May 19, 2011

Conan the Barbarian's Secret Philosophy of Life

All these years, we've been led to believe by the Hollywood publicity machine that Arnold Schwarzenegger espouses some epic philosophy of life, such as: True happiness is "to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women."

It turns out, however, that Arnold's considered judgment actually is (with thanks to a commenter):
Good-looking fades, but good-cooking's forever!

By the way, you gotta say that Arnold's maid appears a lot happier than DSK's maid.


  1. And good-cooking hastens the fading of good-looking. One's gotta give.

  2. I guess Arnold really loves the fat taco with extra sour cream and nacho cheese.

  3. Another news item this week. Von Trier jokes he's a Nazi and gets Canned.

  4. That trade-off assumes you're getting your cooking and your sex from the same person (for the typical man, his wife). But Arnold clearly wasn't restricting himself to his wife for either sex or cooking. So I'm still baffled.

    Does being Arnold count for nothing?

  5. In his youth Arnold banged all the hot girls within his reach. This must have gotten old pretty fast. I can see why in his 50s he was attracted to a plain, simple, kind-hearted woman. I bet this was the first kind-hearted woman he met in his life.

  6. "By the way, you gotta say that Arnold's maid looks a lot happier than DSK's maid."

    Now we know why the elites want to replace black workers with brown ones.


    Looks like Arnold gave himself a raw deal.
    This is really bad for him cuz he's now the butt of jokes. Worse than moral censure(partly fueled by envy)is mocking laughter.

  8. Arnold is now the Running Man.

  9. Maybe this maid is really a robot sent from the future to derail Arnold's career.


  10. From Pumping Iron to Humping Ironing Lady.

  11. I thought of it myself, but Roissy put it on the Intertubes: maybe Arnold was juiced up when he gave the woman his, er, attention.

  12. The answer is stunningly simple: Arnie's a secret chubby-chaser.

  13. it's strange, steve at times seems to suggest that Barack Obama is a "race warrior," someone who has mostly the interest of his own balck folks in mind
    at other times, he's suggesting that Obama doesn't care about anyone or any issue
    he's only aa careerist... a political opportunist.
    i'm going to write Steve and ask him to explain
    i guess its safe to say that Steve is a hater.
    why is Steve a hater is the more intereseting question, does he just hate successful black men?
    he seems to be very critical of the black elite.

  14. Can we all agree that East Asians should officially quarantine white people?

  15. "i guess its safe to say that Steve is a hater."

    Stephen, may I intrest you to indulge in your beverage of choice:

  16. OT

    Syrious problems.

  17. "it's strange, steve at times seems to suggest that Barack Obama is a "race warrior," someone who has mostly the interest of his own balck folks in mind
    at other times, he's suggesting that Obama doesn't care about anyone or any issue
    he's only aa careerist... a political opportunist."

    Not strange at all. He is an Alinskyite. He has a core agenda but he knows he has to shuck it before he gets to chuck it. He will betray 'ideals' for power, but he seeks to eventually realize his 'ideals'.

  18. No, Hacienda, East Asian women in the US would rather quarantine Asian men and marry white men. Perhaps Asian men can team up with black women since they're both so unappreciated. Then all the vibrant colors can bleed into one, as Bono once sang.

    At least Arnold isn't causing trouble for anyone else, unlike the Korean diplomats wreaking havoc on Lee Myung-bak's administration.

  19. "No, Hacienda, ...Lee Myung-bak's administration."

    I didn't say East Asians were perfect.
    I ask again- should East Asians quarantine whites.

  20. You think maybe Kanazawa's next article will be why black women are louder?


    "In the welter of violence now accompanying the regime’s determined efforts to suppress the demonstrations, its achievements should not be forgotten or ignored... it had a good, even excellent one when it came to protecting the pluralism of the religious culture that is one of Syria’s most enduring and attractive qualities."

    Yes, a minority elite ruling over a people, ensuring or enforcing 'diversity', and suppressing the will of the majority(sunnis in this case) is something (the heavily Judeocentric) NYRB would sympathize with.

    Personally, I like the secularism of the Allawi elites, but I don't like an elite minority using ruthless and devious means to suppress the majority.

  22. According to the Oui interview, Ahnold was willing to do any woman who turned him him on 'even if she's 150 lb'.

    Remember when 150 was fat for a chick?

  23. Perhaps Arnold is literally riding the Hispanic demographic wave to revitalize his political aspirations and reach a higher climax - POTUS.

    I would image most Hispanic men and women would be flattered and think more highly of Arnold for his latin passion. He now has an anchor baby in the Hispanic community and it sounds like he's been as supportive as possible while married to Maria.

  24. You think maybe the recent scandals--DSK, Sperminator, etc-- invalidated the theory that all those naked woman paintings in cave walls were done by horny young men? The DIRTY OLD MAN may be the oldest profession.

    There's another reason why all those paintings of naked women and hunting big animals may have been done by older men. In primitive times, stronger/younger men prolly got most of the babes and had most of the fun hunting. They were prolly too busy banging chicks and chucking spears to bother painting about them.

    But if you were an older guy who got fewer chicks, what could you do but turn to cave wall porn? After all, what kind of guys go for porn? Handsome studs who can get all kinds of babes or pimply geeks and old men who aren't as lucky? And I'll bet nearly all of porn lit were written by guys who never got any. Why would anyone getting lot of
    hot action waste time writing or reading about bogus porn lit?

    As for paintings of hunting big game, young guys were prolly having the time of their lives hunting and killing big animals(and reaping all the glory as food-providers). But older guys couldn't hunt as they'd done in their younger days. So, they prolly fondly remembered the days when they were warriors/hunters and mythologized them through art. Young warriors train and fight wars. It is the old warriors who write memoirs. It was not the Young Churchill who wrote all those books.
    Before written language, visual expression on cave wars could have functioned as memoirs of old men remembering the glory days when they were hunters. They may have been past tense expressions than present tense expressions. It's like the young Sam Fuller fought in WWII but the old Sam Fuller made BIG RED ONE.

  25. Has to be said: I can see why in his 50s he was attracted to a plain, simple, kind-hearted woman. I bet this was the first kind-hearted woman he met in his life.


    As I get older, all I want is a nice chick, with a smile on her face, who likes to f***, and who enjoys f***ing me.

    I can't even get it up anymore for SWPL libtarded chicks and their "issues" and their incessant, screeching, hyper-narcissistic whining & b*tching & moaning.

    PS: FWIW, the other day, I noticed the following series of comments at Free Republic:

    dalereed: She’a a real witch!

    Outlaw Woman: Just wondering what you base that remark on?

    dalereed: personal experience at their home over 20 years ago.

    Outlaw Woman: Oh really? Can you elaborate?

    dalereed: Screaming at her 3 and 4 year old kids for no good reason, screaming at Arnie.

    He’s a pussy whipped nothing and she is a controling witch!

    To do it when alone is one thing but to do it in front of strangers is obscene.

  26. Larry Holmes said that Ali would f8ck a snake if you held it down. Arnie is probably similar.

  27. Arnie's bastard will give the Latino vote its charismatic candidate.

  28. This was worse than a tragedy, it wasa market failure. If Arnold wasn't prepared to settle things Robert Blake-style, clearly the smart play for both would have been to pay the baby mama to go far far away (with monthly checks contingent on keeping her trap shut).

    "She was working for Arnold and Maria until about four weeks ago. But all of a sudden, out of nowhere, she was told there was no longer work for her"... But a scorned Baena didn't cower in front of the powerful former governor. The fuming baby mama threatened to go public, forcing Schwarzenegger to 'fess up to his wife... Patty "was furious that the father of her son would callously fire her from a job after decades of loyal service," the friend said.

  29. Patrick Schwarzenegger wants to change his name to Patrick Shriver.

    But his Dad just gave him a "diverse" half-brother, so wouldn't the PC thing be to embrace - even celebrate! - the "diversity", and rename himself Patrick Baena?

    Clearly it's the pinnacle of racism for him to shun his half-brother of color, and instead to run and hide behind the skirts of his whitebread, daughter-of-privilege, silver-spoon-in-her-mouth mother, Maria Shriver.

  30. I never thought Arnold's taste in wife material was all that great. No, I'm being polite. It's f*cking horrid.

    And all his movie roles are grotesque in their own way. One was about a hetero man wanting to become pregnant, right?

    How the f*ck did this man become the governor of California? Are white women that insecure about their femininity?

  31. East Asian men should quarantine white men with Asian women (both groups would be happy). Then they should hook up with the black women (white women will hook up with the black dudes). This new Asian male-black female alliance should then fight Indian-Americans for the Spelling Bee Crown.

  32. When you consider the odds that a politician can keep his pants on...

    And the odds that a famous actor can keep his pants on...

    And the odds that a famous athlete can keep his pants on...

    At some point, the odds that Arnie could keep his pants on were vanishingly small.

    I'm not sure what his shagging of the fat, ugly, 50-year-old housekeeper means. Does it mean he wanted a safe outlet, by shagging someone accessible, with a reason to be in Maria's linen closet? Does it mean his standards were so low that he'd do it with anyone? Does it mean that tail was harder to come by than we can imagine? If you could sleep with a variety of hot women would you waste any energy on Baena?

    Given that the Sperminator's legitimate children are with a Kennedy, is there any, any hope at all that they will be faithful to their future spouses?

    And by the way, those suggesting that Maria married purely for love miss the fact that Arnold is worth a significant fraction of the Kennedy fortune - far, far more than Maria herself probably inherited. There is a fast trove of data suggesting that even the wealthiest and/or most successful of women expect to marry men even richer then they.

  33. "East Asian men should quarantine white men with Asian women (both groups would be happy). Then they should hook up with the black women (white women will hook up with the black dudes)."

    Maybe you're too young to know that this meme is put out here as a joke. And as any joke that is repeated too often, it is not funny.

    And it always makes sense or eventually will make sense to look at the world in demographic terms. EA men and women in a de facto kind of way do quarantine EA men and women with whites ex Asia as a kind of biological conquest. Why? because they like us. So as a standard issue sig 2/3 hetero Korean American, I must honor the profound wishes of my bisexual sigma 6 betters in Korea.
    Got it?

    So my question again is, should EAs quarantine whites (as a favor to whites)?

  34. After all, what kind of guys go for porn? Handsome studs who can get all kinds of babes or pimply geeks and old men who aren't as lucky?

    The answer to your question is yes.

    In fact, young virile dudes who are getting lots are probably *more* into porn. The appetite grows on what it feeds on.

    -osvaldo M.

  35. They don't call that stuff androgens for nuttin'.


    The kid looks a little strange. Is he 'tarded or just doesn't like to have his picture taken? This photo, incidentally, was one link away from google news' main page

  37. I loathe Maria. She used her mothers funeral(!) to make some bird-brained nut job speech about how women are taking over corporate America or some hideous bullshit. Typical feminist crap. She used her FATHERS funeral to run her fat pie-hole about how Daddy always taught his sons to cherish,worship and respect,respect respect women.(Paging Roissy)The speech,supposedly,directed at Arnold. What a good for nothing screeching venomous bitch. I hear Ahnuld made the Family lots of money with his advice.I bet the Kennedys,could they vote,would choose to keep him and lose her.

  38. I bet this was the first kind-hearted woman he met in his life.

    Was I the only one to WTF at this guy and the guy who agreed with him later on? If you're right, might I suggest a change of scenery?

  39. Reply to HAS TO BE SAID:

    How do you even KNOW she is "a kind-hearted woman"? Have you ever even met, seen or spoken to her in your life?

    How do you even KNOW she was the "first kind-hearted woman Arnold ever met"? Do you have a running tally of every woman Arnold has ever met in his 63 years of life?

    It never fails to amaze me how people just make wild assumptions without the least bit of facts, knowledge, sources or information.


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