September 1, 2010

Lincoln Memorial

I went to "Lincoln Memorial" on Google Maps this evening and changed the address to "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue." But Google then gave me back a message that my edit had to be submitted for approval. Last I checked, they hadn't yet approved moving the Lincoln Memorial. I just don't understand ... I thought Google Maps' policy was to let anybody drag the Lincoln Memorial wherever they felt like.


  1. get over it, dude.

  2. Also notice how many people have "racist" come up as their first or second search recommendation on Google. Quite Soviet.

    It works for "Steve Sailer," "Lew Rockwell," "Ron Paul," "Rand Paul," "Murray Rothbard" etc.

    Of course, it also works for "Martin Peretz."

  3. Steve, that's unlawful. And ...

    Oh wait a minute. It's Google. Nothing is unlawful when it comes to Google.

    After all, they're a private entity. Therefore, no legal norms apply to them (according to their team of blogging anarchists...).

  4. get over it, dude.

    This is one instance when I'd like to hear a longer exposition from the troll.

  5. Sure Steve, it told you to chill. Get fifty or more friends to try the same thing and see if it takes. Also, maybe pick something not in DC because they're probably looking out for crap going on there.

  6. A better experiment would be to move some untwisted landmark, in some other town, I think.

  7. Steve, Steve, Steve, it was an innocent mistake. We know a lefty company like G**gle would never check the maps ahead of time for a half million lefties and their planned rally, so why would they do so for righties?

    It's all about the crowd-sourcing baby! It's the new normal.

  8. it's very bizarre taht the write Steve Sailer is against teacher reform, he see's a racial conspiracy against white people.


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