November 9, 2009

Major Hasan's Powerpoint: Can't say he didn't warn us

From the Washington Post:

Under a slide titled "Comments," he wrote: "If Muslim groups can convince Muslims that they are fighting for God against injustices of the 'infidels'; ie: enemies of Islam, then Muslims can become a potent adversary ie: suicide bombing, etc." [sic]

The last bullet point on that page reads simply: "We love death more then (sic) you love life!"

Under the "Conclusions" page, Hasan wrote that "Fighting to establish an Islamic State to please God, even by force, is condoned by the Islam," and that "Muslim Soldiers should not serve in any capacity that renders them at risk to hurting/killing believers unjustly -- will vary!"

The final page, labeled "Recommendation," contained only one suggestion:

"Department of Defense should allow Muslims (sic) Soldiers the option of being released as 'Conscientious objectors' to increase troop morale and decrease adverse events."

Of course, conscientious objection status is only granted to pacifists, not to people who would rather hurt us than the enemy.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. He has a lot of typos for someone with a high enough IQ to be a doctor.

    True he joined before 9/11, but it's been clear for a while that the US empire is evil.

  2. Cprl Klinger11/9/09, 8:07 PM

    Looks like Hasan ran the ol' "I hear you" deception on his audience. He mixes 1st and 3rd person references to Muslims, so he can plausibly say he is not advocating but merely explaining Muslim extremism.

    However, in context of his other anti-American outbursts and his Soldier of Allah title on his business card he was clearly a high risk.

  3. Was just watching CNN, and the reporter said "there is no evidence this is religiously motivated".
    General Casey said we should not jump to conclusions about what motivated Hasan, despite the evidence since uncovered about his militant Islamism.
    All this on the day that the Washington sniper Mohammed is to be killed.
    You see, we're fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them over here. Riiight. This is the bind we're in: fiercely pro-Israel because of Neocon Jewish ethnic nationalism, yet too politically correct to recognize the dangers of Islam. This is a condition unique to the US. Europe has the politically correct wilful stupidity, but at least its not devoting its foreign policy - and trillions of dollars - fighting wars on behalf of the cozy clique that writes the opinion pages of the establishment press.
    As Hasan's case proved, political correctness does only make you stupid, but extremely vulnerable.

  4. Jimmy Crackedcorn11/9/09, 8:53 PM

    The military has had its share of embarrassments in the past few years: Abu Ghraib, Walter Reed, and the cover-up of Pat Tillman's death, among others. But I have never lost so much respect for it as I have in the last week. To top off all of these people seeing obvious warning signs and doing nothing, you have Army Chief of Staff General George Casey saying this little gem: "As horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that's worse."

    Conscientious objector? I'd demand out right there, were I in. Yes, even the beloved Army has been conquered by the Multicult - or maybe Casey just knows that if he ever wants to make Chairman of the Joint Chiefs he has to mouth the appropriate dogma for Dear Leader. In fact my money is now on Casey for the next CJCS.

    Conservatives need to call for Casey's head, because Obama sure as hell won't. But Obama can be put on the defensive by being forced to defend Casey.

  5. "Department of Defense should allow Muslims (sic) Soldiers the option of being released as 'Conscientious objectors' to increase troop morale and decrease adverse events."

    I can't say I've ever seen a Jew recuse himself from Middle East debates because of conflict of interest. Instead, they throw themselves into the fray against American interests. Usually it's in a non-violent way, like writing an op-ed in the newspaper. Other times, it's a direct violent assault.

  6. To Richard Hoste:

    Sir, I have been a medical transcriptionist for over 20 years.

    In my experience, many doctors are really lousy at spelling and speaking, which might surprise a lot of people.

    Experienced transcriptionists never take a doctor's word for the spelling of a medical term unless they have no other choice.

    I can only hope these doctors are better at doctoring than spelling.

  7. He has a lot of typos for someone with a high enough IQ to be a doctor.

    Pretty typical occupant of an AA sinecure - he didn't have William Ayers around to clean up the manuscript.

    [I keep telling you people that a person needs an IQ out towards triple-digit territory before he can safely be assumed capable of reading, 'riting, and 'rithmetic.]

    At Pamela Geller's site, people are pointing out that he mis-spelled the word "Health" on his Soldier of Allah business card, and they're also wondering whether he was ever licensed by any state to practice medicine, or whether he might have had some weird federal waiver which allowed him to practice on a military base.

    BTW, did you know that he was on the George Washington University Homeland Security Policy Institute's Presidential Transition Task Force?

  8. "As horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that's worse."

    That fits right in line with the commandant of the Navy saying diversity is their number one objective

    Question - does he believe this or does he want to advance? Either way what a disgrace.

    Casey needs to be slapped around by a commanding officer- Is Patton still around?

    Dan in DC

  9. Hmm. Not exactly a "dogwhistle" is it? When you're giving slideshows -sprinkled with jihad slogans- to large audiences?

    And now the FBI -yes those guys who announced again immediately after the attack hit the newswires that it was NOT terrorism- yes they are now saying that Hasan "is believed to have acted alone despite repeated communications - monitored by authorities - with a radical imam overseas".

    Investigators say Fort Hood suspect acted alone

    Yes. Okey dokey. Apparently Hasan acted alone just like Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.

    Gee I wonder how much text in the "repeated communications - monitored by authorities" will be blacked out on any transcript pages eventually released to the public.

  10. Right, as if the US had no Jews in it or Israel did not exist, we wouldn't have these Muslim nutcases.

    Lets review. PC/Multiculti Diversity garbage makes everyone kowtow to non-Whites and non-Judeo/Christians, because the PC mavens (mostly women and feminized and female appealing men like Clinton, Obama, and Edwards) penalize any deviations from that.

    Meanwhile, even CHINA where jihad = quick death has problems with these lunatics. I note predictably this guy could not (because of polygamy) get a "proper Muslim wife" being that he was both a big fat slob and not a Big Man to cover for that. He also as Ralph Peters noted on Fox, had a Major's salary of around 60K a year with a $300 a month ratty apartment. Where did the money go?

    We will have this stuff going on, and a vigorous defense of the sun rising in the West, ala PC, because it cements elite/feminized leadership in their patronage positions.

  11. What does a muslim psychiatrist do anyway? Isn't the answer to all life's problems to be found in the Koran? ("Tell me about your relationship with the unclean whore who is your mother, you infidel dog.")

    And wouldn't he find the education to be a little too....jewish....for a palestinian fella. I get the impression that a lot of the most influential psychiatrists were/are jews.

    It's often said that people go into psychology / psychiatry in order to treat themselves - I wonder if perhaps that was Dr. Hasbeens original motive.

    And I wonder if the army is not a little concerned at how many other Jihad Joes are, even now, plotting mayhem. However I'm sure they wouldn't dare actually DO anything about it - diversity is our strength, and every officer wants a promotion.

  12. Jimmy Crackedcorn11/9/09, 10:50 PM

    Lets review. PC/Multiculti Diversity garbage makes everyone kowtow to non-Whites and non-Judeo/Christians, because the PC mavens (mostly women and feminized and female appealing men like Clinton, Obama, and Edwards) penalize any deviations from that.

    No, Whiskey/Testing99, PC makes us kowtow to Jews as well, the world's richest most oppressed people ever. But then you're Scots-Irish so you should know that.

    That fits right in line with the commandant of the Navy saying diversity is their number one objective. Question - does he believe this or does he want to advance? Either way what a disgrace.

    Are we back to the Superintednent of the Naval Academy? Recent practice has been that the heads of military academies, who are 3 stars (a Vice Admiral at the USNA), are terminal career choices. You spend 3-4 years there then get whisked off into retirement.

  13. (Cliff Arroyo)

    "I note predictably this guy could not (because of polygamy) get a "proper Muslim wife" being that he was both a big fat slob and not a Big Man to cover for that."

    Muslims practice polygamy in the US? I'd say it's more likely that the typical arranged marriage scenarios kept falling through.

    Typically the process of arranging marriages involves visits to the potential bride and groom, either by each other or intermediaries who act on their behalf.

    I'd say there's a good chance that potential brides or their representatives could smell the crazy on him and declined to carry the procedings forward.

  14. Don Surber has an idea where all that money went.

    I will tell you that MAJ Hasan also received housing allowance in addition to his regular pay. He was probably making $70k or so - let's just say you could live very comfortably in the Killeen/Copperas Cove/Harker Heights area with that kind of cheese.

  15. He said:

    "Department of Defense should allow Muslims (sic) Soldiers the option of being released as 'Conscientious objectors' to increase troop morale and decrease adverse events."

    Maybe that's his motive. He thought it was very unfair that he and other Moslems have to fight Moslems. Because of his current murders, other Moslems may be released from the army---this event is a pretty powerful argument for that policy.

  16. The situation with Maj Hasan MD was probably aggrevated by affirmative action. The US military is extremely hungry for Islamic soldiers and willing to do all sorts of counterproductive things to this end.

    - graduated from no-name community college
    - apparently failed this boards and not licensed by any state
    - poor spelling (not always an indicator), but more importantly inattention to detail (not proofing his own business card)
    - poor language and shallow reasoning skills even though native born (see his jihad post justifying murder)
    - no social filter (see his powerpoint and talks on religion to coworkers/students)

    Despite all these, this guy was sent to medical school by the military and practicing on returning GIs? How could he as an MD not even find a wife unless he was a personally toxic as reports indicate.

    And yet, the guy was hired, promoted and even selected to serve on a Presidential committee. The failing upward that affirmative action creates probably engendered even more hatred in Maj. Hasan.

  17. Muslims would hate us even without any Jews. We are a convenient decoy for Arab/Muslim rulers. We would still be the same high profile target without Israel.

  18. "We love death more than you love life" is a famous saying in Islam credited to Omar Bin Al-Khattab, the conqueror of Persia and the 2nd Caliph. One of Mohammad's fathers in law and closest friends, Omar is considered a very holy person in the Islamic. The phrase comes from a letter written to the Emperor of Persia giving him the ultimatum of either war or conversion to Islam.

  19. For all his appreciation of suicide bombers he couldn't quite escape his American military training: he planned mass murder but called it an "adverse event."

  20. Hasan couldn't just leave because of massive debts.

    His history shows that at least his entire medical school and post-grad shrink school training was his undergrad (ROTC? 9/11 Muslim outreach programs?) as well.

    By some news accounts, he just finished up his last shrink training in June, and bought his gun in August. This boy wanted to get out and make big time doctor money.

    This should point to the dangers of catering to foreign religious fundamentalists, particularly those of the tribal/ethnic/national variety.

    Both Jews and Muslims have religious rules against killing members of hte tribe, whether Klal Y'isroel or the Muslim Ummah.

    No Western nation should put any weight on either Jewish or Muslim soldiers in a battle against Jewish or Muslim forces or countries.

    And if you find yourself at war with Jewish or Muslim forces do what Hasan said.
    Let fundamentalist Jews and Muslims take CO status than risk them flipping out, slaughtering folks and becoming religious heroes a la Drs. Hasan and Baruch Goldstein.

  21. It looks like the Uniform Service Medical school has about average MCAT scores: 29.1 overall compared to 31.2 for white matriculants.

    If I had to guess, non-Europeans of all sorts get diversity points for not being white males even though they may not get official affirmative action.

    Hasan's obviously crazy in the way we use it every day. The crazy came out in a particular way that was mediated by his religion and community. So none of what follows is intended to excuse him.

    Whiskey, you still leave unanswered questions: have you ever been diagnosed with a psychotic disorder? I'm not joking. Answer the question. You have never admitted an error, even when caught flat-out, I would like to know if you are a liar or a loon. If you're a liar, being able to admit mistakes makes one more believable even while lying. Save the lies for when they matter.

    In a previous thread you claimed that China did not 'invite the world,' yet they suffer from ones of deaths annually from so-called terrorist attacks commited by partisans of those conquered peoples. How did those conquered people get conquered by China if China didn't do it? How did they spread throughout China?

    You see, boots on the ground in a foreign country means that some of those foreigners will emigrate.

    Whiskey, as should be obvious to you from simply being you, mentally ill men are not crazy because they are single. They are single because they are crazy.

    Polygamy is very rare in the US. Among troglodytic communties, the soft polygamy that so terrifies you is very rare. Hasan is just the sort of beta who you think would easily get a wife. He couldn't cuz WOMEN(that was just for you) aren't attracted to crazy.

  22. Whiskey, as should be obvious to you from simply being you, mentally ill men are not crazy because they are single. They are single because they are crazy.
    Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

  23. "DCThrowback said...

    Don Surber has an idea where all that money went."

    Why, Hasan is a regular islamic Travis Bickle!

  24. "No Western nation should put any weight on either Jewish or Muslim soldiers in a battle against Jewish or Muslim forces or countries."

    Have to remember that when we go to war with Israel.

  25. What I don't get is...didn't we just spend much of the last century fighting an ideology (Communism) rather than a country? How is it that after emerging victorious (I suppose) we also emerged less able to fight ideologies?

  26. Lost Pilgrim said

    > Muslims would hate us even without any Jews. We are a convenient decoy for Arab/Muslim rulers. We would still be the same high profile target without Israel. <

    Non sequitur. If the USA is a decoy for Arab/Muslim rulers, then it isn't a target. Their target, I submit, is Israel.

  27. He couldn't cuz WOMEN(that was just for you) aren't attracted to crazy.

    Unless they are rich powerful crazies who managed to create their own communities of followers (e.g. Manson, Koresh).


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