February 8, 2010

LA County Homicide Rates

Here's an excerpt from the middle of my VDARE.com column:

One way of getting around these various methodological problems in thinking about racial differences in crime: look closely at homicide victimization rates of 15-29 year-old males. This approach can seem unkind because it assumes there is some correlation between the odds of getting killed and the odds of causing trouble. But among young men, unfortunately, that assumption has some validity.

Over the last two weeks, I’ve read the LA Times’ write-ups on hundreds of young male victims, and tracked down additional details on many of them elsewhere on the Internet, such as from their MySpace pages. It’s depressing work, but it puts human faces on the statistics.

Many of the victims were wholly innocent, such as the Long Beach engineer who chased teenaged thieves stealing his iPod into an alley, where they shot him down. Some, such as black high school football star Jamiel Shaw Jr., were apparently murdered at random due to their race as part of the low-intensity ethnic cleansing struggle in South Central L.A.

On the other hand, more than a few of the 1,257 male 15-29-year-old homicide victims appear to have been knuckleheads shot down by cops during crimes or by rival gangs as payback, or who lost their lives in fights they started.

Most killings in L.A. County involve acquaintances rather than strangers. Perhaps due to the spread of pervasive video surveillance in stores, robbery killings are now down to a small fraction of the total number of victims, and a very small sliver of young male victims.

This means that victimization rates of young men can give us some clue about crime rates.

Among 15-29 year-old males killed since the beginning of 2007, I count:

* Hispanics: 794 victims out of 611,789 young men in the 2006-2008 Census estimates
* Blacks: 380 victims out of 96,676 young men
* Non-Hispanic Caucasians: 47 out of 247,173
* Asians: 28 out of 129,716
* Pacific Islanders: 8 out of 3,510
* American Indians: 0 out of 6,088
* Total L.A. County: 15-29 year old males: 1,257 out of 1,108,268

A few technical notes: I’m counting 22 Spanish-surnamed victims as Hispanic even though the county coroner listed them as white, plus four others where there is evidence that they identified ethnically as Latino.

Not surprisingly to anybody who follows the local police blotter, 14 of the 47 Caucasian victims were of West Asian descent, and nine of those 14 Armenians. Only 1.7 percent of the population of Los Angeles County is Armenian, but some of them are a bit lively, rather like Sicilians in a Scorsese movie: enterprising and affluent, but with an Old World code of honor. Suspects in killings of Armenians are often described as vanishing into the night in BMWs or Lexuses. Judging by the Old Country first names of the Armenian victims, most were immigrants or the children of immigrants rather than from the pre-1924 wave of Armenian immigrants.

Using the Census Bureau’s estimates of the numbers of 15-29-year-old males in L.A. County in 2006-2008, we can calculate—relative to non-Hispanic whites—the homicide victimization rates among young men:

* Whites: 1.0 times the white rate (by Census definition)
* Asians: 1.1x the white rate
* Latinos: 6.8x
* Pacific Islanders: 12.0x
* African-American: 20.7x
* Total L.A. County: 6.0x

Read the rest here.

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. Steve and iSteve readers,

    Here's a reader comment from View from the Right that I found memorable. In particular, see the last 4 paragraphs contrasting the white gangs (special guest star Morris Disease from $PLC) with the NAM gangs:

    "There was a marathon of "Gangland" episodes on The History Channel today and I watched several while doing some chores around the house.
    They profiled major street gangs in three episodes set in individual cities: the Top 6 gang in West Palm Beach, Florida, which is composed of Haitians; the Four Corner Hustlers, in Fresno in Chicago; and the Bulldogs in Fresno, California.

    In all three cases the stories were horrifying. The gangs are utterly out of control, with the Haitians the worst of the worst, but the Chicago gang not far behind. Shooting as a tool of the trade is routine. The code of silence is absolute, and includes not just the gang members, but all members of the minority community in which they operate.

    The glorification of the culture of violence, drug dealing, money and bling is fueled by the rap music which, in the case of the Haitians is a closely connected interlocking part of the criminal organization.

    One could not watch this show with anything but complete drop-jaw incredulity. We have allowed a huge cancer to grow in the middle of our country. It's almost impossible to imagine how these organizations are going to be shut down. Kids are brought into the gangs as early teens, and stay till they are killed, or go to prison.

    The show certainly renewed my appreciation for the job that police gang units have in controlling these groups.

    Here is the web site for the series "Gangland" on the History Channel Web site. Simply perusing the episodes shows the amazing number and variety of minority gangs in every section of the USA terrorizing citizens.
    I also watched two episodes on white gangs: one was on a motorcycle gang and one was a portrait of a white supremicist Klan offshoot. The show on the latter was particularly laughable.

    The one crime that they could find this group had committed was beating up an Indian kid at a state fair. The two neo-Nazi goons were caught and jailed. To show the terror of so-called white supremacists the editors were forced to rely on pictures of Jim Crow era lynchings and Klan rallies going back to the 1800s. Morris Dees and his organization got fully 1/4 of the airtime on this episode. In a strange twist the two Nazi retards were kicked out of the Klan for being criminals after their conviction. Some vicious gang!

    Meanwhile the Latin Kings, Mexican Mafia, Crips, Bloods, and all the rest run the streets with full auto weapons killing, maiming and trashing our cities large and small.

    What I got out of it was that the editors were making a huge effort to find some white gangs to counter-balance the huge outpouring of black and Hispanic crime that they have documented for four years running."

  2. Forgive the off topic comment but:

    You've been strangely silent on the Tim Tebow controversy. The complaint against Tebow is that he runs too much, has an unusual motion, etc.

    Over at Caste Football, the author convincingly argues that Tebow's style is precisely what sports writers have been harping about for years as an attribute for black QBs. Michael Vick and Donovan McNabb were seen as visionary athletes for being able to do what Tebow does.

    The difference is solely that Tebow's skin is white.

    Likewise, John Scheyer at Duke is having a season that clearly makes him the top point guard in the country, if not the best player in the country. Yet, the NBA apparently doesn't even plan to draft him.

    The rap is that Scheyer is "slow" and "un-athletic." Yet, every time I watch Scheyer he's blowing by or posting up and beating his supposedly faster and more athletic black defender.

    What gives? You don't seem interested.

  3. This is OT. Steve, do you know when the census predicts minority births to be majority. The latest study said that the date when minority children would be the majority had been pushed back to 2030. That would imply births 9 years earlier, or 2021. Is that the case? I thought it was going to be around 2012.

  4. I took a look at the Los Angeles Police Department Most Wanted List:


    Here's my count of the ethnicity of these wanted criminals:

    Hispanic - 169
    African-American - 18
    Asian - 7
    White - probably Armenian - 5
    White - NOS - 17

    A few of the designations are "best guess," but I think the numbers are reliable overall.

    - Black Death

  5. Grand slam home run, Steve.

  6. On initially reading, I was sure you would have referenced Unz' story on hispanic crime rates.

  7. Hey, Steve,

    I wish you would elaborate on the "low intensity ethnic cleansing struggle" that you mentioned. Who is cleansing whom, and why? I presume Hispanics are targeting blacks?
    That's curious because somewhere on the internet I read that, in compiling "hate" crime statistics, hispanics are counted as whites, thus artificially inflating the apparent rate of white hate crimes and making it appear that hispanics commit no hate crimes. I wouldn't begin to know how to verify this.
    If our elites are aware of this ethnic cleansing phenomenon, they may be engineering the statistical system as a dagger against the indigenous majority.

  8. The HardTruth2/8/10, 11:53 AM

    "The sizable age differences between populations—the median white victim in L.A. County was 40, Asian 37, black 26, and Latino 24—complicates the job of making apples-to-apples comparisons."

    This is the most frightening figure. Anyone who argues that black fertility rate is no problem is fooling themselves. Blacks are outbreeding whites by a mile. All of the Southern States will turn majority black in a few decades.

    I see black single mothers on welfare or even workfare having 5 to 7 kids all around. Even if murder rate is higher among blacks, it means the black population will double every 40-50 yrs. (A black women who has seven kids and loses one still has produced six kids whereas a white woman who produces only one child only produces one child. Besides, lots of black males get killed only after having impregnated a whole bunch of black--or even white--women.)

    Blacks population is 40 million now, it will be 80 million in 2050. It will be 160 million in 2090. It will be 320 million by 2130. There is also ongoing black immigration from Africa and the Carribbean. This being an undeniable fact--plus the fact that whites aren't breeding much--, Hispanics immigration may be the ONLY way to prevent the US from becoming a giant South Africa in the future.

  9. Fellow Traveller2/8/10, 12:46 PM

    Why are American Indians in LA County so non-homicidal compared to the other groups?

    Did Cameron get it right with his giant blue furred versions?

  10. "Perhaps due to the spread of pervasive video surveillance in stores, robbery killings are now down to a small fraction of the total number of victims, and a very small sliver of young male victims."

    In the 60's and 70's, black on white robbery-murders were epidemic in cities with large black populations. That was a major factor in driving white flight. The media never talks about this now, but at the time, it was understood that "mugging" was a code word for racially motivated attacks on "honkeys" and "crackers." When blacks began "integrating" an urban neighborhood in that time, there would be an epidemic of rapes, robberies, assaults, burglaries and murders targeting whites, sometimes carried out by organized black Muslim or black power groups.

    I know Steve has written about the experience of his wife's family on the West Side of Chicago. Every white family who lived in Northern city with a large black population during the 60's and 70's has a similar story. We need to collect more information about the ethnic cleansing of whites from America's cities. Almost nothing has been written about it. It only shows up in the written record as isolated anecdotes or as(often dismissive)asides in the discussion of other issues.

  11. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2010/02/gang-interventionist-fatally-shot-after-confronting-tagger.html

    A former Crips gang member, who police said transformed himself by working to steer others away from lives of violence, was fatally shot after he confronted a tagger in Mid-Wilshire, Los Angeles police said Monday.

    Ronald Lamonte Barron, 40, was leaving the Cottage Bar in the 5000 block of West Pico Boulevard about 9 p.m. Sunday with his girlfriend when he noticed a tagger applying graffiti to a nearby wall, police said.

    Barron confronted the tagger, who pulled out a pistol and fired once, hitting Barron in the chest.

    Barron had once been a Mansfield Crips gang member but had made a successful transition to gang outreach and intervention work, authorities said. Barron continued to use his former gang name, "Looney" and worked for Amer-I-Can, a gang-intervention program founded by Football Hall of Fame member Jim Brown. Barron was known for his gang outreach work in the L.A. County jails.

  12. Steve -
    stores in Los Angeles install cameras and then crime against stores is very greatly reduced

    London installs the same cameras, all over the city, and crime explodes upward anyway

    Steve help us out here. Why have cameras failed so miserably in London

  13. The Ghost of Steve's Past2/8/10, 2:52 PM

    "I think that we can attract smarter, wealthier, and more powerful believers to HBD if there is a web site that speaks out strongly in favor of immigration of the smartest people from Northeast Asia and speaks out strongly against immigration of the high crime low IQ groups from other parts of the world"

    LOL! HBD is a fringe belief right now.

    In fact, speaking about HBD will get you in trouble. Good luck attracting wealthy/influential people who have a lot to lose to the movement. Death threats, boycotts, getting smeared in the MSM, getting fired, etc. await people who publicly speak out about HBD.

    Hence, that is why you post anonymously and not with your real name.

    Plus, and most importantly, immigration needs to be curtailed across the board to gain white voter support.

    Whites do not want to be replaced by East Asians, and they will not respond to increased Asian immigration with a "thumbs up."

    People like you just want to look down on immigration reformers as "racists" because they don't have "yellow fever" like you.

  14. "Why are American Indians in LA County so non-homicidal compared to the other groups?
    Did Cameron get it right with his giant blue furred versions?"

    Maybe they got a casino to busy themselves with.

  15. wow! you grinded through all those numbers?!

    by your count, i was right about the european murder rate actually being below the east asian rate in LA.

    off topic, but yet another chinese spy was convincted today, a boeing engineer.

    chinese spies, muslim terrorists, there aren't any of these living among us today. the president said so! white americans were so backward in 1940, putting japanese people in camps thinking any of them might be spy. yeah right. every single one of them was on the up and up.

  16. Curvaceous Carbon-based Life Form2/8/10, 3:59 PM

    Anon said:

    "Anyway, my overall hypothesis is that HBD advocates and white race realists are divided in to two camps. I think I have made it clear which camp I am in."

    Why do I have a funny feeling you just "happen" to be a Korean, Taiwanese or Japanese with Korean, Taiwanese or Japanese relatives and friends who want to immigrate to U.S.?

  17. “My hypothesis is that believers in HBD that are successful in life generally believe that the USA as a country benefits from immigration of high IQ people from Northeast Asia. If we have an IQ test and only let in to the USA a few million [*] Koreans, Taiwanese, and Japanese who have IQ over 140, the USA benefits tremendously as a nation over the next 100 or 200 years.”

    Gee, letting in people and selecting them to make sure that they are, on average, much smarter than your people is a great idea. Naturally, when they are more successful due to their greater intelligence, they wouldn’t use their wealth and power to rig the system for their benefit, practice nepotism, and discriminate against whites. Never ever! I mean, did the ideas of Boasian Anthropology or the Frankfurt school have any bad effects on the state of white America? Nah, of course not! By the way, stupid people can be herded and managed, it’s the smart one’s that can cause real trouble because they just keep having ideas about how things ought to be and seem to be unusually good at implementing those ideas. Have any more wonderful ideas?

    * By the way, according to the CIA World Factbook, South Korea, Taiwan and Japan have a combined population of 198.6 million (48.5 million, 23 million,and 127.1 million, respectively). Assuming an average IQ of 105 and an S.D. of 15 (which arguably is a little wide for NE Asians according to some sources), there should be slightly under 2 million people with an IQ above 140 from those parts of the world. So basically you’re proposing that everyone with an IQ > 140 from that part of the world immigrate to the US. Sure, that’s going to happen. I’m sure they’re governments would love seeing a mass exodus of all of their smartest citizens.

    “It is obvious to most white businessmen that these immigrants make the US stronger and more powerful”

    Isn’t it more accurate that these immigrants make white business men a lot of money in the short term? Now as to the long term consequences, that’s a little less certain. BTW, one important question that one should ask when letting someone new into one’s country is, “is he on my side? Does he bear any affection for my culture and my people in the abstract? If push comes to shove, whose side will he take? That of his new country? Or that of his ancestral homeland?” There seems to be an awful lot of Chinese scientists implicated in transferring sensitive technology to the Motherland. Digestibility is very important in immigrants my good fellow. Also when flavoring the pot, a little spice can add a pleasing taste, but putting in too much may cause it to congeal together (not integrate into the soup if you know what I mean) and have an awful result that will make you sick.

  18. On initially reading, I was sure you would have referenced Unz' story on hispanic crime rates.

    I'd like to see Steve or someone else do a good analysis of the numbers in Unz's story. Some people in the HBD-sphere have taken some nice potshots at it, but it would be interesting to see a more thorough dissection of it.

  19. Mr Brimelow of VDare has it right. Immigration is not reciprocal, they send and we take. They won't accept immigrants themselves for the most part, smart or not. How about this deal, for every one sent here, then that country must accept an American into their country. We've got 300 million already, do we need to go to 500 million and live in some multicultural anthill? A Mariel style exodus to third world paradise would improve the USA within 24 hours.

  20. "
    Why do I have a funny feeling you just "happen" to be a Korean, Taiwanese or Japanese with Korean, Taiwanese or Japanese relatives and friends who want to immigrate to U.S.?"

    From the use of "northeast asian" I'm guessing white guy. Plus Japanese emigration is now a trickle.

  21. I am a fairly high IQ very solidly professional middle class (6 figure income) white guy and I do not want to see even one more non Western European (i.e. non-WHITE) allowed into the US for any reason whatsoever, E-V-E-R A-G-A-I-N. That high IQ Chinese dude on our shores does nothing for my offspring that said offspring could not obtain via shipping or internet channels for a whole lot less.

  22. "The difference is solely that Tebow's skin is white."

    No, the difference is solely that Tebow made his mark in college by running over linebackers, brings the ball down to his god-damned quadrecep before he throws it...then it still comes out wobbly half the time, and played in the same offense for the same coach as Alex Smith who went #1 in the draft and is a third rate NFL QB, and always will be.*

    "Likewise, John Scheyer at Duke is having a season that clearly makes him the top point guard in the country, if not the best player in the country. Yet, the NBA apparently doesn't even plan to draft him."

    You have exactly how many NBA GMs on speed dial?

    While you're at it there, Red, you can google Cherokee Parks, Danny Ferry, Christian Latener, J.J. Reddick, Greg Paulus, and hey Tyler Hansborough while you're at it.

    Sorry buddy, these "G.M." guys make a lot of money for picking players, and they don't want to give up
    their jobs.

    "In the 60's and 70's, black on white robbery-murders were epidemic in cities with large black populations."

    Well, they were on late-night movies on Cinemax, but from what I've read, there has never been a year in the history of the settlement of the United States in which blacks have killed more whites than whites have.

    "Naturally, when they are more successful due to their greater intelligence, they wouldn’t use their wealth and power to rig the system for their benefit, practice nepotism, and discriminate against whites. Never ever!"

    Yeah, that's kind of like one of those old Twilight Zone episodes, or Philip K. Dick stories where some scientists build a robot that's smarter than they are, then one day he realizes it...

    *BTW he's white and "athletic."

  23. "by your count, i was right about the european murder rate actually being below the east asian rate in LA."

    Nope, wrong again! The Asian group includes SE Asians.

  24. "Truth said...

    Well, they were on late-night movies on Cinemax, but from what I've read, there has never been a year in the history of the settlement of the United States in which blacks have killed more whites than whites have."

    And yet every white killed by a black is just as dead. And of course, blacks kill at a much higher RATE. Rate, "Truth". Murders committed per unit of population. But I wouldn't expect you to understand anything as complicated as 9th grade math. We already know that you don't believe in the 2nd law of thermodynamics - which in effect says "you can't get something for nothing".

    Blacks commit crimes far out of thier proportion in the population. Evidently, this bothers you, so much so that you always pipe up when crime rates are discussed in general, nd so much so, that you usually shut up when specific crimes are mentioned.



    Posters here who humor "Truth" should note that fundamentally he is an apologist for black criminals.

  25. "Anonymous said...

    My hypothesis is that the less successful believers in HBD are against the immigration of Koreans, Japanese, and taiwanese."

    Successful at what? Being a toady to the wealthy and powerful? And what's this horses**t about "Koreans, Japanese, and taiwanese"? Japanese don't even want to emigrate to this country (why would they want to come to a country that accepts koreans?). And "taiwanese"? Most chinese immigrants are from mainland China, not Taiwan. To open the floodgates to the chinese, is to open the floodgates from China.

    Why should I care what unpatriotic businessmen think?

  26. That's an interesting thread about high IQ asian immigrants versus the white population. I was at a professional conference the other day, for radiology, where I made the observation that about 50% of the physicians were asian(chinese, indian, etc.) or Jewish, whereas literally ALL the technologists and ancillary positions are white europeans. Of course, techs max out at about 60k, while radiologist can make really high 6 figures.
    The percentages are even more one-sided at the hospital I work in. I can't help feeling that indeed whites are being relegated to work horses.

  27. With all due respect to the fine people who comment on this blog, I hear a lot of cynicism here.

    I mean, the suggestion is humbly floated here that among America's billionaires there are some men who are genuinely patriotic, men who really want to help our nation.

    A suggestion is put forth that once a man has a billion dollar net worth, his thoughts turn things other than helping himself and his children get ever more wealthy. He looks for a great cause, he looks for some way to make a difference.

    Rockefeller built libraries all over the USA. And Bill Gates is donating most of his fortune to charities that reduce the population of low IQ NAMs all over the world.

    In fact, if you carefully examine the donations of America's billionaires, you see many of them are committed to reducing the number of NAMs in the world.

    These billionaires have done more to reduce the population of NAMs than anyone posting here ever will, but the frequent posters here still like to see themselves as somehow better than the billionaires. I have news for you, there is no nobility in poverty. Get over yourselves.

    I think the "race realists" and "white survivalists" who post so frequently on this website have a romantic notion of themselves as fighting a lonely fight. I think the "race realists" here like to think of themselves as morally superior to America's billionaires. What you hear all over this blog is that a white Christian man needs to "sell out" the white race and sell out his country in order to become a billionaire.

    I have news for you failures, the reason that you are not a billionaire is not because you refuse to sell out your race. You don't get points for being a failure. And the men who have become billionaires may have the same core beliefs that you have, but just seek to implement them a little more intelligently. Sorry if you can't wrap your brain around this concept.

    I know how much fun you frequent posters have with your snarky, bitter cynical comments here, but some of us take this movement seriously.

  28. "Well, they were on late-night movies on Cinemax, but from what I've read, there has never been a year in the history of the settlement of the United States in which blacks have killed more whites than whites have."

    There are a lot more whites than black people so the average black man is probably more likely to murder you than the average white man. White people are more likely to come into contact with other white people. Relative to man-hours of contact black on white crime is probably a lot worse than white on white.

    You comment is like comparing the number of people killed by dogs to those killed by sharks when of course more people are in contact with dogs than with man-eating sharks. Sharks are still less dangerous than people assume though, if only because they often exhibit a general indifference towards humans.

    "London installs the same cameras, all over the city, and crime explodes upward anyway

    Steve help us out here. Why have cameras failed so miserably in London"

    Crime hasn't really 'exploded upwards' in London, but people worrying about crime has. There are a lot of places in Greater London where you can avoid cameras and the sort of CCTV people use in shops are often too crappy to provide useful information to the police or are inadmissable in court on that basis.

  29. >Hence, that is why you post anonymously and not with your real name.<

    He doesn't even want to stand out by adopting a moniker, such as, say, "Yellow Fever."

    >Rockefeller built libraries all over the USA.<

    Carnegie. And how do libraries reduce the number of NAMs (as you claim)?

    >And Bill Gates is donating most of his fortune to charities that reduce the population of low IQ NAMs all over the world.<

    Giving billions to Africa reduces the number of low IQ NAMs all over the world, how?

    >some of us take this movement seriously<

    And some don't.

  30. There is a deal of evidence that the Rockefeller Foundation is responsible for a deliberate, planned dumbing-down of the general population. The Gary Plan (read whole chapter for context). John D himself seemed a generally good guy in his own charities, though.

  31. Angel-Sächsen2/10/10, 12:40 AM

    A lot of you all forget that although "East" Asians in America may have a slight difference in average IQ relative to White Americans, i.e. (105 vs. 100 for W.A. - and this includes many hicks and those only marginally "White" in a racial sense)...

    that their are White ethnic groups in America (and no, not Ashkenazi Jews) who score well above the White American average of 100 -- more like in the 112-13 range (Steve-O even did a post on this a few months ago).

    Additionally, Whites have a greater standard deviation towards the higher IQ numbers (as they do towards the lower ones as well) compared to "East" Asians -- who more uniformily cluster closer to tighter averages.

    Either way, it makes absolutely no sense to be importing our economic and social competitors -

    Harvard Hates Whites—Does America, Too?

    Unz, himself Jewish, noted that at his alma mater, “Asians comprise between 2% and 3% of the U.S. population, but nearly 20% of Harvard undergraduates. Then too, between a quarter and a third of Harvard students identify themselves as Jewish, while Jews also represent just 2% to 3% of the overall population.” Not only was he so blunt about this, he took the step — rare in the mainstream media — of drawing the logical conclusion: “Thus, it appears that Jews and Asians constitute approximately half of Harvard’s student body, leaving the other half for the remaining 95% of America.”

    Of course “our” government is not interested in quantifying the relative decline non-Jewish whites are experiencing, but a few have done this independently. One researcher has used government statistics to graphically demonstrate how whites are penalized at all levels of intelligence when earnings are compared to others in the same IQ cohort. As he concluded, “A bright mind is indeed a terrible thing to waste, and it is the bright White gentile minds that are being denied educational opportunities at significant costs to our country.”

    Unz understood this, too, demonstrating how education levels play out over one’s career. What he found at Harvard about white Christian underrepresentation “is present to a greater or lesser degree at most of our other elite educational institutions: Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Berkeley and so on. And partly because these universities act as a natural springboard to elite careers in law, medicine, finance and technology, many of these commanding heights of American society seem to exhibit a similar skew in demographic composition.”


  32. "Truth said...

    Well, they were on late-night movies on Cinemax, but from what I've read, there has never been a year in the history of the settlement of the United States in which blacks have killed more whites than whites have."

    And yet whites murdered by blacks end up just as dead. You are willfully oblivious to the fact that blacks commit crimes, including murder, at much higher rates than ANY other ethnic group. Their murder rate is in fact so high, that they typically commit half, or even over half, of all the murders comitted in this country - and all that from just about 1/8th of the population. This is why whites generally don't trust blacks (as evidenced by where they chose to live, send their children to school, etc.).

    But keep it up, "Truth" - you're doing a bang-up job as an apologist for black crime.

  33. You can't make this up2/10/10, 12:39 PM

    "I think that we can attract smarter, wealthier, and more powerful believers to HBD if there is a web site that speaks out strongly in favor of immigration of the smartest people from Northeast Asia and speaks out strongly against immigration of the high crime low IQ groups from other parts of the world"

    Yes, another story of America 'benifitting' from NE Asian immigration -

    Chinese spy gets more than 15 years in prison | San Francisco Examiner


    Obviously, no ethnic nepotism evident here.

    Ah, and what are those 'less successful believers in HBD' complaining about and worried over??? ;)

  34. "I have news for you failures, the reason that you are not a billionaire is not because you refuse to sell out your race."

    Actually, to become a billionare, as opposed to merely successful, you generally have to be a ruthless scumbag and willing to sell out on a lot of principles. Bill Gates (who you mention above) is a very bright man (as evidenced by his 1590 SAT), but he didn't get rich by being a scientific genius. He bought DOS off some poor, decent schmuck (Tim Patterson) and then licensed it to IBM. Gates got rich being a great monopolist and ruthlessly crushing his opposition.

  35. "And yet whites murdered by blacks end up just as dead."

    Yes, and whites murdered by whites end up just as dead...and there are many more of them. This isn't that complicated Anon; and where was I "an apologist" for anything?

  36. "I have news for you failures, the reason that you are not a billionaire is not because you refuse to sell out your race."

    What a stupid, misleading and extreme example of what constitutes 'success' and how to go about 'achieving' it in modern-day Babylon, oops, I meant 'America'.

    Ah, some still think it is 1950 here in this country (or worse, 1850), where one can so relatively and effortlessly get ahead primarily on 'merit' and 'achievement'... running into - in no way, shape or form - any kind of patronage or ethnic networking where an outsider has to, in some way, ingratiate himself to the interests of the ethnicity holding most of the cards in that network.

    Yup, no foul play or expectations of supplication ever happens to members of the White American Majority looking to work in certain industries where their group member numbers are traditionally low to modest, and where ethnic and religious Minorities dominate.

    Nothing to see here... please move along!

  37. Blacks are more crime-prone on average. A black man is several times more likely to commit a violent crime and a crime of almost all kinds than a white man is. Those are the odds.

    The "so what?" is that more blacks therefore = more crime. Sure they commit fewer crimes in absolute terms as long as they are a small minority. But as a country darkens, it gets nearer and nearer to hellhole status.

    This says little about individuals, but it's enough to wring one's hands over. Hard to say who does more worrying about it: blacks dodging bullets in the projects, bougie blacks, or HBD'ers. (Dumber crackers are absorbed in Confederate flag issues.)


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