March 17, 2012

Headline of the Day

From the front page of the Washington Post:
Flavor Flav Opens Flavor Flav's House of Flavor


  1. Man give me some of that flavor

  2. Shouldn't that be

    Flavor Flav Opens Flavor Flav's Hose of Flavor

    Bill Murray is Bob Harris Scarlett Johansson Charlotte in Sofia Capollo's ..... .

  3. I saw a victoria's secret that literaly said "A sexier Very sexy" or something like that.. our 'culture' is beyond parady.

  4. brother wayne3/17/12, 7:25 AM

    "...the fried chicken and soul food place..."

    Minorities need to stop stereotyping themselves.

  5. Ever notice how these rappers are becoming modern day minstrels. The hideous,bloated Ice-T doing his awful acting on Law & Order,Ice Cube stars in the new Jonah Hill comedy--and is probably very funny--while this guy just acts stupid to get attention. Werent they all so supposed to be murderers and stuff? I know Snoop Dogg has been to prison and inferred that he has taken part in jail rapes,which I find credible. I guess theyre like the Italian mobsters who wind up as teddy bears in mob movies and The Sopranos. Kind of clowns,but dont mess around with them,or they may bite?

  6. A few years ago Comedy Central produced a roast of Mr. Flav. In his speech at that roast Jimmy Kimmel said that Flavor Flav was the reason George Bush didn't care about black people. As I recall, his tone lacked irony. I think the audience was meant to sympathize with Bush there. I was surprised. This was a reference to Kanye West and hurricane Katrina, so it had much wider implications than Flavor Flav.

  7. Wonder how many more racists Dave Chapelle and comics like him create?

  8. Wonder how many more racists Dave Chapelle and comics like him create?

    what's wrong with Dave Chapelle? He's great!

  9. "Ever notice how these rappers are becoming modern day minstrels."

    lol, we used to dicuss that all the time. apparently you can do anything, and it's ok, 20 years later. these guys would rap about killing the police - and they meant it. it wasn't a joke, it wasn't about selling records. murdering white people, raping any women they wanted, killing police officers, breaking any and all laws were the things they were passionate about.

    now the nice white people of the land just allow them to pretend that all didn't happen. ice cube can be in kids movies and be paid a million dollars for a few yuck yuck laughs. aw, isn't he kind of funny.

    try doing any of that stuff if you're not a black american and see if people give you a pass and allow everybody to forget. they don't forget, they don't ever give you a pass. i first noticed this in sports, but it applies everywhere in US society.

    what kills me is how black americans complain about society being so hard on them when that's a total inversion of reality. the rules are so, so relaxed for black americans. things are often turned upside down completely for them.

  10. Question, Jody:



  11. Question, Jody:

    I originally thought he was a girl, not just because of his name, but because he's always whining.

  12. Truth, are you honestly complaining that a commenter here plays the same note over and over again?

  13. Flavor Flav previously had a fried chicken restaurant in Iowa


    He opened a restaurant in that well-known mecca of Black cuisine, Clinton, Iowa (94% white). And it did ok (good reviews on Yelp!), until the partners fell out.

    Truth is stranger than fiction.

  14. Of course, mine is played on a Stradivarius.

  15. I am a white Southerner so I be biased but I never thought liking fried chicken was a black thing.

  16. "Anonymous josh said...

    Ever notice how these rappers are becoming modern day minstrels."

    Actually, the old minstrel performers were as suave and sophisticated as Duke Ellington and his orchestra compared to the gangsta-rappers. In fact, just about every offensive stereotype of blacks from the past - chanting cannibals, bug-eyed lawn-jockeys, capering minstrels in black-face, and the Kingfish - were far less ridiculous than the strutting, vulgar, stupid, hat-on-sideways clown-thugs of rap.

    Ask yourself, would you patronize an establishment owned by this man:

  17. "Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I am a white Southerner so I be biased but I never thought liking fried chicken was a black thing."

    A lot of white southerners like fried chicken. It's chicken. It's fried. What's not to like?

  18. Nice. So do you get free gold grillz toy with the 6 pieces of chicken nuggets?


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