April 6, 2012

Josh Barro Points 'n' Sputters at John Derbyshire

Somebody named Josh Barro declaims in Forbes after reading the Derb's Taki latest column, "The Talk: Nonblack Version:"
Why National Review Must Fire John Derbyshire
by Josh Barro 
… In the wake of the Trayvon Martin’s shooting, many black parents have discussed the advice they give to their male children about not getting themselves shot in a misunderstanding with a white authority figure. Derbyshire’s talk, on the other hand, is about how to avoid being harmed by a black person. He gives such advice as “If planning a trip to a beach or amusement park at some date, find out whether it is likely to be swamped with blacks on that date,” and “If you are at some public event at which the number of blacks suddenly swells, leave as quickly as possible.” 
Derbyshire also recommends befriending some “intelligent and well-socialized blacks” (IWSBs, for short) so that you can deflect charges of racism by noting that some of your best friends are black. Alas, he adds “the demand is greater than the supply, so IWSBs are something of a luxury good, like antique furniture or corporate jets: boasted of by upper-class whites and wealthy organizations, coveted by the less prosperous.”

And that's about it for Barro's analysis. Just point 'n' sputter.

Somebody at The Atlantic points 'n' sputters at a whole collection of Derb quotes.

I like where Derbyshire goes on to say: 
To be an IWSB in present-day US society is a height of felicity rarely before attained by any group of human beings in history.

Do follow Derb's "height of felicity" link. 


  1. Wow, he excised the links that show exactly what happens when you don't take Derb's advice.

    This is pathetic. Guess anyone insane enough to have taken Holder at his word sure feels stupid. If this is where "bravery" gets you, then cowardice sounds nice.

  2. Let them point and sputter, hell, encourage them.

    More views for Derb's excellent piece.

  3. "More views for Derb's excellent piece."

    That is fair enough. I wonder what people who didn't know Derb will think about his racial views when they discover his mathematical talent. This whole "scandal" might end up making people think "Huh, really smart guys are race realists? It's not just braindead hicks wearing sheets? No one ever told me that. Maybe I should look into this stuff."

  4. Oh, the inevitable Soviet-style campaign of public denunciations is coming. Everyone who is anyone will have to chime in. I'd get a pop corn but, alas, I've seen this spectacle played too many times by now. First in the USSR, then in the USA. The basics never change.

  5. I reckon they will fire him.

    In the limit, PC will become so stifling that the only interesting social writing will be on the iSteves and HalfSigmas of this world. Hats off to John for speaking the truth without hiding, wish I could do that.

  6. Well he's got cancer. I guess he's cutting loose. Not much left to lose.

  7. formerly no name4/7/12, 1:22 AM

    Between the "national security" totalitarian police state and the racial totalitarian police state I'm glad I left the US nine years ago. They'd have to shoot me if they wanted to take me back.

  8. I'm proud to stand with Josh Barro and the Atlantic's Elspeth Reeve and Matt O'Brien. Simply because somebody is playing the role of a "public intellectual" doesn't give them a license to write about ideas. Yes, they should feel relatively free to think private thoughts as they wish. But the vibrant tapestry of our current public discourse -- which ranges from Trotskyist anarchy on the Left all the way to SWPL Portlandia on the Right -- can only be damaged by the voicing of divisive notions.

    There's a reason why elite-friendly outside-the-box writing is what is celebrated as genuinely outside-the-box writing. Derbyshire's essay does not qualify, because it simply does not. The solution is for readers like us -- the true connaisseurs of outside-the-box thinking -- to send Derbyshire down the memory hole. Like what's-his-name Watson. Pour encourager les autres.

  9. There's a pressing need for a neologism -- rracism. The first r is silent, thus rracism is often confused with its homophone, racist.

    Example: John Derbyshire is a rracist.

  10. Derb, if they fire you, would you mind doing a reading of the poem Unguarded Gates? I'm a big fan of your reading of the Gods of the Copybook HEadings.


  11. Has anyone pointed out to these people that John Derbyshire is married to an Asian woman and has biracial children? Would it matter?

  12. Please head over to the Taki Mag section and up vote the voices of sanity.

    That's where I'm taking the fight.


  13. Steyn likes to call reporters the eunuchs in the whorehouse. That's a pretty accurate description of Lowry and Rommuru, except they're not inside, they're on the outside politely knocking on the door. If the Derb gets fired from NR, that just means more room for another "Ezra Klein is wrong about reconciliation" article.

  14. Mr. Incredible4/7/12, 2:37 AM

    2 thoughts:

    1. I've been reading Derb for years, and it's always been clear he's a race realist. Why the outrage only now? Is it because he put it all in one place, rather than scattering it strategically around an article on a larger subject? (for an example of what I mean, see his AmCon article on China in Africa)

    2. As someone pointed out above, he has cancer. He's also nearing 70. These factors probably make him even more outspoken and intolerant of BS.

  15. Lowry is an amateur skateboarder known to don the hoodie from time to time so the whole thing didn't go over well. I thought Chris Matthews had it about right many years ago on his cable show when he said, "You look like you're twelve"

  16. Apparently Barro is from the business properties side at Wells Fargo--sounds totally on-the-level! I would call for his firing, except that I'd honestly never heard of him before, so that would just be churlish

  17. A lot of anti-White bigotry comes from Forbes Magazine. It would seem their only values are short term dollars.

  18. I found the piece from NRO The Corner, where Lowry denounces it, without citing a single falsehood or distortion. Derb very helpfully linked and numbered each point and sub-point for others to reference and investigate, but, as you say, all they do is point and sputter.

  19. Of course Derb should be fired from NR. He jeopardizes the entire neo-con project with his plain speaking.

    Gilbert Pinfold.

  20. James Q. Wilson was a professor at Harvard for 25 years, and in the chapter on crime in his 2002 book "Beyond the Color Line" he makes the point that "Black men commit murders at a rate about eight times greater than that for white men." This disparity is not new: it has existed for well over a century. When historian Roger Lane studied murder rates in Philadelphia he found that since 1839 the black rate has been much higher than the white rate.

    Are these statistical disparities the result of police bias? Do the police target more blacks and therefore arrest more blacks? Professor Wilson would say, no, they are not. Why? Because the more recent numbers are confirmed by the reports of victims, not police. Using the results of the National Crime Victimization Survey, which measures the response merely of victims of crime, Wilson says (second paragraph of his paper), "Regardless of whether the victim is black or white, there are no significant differences between victim reports and police arrests."

  21. James Q. Wilson was a professor at Harvard for 25 years, and in the chapter on crime in his 2002 book "Beyond the Color Line" he makes the point that "Black men commit murders at a rate about eight times greater than that for white men." This disparity is not new: it has existed for well over a century. When historian Roger Lane studied murder rates in Philadelphia he found that since 1839 the black rate has been much higher than the white rate.

    Are these statistical disparities the result of police bias? Do the police target more blacks and therefore arrest more blacks? Professor Wilson would say, no, they are not. Why? Because the more recent numbers are confirmed by the reports of victims, not police. Using the results of the National Crime Victimization Survey, which measures the response merely of victims of crime, Wilson says (second paragraph of his paper), "Regardless of whether the victim is black or white, there are no significant differences between victim reports and police arrests."

  22. Comments on the Takimag article have reached 740 which must be a record. Most of the newer ones are from DWLs and nice white ladies (but I repeat myself). I had to scroll down ages to find my comment (under another monicker) where I slapped down a particularly dumb un-statistical poster. I should have mentioned that I'm non-white which might have opened a few eyes (and minds), but I've always felt that this particularly line of argument is fundamentally unfair.

  23. Sharpton Review4/7/12, 3:59 AM

    This is why I can never get through that Eric Alterman "punditocracy" jazz w/ a straight face; the esprit de corps is never particularly salient among that lot. I believe they're ready over there to change the motto from "Standing Athwart" to "Now Left of Angela Merkel!"

  24. Derb must be pretty sick and not afraid of being the latest to be excommunicated from Neocon Review. Why is it though that cons are always so ready to take the schmuck bait from their enemies?

  25. David Cameron Review4/7/12, 4:43 AM

    Incidentally the writer at the AtlanticWire you linked was the New Republic fact-checker--restrain your snickering, please--who introduced the "Baghdad Diarist" onto the scene during the now-dimly-remembered Iraq escapades. On the trusty Glass-Blair scale his infractions were probably closer to a 2 or 3; rolling through a stop, or an Amanda Bynes encounter at worst. But you wouldn't have known it from the apopleptic reaction of the NR brain trust at the time... I have not checked inside the Atlantic for 3+ years I think ("Ben Bernanke: Hero!") so it's nice seeing that she landed on her feet.

  26. Marion Barry4/7/12, 4:58 AM

    I thought the Derby guy had a good point about the Korean-owned liquor stores, though. It matches my own experience.

  27. I posted a number of very objective comments which merely stated facts and were not prejudicial or abusive in any way on the UK Guardian's website. Almost all of them were deleted.

    If you have any illusions about the Left's respect for free speech, debating merits of arguments etc. - those should be destroyed by now. Hayek once noted that the in academic circles, the left first pleaded for "tolerance" of its divergent opinions and then engaged in vicious intolerance when it found itself in command. This has been going on for a long time, obviously.

    My evil tactic now is to recommend to white leftists that they make up for this disgraceful racist behaviour by a fellow white and visit a black ghetto at night - Sarasota, Florida being one example, although I can think of many others. I really do sincerely believe in giving this advice. I think we should always say to them, "hey I think you are right. We need to undermine these stereotypes. And you can start by visiting a black neighbourhood and showing the world that they are not the violent people they are often made out to be". Eventually some will heed this advice I am sure.

  28. On a serious note, I hope this doesn't mean that The Derb's oncologist has given him some particularly bad news - bad enough that now either The Derb just doesn't give a damn anymore and/or bad enough that now he's determined to pass over* in one great shining blaze of glory.

    *To the next life, John Derbyshire, to the next life - the true life which awaits you.

  29. Florida resident4/7/12, 5:21 AM

    I will stop reading "National Review Online", if they will drop Derbyshire.

    Putting my money, where my mouth is.

    Respectfully towards Mr. Sailer and Mr. Derbyshire,
    your Florida resident.

  30. Georgia Resident4/7/12, 5:21 AM

    The Derb is the only reason I bother going to NROnline. The rest of the articles boil down to "Businesses aren't allowed to exploit labor as much as the market will allow because of EVIL government regulations! Also, Martin Luther King was a Republican."

    Of course, they don't have any real argument against what the Derb said in the article. Would any of them send their children (especially their daughters) to a large event that was likely to be swamped with black people? Derbyshire says what smart people say about race when they don't actively self-censor.

  31. Georgia Resident4/7/12, 5:24 AM

    "Has anyone pointed out to these people that John Derbyshire is married to an Asian woman and has biracial children? Would it matter?"

    Being married to someone of another race doesn't protect you from charges of "racism", if they really want to get you. And in any case, Northeast Asians don't count because they have jobs, do well in school, and don't commit a bunch of crimes, and are therefore even more tainted than white people.

  32. The weakest point in John Derbyshire's piece is the claim that in his own experience about 5% of blacks are 'ferociously hostile' towards whites. How does he know? Do 5% of the blacks he meets attack or abuse him? Or is it just a gut feeling, of the kind that might well be called a prejudice? It strikes me that there ought to be some actual empirical research on the subject of anti-white attitudes. On a little desultory Googling I didn't find much, and according to sociologists Lecci & Johnson there has been 'minimal empirical assessment of the variability in anti-white beliefs'. Lecci & Johnson have done some research of their own, but on a quick glance the results seem to be largely correlational - i.e. anti-white views have such-and-such correlates - but without raw data - e.g. x% of blacks are strongly hostile towards whites, y% are mildy hostile, and so on. If anyone knows of such data it might be helpful to bring it to light.

  33. Derb knew exactly what he was doing. He is far from young and battling cancer and, one suspects, tired of the BS. He did warn everyone ...

    Did you happen to catch the intro of the transcript to the most recent Radio Derb (30 March)?


    01 — Intro.… This is my last contract with NRO. After the contract is settled, I have more flexibility. [Unknown voice: "I understand. I will transmit that to Gurbanguly."] …

    Well done, John! Ending with a bang, never a whimper, is commendable and brave. If the race-realist community had a VC, you would get it, old boy, for jumping right on the grenade.

  34. "Somebody named Josh Barro declaims in Forbes after reading the Derb's Taki latest column, "The Talk: Nonblack Version:"Why National Review Must Fire John Derbyshireby Josh Barro … "

    Apparently Josh Barro writes for the NRO, himself,


    so he's not exactly being collegial by calling for a fellow writer's career to be ended before cancer saves Rich Lowry the trouble.

    Apparently, Barro is also National Review's house gay so we must conclude he is demonstrating predictable solidarity with another legally protected group as part of the gay/geek/NAM alliance against white interests.


  35. That piece was pretty ballsy. NRO is in a difficult position. Derbyshire is one of their most popular writers, and he's not Jewish to boot. They can't really afford to lose him.

  36. I was wondering when someone was going to notice...Andrew Sullivan, of course, noticed a long time ago. In fact, I did not read Derb for a long time because Sullivan assured me he was Vile and to be Ignored.

    They're going to be noticing Steve the the rest of the alt right and HBD-sphere here shortly.

  37. http://www.thornwalker.com/ditch/ut017_lowry.htm

    I used to despise Lowry, until I read this.

    OT I've started to read Camp of the Saints on the recommendation of a commenter. I'm ten pages in. Thanks commenter! It is a rare example of conservative creativity. It is so current, it is hard to believe it was written 42 years ago.

  38. Good satire is always kind of hard for the overly earnest to grasp.

  39. Harry Baldwin4/7/12, 7:06 AM

    Anonymous said... Has anyone pointed out to these people that John Derbyshire is married to an Asian woman and has biracial children? Would it matter?

    It absolutely would not matter. The only race that matters in this context is the black race, but even if Derbyshire were black himself he'd be excoriated for speaking such blunt truths.

    At Derbyshire's home page he has always had two pictures of himself that look like mug shots. Perhaps he knew the Thought Police would get to him eventually.

    He needs to put up a PayPal link so that those of us who'd like to put something in the kitty out of solidarity could do so.

  40. Amusingly, most of the comments on the Atlantic page are now supportive of Derbyshire.

    Good job, Steve!

  41. Harry Baldwin4/7/12, 7:12 AM

    Why doesn't "National Review" merge with "The New Republic"? Call it "National Republic" or "The New Review," and they could consolidate their subscriber bases. Then, in a few more years when they've moved further left, they could absorb "Nation" and become "National Nation," the nation's leading journal of sanctioned opinion.

  42. Wow! How does Elspeth still have a career in journalism?

    Probably because she's so compromised she can't wander over the lines. One true move, and they hammer her with her past misdeed.

  43. National Review can't have people deviating from the Party Line on race. It might detract from their more relevant messages of tax breaks for the rich, and reducing all of the middle east, other than Israel, to a smoking pile of rubble.

  44. I understand that the atlantic wire piece is supposed to be a hatchet job, but that point-and-sputter chick failed so miserably.
    Let alone a single insight, or a bit of a knowledge, the piece contains little other than evidence that she did not even understand the words of Derbyshire she quoted.

    >I won't say that Derbyshire posts pictures of Obama which I find rude, but I will quote the following passage; which I did not really understand, and hope&believe that you will not either; but will just try to make you associate the unpleasant feelings these pictures SHOULD evoke with Derbyshire.
    >blah, blah more of the same inanity....
    >Lastly, like the propagandist I am, I will try to scare/guilt-trip you into action. I will not tell you that you should FIRE DERB, but if you don't fire him NOW, YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE for all the RACISM evil he will cause for the generations to come. And also, you should fire Derb.

    In, Foundation and Empire, Asimov said that in a declining empire being competent puts one in danger. I, OTOH, do not think that the Pareto frontier of competence, honesty and courage has ever been or will ever be a compfortable to be.
    There always are people which have positions they do not deserve, be it in the executive, be it in the media.

  45. Part 8 and 9 is where it goes off the rails a little bit.

    Otherwise, it's all sound, but should be modified to include that women are less dangerous than men, so avoiding large concentrations of and interactions with males is a sounder recipe for avoiding violence than avoiding Blacks, although obviously has disadvantages that avoiding Blacks does not (loss of intellectually stimulating converstation about *things* rather than persons and aesthetics).

  46. HBD debunked on the IQ front?

  47. Florida resident4/7/12, 8:19 AM

    At 11:15 Eastern Time of
    2012/ 04 / 07 the article "Talk" by Derebyshire at Taki generated
    Your F.r.

  48. " Well he's got cancer. I guess he's cutting loose. Not ll/much left to lose."

    My first thought after reading it was "does the Derb have cancer?" Then I remembered that he does.

  49. There's certainly an internet firestorm going on. The link to Derbyshire's article has been unavailable for a few hours now. I've linked to several reactions to all this, both rational (including ISteve, of course) and irrational here at Ex-Army:
    "Expecting the Spanish Inquisition'

  50. Yes, as soon as I saw the mass invasion of the bien pensants, I thought of Steve's "point & sputter" line. I especially liked the constant refrain of, "I feel truly sorry for you." Comedy gold.

  51. His piece seemed completely accurate and rather mild to me. I stopped reading National Review after Buckley turned it over to the NeoCons.

  52. "Has anyone pointed out to these people that John Derbyshire is married to an Asian woman and has biracial children? Would it matter?"

    No, of course not. The idea that praising or associating with Asians can somehow deflect charges of racism needs to be put to rest once and for all. It's a dumb idea from the 90's that has never worked. It's a variation of the "some of my friends are..." line, which also does not work. We need to state our views unapologetically.

  53. You have to admit that Derbyshire looks to be a fearful (as well as an unhappy, which I suppose is beside the point) man.

    So where do we draw the line between mistrust and bigotry?

  54. I did hear of Josh Barro before. Tyler Cowen looooves Barro's economics punditry and has linked to him numerous times. Apparently, Josh is a son of Robert Barro, a Harvard economics professor.

  55. Prof. Woland4/7/12, 9:31 AM

    Having a son who just turned 16 I have already had to have a similar talk regarding blacks. He is now at an age where he is beginning to take college seriously which means he needs to know how affirmative action works. He is blond and blue eyed which means he will qualify for absolutely zip for special admission type programs. Rather than pretend that racial preferences don’t exist like good disingenuous white liberals like Barro do, I prefer to tell my son what to expect so he will be prepared for life. After all, he is my son. He now knows that there will be many instances during his lifetime where the less qualified candidate will be promoted ahead of him and others to satisfy a quota, both written or unwritten. He knows why incompetent people will be holding positions of power and authority or cannot be fired even after gross misconduct. He understands why liberals and Democrats keep dredging up unrelated stories from the past that paint whites as evil every time a black or minority gets in trouble or is facing punishment. In fact, it explains a lot of things. I will save the lecture to my son about black violence until later, but not much.

  56. Josh Barro and that little Rich Lowry kid aren't fit to edit Mr. Derbyshire's grocery lists, much less tell him what to write. Like most opinion journalists, they are puffed-up little nothings. The Derbs' merest musings will be read and appreciated long after Lowry's magnum opus gets sold by the pound to a pulp mill.

    I'm encouraged that there are a lot of comments at the Forbes website in support of Mr. Derbyshire.

    A point about Takimag: why, given how short the articles are, are they split over two pages? It's a pain to have to click "Next Page" just to see two more paragraphs.

  57. There isn't a chance in hell that there will be an honest conversation in the media about the actual content of the piece, and that's a shame. When politicians and the PC eunuchs in the media talk about having a "national conversation on race", all they really mean is that it's time for white people to don the sackcloth and ash and beg for forgiveness once again.

  58. horribly, terribly, monstrously, sickeningly racist.4/7/12, 9:42 AM

    Derb was only describing how SWPL really think and act behind closed doors.

    Btw, have you noticed saying someone is 'racist' is not enough. If blacks like to add AFRICAN to America, liberals love to add all sorts of adjectives and adverbs to 'racist' or 'racism'. So, a person is INCREDIBLY 'racist', VIRULENTLY 'racist', OUTRAGEOUSLY 'racist', INTOLERABLY 'racist', HORRIBLY 'racist', and etc. I guess 'racist', having become a bit worn, needs to be wrapped in new packaging. It's like selling old shoes in new boxes.

  59. Derb forgot Tyler Perry's Mama's Talk.

    We should deal with liberals the way a condescending shrink deals with a hypochondriac, nodding and "mmm-hmm"-ing as we gently lead them toward the door, a hand strategically placed at the small of their backs.

  60. Derb's piece honest and true, without any vitriol.

    But noticing the lower IQ and higher rates of violence of blacks -- no matter how well supported by the test results and crime data -- is officially a thought-crime and a hate-fact.

    Even "edgy" right wing sites like Ace of Spades felt the need to denounce Derb's piece as racist and beyond the pale.

  61. SWPLs are flipping out at Takimag because, deep down inside, they know Derb outed their closet racial biases and fears.

  62. Anonymous said...
    Derb's comments section is being overrun by a Tsunami of DWL's and antifa leftards.

    Yes, it was surprising how quickly they got there in numbers. No substantitive refutation of what Derbyshire said, just a lot of "I'm stunned anyone can be allowed to think this" and "Everyone knows this was disproven by Science generations ago; there is no such thing as Race". One of the (white female) commenters even comes out and says she can't see why it would desirable that white people survive as a distinct people.

    The commitment to not thinking at all about the topic, instead needing to quickly and loudly dissociate one's self from Ideas that Must Not be Thought, is nauseating. What fear these people must live under.

    In any event, on the heels of the Trayvon spectacle, this is just the moment to broach this topic in public. It will likely cost Mr. Derbyshire his gig at NRO, and will be buried under an avalanche of pious indignation, but it will have been said.

  63. My fear is that Derb's piece is a sign that his chemo treatments are not going well. Derb must be aware that this piece might severely reduce his income going forward. Derb is not a wealthy man and writes to provide for his family.

    It's a brave piece, because simply stating facts like this is enough to be drummed out of polite society.

  64. The master of IWSB is of course Obama, and Derb explained why liberals went gaga over him. Liberals just can't face their true face when a mirror is held up to it.

  65. What he said is just common sense known to most people, either on an explicit level or just intuitively. Personal experience is a key element in driving the lessons home. What's more, one does not have to be an ivy-league graduate to catch on; dummy drop-outs have known this all along.
    Drop the IWSB requirement; it's not needed and won't shield you anyhow in a pinch. I see there are a lot of commentators lining up to denounce him. Telling the truth bluntly violates some unspoken rule that things like this are just to be hinted at in an oblique manner to avoid sensitivities being ruffled. Being upfront about it is just so proletarian.

  66. Well, if all those liberals mags are sending liberals readers to takimag, that is a good thing. They'll finally be open to new points of view.

    But notice which side is more censorious. Liberals, who take pride in their defense of liberty, are pushing NR to fire someone for offensive views. Do you hear conservatives pressuring THE NATION or THE NEW REPUBLIC to fire idiots who promote illegal immigration, apologize for black violence, and push garbage like 'gay marriage'?

  67. Auntie Analogue4/7/12, 10:00 AM

    The bien pensant pushback against Mr. Derbyshire merely confirms his irrefutable, eminently sound, book-length appreciation: 'We Are Doomed.'

    Common sense is dead, and what remains of Western Civilization is like a man who, day after day, night after night, gets and stays blind staggering drunk, and stumbles and reels about, reciting no end of vacant fantastic platitudes as he keeps wandering, oblivious to reality, through high crime neighborhoods, getting himself rolled day after day, night after night - and Mr. Derbyshire is now being assailed for his having pointed out the utterly inebriated, bereft of plain clear sight, insensible, behavior of Western Civilization's drunken man.

  68. Simon Oliver Lockwood4/7/12, 10:02 AM

    Perhaps someone's doing a DDOS on Taki. I cannot link to the site.

  69. The sad truth is we are never going to make real progress on racial issues and race relations until we can discuss the subject openly and with complete honesty without impediment-- the last thing the left wants. So, until then, the race hustlers control the conversation.

  70. Adam Carolla had a couple of great rants this week about black men fathering multiple kids and not sticking around. Wonder if he'll catch any flack?

  71. Mr. Incredible4/7/12, 10:15 AM

    "Derb was only describing how SWPL really think and act behind closed doors."

    I agree. Almost all the behavioral advice given in the piece is already followed by liberal whites in their real lives. No wonder they're upset.

  72. Steve, if Derbyshire is fired perhaps you could invite him to contribute to your blog in some fashion.

    His article is like a laser beam. He nails point after point after point with relentlessly accuracy. Point-and-sputter can work on targets that try to make points cautiously or indirectly, but it just bounces off a broadside like Derbyshire's. People know the truth when they see it, however much they might want not to.

  73. I am guessing the comments of the NWL's are abundant. Perhaps if we could just get the dumb females OUT of the discussion it could become more rational and honest.

  74. My fear is that Derb's piece is a sign that his chemo treatments are not going well. Derb must be aware that this piece might severely reduce his income going forward. Derb is not a wealthy man and writes to provide for his family

    If he is fired, I am sure many readers will be happy to donate decent $$ in order to compensate for the lost income and maybe help with medical expenses (if that's needed). Writers with a courage to notice hatefacts should be given some safety net by everyone who values what they do.

  75. Do you hear conservatives pressuring THE NATION or THE NEW REPUBLIC to fire idiots who promote illegal immigration, apologize for black violence, and push garbage like 'gay marriage?

    Hell, I'd settle for getting National Review to fire the idiots who promote illegal immigration, apologize for black violence, and push garbage like 'gay marriage'!

  76. “HBD debunked on the IQ front?”

    Another “debunking” based on testing children, rather than adults (and it is not even IQ tests you are citing).

    It is extremely hard to IQ-test children. Let me give you an example: For adults, if you do 2 IQ tests they will correlate 0.8-0.9, so measurement error is small. For children, your own IQ correlates only weakly with your IQ another time.

    Please don't get tricked by children stuff, and cite adult IQ.


  77. Another Hate Hoax, this time perpetrated by the very insiders of MSM.

    My guess NBC wouldn't have admitted wrong if Zimmerman were really white. But since MSM ended up inflaming tensions between blacks and browns, uh oh, some heads must roll.

  78. As of last night, I hadn't seen one "leftard" comment that addressed the DOJ crime stats, not one.
    Jonah Goldberg and other "conservatives" need to understand that there are bright people,--guns 'n Bible folk-- who are discussing the very points that Derb brings up and AGREEING with every damn thing he says.

    (Of course, I am fully aware that people like Goldberg are every bit as dismissive of the "clinging to their guns and Bible" folk as is our esteemed first half-blood Prince of a President.)

  79. This is it. This is where conservatives--real conservatives--must draw the line. Matt Lewis, Jonah Goldberg, Rich Lowry, the whole crew of liberal quislings must be dumped overboard. These people hijacked conservatism decades ago and it's high time we get it back and mount a real opposition to liberal conceits.

    These people all have emails. Let them hear how many conservatives out there back up Derb 100%.


  80. So, how many magazines or websites would actually publish a piece like Derb's?

    Taki, VDare, probably American Conservative.

    Anybody else?

    Magaines like National Review, Weekly Standard and Commentary wouldn't. Neither would websites like HotAir or RedState or Ace of Spades.

    Nobody wants to be associated with Hate-Facts.

  81. Headline at the Huffington Post...Popular Conservative Columnist Pens Shocking Column About Race...wow, popular...

  82. Come to think of it, NR itself has a "legacy" of racism, from being on the wrong side of history re civil rights. Lowry has to run like mad from that.

    Thing is, Buckley was mostly right but whatever.

  83. Look, the more people who enter into discussions about race, quote stats, then have their white liberal friends stare with their mouths agape (and yes, sputter and spew), the better. Before the word can even start to form on their lips, you just say, "No, not a racist, a race realist. Care to look at the stats with me?"

    Next time around, start talking evolution with them. Challenge their 5th grade understanding of natural selection. Suggest some good reading material. Let them know THEY are the uneducated ones, the hicks who cling to a Creationism that rivals that of the fundamentalists.

    I have found the word "ignorant" to be especially useful in beginning such discussions as in "Perhaps your job has kept you from having time to read much about this? Perhaps you're ignorant about the data? And about population genetics?"

    Oooooo, the word "ignorant" gets them engaged very quickly.

  84. "Anonymous said...

    Even "edgy" right wing sites like Ace of Spades felt the need to denounce Derb's piece as racist and beyond the pale."

    AoS is not right-wing. They are thoroughly neo-con in outlook. Obviously inspired by Jonah Goldberg, they have a lot of that early NRO vibe. They demonstrate an obsession with fan-boy concerns such as comic books, movies, and other pop-cultural ephemera, rather than concern for genuine existential threats to us and ours. I wouldn't be surprised if they simply turned into an unofficial farm-team for NRO.

  85. Another “debunking” based on testing children, rather than adults (and it is not even IQ tests you are citing).

    It is extremely hard to IQ-test children. Let me give you an example: For adults, if you do 2 IQ tests they will correlate 0.8-0.9, so measurement error is small. For children, your own IQ correlates only weakly with your IQ another time.

    Please don't get tricked by children stuff, and cite adult IQ.

    Tell the blogger. He claims to be more of an expert on the subject than Richard Lynn. And he clearly *is* very bright and sincere- not a fraud like Gould or a knuckle-walker like Tim Wise.

  86. It absolutely would not matter. The only race that matters in this context is the black race...

    Uhh, you left out the Scots-Irish race.

    And the Sodomite race.

    And, of course, the ne plus ultra, the Sodomite Scots-Irishman.

    Btw, have you noticed saying someone is 'racist' is not enough. If blacks like to add AFRICAN to America, liberals love to add all sorts of adjectives and adverbs to 'racist' or 'racism'. So, a person is INCREDIBLY 'racist', VIRULENTLY 'racist', OUTRAGEOUSLY 'racist', INTOLERABLY 'racist', HORRIBLY 'racist', and etc. I guess 'racist', having become a bit worn, needs to be wrapped in new packaging. It's like selling old shoes in new boxes.

    A very ancient and [therefore obviously] time-honored Scots-Irish tradition.

    Jonah MacGoldberg and other "conservatives" need to understand that there are bright people,--guns 'n Bible folk-- who are discussing the very points that Derb brings up and AGREEING with every damn thing he says. (Of course, I am fully aware that people like MacGoldberg are every bit as dismissive of the "clinging to their guns and Bible" folk as is our esteemed first half-blood Prince of a President.)

    Ah, the MacGoldbergs - the very finest of folk back home in Ulster - always wore the Orange most proudly on St Patrick's Day.

  87. David B,

    No, I don't have hard data about what % of blacks have very hostile attitudes toward non-blacks, and I don't feel like searching right now, but I can tell you that attending a black church or two or three will tell you what you need to know.

  88. TAKIMAG is still mostly down, but I managed to get to it on one try, so, as a service to you all, if you can't read Derbyshire's original, I've reposted it here temporarily.
    John Derbyshire's "The Talk."

  89. Georgia Resident4/7/12, 11:07 AM

    "so he's not exactly being collegial by calling for a fellow writer's career to be ended before cancer saves Rich Lowry the trouble."

    Who says the Derb is going to die of cancer? At least initially, I thought it was a relatively nonaggressive lymphoma. Serious enough for chemo, sure, but that doesn't mean we should be composing a eulogy for John Derbyshire just yet. I think the Derb still has some fight left in him.

  90. What's the big deal, Mr. Lowry, Mr. Goldberg, and all the rest?

    You don't think all non-Nams have had the talk? As in, "Don't go near that neighborhood?"

  91. Zombie Shane4/7/12, 11:13 AM

    AoS is not right-wing. They are thoroughly neo-con in outlook. Obviously inspired by Jonah Goldberg, they have a lot of that early NRO vibe. They demonstrate an obsession with fan-boy concerns such as comic books, movies, and other pop-cultural ephemera, rather than concern for genuine existential threats to us and ours. I wouldn't be surprised if they simply turned into an unofficial farm-team for NRO.

    AoS is an "A+" on fiscal issues [especially back when Monty was doing the "DOOM" pieces] and also an "A+" on old-fashioned Vargas Girl sexism [I think that's because Ace is a closeted homosexual who is trying to pretend to be straight] and even an "A+" on military hardware [weapons systems], but an absolute "F-" on things like race and the Scots-Irish question.

    Also, there are some pretty dadgum hot chicks [often inebriated] who post over there [and no, I'm not gonna tell you who they are - try to figure it out for yourself - and then see whether they'll send you their pictures].

  92. "You have to admit that Derbyshire looks to be a fearful (as well as an unhappy, which I suppose is beside the point) man."

    He just looks old and tired to me.

    "So where do we draw the line between mistrust and bigotry?"

    Are you serious?

    OK, then, a serious answer.

    Probably wherever it is statistically the least likely that our loved ones will become the victims of black violence.

    That was too close to the bigotry side of the equation for you, wasn't it?

  93. And if we need anything to disabuse us of the notion that a black man who shoots a white for much less reason that Trayvon was shot, look no further.

    Unless, that is, the Labrador counts as a weapon.

  94. AoS is not right-wing. They are thoroughly neo-con in outlook.

    Ace and many of the other writers there are Jewish. Jewish Republicans have a very distinctive take on conservatism. They can't tolerate any discussion of the fact that people are different.

  95. Florida resident4/7/12, 11:19 AM

    Radio Derb of 2012 / 04 / 06
    is on the air (audio version, on NRO site),
    as of 02:00 PM Saturday (April 7).

    Your F.r.

  96. Jonah Goldberg and other "conservatives" need to understand that there are bright people,--guns 'n Bible folk-- who are discussing the very points that Derb brings up and AGREEING with every damn thing he says.

    I meant "not just the guns 'n Bible folk"...

  97. Why doesn't he just apologize? That's what most, close to all, of us would do.

  98. As an interesting question (if this were a discussion about reality among adults, which it mostly isn't) would be "which of these is bad advice?" That is, which of the pieces of advice would lead your kids to make worse decisions?

    I'd say the stuff about seeking smart, well-socialized blacks as friends is actually bad advice--you can't build a friendship on that kind of thing. You should rather be open to friendships with people who are really different from you, black or white, but not go out seeking to have a black friend, gay friend, hispanic friend, etc., to provide evidence you aren't a racist.

    What is the damage done to your kids if they follow the other advice? They may miss out on some fun places where are safe but majority black. If they feel like they are missing out, they should try to understand black culture well enough to be able to distinguish raucous but safe gatherings from dangerous ones, or go to such events with friends who can tell the difference.

    Trying to get the white lady at the DMV instead of the black lady may or may not help your kids (I haven't noticed a difference in the unhelpfulness of DMV folks by race), but it probably doesn't cost them much.

    You can make an argument that this talk will have bad effects on society, or blacks within society. But in terms of being good advice, what else is wrong with it? (And the advice blacks give their kids about interacting with the cops also is based on hard and painful experience, and yet has some bad social effects. But I'd recommend they keep giving their kids the best advice they can, just like whites, Asians, and everyone else should do with their kids.)

  99. I wonder where Whiskey will come down on this? He talks a good talk on these blogs, but we all know his heart is with the neocons at National Review.

    Which is more important to him; a guy who stands up for the founding stock Americans, or guys who stand up for a certain ME nation?

  100. I started on the web about 12 years ago, reading Townhall. I shortly moved onto HotAir, AoS, NRO, and AT. I cannot remember when I last read most of those sites; I do check HotAir to see "mainstream" headlines, but I long ago moved to the AltRight sites and won't waste my time with neocon hypocrisy and stridently "non-racist" movement conservatives.

  101. It's interesting to note the set of people who can say things that are offensive to widespread beliefs, and who can't without bad consequences. The biggest deciding factor in the US (where you can't get arrested for most kind of hate speech, though a few Muslims have more or less been arrested for that) is whether your employer is susceptible to public pressure to fire you. Think of a large set of people who have said stuff in public that offends the hell out of the common sensibility, and keep doing it, and they all have the property that their income and access to megaphones/printing presses can't be cut off too easily by popular outrage (Pat Buchannan, Noam Chomsky). By contrast, people who've been made an example of in this way have often been people who either could directly be fired, or who had ongoing poltical battles or who had accumulated enemies that could use a media storm to depose them (think Watson and Summers).

  102. "Thing is, Buckley was
    mostly right but whatever."

    In the early 1990s, Republicans were close to fixing immigration. Around this time Buckley purged NR and the conservative movement from realists, I think including Sailer.

    This doomed American conservatism. Demography is destiny, and low-IQ Hispanics are not and will never be attracted to conservatism. Whites will become a minority by 2040, and that Hispanics will become a majority a few decades later. Immigration will shift the balance of power permanently and irreversibly to the liberals.

    William Buckley was a liberal where it counted (on race), and helped to destroy the conservative movement from within.


  103. You have to admit that Derbyshire looks to be a fearful (as well as an unhappy, which I suppose is beside the point) man.

    So where do we draw the line between mistrust and bigotry?

    You have to admit that this is one of the stupidest comments ever published on this site, ever.

  104. The real question is WHY NOW? Derb has said similar things before in many columns, articles, and speeches(even in a black college). He's spoken of black intelligence, racial differences, crime, affirmative action, etc. So, why the brouhaha now?

    I think what matters is not just WHAT is said but HOW it is said. Derb this time said it in a way that exposed liberal SWPL hypocrisy, and THAT seems to be the bigger issue.
    It's not so much his use of 'hate facts' but the way he brilliantly and satirically packaged them to expose the truth about white liberal privilege, hypocrisy, double-standard, and the Obama cult.
    He spilled the beans on what affluent whites do to feel 'real' about racial matters.

  105. But he should enjoy it cuz he's getting free publicity.


    Difference is Buckley had to do some soul-searching for firing Sobran whereas Lowry, the pet dog of neocons, will gladly suck up to PC.

  107. "Thing is, Buckley was mostly right but whatever."

    But then, he began to invoke MLK as a great holy man in the 80s.

  108. "Perhaps someone's doing a DDOS on Taki. I cannot link to the site."

    Or, you know, it's getting a lot of traffic because it's being linked everywhere.

  109. HBD debunked on the IQ front?

    I followed the link, and that is about as disorganized an argument as I have ever seen. That guy can't write.

  110. Moving from White/Asian NW to White/Black South was a shock that turned my view of race relations on its head.

    Eventually, my advice to friends going from the NW to any place with a large black population was essentially identical to what Derbyshire offers in his great article.

    Anonymous above recommended:

    "I think we should always say to them, "hey I think you are right. We need to undermine these stereotypes. And you can start by visiting a black neighbourhood and showing the world that they are not the violent people they are often made out to be". Eventually some will heed this advice I am sure."

    I have actually done this. One time on vacation with friends in a beach community not many miles from a black community I actually ended an argument in which I was denounced as a racist by saying, "Okay, tomorrow let's go together and spend a day in the black community. If we survive maybe you will have a different opinion."

    He wouldn't do it. It is so much safer to be morally superior when you are insulated from reality.

    Derbyshire's article is one of the few, much needed, honest discussions on race in America that Holder claims he wants but will do everything he can to suppress.

  111. Beecher Asbury4/7/12, 1:25 PM

    These people all have emails. Let them hear how many conservatives out there back up Derb 100%.


    Ah yes, the white ladies who hate, hate, hate racist beta males.

  112. Btw, have you noticed saying someone is 'racist' is not enough. If blacks like to add AFRICAN to America, liberals love to add all sorts of adjectives and adverbs to 'racist' or 'racism'. So, a person is INCREDIBLY 'racist', VIRULENTLY 'racist', OUTRAGEOUSLY 'racist', INTOLERABLY 'racist', HORRIBLY 'racist', and etc. I guess 'racist', having become a bit worn, needs to be wrapped in new packaging. It's like selling old shoes in new boxes.

    More like, racism is now such a broad brush, applied to so many innocuous behaviors, events, and facts, that they have to qualify it when someone really steps over the line. It's the inevitable consequence of the "implicit racism," "white privilege," "invisible racism" line of attack.

    Regular White people are racists. White people who dare to criticize Blacks, dare to express their distaste for Blacks, etc., are "virulent" racists.

    Whites who don't join in the anti-White hate-fest are "reactionaries." Whites who mount a counter-hate-fest are therefore "super-reactionaries," or something.

    Et cetera.

  113. From Derb's NRO February diary:
    "You want underclass? Scotland’s got underclass.
    A friend sent me that link. I emailed back: “We should have finished the job at Culloden.”
    Shoulda, coulda, woulda."

    He's saying in a coy way that the English should have wiped out the Scots in the 18th century. Perhaps the non-sequitur at the end is supposed to make it "lighthearted," but joking about wiping people out is rightly a taboo.

    Meanwhile, his takimag column doesn't advocate harming anybody, yet it's considered far more controversial.

  114. As of last night, I hadn't seen one "leftard" comment that addressed the DOJ crime stats, not one.
    Jonah Goldberg and other "conservatives" need to understand that there are bright people,--guns 'n Bible folk-- who are discussing the very points that Derb brings up and AGREEING with every damn thing he says.

    (Of course, I am fully aware that people like Goldberg are every bit as dismissive of the "clinging to their guns and Bible" folk as is our esteemed first half-blood Prince of a President.)

    The comments aren't numbered, so I have no idea how many I read. It had to be several hundred.

    Not one of them addressed any points, at all. They all consisted of nothing but hot air, insults, and fallacies, except for the few that rose to the level of spurious arguments like "correlation is not causation."

    Liberals are morons. Morally bankrupt morons.

  115. "They demonstrate an obsession with fan-boy concerns such as comic books, movies, and other pop-cultural ephemera, rather than concern for genuine existential threats to us and ours."

    True, but pop culture IS relevant, and draws viewers. Scant few readers are looking for a site where they can go merely to be lectured.

  116. The whole aim of the PC police is to make conservative viewpoints undiscussable. They've taken it to the point where we can't even freely discuss mass immigration or its consequences.

    And what has it gotten us? One defeat after another. We stopped du jure amnesty, but the slow, de facto amnesty continues apace.

    You can't satisfy them. You will never satisfy them, whether "they" are open leftists or pretend conservatives. And there's no longer any reason to even try. Honesty alone will widen the scope of public discourse.

  117. I'm also concerned about the cancer angle. His recent articles have all been rather morbid, as I've pointed out.

  118. Writing for a "Conservative" magazine is like working for the post office, they're building a case for your dismissal from the moment you're hired. I think they have form letters for disavowals..

  119. "The real question is WHY NOW? Derb has said similar things before in many columns, articles, and speeches(even in a black college). He's spoken of black intelligence, racial differences, crime, affirmative action, etc. So, why the brouhaha now? "

    You could ask the same question about Pat? Are you getting the feeling that all of this is being orchestrated

  120. NR is a colossal lukewarm turd of a magazine. He should have quit long ago. Nobody worth reading ever survives. I'd rather read Consumer Reports - it is edgier.

  121. I'd chip in a few bucks for Derb, and I'm on a budget right now.

    Derb's problem, is that mentioning the truth, marks him as "the wrong sort" of White person. Last I checked, it was not millions of "Jews" that made Oprah a billionaire, but White women craving an imaginary Black Best Friend.

    Class markers ("I'm too rich and successful to worry about Black violence, AA discrimination against my kids, or Hispanic crowding out") are a powerful INCENTIVE in our society. We've had basically a climbing, unbroken economy of GDP advances, including for the middle class, up to the 1970's. In the 1980's, even more personal growth. A credit fueled bubble economy in the 1990's (helped by oil at around $18 a barrel) and mid 2000's. That alone guarantees heavy class markers with the "correct" attitudes and mouthing of platitudes.

    Ace of Spades is no different from that than anything else. It is again, a class marker (King's genius was exploiting that class marker). White women in particular aspire to a higher class (White men often don't, or certainly to a lesser extent than White women) and so embrace "anti-Racism" aka "anti-White views" like movies and books such as "the Help."

    There you have it. No massive conspiracy lasting 80 years, for four generations, all generations keeping devious secrets. Simply the influence of technology, women's improved position (every good thing has its downside) and CLASS once again playing a major role in America. No we don't have an aristocracy formally in the US, but we do have a functional one (that is ope to Black and Hispanics and others).

  122. Hey, you chaps need to line up and make bids on my time. Don't lowball either.

  123. Florida resident4/7/12, 3:56 PM

    FYI (sad news):

    Parting Ways
    By Rich Lowry
    April 7, 2012 6:34 P.M.
    Comments - 0 (F.r.: not allowed)
    Anyone who has read Derb in our pages knows he’s a deeply literate, funny, and incisive writer. I direct anyone who doubts his talents to his delightful first novel, “Seeing Calvin Coolidge in a Dream,” or any one of his “Straggler” columns in the books section of NR. Derb is also maddening, outrageous, cranky, and provocative. His latest provocation, in a webzine, lurches from the politically incorrect to the nasty and indefensible. We never would have published it, but the main reason that people noticed it is that it is by a National Review writer. Derb is effectively using our name to get more oxygen for views with which we’d never associate ourselves otherwise. So there has to be a parting of the ways. Derb has long danced around the line on these issues, but this column is so outlandish it constitutes a kind of letter of resignation. It’s a free country, and Derb can write whatever he wants, wherever he wants. Just not in the pages of NR or NRO, or as someone associated with NR any longer.

  124. Are the Heights of Felicity like the Heights of Abraham, only more rounded?

  125. Looks like they've finally cashiered him. He predicted this years ago.

    I think it's time to say that willingness to stand up to the Left's cynical use of the race card is the essential dividing line between true conservatism and the "loyal opposition" McCain-style facsimile. One either stands for the truth or stands for remaining on the guest lists of Upper East Side dinner parties.

  126. If the Derb is fired and asks for donations, I will contribute. I think a lot of people would. Mr. Derbyshire, if you're reading this, thank you for your bravery and honesty.

  127. see what happens when you speak truth to power everyone?

  128. Lowry is a buffoon, and always has been. This latest action should surprise no one. The fact that he is editor of NRO, instead of sweeping floors, or opening letters in the mailroom, tells you all that you need to know about the modern "conservative" movement. Even if you don't agree with JD, the fact that he has been fired is vile past all comprehension. This most recent outrage would make James Burnham vomit. Let's hope that NR goes down ASAP, and lets all do what we can to help it.

  129. If nothing else, Derb has given us a new breed of social and cultural animal to spot on the American landscape: the IWSB, or Intelligent and Well-Socialized Black. IWSB should join SWPL as the twin pillars of modern American liberalism. That the SWPLs and IWSBs united to use the non-IWSB blacks as a prop to beat the non-SWPL whites is the fundamental mechanism of contemporary American politics.

  130. The real question is WHY NOW? Derb has said similar things before in many columns, articles, and speeches(even in a black college). He's spoken of black intelligence, racial differences, crime, affirmative action, etc. So, why the brouhaha now?

    Derb stayed in the same place, it's National Review which has continued its long journey from right to left.

    I have not counted NR as "conservative" for about the last ten years.

  131. HBD debunked on the IQ front?

    The blogger you link to thinks that because there's only a small IQ gap (according to him) between whites in the U.K. and second generation African immigrants in the U.K., that this somehow debunks a century of international HBD research.

    Both Steve Sailer and I have been to his blog to try to explain to him how selective immigration can really skew racial comparisons (using Indian Americans as an example) but for some reason he found that argument unconvincing, even after I proved it mathematically. He simply hid the thread and kept creating new posts claiming HBD had been debunked, while simultaneously moaning about how disappointed he is to discover that all the races are equal.

  132. Rich Lowery is just the messenger boy, the decision was made by the rich liberals who fund NR.

  133. Looks like this guy didn't read Derb's piece:

    Caught On Video: Crowd Laughs As Tourist Beaten, Stripped And Robbed in Baltimore


  134. Derb was the ONLY reason I read NRO.

    Goodbye to them.

  135. Re the Good Samaritan thing, one of the streets that leads to the University of Rochester is bounded by a river park and a cemetary, so there is almost no one living on the street. During the 90s for a month or so in this area, some blacks would feign being in distress to get motorists to stop and then the motorists would be robbed.

  136. Hey, Barro,

    It's stuff like this that makes an idiot of you:


  137. Looks like he's gone:


  138. Wonder why derb did it and how long before he gets the Buchanan treatment. The neocon/liberal alliance is not interested in debate or dissenting viewpoint - it's easier and quicker and more effective to silence people asking questions..

  139. "horribly, terribly, monstrously, sickeningly racist. said...

    Btw, have you noticed saying someone is 'racist' is not enough. If blacks like to add AFRICAN to America, liberals love to add all sorts of adjectives and adverbs to 'racist' or 'racism'. So, a person is INCREDIBLY 'racist', VIRULENTLY 'racist', OUTRAGEOUSLY 'racist', INTOLERABLY 'racist', HORRIBLY 'racist', and etc. I guess 'racist', having become a bit worn, needs to be wrapped in new packaging. It's like selling old shoes in new boxes.

    This is true. However, even the term racist is over-the-top. There was a time when a distinction was made between a bigot and a racist. A bigot was just someone who didn't like this or that group, whereas a racist was someone for whom their bigotry was a matter of policy, was indeed their whole world-view. Archie Bunker was a bigot. George Lincoln Rockwell was a racist.

    Nowadays, no such distinctions are made. There are no more Archie Bunkers. You're either Morris Dees, or you're Heinrich Himmler. There's no middle ground anymore.

  140. I just hope the Derb doesn't apologize. For one thing, we should all know by now that it does no good. No good at all. Don Imus got down on his knees but they shat on him just the same.

  141. Anonymous said...
    I wonder where Whiskey will come down on this? He talks a good talk on these blogs, but we all know his heart is with the neocons at National Review.

    Really? Was there ever going to be any doubt with that clown. He'll do what he ALWAYS does - Excuse the Jews and Blame the White Women.

    And now introducing.....

    Whiskey said...
    I'd chip in a few bucks for Derb, and I'm on a budget right now.

    Derb's problem, is that mentioning the truth, marks him as "the wrong sort" of White person. Last I checked, it was not millions of "Jews" that made Oprah a billionaire, but White women craving an imaginary Black Best Friend.

    It NEVER varies.

    Anonymous said...
    "Revenge for Trayvon: Elderly man beaten for being white"

    Maybe we should say, "If I had a grandfather, he'd look like him."

    Or a son like Tyrone Woodfork and a grandmother like Nancy Strait.

  142. "From the NRO website:

    It’s a free country, and Derb can write whatever he wants, wherever he wants. Just not in the pages of NR or NRO, or as someone associated with NR any longer.

    - Rich Lowry"

    I would inform NRO (except that they are not accepting comments on this topic) that I would no longer read their publication (except that I have not read it in years) because I have lost all respect for it (except that I have long since lost all respect for it).

    Ann Coulter was right - Lowry and company are girly men. And with the last real man gone from NRO, it can now fully become the metro-sexual bitch-fest it has been becoming for the last twelve or fifteen years.

    Well, perhaps I should take back that comment about "the last real man" working for NRO. Does Florence King still write for them?

  143. That does it.

    The National Review is now officially, doubtlessly, absolutely an enemy publication.

    Lowery, a contemptible sack of shit, does not stoop to engaging the facts Derbyshire referenced. He merely screams like a girl: "nasty."

    Note also he says the Derb "danced around the line for years." The line? Lowery has known for years who his masters are.

    Here's your chance to do something. If you still have one, cancel your subscription to National Review. (Not that this would affect them economically; the magazine is subsidized and your money was likely spent merely on lunches for Jonah and the boys.)

  144. "I just hope the Derb doesn't apologize. For one thing, we should all know by now that it does no good."

    Correct. The worst thing conservatives do is get defensive and apologetic. It doesn't work. That theatre director who apologized after giving money to Prop 8, then donated to HRC? That teacher of the year who told the obnoxious student to go back to Mexico then pologized that she was tired? Didn't help them, did it?

    We need vocal conservatives who don't back down from their views.

    The Derb shouldn't apologize. Not at all. He should, however, get himself a concealed carry permit. Or just carry a handgun anyway.

  145. "Somebody named Josh Barro declaims in Forbes after reading the Derb's Taki latest column..."

    Barro is a brazilian slang for shit.

    For instance: "Eu vou dar um barro."

    Which means: "I'm gonna take a dump."

    True story.

  146. Just go buy one of Derb's books. We are doomed was really good.

    I kinda think his will work out well for him in that he could start an Isteve like site and make some good cash via PayPal.

    Or is it a possibility Steve and Derb will join forces?

    I came upon Steve's site 12 years ago afterDerb referenced him as "the smartest gink I know"

    Stopped reading NR (except for Derb) 7 years ago- Coulter was right as she often is- they're a bunch of p#ssies. Except for maybe McCarthy, vdh, and steyn.

    Dan in DC

  147. Beecher Asbury4/7/12, 7:06 PM

    Whiskey wrote, "Last I checked, it was not millions of "Jews" that made Oprah a billionaire, but White women craving an imaginary Black Best Friend."

    I know you catch a lot of grief on this site for believing in a muscular, neocon foreign policy and defending a certain group from scorn. But with those types now coming down hard on Derb are you pushing the HDB line at their sites?

    Where are your posts at Redstate, NRO and other such sites supporting Derb?

  148. Beecher Asbury4/7/12, 7:24 PM

    There you have it. No massive conspiracy lasting 80 years, for four generations, all generations keeping devious secrets. Simply the influence of technology, women's improved position (every good thing has its downside) and CLASS once again playing a major role in America. No we don't have an aristocracy formally in the US, but we do have a functional one (that is ope to Black and Hispanics and others).

    I know you have worked on your little theory and it makes sense to you. But you are missing the 800 pound gorilla. He who controls the message, controls the agenda.

    Let's look at an example. As Tom Friedman said about the Iraq War, "I could give you the names of 25 people (all of whom are at this moment within a five-block radius of this office) who, if you had exiled them to a desert island a year and a half ago, the Iraq war would not have happened."

    The above is a great example of how a few who have access to the public bullhorn can shape policy. Those 25 folks eventually persuaded almost 70% of the American public to support that war.

    White women are no different. They are just as stupid and will go along with anything they think is socially acceptable. They do not drive anything. They are every bit the sheeple as were the 70% of red blooded Americans who thought invading Iraq was a good idea.

    So don't downplay what a minority of folks in key positions can accomplish.

    Does anyone doubt that if 25 of the most influential opinion writers suddenly and publicly supported Derb's position, there would not be a sea change in public opinion? Those white women you decry would do a 180 in a Manhatten minute.

  149. Canadian thought police attempted
    to silence Mark Steyn for politically incorrect speech.
    He took it to court and won.
    Is Steyn going to resign from
    NR in protest over the defenestration of the Derb?

  150. "Nowadays, no such distinctions are made. There are no more Archie Bunkers. You're either Morris Dees, or you're Heinrich Himmler. There's no middle ground anymore."

    Excellent point. And what do we get in this situation? No one willing to admit anything. Everyone lying all the time. Like someone pointed out, all very stalinist..

  151. The Takimag thread is quite instructive. Crazy as he is, Whiskey does have something of a point re: white ladies. Some of the most aggressive and dogmatic "progressive" commenters on there are women. In fact, I'd say there is a much higher concentration of women arguing contra Derb and race-realism there than you normally see on political weblogs. Gentile white women, no less.

  152. >Gentile white women, no less.<

    How do you know that?

    >Barro is a brazilian slang for shit.<

    "Josh Barro". Pen name, by someone with a scatological bent?

    I encourage everyone here to send a short, clear email to the three e-addresses given in a comment above. Not that it will make any difference to those willfully deaf-dumb-and-blind metrosexual boys who obey the random commands of other magazines. Nevertheless, if enough people write in, then the boys' Inboxes may be filled with disapproval to an eye-popping degree. Perhaps they will then have to partake of extra lattes on K Street to disentangle their wadded step-ins.

  153. Suburban_Elk4/7/12, 9:33 PM

    In countering the charge of Racism -

    I am going with, Yes, racism is real and racism is right. Birds of a feather. Just as it is natural and reasonable and righteous and just to favor one's family, so it is to favor one's race.

    Yes, everyone (who has a race) is racist. I am ok, you are ok, … Let's be real.

  154. I always wondered if Ace was a jew? Guess so and that explains why I haven't been able to access the site for a few days. They really get upset when you notice the behavior of Scots-Irish over there.

    White RB

  155. Someone should write, "the talk: liberal version" but I'm afraid it would require the talents of a novelist. The child is not informed directly of anything regarding black people, but is instead expected to intuit the instructions Derb lists in section 10, as well as the later instructions for dealing with AA employees. This intuition is imparted over many years, imperfectly, by vague references to "bad neighborhoods" (that happen to be black) and "bad cities" (that happen to be black) and "bad characters" (who happen to be black males), and "bad workers" (who...etc.) - neither the liberal parent nor the liberal child permits himself to think, consciously, what both must unconsciously understand.

    Such was my upbringing. Alas, I turned out to be too simple for liberalism. You need a really subtle mind for it, much as any sensible Medieval man might have been an unbeliever, but it took some real cleverness to be an Aquinas.


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