July 1, 2011

Now, that's fast service!

From Slate this afternoon:
Yale's New Jewish Quota 
The university's shameful decision to kill its anti-Semitism institute. 
 | THE SPECTATOR | Friday, 4:55 PM ET

Then, one minute later:
Left Behind 
Yale solved its anti-Semitism crisis, but a deeper problem remains. 
 | HISTORY LESSON | Friday, 4:56 PM ET

The folks I feel sorry for in this controversy over the study of anti-Semitism are the staffers at the Israeli government's Jewish People Policy Institute ("Action Strategies for the Jewish Future"), who last year issued the single most authoritative and relevant quote on how much the Jewish people currently suffer from anti-Semitism.

Think tankers live to get quoted in the papers, but the JPPI folks can't buy a quote in the American mainstream media, outside of the Jewish ethnic press.

In reality, the JPPI is one of most sensible, centrist, and moderate think tanks active in any field. The JPPI is currently headed by American diplomat Stuart E. Eizenstat, former chief domestic policy adviser to Jimmy Carter, and was previously headed by American diplomat Dennis Ross until he left to join the Obama Administration, where he is currently at the National Security Administration as (according to Wikipedia) "Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for the "Central Region" with overall responsibility for the region. That region includes the Middle East, the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, Pakistan and South Asia."

In other words, the JPPI's chairmen have always been heavyweight Washington insiders who represent mainstream liberal Washington-Tel Aviv thinking.

Under the direction of first Ross and then Eizenstat, the JPPI staff, led by Avi Gil, chief of staff to the Israel Labour Party former foreign minister Shimon Peres, and Einat Wilf, who is in the Knesset in former Labour Prime Minister Ehud Barak's new centrist party, wrote a very interesting and intelligent book. It is called 2030: Alternative Futures for the Jewish People and you can download this 2010 book for free from JPPI's very helpful website JPPI.org.il. I gave it a glowing review here.

On p. 113 of 2030, the JPPI authors state that a "neutral" future for the Jewish people would be one in which anti-Semitism "Continues more or less as now, as a moral problem and an irritant, but not having any serious consequences."

Now, we can debate whether the Jewish People Policy Institute's assessment of anti-Semitism is accurate. I don't know. But I would certainly suggest that the JPPI's expertise should have a voice in the discussion.

But, when I go to look up on Google

anti-Semitism "not having any serious consequences"

I find six webpages.

Obviously, there will be seven shortly after I post this. But, you get the point. The American mainstream media ignores the poor JPPI as if they were the Elders of Zion, as if they were dreamed up by some Czarist anti-Semitic propagandist.

(By the way, in case you are wondering, they recently shortened their name and acronym from the unwieldy Jewish People Policy Planning Institute or JPPPI to the more convenient Jewish People Policy Institute or JPPI.)


  1. You may have seen the 'Corner' post by one J. Goldberg, highlighting a murderously anti-Semitic poster by a 'political party' in Switzerland. Take away message -- Helvetia and by extension all of Europe, and by extension all Americans of European descent, are ready to kill Jews at the drop of a hat.

    Problem is, aside from overlooking the amateurish graphics, the 'political party' had a Swiss Hotmail address. So this ominous threat couldn't even afford its own domain name.

  2. skipped the 4:55 PM article7/2/11, 12:56 AM

    Wow, this Greenberg is quite the trenchant polemicist... Is U.S. News & World Report hiring? Based on that admittedly self-selected comment pool at RateMyProfessor it seems he's furnishing a good facsimile of the web experience at his day job too. Nice to see them in the news for something besides basketball and gay teen suicide epidemics.

  3. The JPPI for the American automobile industry: http://www.autoblog.com/2011/05/26/jerusalem-think-tank-proposes-replacing-50-000-israeli-govt-car/

    And when you add this:
    The JPPI advised Israel to make every effort to avoid a situation in which the Middle East conflict becomes the main bone of contention between Republicans and Democrats in the 2012 presidential campaign. Israel and the Jewish community should be taken out of the U.S. political debate, Eizenstat stressed.

    and this:
    The Cabinet should also consult more with Jewish communities abroad before presenting legislation that affects Jewish identity, religion and culture, they opined.

    It makes me wonder if, despite its interesting articles, the JPPPI isn't simply a vehicle for liberal Jewish Americans.
    Needless to say, they don't get that much press in Israel either.

  4. Problem is, aside from overlooking the amateurish graphics, the 'political party' had a Swiss Hotmail address
    see that's important- jewish activists lawyers and banks bilking the swiss out of multibillion dollars and completly slandering them in the media for years (literally, without irony, jewish pundits in the US smeared them as a greedy people only concerned with money) - nah that's not important - it has NOTHING to do with this ad. Just like all palestinian ads that depict similar things are antisemitism, pure and simple.

  5. Kijkfaas McGee7/2/11, 5:35 AM

    Most of the comments at Slate are flippant if not hostile, including those by self-declared Jews. I'd say that young American Jews are just not as pro-Israel or ethnocentric than their parents or grandparents. In fact, the older generations of American Jews are watching as their left-wing rhetoric, always intended for WASPs, gets increasingly turned against the Jewish community itself, which must, of course, fall short. Woops! What comes around, as they say, goes around.

  6. Bad news from Yale. I hoped Professor Kevin MacDonald might receive an endowed chair at the institute. They needed a token goy expert on anti-semitic movements didn't they?

  7. From what I see, the Jews are inter-marrying themselves out of existence.

  8. I was under the impression Judaism is a religion. This Jewish group doesn't seem to be very focused on religious concerns.

    An openly racial pressure group - moderate, of course - with significant influence on government. I'm sure only laziness is preventing white gentiles from having one of those. Let's form one and see what happens.

  9. Ron Rosenbaum is a dreadful little s--t who wrote a snide sneer bio of H.L. Mencken. The verdict: Mencken was Nazi who had a probable prostitute for a wife and wasn't good enough to get, today, even a column on a small town newspaper. Of course this farrago of lies was represented and reviewed as a celebratory paean in the usual places.

    If Ron suddenly found out he wasn't Jewish, what, exactly, would he have to write about (after his head exploded, that is)?

  10. Since Rick Levin is president of Yale, I doubt anti-semites have too much influence at Yale.

  11. The issue of anti-semitism cannot be helped by the insistence of some Jewish political commentators, eg. Michele Goldberg, Frank Rich, Rachel Maddow,, to reference the religious right as crackpot. This may well be the case but those making the argument might consider the potential blowback. Goodness knows when roles are reversed gentiles become the target of choice for Abe Foxman.

  12. OT = How to grow the economy?


    Sure, start-ups becoming successful and scaling up seems obvious. Any company that is already large isn't going to have huge returns anymore. But the REAL way to grow the economy..........why more immigrants of course! Citizenship for start-ups.

  13. Even if there is NO antisemitism in the world, Jews will prize it as an issue/theme because it's a source of power, especially in morally cowering/bullying opponents and silencing criticism of Jewish power. Rick Sanchez for example.

    If antisemitism wasn't such a great big fat topic 24/7, would all these conservatives be falling all over to kiss the toes of Jews? American Right and American Jews are natural rivals(even enemies) because most Jews are liberal; and also because most cons prefer traditional majority dominated America while Jews prefer minority ruled America(main minority being themselves). But notice that even the American Right is into 'We love, worship, and adore Jews' mode. They act like Jews are about to be sent to the gas chambers(this time by all-powerful Palestinians armed with stones against fighter jets and missiles) and in need of dire help. Why do conservatives act this way to Jews? Because of the religion of Holocaustianity and the big fat sin of 'antisemitism'.

    Why would Jews let this go? It's not about fighting real antisemitism. It's about maintaining Jewish power.
    It's like long after Christians prevailed over all of Europe and brutally wiped out all vestiges of paganism, they still brought up the stuff about being fed to lions by evil pagans. Moral justification is a source of power in the Judeo-Christian-Islamic world. Its morality has origins in the God of Justice. So, Jews want to maintain the mantle of victimhood forever. Paradoxically, victimhoodery is the basis for elitepowery. Victimhood makes you morally noble, which means you have the right to rule on the basis of 'collective virtue' of your people.
    Similarly, blacks play on 'we was slaves' narratives cuz it's so effective in politics, economics, social debates.

    What we really need is a JEWISH POWER STUDIES center, but how come there aint none? Because colleges have ANTISEMITISM STUDY CENTERS which will hound any critical study of Judaism.

  14. http://nationalinterest.org/article/hegemony-chinese-characteristics-5439?page=show

    "Their capacity for secrecy also makes it easier for nondemocracies to use force without warning."

    Yeah, it was the Chinese who attacked Libya recently, not democracies like US, UK, and France.

    "Democracies also tend to regard nondemocracies as inherently untrustworthy and dangerously prone to external aggression."

    Yeah, the people who the run the FED and our national policy are really trustworthy and respectful of and responsive to popular will. That's why all those banksters are now sitting in jail. That's why we have border control to stop illegal immigration--supported by vast majority of Americans.

    "Their capacity for secrecy also makes it easier for nondemocracies to use force without warning. Since 1949, China’s rulers have shown a particular penchant for deception and surprise attacks."

    Yeah, unlike US invasion or attacks on Grenada, Panama, and now Libya. Or Israel's assaults on Iraq, Syria, and Gaza.

    "Such fears of aggression are heightened by an awareness that anxiety over a lack of legitimacy at home can cause nondemocratic governments to try to deflect popular frustration and discontent toward external enemies. Some Western observers worry, for example, that if China’s economy falters its rulers will try to blame foreigners and even manufacture crises with Taiwan, Japan or the United States in order to rally their people and redirect the population’s anger."

    'Deflect popular frustration... toward external enemies.'
    Hmmm, who could be up to that shtick?

  15. "Everything we know of these men suggests that they are motivated above all else by their belief in the necessity of preserving CCP rule. This is, in one sense, a matter of unadulterated self-interest. Today’s leaders and their families enjoy privileges and opportunities that are denied others in Chinese society and which flow directly from their proximity to the sources of political power. The end of the Communist Party’s decades-long reign would have immediate, painful and perhaps even fatal consequences for those at the top of the system."

    MORE PROJECTION. Jewish liberal elite or JLE is, of course, "motivated above all else by their belief in the necessity of preserving JLE rule."

  16. Europe is pretty damn anti-Semitic, and will only get worse as they import sharia by the boatload.

    Of course, I'm posting at a place where people are gleeful about that, so I guess the joke's on me.

  17. European antisemitism is "a moral problem and an irritant, but not having any serious consequences."

    Muslim anti-semitism is an existential threat. Yes Jew's need to stop worrying about European anti-semitism. However, there are still millions of people that would love them slaughtered.

  18. The problem is that anti-Semitism is flourishing among Muslims, and that inconvenient truth is verboten in Obama's America.

  19. It would be more useful for Yale to form an anti-Gentilism institute. That's a much more serious problem.

  20. "From what I see, the Jews are inter-marrying themselves out of existence."

    No, they are intermarrying the best of wasps and asians INTO the Jewish elite. They are not intermarrying themselves OUT to other peoples.
    Trust me. Amy Chua's kids will be proud of their 'Jewish heritage'.

  21. Letting an extra 1,000 Mexicans into the US probably won't have any serious consequences.

  22. "...mainstream liberal Washington-Tel Aviv thinking

    The capital of Israel is Jerusalem.

  23. No, they are intermarrying the best of wasps and asians INTO the Jewish elite. They are not intermarrying themselves OUT to other peoples.
    Trust me. Amy Chua's kids will be proud of their 'Jewish heritage'.

    Yes this is my read on it based on my experience. It's a very "dominant" identity.

    You can conceive of the Jewish group-entity as an intense core with concentric circles of identity around it.

    The outermost circle isn't even Jewish by blood but are gentiles who are allied with Jews and help Jewish interests - Christian Evangelicals, for example, in the current environment.

    Closer in are half-Jews or part-Jews. Jews have a long diaspora history living in cosmopolitan environments in contact with many nations, so having these "outer circles" of allied gentiles and part-Jews cultivated through influence, cultural contact, and intermarriage isn't that unusual.

    Contrast this with groups who have evolved in isolation from other nations and have much "less dominant" identities that tend to collapse following contact with other nations and intermarriage. Such as eskimoes.

  24. Europe is pretty damn anti-Semitic, and will only get worse as they import sharia by the boatload.

    Of course, I'm posting at a place where people are gleeful about that, so I guess the joke's on me.

    True, if only we Europeans had listened to those quiet, weak, barely audible jewish voices demanding closed borders we wouldnt be in this mess.

  25. From what I see, the Jews are inter-marrying themselves out of existence.

    That's not possible, thanks to that handy one-drop-rule. In the future we'll all be Jewish, and for as long as we want rather than for fifteen minutes.

  26. Europe is pretty damn anti-Semitic, and will only get worse as they import sharia by the boatload.

    Of course, I'm posting at a place where people are gleeful about that, so I guess the joke's on me.

    I guess the joke is on you, as it is Jews in both Europe and America who constantly clamor for open borders into Europe, or the "importation of sharia by the boatload" as you put it. (And they want the same for America)

  27. Well as I've been telling my friends for years now, all the mountains of old SF I used to read back in HS and college has proven *astonishingly* useful in understanding today's world, as now suddenly revealed by the magic of the Internet...

  28. It's always surprised me that the same neoconservatives who every few months call on us to take action against some Middle Eastern idiocracy that's aroused their ire, then turn around and announce their love of open borders.

    At least with a guy like Whiskey, he's pretty consistent across the board. He wants us bombing them, but doesn't want them here. What's Tamar Jacoby's excuse?

  29. Well as I've been telling my friends for years now, all the mountains of old SF I used to read back in HS and college has proven *astonishingly* useful in understanding today's world, as now suddenly revealed by the magic of the Internet...

    Do you have any specific sci-fi books in mind that were especially prescient?

  30. >[Whiskey] wants us bombing them, but doesn't want them here.<

    I want to eat ice cream all day long, but I don't want to get fat.

  31. Yes this is my read on it based on my experience. It's a very "dominant" identity.

    You can conceive of the Jewish group-entity as an intense core with concentric circles of identity around it.

    Actually, I think that's almost entirely due to the near-total control of the MSM and related elements such as the educational system. People are socialized in an ideational bath, and he who controls the mixture of ideas generally controls the minds of men. Compare the thoughts and beliefs of people a few decades ago with those of today, and it's pretty obvious that the main differences have been caused by a different skew of public propaganda (or public "education" if you prefer).

    Nearly all any of us know about the world outside our direct personal experience comes from the media, especially the electronic media, so if it all says pretty much the same thing, how can most people believe anything different?

    I'll admit that I never imagined that such abstract metaphysical questions might actually have such extreme practical signifiance in our society.

  32. Shortly after the 2008 elections, a Jewish friend confided: "Man, I long for the day when America elects a Jewish president".

    I assume that, in his mind, a Jewish president would alleviate any instances of anti-Semitism in the U.S. and make Jews more accepted by society. I didn't bother to explain why wielding unparalled influence in academia and entertainment pretty much ensure that Jewish interests will be met regardless.

    Truth is, outside of a handfull of organizations(like the preppy, waspy "Final Clubs" made famous in the Social Network)Jews simply don't face much exclusion in America. Hence, the collapse of Yale's anti-semitism institute.

  33. Even paranoids have enemies?

  34. From what I see, the Jews are inter-marrying themselves out of existence.

    Phew, what a relief, 'cos we all know that intermarried Jews immediately start going easy on the anti-whitism.


    Well as I've been telling my friends for years now, all the mountains of old SF I used to read back in HS and college has proven *astonishingly* useful in understanding today's world, as now suddenly revealed by the magic of the Internet...

    You're kidding! I had no idea Stormfront was around in the 70s.

  35. Actually, I think that's almost entirely due to the near-total control of the MSM and related elements such as the educational system.

    I would agree that modern communications technologies have aggravated the effect. Both in reach and intensity.

    But it isn't really a novel environment for Jews. Jews have a long history living under civilization and cosmopolitan centers where many aspects of society such as media, morals, indoctrination mechanisms, etc. are centralized and having control of such niches brings enormous power, influence, and benefits. I'm not sure if you can separate this socialization and transmission of Jewish identity from the centralized structures of civilization.

    Were there Jewish hunter-gatherers? Even when they were in exile and nomads and stuff they were moving between cities in the civilized Near East.

  36. Anti-Semitism among Whites, particularly Evangelicals (who see themselves as "New Jews") is about as likely as an outbreak of NRA membership at Moveon.org.

    That being said, Muslims are VERY anti-Semitic, becoming more so, as their society inevitably and massively fails against a tidal wave of cheap Chinese goods and rising energy prices. Increasing Muslim immigration to the US brings increased hate crimes to the US. Anti-Semitic hate crimes are the largest the FBI tracks by religion; and nearly all of it comes from Muslims (immigrants or native born) and Blacks/Hispanics.

    This however requires confronting reality, something deeply, absolutely, SWPL-ized American Jews by and large refuse to recognize.

  37. There IS quite a deal of Anti-Semitism in US colleges particularly the IVIES. It is driven by ... wait for it ... SAUDI MONEY. Columbia, Harvard, Yale, all have quite a lot of money (in the hundreds of millions or more) in grants, foundations, etc. from Saudi sources. The Edward Said Foundation in Columbia has made basically the university a No-Go zone for Jews.

    Here in OC, UCI is a notorious hotbed of Muslim anti-Semitism. Jewish speakers are shouted down, assaulted (the local Muslim Student Union has been charged with disrupting the speech of the Israeli Amb. Many of the Students have ties to Hezbollah or Hamas, traditionally UCI has been involved in fund-raising for both organizations.

  38. A follow-up on the UCI Muslims, some local left-wing Jewish Organization "Jewish Voice For Peace" is asking the judge to throw the case out. The OC Register is working overtime on ultra-PC / Diversity mode to get the case tossed, with very biased coverage.

    But here is evidence, undeniable, that hard-core ultra-leftism makes you stupid. PC makes you stupid, as "crime makes you stupid" was the byword on "Homicide: Life on the Streets." Most would agree that hard-core Jihadists don't make distinctions between Jews, a Jew is a Jew and and Jihadis believe all should be killed. Just as it made no difference to anyone that Reginald Denny was just a truck driver minding his own business, not a cop. His White skin made and makes him a never-ending target for Black violence.

    The post-Calvinist, post-Christian, Progressive heresy has so penetrated "Jewish Voice For Peace" they cannot even recognize danger when it is there, right in front of them.

  39. The Edward Said Foundation in Columbia has made basically the university a No-Go zone for Jews.


  40. There IS quite a deal of Anti-Semitism in US colleges particularly the IVIES. It is driven by ... wait for it ... SAUDI MONEY. Columbia, Harvard, Yale, all have quite a lot of money (in the hundreds of millions or more) in grants, foundations, etc. from Saudi sources. The Edward Said Foundation in Columbia has made basically the university a No-Go zone for Jews.

    Here in OC, UCI is a notorious hotbed of Muslim anti-Semitism. Jewish speakers are shouted down, assaulted (the local Muslim Student Union has been charged with disrupting the speech of the Israeli Amb. Many of the Students have ties to Hezbollah or Hamas, traditionally UCI has been involved in fund-raising for both organizations.


    This sounds suspiciously similar to what Mark Rudd et al did a generation earlier to the then WASP dominated universities:


  41. "Well as I've been telling my friends for years now, all the mountains of old SF I used to read back in HS and college has proven *astonishingly* useful in understanding today's world, as now suddenly revealed by the magic of the Internet..."

    Such as? Where's my FTL drive, so we can execute the ultimate in White Flight? In fact, despite all the grand promises of the old '50s space operas, NASA can't even get it (the Shuttle) up anymore.

    The only SF that's proven astonishingly prophetic that I can see is Kornbluth's The Marching Morons.

  42. Anonymasaurus Rex7/3/11, 3:08 PM

    "No, they are intermarrying the best of wasps and asians INTO the Jewish elite. They are not intermarrying themselves OUT to other peoples.
    Trust me. Amy Chua's kids will be proud of their 'Jewish heritage'."

    I seriously doubt this. It seems to me that of the famous people I know of who are helf-Jewish, nearly all of them marry gentiles, not Jews: Anthony Weiner, Maya Rudolph, Gwyneth Paltrow, etc. They aren't all in on some nefarious plot to scoop up the best of gentile DNA.

  43. >The Edward Said Foundation in Columbia has made basically the university a No-Go zone for Jews.<

    Whiskey never fails.

  44. "The issue of anti-semitism cannot be helped by the insistence of some Jewish political commentators, eg. Michele Goldberg, Frank Rich, Rachel Maddow..."

    From jewornotjew.com

    Rachel Maddow

    Jew Score:

    Why do people think that television host and pundit Rachel Maddow might be Jewish?

    Well, she is quite liberal, and Jewish women tend to be pretty liberal.

    She is quite intelligent, and Jewish women tend to be pretty intelligent.

    She is quite lesbian, and Jewish women... ummm...

    So, clearly, we can see why people might mistake Rachel for a Jew. But she isn't. Raised in a staunch Roman Catholic household. She does admit to having some distant Jewish ancestry, but that's as far as that goes.

    And here's another thing that separates her from Jewish women; she is quite tall, an inch under six feet.

    So come on, people, not every liberal, intelligent TV personality is Jewish. Though it sure seems that way sometimes, doesn't it?

    Verdict: Barely a Jew.


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