May 19, 2011

Amorous French skunks

A reader suggests Dominique Strauss-Kahn's legal contretemps might stem from a simple error: perhaps he had ordered a call girl and mistook the maid for her. After all, it wouldn't be the first case of mistaken identity involving an amorous French skunk:


  1. The guy looks more like the chickenhawk.

  2. A reader suggests Dominique Strauss-Kahn's legal contretemps might stem from a simple error: perhaps he had ordered a call girl and mistook the maid for her.

    Well, that's certainly possible. But what about that other maid he'd supposedly raped a few years back in Mexico? Was that also "mistaken identity"? And what about that young French journalist he tried to rape? Another simple mixup? And apparently, the high-end call-girl ring that used to supply Spitzer didn't want to work with him because he was just too violent with the ones they sent over. There are also some rumors floating around that he'd attacked maids during his previous trips to NYC. I wouldn't be surprised if quite a lot more past victims now start coming forwad.

    I suspect that to the IMF guy, any woman in his general vicinity closely resembled a willing prostitute, and since he seems to have been proven empirically correct for the last decade or two, how can anyone really fault his judgment?

    Is this situation really so different from the case of that Phil Spector guy in LA, who supposedly spent years waving around his loaded guns in women's faces and threatening to shoot them, until---Bang!---one of them finally went off. And he'd never been arrested, nor had his behavior covered in the media, and nearly managed to get off at trial, despite the mountain of evidence against him.

    I think once we finally get around to erradicating all our own domestic parasites, we really should assist the French in doing the same to theirs. Repaying Lafayette and all that...

  3. "nor had [Phil Spector's] behavior covered in the media,"

    The funny, or unfunny, thing was that anybody who'd been reading celebrity gossip should have known that Phil Spector was a dangerous psycho. I knew it by 1980 from reading interviews with Johnnie Ramone and his ex-wife, Ronnie Spector of the Ronettes.

    Heck, Tom Wolfe's 1964 profile of Spector, "The First Tycoon of Teen," made him look pretty mentally unstable. Wolfe wrote a bravura set piece about how Phil freaked out on a taxiing airliner and made the pilot take him back to the gate, famously written from a point of view inside Spector's deranged mind. It was a big point of controversy in the annals of New Journalism -- should a reporter use such a subjective POV? Spector famously approved of Wolfe's depiction of his thought processes.

  4. I am absolutely devastated that I didn't think of this first.

  5. Dammit, now I can't have innocent pleasure watching the "I am ze locksmiss of love, bébé" bit without thinking of some poor maid trapped in DSK's chambre.

  6. I don't believe it happened that way, but as a defense lawyer, I am almost certain that this is the position that the DSK defense team will ultimately be forced to take. It is the only vaguely plausible explanation for his innocence that I can come up with.

  7. DSK - French Pew5/20/11, 6:55 AM

    DSK is as much French as Pepe Le Pew is cat.

  8. Blogger ate my post. Once again...

    Unlikely. A (assumedly) high-price NY call girl would look, act, speak and carry herself nothing like a poor black (likely) illegal muslim immigrant maid.

    How many NY call girls wear a hijab?

  9. "The funny, or unfunny, thing was that anybody who'd been reading celebrity gossip should have known that Phil Spector was a dangerous psycho."

    But what a musical genius. Sad. From the wall of sound to prison walls.

  10. The funny, or unfunny, thing was that anybody who'd been reading celebrity gossip should have known that Phil Spector was a dangerous psycho.

    Sure, I meant the "respectable"/mainstream media. Similarly, anyone who paid attention to the rumors or the gossipy stuff knew (or at any rate strongly suspected) that Schwarznegger had had one or more children with various of his girlfriends over the years. And when I checked with a reasonably-plugged-in French friend of mine, he said that everyone in elite circles had known for years that the IMF guy had a serious "woman problem." Same for all the huge Hollywood stars widely known to be gay, or all the big politicians with lots of different secrets, including e.g. Edwards' mistress and child.

    Based on this sort of empirical evidence, I've strongly recalibrated my impression of the relative credibility of the respectable and non-respectable media over the years...

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. BTW skunks will attempt to mate with cats on occasion. That's the inside, country boy joke behind the cartoon.

  13. AS has been pointed out in commentary on this blog, it is big time legal dumb for any glitzy Hotel to permit a single staff member to enter a room on the tentative presumption that the guest has checked out. Two staff members, each of whom could bear witness toward the other, would be the minimum prudent presence for initial room entry to confirm to the eye that departure had taken place.

  14. So which one here is Black and which one here is White?

  15. I saw a picture of DSK's accuser at Le Figuero, and she looks pretty hot. (The picture has been reproduced at In Mala Fide, btw.)

    I still think DSK may have been setup. Even if it would be too risky for Sarkozy to try, it may have been the Bilderbergers, or the Illuminati, or whatever.

    Maybe DSK fell out of favor with his bosses at the New World Order, and they decided to eliminate him. But instead of assassinating him as they would have in the old days, they generously decided to just end his career. They can afford to be magnanimous now that they are more firmly in control.

  16. >it may have been the Bilderbergers, or the Illuminati, or whatever.<

    Why not an intra-Bilderberger squabble? No honor among thieves, etc.


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