November 9, 2009

Political correctness strikes again

Peter Brimelow points to this Telegraph article:
Fort Hood gunman had told US military colleagues that infidels should have their throats cut

By Nick Allen in Fort Hood

Major Nidal Malik Hasan, the gunman who killed 13 at America's Fort Hood military base, once gave a lecture to other doctors in which he said non-believers should be beheaded and have boiling oil poured down their throats.

He also told colleagues at America's top military hospital that non-Muslims were infidels condemned to hell who should be set on fire. The outburst came during an hour-long talk Hasan, an Army psychiatrist, gave on the Koran in front of dozens of other doctors at Walter Reed Army Medical Centre in Washington DC, where he worked for six years before arriving at Fort Hood in July.

Colleagues had expected a discussion on a medical issue but were instead given an extremist interpretation of the Koran, which Hasan appeared to believe.

It was the latest in a series of "red flags" about his state of mind that have emerged since the massacre at Fort Hood, America's largest military installation, on Thursday. ...

Fellow doctors have recounted how they were repeatedly harangued by Hasan about religion and that he openly claimed to be a "Muslim first and American second."

One Army doctor who knew him said a fear of appearing discriminatory against a Muslim soldier had stopped fellow officers from filing formal complaints. [Emphasis added]

Meanwhile, Dennis Mangan points to an NYT article that begins:

KILLEEN, Tex. — Leaders of the vibrant Muslim community here ...

Here's the UPI article, "Bush had called for laxer airport security" that I wrote on the evening of September 11, 2001 pointing out that George W. Bush had denounced airport security personnel for paying more attention to Arabs and Muslim fliers, and then had had Norman Mineta's Transportation Department start a program to stomp out airport profiling.

Also, we now know that the airport ticket agent who checked in Mohammed Atta on the morning of 9/11/2001 said to himself, as he told Oprah in 2005:
"I got an instant chill when I looked at [Atta]. I got this grip in my stomach and then, of course, I gave myself a political correct slap."

Michael Touhey told a reporter:

Then Tuohey went through an internal debate that still haunts him.

"I said to myself, 'If this guy doesn't look like an Arab terrorist, then nothing does.' Then I gave myself a mental slap, because in this day and age, it's not nice to say things like this," he said. "You've checked in hundreds of Arabs and Hindus and Sikhs, and you've never done that. I felt kind of embarrassed."

It wasn't just Atta's demeanor that caught Tuohey's attention.

"When I looked at their tickets, they had first-class, one-way tickets - $2,500 tickets. Very unusual," he said. "I guess they're not coming back. Maybe this is the end of their trip."

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. Steve, It's becoming to easy for you- these libs are out of their freakin minds- I was always 92% sure that liberalism was some sort of mental illness now after this Ft. Hood massacre I'm 97.6% sure.

    I gave 30 dollars btw- keep up the good work- sorry I missed you at the BWI Hilton for your talk turns out i was at Comiccon 2009 at the BWI Holiday Inn down the street....DRATS as Batman would say

    Dan in DC

  2. Steve, is there a way to donate completely anonymously, so even you don't know who I am.
    Eight years ago, parts of the conservative press were asking "did political correctness allow September 11?" Maybe not, but it sure caused Ft. Hood.

  3. That's an interesting story. The only problem is the sourcing. I don't believe a word of it.

  4. Another case of SJS - Sudden Jihad Syndrome.

  5. Harry Baldwin11/9/09, 4:16 PM

    "KILLEEN, Tex. — Leaders of the vibrant Muslim community here . . ."

    How vibrant can it be if a devout, successful Muslim like Hasan couldn't even find a woman to be servile to him?

  6. muslim immigrants aside, we haven't even posted about the obama administration decision to remove the ban on HIV positive immigration.

    it is guaranteed, GUARANTEED, that in only a few years, HIV positive immigrants from who knows where, will be deliberately infecting americans with this lethal virus.

    and of course, thousands, THOUSANDS, will come to the US simply for the free health care that the fedgov wants to give them. any 20 year old, no skill, high school dropout, HIV positive immigrant can come to the US now and get a lifetime of medical care for AIDS, at a cost of at least 1 million dollars to the taxpayers.

  7. Danquah assumed the military's chain of command knew about Hasan's doubts, which had been known for more than a year to classmates at the Maryland graduate military medical program. His fellow students complained to the faculty about Hasan's "anti-American propaganda," but said a fear of appearing discriminatory against a Muslim student kept officers from filing a formal complaint.

  8. I'm a Catholic first and an American second (at best). Of course, the Islamic and Catholic views on massacring unarmed people are very different...

  9. Okay,

    Here's my question. What happens if you report a muslim? What happens to the reporter?

  10. "he said non-believers should be beheaded and have boiling oil poured down their throats."

    Oh c'mon, who *hasn't* said that at one time or another. Cut the guy some slack.

  11. vibrant Muslim community

    Always amusing to see 'vibrant' used with a straight face. Now if they could just define exactly what they meant by vibrant we would be a whole lot closer to understanding the multicult.

  12. Steve for those of us in the LA area that want to see you speak, please make a habit of posting an entry each time you have a speaking engagement in the LA area.

  13. Cprl Klinger11/9/09, 6:53 PM

    Guys like Hasan are pretty dim or impulsive in going on shooting sprees against “Americans”. It's obvious no elite opinion maker cares if a dozen or two average American slobs are shot or run over. It’s been going on for years.

    However, inevitably some of these Islamic terrorists will target elites who actually hold power in this country (politicians, financiers, media figures, etc). They will probably even hit something like a synagogue, business or other ethnic soft target like they frequently target in Israel.

    When that day comes, I hope at least some elites will realize the cumulative blood they have on their hands for their willful PC ignorance of such incidences and ruinious policies that led to them.

  14. rightsaidfred11/9/09, 6:58 PM

    It is pretty astounding how the modern Western liberal has turned off their survival instincts: have no children, invite the world, lie down for the world.

  15. Cprl Klinger11/9/09, 7:00 PM

    How exactly does one segue into a Jihad rant about beheading infidels and pouring boiling oil down their throats during a medical presentation?

    Was that how he opened the talk to break the ice or was it one of those humourous antedotes used to break up a long powerpoint presentation?

    I'm curious to know the details of how anyone could think such an MD (even a Psychologist) would be anything other than batshit insane for doing this.

  16. Anybody have a copy of Hasan's Powerpoint presentation?

  17. Shouldn't we all be reading Gladwell's 'Blink' and going with our gut instincts with people like this?

  18. Iowahawk satirizes media coverage of the shooting.

  19. Of course, we all know the lesson to be learned from this Muslim mass murder: Vdare and iSteve should be shut down to prevent a backlash against immigrants.

  20. UK Telegraph reports that Brits now refer to one another as "comrade"

  21. I agree with airtommy. The Telegraph is notorious as being an info drop for US intel, ie the quickly-debunked recent story that Ahmadinejad was Jewish, or their 2003 article containing proof that Saddam had trained 9/11 loser Atta.

  22. Pamela Geller has a picture of Hasan's business card, where he calls himself "SoA(SWT)" =
    Soldier of Allah, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
    [glorious and exalted is He (Allah)]

    PS: My dream in all of this is to find some tidbit in Hasan's background which will tie him to Huma Abedin.

  23. Mudville Gazette reports on CNN's politically correct Dowdification of a Fort Hood victim's statement.

  24. It is pretty astounding how the modern Western liberal has turned off their survival instincts: have no children, invite the world, lie down for the world.

    Yes, it's called nihilism.

    Their infatuation with Death has consumed them to the point that they have become Death: They are Death.

  25. Cprl Klinger11/9/09, 8:25 PM

    If it's as bad as it sounds, I wonder if some of the many military personnel who ran into Maj. Hasan aren't posting more details on the Interwebs.

    I doubt Hasan's powerpoint is publically available, but it sounds like ripe material for black comedy.

  26. Pamela Geller has a picture of Hasan's business card, where he calls himself "SoA(SWT)" = Soldier of Allah, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala [glorious and exalted is He (Allah)]

    This isn't significant at all. Allah is just the Arabic word for God. We already knew that Hasan spoke Arabic and was a fairly devout Muslim.

  27. does he behead you first then pour the oil? Because that doesn't seem as bad as the oil then beheading. I would choose the former. I guess I wouldn't want either but if given the choice.

    Dan in DC

  28. Diversity/Multiculturalism/Political Correctness is our brand new Official State Religion, the one whose dogmas you cannot question, and Barack Obama is its Pope - or should I say its Caliph?

    Whenever I'm quoted one of its articles of faith I'm going to identify it as part of the state religion, and point out that the Constitution bans an established religion. I'm going to remind people of Mohammed Atta and Major Hasan as examples of its evils.

  29. I have always been in full agreement with the idea that political correctness makes you stupid. But then there are a lot of people who should know better. People who know the truth, and understand the truth but are afraid to speak the truth - this makes them cowards, not necessarily "stupid".

    This cowardice is omnipresent in the mainstream media, and also in much of academia. This isn't news to anyone on this board. Trouble is, I would hate to believe that our military, the U.S military is now infected with the same politically correct cowardice. That the military could allow a Jihadist, anti-American parasite like Maj. Hassan to wear the uniform so many American soldiers have proudly worn and died in, to pretend to be a patriot, shows how much our military has sunk.

    The politically correct poison gas cloud that hangs over this country has indeed weakened us more than anything our enemies could cook up. Hassan's superiors who allowed this to happen, in spite of so much evidence that Hassan was an Islamic lunatic should all be fired, court-martialed or demoted. They let the enemy inside their camp as if he was a real American patriot. This is negligence in the extreme, and almost borders on treason.

    Political correctness doesn't just make you stupid, it makes you cowardly to the point of treason.

  30. "Iowahawk satirizes media coverage of the shooting."

    That's a pretty funny link, tommy, thanks.

  31. Ah, "vibrant"; it gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling. I wonder if that is my brain turning to mush.

  32. > how anyone could think such an MD (even a Psychologist) would be anything other than batshit insane for doing this <

    Now, now. We must respect the other fellow's religion. I learned this from my high school Social Studies teacher, and a Stanley Kramer movie.

  33. This isn't significant at all. Allah is just the Arabic word for God. We already knew that Hasan spoke Arabic and was a fairly devout Muslim.

    You are being facetious/sarcastic, right?

    Sometimes I just can't tell with you guys.

  34. Besides...he's *brown*! Be extra special nice and sensitive and careful around him, unless you want to lose your job and/or be financially ruined defending a lawsuit. Better to just let him do whatever he's gonna do...

  35. The politically correct poison gas cloud that hangs over this country has indeed weakened us more than anything our enemies could cook up.

    Political Correctness is the language of nihilism.

  36. ‘As horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that’s worse.’

    Heh. The monumentally obvious response here is to wonder if the 14 victims would agree if they could speak. That this response will not manifest in the MSM is both predictable, and telling. It's like someone going on television and saying the sky is green, and nobody will point out that it's actually blue.

    "And yet it moves."

  37. The politically correct poison gas cloud that hangs over this country has indeed weakened us more than anything our enemies could cook up.

    Do you imagine that this "gas cloud" was cooked up by our friends?

  38. "Better dead than offend" is how Mark Steyn put it.

  39. A summary of real overheard Death Cultist chatter: "Hasan was overlooked because the military was focused on kicking out gays. We need to end discrimination against gays to prevent this from happening again. Christians do bad things too. Should the military get rid of Christians? Remember what the Crusades were like."

  40. A summary of real overheard Death Cultist chatter: "Hasan was overlooked because the military was focused on kicking out gays. We need to end discrimination against gays to prevent this from happening again. Christians do bad things too. Should the military get rid of Christians? Remember what the Crusades were like."

    There is no hope for these nihilists.

    All we can do is get the hell out of the way and hope that they don't drag us over the cliff with them.

  41. After the murders I saw the "Pre-Traumatic Stress Syndrome" joke turning up among bloggers mocking the insane contortions of the MSM trying to deny the obvious. This afternoon on NPR I heard some straight-faced stone-cold sober commentator offering P(re)TSD as an exculpatory diagnosis. No lie. Dear f*****' God. We are now officially Ass Clown Nation.

  42. "This isn't significant at all. Allah is just the Arabic word for God. We already knew that Hasan spoke Arabic and was a fairly devout Muslim."

    Actually, Soldier of Allah is significant. Firstly, most devout Muslims would not refer to themselves as Soliders of Allah but rather Slaves of Allah to show that they submit to His will. Secondly, Hasan was not a soldier in a Muslim army nor is he part of a Muslim resistance movement so the title makes no sense. I'm pretty sure that his devotion to Islam came at a later date when his parents passed away. Personal crises can make lax Muslims more devout. Most devout Muslims, especially if they come from a Muslim background and are not converts, would never agree to join an infidel army. The Koran explicitly forbids such a thing. Hasan may have come to this realization once he became knee deep into Islam and then he began to act in a bizarre fashion. He was trying to expunge his guilt of perfidy (comforting infidel soldiers who were fighting Muslims) by going jihad and becoming a martyr.

  43. C. Van Carter is reporting an example of the liberal religious two-step.

    A discussion about Islamic extremism is diverted into a debate about generic religious extremism which can then be turned into an attack on Christianity.

  44. Jimmy Crackedcorn11/10/09, 9:29 PM

    After the murders I saw the "Pre-Traumatic Stress Syndrome" joke turning up among bloggers mocking the insane contortions of the MSM trying to deny the obvious. This afternoon on NPR I heard some straight-faced stone-cold sober commentator offering P(re)TSD as an exculpatory diagnosis. No lie. Dear f*****' God. We are now officially Ass Clown Nation.

    Rich Lowry has posted at least 2 letters (supposedly from shrinks)defending the concept. It makes a great deal of sense.

    However...what are the odds that the first documented case of the disease would be in a Muslim psychiatrist, who instead of shooting himself or ODing on valium due to all the pain decides instead to go on a shooting spree on an Army base - while the US is fighting a war against Muslim extremists?

    That's the unbelievable part.

    "And yet it moves."

    E pur si muove. Indeed. Words for an anti-PC warrior to know and live by.

  45. "UK Telegraph reports that Brits now refer to one another as "comrade""

    What is the relevance of this to "Political correctness strikes again"? It's an appropriate term to refer to one's 'brothers in arms' and probably has a longer history with the army than it does with socialists. Comrades is fine, but 'colleagues' sets my teeth on edge.

  46. > Comrades is fine, but 'colleagues' sets my teeth on edge. <

    Tovarich probably sets many people to shivering and retching in areas of the world where you aren't.

    Also there's a culture of gutter Marxism over here that uses the English language term "comrade" ad nauseum, particularly as a form of address. To many who are allergic to that culture, the term is especially objectionable. It reeks of Bill Ayers, trade unionism (in the UK), and bearded New Left minions howling on the campus green for free love and Das Kapital. Quick - get me a barf bag.

  47. "Political correctness gets people killed."

    Agree with you. They even don't understand what they do.


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