February 7, 2010

What Female Journalists Really Care About XLIV

There's always the Washington Post's XX featurette for heaping mounds of Taking Everything Personally:
To Be Young, Gifted, and White in Hollywood

The blogosphere is a-twitter about Vanity Fair’s latest “New Hollywood” cover. Specifically, its stark lily-whiteness. As Dlisted put it, this year’s annual Annie Leibovitz shot “makes a BYU class picture look like a Benetton ad.”

Bloggers have pointed out a few obvious, non-white actresses who could have been included, like Gaby Sidibe, who is featured in the portfolio inside the magazine, but not on the cover.

The star of Precious weighs 300 pounds. No woman is going to be drawn to make an impulse purchase of a fashion and lifestyle magazine because there's a 300 pounder on the cover.

There’s also Zoe Saldana, who starred in the two biggest sci-fi movies of the year, Star Trek and Avatar.

This Dominican-American is really good in Avatar as Manute Bol's big blue sister, or whatever she's supposed to be. On the other hand, would anybody who saw her in Avatar recognize her?

Nobody gives credit to acting performances in special effects blockbusters, but it's probably technically harder to act well in a huge movie than in a low budget film where you get to act with other people and do more lines per day on the set. A big challenge in acting is adrenaline management. It's easiest in the theater where you just have to be on from 8 to 10pm each evening. You can arrange your day to peak then. It might be hardest in technically complicated films where its hard to foresee when they'll finally be ready for you back on the set after a long day of the crew twiddling with technology. On the other hand, maybe part of Cameron's new techniques are ones to make it easier on actors?

Yes, Saldana was featured on the cover of the 2008 Hollywood issue—behind the gatefold, natch, along with Alice Braga and America Ferrera—but then, they put ScarJo on the cover of the Hollywood issue THREE YEARS in a row. (2004, ‘05, and ‘06.) And can I make a retroactive vote for Charlyne Yi? Admittedly, I don’t think she glams up all that often, but the prospect is so delicious.

Hmmhmm, why would Nina Shen think Charlyne Yi should be put on magazine covers?

Try to play this game too long, though, and you run out of steam. After all, as Dodai Stewart points out on Jezebel, it’s not as if Hollywood is exactly teeming with hotly-tipped [excuse me?] young actresses of color. Maybe it’s just a numbers thing, and those of us who feel angry at VF really are just shooting the messenger. Most American movie ingĂ©nues, after all, are white, pretty, and thin. But it’s a chicken-and-the-egg kind of scenario. Is Hollywood to blame for not putting more actresses of color in its movies? Or are magazines like VF to blame for perpetuating the idea that young, worthy actresses are naturally thin, pretty, and Ivory soap-white?

Or maybe the overseas market, which now accounts for a large majority of American box office, is to be blamed? Maybe the Japanese, the world's #2 movie market, just like looking at Scarlett Johansson more than they like looking at Charlene Yi? (And in foreign markets where American films are dubbed into the local language, audiences don't have to listen to Scarlett's grating voice.)

Or maybe actresses of color should be blamed for not being, on average, glamorous and talented enough to sell as many movie tickets? Nah, by definition, it couldn't be that!

As momentarily satisfying as it feels, I also don’t feel entirely comfortable cherry-picking actresses of color and then waving them around, yelling, “Here’s one you could have put in there!” It makes it sound like we’re pushing for a kind of tokenism, some quota-based notion of “diversity,” when really it’s just sad that someone could look at an image like that and not see race written all over it.

I was chatting with a friend about the brouhaha today, and she was reminded of this line in Adam Gopnik’s recent New Yorker obit of J.D. Salinger:

In American writing, there are three perfect books, which seem to speak to every reader and condition: “Huckleberry Finn,” “The Great Gatsby,” and “The Catcher in the Rye.”

Now, I happened to hate The Catcher in the Rye, and The Great Gatsby left me cold when I finally read it, years and years after I should have. So maybe Gopnik and I have different literary tastes. That’s all fine and good; I’m not obligated to buy his assertion that these are “perfect” novels. But the notion that these books should “speak” to me and my “condition”—that I will naturally find something resonant and familiar in the experiences described therein—makes me feel strangely claustrophobic. (And I can only imagine what a black person who finds Huck Finn deeply problematic is supposed feel.) It’s not that I think Gopnik should have added some books with minority characters to that short list. It’s just upsetting to be reminded that “white and male” is still seen as some kind of universal solvent—a category that everyone else can be dissolved into.

Damn white males have just written too many good books. After such knowledge, what forgiveness?

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. The solution is to simply ignore these kind of articles and people.

  2. Translation, female journalists really, REALLY hate Beta males. They are also hard, hard left the way most women are.

    After all, if this stuff did not have a market in the largely female audience for "journalism" it wouldn't make the cut.

    Women are characterized by two main attributes wrt journalism: Uber-PC, which is related to their disdain of beta males and the desires of (White) beta males (for thin, attractive, and young White women).

  3. Whiskey is starting to sound like a bad parody of himself. Or perhaps it was always so.

  4. Anti-Cruelty Society2/7/10, 6:52 PM

    I dunno. My main complaint is that Hollywood has too many pretty bimbos who can't act and too many talented actresses who are ugly, but MOST OF ALL, too many actresses with neither looks nor talent. Take Kathleen Keener. Just looking at her makes me sick. She was funny in LIVING IN OBLIVION but has sucked in all else. When she smiles, OMG, that nose and that sloping forehead. Eeeecchh. Or, take that broad in LOR Cate Blanchett. I never saw her act worth a damn. Worse, she is ugly mugly as hell. All skin and bones and bleached skin. Yech.
    And, there are good looking Asian women in showbiz but talentless ugly ones usually get top billing. Plain-faced Lucy Liu and ugly mugly dogly Sandra Oh.

    And, even the so-called good looking women are not really good looking but funny faced. Cameron Diaz with her moon face. Juliette Lewis and her white trash looks. At least pretty bimbos got looks and hags like Meryl Streep have some talent. But, why give us women with neither talent nor looks?
    Is it because many casting directors are liberal feminist women who bestow special favors to women as ugly as themselves? I think it all goes back to the idea of Barbra Streisand as an object of romantic interest.
    And then there's the ugly mugliest of them all, Sarah Jessica Parker. Freaking looks like a cross between Annie Lebovitz and Sammy Hagar.

    Dazed and Confused had four stunning women who had both looks and talent. We need them, but where are they?

  5. I was already to hate on that chica, but then she dissed Catcher (which is a totally crap book...just like On the Road is) and said Gatsby left her cold...which of course it did...you're just supposed to like it. Now Huck Finn is a genuinely enjoyable book. Readable as an adventure or comedy or deeper.

  6. "And can I make a retroactive vote for Charlyne Yi? Admittedly, I don’t think she glams up all that often, but the prospect is so delicious."

    Doesn't glam it up that often? After a google image search, we see that she's one of the few females under the age of 25 who manages to look like a dowdy 50-something.

  7. Zoe Saldana had an amazing year, playing pivotal roles in two blockbusters (Star Trek and Avatar.) And she's drop-dead gorgeous. Her omission in favor of some of those overpromoted indie queens was just nuts and discredited the entire list.

    And ScarJo's voice, grating? Husky, yes. Grating, no. Though I'm sure the Japanese dubbed her with someone high-pitched and girly the way they like them.

  8. Well, to bring women journalists back up a notch after that Whiskey drubbing, this Weekly Standard piece (by a woman no less) is pretty darn good.

    It even has a positive writeup of Roissy in DC and quotes Devlin from the Occidental Quarterly(!) at length. Possibly the most gutsy thing ever published in the WS. I might even forgive the guys over there the whole Iraq thingamajong.


  9. A little off-topic, but since this looks like it's going to be the chickification/Hollyweird thread, a few thoughts about the Super Duper Bowl this evening:

    A) Both teams' offensive lines were outstanding, and both quarterbacks had all the time in the world to pass the ball, and

    B) I was surprised by the number [and prominence] of white guys in skilled positions [I know that's a bug-a-boo with some of the regular posters here], but mostly

    C) Good God were we deluged with grotesquely androgenous and outright sodomite characters in the commercials.

    From the two gay guys slapping each other in the Megan Fox Motorola commercial, to that queer guy from Doogie Howser being peddled as some sort of a lady's man, this was a shocking display of the power of the sodomite lobby in molding the facade of the American male.

    And all I could think of while watching it was T99/Whiskey and his endless rants about this stuff.

  10. I covered a similar article on the movie Precious (the article in question also includes the author's rantings about what basically amounts to a white conspiracy):

    The Most Rage-Filled Member of a Privileged Class

  11. Funny, I didn’t realise that Asians were as race-obsessed as blacks, Indians and Jews. I thought that, being successful in Asia and the West, they were more comfortable competing against dwindling whitey.

  12. Hey Whiskey this one is for you and I would really like your take. What happens when the, what are we suppose to call non-white females now?, the whatever ain't white hos' contigent, starts slamming very publicly and very loudly pc white chicks?

    What is the pc white chick to do? Take it like white men have been doing for the last 45 years? (2010 - 1965 = 45 years. Notice how all of the bad things came to a head in 1965 and have been tidal waving since, think about it.) Or fight back? Calling Whiskey...

  13. Sorry, but this woman is right. Gaby Sidibe should be on the cover of Vanity Fair because she did very well for her first time acting and Precious was a good movie. And don't give me crap that she's too fat or too ugly. Hollywood doesn't find any problem putting ugly white women on their magazine covers like Maggie Gyllenhaal or pigfaced Kelly Osbourne. Hollywood is not interested in finding more diverse actresses and they only cast a black female actress if she's already super famous like Beyonce or if they give her a role as the sassy best friend to the white female lead. It's not only rail thin white people who go to the movies, buy magazines, and buy clothing; Hollywood should reflect that in their advertising. The KKK would be very proud of Vanity Fair and Hollywood is nothing but a bunch of white liberal hypocrites who don't really believe in equality.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Is this some kind of a joke?

    I had never heard of her before, but I just googled out of curiosity, and let me tell you: Charlyne Yi is really REALLY ugly - like substantially uglier even than Margaret Cho.

  16. The star of Precious weighs 300 pounds. No woman is going to be drawn to make an impulse purchase of a fashion and lifestyle magazine because there's a 300 pounder on the cover.

    The theme of the shoot was "the future of Hollywood" or some such. Does anyone think the morbidly obese star of Precious is going to have a career in Hollywood, much less be the future of Hollywood?

    The theme the author seems to be shooting for in suggesting her sounds more like "diversity at any cost."

    The solution is to simply ignore these kind of articles and people.

    Offense beats defense. The solution is to get our own outlets where we attack them.

  17. Whiskey is starting to sound like a bad parody of himself. Or perhaps it was always so.

    Yeah, that was a stretch even for Whiskey.

  18. To be fair, lots of people did see Zoe Saldana looking like Zoe Saldana in Star Trek this summer. And she can act.

  19. I had never heard of her before, but I just googled out of curiosity, and let me tell you: Charlyne Yi is really REALLY ugly - like substantially uglier even than Margaret Cho.

    Just did the same. And anon there has hit the nail on the head. Lol!

    Charlyne would shrivel up and die if she were even in the same room as this unknown, nameless Goddess.

    (Anyone remember her form the Mindy Jones thread?)

  20. Also the commercial with all the androgenous guys walking around in their underwear, courtesy of the sodomites at Levi-Strauss.

  21. Harry Baldwin2/7/10, 8:29 PM

    >>It's not only rail thin white people who go to the movies, buy magazines, and buy clothing; Hollywood should reflect that in their advertising.<<

    I was in advertising, went to lots of focus groups, and people will always say that they want to see more people who look like them in advertisements and on magazine covers, not beautiful, slim people all the time. But if you give them what they say they want, they won't buy it. Don't people think that the people who put out VF know what kind of cover is going to sell their magazine? It sure as hell isn't morbidly obese Precious.

  22. @ Whiskey - If it's true that female journos hate beta males, what's with the love for Mike Cera (star of Arrested Development, Superbad & Youth in Revolt)?

    Perhaps the best reply for you would be that he is a closet alpha - he dated Charlene Yi for a documentary about Yi not being able to find love, she finds Cera, falls in love...then Cera dumped her about 3 weeks after the movie came out. Brilliant!

  23. Gaby Sidibe should be on the cover of Vanity Fair because she did very well for her first time acting and Precious was a good movie. And don't give me crap that she's too fat or too ugly.

    Sorry, but she's too fat and too ugly.

  24. Whiskey is starting to sound like a bad parody of himself. Or perhaps it was always so.

    He's always had only one note. Depending on the thread he's playing it on, that note may sound more or less discordant. There are some threads where it fits in perfectly. The trouble is he plays it on every thread.

  25. "Take Kathleen Keener"

    It's Catherine Keener. She's been nominated for two Oscars. She was also funny in Being John Malkovich.

  26. O/T, but apparently the Hasidim don't innoculate their kids against the mumps:

    303 Diagnosed With Mumps In NYC Suburbs
    United States' Largest Outbreak In Years Ransacks Hasidic Jewish Communities In Rockland County
    Feb 6, 2010 8:29 pm US/Eastern

  27. Blacks are 1 in 9 Americans. You would expect a Vanity Fair cover with 9 people on it to, under the most egalitarian assumptions, AVERAGE 1.0 black people. That means sometimes there will be more, sometimes less. This time there were less. Big deal.

    Everone who criticizes the racial composition of that cover should be asked "if it showed only 2 big starlets, would it be racist if both of them happened to be white?" What is the first number N such that a picture is racist if it has N white people and no black people?

  28. I wouldn't mind seeing more Asian actresses. All the Asian girls in my university have definitely given me a bad case of the yellow fever! Certainly better them than the likes of Anne Hathaway.

  29. The top link on the site that story is on is on the question of sex addiction and Tiger Woods. I quote below

    The first question Kafka would ask Woods, he says, is: How often did he have an orgasm? By the accepted definition, seven times a week consistently for six months would signal a problem. (Yes, this seems low, but apparently six months of continual daily masturbation is unusual. And it's only the first question.

    Are men who study "sex addiction" simply hopelessly undersexed? Jesus, if a man around 30 in good shape has unlimited access to attractive women he hasn't slept with before, the over/under of orgasms in a week has to be far over 7.

  30. Yeah, they could've thrown Zoe Saldana on there. I saw her on Letterman and she's quite attractive, although I've only seen her in Avatar so I'm not sure about her talent.

    But that's not the point though. This is just another attack on anything that's "too white" by a racist journalist, and of course it's okay to make condescending comments like "Ivory soap-white." White people are the only group you're allowed to feel there's too many of. Diversity is always a one way street.

    It is funny how Hollywood is filled with liberals yet they've very slow on the diversity front. They talk a good game but really they're full of shit.

  31. saldana is very hot!

  32. Asians are race conscious? No say it isn't so! But they're minorities!

    That Yi chick looks like my mother's friends who are in their sixties and she's what, twenty?

  33. Has any of you all ever had the misfortune to suffer "the View" in a Doctor's office. First of all, the older office ladies always turn it on because they like it. Secondly, that sort of attitude (uber-PC on racial grounds) is par for the course. A lot of it really *IS* the disdain to hatred most White women have for beta type (White) males.

    It is nearly all female driven, look at the ads. It works, but is absolutely repellent to men. Oprah peddles that too as well.
    First Anon -- Of course I'm right. Again, just look at the ads. Even in a male-dominated audience for the Superbowl, gay stuff rules (because women like it). Watch any Home and Garden "Househunters" just to see what women like.
    Second Anon -- My guess is White women will retreat into ever more PC stuff. Not the least of which is hectoring Alpha males to find less attractive women ... attractive. There is the advantage to beat the last few remaining non-Alpha guys into submission for advantage. You can see this process most clearly in uber-female dominated non-Ivy schools where women have been drivers of PC.

    PC, relying on a female-driven idea of social consensus, works as long as it works. Then it does not (i.e. the ability to define outcasts not adhering to PC for advantage collapses because all are inside). In a way, it seems like the Witch Trials. Which ended as soon as the Governor and other officials were accused.

    PC "works" for White women as long as they can supplant men in various areas they want to occupy, I expect like the Witch trials they will try and stop it.

    However complicating things is that the Michelle Obamas will not give it up. Its like a game of "Highlander" where in the end ... there can only be a few.

  34. Stock and bond traders know that profit typically comes from doing the opposite of everyone else, Vanity Faire has recognized it too and dedicates this months magazines issue to it.
    Ignoring the herd mentality American slavishly followed by others is called the 'minority game'. The magazine's editors know American whites are sick of American Mainstream media's ambivalence towards them and are starved for a photo ensemble exposing Caucasian beauty without the jarring dissidence of a Café au lait.

    Perhaps Vanity Faire's should call it their 'White Cover'.

    Could Nina Shen Rastogi grasping embrace of racial politics over flattering obvious beauty be her professional undoing? Her behavior is similar to Whoopie Goldberg's 2002 Academy Awards gaffe when she said even though "Lord of the Rings" was a 3 1/2-hour film, "there still wasn't room for the black Hobbit."

    Whoopie's Hollywood career since then has been relegated to animation voiceovers and forgettable documentaries. White audiences abhor cheap racial shots and simply don't want to see her face anymore.

  35. If non-Whites don't like the covers on Vanity Fair they don't have to buy the magazine.

  36. As a follow-up on women's attitudes, see Sarah Silverman on why Marriage is Gross and more on the View.

    Silverman used to be attractive, but age has not been kind to her, and her schtick: little girl voice saying "shocking" sexual or un-PC stuff (but never about Blacks) got old fast.

    Silverman was noted for pushing Obama on older Jewish voters. Even though he was known to be hostile to Israel where many of their relatives live.

    Proof positive that women are ground zero for PC!

  37. One for Sport2/7/10, 10:31 PM

    "Her behavior is similar to Whoopie Goldberg's 2002 Academy Awards gaffe when she said even though "Lord of the Rings" was a 3 1/2-hour film, "there still wasn't room for the black Hobbit." "

    The Orcs weren't enough?

  38. "Nobody gives credit to acting performances in special effects blockbusters, but it's probably technically harder to act well in a huge movie than in a low budget film where you get to act with other people and do more lines per day on the set"

    Orson Welles once said that all of the great performances that people of his day "noted" were filmed in black & white, because the audiences couldn't focus enough on the performances (actor's facial and posture work, dialogue, and tone) with a color background. It was just too much stimulis for the regular viewer to be able to block it all out and really concentrate on the acting. If Welles was right, how much harder then would it be for the viewer to really focus on the intricate details of fine acting during a special-effects feature?


    Deep down (unless in Dowdian-level denial), most women know that its their looks that draw men to them. Women are very jealous of each other's looks, and hence their intense interest on fashion and make-up. Men can make themselves more attractive through having a lot of money, fame, game, or position, but for women their appearance is unquestionably the trait that puts them into men's "erotic field of view". A woman who has worked on her appearance is going to instinctively resent a natural beauty like the young Alida Valli (remeber "The Third Man" and that brunette you couldn't forget about?),
    .....walking into a room and effortlessly turning every head in that room, both male and female.

    Men think they are competitive, but amongst women the long-knives really come out.

  39. Saldana is attractive, especially considering her dark hue.

    Usually women that dark aren't that attractive.

  40. Charlene Yi is a woman who, despite her ethnicity, would never make the cover of any Chinese glam mag. By Chinese standards, she's ugly -- real ugly.

    As for doublex, I'm surprised Slate still publishes that blog. It's a liability, and can't be making them any money. They actually shut it down and folded it into slate a couple months ago.

    Have feminist bloggers actually been suggesting they put "precious" on the cover of Vanity Fair? That's hilarious.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Everything is political and racial in America today, even the selection of Hollywood starlets on the covers of fashion magazines. Its an important issue!

    Isn't it great? Another blessing of the ageing SDS crowd and our continuing diversity. But wait, it'll only get better in the future.

  43. These women are diverse. 2.5 are from Australia. One of the Australians has Polish ancestry. Kristen Stewart is an American/Australian hybrid. Abbie Cornish is from tiny Lochinvar Australia. Do you know how far this place is from the rest of the world ? How different it is? Several of the girls are from England. These girls are diverse! Some white people just like to show off.

  44. Gaby sidibe is one of the uglies females I've ever had the misfortune of seeing in my life.
    Not just ugly, but gut-wrenchingly, face-flinching hideously ugly, that leaves a taste of disgust in the mouth.
    How the Hell is such a woman supposed to be put on the cover of a magazine devoted to beauty.

  45. Shouldn't someone mention Halle Berry? Just because it's a pleasing thought.

  46. Zoe Saldana?

    She aint all that.

    Lets try an experiment:

    Zoe Saldana


    Nichelle Nichols

    Just to put the lid on it, lets also note that Nichelle was three or four years older than Zoe when each first got the part.

  47. "Hmmhmm, why would Nina Shen think Charlyne Yi should be put on magazine covers?"

    Ms. Shen would have alienated her womyn readers if she'd thrown out the name of an attractive Asian actress.

  48. Here Michael Kinsley laments that there aren't more good-looking white folks on magazine covers:


    You can't please everyone.

  49. "...there still wasn't room for the black Hobbit."

    Um, I think the preferred term is "Afro-Shirean".

    Or maybe "halfling of color".

  50. Cracking up over the foolishness here2/8/10, 6:27 AM

    Not enough beautiful and talented black women... are you crazy?

    The problem I see when beautiful black women are paired photographically with beautiful white women is that the eye is drawn to the black woman and just stays there.

    You're forgetting one major sexual turn-on, and that is the skin. And black women's skin radiates more heat than white womens'.

    White women also age a whole lot faster, so their glory years are really short because their skin gets dried up and wrinkled too early. Crow's feet, anyone?

    Look at Julia Roberts now vs. Angela Bassett. Julia's had so much Botox she looks like a mummy.

    I am a black woman and I have never been without white male suitors. What I see is not that white men aren't attracted to black women, but that they assume that black women only want black men. But if you signal that you're open to interracial dating, the floodgates are open!

    Black women have been loyal to black men, but the numbers aren't in their favor if they want marriage. A lot of socioeconomic problems in the black family come with man-sharing. How can one man realistically support three households?

    But black women are waking up, and you're going to be seeing more and more black women/white men pairings. Because black women want to be married and to enjoy the same degree of economic stability as white women.

    I'm amused to read the fantasies of descendants of failed potato farmers and immigrants who couldn't cut it in their own countries.

    The reason whites set up white affirmative action is because when the playing field is really level, is because blacks will dominate and are stronger. You all know that.

    What black/Asian/Latino reader will do with Vanity Fair is what we've always done. Vote with our dollars.

    I would imagine Vanity Fair is on its last legs like every other magazine out there. And if they don't want black dollars, that's fine. They ain't getting any.

  51. >What is the first number N such that a picture is racist if it has N white people and no black people?<


    In print and television advertising, if you show three people, at least one of them must be non-white.

    Sorry I don't have the cite for this but it's relatively well-known in ad circles. You can do a little easy research and obtain evidence of this yourself, simply by paying close attention to ads for a while.

    >I think it all goes back to the idea of Barbra Streisand as an object of romantic interest. And then there's the ugly mugliest of them all, Sarah Jessica Parker.<

    The people who run Hollywood plainly have tastes different from those of most people. Agendas, too.

  52. >do more lines per day on the set<


  53. Sarah Silverman is just a few more wrinkles in her face away from being an Andrea Dworkin or an Emma Goldman.

    Unless she sees the light [and sees it soon], her middle-aged and twilight years are not going to be pretty [neither literally nor metaphorically speaking].

    I just hope that when the time comes, her ratings will long since have been so low that no one will have to listen to her whine about it.

    I can easily imagine her & her post-menopausal hysteria making Maureen Dowd seem like a cuddly little sex kitten by comparison.

  54. Why are the ugly passed off as beautiful Asian women in America media? Lui, Cho, Yi, Oh... I can't even think of one exception to the rule.

    This is in stark contrast to famous black and hispanic women who are several sigmas more attractive than the norm.

    I always suspected anti-Asian racism at work by insecure white women in the fashion and hollywood industry is part of the explaination.

  55. I submitted some funny shit, but Steve didn't post it. You guys don't know what you're missing.

  56. Alpha and beta are relative terms. if I were in the room, you all would be beta males. Enter Chuck Norris, then I would become a beta.

  57. "it's probably technically harder to act well in a huge movie than in a low budget film "

    See Ewen MacGregor in Star Wars for an example of how good actors can stink with too much special effects.

  58. Huckleberry Finn did not have a minority character? From Wikipedia:

    Twain took aim squarely against racial prejudice, increasing segregation, lynchings, and the generally accepted belief that blacks were sub-human. He "made it clear that Jim was good, deeply loving, human, and anxious for freedom."

    It's like when leftists point to the 3/5 Compromise (which defined black slaves as only 3/5 of a person for the purposes state representation) as proof of America's dehumanization of black people. The Compromise was in fact pushed by the abolitionist North in order to limit the Federal power of the slave South!

    Are the politically correct now so comfortable in their self-righteousness that any amount of stupidity and laziness is allowed?

  59. Whiskey,

    What is so great about "beta males" and bad about "alpha males"? There is no glory in being a beta male and a woman being married to one is worse off than a woman married to an alpha.

    If you mean "cad" for "alpha", yes, I agree cads are inferior, but the cad/dad and alpha/beta dichotomies are not synonymous with each other.

    Exactly what do you mean by alpha and beta?

  60. Silverman was noted for pushing Obama on older Jewish voters. Even though he was known to be hostile to Israel where many of their relatives live.

    Yes, because older Jewish voters would otherwise have been unlikely to vote for a Democrat, because as we all know Jews tend to be very pro-GOP in presidential elections.

  61. What is the first number N such that a picture is racist if it has N white people and no black people?

    There is no such number. What is the number N such that a picture is racist if it has N black people and no white people? None. It depends on context.

    Black people are greatly over-represented in American movies, magazines and television.

  62. Miss Sidibe is, however, the cover girl on this week's Ebony.

  63. Are the politically correct now so comfortable in their self-righteousness that any amount of stupidity and laziness is allowed?

    Yes. Might quibble over the premise implied by the word "now," but yes.

  64. First I detest the use of the monstrously stupid phrase "people of color". It HAD to be invented by the...you know.The Ones who invent words like this. Its such a grotesque vicious white hating concept. All the worlds peoples,all,as the Marx Brothers would say,Gods chillun,are one people, a united people,a people of COLOR! They dance and are sweet and caring and are close to nature and respect women and the Earth and are sensual and loving and free and creative and good! But into this paradise comes an Outsider.The antithesis of a Master Race,a debauched race! People w/o color! Lily white! Ivory soaped people! Look out people of color! What a jackass this Asian girl must be;prob thinks she is some kind of New Age leader of the P of C b/c she dropped math and took up journalism,and rode the AA gravy train,while no doubt boinking the best "alpha" white guys she could. Maybe she has some hostility to white girls b/c of that? And Charlene Yi?? Charlene Yi?!?!? My God! If they did a cover of Hollywoods alpha males,like Clooney,Brad et al,would you expect to see that dude Wally Shawn on the cover?? :) I dont want to see that bizarro anywhere! Those legs! ACK! (As Cathy might say)And if they put Precious on the cover with all those thin pretty privileged perfect white girls...too funny,but I think the people of One V.I.P. Color would be a bit upset.

  65. Non-white women get very envious at the attention that white women get. They then tend to blame "racism', colonialism, the media........

    These same women don't seem to mind when they are in situatiions where they get the most attention and then ignore the isms thrown at them.

  66. "Alpha and beta are relative terms. if I were in the room, you all would be beta males. Enter Chuck Norris, then I would become a beta."

    Then I'd walk in and toss Chuck my keys and tell him not to scratch it...

    "Zoe Saldana?

    She aint all that.

    Lets try an experiment"

    Nichelle all of the way; if you ever get a chance, catch her in Truck Turner

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. You guys love calling women ugly on this site; that's not quite a gentlemanly habit, is it?

  69. From Fred's link I learned that Catherine Keener is Lebanese on her mother's side. That explains the dark looks and rounded cheekbones.

  70. I learned that Catherine Keener is Lebanese on her mother's side

    And on her father's side a Keener, an obscure Canadian tribe of nerds famous for studying and driving up the grade-point-average at colleges.

  71. I am a black woman and I have never been without white male suitors. What I see is not that white men aren't attracted to black women, but that they assume that black women only want black men. But if you signal that you're open to interracial dating, the floodgates are open!


    The reason whites set up white affirmative action is because when the playing field is really level, is because blacks will dominate and are stronger. You all know that.

    (*Then why have AA in the first place?? -- duh.)


    How unusual -- a Black supremacist who doesn't wish to marry among her 'own' People...

    Wow! Whodathunkit?

  72. Re Truck Turner:
    Damn! Nichelle's pimp-hand is strong! Likewise Mary Blige, apparently.


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