July 2, 2011

DSK's side claims accuser a hooker

Laura Italiano reports in the tabloid NY Post:
Dominique Strauss-Kahn's accuser wasn't just a girl working at a hotel -- she was a working girl. 
The Sofitel housekeeper who claims the former IMF boss sexually assaulted her in his room was doing double duty as a prostitute, collecting cash on the side from male guests, The Post has learned. 
"There is information . . . of her getting extraordinary tips, if you know what I mean. And it's not for bringing extra f--king towels," a source close to the defense investigation said yesterday. 
The woman was allegedly purposely assigned to the Midtown hotel by her union because it knew she would bring in big bucks. 
"When you're a chambermaid at Local 6, when you first get to the US, you start at the motels at JFK [Airport]. You don't start at the Sofitel," the source said. "There's a whole squad of people who saw her as an earner." 
The woman also had "a lot of her expenses -- hair braiding, salon expenses -- paid for by men not related to her," the source said. ...
Sources also told The Post Strauss-Kahn's probers uncovered evidence that she was part of a pyramid scheme that targeted immigrants from her native Guinea. 
"We have people who have been victimized, who have claimed she ripped them off. Nice working people from her neighborhood," a source said. ...

A spokesman for the hotel union denied it placed the victim at the Sofitel. 
"These allegations are absurd," spokesman Josh Gold said. "She never registered at our hiring hall. We never sent her for a single interview. We absolutely did not place her at the hotel and we do not track tips." 

I have no idea what's true here, but I'm starting to wonder again about the Sofitel's management, which supposedly spent about an hour or so mulling over the situation before calling the cops. If you are the manager of a luxury hotel and one of your maids is working undercover, you really ought to know about it. I'd be interested in who the local management talked to in Paris. Sofitel is a huge French firm with lots of connections.

But all this conspiracy thinking is nuts. After all, the DA who perp-walked the potential French presidential candidate is just some local DA with no connections whatsoever to foreign affairs: Cyrus Vance Jr. What kind of hick name is that? Cyrus Vance? He sounds like he's from Dogpatch. Just a country boy from West Virginia.

Also, how is all this going to get spun to make it obey the Prime Directive that Diversity Is Good? "If only we had Open Borders, then everybody could be a legal immigrant. See, it's all the fault of racist nativists that immigrants get sucked into a life of fraud. If only those straight white male bigots in Arizona didn't make this crude, insensitive distinction between legal and illegal, then everybody in the world could be a legal immigrant in America, so there wouldn't be any fraud at all. Really, when you stop to think about it, the blame rests squarely on the shoulders of those who label some human beings -- but not other human beings -- as illegal. That's discrimination! And we all know that discrimination, noticing differences, is the worst thing in the world. End of discussion."

So, how much of an outcry will this story inspire in the MSM about the evident need to make the asylum process less vulnerable to abuse by foreign conpersons?


  1. Why would the local franchise in a place that thrives on corruption (NYC), not be bent? Far from head office, a powerful revenue centre in its own right, it couldn't possibly be out of control?

    And of course, the way super-cities work, executive management, who have no need to turn illegal tricks when they can charge $25 per minute on phone calls or $12 a beer, would turn a blind eye to a little empire building among the concierge class.
    Gilbert pinfold

  2. The woman was allegedly purposely assigned to the Midtown hotel by her union because it knew she would bring in big bucks. "When you're a chambermaid at Local 6, when you first get to the US, you start at the motels at JFK [Airport]. You don't start at the Sofitel," the source said. "There's a whole squad of people who saw her as an earner."

    Wow, now that's a scoop! Murdoch has enough lawyers that there's no way the Post would print such an incendiary charge (that the union was running a prostitution ring) without a some serious evidence. The inference is, of course, she wasn't the first and only "earner".

  3. RE: Cy Vance, jr

    Just in case some people are not catching Steve's irony, Vance's father was Jimmy Carter's Secretary of State.

  4. "There is information . . . of her getting extraordinary tips, if you know what I mean."

    Aren't we adults? Can't we freaking say "SEX"?

    Geez this is retarded.

  5. I use to test my comments and links in your window and hit the "publish" instead of "preview"!

    Sorry for the mistake.

  6. Libertarian solution: open borders and make prostitution and blackmail legal.

  7. The Sofitel is in Times Square.

    When I first arrived in New York, some 35 years ago, pimps and whores did their business openly in the lobbies of the hotels in Times Square. Live sex shows in the porn parlors.

    Giuliani chased them undercover, and the city has mounted a huge effort to drive this business underground. I suspect that this was not entirely successful.

    If DSK had wanted a good night's sleep, he would have stayed in one of the diplomatic hotel near the UN. The fact that he stayed in Times Square suggests to me that he was looking for action and knew where to find it.

  8. Cyrus Vance may have feared a second Roman Polanski affair so he took down DSK from the plane to Paris. The police investigation was quite rapid and efficient.

    Remains the mystery of Sofitel's management and the house detectives. The African chambermaid's extracurricular activities must have been well known to them, after all they are mostly former policemen and are not stupid. All good hotels provide complete service to the clients, and house whores are tolerated if clean, discrete and co-operative with the hotel dicks.

    The conclusion is that the African maid was driven to the police with the consent of her employers. DSK may have lost his job at the IMF as result of a French intrigue. One day inside information will filter out, long-distance phone calls will be traced and replayed, someone will sell the story to the press and we may know more.

  9. Speaking of Conspiracies, I think I have detected one.

    > If only we had Open Borders, then everybody could be a legal immigrant. See, it's all the fault of racist nativists that immigrants get sucked into a life of fraud...

    Mr. Sailer, a simple yea-or-no answer will suffice. Do you now, or have you ever, received renumeration for ghost-writing opinion pieces for prominent Mainstream Media figures?

  10. Wasn't Sofitel owned by Sarkozy's buddies?

  11. Schitzoid Media7/3/11, 8:15 AM

    So, let me get this straight.

    Prostitutes used to be fine, upstanding, talking truth to power type of people, and 100% truth tellers, but now they're not.

    What happened? You can't keep changing shit on me? I won't know how to behave or who to believe.

  12. Are the any good reasons for importing HIV positive single mothers and their bastards? Do we really need more?

    I haven't heard much on how the DSK thing will affect the National Front. If true: the other side wants to import black women to rape them.
    if false: they want to import poor women because they make cheaper prostitutes. Even though the immigrant victim was in the US, surely the French can connect the dots.

    Lastly, is jungle fever particularly common for Jewish men? DSK and Weiner aren't quite a pattern, but they come close.

  13. I can't believe anybody with half a brain would risk getting AIDs by shagging this Ghanian jizz bag. Condoms don't always work, ya know.

  14. Are the any good reasons for importing HIV positive single mothers and their bastards?
    diversity you racist white male.

  15. "Are the any good reasons for importing HIV positive single mothers and their bastards? Do we really need more?"

    You mean besides it helping Obama's chances for reelection with various factions of the left?

    We don't need more--but he does. He can point to the single mothers and their children as examples of those being helped by his health care reform. Who not on the right has the nerve to argue that ill mothers and their young children not be taken care of at government (i.e., taxpayer) expense? Remember, we're talking about the kind of voter who inexplicably thinks it's somehow more compassionate to adopt a black child from Africa or an American inner city than it is to adopt a white child needing a good home.

  16. "So, how much of an outcry will this story inspire in the MSM about the evident need to make the asylum process less vulnerable to abuse by foreign conpersons?"

    My best guess--zero.

    Instead, the MSM will spin it as an argument in favor of open borders: a story of impoverished black folk so desperate for a better life for themselves and their children that they resort to not-quite-honest measures to get to America.

    No compassionate American would want to turn away such people, who, after all, only came here to avail themselves of the opportunities this great nation offers those willing to work hard, you know, people like your very own immigrant ancestors who came to these shores via Ellis Island.

    Frick, I could write this tripe myself if only I could master my gag reflex.

  17. Oh but wait, I thought the type of white males who stayed at these hotels would have no interest in sleeping with a black woman?


  18. "There is information . . . of her getting extraordinary tips, if you know what I mean. And it's not for bringing extra f--king towels,"

    Is the gerundive verb even vaguely necessary? It appears that DSK has hired some narcissist lawyer who thinks that he's living in a David Mamet play. How immature can you be?

  19. Valiant attempts to repair the reputation of the accuser.

    The cognitive dissonance is getting stronger.

    Can't. Take. Much. More.

  20. Why is DSK's case so important and Casey Anthony's so unimportant?

    DSK's is not about life and death?

    Women are expected to murder their children?

    Some parts of the media didn't get the memo?

    We need a few sacrificial lambs every now and then to keep the hoi-poloi under control?

  21. "There is information . . . of her getting extraordinary tips, if you know what I mean."

    Aren't we adults? Can't we freaking say "SEX"?

    I think the term "extraordinary tips" was used to explain how the payments for her sexual services were laundered, not as a direct reference to sex; i.e. the guests she serviced paid her by giving her extraordinarily large gratuitites.

  22. >how much of an outcry will this story inspire in the MSM about the evident need to make the asylum process less vulnerable to abuse by foreign conpersons?<

    None. All dwindling MSM attention will focus on her alleged prostitution. Zero mention will be made of her asylum status, including her asylum fraud. We will soon scour the MSM to find a reference to it, and we will come up empty-handed.

  23. >I thought the type of white males who stayed at these hotels would have no interest in sleeping with a black woman?<

    Where did you get that?

  24. I can't believe anybody with half a brain would risk getting AIDs by shagging this Ghanian jizz bag.

    & @ truth:

    the whole point of passion is that it overrides reason.

  25. "conpersons"

    Gimme a break!

  26. Re TRUTH:"...types of white males...no interest in black women." I'm with you! I dont get it either. Maybe its a French thing? "Stop confusing me." Thats asking a bit much.

  27. Oh but wait, I thought the type of white males who stayed at these hotels would have no interest in sleeping with a black woman?

    DSK is Jewish, not a white gentile. As someone who has spent most of his life in New York City, I am always amazed at the type of women Jewish guys date and marry. For Jewish guys, the most important factor in picking a mate seems to be that she should be a "shiksa" i.e. not Jewish. I think it might be some psychological thing where they associate every Jewish woman they meet with their mothers.

  28. Anonymasaurus Rex7/3/11, 3:31 PM

    What would make a better story with a better outcome: leading socialist Frenchman loses shot at being president after attempted rape. Or: Ghanian woman demonstrates every conceivable problem with "asylum" and "refugees" on an international scale?

    I, for one, am grateful for Story #1,048,576 about why we should further restrict immigration, especially refugees. These stories seldom make frontpage news.

  29. http://www.salon.com/life/life_stories/index.html?story=/mwt/feature/2011/07/03/kosher_chinese_excerpt

    ^ Some truth-telling by the Chinese, surely, it lacks nuance, but can anyone deny it?

  30. @Marlowe

    There would be nothing to black mail with if prostitution was legal.

    Also if prostitution was legal there would be firms that would provide the service and nearly guarantee complete privacy, otherwise no one would support that specific firm.

    Also, there would be no welfare; no system that subsidizes/supports scum. So immigrants would only benefit from coming to America if they will work.

    Regardless, this isn't the place to grind your axe against libertarians.

  31. There are good looking black women. DSK's accuser is pretty hot.

  32. Yeah, that's my point. If you believe Satoshi Kanazawa's research (and it seems obvious) ... Black women are found the least sexy of all races, by men of all races, all other things being equal (self-evidently Beyonce is sexier than Roseanne Barr).

    Kanazawa's research, for which he got defenestrated by Psychology Today, seems "duh." Assuming the Porn Industry echoes the Prostitution Industry (there is btw significant cross-over) and few men relatively speaking prefer Black women to White or Asian women.

    I don't see how a (to put it kindly) relatively unattractive woman in her own right, who is Black, and an actual maid, would be of any use to the Sofitel or DSK, given the latter's well known list of young, White, and quite attractive victims (they look like sisters, basically like Yvonne Strahowski from "Chuck" or Alexandra Wallace of UCLA-death-threat fame).

  33. As for "Jungle Fever," the most well known guys in that range, celebrity wise, are Robert DeNiro and Bill Maher. I'm sure those guys are generous tippers. But not even those two guys showing up every night would keep a prostitution ring in place, particularly considering the likely 50% female guests would find it quite offensive.

    It's the Sofitel, not the Fleabag motel. Prostitutes are supposed to be discreet, actually attractive (more like Ashley Dupree of Eliot Spitzer/Client #9 fame than the woman who looks like a low-paid maid to put it kindly). Discretion as well as arousal is what high-end guys pay lots of money for. All you need is the wife of some big-wig staying there, seeing what's going on, and complaining.

  34. I could see the maid running a pro-ring outside the Sofitel, for low-paying, low-rent customers. I could see some **careful** pilfering and other such things going on (likely more to be made discreetly copying credit cards, etc. than charging for sex). And an obvious shake-down.

    Just exactly what DSK did or did not do is a big question. It seems certain however that if exonerated, he'll jump right back into the French Presidential Race, and likely WIN. Big. Which means Camp of the Saints, here they come, for France. He's committed to open borders, mass immigration, and much of France (particularly its urban population, its already existing African and North African Muslims, and its female White voters) agrees.

    Sarko is terrible, but he's at least capable of the bare min to keep Camp of the Saints away. DSK will welcome them with open arms.

  35. "Oh but wait, I thought the type of white males who stayed at these hotels would have no interest in sleeping with a black woman?


    Is this some kind of alpha/beta crack or what

    I can't tell.

  36. The immigration angle is just a distraction in this case. The main issue here is the abuse of power by politically motivated prosecutors. The DA knew the case was weak, but went ahead and arrested DSK anyway because he wanted to grab headlines.
    There are similarities here to the Duke "rape" case.

    This doesn't just happen in high-profile cases. Lots of people are railroaded by prosecutors who want to rack up convictions to make their record look good. Careerism comes before justice. If you can't afford a top-notch defense lawyer, you are screwed.


  37. Cyrus Vance Jr. What kind of hick name is that? Cyrus Vance? He sounds like he's from Dogpatch. Just a country boy from West Virginia.

    Er, a relative of mine was once married to a West Virginian named Vance, Jr. It was his first name, and though Jr. has spent his entire adult life in WV, he and Sr. did grow up a mile or two over the state line. Interestingly, both rejected the name Vance; Sr. used his middle name, Jr. got a common hick's nickname. Perhaps "Vance" is somewhat un-Appalachian.

    But "Cy"? I would think the name Cyrus would be more common up there than in the flatlands, these days. Cy Young grew up in a very WV-like hamlet in Ohio, maybe 40 miles from Wheeling. (True, he was really "Denton". Or, really, he was "Denton True"!)

  38. Anonymasaurus Rex7/3/11, 11:16 PM

    "The main issue here is the abuse of power by politically motivated prosecutors. The DA knew the case was weak, but went ahead and arrested DSK anyway because he wanted to grab headlines."

    Your claim is probably complete bullshit. Strauss-Kahn was arrested because he was accused of rape and on airplane to a foreign country with a long history of denying extradition requests. If the French refuse to extradite movie directors convicted of child rape, why should we trust them to extradite major politicians accused "only" of plain vanilla rape?

    Only an incompetent DA would delay nabbing a suspect under such circumstances.

  39. In any random group of NYC "court-hangers" DSK's midget-sized defense attorney, Ben Brafman, never fails to play the attention whore. He butts-in when anybody tries to argue a point of law. He thinks he knows it all and doesn't mind showing off his superior knowledge at the drop of a hat. But when all is said and done, DSK has gotten his money's worth out of the high-priced, know-it-all Brafman! All that the Manhattan DA's office can hope to get now is a Conditional Discharge from DSK (don't get caught patronizing prostitutes for the next 6 months and then you will be as clean as the driven snow (all records of arrest of your Times Square whoring will then be automatically destroyed in the NYPD's files) : a bureaucratic ending among rich domestic & foreign bureaucrats who can afford to grease the crooked NYC criminal "justice" system.

  40. Theodore Baleu7/4/11, 5:26 AM

    If its true that this maid has AIDS, then DSK may have already gotten far more punishment in contracting HIV than he would ever get from a wealthy white collar prison sentence if he were convicted of the full list of accusations.

  41. "Oh but wait, I thought the type of white males who stayed at these hotels would have no interest in sleeping with a black woman?"

    - DSK is French. All bets are out the window when it comes to their sexual preferences...

    "I don't see how a (to put it kindly) relatively unattractive woman in her own right, who is Black, and an actual maid, would be of any use to the Sofitel or DSK.."

    - Have you seen her photo? I wouldn't place her in the hot range of the spectrum, though she's not really ugly, either. Maybe a 6. If she has talent (and likely does, if she has been a pro for a while), then certainly for an elderly, short, fat guy looking for a nooner, she could suffice.

  42. Once charges are dropped in this case, be prepared for what happened in the Duke LaCrosse case. No charges will be filed against the hooker for any of the crimes uncovered and it will quietly be dropped by the media.

  43. There's still life in this story yet, however, it seems likely that political considerations are keeping it alive.

    On the other hand, where there's smoke there's fire, eh.

  44. I think the probability of getting HIV in a single unprotected sexual encounter is relatively low, particularly for the man / male side of the oral or anal sex. Though I wonder if DSK will do the post exposure prophylaxis thing.

  45. Isn't DSK Moroccan?


  46. "a source close to the defense investigation said"

    Oh, well if DSK's lawyers are, off the record, saying that it must be true. ;-)

  47. Dear All...

    Let me invite all of you to compare the Dillinger's story (1934) to the DSK's (2011) at Sofitel Hotel. And that's all.

    Sometimes, we've got more answers in the past than simply speculating about the present.

    Magister Dixit


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