September 1, 2010

Freddie Mac's new Chief Diversity Officer

Freddie Mac has named Subha V. Barry to the position of chief diversity officer (CDO). In this position, Barry will lead the company's newly formed Office of Diversity and Inclusion, with overall responsibility for the combined functions of Diversity and Inclusion and Supplier Diversity. She will be responsible for developing business strategies focused on the needs of a diverse workforce, working closely with other members of Freddie Mac's senior management team to ensure the company is effectively utilizing diverse talent (both within its employee base and its suppliers), enhance the annual diversity planning process and manage performance against the company's diversity plans.
Barry will also design and launch the new Executive Diversity Council. She will report directly to Chief Executive Officer Charles E. "Ed" Haldeman Jr., with whom she will jointly lead the Executive Diversity Council, and will be a member of Freddie Mac's management committee. In addition, Barry will work with Freddie Mac's business units to ensure the maximization of opportunities in diverse market segments.
"Creating the Office of Diversity and Inclusion and having someone of Subha's talent and experience in this new executive position is a critical step in Freddie Mac's forward progress," said Haldeman. "As a company devoted to creating housing opportunities for individuals and families from all backgrounds and walks of life, it's essential that Freddie Mac – through our employee base and network of suppliers—reflect the many varied communities whom we serve and from which we recruit our employees."
Barry joins Freddie Mac from Merrill Lynch & Company Inc., where she most recently served as managing director, global head of Diversity & Inclusion.

Since Freddie Mac, a "government-sponsored enterprise" has received $61 billion in taxpayer bailouts (as of last count), it has lots of money to create crucial positions like this.

By the way, Subha V. Barry? Is "Subha" one of those oddly-spelled names that African American schoolgirls make up when they're pregnant? Or is Subha V. Barry an Indian immigrant riding the Diversity Gravy Train, which most Americans naively think exists to benefit the descendants of American slaves?

The most interesting segment in Chris Rock's documentary Good Hair is when Chris goes to India because African-American women buy vast amounts of human hair every year from temples in India where women shave their heads (for inexplicable Hindu reasons that Chris, personally, wasn't all that interested in understanding).

So, did Subha Barry buy or inherit her Good Hair?

I think Barack Obama should appoint a commission headed by Adam Clayton Powell IV to get to the bottom of this.

By the way, I noticed on that Ms. Barry gave $1,000 to Barack Obama's campaign in 2008. Obviously, that's because Republicans are racists who hate diversity. What Republicans must do to deal with the changing face of America is prove to people like Subha Barry that they are even more in favor of giving out money and prizes to people like Subha Barry than the Democrats are by giving even more than the Democrats give. It's only logical!


  1. "disparate impact" is a plague on our civilization, on excellence.

    it's really sad.

    western society as a work of art, i fear for it!!

  2. lord!

    save the west!!

    it's unique!!

  3. actually, this article isn't quite so outrageous.

    these aren't diversity hires. they do create good value for the company and they are not doing it at the expense of equally or more qualified whites.

    not bad!

  4. Indian women in the U.S. lately seem to be popping up a lot in the multicult movement. Indian men, though, aren't. I wonder what's going on there.

  5. Steve, I've Blogged on Maxine Waters White Man Tax which is part of the Dodd/Frank bill.

    Bottom line, every one of the 30 regulatory agencies will need an Office of Minority and Women Inclusion, and must demonstrate that they are, well avoiding hiring White men. As well as promoting ... avoiding hiring White men, in the businesses they regulate.

    Since non-White business talent is scarce, this will be a disaster. A nation of finance run by "Wing Chau" ala "the Big Short." [Chau was the clueless diversity-promoted fund manager buying crap subprime mortgage securities and selling CDS on them, sinking his fund and a few institutions that invested in the fund along the way.]

    Yeah there are a few Vikram Pandits, and Mohammed El Arians, but the talent pool of non-White guy financial talent is pretty slim. About what it is for Chinese NBA Players -- there's Yao and then there's no one.

  6. 'But for years, Barry, who came to the United States from India in 1983, remained the only nonwhite adviser at her branch. "It wasn't because they were bigoted," she said of her colleagues. "They just didn't see any reason to change."'

    Deducible from the above, is that if every brokerage firm does not include at least one middle-aged immigrant Indian she-professional, then it is bigoted. You'll remember a similar formula proposed for Yale University, where if less than 21% of enrolments were Jewish, the Ivy average, then horrible, unpardonable anti-Semitism was being practised.

    Unless madam altered - Anglicised - her surname, she may be an Anglo-Indian child, which is possible despite the considerable tawny colour of her complexion, and the rather Hindoostani features of her face and figure.

  7. Yes, she's Indian. She's from southern India - where people are a little darker.

    Indian women have high IQs, lots of education, lots money, drive/ambition, and a fair amount of professional success (law, medicine, banking, business). On top of that, many, like Ms Barry, look black or Latino. So they can make a cushy living by being minority/diversity spokespeople.

    Ironic that the government sets aside all sorts of help for NAMS, but it's Indians that are in a position to capitalize.

  8. Whiskey,

    Harvard grad Jeremy Lin is warming the bench for Golden State after what he did to John Wall:

  9. Chad Buffington9/1/10, 5:18 AM

    Her LinkedIn profile sheds some light on her ethnicity [1]:

    "Audit & Tax Clerk
    V. Sankar Aiyar & Company
    (Accounting industry)
    1978 — 1981 (3 years )
    Conducted audits at leading Indian and multinational corporations.


    Subha Barry’s Education

    Rice University
    MBA, Master , Accounting , 1985

    Bombay University
    BA , Accounting, Mathematics & Economics , 1980"

    Props to anyone who can figure out which caste she belongs to.


  10. Freddie Mac launched us into the Diversity Recession without a Chief Diversity Officer? Outrageous! I am greatly relieved that Dodd-Frank took care of that oversight.

  11. $61 billion

    A small price to pay for diversity, which has infinite value. Apparently.

    ...which most Americans naively think exists to benefit the descendants of American slaves?

    That's so '60s thinking.

  12. Hmm, let's get this straight. Post-1965 3rd world immigration is wonderful and couldn't possibly cause ethnic tensions.
    BUT - the Feds must carefully stick their nose in every nook and cranny of society to make sure these vibrant people get an unearned share of the pie, because expecting them to compete fairly would be "unfair," what with them being so diverse and all.
    Why is this Subha Barry person even in America at all? Does her ethnic group have some legitimate grievance against the U.S. that we don't know about that entitles her to advance her own people at the expense of the descendants of the founders and the pioneers?
    Did the U.S. impose Jim Crow segregation on the Indian subcontinent?

  13. I'll be honest, I thought you were quoting an Onion article at first. "Diverse" and its variants appear eight times in the first paragraph alone, and it reads like a deliberately over-the-top parody.

  14. Jesus, the first paragraph is 3 sentences long and they used the words "diversity" or "diverse" 8 times. These people are zombies.

  15. Johnny B. Goode9/1/10, 7:55 AM

    Is this her?

    Cancer survivor, like you, Steve.

  16. Curvaceous, etc.9/1/10, 11:27 AM

    "Ironic that the government sets aside all sorts of help for NAMS, but it's Indians that are in a position to capitalize."

    I see no irony in that at all. It's axiomatic that the brainy can and often will swindle the dullards of their due.

    The *irony* is that the White self-appointed, ostensibly unselfish and empathetic champions of NAMs are busy advocating for the importation of NAM-predators.

  17. I thought the article was satire written by Steve himself.


  18. OK, so now we have a Chief Diversity Officer (CDO) at Freddie Mac, which was, together with many other banks and financial institutions, crushed under the weight of Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs) in the wake of the housing crisis.

    The irony writes itself...

  19. 15 years ago or so there was a story about a discrimination suit against some high-level science lab. A white male had been promoted over a bunch of diversty candidates, and the decision maker was an asian male. On the stand he goes, "hey, the rest of these people weren't qualified. What am I gonna do?" There's no reason why obviously qualified Indian women like this one shouldn't adopt the same attitude, firing a bunch of diversity hires once they show they can't cut it. But somehow I doubt it. Somehow women don't seem to get offended by the meretricious in the way men do.

  20. "actually, this article isn't quite so outrageous.

    these aren't diversity hires. they do create good value for the company and they are not doing it at the expense of equally or more qualified whites.

    not bad!"

    Dude, can you give me the cell phone number of your dealer. I seriously need a hit of whatever it is you are puffing right now.

  21. "Harvard grad Jeremy Lin is warming the bench for Golden State after what he did to John Wall:"

    Wall's an alpha. Lin's a beta; he has to be, he's Asian.

  22. "ensure the maximization of opportunities in diverse market segments"

    In honest language, "more shit-loan giveaways to browns".

  23. When it comes to this sort of travesty, I have to give Whiskey a break. In South Africa the new black gov. immediately instituted radical AA. The main beneficiaries were an elite black crowd who first of all cleaned out the government coffers and all sorts of slush funds meant to smooth the agricultural sector which suffers from periodic droughts.
    Then they set about dividing up the government companies amongst themselves and now run extended tender scams.
    The other crowd which did well was the Indians, who took over the tax revenue department and also run many dark schemes behind the gov. Mittal steel for instance got its paws on a prime iron ore mine, Sishen, coz you see the prez's corrupt buddy, who financed his 5 wives and 30+ kids is an Indian. And surprisingly the head of the secret service is also Indian. So Mittal had an easy walk. Basically blacks tolerate Indians where brains are required, coz at least they bring along some hue. Whites are just so no-no on account of their skin color and generally blacks don't like white thinking.
    But the main surprise was that white women also got onto the AA-gravy train. And this even though they experienced no discrimination under Apartheid. There was the obligatory babble about the patriarchic society and militarism suppressing women etc. but in fact most women enjoyed staying home and living the easy life with servants and lots of parties. Maybe a few didn't have that dazzling career, but they were a minority.
    Slowly the blacks clued into this scam so now there are cries from the unions that white women should also be discriminated against, like the government openly does against white men. Since white women were supportive of Mandela and all that crap, and routinely bragged about their liberalism, it will be interesting to see the fallout once the gov. truly starts roasting them the way they have been discriminating against white men for 15 years now.

  24. Since non-White business talent is scarce, this will be a disaster. A nation of finance run by "Wing Chau" ala "the Big Short." [Chau was the clueless diversity-promoted fund manager buying crap subprime mortgage securities and selling CDS on them, sinking his fund and a few institutions that invested in the fund along the way.]

    Yeah there are a few Vikram Pandits, and Mohammed El Arians, but the talent pool of non-White guy financial talent is pretty slim. About what it is for Chinese NBA Players -- there's Yao and then there's no one.

    Sounds like you're trying to deflect attention from people like Madoff.

  25. Google is a wonderful thing. From a Washington Post article in 2005, we learn:

    "Since its official launch in 2001, Barry says, her small unit has helped Merrill bring in 3,000 new accounts and $6 billion in assets. In 2002, those accounts earned $5 million for the firm, she said. In 2004, that number jumped tenfold, to $50 million."

    So, in 4 years, this woman who Sailer dismisses as just someone on the diversity gravy train pulls in $50 million in earnings in one year. I'm guessing that's just a little more than the continuously successful Sailer beg-a-thons.

    Not surprisingly, Sailer does not go after the main beneficiaries of affirmative action - suburban white women. If he did that, my guess is he would be spending many nights on the couch. It's easier for Sailer to blab on about blacks, Indians, and Latinos - cause chances are he does not actually know any. But, if he took the same approach to white women, well, that takes guts - a quality Sailer sorely lacks.

    Since Sailer also regards himself as an expert on entertainment trends, why not an extensive essay on how ABC is essentially the Suburban White Woman Network? That does not fall under affirmative action, under Sailer's Rules.

    And there is nothing unique about the name Subha - it is as common as Lucy or Susan. Google is your friend, Steve.

    - KXB

    How's that panhandling drive going?

  26. Since non-White business talent is scarce, this will be a disaster.


    Yeah there are a few Vikram Pandits, and Mohammed El Arians, but the talent pool of non-White guy financial talent is pretty slim. About what it is for Chinese NBA Players -- there's Yao and then there's no one.

    "White" in this context is probably too broad and seems to obfuscate rather than illuminate things. It's not as if finance is dominated by Middle American and or Protestant White male heterosexuals. Rather like Ivy League enrollment statistics where most of the students designated "White" aren't Middle American and or Protestant White male heterosexuals.

  27. "must demonstrate that they are, well avoiding hiring White men. As well as promoting ... avoiding hiring White men, in the businesses they regulate.

    Since non-White business talent is scarce, this will be a disaster."

    The majority of accounting degrees are given to white women. Plenty of these women have the brains to do high level finance work. The work schedule currently demanded of investment bankers and auditors is more demanding then most mothers of young children will tolerate.

  28. ...Indian women have high IQs, lots of education, lots money, drive/ambition, and a fair amount of professional success (law, medicine, banking, business). On top of that, many, like Ms Barry, look black or Latino. So they can make a cushy living by being minority/diversity spokespeople...

    In other words: Lots of education, money, drive/ambition, professional success, but no integrity whatsoever.

    As if we needed even more Goldman-Sachses in this country.

  29. Forbes has joined the diversity cult :

    Steve, since you and Joel Kotkin both live in L.A. you should challenge him to a public debate.

  30. About 5% of the Wall Street financial guys (traders, bankers, asset managers, corporate leaders) are Indian-American. Though, in comparison, maybe 50% of them are Jewish-American (includes Persian, Russian, and American Jewish ethnics).

  31. Chief Discrimination Officer

  32. Merit? We don' need no steenkin' merit!

  33. @Chad, She is a South Indian Brahmin, like Indira Nooyi

    She married a white guy

  34. Southern Cracker9/1/10, 5:23 PM

    My research shows her real name is Subha Viswanathan, related to Saroja and Sundar Viswanathan.

    This is another example of Joe Sobran's definition of diversity - legal discrimination against white men.

  35. "A nation of finance run by "Wing Chau" ala "the Big Short." [Chau was the clueless diversity-promoted fund manager buying crap subprime mortgage securities and selling CDS on them, sinking his fund and a few institutions that invested in the fund along the way.]" -- Whiskey

    I had to Google Wing Chau to find out wtf you were talking about. I skimmed an article on him and couldn't quite figure out why he is represenative of the incompetence that brought down Wall Street. I mean if your going to pin meltdown incompetence on an ethnic group instead of the Chinese why not go with....

    Then I got to the end of the article.

    " They were among the $273 million of such notes that Teva, based in Petah Tikva, Israel, was stuck with when Merrill stopped bidding at auctions for the securities when the market collapsed"

    "The current fair market value of these securities is zero,” Teva said in its complaint, which didn’t mention Neo.

    Okay so he managed to trick the best known bluechip in Israel and possibly send it into insolvency. Is that what pisses you off?

  36. I'll be honest, I thought you were quoting an Onion article at first. "Diverse" and its variants appear eight times in the first paragraph alone, and it reads like a deliberately over-the-top parody.

    Same here.

    America simply can't implode fast enough for my liking. I'm sorry for the millions of good people that is going to hurt but the above insanity, absolute effing insanity, is hurting too many more good people who are not Americans. Die, America, die.

  37. Johnny B. Goode9/1/10, 7:26 PM

    Born in Chennai:

  38. "Diversity and Inclusion and Supplier Diversity"

    I... I... I again lack words.

    I need a strong drink.

  39. Disclaimer: I have a bone in this fight.

    As I take my usual walk outside during lunch hour, I see other firms' IT workers.

    All Indian.


    What can I say, the proponents of H1B visa and shortage of IT workers are right what American in his/her right mind would like to work in the inhumane, oppressive cubicle, making

    US$ 120,000


    Obviously no American citizen in his/her right mind would.

  40. "Anonymous said...

    "Since its official launch in 2001, Barry says, her small unit has helped Merrill bring in 3,000 new accounts and $6 billion in assets. In 2002, those accounts earned $5 million for the firm, she said. In 2004, that number jumped tenfold, to $50 million."

    So the head of a diversity unit self-reports that her unit helped Merril Lynch earn $50 million dollars. She couldn't possibly be exagerating, could she? I mean, if you can't trust an investment banker, who can you trust?

    Interesting how they say how much these assets on account earned for Merril, but they don't say how much they earned for their suckers, er, I mean, clients. That's never really important for Wall Street.

    How can one tell that this newly appointed diversity officer is a hack? Because they were appointed as a diversity officer, a job for which being a hack is the only qualification.

  41. "Not surprisingly, Sailer does not go after the main beneficiaries of affirmative action - suburban white women."

    You are obviously a NAM because they always use this tactic when discussing affirmative action. White suburban women haven't been significant beneficiaries of affirmative action since the 80s- with the exception of Title IX and certain programs for women in the STEM fields. The only reason white women have "benefited" more from affirmative action in the past is because numerically there (were) more white women than NAMs. This doesn't mean they received disproportionate benefits relative to population however.
    When it comes to college admissions white women certainly don't receive special consideration similar to the ones NAMs get. In fact they are probably hurt more by AA than white men in that scenario due to the recent gender imbalances at most non tech-oriented universities.

    But yeah, anyway, please explain how those suburban white women are disproportionately milking the fruits of AA far more than NAMs ever could. Lol....

  42. "with the exception of Title IX and certain programs for women in the STEM fields."

    Those are large exceptions, and believe me I work as a D.O.I contractor, and white women are certainly the biggest recipients of affirmative action.

  43. "About 5% of the Wall Street financial guys (traders, bankers, asset managers, corporate leaders) are Indian-American."

    Is there any support for this? Just from everyday observation and paying attention to names in the Journal I don't at all see this.

  44. "You are obviously a NAM because they always use this tactic when discussing affirmative action."

    Nope - born in NY to Indian immigrants. Went to Bengali classes on Sunday, Boy Scouts on Monday. Stop spending so much time in the hot Southern sun.

    - KXB

  45. Johnny B. Goode9/2/10, 7:22 AM


    "Those are large exceptions, and believe me I work as a D.O.I contractor, and white women are certainly the biggest recipients of affirmative action."

    Are they married?

  46. well, that takes guts - a quality Sailer sorely lacks.

    Hah! Really, lack of guts and Steve Sailor go together like milk and pepsi. Try another ad hominem when you attack the most courageous truth-teller there is.

  47. "Are they married?"

    Yes, I had to deal with a contractor in South Texas the other day who did a Recovery Act construction project on a D.O.I property outside of Houston. It wasn't a particularly technical project, but it took a fair amount of bottom line builder's skill. I spoke to her about how the project was going and she could not answer the most basic questions, saying "you can ask my husband." Turns out she and her husband are "partners." She is probably legally at a 51% share so they get the extra points in bidding for "female-owned business."

    I also know the owner of the largest Hispanic-female owned Engineering firm in America. She barely passed Calculus II with her boyfriend doing her work for her in college.

    Any of you white construction guys who want to make tons of money, marry a Black or Hispanic female who is smart enough to get a contractor's license and also brings another skill to the table (accounting, etc.) you will be knee deep in government projects.

    Now you are thinking "that's so unfair!" Well without going into deeper issues, not really, because there simply aren't that many blacks, hispanics or women who go into the fields so in terms of percentage it is a drop in the bucket.

  48. "Supplier diversity" = kosher style compliance down the production chain

    Eventually the most distant supplier link in the chain must be kosher and maximum control is achieved

  49. She's Tamil Brahmin. high iq oppressor caste until the 1920s or so. now mostly left wing/progressive.

  50. none of the above9/2/10, 9:06 PM

    Hey, it's not fair for Indian women to come here and get the AA benefits intended for native blacks. African and Carribean black immigrants are supposed to do *that*!

    If the goal of AA were really to address the results of discrimination (wealth and education differences resulting from legally-enforced or -tolerated discrimination in the past), this would be unacceptable.

    But AA is a set of government programs. It doesn't have reasons, it has constituencies. And in the grand scheme of things, making more people eligible, and making richer, smarter, better-connected people eligible, is a great way to make the constituency for AA bigger.

  51. "Anonymous said...

    ""You are obviously a NAM because they always use this tactic when discussing affirmative action.""

    Nope - born in NY to Indian immigrants. Went to Bengali classes on Sunday, Boy Scouts on Monday. Stop spending so much time in the hot Southern sun.

    So you are a NAM. You don't seem to realize that the A in NAM stands for asian, which in american parlance really means "oriental". We used to say "oriental", until a bunch of chinese grievance-mongers got snitty about it (it had something to do with Charley Chan movies and Jerry Lewis I think), and - being white americans - we had to call them whatever they wanted to be called. When we say "asian" we don't mean really mean you.

  52. She's Tamil Brahmin. high iq oppressor caste until the 1920s or so. now mostly left wing/progressive.

    Yeah, I am VERY worried that the Brahmin could prove to be the Bolsheviks of the 21st Century.

    We have had pretty good luck so far with the Indian converts to Popery & Christianity, like Bobby Jindal, and Nikki Haley, but I keep seeing the unreconstructed Brahmin pursuing exactly the same economic choke-point rent-seeking nonsense as did the Jews before them.

    Not a good sign.

    PS: Do you think that the Han can shed millenia of selection for Mandarin Eunuch-ism, and become the kinds of people who could embrace classical liberal ideals [to include a healthy respect for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness]?

    A great deal of early 21st Century geopolitics is going to revolve around the conflict between Brahmin nihilism and Mandarin Eunich-istic nihilism.

  53. I really dislike the term "NAM." Asians are on the same side as Blacks and Hispanics -- they are all trying to benefit their own groups at whites' expense. As we see in this article, the emerging Indian and Chinese elites are part of the anti-white extortion coalition.

  54. none of the above9/3/10, 6:07 PM

    Mr Anon:

    I've always assumed the Asian in NAM included Indians and Pakistanis. In the US, they're not a minority group that is visibly underperforming.

  55. Slightly O/T.

    I was looking for pictures of Ms Barry, found this.

    Its the picture, classic culture war!

    Who represents strength, compassion, health, you'll never guess!

    Whiskey might even have something to say...

  56. @Anon, Jindal was a merchant caste and Haley was a Landlord caste
    Brahmins are least likely to convert

    Some other Brahmins in High Finance are Vikram Pandit, Indra Nooyi, Kashkari

    Subha is simply an opportunist
    If not Subha, Obama would have put up some other person

  57. @Anon, Jindal was a merchant caste and Haley was a Landlord caste

    Brahmins are least likely to convert

    That's fascinating.

    Really, really fascinating.

    I wish we could get more of this sort of insight.

    A whole lot more of it.

  58. "none of the above said...

    Mr Anon:

    I've always assumed the Asian in NAM included Indians and Pakistanis. In the US, they're not a minority group that is visibly underperforming."

    You assumed wrong. In Britain, "Asian" means Indian and Pakistani. In the US it does not. While indians certainly are asians, when an american says "asian" it is where they previously (40 years) ago would have said "oriental". We typically just call indians indians. Large scale indian and pakistani immigration is a relatively new thing anyway, and they were only granted protected status in the early 80s (they are classed as asian in government statistics).

    I would agree that indian immigrants are not underperforming. They are also undesirable in large numbers. I don't want a lot of them immigrating here. We already have one overrepresented clannish minority in this country - we don't need anymore. And as for pakistanis and indian muslims, we certainly don't need another clannish minority that is muslim.

    You already have your own countries.

    Stay there.

  59. ATBOTL,
    This is good:

    "anti-white extortion coalition."

    May I use it sometime?

    I say we change from NAMs to AWEC
    (but maybe we need an R word in there somehow, so it's A-WREC, eh? Any ideas?)

  60. @Anon, 80% of Indian converts to Christianity in India are Untouchables and Forest Tribals.

    The higher up the caste - IQ heirarchy, the less likelihood of conversion.

    That said, in India, hardly any Jindals or Jats ( Nimrata Randhawa Haley ) convert.

    Conversion usually happens at much lower levels of caste

  61. In UK, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are NAMs, they perform worse than Afro-Caribbeans, whereas Indians perform better than whites

    Even in USA, there is a stark difference

    From 2008 US Census survey

    College Rate / Median Household Income

    Indian = 70% / $90K
    White = 29% / $55K
    Chinese = 55% / $68K
    Pakistani = 54% / $60K
    Bangladeshi = 49% / $49K

    Pakistanis and Bangladeshis data looks NAM and not Asian

  62. "Unreconstructed" upper caste Hindus have recently been installed as deans at Chicago and Harvard--hardly Bolshevik bastions...

    Hinduism, with it's stratified social imperative and it's emphasis on the family as the central social unit is hardly suited for communism. A breed of family centered dynastic capitalism has emerged in India.

    Buddhism, on the other hand, was eminently suited for it...there was little operative difference between Mao's communes and Zen monasteries.

  63. "anti-white extortion coalition."

    Yeah, I think someone else coined that or something similar.


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