October 1, 2010

The victimism sweepstakes

I don't have cable TV, and, since the exciting switch-over to digital broadcast television last year, I barely have broadcast TV anymore. The channel that comes in best most days is the This Channel, which shows obscure 1970-1980s movies, apparently broadcasting them directly from used VHS (or perhaps BetaMax) cassettes. So, I have no idea who is Rick Sanchez (shown here), but this is a funny story from the New York Times that illustrates a lot about the confusing struggle to be an official victim in 21st Century America.
Rick Sanchez, a daytime anchor at CNN, was fired on Friday, a day after telling a radio interviewer that Jon Stewart was a bigot and that “everybody that runs CNN is a lot like Stewart.”

The latter comment was made shortly after Mr. Stewart’s faith, Judaism, was invoked.

Jon Stewart has a "faith?" Who knew?
CNN said in a statement Friday evening, “Rick Sanchez is no longer with the company. We thank Rick for his years of service and we wish him well.”

Mr. Sanchez’s comments came Thursday during a contentious conversation with the comedian Pete Dominick on satellite radio. By Friday afternoon, a recording of the conversation had circulated widely on the Internet. He had appeared on the radio show as part of a tour to promote his book, “Conventional Idiocy.”

In the conversation, Mr. Sanchez, who is Cuban American, repeatedly suggested that he had experienced subtle forms of racism in his television career.

Oh, wait, sorry, that top picture above is Danny Trejo of Machete. Here's the real Rick Sanchez.

Oops, excuse me, that blue-eyed fair-haired boy above is Jorge Ramos, mega-anchorman for the Spanish-language network Univision.

Here's the real Rick Sanchez!
Rick Sanchez... At first, Mr. Sanchez called Mr. Stewart a “bigot,” but later took the word back, calling the comedian “prejudicial” instead.

Prejudicial “against who?” Mr. Dominick asked.

Mr. Sanchez said, “Against anybody who doesn’t agree to his point of view, which is very much a white liberal establishment point of view.”

One of the co-hosts of the radio show brought up the fact that Mr. Stewart is a Jew, saying to Mr. Sanchez, he is a minority “as much as you are."


I would say that from a technical anthropological point of view, Sanchez deserves not just his own race, but his own subspecies: Homo dentistry cosmetica. You don't dig a set of pearly white choppers like those up out of the Olduvai Gorge everyday!
Mr. Sanchez answered sarcastically, “Yeah. Yeah. Very powerless people.” He let out a high-pitched laugh.

“Everybody that runs CNN is a lot like Stewart,” Mr. Sanchez said. “And a lot of people who run all the other networks are a lot like Stewart. And to imply that somehow they — the people in this country who are Jewish — are an oppressed minority? Yeah.”

Oops. Big Mistake. Ask Gregg Easterbrook.

Sanchez should have spoken of generic white males. You can't get in trouble blaming them.

Sanchez was fired even faster than Easterbrook, thus, conclusively proving Jews are a powerless minority.
Mr. Stewart was far from the only person known to mock Mr. Sanchez, who was once tasered on camera for a segment.

Really? Tasering an anchorman on camera sounds like a great idea. Every anchorman should have to hold his own charity auction with the highest bidder getting to sneak up and taser him in the neck on live TV. This would do wonders for CNN's ratings.


  1. 1/ Steve is sympathizing with a Hispanic immigrant? A Hispanic immigrant who when drunk driving paralyzed an American (according to VDare this happens a lot)?

    I seem to be stuck in this weird bizarro world.

    2/ Sanchez claimed all the cable networks like CNN are run by Jews.

    The only head FoxNews has ever had has been Roger Ailes.

    But then people here seem to not like FoxNews.

    More bizarro-ness.

  2. This Sanchez guy seems to be a bit of a dope but - as the old saying goes - even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

  3. Its seems that the Stewart-like People at CNN were going to replace Sanchez with another Stewart-like person. This explains his dislike of Stewart.

    Poor Sanchez he never got the memo. Jews aren't victims in this country but you're not allowed to say that. Of course, Sanchez thought his Hispanic victim card trumped everything.

    If only Stewart had been a Goy! Then his attack would've been applauded. But then if Stewart was a Goy would the Stewart-like people have put him on the air?

  4. kind of surprised you don't know who this guy is. don't you travel and walk through hotel lobbies, go to lunch occassionally at some place that has televisions, or sometimes go to friend's houses who do have cable television?

    if you're a normal person out and about, you've walked past a television tuned to the news, be it CNN or fox or whatever. you've seen rick sanchez. up until this firing, he was on CNN for a few hours a day.

    i don't mean to be a douche, but seriously. steve never, not once, saw or heard of rick sanchez? steve, the guy who seems to watch plenty of PGA golf on television, is oblivious to one of the regular anchors on CNN?

    i don't have television service either, but if you're a normal human, you can't avoid ESPN, CNN, MTV, foxnews, and so forth. most televisions in public places, or televisions at your friend's houses, are tuned to these channels.

  5. "Jon Stewart has a "faith?" Who knew?"

    Stewart discussed his Jewishness frequently on his show when I used to watch it.

  6. The YouTube segment at the top of the list doesn't seem damning. For one thing his interviewer is basically putting words in his mouth. He does misuse the word "bigot," I think, in relation to Stewart since it usually refers to some kind of racial or ethnic bias. The one serious kind of bigotry (or reverse bigotry) on the left (which doesn't apply to Stewart as far as I know) is to attribute racial motives to those with whom they disagree on tax and welfare issues. Tea Partiers on healthcare reform for instance.

    Anyway, Sanchez should get his job back.

  7. Steve-o, you are a gem. I don't have cable and get RTV, where I occasionally pause on The Rockford Files, Aadam-12 and Emergency--a California now vanishing into history.

    Isn't present-day America so much better? We get to watch Iberian-descended Cubans fight with Iberian-descended Mexicans and Ashkenazi-descended Americans over who gets to be king of the leper colony!

    I bet African-descended Americans are really glad to see these folks elbowing up to the table!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. "don't you travel and walk through hotel lobbies, go to lunch occassionally at some place that has televisions, or sometimes go to friend's houses who do have cable television?"

    As little as possible.

  10. This brings to mind Joe Sobran, the conservative writer who passed away yesterday.
    His impressive career went off the skids after he too touched the third rail of American life.

  11. Si se puede!

  12. Mr. Stewart's faith.

    It's astounding how many people fall for this technique. "Jews don't actually run mass media and Hollywood, people who happen to share a common faith do!

  13. Heh, I was going to link to this if you didn't.

    Hey! It's anony-mouse, here to defend Jews from charges of ethnocentrism by jumping behind the wagons with them for the umpteenth time. Anony, he wasn't fired for immigrating, being "hispanic," drunk driving, or running over whatshisface.

    He does misuse the word "bigot," I think, in relation to Stewart since it usually refers to some kind of racial or ethnic bias.

    Nope, that's a liberal retcon. Bigotry is a my way or the highway attitude, intolerance of "otherness" whether it be defined by ideas, religion, group status, race, ethnicity, etc.

    I.e., liberals are bigots through and through. The term applies far more to mainstream liberals than it does to me, for example, as I have no problems sleeping at night knowing liberals exist - I just want my own 40 acres.

  14. Since we have "Jewish Atheists" how is Jewishness only a "faith"?

    I get so tired of the shell game. They're a region, no they're a race, no they're an ethnic group, no they're all of the above.

    Israel doesn't ask if you believe in God, its all a blood thing. Stewart doesn't strike me the least bit religious but he talks constantly about his Jewishness. Makes me wonder why he changed his name.

  15. 2/ Sanchez claimed all the cable networks like CNN are run by Jews. The only head FoxNews has ever had has been Roger Ailes. But then people here seem to not like FoxNews.

    A few days ago, I was watching the Fox News All-Star Panel, with Bret Baier, and the three panelists were Bill Kristol, Mara Liasson, and Charles Krauthammer.

    If you can explain that coincidence to me, then I'm all ears.

    PS: I assume that you know which "coincidence" I'm talking about. And please don't waste your breath trying to argue that any single one of them even deserves a gig like that in the first place: The probability that three such talentless fatuous twits would all be landing the gig simultaneously - yet independently - is getting down in the territory of smaller-than-planck's-constant immeasurability.

    PPS: This is from the the Jewish news weekly of Northern California: "Over at Fox News there's Geraldo Rivera, the host of "Geraldo at Large." Rivera's late mother was Jewish, and he was raised Jewish and identifies as Jewish. Also Jewish: Alan Colmes, the co-host of "Hannity and Colmes"; anchor Chris Wallace, the son of Mike Wallace and Mike's first wife (also Jewish); and regular contributors Dr. Micahel Baden, Bernard Goldberg, Charles Krauthammer, William Kristol and Mara Liasson."

    Again: If you can tell me when and how and why it became illegal for WASPs to comment on the newsworthy affairs in their own country, or to serve as jurists on the highest court in their own country, or to be anywhere near the seat of money-making in their own country [we haven't had a non-Jew at the Fed in three-and-a-half decades], or to do just about anything else in their own country, then, as above, I'm all ears.

  16. Victim Sanchez, outvictimed by The Biggest Victims.

  17. Proverb:
    The Biggest Victims In The History of The Planet Earth cry out in pain as they strike you.

  18. "That guy is a real piece of work. He is ultra liberal. And he hates white people, even though he's the whitest, conquistador descended Hispanic of all time perhaps. "

    Yes, I am sure Sanchez would grill someone about their "racist" remarks if he had the chance.

    This guy is pro-immigration and amnesty.

  19. Sailer regular10/1/10, 8:44 PM

    Jody, don't be surprised. As a kid I tuned in each season, checking out the new shows. Stopped watching by degrees. The last I watched was the olympics. News from the Internet. Ten thousand movies on hard drives. No football, basketball or golf except the Superbowl with elderly father. I have watched maybe an hour of TV commentators, opinionators in the last 20 years. They are idiots. Why waste time? Read Vdare, Auster, Buchanan, Sailer, Gates of Vienna, Vox Day, Patrick.net, DoctorHousingBubble, Brussels Journal, Ha'aretz, JPost, Mondoweiss, Failed Messiah. Again, why waste time with TV?

  20. Simon Bar Sinister10/1/10, 8:48 PM

    Perhaps, like "Draw Muhammed Day," we should have "Tell the Truth About the Jews Day." They can't fire everyone!

  21. Anony-mouse,
    If by "sympathizing with" you mean "laughing at," then you're correct.

    Of course, Steve's also laughing at the powers-that-be that fired Sanchez.

    Apparently, this pox-on-both-their-houses attitude is too nuanced for Anony-mouse.

    Anti-anti-Semite brigade: you're either with us (and dutifully ignore the irony of our unmentionable power) or you're against us.

    Bizarro World indeed.

  22. I wish MY ethnic group was as "powerless" as Jews.

  23. Maybe Stewart will point out how overpopulated Univision's news division is with Latinos and all will be forgiven.

    All kidding aside, stories like this are why it makes it hard for me to be supportive of CNN, despite the fact that they really do run some good stories and present more content than Fox.

    Time Magazine's Barton Gellman is interviewed by John King on "Whether Militias are a Danger to America".
    Ummmm.............how many people have militia members killed again (remember Tim McVeigh wasn't allowed in a militia because they thought him a nutcase)? I think its zero.

    How many Americans have Muslim fanatics already killed? How many have they already -tried- to kill but were thwarted?

    Who is CNN worried about? Worried about in light of the recent plot to Mubai-commando-style-attack five different European cities (boy hasn't that story been memory-holed)? Its hysterical.

    Sanchez hit on a theme, but he shouldn't have attributed it to Stewart's particular background. The theme is that the Northeastern white establishment, which includes some Jews as a subset therein, is totally antagonistic towards the mores and folkaways of most of the nation.

    Im breathlessly waiting for CNN to do a piece on the recent Illinois phenomenon of gangs of black youths "polar bear hunting" and attacking young and old white men for the fun of it, beating them sensless on the streets, as reported by Lawrence Auster. Thats real violence, but it gets ignored for some reason. I guess all those folks at CNN who have so much in common with each other dont have a worldview wide enough to consider that newsworthy.

  24. But then if Stewart was a Goy would the Stewart-like people have put him on the air?

    Considering that Stewart's predecessor on the Daily Show was Reinhard Heydrich lookalike Craig Kilborn, probably so.

  25. Jon Stewart has a "faith?" Who knew?

    Odd that a Jew would go Scottish for his nom-de-guerre...

  26. Anony-Grouse10/1/10, 9:14 PM

    I don't get Sanchez. Sure PBS, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Washington Post, NY Times are run by Jews, but Fox News is not. It's owned by an outspoken supporter of Israel, but he isn't ethnically Jewish. What is Sanchez complaining about?

  27. Paraphrasing Sobran's famous definition.

    anti-semite anchor: a person who’s fired by Stewart-like people.

  28. I stopped watching CNN when I realized they were down to the likes of Sanchez, who mispronounces words left and right, Amanpour, who hates Israelis and non-libs so badly she cannot begin to disguise her contempt and even try to fake objectivity, Anderson Cooper, whose "teabagging" comment and otherwise incessant giggling made me recall his days as the host of the silly show called "The Mole."

    Sanchez is a goon, an inane, incompetent one at that--shows you what affirmative action gets you.

    Still, out of the mouths of babes and goons sometimes comes a bit of truth.

  29. @anony-mouse: "1/ Steve is sympathizing with a Hispanic immigrant? A Hispanic immigrant who when drunk driving paralyzed an American (according to VDare this happens a lot)?

    I seem to be stuck in this weird bizarro world."

    What a silly line of reasoning. How is Steve "sympathizing" with Sanchez? Steve is pointing out the silliness of the whole "I'm a bigger victim than you" game that everyone is playing. That's not sympathy for Sanchez. IMO Steve is mocking all parties here who are playing the "I'm a victim" game. I suggest that your reading comprehension is faulty: hence your bizarro world confusion.

    "2/ Sanchez claimed all the cable networks like CNN are run by Jews.

    The only head FoxNews has ever had has been Roger Ailes.

    But then people here seem to not like FoxNews.

    More bizarro-ness."

    Not liking Fox News has little to do with what figurehead happens to be "running" it, and more to do with the fact that Fox News pushes the same Zionist line that all of the other networks push, with some phony conservative GOP spin to draw in the right-wing rubes who otherwise wouldn't watch.

  30. The Jews have really gone too far. Inexcusable and blatant abuse of power. It's high time for them to be called out.

  31. By the way, it's Jon Leibowitz. Funny how Jews are so chauvinistic yet know to mask their ethnicity for self-promotion purposes. Crypsis!

  32. ******BREAKING NEWS*******

    Just announced - Joe Sobran's son now taking over the 8:00 news on CNN..... can you believe it?

    My God - Sanchez had literally hundreds of targets and he chose the one that would get him fired.

    Memo to Rick- just shout Beck!!!! or O'Reilly and you'll be canonized.

    Dan in DC

  33. Since we're discussing words he misuses, how about "prejudicial."

  34. Considering that Stewart's predecessor on the Daily Show was Reinhard Heydrich lookalike Craig Kilborn, probably so.

    Craig Kilborn looks nothing like Reinhard Heydrich.

  35. Great news about Sanchez. I'm sorry you never got to see him. He was an aggressive, hysterical affirmative action pinhead that I found fascinating the few times I stumbled onto his reruns in the middle of the night. He seemed sometimes about to burst into tears, and then two minutes later would stare aggressively into the camera assuring his viewers that he was on top of some "breaking story" -- usually three days old -- that he would let us in on after the commercial. His behavior was so singular that I suspected that he relied on more than coffee during his pre-broadcast meal.

    I'm not surprised to hear that he felt strongly about the hell he suffered as a Latino in the news business. However, in a free market without AA -- given his offputting personality, his monumental ignorance and his dimness -- he would have had a hard time living indoors much less being a news anchor. His stupidity is confirmed by his hamfisted hurling of the J card in his bosses' faces. Nobody survives that, not even Latinos.

    Regarding the Jewish thing, a Times commenter said: "It's ironic that Sanchez made a career out of being wrong and got fired for the one thing he got right." Indeed.

  36. Here was CNN’s lineup around the time of the September 11, 2001 attack:

    Wolf Blitzer: Jpost
    Paula Zahn: Shiksa
    Larry King: Ultra-Mensch
    Aaron Brown: Jewish guy now on PBS
    Jeff Greenfield: McGovern speechwriter

  37. What I find most amusing about this whole affair is Jews accusing a Cuban-American of persecution complex. Ahem!

  38. So, in summation: one ostensibly white millionaire with left-of-center political leanings said something mean about another ostensibly white millionaire with left-of-center political leanings?

    Cool story, bro.

  39. Obviously, firing Sanchez constituted illegal racial, religious, and national-origin discrimination. It's a slam dunk -- if there really is such a thing as "law" in this country.

    He was fired for not being Jewish.

  40. i don't mean to be a douche, but seriously. steve never, not once, saw or heard of rick sanchez?

    He's on CNN? How would someone know of him without seeking him out? Men may be familiar with the Today show because their wives turn it on in the morning, but when would anyone be forcibly exposed to CNN?

  41. "Jon Stewart has a "faith?" Who knew?"

    Stewart discussed his Jewishness frequently on his show when I used to watch it.

    As if his Jewishness has anything to do with faith.

  42. Jews have been beating up on Cuban-Americans for a long time. NY Times aided Castro in his rise to power. US media have been favorable to Castro for many yrs. The Cuban-American community has been depicted as all mafia-related goons, druglords, and leeches who'd only robbed Cuba prior to the commie takeover. Though 99% of Cuban refugees were small businessmen, the middle class, and professional class, Hollywood has created this image of Cuban Americans are all a bunch of crooks--Godfather II and Scarface.

    This is ironic since this is how the Nazis smeared Jews in Germany. Though there were some slimy financialist and commie Jews in Germany, most Jews who were dispossessed and oppressed under Hitler were middle class and professional people, and small business owners.
    And Jews have been telling us over and over how wrong it had been for the Nazis to depict all Jews as rich or corrupt slime. But, Jews have just that to the entire Cuban-American community.

    Sanchez is an affirmative action dodo, but I laud him for speaking truth to Jewish power.

  43. I don't get Sanchez. Sure PBS, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Washington Post, NY Times are run by Jews, but Fox News is not. It's owned by an outspoken supporter of Israel, but he isn't ethnically Jewish. What is Sanchez complaining about?

    Murdoch's success story was financed by guys named Oppenheimer and Bronfman. His operation is Jewish to the core.

  44. Steve said:
    I don't have cable TV, and, since the exciting switch-over to digital broadcast television last year, I barely have broadcast TV anymore.

    Wow...you're really trying to help your kids be popular, huh?

  45. I wonder how Spy would have described Sanchez.

    Chiclet-toothed anti-Semite

    Doltish daytime anchor

    Telegenic drunk driver

    Rick "They're all prejudicial against me" Sanchez

  46. @OneSTDV

    Don't you mean you called dibs on this story?

  47. The bit about tasering suggested to me that Steve has approximately zero sympathy for him.

  48. The comments are almost as good as your writing Steve.

  49. Sanchez felt he had La Raza protecting him. He forgot ... he wasn't Black. He just wasn't high up enough on the Racial Caste system.

    He also had a major beef with his boss, over not anchoring like Anderson Cooper, his boss is ... Jewish!

    He also has a major feud with Jon Stewart, who regularly mocks him.

    Thus, Sanchez using La Raza as a club, once again forgetting, he's not ... Black.

    It gets worse, he notes specifically Stewart's middle class upbringing, and says that makes him racist. The interviewer sort of baited him into making the "Jews control the news media" remark. Which is not true. His boss (for the moment) controls CNN. But Fox beats it to hell and gone, and News Corp also owns the Wall Street Journal (Murdoch testified he's using the WSJ to push for open borders in Congress the other day).

    Murdoch Senior is a luke-warm supporter of Israel, his sons despise Israel (being educated in Britain) and are hard-left. As in, Global Warming, Barack Obama as living God, Hard Left. Both have promised to fire Roger Ailes and turn Fox News into MSNBC, only more liberal, the second they get control. Fox News produces about $1 billion yearly operating profit to News Corp., basically covering the debt payments.

  50. Anyway, it's good to see liberals destroy each other like this. Why complain about it?

    I think the point is that when the chips are down, Jews don't really see their supposed "fellow minorities" as anything but useful idiots. Sanchez crossed the line when he spoke the truth.

    Nothing wrong with observing reality in action.

  51. Anonymous said... Odd that a Jew would go Scottish for his nom-de-guerre...

    His given name was John Stuart Leibowitz. He dropped the Leibowitz and altered 'Stuart' to the more surname-version of 'Stewart'.

  52. Jon Stewart sure looks like an oppressed minority! Poor guy.

    "Jon Stewart has a "faith?" Who knew?"

    Judaism is not a faith but an ethnicity. That's why they re not so enthusiastic about proselytizing. It dilutes the blood.

    Svig sez:
    I.e., liberals are bigots through and through. The term applies far more to mainstream liberals than it does to me, for example, as I have no problems sleeping at night knowing liberals exist - I just want my own 40 acres.

    If you are sincere, that's your problem. You only win this war if you are ruthless. Jews are ruthless because they know their demands are ridiculous, and compromise may bring some goyim to notice the ploy.

  53. "Poor Sanchez he never got the memo. Jews aren't victims in this country but you're not allowed to say that. Of course, Sanchez thought his Hispanic victim card trumped everything.

    If only Stewart had been a Goy! Then his attack would've been applauded. But then if Stewart was a Goy would the Stewart-like people have put him on the air?"

    True, Sanchez should have said something about 'Stewart-like' WASPs controlling the media. He'd be back in business in no time on some other 'WASP-controlled' network.

  54. Simon in London10/2/10, 3:44 AM

    I like to think he was fired for criticising his bosses at CNN, rather than for criticising Jon Stewart.

  55. Well, we now know Steve dislikes Jews more than Hispanics. Which, come to think of it, is saying a lot.

  56. Chief Seattle10/2/10, 5:19 AM

    Sanchez doesn't seem like a very sympathetic character. I'd never heard of him before yesterday. And I thought of iSteve and Univision immediately after I saw his picture. If that guy was named Rick Sandell would he even have a career to begin with?

    What's needed here is some sort of code word like "states rights" or "urban kids" so that the Sanchezes of the world can say what they mean to their base without giving the ADL justification to pounce. "Hollywood" is pretty close. "Main Street Media" has strong connotations for liberal toady.

  57. "Hollywood has created this image of Cuban Americans are all a bunch of crooks--Godfather II and Scarface."

    Careful. There's a difference between the original Cubans fleeing Castro and the jailbirds and gays on the Mariel boatlift (which _Scarface_ actually does refer to). My dad, who's Latin American and had a lot of Cuban buddies, explained this to me. The other Cubans despise the 'marielitos' for giving them a bad name.

  58. The Jews deserve a lot of credit and our respect. They've achieved great success here, despite the fact that they faced discrimination in the early and mid 20th century and affirmative action has been used against them from the late 20th century to the present. While it's true that most Jews are leftists, remember most leftists are not Jews. Also the religious Jews are not leftists at all, and they're the future of the Jews.

  59. "Jews are a powerless minority"

    Have any prominent American Jews seriously claimed this lately?

    It sounds like a bit of a strawman to me.

    Anyway, one can ask what would have happened to Sanchez if he had played into some other stereotype.

    For example, what if he had said that there are too many drunken Irishmen working at CNN?

    Or what if he had said that CNN has lots of low inelligence black affirmative action executives?

    Or what if he had said that CNN has too many bitchy, hormonal female execs?

    Or that media outlets should stop hiring slutty female reporters?

  60. Thank God for Steve Sailer. The rules about what is and is not racism are just too confusing. Sanchez was trying to accuse Stewart of racism. Stewart made fun of a Scots-Irish man’s southern accent during the BP disaster, and he regularly makes fun of John Boehner’s skin color. One of the rules is that if one is half-joking, it is not racism. Watch the South Park episode, Jackovasaurus, and tell me that that is not the most insulting depiction of NAMs you have ever seen on television.

  61. Random thoughts on this topic.

    Ironic that Joe Sobran dies the same day that Rick Sanchez is fired, isn't it? One big difference: Sobran was a smart man who got as far as he did on merit, before charges of anti-semetism derailed him; Sanchez is stupid. I mean, when he pointed to the Galapagos Islands on a map and said "there's Hawaii," now, that was funny.

    The people who run CNN are Jewish (I don't know that first-hand, but nobody seems to be disputing it). But, of course, being Jewish didn't prevent Jonathan Klein from getting fired from CNN's top spot this week.

    Jews do about as well, and advance about as far, as you'd expect a group with their average IQ to do. Or at least I guess so. Is there another group with an average IQ that high?

    I've heard Stewart discuss his Jewishness, but never his belief in Jewish doctrine, which I think is what Steve meant by "faith." But if you change your name from Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz to Jon Stewart for the sake of show biz, you should be embarrassed to point out that you're Jewish. I mean. c'mon. He couldn't even keep the Jewish spelling of his middle name?

  62. Dirty Sanchez looks an awful lot like ex-CNBCer Ted David, except David was likable.


  63. '"Since we have "Jewish Atheists" how is Jewishness only a "faith"?

    I get so tired of the shell game. They're a region, no they're a race, no they're an ethnic group, no they're all of the above. "'

    Wow, just like Mooslums. Are they a totalitarian terrorist political movement? Are they a death cult? Are they the religion of peace? Are they the North American Man-Tween Love Association. Lets import enough to see if they can convert Hispanics from free-tacos-in-the-sacristy Catholics to vicious head chopping, honor killing, daughter raping Wahhabi.

  64. Moment Magazine had a cover shouting "JEWS RUN HOLLYWOOD...SO WHAT" waay back in 1996...and they didn't get fired.
    It was a Michael Medved article. He said, "It makes no sense at all to try to deny the reality of Jewish power and prominence in popular culture. Any list of the most influential production executives at each of the major movie studios will produce a heavy majority of recognizably Jewish names."

  65. And I was wondering what on earth that Danny Trejo picture was supposed to mean. I know him from Rob Zombie movies, a mean guy.

  66. Blacks and hispanics underachieve and have low IQs so we dislike them. Jews are only 2% of the U.S. population, but the top people in Hollywood, the media, science, medicine, business, finance, law, and academia are high IQ Jews, so that's a reason to dislike them? I wish instead of millions of hispanics immigrating here, it was millions of Jews. This country would become more prosperous.

  67. Sailer regular said..."Stopped watching by degrees."

    Same here. I get my news off the Internet and use my TV to watch movies.

    More choice, less expense, less irritation.

  68. I fear that some commentators are invoking Joseph Sobran's name to scapegoat the Jews, which is something Sobran never did. If only we had heeded these wise words written prior to the presidency of Bush the Younger:

    "As for acting on any noble or honorable public philosophy, the idea is ludicrous. There is no point in debating principles with such people, any more than with a Mafia don. But our current rulers are the natural residue of a long history. A country that has chosen such “great” leaders as Lincoln, Wilson, and Franklin Roosevelt has pretty well decided that its future Jeffersons will have to find occupations outside politics: a centralized welfare state operating a global empire has closed off Jeffersonian options." (quote can be found here.)

  69. Moment Magazine had a cover shouting "JEWS RUN HOLLYWOOD...SO WHAT" waay back in 1996...and they didn't get fired.

    Moment Magazine is run by and for Jews. They can't very well fire themselves.

    "Moment is an American Jewish magazine. It publishes articles related to Jewish culture, lifestyle, politics, and religion. "

  70. "Jews are a powerless minority"

    Have any prominent American Jews seriously claimed this lately?

    I've noticed that prominent American Jews seriously demand that non-Jews be fired for noticing that Jews are a powerful minority. Which is close enough for government work.

  71. Speaking of victimization:

    Ron Artest (black NBA player) on the unfairness of the labor-market situation for US Basketball players being "quotaed" in European leauges (2 per team) vs. an unlimited number of Europeans playing in the NBA:


    Artest also mentions Chinese professional basketball and their limitations. His complaints sort of mirror the situation US workers find themselves in. A governing body that will allow in any competition it can for them, but they really can't get jobs in other countries due to protectionism. He's noticing that his social set (black American males) is disadvantaged by this arrangement, over a two decades after Sailer probably noticed it, but it is a start.

  72. Ah, all this does it raise the old question...why do so many Jews insist on being liberal, even when the lib minorities hate them?

    Of course, Kristol and Charles K are not libs.

    I love Charles, BTW. His political prognostications are not always spot-on (he said, like most of the others, that Obamacare wouldn't pass), but his commentary is, for the most part, the most succinct, articulate, prescient one can find.

  73. You know, guys, you can pull for white bread in the news business and get lucky with a Tim Russert, but you can always wind up with a Dan Rather too.

    BTW, I love Bernie Goldberg.

  74. "Sanchez hit on a theme, but he shouldn't have attributed it to Stewart's particular background. The theme is that the Northeastern white establishment, which includes some Jews as a subset therein, is totally antagonistic towards the mores and folkaways of most of the nation."

    You hit the nail on the head. This is the Great Divide.

  75. Sanchez is an idiot. I used to wonder who he slept with to get the CNN evening job. Not only was his sensationalistic style out of character for CNN, but he came across as dumb - probably not actually below average in IQ, but just average, which is below average for national news anchors. (Don't laugh ... I think their collective IQ probably is > 100.)

    Also, despite spending almost all his life in the USA, he apparently had not absorbed enough understanding of Anglo culture to know that you have to laugh at jokes about yourself and pretend they don't bother you, even if privately you have no sense of humor about yourself.

    I don't think he should have been fired for what he said, but I'm glad he's gone.

    Why waste time? Read Vdare, Auster, Buchanan, Sailer, Gates of Vienna, Vox Day, Patrick.net, DoctorHousingBubble, Brussels Journal, Ha'aretz, JPost, Mondoweiss, Failed Messiah. Again, why waste time with TV?

    1. In order to get exposure to ideas that opinions that do not match your own. If all you do is read people who agree with you, then you will never question your own ideas. That's never a good thing.

    2. In order to understand the society you live in, which is why Steve really needs to get at least basic cable. How one be a social critic while having no exposure to such a big billboard of social mores and trends?

    Steve, maybe you should start a "get Steve cable TV fund" fund-raising drive. If there were a way to donate anonymously, I would contribute!

  76. "i don't mean to be a douche, but seriously. steve never, not once, saw or heard of rick sanchez?"

    I never heard of him either. But anyone who lacks the sense to avoid the third-rail issue of Jewish ownership of the media is destined for a short career regardless.

    Plus, Jon Stewart's show is fun to watch. So there.

  77. "He was fired for not being Jewish."

    Nah, Aaron Brown got the CNN boot.

    I think they had been waiting for Sanchez to self-implode as he had been embarrassing them for a time. They waited, and he did just what they knew he would.

    Serves them right for their AA hiring practices.

  78. "Mr. Stewart's faith."

    It's astounding how many people fall for this technique. "Jews don't actually run mass media and Hollywood, people who happen to share a common faith do!

    But the Christian right is a menacing conspiracy.

  79. Carl Schmitt in a nutshell.

    never heard of Carl Schmitt.

  80. Winston Smith has said all that need be said on this matter -- we can 'move on'.

  81. Hey! I've been Sanchezed!! Steve must be one of those Stewart-like people!! Henceforth, Jews shall be called Stews. (And I believe 'Steve' is a gentilization of Stew.)

  82. A Canticle for Stewart

    An Anonymous said:

    Odd that a Jew would go Scottish for his nom-de-guerre..

    Not really; although there were virtually no jews in Scotland until 1800 --- it was a very poor country until then --- 19th century and Edwardian jewish moneylenders in Britain were well-known for choosing Scottish names, perhaps because of the Scottish calvinist reputation for financial probity and fidelity.

    Cordelia said:

    His given name was John Stuart Leibowitz. He dropped the Leibowitz and altered 'Stuart' to the more surname-version of 'Stewart'.

    The name derives from the Old English official title Steward*: Stewart became the Scots form of the surname, whereas Stuart was the French transliteration of Stewart ( since the French get paralysed at the sight of a W ) and used by the Royal House after Mary returned from France. Stuart is preferable as a surname --- although as James I & VI once joked: there were many people of his name not in the least related to him: amongst whom would count Mr. Jon Stewart.

    Jim O said:

    He couldn't even keep the Jewish spelling of his middle name?

    I'm pretty sure there's no Yiddish for Stigweard, nor could it be easily hebraized** should he retire to Israel...

    * [ "the (Lord High) Steward of Scotland was the first officer of the Scottish King in early times; he had control of the royal household, great administrative powers, and the priviledge of leading the army into battle". ]

    ** http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hebraization_of_surnames

  83. "anony-mouse said...

    But then people here seem to not like FoxNews."

    And only an idiot liberal like you would confuse FoxNews' editorial position for a conservative one.

  84. John Stewart....that's a Scots-Irish name, isn't it? I wonder if his people came from Glasgow? Or perhaps it was Inverness.

  85. That guy Rick Sanchez looks about as latin as Bob Crane.

  86. Moment Magazine had a cover shouting "JEWS RUN HOLLYWOOD...SO WHAT" waay back in 1996...and they didn't get fired. It was a Michael Medved article.

    Here, I put the key words in bold for you.

  87. The Truth Squad10/2/10, 12:04 PM

    "Jews do about as well, and advance about as far, as you'd expect a group with their average IQ to do. Or at least I guess so."

    You guess wrong.

    There are more white gentiles (as a total number) with high IQs than there are Jews with high IQs.

    Jews have found niche markets in Law, Finance, Entertainment, Media, and Academia and are exploiting those markets to the core.

    Don't kid yourself.

  88. helene edwards10/2/10, 1:39 PM

    Never heard of Moment magazine. Just clicked on it. Current issue has piece on author Walter Mosley, who contends Jews aren't white. Maybe that's the key to this whole mystery.

  89. Wow, just like Mooslums. Are they a totalitarian terrorist political movement? Are they a death cult? Are they the religion of peace? Are they the North American Man-Tween Love Association. Lets import enough to see if they can convert Hispanics from free-tacos-in-the-sacristy Catholics to vicious head chopping, honor killing, daughter raping Wahhabi.

    Was this post linked from the Drudge Report or something?

  90. i wonder if danny trejo will be at UFC 121 when cain "brown pride" velasquez fights brock lesnar. seems like the perfect time for a machete appearance!

  91. i don't mean to be a douche, but seriously. steve never, not once, saw or heard of rick sanchez?

    I never heard of this guy either, or ever saw a picture of him before today. Maybe you're the one watching too much of this junk! Why are some people so outraged when you don't watch TV? Does it make the TV watcher feel kind of dopey about the number of hours he/she wastes every day on gawking at that screen?

    but if you're a normal human, you can't avoid ESPN, CNN, MTV, foxnews, and so forth.

    Really? You wanna bet? Well, check me into the abnormal club. Can't avoid!!?

  92. Im breathlessly waiting for CNN to do a piece on the recent Illinois phenomenon of gangs of black youths "polar bear hunting" and attacking young and old white men for the fun of it,...

    See: Windy City Silence: The truth behind the city's youth-crime spree remains unspoken, by Heather Mac Donald

  93. Chris said...

    Mr. Stewart's faith.

    It's astounding how many people fall for this technique. "Jews don't actually run mass media and Hollywood, people who happen to share a common faith do!
    I had to explain to a relative the other day that the Js were no only a religious group but also an ethnic one. As amazing as it sounds, some people take this "just a faith" angle at face value ! It didn't take much convincing at all but he really had not realized that before.

  94. Good stuff Steve! I'd pay serious cash to taser media types. Chris Matthews maybe.

    It's hilarious to hear Stewart be called a bigot. That's the worst thing in the world to guys like him. Recently he was called out as biased against women too. That's what you get for being perfectly liberal John.

    "I would say that from a technical anthropological point of view, Sanchez deserves not just his own race, but his own subspecies: Homo dentistry cosmetica." True dat. The guy's doing something right with his teeth at least.

  95. lol at how many comments stories about jews get

  96. 3 of the 9 members of the Supreme Court are Jewish. 3 of the last 4 Democratic appointees to the Supreme Court have been Jewish.

    13 US senators are Jewish (14 if you count John Kerry).

    Over one-third of the 400 richest Americans are Jewish. Visit just about any upscale American resort town - Vail, Aspen, Sun Valley, Park City - and you can't toss a snowball without hitting a Jew.

    About 30% of the Harvard student body is Jewish (there are more Jews at Harvard than there are non-Jewish whites).

    Of the 30 people to serve in Bill Clinton's cabinet, 7 were Jewish. At one point three of the four most influential cabinet positions - State, Treasury, Justice and Defense - were filled by Jews.

    Vice President Al Gore's eldest daughter and President Bill Clinton's only daughter both married Jews.

    Practically everyone is allowed to vocalize how evil and oppressive white people (i.e., WASPs) are and get away with it, but no one's allowed to say anything about Jews.

    Oppressed minority my ass. If people aren't allowed to say mean things about you and you aren't poorer than average, you're not an oppressed minority.

  97. To heck with the third rail of politics stuff - criticism of Jews is the third rail of EVERYTHING!

  98. Jew may or may not control media, Hollywood or the World League for Sexual Reform but how does it follow from this guy's firing? If Imus got fired for his "nappy headed hoes" remark, does that prove that talk radio is controlled by black females?

    By the way, CNN had no problem employing Pat Buchanan, even though Pat's Jew thing is order of magnitude greater than Sanchez's.

  99. Sanchez is a Cuban who grew up in Miami, a town controlled by Cubans. No way he experienced half the prejudice I did growing up there as a white girl.

    Miami is America's future and it sucks!

  100. "Conatus said...

    Moment Magazine had a cover shouting "JEWS RUN HOLLYWOOD...SO WHAT" waay back in 1996...and they didn't get fired.
    It was a Michael Medved article. He said, "It makes no sense at all to try to deny the reality of Jewish power and prominence in popular culture. Any list of the most influential production executives at each of the major movie studios will produce a heavy majority of recognizably Jewish names.""

    Yeah. Michael Medved can say it. We can't. That's what pisses alot of us off.

  101. Anony-mous - Steve is sympathizing with a Hispanic immigrant? A Hispanic immigrant who when drunk driving paralyzed an American (according to VDare this happens a lot)?

    I seem to be stuck in this weird bizarro world.

    Only got yopurself to blame for that.

    Once you decouple 'hispanic' from 'mestizo' its all sorted out. Glad to have been able to help you with that.

    The only head FoxNews has ever had has been Roger Ailes.

    Because, of course, full and final authority rests with him and no-one else at FoxNews/News International.

    But then people here seem to not like FoxNews.

    And that surprises you why exactly? You've posting here long enough.

  102. Das... wrote, "NYT aided Castro in his rise to power."

    The NYT used to run ads in the subway for its classifieds: Pics of a smiling unknown were captioned "I got my job thru the NYT". So somebody graffitied a poster of Castro with the same legend.

  103. "Sanchez deserves not just his own race, but his own subspecies: Homo dentistry cosmetica. You don't dig a set of pearly white choppers like those up out of the Olduvai Gorge everyday!"

    Ha, every time I go to the dentist he says he assumes I had braces! Nope, I didn't. Same for my husband. We just won the tooth fairy lottery. We both have perfect teeth. It does happen.

  104. Jon Stewart has a "faith?" Who knew?

    Well played, sir. Stewart's ethnicity is Jewish, but his faith is liberalism.

  105. I don't watch TV but I'd heard of him and knew that he was on TV. Though I do get him confused with Rick Santelli.

    1/ Steve is sympathizing with a Hispanic immigrant? A Hispanic immigrant who when drunk driving paralyzed an American (according to VDare this happens a lot)?

    All part of his outreach to white(-er,-ish) hispanics Republican strategizing. Notice how do you don't read so much about "NAMs" here anymore? Sure, Asians have economic interests in common with a lot of whites, but those who know it already vote republican; those who don't will always be resentful and non-white. Prideful hispanics on the other hand can be won over with racial appeals, based on the premise, I take it, that if you just want it bad enough you too can be white.

    The Jews have really gone too far. Inexcusable and blatant abuse of power. It's high time for them to be called out.

    This is silly. It wasn't tha Jews who fired him. You make it sound like a conclave of inner circle ADLers was sitting around a table watching the broadcast, Foxman holding the receiver next to his ear, his finger hovering over the dial button. The second Sanchez slips up Foxman glances around the room and the silent, resolute glare that meets him says it all. "Mort, landmark the sonvabitch!" (inside joke)

  106. A couple of months ago on NPR during a discussion of the Rangle corruption scandal, one of the guests who was defending Rangle made reference to the "Anglo-dominated media" being responsible for making too much of the case. It passed without comment from the host.

  107. i'm hardly upset. i don't have television service myself, and only use my television for watching DVDs. but are some posters here trying to suggest that americans CAN completely avoid any direct contact with television media? unless you live in the woods in wyoming, then you fairly regularly encounter the news stories, topics, and personalities which appear on television media.

    "I just get my news on the internet, Mr. Smart guy Jody." this is the same internet which reports most of the same stories which the television media wants you to know about. except it's even worse because of the efficacy of the internet at instantly delivering little information nuggets.

    for instance, it is virtually impossible for you to not occassionally learn about what's happening with lindsay lohan or britney spears. you can't avoid knowing, because news of their exploits is nearly ubiquitous as little blurbs and one sentence links to further information.

    you might be able to avoid knowing about some of the less prominent talking heads who are on the news media channels. unless something happens to them. then you'll know who they are, like every one in this thread now knows who rick sanchez is (the internet, which you claim insulates you from the rick sanchez's of the world, has now informed you of his existence). but, you won't be able to avoid knowing the major personalities.

  108. go ahead, "internet news only!" people, i heartily implore you to regale me with total baloney about how, simply by not having television service in your house, you completely avoid knowing any of the dumb stories which the television media reports, or how you are unaware of the existence of a single major figure on television.

    "Oh, I don't know the name of a single person on any of those reality shows, heck, I don't even know the names of any of the anchors on any of the news channels!" this is pure bunk, unless you are a survivalist who is living in the woods in montana in anticipation of peak oil/civil war 2/zombie apocalypse/chinese invasion/(fill in the blank with your own scenario). otherwise you can't avoid getting some stupid celebrity news once in a while and you definitely can't avoid eventually learning the identities of a few of the talking heads on television. "I have never even heard of Jersey Shore" is a statement wholly devoid of any factual content. yes, yes you have. you didn't want to, but you have.

    i will tell you that it's hogwash that anybody in this thread has "no idea" who glenn beck or wolf blitzer are. thanks to media saturation you can't avoid knowing they exist. if you don't watch television, you'll learn about them on the internet. if you don't use the internet, somebody at work or at a party or family get together will bring them up. we all also know the names lady gaga, justin bieber, et cetera, despite never specifically trying to find out about them. these are brand new names which surfaced only 2 years ago and yet they are already on our radar. we didn't particularly want them on our radar but we couldn't avoid learning of their existence due to media saturation and the word of mouth news proliferation it generates.

  109. While I don't have access to cable television, I follow the adventures of Snooki and JWoww on WWTDD.com.

  110. "...we haven't had a non-Jew at the Fed in three-and-a-half decades..."

    Volcker is not Jewish.

  111. Obesity and Mortality in 130 years of Major League Baseball
    Drawing on 130 years of data on 15,361 major league baseball players, Dr. Eric Ding observed a steady rise in BMI and increased death risk among the U.S.'s baseball players. Dr. Ding will talk about how he used collaborative databases and internet research to aggregate and analyze large scale longitudinal data from across 130+ years of Major League Baseball. His study was featured in CBS News, ABC News, and USA Today.

  112. Jody might consider ASKING those of us who avoid TV what it's like rather than lecturing us about what it MUST be like.

    Put me down as another person 1) who doesn't watch TV, and 2) who'd never heard of Rick Sanchez.

  113. FWIW, I'd never heard of Sanchez until a few weeks ago, when we finally got around to getting cable TV.

  114. jody - you protest too much. Maybe you're feeling a little uneasy about the celebrity-crap brain slugs you're allowing to feed on your own brain?

    Sorry, I had no freakin' idea who Rick Sanchez was until I read this post. And no, I can honestly say I would not recognize any denizen of "reality shows". It really doesn't take much effort to acquire the mental discipline necessary to deflect the contents of Big Brother's telescreen emissions, and I've walked through dozens of airports and sat in hundreds of offices over the years without acquiring the information you insist I surely must possess. Seriously, is it that difficult to tune out boring, stupid people yacking? It always came naturally to me.

    As for private spaces, I'm old enough and old-fashioned enough that I actively avoid socializing with people so ill-bred as to have a television on when guests are present (unless watching a particular program was the expressed purpose of the social gathering), so that helps.

  115. Steve - I told you once before, get a Roku box. They only cost $60 or so. I presume you have a decent Internet connection. That's all you really need. I would suggest a NetFlix subscription for the family but you can get quite recent movies from Amazon PPV that might help you in movie reviewing. For example there is "Freakonomics". It has been available for some time on Amazon in HD. You reviewed the book - why not the movie? Get someone to pay you.

    Some cheap Blu-ray players also can get NetFlix and Amazon so you can avoid even a Roku box. There is popular movement on to "cut the cable". The only thing holding back most people are news shows and sports. That's changing too. There's a company called Ivi that is trying to do just that - broadcast TV/cable news and sports. They are being sued by Comcast of course but others will also try.

    You won't need cable TV soon (maybe now). Was that just a plea for victimhood status? The new oppressed minority - no cable?


  116. Brilliant post.

  117. Interesting mix of comments. One reason Jews are not an oppressed minority in this country is because they have learned from bitter experience that they must react immediately and forcefully to any slight (in Sanchez's case, maybe a bit of an overreaction). Their intelligence, coupled with a strong work ethic and a fair amount of ethnic (not religous) clannishness, gives them the means to do so. One of the best recent examples of this was the election of Rudy Guliani as New York mayor. David Dinkens, the incumbent and a minority Dem, was a lock for re-election until he allowed blacks to attack Jews in the Crown Heights riots.My Jewish relatives in Manhattan and Queens were afraid to leave their apartments.Result? A Republican is elected, and a bitter lesson for the Dems. They will not make that mistake again.

  118. "This is silly. It wasn't tha Jews who fired him. You make it sound like a conclave of inner circle ADLers was sitting around a table watching the broadcast, Foxman holding the receiver next to his ear, his finger hovering over the dial button. The second Sanchez slips up Foxman glances around the room and the silent, resolute glare that meets him says it all. "Mort, landmark the sonvabitch!" (inside joke)"


    if people were wondering.

    No, but if he'd been going on about Anglos he'd still have his job. Of course if he'd said something about blacks or Hispanics he'd probably have still lost his job. It's more a matter of who the 'protected classes' are.

  119. Blogger Steve Sailer said...

    "While I don't have access to cable television, I follow the adventures of Snooki and JWoww on WWTDD.com"

    Was that a joke, Steven?

  120. Steve Sailer said...

    While I don't have access to cable television, I follow the adventures of Snooki and JWoww on WWTDD.com.

    Steve, that's borderline. What's the missus say about this?

  121. Im breathlessly waiting for CNN to do a piece on the recent Illinois phenomenon of gangs of black youths "polar bear hunting" and attacking young and old white men for the fun of it,...

    See: Windy City Silence: The truth behind the city's youth-crime spree remains unspoken, by Heather Mac Donald

    "Polar bear hunting" (at least under that name) is happening in downstate Champaign, not Chicago.

  122. Careful. There's a difference between the original Cubans fleeing Castro and the jailbirds and gays on the Mariel boatlift (which _Scarface_ actually does refer to). My dad, who's Latin American and had a lot of Cuban buddies, explained this to me. The other Cubans despise the 'marielitos' for giving them a bad name.

    True. I lived in Miami for awhile, and knew some very conservative white Cubans who came over in the initial wave. They would hate to be lumped in with Mestizos from Mexico and the rest of Central America. They definitely relate more to WASPs than they do to Mestizos, regardless of sharing a language.

  123. I know who Glenn Beck and Wolf Blitzer are, but I honestly did not know who Rick Sanchez was before this incident. Watching CNN is a mark of a fool.

    Similarly, I know who Lady Gaga is but don't know who Justin Bieber is, apart from apparently a musical kid who tween girls like. I think.

    I've heard of Usher and 50 Cent (but can't name a single one of their songs) but I have no idea who the other famous rap stars are.
    Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert: not funny, don't watch, don't miss.

    To paraphrase Carl Sandburg, "Some day they'll give a culture and no one will come."

  124. " Mr. Sanchez answered sarcastically, “Yeah. Yeah. Very powerless people.” He let out a high-pitched laugh.

    “Everybody that runs CNN is a lot like Stewart,” Mr. Sanchez said. “And a lot of people who run all the other networks are a lot like Stewart. And to imply that somehow they — the people in this country who are Jewish — are an oppressed minority? Yeah.”"

    He was either very high or had a temporary attack of the stupid.

    When I traveled around the world, from Latin American states to Europe, Western, Balkans, Eastern and everything in between, I was always - once they realized that I was born a European and copious amounts of alcohol was used - I was always asked how long will the Jews lead this whole nation by the nose.

    Racist? Undoubtly.

    But it is a world wide phenomena, this understanding, with every race and people asking this me question - except, of course, the Americans themselves.

    Old joke, which cannot be told anymore, told me by one of my Jewish friends:

    "A Jewish guy to a reporter: You better keep writing in your newspaper that we Jews are weak, downtrodden and powerless, or we will squash you like a bug!".

    Howdy har har.

    Good night kids.

  125. jody said

    >"Oh, I don't know the name of a single person on any of those reality shows, heck, I don't even know the names of any of the anchors on any of the news channels!" this is pure bunk,<

    Jody...I really don't know these things. And I'm not "a survivalist who is living in the woods in montana in anticipation of peak oil/civil war 2/zombie apocalypse/chinese invasion" - as you put it.

    I no watch the idiot box, period. Sometimes friends will have Bill O'Reilly on, so I do know him (and Beck - of whose grotesque performances I have watched only two minutes total). Thus much for TV.

    Unfortunately, through the internet (such as Yahoo!), I glimpse mentions of Bieber, Lohan, and Paris, and am aware of American Idol (but not who's on it, either hosts or hopefuls) and Big Brother and Fear Force. I just NEVER WATCH THEM.

    Right now I am busy reading Schopenhauer's delightful late work "Parerga and Paralipmena." I have friends who have never seen a single "Star Wars" movie and don't know the first thing about them. People like us do exist.

    Turn off the TV, Jody, and go get some fresh air.

  126. Question:

    What is the surest way of identifying the TRUE power behind an organization, a family, a country?


    Figure out which party or parties NO ONE dares to criticize out of sheer terror of the consequences.

    By this standard Obama, for example, isn't truly powerful.

    Only people with nothing to lose can afford to criticize Jews.

  127. "You make it sound like a conclave of inner circle ADLers was sitting around a table watching the broadcast, Foxman holding the receiver next to his ear, his finger hovering over the dial button."

    No, I make it sound like Jewish chauvinism has a hair trigger and asserts itself instantly, with the knowledge that their peers (a large number of whom are Jews) will silently agree. This situation breeds incredible amounts of arrogance (as well as nepotism).

    I don't know what kind of cartoon world you envision, but in my world insecure chauvinists run much of the media and almost all of Hollywood. And you see this reflected in the one group criticism of whom is instantly career ending.

  128. Jody,

    That is an awfully long rant to justify something about yourself to yourself. Relax don't be so angry. People can and do get their information, perceptions, and opinions from different places than you do and that's okay.

    If you choose to watch television news or don't or read about Lindsey Lohan or don't it is up to you.

    If others do not, let it go. You would have been better served taking a short walk in the sunshine than typing that last post.

    Now I'm going to take my own prescription.

    Hope you have a better day (no sarcasm intended)

  129. Steve, maybe you should start a "get Steve cable TV fund" fund-raising drive. If there were a way to donate anonymously, I would contribute!

    They just can't stand it when somebody is out of the dumb, TV-watching loop. I love the excuses about having a greater understand of "social mores and trends." Yes, those are so complicated, aren't they? I find that I don't have to listen to a line of that rap/hip hop garbage, or watch any of the visuals of Lady Gaga, to understand the ramifications of the references that I bump into on both these subjects. There's no need to watch any of this stuff close up, since it's all so vacuous, it's not necessary to apply any degree of brain power.

  130. Why are some people so outraged when you don't watch TV? Does it make the TV watcher feel kind of dopey about the number of hours he/she wastes every day on gawking at that screen?

    Probably. Contempt for TV is a very SWPL value. So when you insult TV, people who watch a lot of it start to doubt their SWPL bona fides. I notice that people start getting antsy when I start referring to television as a psychic open sewer.

    The only time I watch TV is at other people's homes, and I managed to miss Sanchez too.

    Good stuff Steve! I'd pay serious cash to taser media types. Chris Matthews maybe.

    There's definitely a "leg-tingle" joke in there somewhere.

    If Imus got fired for his "nappy headed hoes" remark, does that prove that talk radio is controlled by black females?

    Sanchez' firing doesn't "prove" anything, but it's certainly consistent with Jewish control of the media, as is Imus' firing. Btw, Sanchez didn't say anything about kinky-haired, hook-nosed Jews, or about blacks in the media for that matter. It's one thing to step on a protected group (nappy-headed hoes), and quite another to "speak truth to power." One's supposed to be a liberal taboo, the other, a liberal mandate.

    one of the guests who was defending Rangle made reference to the "Anglo-dominated media" being responsible for making too much of the case. It passed without comment from the host.

    Libs LOOOOOOOOOVE to blame WASPs (or "Anglos") for all sorts of stuff, and anti-Anglo-Saxon conspiracy theories are perfectly acceptable to the media (The Unit had a long-running anti-Anglo-Saxon conspiracy theory subplot involving the Spear of Longinus and such).

    Jody, yeah, I've heard of Jersey Shore and I know it's a "reality show" involving guidos. That's the entire extent of my knowledge. Yeah, I know Lohan's the current bad girl, and has some drug and legal issues. That's the entire extent of my knowledge. I couldn't give you more facts on these things without going looking. Go ahead and guess how many hours of "reality TV" I've watched.

    Are you arguing that Sanchez is as well-known as either?

  131. Lots of defenders of Rick Sanchez here. A few things to remember:

    (1) Sanchez SUCKED at his JOB. he should never have HAD the job, and he should have been fired much earlier. He only had the job BECAUSE liberal Jews running CNN wanted a "Hispanic" - which in his case is a white guy with a Spanish last name. So to repay his benefactors he bashes them - that was a bridge too far, even for an affirmative action moron like Sanchez. If CNN is run by liberal Jews, that's the only reason he was ever hired in the first place. And Stewart's mocking of him was because he's terrible at his job, a job which he never should have had.

    Not only was Rick Sanchez an affirmative action dummy, he's also very anti-white, which makes sense because he's too dumb to realize he is white himself.

  132. I've got a category about Rick w/ things like him lying about the AZ law. If I'd gotten help from mainstream r/w bloggers and the 'partiers we might have been able to prevent others lying about the same law and we might have put pressure on CNN to clean up their act. Needless to say, I didn't get any help from those groups. That's only slightly a whine; I'm mostly pointing out how useless the are.

    And, it's a mistake to tie opposition to AffAction, illegal immig. and the like to fringe libertarian economic policies or pretend that all liberals are the enemy. Opposition to AffAction and illegal immig. is widespread; the Libertarians (big L) have trouble breaking 1% in any race anywhere. Most libertarians/"free market" types are as much the other side as Dem leaders and far-left groups.

  133. "Oh, I don't know the name of a single person on any of those reality shows, heck, I don't even know the names of any of the anchors on any of the news channels!" this is pure bunk, unless you are a survivalist who is living in the woods .... otherwise you can't avoid getting some stupid celebrity news once in a while and you definitely can't avoid eventually learning the identities of a few of the talking heads on television. "I have never even heard of Jersey Shore" is a statement wholly devoid of any factual content.

    You're missing the whole point. Those of us who don't watch TV do, indeed, know most of these references and the names of many personalities, whom we've never watched. Since there is no escaping references to this stuff, there is no need to be ensconced in TV, in order to learn of them. That's the point. One learns of this insipid stuff through osmosis. There is no effort involved.

    And, sure, we've heard about new programs like the one called "Jersey Shore," but there is no temptation to find out more about it. Get it? And what would we gain by watching such stuff? Sooner or later, another reference will come along concerning it, which will be enough information to fill us in on the next bit of gossip. One doesn't have to seek it.

    I have never seen a Survivor show, or that Idol show, or that Dancing show, or any of the dozens of reality shows, and feel no desire to look up the times they come on and divert my attention to them. After all, that's what I would have to do -- actually, stop and pay attention to that stuff.

    I am puzzled, though. Why do you feel there is any need to know any of the names of these news readers, the people you call reporters or anchors? Isn't the news they report the reason they are there? I know of Blitzer because of his prior work in print journalism, otherwise I might never have heard of him. But why should I know him? Why should anyone recognize him? The news that he reports on any given day has already been reported online or soon will be. So, what's the point of focusing on him?

  134. Check out this little segment of Ann Coulter vs. Rick Sanchez. Aside from being entertaining, it shows that Sanchez is not a dummy at all (as some have said here) but a rather formidable snake, with a pro-left agenda. However, Coulter smacked him around pretty well:


  135. Albertosaurus said..."Steve - I told you once before, get a Roku box. They only cost $60 or so. I presume you have a decent Internet connection. That's all you really need. I would suggest a NetFlix subscription for the family but you can get quite recent movies from Amazon PPV that might help you in movie reviewing."

    We have the Roku box. We get Netflix, Amazon, the hilarious PubDub (public domain movies and TV shows), etc. all for about $20 a month. We can get movies on DVD and/or the instant streaming thing allows us to play stuff on our computers and TVs.

    I LOVE it. I am positively wallowing in the pleasure of having great movies at my fingertips 24/7. I don't miss the horrid left-leaning cable programming one bit.

  136. Ah, all this does it raise the old question...why do so many Jews insist on being liberal, even when the lib minorities hate them?

    Many Jews in diaspora would prefer to live among a bunch of different squabbling minority groups than a cohesive and more powerful majority.

    Think of it as the premium on an insurance policy.

  137. "What is the surest way of identifying the TRUE power behind an organization, a family, a country?


    Figure out which party or parties NO ONE dares to criticize out of sheer terror of the consequences."

    Based on my general impressions, I would say that the blacks are the most sacred cow in the United States.

  138. "Vice President Al Gore's eldest daughter and President Bill Clinton's only daughter both married Jews."

    I thought the deal was that the Jewish people were the smart ones. Now you bring up two data points that show otherwise. Back to the drawing board.

    I think there was a TV show about this sort of thing way back. It was a mixed marriage, though I'm not sure it was one of those Jewish/White trash combinations that you wrote of (well, in the your first example, I guess more of a Jew/Daughter-of-a-Future-Mental-Patient one.

  139. "Vice President Al Gore's eldest daughter and President Bill Clinton's only daughter both married Jews."

    Caroline Kennedy too.

    So what happens to all these demi-Jewish children in the future? I assume they just assimilate into the generic white upper class.

  140. A little off-topic, but full of Sailerian magic from Slate about mixing up victims and villians:

    Nation of Anti-Islam
    Is there more Muslim-bashing in the Netherlands than other countries?

    Dutch political leader Geert Wilders goes on trial in Amsterdam next week for allegedly inciting hatred and insulting Muslims. As head of the right-wing Freedom Party, Wilders has called the Quran "fascist," compared it to Mein Kampf, and released a movie featuring Quran verses alongside images of the 9/11 attacks. In 2004, filmmaker Theo van Gogh was murdered after making anti-Muslim remarks, as was the anti-immigrant politician Pim Fortuyn in 2002. Why is there so much anti-Muslim rhetoric in the Netherlands?


  141. To add to what Victoria wrote, just get rid of your TV already! (At least, you don't need the receiver part, just the screen for movies from the player.) It's not as hard as you think.

    True, if you set foot in an airport, you're gonna see CNN for a bit, and they try to make sure you can hear it from everywhere in the terminal. This totally pisses me off, as CNN is the ultimate Government News Network. They think all news comes out of Holy Washington DC.

    However, there are dead spots where you can get away from that s__t, and that's where you'd find me, along with the locations at which some neer-do-well has unplugged the damn thing. (Sometimes you've got to get up on the back of a row of seats to do it and pull either the AC power or the cable, least that's what a friend of mine said).

    Lastly, of course after exiting the web-based email or browsing you're gonna see these headlines of which you speak about the popular morons, or just the stories that go on for weeks even if they don't involve morons. YOU DON'T HAVE TO CLICK THERE! GOT IT?

    Good example: I kept seeing this Lacy Peterson name all over the place some years back. I remember the name from seeing it all the damn time. Do I know what the deal is with Lacy Peterson? Hell, no! I know they wanted me to know, but I refused to find out. That's all it takes to get on your own path of learning.

    TV, OTOH, won't let you take your own path, especially if you let the damn thing blare on all day long. Put a couple of .380 rounds into it, and be done with it.

  142. David Davenport10/3/10, 5:08 PM

    Steve, don't you think it's time you do a piece on Lindsay Lohan, with pix as well as text?

    You could combine highbrow with low: "Lindsay's World als Wille und Vorstellung: She keeps her Thing to Herself."

    That would probably get lots of clicks!

  143. Based on my general impressions, I would say that the blacks are the most sacred cow in the United States.

    You know, I like you sabril, but now you're just sounding desperate. Really, really desperate.

  144. Udolpho,

    No, I make it sound like Jewish chauvinism has a hair trigger and asserts itself instantly, with the knowledge that their peers (a large number of whom are Jews) will silently agree. This situation breeds incredible amounts of arrogance (as well as nepotism).

    I'm not disagreeing. I just don't think that justifies saying "tha Jews went too far this time," because that implies constant coordinated collective action (which you'd otherwise have tolerated hadn't it gone too far this time?), which even you admit isn't actually what's taking place.

    That the majority of Jews silently agrees is beside the point. If they're acting as individuals a Jew who disagrees or even a Jewish organization who disagrees is powerless to stop the Jew who fired Sanchez from doing so.

    Wouldn't kill you to be a little more nuanced would it?

  145. adsfasdfasdf10/3/10, 6:36 PM

    What's truly amazing about this whole incident is that NO ONE--liberal, conservative, white, black, athlete, celebrity, colleague, entertainer, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Asian, or even Hispanic--came to Sanchez's defense or rescue. There is only the MSM dumping on Sanchez and otherwise, total silence.

    And Jon Stewart gloats like a goat. Jewish Moral Supremacism rules!!

    And it's too bad Sanchez ultimately proved to have no cojones. If he had, he would have at least gone down shouting and shooting, with some glory and pride. But ever since CNN fired him, he's been laying low like a victim of Stalin's purges, praying he won't get it worse.

    He really should have gone down like this:


    and like this:


  146. There is no Israel lobby. Jews do not dominate the press. Sanchez's firing does not prove his point.

  147. Anonymous said...

    "...we haven't had a non-Jew at the Fed in three-and-a-half decades..."

    Volcker is not Jewish.

    Some rabidly anti-Semitic site states otherwise.

  148. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sM_7Jucf14Y

  149. Really? 154 comments on this topic? REALLY?

  150. Jews = U.S. media market-dominant minority


  151. "David Dinkens, the incumbent and a minority Dem, was a lock for re-election until he allowed blacks to attack Jews in the Crown Heights riots."

    How exactly did he "allow" that again? I missed that legislation.

    "- Jews are the world's master race, and if they don't want high-IQ overlords, why should I?"

    You do want high-IQ overloards, and you have received exactly what you want by your goosestep parroting of the controlled opposition- opposition theme; namely:

    "Poor, powerless, impotent landless peasant me, is so much better than those other poor, powerless, impotent, landless peasants...ha-ha, losers!"

    "Aside from being entertaining, it shows that Sanchez is not a dummy...However, Coulter smacked him around pretty well"

    I don't know, Sport; that would be pretty good evident that he is a dummy.

  152. Nuance, schmuance. And yes, those peers can do something about it, by piping up and saying, "Whoa let's keep some perspective here, fellas. It's not like guys named 'Levin' are unheard of around these parts."

  153. Most of us are mentally trapped to think Jewish. Actually, it is safe to say that virtually every mainstream publication or or other type of media organ is "nothing more than a screen to present chosen views." The great battle over the last century has been a battle for the mind of the Western peoples, i.e., non-Jewish Euros. The chosen won it by acquiring control over essentially the complete mainstream news, information, education and entertainment media of every type, and using that control to infuse and disseminate their message, agenda and worldview, their way of thinking, or rather the way they want us to think. Since at least the 1960s this campaign has been effectively complete. Since then they have shaped and controlled the minds of all but a seeming few of us in varying degree with almost no opposition or competition from any alternative worldview. So now most of us are mentally trapped in the box the chosen have made for us, which we have lived in all our lives. Only a few have managed to avoid it or escape it, or to even sometimes see outside of it, and so actually "think outside of the (Jewish) box." --Michael Santomauro

  154. "Vice President Al Gore's eldest daughter and President Bill Clinton's only daughter both married Jews."

    "Caroline Kennedy too. So what happens to all these demi-Jewish children in the future? I assume they just assimilate into the generic white upper class."

    My point was more that Jews could hardly be a despised, oppressed minority if the sons and daughters of the rich and famous aren't opposed to marrying them. Have the Clinton's political fortunes suffered as a result of their daughter marrying a Jew? Al Gore's? The Kennedy's?

    Al Gore's daughter was married to Schiff at the same time that Gore was running with an Orthodox Jew on the Democratic presidential ticket. They won a clear majority of the popular vote, even if they lost in the electoral college.

    Sounds like a horribly oppressed minority to me.

  155. "- Jews are the world's master race, and if they don't want high-IQ overlords, why should I?"

    You do want high-IQ overloards, and you have received exactly what you want by your goosestep parroting of the controlled opposition- opposition theme; namely:

    "Poor, powerless, impotent landless peasant me, is so much better than those other poor, powerless, impotent, landless peasants...ha-ha, losers!"

    You should stick to saying nothing, that's much easier to defend. Now you have to show me where I said any of that. Being realistic about IQ does not make one an IQ-fetishist, as I've pointed out like a zillion times here. And I've never relied on IQ arguments about immigration. My central point has always been about race-replacement, not IQ. Also, please proof-read your posts. I'm having trouble understanding WTF you even mean, and as usual, am having to a) guess what you mean, b) re-state your position in a coherent manner c) respond, all of which introduces much greater margins of error.

  156. Wikipedia on Dinkins and Crown Heights:

    "According to the report, Dinkins hesitated to deploy vast numbers of police to stop the rioting because he had been elected as a peacemaker. During the Crown Heights Riots Mayor David Dinkins stood on the stairs of a police temporary headquarters vehicle and addressed the several hundred police officers who were there for roll call. He stated the reason he had not allowed the police to stop the rioters was that "the community needed to be allowed to vent". He stated that he did not want the police to intercede too quickly to avoid escalating the rioter's behavior.[citation needed] However, this strategy proved disastrous. Many Jews criticized Dinkins for this."


  157. I had never heard of Rick Sanchez before. And now it seems I shall never have to again.

  158. Mel Torme said...
    I thought the deal was that the Jewish people were the smart ones. Now you bring up two data points that show otherwise. Back to the drawing board.

    Dershowitz, who cannot be suspected of not being loyal to the Jewish cause, has a goyim wife. It's obvious that the tingle between the legs always overrode the desire to keep the blood pure. I think Chelsea sucks, but then maybe she's hot compared to the Jewish babe market. Hot blond goyim babes have always been in high demand amongst Jews. From what I read Israel had no problem declaring all the blond Russian women who came along with the post USSR Russian Jew Emigration to be Jewish so long as their hotness was sufficient. When I visited Israel with my blond sister, the orthodox were chatting her up wherever we came. They were literally drooling over her. Too bad she's a devout Christian and somewhat puritan, otherwise I may have had a wealthy brother-in-law.

  159. Mel Torme and Victoria are right.
    Modern day TV has nothing to do with public education, its all about public misinformation and dumbing/numbing down the populace so they don't react to the pilfering of public goods taking place right before them. In fact the powers that be would rather inject every citizen with morphine every morning if they could. Btw, that's why the "drug war" is never going to stop. The more junkies around the better for the Elite.

    I've never owned a TV. After watching the crap at my folks' house, due to having to live there as a teenager, I decided to keep my head clean and save some money as a grownup. By picking intelligent niche newspapers and blogs like iSteve, I have been able to educate myself and enjoyed reading zillions of lines of well-written and researched information, without having to garble up the junk on TV. It was a good choice!

  160. "Anton said...

    Really? 154 comments on this topic? REALLY?"

    Yes, but, from your comment, it is obvious that you didn't read the other comments. That's about all I could learn from it, since you have nothing to say.

    You could have (by reading the other comments) seen that there was discussion about the value of TV, the ownership of certain TV networks, the advantages/disadvantages of getting news from internet sites only, the whole seniority thing in the victimization business, and a little bit about good teeth.

    It's not like the majority posts are just "Sanchez is right" vs. "the other guy is right", as you'd see on Yahoo comments. I like the comments on this site more than on almost all others I read regularly. The commenters write very well, and the arguments are interesting, once you wade through the chaff from the Antons and the occasional left-wing paid hack.

    About the only problems with the comments here is they don't all make it to the database or to the page, and it is such a slow process that it is hard to have an argument with someone directly (maybe that's a feature, not a bug!)

    Oh, and too many Anonymous's! People, it's not hard to click the Name/URL thing and put in a handle. OK, I'll reveal a secret to you, since it may help: "Mel Torme" is NOT my real name. There, I said it. I feel so much closure now.

  161. Silver: This is silly. It wasn't tha Jews who fired him. You make it sound like a conclave of inner circle ADLers was sitting around a table watching the broadcast, Foxman holding the receiver next to his ear, his finger hovering over the dial button. The second Sanchez slips up Foxman glances around the room and the silent, resolute glare that meets him says it all. "Mort, landmark the sonvabitch!" (inside joke)

    Silver: I'm not disagreeing. I just don't think that justifies saying "tha Jews went too far this time," because that implies constant coordinated collective action (which you'd otherwise have tolerated hadn't it gone too far this time?), which even you admit isn't actually what's taking place.

    Except that the Journolist revelations indicate that that is EXACTLY how it works.

    Rush Limbaugh had been joking about it for years [from an inductive, or a posteriori point of view] - about how the faxes must go out each morning with the day's talking points - and the Journolist "scandal" [to the extent that anyone was even surprised enough about it to have considered it to have been a "scandal" in the first place] only proved what everyone knew must have been the case all along.

    And you get precisely the same sort of behavior in e.g. the Wye Plantation/JPPPI "scandal" - or what should have been the Wye Plantation/JPPPI "scandal" - covered at iSteve e.g. here and here.

    This stuff is so endemic in our society nowadays that no one even notices it anymore - e.g. how in Hades did we get a Whitehouse Chief-of-Staff, soon to be a Mayor of Chicago [???], who is a dual citizen of another nation?

    Fifty years ago*, people would have been hung [or sent to the gas chamber] for that sort of thing.

    *PS: Actually, it was more like 57 years ago, but in googling the Rosenbergs just now, I came to discover that as recently as 2003, the NYT was still bleating and screeching and hawing about their ostensible innocence.

    I mean - seriously folks - these are the very Bolsheviks who sold our atomic secrets to Joseph Stalin - a man who murdered upwards of 75 million of his own people, and who, in his sponsorship of Mao Tse Tung, was at least indirectly responsible for the murder of another 125 million or so.

    We're talking about monstrousness on an inhuman, ahistorical, almost mythically evil scale.

    And fifty years afterwards, the ****** ***s at the NYT are still trying to excuse it.

  162. "Vice President Al Gore's eldest daughter and President Bill Clinton's only daughter both married Jews."

    Caroline Kennedy too.

    So what happens to all these demi-Jewish children in the future? I assume they just assimilate into the generic white upper class.


    Based on prior experience, no. All those demi-Jewish children will be considered, by Jews and non-Jew alike, to be 100% Jewish. (Just like the "Jews" in question above)

    Genetically speaking this will be very silly, But then, so is the notion that "Jews" were ever a genetically pure group.

  163. Really? 154 comments on this topic? REALLY?

    By "this topic" do you mean Sanchez, the media we watch, or Jews?

  164. "Jews do about as well, and advance about as far, as you'd expect a group with their average IQ to do. Or at least I guess so."

    You guess wrong.

    There are more white gentiles (as a total number) with high IQs than there are Jews with high IQs.

    Jews have found niche markets in Law, Finance, Entertainment, Media, and Academia and are exploiting those markets to the core.

    Don't kid yourself.

    This is straight out of E.O. Wilson. From page 6 of The Superorganism:

    Endowed with the advantages of colonial life, the social insects have managed to displace solitary insects, such as cockroaches, grasshoppers, and beetles, from the most favored nest sites and defensible foraging ranges. In the most general terms, social insects control the center of the land environment, while solitary insects predominate in the margins.

    Like the social insects, Jews use their group cohesion to occupy the most valuable ecological niches within our society.

    This advantage in controlling valuable niches helps to explain the Jewish push for centralization of wealth and power noted by Benjamin Ginsberg in his The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State.

  165. go ahead, "internet news only!" people, i heartily implore you to regale me with total baloney about how, simply by not having television service in your house, you completely avoid knowing any of the dumb stories which the television media reports, or how you are unaware of the existence of a single major figure on television.

    Regarding one of the dumbest stories of all, the 2008 Presidential election:

    I never saw a Obama on TV, or heard him speak (even on the Internet), until after he was elected President. I got everything I needed to know from Steve. How's that?

  166. "Being realistic about IQ does not make one an IQ-fetishist,"

    I didn't say you were an "IQ fetishist" I said that you were "the 40 year old country club busboy who is constantly lauding his intelligence over that of the other busboys.

  167. Jews are only 2% of the U.S. population, but the top people in Hollywood, the media, science, medicine, business, finance, law, and academia are high IQ Jews, so that's a reason to dislike them?

    I don't have the time to write up [and I guarantee you that Komment Kontrol doesn't have the patience to wade through] a 25,000 word dissertation on the phenomenon of rent-seeking & economic/sociological choke points, but, just as a for-instance, a university tenure review committee is a PERFECT example of a choke point that a group of rent-seekers will cluster around.


    Finance - choke point at the Federal Reserve, which has a monopoly on creating money out of thin air.

    Law - choke points at the legislatures, which have a monopoly on creating laws, and at the judiciaries, which have a monopoly on "interpreting" them [and apparently Soros has been VERY ACTIVE here].

    Media - choke points at a finite number of classical broadcast television channels, a finite number of cable television utility monopolies, a finite number of television satellites, etc etc etc [as compared to e.g. radio or the internet, where there are much closer to an infinite number of outlets].

    But, like I say, I don't have time to write a 25,000 word dissertation about this.

    [Although, parenthetically, I should note that, in fairness to the Jews, you also see this sort of choke-point/rent-seeking behavior in non-Jewish semites, like Manuel Moroun and Carlos Slim Helú.]

    Blacks and hispanics underachieve and have low IQs so we dislike them... I wish instead of millions of hispanics immigrating here, it was millions of Jews.

    Kindly allow me to introduce you to the village of Kiryas Joel, New York, with the highest poverty rate in the nation.

    Or New Square, New York, where 75% of the families now receive food stamps, and which sold its soul to Hillary Clinton, in 2000, so that Bubba would pardon its Rabbis.

    Any attempt to implement your proposed immigration policy leaves us searching for the mythical "conservative" Jew, who won't become a Goldman-Sachs puppet, or a JPPPI traitor, but who, at the same time, won't be an Hasidic who arrives here with the intention of scamming the American welfare state.

    I'd say - off the top of my head - that that would amount to maybe 1-in-20 American Jews [who are already here - although I doubt that you could get even 1-in-20 to condemn what Krauthammer is doing with JPPPI and Fox News], and even fewer Russian or Israeli Jews.

  168. "Wikipedia on Dinkins and Crown Heights:"

    Oh, hey Wikipedia, thanks. I edited a couple of pages there myself last week.

  169. It would be useful to recount the experience of Brando, who hung onto his career only by a fawning apology.
    Sanchez is a footnote to this.

  170. Hooker-plagued former Gov. Eliot Spitzer, host of new CNN talk show, should not be advising America
    BY Kenneth Lovett
    Monday, October 4th 2010, 4:00 AM

    ALBANY - When Eliot Spitzer's rehab hits high gear Monday night with his new CNN talk show, most viewers will remember him solely as "Client 9" in a high-end hooker scandal.

    As the disgraced former Luv Gov weighs in on the national and state issues of the day, more should remember what a dismal governor Spitzer was before his dalliance with call girls became public...

    "Spitzer" - now there's a Scots-Irish name for ya'.

  171. I didn't say you were an "IQ fetishist" I said that you were "the 40 year old country club busboy who is constantly lauding his intelligence over that of the other busboys.

    Better, thanks. So what's that got to do with high-IQ overlords, again?

  172. And fifty years afterwards, the ****** ***s at the NYT are still trying to excuse it.

    Reminds me, just the other day I was reading about the push to free Pollard. Lol, now that's chutzpah.

  173. Truth said...
    I didn't say you were an "IQ fetishist" I said that you were "the 40 year old country club busboy who is constantly lauding his intelligence over that of the other busboys.

    and you see yourself as one of the other busboys and don't like it?

  174. "Better, thanks. So what's that got to do with high-IQ overlords, again?"

    That's linear, WhiteBoy thought, my friend. It's all connected.

    "and you see yourself as one of the other busboys and don't like it?"

    No, I see myself as a diner, wondering why I have a dried wine ring on my tablecloth.

  175. "You know, I like you sabril, but now you're just sounding desperate. Really, really desperate."

    Umm, I take it you disagree with me?

    Will you at least agree that for most public figures, stating or implying that blacks are stupid is a quick path to getting fired?

  176. "Better, thanks. So what's that got to do with high-IQ overlords, again?"

    That's linear, WhiteBoy thought, my friend. It's all connected.

    Sounds easy to explain; why haven't you done so?

  177. Truth said...
    No, I see myself as a diner, wondering why I have a dried wine ring on my tablecloth.

    I couldn't imagine serving you..

  178. And fifty years afterwards, the ****** ***s at the NYT are still trying to excuse it.

    Organized Jewry's working on getting Pollard a pardon, too. Now that's chutzpah. Hint to Jews working on freeing Pollard: this is precisely the sort of thing we're talking about; you should be trying to get the government to throw away the key.

  179. "Good stuff Steve! I'd pay serious cash to taser media types. Chris Matthews maybe."

    What's the point? Obama's speeches seem to have a tasering effect on his legs... and HE LIKES IT, HE LIKES IT!

  180. What happened to Oliver Stone is a good case study. The Wall Street Journal reported this past summer that Stone said that “public opinion was focused on the Holocaust because of ‘Jewish domination of the media.’” Stone also said that the Jews “stay on top of every comment, the most powerful lobby in Washington. Israel has f—– up United States foreign policy for years.”

    Like so many others before him, Stone groveled: “In trying to make a broader historical point about the range of atrocities the Germans committed against many people, I made a clumsy association about the Holocaust, for which I am sorry and I regret. Jews obviously do not control media or any other industry.”

    How Jewish is Hollywood? That’s the question Los Angeles Times columnist Joel Stein asked two years ago just before Christmas. In answer, he wrote:

    "When the studio chiefs took out a full-page ad in the Los Angeles Times a few weeks ago to demand that the Screen Actors Guild settle its contract, the open letter was signed by: News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish), Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger (Jewish), Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (surprise, Dutch Jew), Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish), CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves (so Jewish his great uncle was the first prime minister of Israel), MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish) and NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker (mega-Jewish). If either of the Weinstein brothers had signed, this group would have not only the power to shut down all film production but to form a minyan with enough Fiji water on hand to fill a mikvah."

    Needless to say, Stein was not fired for writing this, nor was he rebuked in the least. As we have seen time and again, there is a glaring double standard about alluding to Jewish power in the media. Jews are free to reference it, but woe unto the non-Jew who wades into those shark-infested waters.

    Joe Sobran who died this past week had this to say about Jewish media power:

    “Jewish control of the major media in the media age makes the enforced silence both paradoxical and paralyzing. Survival in public life requires that you know all about it, but never refer to it. A hypocritical etiquette forces us to pretend that the Jews are powerless victims; and if you don’t respect their victimhood, they’ll destroy you. It’s a phenomenal display not of wickedness, really, but of fierce ethnocentrism, a sort of furtive racial superpatriotism.”

    In 1996, reprinted in the May 27th issue of the New York Times, by Ari Shavit, an Israeli columnist describing his feelings on the killings of a hundred civilians in a military skirmish in southern Lebanon. Shavit wrote, “We killed them out of a certain naive hubris. Believing with absolute certitude that now, with the White House, the Senate, and much of the American media in our hands, the lives of others do not count as much as our own.”

    Michael Santomauro

  181. Umm, I take it you disagree with me?

    Will you at least agree that for most public figures, stating or implying that blacks are stupid is a quick path to getting fired?

    Firstly, yes, I do agree and I'm glad that that's the case because that would be a grossly negligent (and dare I say ignorant) blanket statement.

    The point, however, is that blacks and issues related to living in a society filled with so many of them are routinely discussed even by people who'd balk at being called "racists." That's simply not the case with "the Jews." At the very least, most people will implicitly agree that there is something to discuss re blacks, even if actually doing so makes them uncomfortable. In contrast, only "kooks" (supposedly) think there is something to talk about re Jews rather than nothing to talk about (nothing at all, which is how the Foxmans would have it). Some people only dislike racial talk that "goes too far," yet these same people recoil at a mere mention of Jewish influence or activities, no "too far" about it. This isn't healthy.

    Ultimately, sabril, you agree with me that the status quo sucks and the trends suck and either something starts to be done to turn the ship around or it's going end rather badly, so I think it's more important to focus on that than to police opinions about Jews or worry about nitwitted assertions that Jews are "programmed" from their inception to subvert the societies they live in.

  182. CNN has been looking for an excuse to fire Sanchez. I've been seeing a jaw-droppingly stupid quote by him every month or so, his ratings aren't very good. Also,he likes to fight with management.

    When Gloria Vanderbilt's retarded son is your top draw the other talent is pulling such bad ratings they can be replaced with pretty much anyone off the street.

  183. "Sounds easy to explain; why haven't you done so?"

    Well, that Svigor, is where the disagreement arises. From where I sit, everything I write is fairly self-expalnatory. Especially for an audience that claim "National Merit Scholar, Grand Pubam Whooptie-Whoop" or whatever IQ credentials.

    In my humble opinion, if you are having trouble understanding what I have written, it's probably because you have had your intellect ironed by 16 years in a system designed specifically, to make you unable to understand that which is not explicitly laid out. Plato said something once that made my ears ring in high school, and that I stop to ponder from time to time:

    "If you are not capable of understanding the dialectic, are you really alive?"

    Of course this is only my humble opinion, and you may be the one who is "correct."

    "I couldn't imagine serving you."

    So you see yourself as one of the other busboys.

  184. What's the point? Obama's speeches seem to have a tasering effect on his legs... and HE LIKES IT, HE LIKES IT!

    Mmm, it's a start.

    How 'bout, "nah, he already got a dose of Obama's man-taser and all it did was make his leg tingle"?

  185. The consistent position on this matter is that Rick Sanchez should not be fired for mentioning that Jews have an inordinate US media influence beyond their numbers in the US population. The crime of speaking of Jewish power trumps saying the "N word" in public (and now apparently in taped private conversation). For once I would like an outraged Jew to refute these claims with some statistical evidence to the contrary.

    The fact that Sanchez is a sanctimonious liberal blow-hard and an open-borders promoter seeking Hispanic victim status are separate issues. He should keep his job without apology.

  186. "Well, that Svigor, is where the disagreement arises. From where I sit, everything I write is fairly self-expalnatory."

    It's a poor writer who blames his *audience* for not "getting it."

  187. Well since he is not a comedian I doubt Mr. Sanchez could pull it off but it would be really hilarious if he could appear on Jon Stewart like this


    But the kicker is replacing Sanchez with Spitzer.

    "We got to give our cousin's nephew Eliot an opening. He had a little problem up in New York with the law, but he is a good Jewish boy and he needs a job."

    Hate to say it but that is the way it looks.

  188. "It's a poor writer who blames his *audience* for not "getting it."

    Even when HBD and IQ are factored in?

  189. It's a poor writer who blames his *audience* for not "getting it."

    Even that's too kind. He's relying on what he's hinting at being "self-explanatory."

    Me, I can explain things that I find self-explanatory, to those who find them to not be self-explanatory.

  190. "He's relying on what he's hinting at being "self-explanatory."

    Use...the force...Luke.

  191. Fred's comment (from another thread)

    If you want my take on it, in brief:

    1) Nothing Sanchez said in that interview warranted him getting canned.

    2) That interview may have just been a pretext for the network to can him for other reasons (e.g., being lame).

    I don't watch CNN or Jon Stewart, but I did see Jon Stewart's bit about this on the Internet yesterday, and he sort of agreed with both of those two points.

    Wasn't Sanchez' show doing as well or better than the rest of CNN's lineup?

    I find it interesting what didn't keep the guy from being hired (baggage much? On the other hand, given Spitzer's his replacement, maybe baggage is a job requirement), contrasted to what did get him fired.

  192. Even when HBD and IQ are factored in?

    You have a point there. Controlling for race, you're not a poor writer.

  193. That was cute Svigor, every now and then you dial one up (tell the truth, you have been perusing my archives, haven't you).

  194. The story is a re-run, really. Just the faces and names are new. Marlan Brando was the focus of the same thing, but crawled and cried his way out of banishment. Thread the re-runs together for full resonance.


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