May 19, 2011

Back to the 1967 borders

All of Washington is in an uproar because the President made a speech today referencing Israel's 1967 borders. Since you come here for my fresh insights into The Crisis in the Middle East, and because there aren't any new Maid Scandals today, allow me to point out that it's often overlooked by the foreign policy community that most people have no idea what they are talking about. 

For example, why can't they come up with a less inherently ambiguous phrase than "Israel's 1967 borders?" The borders changed right in the middle of 1967. If they would use self-explanatory phrases like "pre-1967 borders" (or "1966 borders") versus "post-1967 borders" ("1968 borders"), I could tell what they were talking about without going and reading news articles that include paragraphs that could have been cut and pasted from articles written during the Bush Administration (either one).

A reader has a suggestion: If Israel is supposed to go back to its 1967 borders, can America go back to its 1965 borders? Please?


  1. "The borders changed right in the middle of 1967. "

    It wasn't so much a border as an armistice line. Anyway, for there to be any possibility of peace, the Arabs have to believe that they have no hope of eradicating Jewish Israel. Unfortunately, pre-1967 Israel is rather thin around the middle. I doubt the Arabs would be able to resist the temptation to launch rockets down into Tel Aviv no matter how much their leadership promises it won't happen.

  2. Well, Obama actually said based on the 67 borders with land exchanges. Somehow every Leftist media outlet ignored "based" and the "land exchange" part and celebrated the vulnerable pre-1967 borders that they were hoping for.

  3. Actually, I think Obama is working up to having America go back to its 1492 borders.

  4. You missed the best part. Obama is throwing the Saudis (repulsive but better than the alternative) and the Bahrainis (better than the Iranians) under the bus while hailing "reformer" Assad and throwing Israel predictably under the bus.

    Endorsing the pre-1967 borders is a recipe for endless war even after Israel is annihilated (what Obama wants because he's both a "race man" who hates Jews as the ultimate White guys and a hard leftist). After Israel is gone, the whole region will fight each other and say hello to ... $300 a barrel oil and $18 a gallon gasoline. Which is just what Obama wants.

  5. The right wing outrage about this is ridiculous. And I say this as a relative (to this blog) pro-Israel neo-con. 1967 borders adjusted by negotiated land swaps has been bipartisan US policy forever. Obama said nothing new.

  6. Bring back the Johnson-Reed Act.

  7. BTW, this ought to put the lie to "Jewish power" myths. The President of the US, a Black Man, basically thumbs his nose at Israel and demands it self-destruct. While playing footsie with the Palestinians (who most Americans dislike). Jews voted for Obama by 78%.

    Either Israel is of no real importance to Jews (they could care less if distant cousins and grandparents get killed) in America ... or Jews just don't matter politically, culturally, and economically. To the point where Obama in a tight upcoming election feels free to make a big risk (throw Israel under the bus) for no payoff whatsoever (he gets nothing in return).

    Ask yourself, what does Obama get by throwing Israel under the bus? Cheap gas for re-election? Nope. He got bupkis. Suggesting Jews just don't matter.

  8. That is a pet peeve of mine as well. I used to blame it on the shaky grasp of English nuances among Arafat types but since hearing the tonier public-schoolboy spokesmen do the exact same thing ("right-of-return blahblahblah '67 borders blahblah war crimes blah Security Council resolution blahblah") I've just chalked it up to the lawyerly way of speaking that seems to come naturally to Palestinians (not to say their neighbors).

    If they honestly demanded what I think they want, i.e. pre-1967, borders, it's DOA. Nobody's letting them have the higher-altitude parcels. But peace-process bureaucrats need to eat, too

  9. Fox news reports that Jews made up only 2% of the vote in 2008, so Obama throwing Israel under the bus probably represents the idea that Jews just don't matter in voting.

    Obama is not going to run as a fake-moderate, lean towards the center. He's going all in for the hard left, throwing Israel under the Bus is meant to appease Blacks who suspect he is not Black-enough(tm) and might not show up on election day. If he cannot "hand out money from his stash" and pay mortgages and fill up gas tanks, he can at least stick it to Jews, who as the main bogeyman among Blacks (the Whitest of Whites) provide a reason to turn out in 2012.

  10. "Actually, I think Obama is working up to having America go back to its 1492 borders."

    OK. I laughed so hard I hiccuped.

    I get the impression though Obummer is just the latest in a series of people wanting to dissolve the US seemingly leaving the small white population to fend for itself without guns or the right to be here.

  11. Whiskey, you're awfully interested in this issue.

    I wonder why...

  12. You could be misinterpreting Obama's motives. It could be he mentioned 1967 not to push back against AIPAC's dream of greater Israel. This could be actually a way of firing up his donor base. He's trying to remind Jews of the last time they won a war - 1967.

    "Hey guys, remember the good ole days of kicking ass and taking names, like when you WON A WAR IN 6 DAYS!?!?!? I took out Bin Laden and Iran's next. But I can't do it unless I get reelected, so break out the checkbooks!"

    The last 40 years of having their asses handed to them by various ragtag Arab misfits has been demoralizing to the Jewish diaspora.

  13. For several decades, our government has been waging a battle to take us back to our pre-1848 borders. For once, the government is actually getting accomplished - and rather quickly, I might add.

  14. Whiskey sure is passionate about Israel. He has three of the first ten posts.

  15. The Scotch-Irish are known for their passionate feelings toward Israel.

  16. I'd like to go back to 1985 borders. Things were pretty okay til then.

  17. No Action, Just a Lotta Talk5/19/11, 11:04 PM

    Obama's speech was just a lot of hot air.

    He basically restated what American policy has been on the issue in his own numidious speechifying way. There were no carrots or sticks mentioned and Obama's never lifted a finger on this issue before, so it was basically status quo.

    Why anyone thinks Obama's speech mean anything is beyond me. I'm sure Netanyahu won't be dazzled by our boy wonder.

  18. This is of course Obama saying what his liberal Zionist masters told him to say. If we were to see this as a game of chess, what moves are the LZ's expecting and how many moves can they see ahead?

    1. Obama says 'back to 1967 borders'.

    2. Palestinians will be further divided between those who want the deal and those who oppose it. By opening up this debate, succeed or fail, the Obama administration is working to drive a deeper wedge between 'moderate' Palestinians and 'radical' ones who want to reclaim all of Israel(Hamas and its allies). At any rate, it starts the peace process again, which has been stalled for over 12 yrs.

    3. Publicly, Israel will say NO to Obama but will take advantage of the re-started peace process to try to work something out under the table. Israel will say it won't be possible to return to the 1967 borders exactly but something can be worked out where Israel annexes some West Bank territory while areas of Israel with majority Arab population will be added to Palestinian territory. This way, Israel gains Jewish-occupied lands in West Bank and lets go of Palestinian-majority lands in Israel--a handy way of shedding much of Israel's Arab population. It won't just be a land-swap but a population swap. Jews in the Occupied Territories may welcome being incorporated into Israel, but Arabs in Israel may not want to be incorporated into the Palestinian state. But if Israeli government and Palestinian authorities make such a deal, it may happen whether Arab-Israelis consent or not. And US will just look the other way, just like when Serbians were expelled from Kosovo after the war.

    4. UN is working on a resolution to recognize Palestine as a nation, and Jews are freaked out about this, and trying to remain one step aheads of events--to forestall the UN recognition of Palestine.
    Since Obama made the speech, UN may withhold the resolution in expectation of some kind of negotiations between Israel, Palestinians, and the US. Jews could be buying time.

    5. Obama is taking a risk. If thing work out and a Palestinian state is created which Jews can accept, it will be a major political victory. If not, it's bad for Obama but still a win-win for the Jews. Jews cannot lose here. If a good deal can be worked out, Israel will be more secure than ever and there will be increased peace between Jews and Pallies. If things don't work out, Americans will blame Obama for hurting Jews--even though Obama acted in behest of his liberal Zionist masters.
    Conservatives--for reasons dumb or venal--are already going for Obama's throat, as if he came up with this idea all on his own just to hurt Jews. Such reaction on the part of conservatives is good for the Jews. Jews already feel nervous about American conservatives thinking, "Jews gave us Obama." But with Obama making such a speech, American conservatives are screaming, "We stand with Israel against antisemitic stealth-Muslim Obama". Facebook is now flooded with that crap. Jews used Obama against white Christian conservatives, but if things go badly, Jews will dump all the blame on Obama and plead for support/sympathy from the conservative community which will be dumb, servile, and slavish enough to suckle on Jewish toes.

    Jews did the same with Bush II. They fed his feeble mind with glory of liberating the Middle East. When it failed, all the blame was dumped on Bush while Jews all acted like they'd been duped and betrayed by him.

  19. "Fox news reports that Jews made up only 2% of the vote in 2008, so Obama throwing Israel under the bus probably represents the idea that Jews just don't matter in voting."

    In terms of power, influence, and money, Jews control at least 70% of US electorate. People get their ideas from the media, and media are owned by whom? There are things we can say and can't say, and who controls those? Who controls elite academia, the source of many of the ideas and values that prevail in our society.

    And I heard that 60% of Democratic Party funds and 40% of GOP funds come from Jews. So, Jewish votes matter than Jewish to affect and shape the votes of non-Jews. And Jews have that power, just as a lone shepherd had power over his entire flock of sheep.

  20. How about we just withdraw military aid from all foreign countries, mind our own business and let them sort it all out for themselves. We shouldn't be telling the Israelis what their borders should be. It has absolutely nothing to do with us and to the extent that one could argue that it is merely because we have inserted ourselves into the situation. We need to extract ourselves out of these conflicts, not be more forceful or change the nature of our involvement. Unfortunately, the only republican candidates who would consider pursuing the proper course, Gary Johnson and Ron Paul, are both open borders libertarians. Not a very good trade off.

  21. Whiskey sure is passionate about Israel. He has three of the first ten posts.
    Is Whiskey Jewish?

  22. "The Scotch-Irish are known for their passionate feelings toward Israel."

    I am not so sure about that. I was in Ireland last year and they came across as a bit insensitive. I wouldn't put them in the anti-semite category yet, but they have the potential for it. My wife is Jewish and that's how I notice these things now a days.

  23. Whiskey sez:After Israel is gone, the whole region will fight each other and say hello to ... $300 a barrel oil and $18 a gallon gasoline. Which is just what Obama wants.

    More predictable hyperbole from Whiskey. Obama said nothing like that. Most western countries are not keen on having Israel destroyed coz they end up with sizable Jewish populations again and we know how much fun that was for the goyim.

  24. Israeli is an artificial Western colonial entity. It will not survive long term. I expect most of the Israelis will end up in the United States (or Russia depending on how things go there). I'd rather live in Scarsdale than Israel.

  25. "I was in Ireland last year and they came across as a bit insensitive. I wouldn't put them in the anti-semite category yet, but they have the potential for it. My wife is Jewish and that's how I notice these things now a days."

    OK. I know Irish is in the ethnic category Scotch-Irish but, please note one huge difference: Irish Irish tend to be overwhelmingly Catholic while Scotch-Irish are Protestant/Evangelical. Another aspect of this is a theological difference in the interpretation of the Book of Revelations. The Catholics say it's too obscure and mostly relates to the history of events occurring at the time the book was written.

    On the other hand, Fundamentalist Christians in this country have spent decades making analogies between the scriptures in that book and events in the ME. These are largely American denominations who also believe that Jesus will return and rule from the ME after a period of great travail.

    Catholics mostly ignore the book.

    I have my own sort of conspiracy theory about the fundamentalist interpretations of Revelations, btw, and, maybe someday, will expound upon them at great length on my own blog which I'm sure Sailer and his nasty Sailerites will sabotage at every opportunity.

    Damn internet cults!

  26. "If Israel is supposed to go back to its 1967 borders, can America go back to its 1965 borders?"

    No, that is totally wrongheaded. If Israel is forced to give up the Zionist dream whites will not be allowed to remain majorities.

    The only hope is if Greater Israel expels the Palestinians; the West might be able to get away with expulsions of its own then.

  27. Let them work it out themselves.

  28. The right wing outrage about this is ridiculous. And I say this as a relative (to this blog) pro-Israel neo-con. 1967 borders adjusted by negotiated land swaps has been bipartisan US policy forever.

    Why doesn't America enforce those policies then? You know, as in the case with Serbia. You guys can have this, you guys that. When the stronger party resists, just bomb them into submission. Pretty straightforward.

  29. Whiskey, it's Palestinian land, all of it. Israelis should thank their lucky stars they can keep any of it. The fate of Israel is of no importance to anyone else, except as a trial balloon for white(ish) and western(ish) ethno-cultural assertion.

  30. wow israel should go back to its legal borders - shocking.. that has been called anti semtic by AIPAC and the ADL

    Its a reality jews don't want to face - their neocon globalists policies have diminished out influence everywhere and we are the only ones left supporting israel

    The jewish elite will sooner tank the US though..

    Bucnahan lays out the reality of the situation here:

    really what other choice is there.. and with the 'facebook revolutions' our hypocrisy is more glaring than ever..

  31. i am curious WHY he said it though.. even the far left in the higher eschelons of washington power, aren't so foolish.

  32. The right wing outrage about this is ridiculous.
    Unfortunately rather than immigration or trade deficiet THIS will be the battle cry of the Republicans. pathetic.

    But its not just'right wing' the power base of israel is "liberal' Jewish

  33. I am not so sure about that. I was in Ireland last year and they came across as a bit insensitive.
    he was joking... but scot irish are ulster scots- a different ethnic group, it's like saying 'scottish american'

  34. "The Scotch-Irish are known for their passionate feelings toward Israel."

    While the Protestants in Ireland are, in fact, frequently pro-Israel (just as the Catholics are frequently pro-Palestinian, due to the similarity in the occupation stories), I'm pretty sure that was a dig at Whiskey.

    If that really is his picture on his blog, he does look Scotch-Irish, whatever that's worth. Maybe he's got a thing for Jewish women?

  35. "BTW, this ought to put the lie to "Jewish power" myths. The President of the US, a Black Man, basically thumbs his nose at Israel and demands it self-destruct."

    Then you must've missed the threats from Jewish lobbying interests after the speech.

    This is boob bait for bubbas, as the saying goes. How do you say "bubba" in Arabic?

    I don't believe a word of Obama's speech or 80% of anything any president says. Much of it is made up to placate various interest groups or foreign powers. A fair amount of it is even necessary. For example, I'm of the mind that George W. Bush's call for Turkey's admission to the European Union was a matter of payback for Turkey's help in the War on Terror. Given Bush's multiculti/neofeudalist position on borders, its perfectly believable he supported it - but it's mostly irrelevant.

    Obama will call for Israel's return to its pre-1967 borders, Israel will do nothing, and we'll continue sending them $3 billion a year and granting them favorable trading rights. Given that, how is anyone to take his speech seriously?

  36. "Whiskey, it's Palestinian land, all of it. Israelis should thank their lucky stars they can keep any of it."

    In that case, equally, "it's Indian land, all of it. Americans should thank their lucky stars they can keep any of it."

    Hadn't even thought it through that far, had you?

  37. "He's going all in for the hard left, throwing Israel under the Bus is meant to appease Blacks who suspect he is not Black-enough"

    I've lived in black-majority areas my whole life, and I've never heard a black talk about jews, period. At least where I live, jews don't seem to be on their radar, unless they're some Nation of Islam can shaker, and I don't chill with them.

  38. A lot of posters here could care less if Israel is destroyed. But for those who want Israel to exist and like Obama's plan for pre-1967 borders>>>>

    #1-Are you really so dumb and naive to think the Palestinians won't turn Golan Heights, Gaza and the West Bank into rocket and missile launch pads?

    #2 Are willing to bet money on this? That an Israeli retreat to pre-1967 will make the Muslims happy enough to leave Israel alone for a few hundred years?

    #3 Muslim holy books say war against the infidel (Jihad) is eternal until the entire world is Muslim

    #4 Muslim doctrine says that once a land is Muslim, if infidels win control of it (Spain, Israel) then Muslims must wage Jihad until they get it back

  39. i am curious WHY he said it though.. even the far left in the higher eschelons of washington power, aren't so foolish.

    I guess he figures that he's not going to win 2012 so he has nothing left to lose.

    I should say, contrary to Whiskey, I highly doubt Obama is anti-Semitic.

  40. If the Israelis are forced to have a comprehensive two-state solution then will it include the expulsion of all Arabs from the Israeli area into the Arab state? If not then the settlement can't bring stability.
    The Arabs are a demographic time bomb within Israel and sooner or later the Israelis will have to make a move against them. Is there any question that were the Arabs to gain the upper hand they would slaughter the Israelis without mercy?
    The Israelis don't want to become a minority in their own state. The state is an accomplished fact, and it's one with nuclear weapons. Although Israel doesn't seem particularly popular these days the Arabs and Iranians are no great shakes either.
    It's too much to ask any group to commit suicide. A piece of paper can't protect them, only a balance of force in their favor will.

  41. How 'bout we mind our own business and let the Israelis and Arabs handle theirs? Oh, BTW - minding our own business includes cutting the swag we send to Israel.

  42. America should get out of bed with Israel. It would be better off in every possible way. It would save the three billion a year it gives in "foreign aid" and a major bone of animosity between it and the Arab and muslim world would be removed. How many acts of terrorism against Americans from Arabs occurred before 1948?

  43. This kind of stuff is to position Obama as a moderate for election purposes. There will be no real pressure on Israel to do any of it (Presidents and Secs of State have been saying this kind of stuff for years).

  44. The Scotch Irish should be more concerned about keeping Scotland free of Muslim aliens. I wonder why Whisky shows no concern about his people at all.

    Besides, the borders don't matter. Muslims have nuclear weapons(NUKES to Whisky) high ground wouldn't matter.

    Besides, demographics are destiny, and Jewish women in Israel find blacks far more desirable than Jewish men, because as the ultimate whites, Jewish women desire blacks even more than less-ultimate white pretty blonde women. On top o' that, Jewish men are even whiter than WASPS, so they're even less attractive to white women than less white white men are. All it takes is the Palestinians learning to rap and beep boop and the sexual destruction of the Jews is at hand, all from their fifth column within: JEWISH WOMMEN.

    Lolling: Jews, the ultimate white people, just sticking together with the other minorities against whites.

  45. Anonymous (at 2:11 AM) might be right. If we force the Zionists over there to give up, you can be sure the Zionists over here will be even more zealous in making sure we are overrun by Nigerians, Somalis, Kardashians and Mexicans.

  46. Endorsing the pre-1967 borders is a recipe for endless war even after Israel is annihilated (what Obama wants because he's both a "race man" who hates Jews as the ultimate White guys and a hard leftist). After Israel is gone, the whole region will fight each other and say hello to ... $300 a barrel oil and $18 a gallon gasoline. Which is just what Obama wants.

    Are you insane?

  47. "America should get out of bed with Israel."

    Easier said then done cuz AIPAC is America's pimp.

  48. There will be no Palestinian state on the West Bank. There is not enough political will among the Israeli public to relinquish possession of the occupied territories, and there is a small hard core of Israelis who will never accept land "giveaways". Millions of American Christian Zionists also hold this position.

    At some point, there will almost certainly be a mass expulsion of Palestinians from the West Bank, and you know what - who cares?

    The Israelis should have done this decades ago.

    The US and Europe could benefit from mass expulsions as well.

  49. NEOCONS HATE AMERICA5/20/11, 11:53 AM


    Jonah Goldberg (printer-friendly version)
    August 20, 2001
    Americans wouldn’t tolerate terrorism at home
    A Mexican suicide bomber walked into a pizza restaurant in a Santa Fe, N.M., mall this morning, killing at least 15 people, mostly children. Up to a hundred others were wounded.
    The bodies of two young boys who had been playing hooky from school were found in a cave outside of Phoenix. They had been beaten to death, and their bodies mutilated. Authorities are looking for Navajo separatists they believe are responsible.
    Militia in Tijuana, Mexico, fired rocket grenades into downtown San Diego, killing 20, wounding 50 and, once again, snarling morning traffic.
    It’s more than a little uncomfortable ascribing such barbarous crimes to completely innocent folk. Still, imagine if such things happened here instead of in Israel on an almost daily basis. How do you think the United States would respond?
    Indeed, the comparison is less outlandish than you might think. After all, the United States took land from American Indians. It took land from Mexicans. In a sense, “we” even took land from the British. And, no matter how you slice it, America’s claim to Texas and the Southwest is certainly far less morally compelling than Israel’s is to its land.
    When the European Jews not already living in Palestine arrived there after World War II, the area was largely empty. What is today called Jordan was the historic home of many “Palestinians.” And, after all, even the most militant Muslim must concede that the Bible places the land as the historic home of the Jews.
    Meanwhile, when European colonists came to North America, they had no historical claim to the land whatsoever and, besides, it was occupied.

  50. In that case, equally, "it's Indian land, all of it. Americans should thank their lucky stars they can keep any of it."

    As a former white South African, where whites have mostly lost their colonially acquired lands to blacks, I can actually now say that I am prepared to accept such an outcome if mass immigration to the traditional European lands is not only halted but reversed.


    "Though the beneficiary of hundreds of millions in U.S. aid, he has entered a coalition with his old enemy Hamas, and together—if they can stay together—they plan to seek recognition of an independent Palestine by vote of the U.N. General Assembly in September.
    The likelihood is that the overwhelming majority, including many of America's allies, will vote to recognize Palestine and seat it in the General Assembly, where it can make demands on Israel, backed by U.N. sanctions, to terminate its occupation and vacate its national territory.
    The General Assembly resolution will set as the borders of Palestine those that existed between 1948 and 1967. But, today, beyond those borders live no fewer than 500,000 Israeli Jews.
    While the United States vetoed a recent Security Council resolution condemning Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's continued expansion of settlements, we have no veto in the General Assembly. If Obama opposes the U.N. resolution, we and Israel will stand virtually alone. Nor are these the only crises Israel confronts."

  52. I'll say this. The Wall Street robbery of Americans in 2008-2009 was many times worse than King George's raising of taxes--which after all was only to pay for security demanded by the colonials. What Wall Street did was highway robbery, pure and simple, but we sheeple do nothing. Why? Because the New Elites of America have more power and control over us than King George ever did or could. Though the Jewish elites are doing everything in their power to deracinate us, all we say, 'DUUUUUHHHHH, WE STAND WITH ISRAEL, WE STAND WITH ISRAEL, WE LOVE JEWS, WE WORSHIP JEWS!!!'

    Given where we are, we should be saying WE ARE ALL PALESTINIANS.
    Btw, this Goldberg idiot, along with Krauthammer, has been telling us that 'gay marriage' is the biological and moral equivalent of real marriage. The hell with these people and their tribe. And given that more than 80% of Jews voted for Obama, excuse me if I'm not too crazy about what Jews think, care, or want. They can go to hell as far as I'm concerned.

    And if Jews who'd been away from the Holy Land for millennia can go back, how come Palestinians who'd been kicked out of their own homeland only few decades ago cannot return? It's all BS. Palestinie forever and down with AIPACABAL.

    PS. What would I do if I were driven from my home in the US by Chinese invaders? I would happily use 'terrorism' to blow up the sons of bitches and bitches who are living in what was my land and my land.

  53. Joe-k7 said...

    A lot of posters here could care less if Israel is destroyed.

    Wrong, most of us would just like to be left alone with all the hysteria, propaganda, moral hazard and misappropriation of funds on account of the "survival of Israel". In fact by now we don't really know WTF is really going on there. How can a country, whose citizens control WS and many western institutions, and who has 200+ undeclared warheads, receives tons of advanced militray hardware for free from the US, and missile launching U-Boats for free from Germany, be considered threatened?

    Often it seems this is just a smoke screen meant to cover up the stealing of land, ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, much as the undeclared borders is a pretext to moving them.

    We are tired of all this crap and want to be left alone, which includes not having to pay the tab for the military adventures of a foreign people.

  54. Chicago said...
    It's too much to ask any group to commit suicide.

    Ugh, most Americans and Europeans did not have the slightest problem demanding of whites in Rhodesia and South Africa that these commit national suicide. The numbers murdered after that were proof enough that the whites there had a reasonable case for maintaining their regimes. So why should Israel be treated differently?

  55. Chicago said, "The Arabs are a demographic time bomb within Israel and sooner or later the Israelis will have to make a move against them. Is there any question that were the Arabs to gain the upper hand they would slaughter the Israelis without mercy?
    The Israelis don't want to become a minority in their own state."

    Chicago, I think more people on this blog would sympathize with your statement if more of Israel's American coethnics would sympathize with our similar plight.

  56. In that case, equally, "it's Indian land, all of it. Americans should thank their lucky stars they can keep any of it."

    Hadn't even thought it through that far, had you?

    Actually, genius, I had.

    Feeling a little sensitive are we? The literal interpretation of what I said was that Israelis get to keep it, but that they should feel fortunate that they do -- rather than seeking to annex ever more of what no moral system can possibly imagine belongs to them.

  57. Thanks to Bruce Lewis and Anon for inspiring THIS.

  58. You missed the best part. Obama is throwing the Saudis (repulsive but better than the alternative) and the Bahrainis (better than the Iranians) under the bus while hailing "reformer" Assad and throwing Israel predictably under the bus.

    You missed the part where Obama threw Saudi and Bahrain under the bus, too. Oh, you mean your assertion! Yeah, that's not devalued currency.

  59. BTW, this ought to put the lie to "Jewish power" myths. The President of the US, a Black Man, basically thumbs his nose at Israel and demands it self-destruct. While playing footsie with the Palestinians (who most Americans dislike). Jews voted for Obama by 78%.

    That's why Netanyahu just punked Obama in his own house? Because Jewish power is a myth?

    Whiskey in a nutshell: throw anyone and everyone under the bus to protect the "Scotch-Irish."

  60. But Whiskey is quite right; Ashkenazi-Americans are powerless.

    That's why there are so many fanatics all over the web and media relentlessly defending them and promoting their interests, and so many Uncle Toms sucking up to them.

  61. "If Israel is supposed to go back to its 1967 borders, can America go back to its 1965 borders?"

    No, that is totally wrongheaded. If Israel is forced to give up the Zionist dream whites will not be allowed to remain majorities.

    The only hope is if Greater Israel expels the Palestinians; the West might be able to get away with expulsions of its own then.

    Wrongheaded, followed up by wrongheaded. Israel is the thin edge of the wedge. If whites want their own Zion, or at least, the freedom to pursue their own destiny as they wish in the country their ancestors built, they should tie their support for Israel to Ashkenazi-American support for white interests. Regardless of Israel's prospects at any given time.

    Supporting Zionists and sitting patiently and hoping they'll reciprocate is dumb. We should be making hay on this 24/7, using the status quo.

    Your recommendation seems more in line with Zionist, than white, interests; "You pay me now, I pay you back when the messiah comes."

  62. Anonymous (at 2:11 AM) might be right. If we force the Zionists over there to give up, you can be sure the Zionists over here will be even more zealous in making sure we are overrun by Nigerians, Somalis, Kardashians and Mexicans.

    Maybe. Or maybe, having lost their own ethnic clubhouse in the Levant, they'll be more receptive to idea of ending anti-freedom ("anti-discrimination") laws here in America.

    As far as white Americans are concerned, Israel's right to exist should be joined at the hip to white America's right to exist.

    Ashkenazi-Americans have, but do not deserve, rights superior to those of white Americans.

  63. chicago

    "The Arabs are a demographic time bomb within Israel"

    "The Israelis don't want to become a minority in their own state."

    "It's too much to ask any group to commit suicide."

    Join the club.

    Seeing as all the white countries are being deliberately destroyed by immigration genocide at least the Israelis will have plenty of company.

  64. The Providence Journal (usually an especially error-prone paper) had "pre-1967 borders." In fact, a lot papers did:,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=276c7ec3a95f5aab

  65. David Davenport5/20/11, 6:54 PM

    All it takes is the Palestinians learning to rap and beep boop and the sexual destruction of the Jews is at hand, all from their fifth column within: JEWISH WOMMEN. ...

    That;s a verse from the Book of Revelations, isn't it? A sign certain that the end of the world is at hand!

  66. Jews are in a tight spot. They have and want support from American conservatives, but they don't wanna be associated with them and seek to further undermine their power(and more white conservatives are waking up to this fact, which partly explains the risng support for Ron Paul. When RP vilifies the Fed and interventionism, for many cons, it means Jews and Jews.)
    Jews wanna be allied with white liberals, blacks, and other minorities, but those groups are either not passionate about Israel--most Mexicans and Asians dont' care--, distrustful of Jews and Israel--many blacks--, or downright hostile--increasing Muslim numbers in the US.

    Jews would like to kill two birds with one stone, but if Jews had to choose between Israel and their hold of America, they'll go with the latter. Their main weapon in their grip on American is anti-'racism' with which Jews have guilt-baited, subverted, and deracinated the white race. If Israel is universally condemned as a 'racist state' by the world community, American Jews cannot unconditionally defend Israel while at the same time posing as anti-racist crusaders in the West.

    So, Jews are trying to use Obama to push Israel to accept some drastic concessions to maintain the international image of Jews, in Israel as well as in the US, asa good and just people.
    This isn't just about Israel. It's about Jewish moral credibility, which, btw, is also a potent weapon against 'racist' white power.

    At the same time, Jews shamelessly pander to the American Right community. On Fox news, they run ads showing starving survivors of the Holocaust who need our help. And Israeli groups go to Christian churches and ask for donations. Of course, Jews don't really need this money since they are loaded with tons of cash. They appeal to Christian charity to maintain the image of the Jew as helpless, powerless victim who need charity just to survive in a hostile world. And so many white christian suckers fall for this.

  67. Somethings up. The ground may be shifting.

    Obama disses the Jews.

    Gingrich says US is run by Anti-Jewish Elite

    Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik says 9/11 is an inside job. If you pay any attention about 9/11 conspiracys at all you know the Israelis are in it up to their armpits.
    (No I don't trust Alex Jones but Pieczenik is interesting)

    These are establishment people criticizing the Jews. Jews usually get away with murder. Somethings changed.

    Now the probably NOT next President of France, Dominique Strauss-Kahn.

    Hmmm... maybe the WASP are striking back. Just a few data points. Let's hope it's a trend.

  68. "Gingrich says US is run by Anti-Jewish Elite"

    Hahaha, hahaha. One fact of American politics is NO ONE CAN CRITICIZE OR OPPOSE JEWS. Our relation to Jews is like Ancient Hebrew's relation to God. Even when Hebrews faithfully obeyed God's commands but things went badly, the fault could NEVER EVER be with God since He's perfect. Jews could never say God betrayed them or broke His promise. No, the problem was always with Jews themselves or with enemies of Jews(who had to be smote, smitten, or whatever).

    In America, Jews are the gods of politics. They are UNTOUCHABLE. Both parties honor, revere, kneel before, and worship Jewish power. Even when Jews push a leftist agenda and support Obama, American conservatives never blame Jews but something vague called 'leftism' which is supposed to be anti-Jewish. So, why do Jews support leftism if it's bad for them? Oh, because they are just innocent dupes who are soooo well-meaning and compassioante that they don't know that evil leftists are taking them for a ride. So Norman Podherotz told us! Oh boo hoo, naive noble liberal Jews are sacrificing their own tribal interest for the good of humanity. Oh, I weep for them! (And we can't say many prominent communists were Jews either. Our remembrance of 20th century history is 'Hitler killed Jews and then Stalin was about to kill Jews.' But never mind Jews played an important role in the creation of the Soviet Union and played a crucial role in helping Stalin to be the top man and aided and abetted in his mass killings. We can remember Jews as victims but not as victors or villains. We blame Palestinians for terrorism, but the fact of Jewish terrorism in the creation of Israel has gone down the memory hole.)

    Well, since we can never blame Jews, what do conservatives do when Jews piss on them and support someone like Obama, their puppet? Pretend that Obama is a CLOSET-STEALTH-MUSLIM-COMMUNIST who fooled innocnt Jews and is out to hurt Jews!!!!! Pretend that wonderful innocent Jews, in their infinite compassion for poor noble suffering Negroes, were too cloudy-eyed to see the truth about Obama. I MEAN GIMME A FREAKING BREAK!!!!!!! What's really hilarious is we are supposed to see Jews as naive, innocent, and soooo well-meaning,yet at the same time worship them as a wise, profound, and all-knowing people.

    (A similar logic prevails with blacks. Since we can't talk about racial differences or point out that blacks have certain problems in natural abundance, we are supposed to blame the decline of places like Detroit,high black crime rates, and the disaster of black education on SOCIALISM! Really? Then, how come leftist Portland is a safe prosperous place? How come socialist Norway is doing just fine?)

    I can't take this shit anymore. It's bad enough that American Jews gave us Obama. But when I see conservatives suck up to Jews and plead with them that Obama is a stealth Muslim who duped wonerful Jews and that white conservatives are the true blue faithful dogs of Jews... GAHHHHH!!!!

    It's like a bunch of saphead Sicilians without an ounce of personal pride begging a mafia don for favors and pledging one's undying loyalty to him.
    We might as well call the Jews the GODPEOPLE.

    "Oh please, Godpeople. Be my friend? Let me kiss your hand, let me kiss your ass, let me...."

    Wasps are washed out.

  69. ""He's going all in for the hard left, throwing Israel under the Bus is meant to appease Blacks who suspect he is not Black-enough""

    LMAO! (I have to write that again to get the full effect) LMAO!


    Every time I think I've read the funniest/stupidest thing IN THE HISTORY OF LIFE here, someone outdoes it EXPONENTIALLY.

  70. "Since we can't talk about racial differences or point out that blacks have certain problems in natural abundance, we are supposed to blame the decline of places like Detroit,high black crime rates, and the disaster of black education on SOCIALISM! Really? Then, how come leftist Portland is a safe prosperous place? How come socialist Norway is doing just fine?)"

    It's absurd to see people on Free Republic and other conservative sites blaming Detroit's condition on "Democrats" and "unions."


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