value of X and Y, I don't want the power to prevent their association. Any time you feel nervous, and want me to reaffirm this commitment, I'll do so; that way you can be sure I'm not going to fire-and-forget this the way Whiskey does with his once-a-year proclamations that we should end mass immigration. I say all this in an effort to show that this isn't something you've squeezed out of me, it's something I'm saying every time I champion Freedom of Association.

    If that's not what you meant, then please explain how I want to deny FoA. You deny FoA, by tacitly supporting the status quo, which abrogates it; I support FoA, by condemning that status quo.

    But, despite your anti-freedom posture, I have to give you credit for at least engaging me on the issue, instead of ignoring it, or dodging it with that contemptible "you have the freedom to engage in white flight until I catch up with you" nonsense.

    and I've gathered how much you love your work through your reluctance to tell anyone what it is.

    The same way you "gathered" that I was a SWPL doing some academic job at the historical society (presumably just off the Battery), and how my mom was disappointed that I turned out a SWPL (how effin' bizarre is that; what, she was hoping I turned out a hillbilly?)? Keep gatherin', T, you'll have a novel soon (You seem to give a lot of thought to my personal details, at least relative to the thought I've given to yours).

  74. Just laughing to myself at the twisted Bizarro World assertion that I have freedom of association, and what I'm complaining about is that I don't have the power to deny others' FoA.

    Huh? I, and others like me, are the only ones denied FoA as we'd exercise it (I phrase it so because as written the anti-freedom laws deny everyone their FoA*), and as such I'd be the last person to deny it to someone else, having felt its sting. Same goes for censorship. I'm the last guy to want to exclude anyone's P.O.V., because I'm in the camp taking the brunt of the censoring.

    It's amusing how long we can watch T dance around the issues, only to have him finally commit to something solid, and it's from way out in left field.

    Sorry T, I don't want to harangue you out of the nascent discussion; please do elaborate your position - I'm interested in our hashing this one out.

    *The ugly universal implication of the abrogation of FoA in the name of "anti-discrimination" is that given an interest the state considers compelling, say bye-bye to FoA.

  75. T, I just can't figure out why you'd expend so much effort giving us crap, and so little finding out what we actually believe.

    I mean, you do realize that if we had a true, protected right to Freedom of Association that I (and many others like me) would STFU about the pro-white thing*, don't you? It wouldn't achieve what I would consider an ideal state, but it would be good enough.

    *Well, most of it anyway; we'd still be facing the anti-white and discriminatory media, government, and business leviathan.

  76. @Whiskey:

    Pretty interesting comparing sales figures of a videogame that sells for $60 against ticket prices that probably max out at $10.

    Not that there aren't interesting things to be said about MW2. I mean, I bet there are a lot of companies out there wondering how a product that's got tons of negative press about it can still have legions of fans who purchase it at $60 sight-unseen. You might even be able to make something out of its hash of a plot, in which the Russians engage in a full-scale invasion of the US (with a US general collaborating in creating this conflict).

  77. "There is no "freedom of association" without "freedom of disassociation," and the latter is outlawed in many circumstances."

    You have "freedom of disassociation." As I have said many times, you are free to move to Wyoming or New Hampshire any time you desire.

    "T, I just can't figure out why you'd expend so much effort giving us crap, and so little finding out what we actually believe."

    Svigor, again I think you misunderstand; you can move anywhere you want. You desire to live in a state that is 1/3 black, in a town that is 1/3 black and built with slave labor. I stayed at the Governor's Inn and the Rutledge Inn, and the managers told me just that.

    No Svig, what you desire is to stay where you are (because it is comfortable) and to have the blacks removed from YOUR neighborhood. Sorry bro, until you get elected king, it just doesn't work that way.

    My girlfriend has an organic farm, she has chickens, cows, a dog and a cat, and roadrunners, rabbits, gophers, and hawks come and go; they may not love each other, but guess what, they get by.

    Instead of asking for something that is not going to happen, if I were you, I would spend my time more constructively, like going to the Charleston Cemetary every day and spitting on William Moultrie's grave.

    He got you into this position, not me.

  78. "please do elaborate your position - I'm interested in our hashing this one out."

    Well Buddy, it's quite simple:

    You "Svigor" can live in any address in America; excluding 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, and 50 Governor's mansions, provided you can afford it.

    I "Truth" can do the same.

    So can Pissed off Chinaman.

    So can Muahammad O'Akbar.

    So can Jose Montoya.

    If you want to move to Compton, no one is stopping you. You want to live where you are; great, so do a lot of "dusky skinned" people. Not that complicated.

    "What nonsense. Whites cannot create a school for themselves, because of "anti-discrimination" law."

    Yes, we do have anti-discrimination laws, but if you want a school that no black parents are going to send their kids to, hang a rebel flag out front; hey, I'm a genius. But here, Svigor, is where the problem arrives, are you going to establish your own sewer, your own electricity, your own gas, police, fire etc? If not, yes, I should have the right to send my child there because I paid for those damn things with my tax dollars. I didn't have a choice, why should you?

    "the utterly facile "move to Idaho" response not quite doing it for you?"

    Exactly what is wrong with the "move to Idaho" response? Not enough blacks there for a southerner to feel comfortable?

    "My only interest in others' FoA is that they have it; how they exercise it is very much their own business."

    Great! They choose to associate with you.

    "you mean that I want power to prevent X from associating with Y, please give me an example."

    Well, "x" is white people in close proximity to you and "y" is black people in the same situation.

    In summary Svigor, If you want to live in an all white area, that option is open to you. If you want to live in an almost all-white area in Charleston, that option is open to you also, you are just going to have to give you your job at the Antebellum Restoration Society and go to law school where you can make plenty of money defending the rights of the black underclass.

    Hey, three years it aint' a lifetime!

    (PS, I think you should get that shotgun rack you've had your eyes on, it's great for getting chicks, just don't put it in the back of your Saab.

  79. T, you either don't get freedom of association, or are pretending not to get it. You spend a lot of hot air in the process, either way.

    Loved the rebel flag thing. I guess they didn't need the National Guard at Central High; all they had to do is hang a rainbow flag.

    Almost as much as I loved the "I want to move blacks out of my area" thing. Nope. I want freedom of association. Read up on the term, and the laws that currently abrogate it (yep, federal law applies in Idaho!) and maybe we can move on.

  80. "I want freedom of association."

    I'm not sure I get it buddy. What law is there that says that you have to have tea, coffe, beer, dinner, go to a movie, date, go to church, offer a ride to, watch a football game with or share your mother's cemetery plot with a black person. You associate with whom you want...and your pocketbook allows. What am I missing here?


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