April 5, 2012

More Shaima Non-Shockers

ABC News, teaming with the San Diego Union-Tribune, has doing a good job on the latest Hate Hoax, this one the Million Hijab conjob over how the brutal beating murder of an Iraqi immigrant housewife, Shaima Alawadi, was the work of an anti-immigration, anti-Muslim hate killer.
[Daughter] Fatima was also distraught over her pending arranged marriage to a cousin, according to the documents. 
The investigation into Alawadi's death revealed that a neighbor reported seeing a dark-skinned teenager or 20-something man running away from Alawadi's house around the time of her death, carrying a donut-shaped cardboard box. Police searched the home of the man Fatima was found having sex with months earlier, and took items from his home as part of the investigation, according to the U-T San Diego newspaper. 
Alawadi was also planning to divorce her husband, according to a search warrant in the case. Divorce papers were found in Alawadi's car, and a relative told police Alawadi was planning to divorce husband Kassim Alhimidi and move to join her mother and siblings in Texas.

Back before the Iraq War, I explained that one reason America wasn't going to be able to turn Iraq into Switzerland was the off-the-charts level of cousin marriage in Iraq. Moreover, Muslim immigrants in Europe frequently force their daughters into arranged marriage with cousins back in the Old Country as a mean of immigration fraud. 

So, let's say, just for the sake of brain exercise, that daughter Fatima was told that if she didn't marry her cousin, there just might be an honor killing. Would having her boyfriend kill her mom qualify as pre-emptive self-defense? The defense could have Ahmad Chalabi and Dick Cheney explain the concept of pre-emptive war to the jury.


  1. It's all very ironic.

    Liberals used to tell us that whites often invoked RACE CRIME and blamed it on blacks(and so blacks got lynched when some white woman was either raped by a white man or not raped at all).
    And there was some of this in recent times too. Some guy in Boston in the 90s killed his wife, shot himself, and then said some black guy did it.
    And Susan Smith drowned her own kids, and then blamed it on blacks.
    Liberals say this is a bad bad thing, blaming blacks before all the evidence is in. Indeed, such things are disgusting, and we should all condemn scumbags of whatever color.

    But, of late, liberals keep jumping to conclusions about 'white hate crime'. So, even when non-whites pull some hoax, 'white racism' is blamed and white people as an entire race is held accountable for all the vile hateful violence. Liberals are now acting like them southern bigots in TO KILL A MOCKING BIRD. Ironically, in their fight against prejudice, they've become the new bigots suspecting white folks of all sorts of crimes. It's like a witchhunt. When young Germans under Nazism were taught that Jews were hiding under every bed to destroy Germans, many Germans believed this--even when Jews were shipped off to death camps. Now, after generations of hatred against 'white hatred', so many Americans are willing to believe or even desperate to believe in the Great White Evil. Since they've told that it's the biggest horror in the world, it must be somewhere, everywhere.

    If not for the liberal control of media, the HATE HOAX should be more embarrassing for liberals than BLAME BLACK was for conservatives.

    When something bad happens and we suspect some black guy did it, it's true 80% of the time(because so many blacks do act violent... but then liberals have whitewashed black violence in 'teen' violence, as if Swedish-American youth mobs are running around beating up people).
    But when liberals, blacks, and etc accuse whites of 'hate crimes', it's so often false since most whites do not indulge in this kind of crime. So, liberals and blacks end up with more eggs on their faces than white conservatives do.. but they got the protection of the media.

    But liberals are so desperate for the Great White Hater that they are even willing to believe Zimmerman is 'white' and acted 'racially'--as with NBC's editing of the phone call. And even when Omar Thorton killed whites, NY Times ran article after article asking if those victims were GREAT WHITE HATERS who got what they deserved.

  2. Where's Olive Stone? Shouldn't he tell us that the CIA, FBI, and Cubans killed the woman?

  3. Compared to liberal hype, birthers and truthers are sane. Yet, liberals take such pride in being rational and skeptical.

  4. Birthers: Obama born in Kenya.

    Truthers: 9/11 was an inside job.

    Whiters: White folks are committing 'hate crimes' left and right.

  5. I'm so sorry for liberals that maybe one of us should commit a real 'hate crime' just to make liberals feel good.

  6. Would having her boyfriend kill her mom qualify as pre-emptive self-defense? The defense could have Ahmad Chalabi and Dick Cheney explain the concept of pre-emptive war to the jury.


    That's cutting a little close to the bone.

    As much as we may have disagreed with Dubya's Iraq & Iran policies, Cheney was one of the good guys - make no mistake about it.

    And given the feminization & homosexualization* of our culture, we may never again see that masculine of a man at 1600 Pennsylvania or at the USNO.

    Someone who quit Yale to go home and work the lines in rural Wyoming.

    By contrast, here's a look at our future: Barack Obama 'tucked David Cameron up in bed' on Air Force One

    *Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know all about his kooky daughter. But the dude dispatched that ambulance-chasing poseur, John Edwards, with a single grimace in the 2004 debates.

  7. Dunno. Steve seems to be making a much bigger deal about this alleged "hate crime" than the national media ever did. In fact, I'm not sure I ever would have heard about it except for Steve's three or four separate posts.

    Maybe the local media in San Diego covered it a little, which doesn't really seem unreasonable, especially since I think they were a little suspicious from the beginning. But if the national MSM pretty much ignored it and never built it up as a big "hate crime", isn't it silly to use it to denounce the national MSM as hate-crime addicts?...

    As much as we may have disagreed with Dubya's Iraq & Iran policies, Cheney was one of the good guys - make no mistake about it.

    Well, it seems to me that traitors should generally end up on the end of a rope. But that's just my opinion...

  8. Buchanan Brigade4/5/12, 2:45 PM

    No, WE did it.

  9. National Review Death Squad4/5/12, 2:45 PM

    No, WE did it.

  10. Takimag Thugs.4/5/12, 2:46 PM

    No, WE did it.

  11. New Criterion Skinheads.4/5/12, 2:46 PM

    No, We did it.

  12. Well, it seems to me that traitors should generally end up on the end of a rope.

    In what sense was Cheney a "traitor"?

    You could get Dubya & Rove on not enforcing the immigration laws [and, for all intents and purposes, ENCOURAGING illegal immigration], but how do you see Cheney as a traitor?

  13. "Would having her boyfriend kill her mom qualify as pre-emptive self-defense?"


    "The defense could have Ahmad Chalabi and Dick Cheney explain the concept of pre-emptive war to the jury."

    Haha! It's funny because foreign policy is exactly like domestic law enforcement.


  15. If the girl had something to do with the mother's death... will liberals say..

    "Oh boy, we are so relieved. The girl had her mother killed but at least it had nothing to do with hate."

  16. you have to remember that the truth doesn't matter for liberals- its creativing the narrative. Did they care that freud or boaz were frauds? no, because it helped tear at the fabric of western society. And that's what matters...

  17. The rest of the family have gone to Iran for the funeral. The police shouldn't have let them out of the country. Though I guess as long as they stay in Iraq, it will save a lot of money on court and jail costs.

  18. No Anonymous @2:24 PM

    Dick Cheney is not one of the "good guys" he's a Centrist GOPer, who ran with a "compassionate conservative"- open borders, wars for women's rights, all torn up because Kanye W. thought he was a racist, and there's more. And re Cheney's daughter, you know Cheney is cool with that movement, don't believe the act he puts on for the rubes.

    At some point people have to stop making excuses and look the beast in the eye- Nixon signed Affirmative Action into law, Gingrich defended it in the 90's, and Romney will never end it. Same goes for illegal immigration and Hispandering.

  19. "Cheney was one of the good guys".
    The writer also thinks Cheney is some hyper-masculine male who puts everyone else to shame.
    Whew. Calling planet Earth, calling planet Earth.

  20. who ran with a "compassionate conservative"

    Right - I got no problem with putting Dubya & Rove on trial for treason, on account of 10m or 20m more illegal aliens [plus anchor babies] than when they came into office - but how does Cheney figure into that?

    Hating on Cheney for Dubya's sins would be like hating on the Gipper when H-Dub Senior renegged on "Read My Lips".

  21. some hyper-masculine male

    Cheney quit Yale to work the lines, man.

    That's a seriously tough [& DANGEROUS] job.

    Who was the last major politician in this country to get his hands dirty like that?

    Barack Hussein "Sidley Austin" Obama?

    Joe "Neil Kinnock" Biden?

    Dubya and the Texas Rangers?

    Let's see - after his Rhodes Scholarship, Bill Clinton once "taught law" [and raped law students] at UArk, before becoming the State Attorney General - that's a seriously impressive blue collar background.

    Hitlery "worked" for Rose while playing the cattle futures market for fun.

    How about Speaker Pelosi or Senator Feinstein and their husbands' dirty real estate bidnesses?

    Speaker Gingrich was in academia and politics his entire life.

    We're getting so far removed from a lifetime like Reagan's - lifeguarding at the town pool, playing football in college, barnstorming the midwest as a radio announcer - that the lives our modern elitists live are getting to be positively surrealistic.

  22. Obama did construction work in New York at times for extra money. Bush 2 worked on oil rigs.

  23. George H W Bush was the youngest fighter pilot in the Navy and was shot down over the Pacific. Top that.

  24. If the girl had something to do with the mother's death... will liberals say..

    "Oh boy, we are so relieved. The girl had her mother killed but at least it had nothing to do with hate."

    Logic says they'd be disappointed. They want their cause celebre. They want their Great White Hater.

    Back in the real world, it's going to matter increasingly less what white liberals want. Neither white liberals nor WNs are the future of America. People like me are the future of America: "white" but not, you know, White. Latino immigration and latino+white miscegenation virtually guarantees it.

    I don't care at all for sissy white liberals' pet causes. Gullible white liberals were useful once (in getting WNs off my back) but they've outlived that usefulness and the unreality they swim in is becoming highly problematic. Racism doesn't bother me; racism is life, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Of all the people I know I can think of only two (both race-mixers) who would freak out about "racism" (but never about anti-white racism) and one who occasionally pipes up about it but I don't think his heart is really in it; the rest of us, happy little racists. Why should I settle for a crappier-than-necessary life lived around hordes of ludicrously racially unlike people, whose lives I have no interest in, whose very presence is often an irritation, when I could be open about my racial feelings, support "racial reform" and achieve a real racial community enjoying real racial bonds?

    WNs need to give up their fantasies about "taking back" America and get on board with the one movement that offers them genuine hope for a racial future: the movement that offers a racial future for all.

    There. That's my little mini-manifesto.

  25. George H W Bush was the youngest fighter pilot in the Navy and was shot down over the Pacific. Top that.


    But, by and large, NOBODY is bringing that kind of life experience to DC anymore.

    Nowadays, the typical DC political resume looks like:

    1) Study for your SATs.

    [1a) Drink beer for four years as an undergraduate.]

    2) Study for your GREs.

    [2a) Drink wine for three years in law school.]

    3) Clerk for a federal judge.

    [3a) Introduction to Mr. Single Malt Scotch.]

    4) Law School Professorship or Congressional Chief of Staff

    [4a) Mmmm, champagne tastes good, but damn is it EXPENSIVE!!!]

    5) Run for Congress.

    [5a) Hello - them Congressional interns are teh hawtness, and they get all giggly and cuddly and warm-n-fuzzy on just a couple of glasses of champagne!!! I love my job!!! I LOVE MY LIFE!!! I am teh Master of the Universe!!!]

  26. George H W Bush was the youngest fighter pilot in the Navy and was shot down over the Pacific. Top that.


    But, by and large, NOBODY is bringing that kind of life experience to DC anymore.

    Nowadays, the typical DC political resume looks like:

    1) Study for your SATs.

    [1a) Drink beer for four years as an undergraduate.]

    2) Study for your GREs.

    [2a) Drink wine for three years in law school.]

    3) Clerk for a federal judge.

    [3a) Introduction to Mr. Single Malt Scotch.]

    4) Law School Professorship or Congressional Chief of Staff

    [4a) Mmmm, champagne tastes good, but damn is it EXPENSIVE!!!]

    5) Run for Congress.

    [5a) Hello - them Congressional interns are teh hawtness, and they get all giggly and cuddly and warm-n-fuzzy on just a couple of glasses of champagne!!! I love my job!!! I LOVE MY LIFE!!! I am teh Master of the Universe!!!]

  27. As much as we may have disagreed with Dubya's Iraq & Iran policies, Cheney was one of the good guys - make no mistake about it.

    And given the feminization & homosexualization* of our culture, we may never again see that masculine of a man at 1600 Pennsylvania or at the USNO.

    Someone who quit Yale to go home and work the lines in rural Wyoming.

    LOL. Good one.

    He didn't just quit school. He went to another college and grad school.

    And he was a draft dodger.

    He was and is an effete coward like the rest of 'em.


    "He attended Yale University, but by his own account had problems adjusting to the college, and flunked out twice.[11] Among the influential teachers from his days in New Haven was Professor H. Bradford Westerfield, whom Cheney repeatedly credited with having helped to shape his approach to foreign policy.[12] He later attended the University of Wyoming, where he earned both a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts in political science. He subsequently started, but did not finish, doctoral studies at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.[13]"

    "When Cheney became eligible for the draft, during the Vietnam War, he applied for and received five draft deferments.[16][17] In 1989, The Washington Post writer George C. Wilson interviewed Cheney as the next Secretary of Defense; when asked about his deferments, Cheney reportedly said, "I had other priorities in the '60s than military service."[18] Cheney testified during his confirmation hearings in 1989 that he received deferments to finish a college career that lasted six years rather than four, owing to sub par academic performance and the need to work to pay for his education. Initially, he was not called up because the Selective Service System was only taking older men. When he became eligible for the draft, he applied for four deferments in sequence. He applied for his fifth exemption on January 19, 1966, when his wife was about 10 weeks pregnant. He was granted 3-A status, the "hardship" exemption, which excluded men with children or dependent parents. In January 1967, Cheney turned 26 and was no longer eligible for the draft.[19]"

  28. Won't the NYT be embarrassed?! I'm sure they'll never do story like that again...

  29. @RKU: It's not getting the publicity of Martin/Zimmerman, sure, but I've seen more than one article about it in the national press. That's a hell of a lot more than a typical murder, even a home invasion.

    The story never made sense. Someone broke into the house and *beat* her to death, leaving a note, taking nothing? Sure, bro.

  30. @anon@4:35 PM

    Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas. Only takes one time to get some stds.

    Cheney was in the thick of war planning and pushing the intel community for "evidence". Add to this the fact that he wanted to run with Bush, serving as an adviser on the VP selection committee until he selected himself. It wasn't a case of poor little Dick sitting all by his lonesome in the corner, just trying to be good, like a small child with crack addict parents.

    And "the Gipper"- in hindsight, he wasn't all that, particularly re Amnesty.

    Bellicosity, going easy on the wealthy vis-a-vis taxes, and being buddies with TX oil types does not automatically make one a conservative or a traditionalist.

  31. "Anonymous Anonymous said...

    As much as we may have disagreed with Dubya's Iraq & Iran policies, Cheney was one of the good guys - make no mistake about it."

    Cheney was an architect and enabler of the national security state. He's a malevolent old creep.

  32. Maybe the local media in San Diego covered it a little, which doesn't really seem unreasonable, especially since I think they were a little suspicious from the beginning. But if the national MSM pretty much ignored it and never built it up as a big "hate crime", isn't it silly to use it to denounce the national MSM as hate-crime addicts?...

    What the f--- are you on about? This thing was on the front page of the NYT. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/28/us/killing-of-iraqi-woman-leaves-immigrant-community-shaken.html
    It went away because it has no legs; there's still way more demand than supply for journalists re [white] hate crimes.

    That million hijab kitsch will backfire horribly if it turns out this was another honor killing. Isn't then the culture of the hijab, not of the white racist--who's nearly alone in opposing it--responsible?
    Oh, right, there are no consequences for being wrong here. I keep forgetting.

  33. Heck, John Kerry, a genuine war veteran, is arguably more of a man than Cheney. Kerrey's problem is that he is manly in that aloof 19th century aristocratic way that no one respects any more. His idea of a good time is sailing into a fierce wind or climbing some unclimbed peak, not drinking beer in a dive bar and getting in a fight.

  34. Auntie Analogue4/5/12, 11:32 PM

    George H.W. Bush was not a fighter pilot. He piloted an Avenger torpedo bomber crewed also by his radioman and rear turret gunner. Flying into flak and fast enemy fighters in a long, low, slow, straight-&-level attack approach in a lumbering three-seat, single engine WWII torpedo bomber was, all things considered, quite a bit more harrowing than enjoying far greater speed, maneuverability, self-defensibility, and freedom of action in flying a single-seat fighter.

    Cheney is a war criminal no less than the Nazis whom the Allies convicted and sentenced to death for crimes of the very same kind and degree as the crimes Cheney committed - in fact, at Nuremburg and at Mania Nazis and Japanese were convicted of crimes lesser than Cheney's. He contrived not just to break every precedent in American history by urging the president to send American boys and girls to not just the US's first but to the US's first TWO war-of-choice preemptive wars, but also to break US law by persuading George W. Bush to order Americans to torture enemy captives, and to torture anyone the executive declared to be an enemy. Plus, Cheney oversaw, directed the torture program - including illegal black sites in God knows how many foreign countries - for his sitting president.

    For his war crimes Cheney deserves a short rope - but he won't get one because Obama merely ordered torture halted, but didn't repudiate torture as he ought to have repuditated it, since it is, after all, a gross violation of US law (not to mention that the US torture program amounted to the most ominous, unprecedented violation of US law and formed the repudiation and squandering of the US's historically unique moral authority). No, Obama cunningly reserved to the executive the absolute power to have the state torture anyone whom it chooses to torture.

    You hand government the power to torture, then you are no longer governed, because you are then ruled.

    This is not some stupid male p_ssing contest to see which politician is the most masculine - this is a power dynamic in which you and I - the governed - must not hand to our governors the power that makes them our rulers.
    Never, never, never hand power to the state - never hand its officials more than enough power, or money, to exceede governing us to the point at which they rule us, the point at which they shake us down for their social engineering, crony capitalist foreign war, no-stop-immigration, and kissing-Moslem-you-know-what schemes.

    In fact, here are three letters which you'll agree form an irrefutable argument for why you and I should never hand power to our government: TSA. And you know yourself that you and I can come up with plenty more agency, administration, program, and even unelected "czar" acronyms that argue conclusively against your and my handing evermore power to the state.

    This horrific, insane mania all for torture reminds me of a sign I used to enjoy seeing posted in various workplaces: THIMK!

  35. Beecher Asbury4/5/12, 11:52 PM

    Fred Reed has a nice piece on the Florida shooting. He doesn't focus on the facts of the actual case. Instead he uses it as more proof of the huge divide between black and white. He touches on a lot of HBD type themes.

    Here is a good excerpt:

    The policy of integration and the cult of diversity haven’t worked. Over and over the hatred boils up and underlines the immiscibility of black and white. OJ, Rodney King, Travon, the Duke case, Towana Brawley, all the gang. Racial crimes against whites are buried, but now show up on Drudge in cell-phone videos. The races are not melding culturally. We have hate crime laws, unidirectional as they are, because we have hate crimes. We have to have laws forcing togetherness because we don’t want togetherness.

    Societies work best when they have a uniform culture. The next best thing is a dominant culture to which small numbers of people of similar culture must accommodate themselves. We see this in America with the Chinese, who are studious, industrious, abide by the laws, and do not set themselves in opposition to the ambient European ethos. They are few enough, similar enough, and quiet enough that it works.

    But blacks are too many, too different, and too culturally raucous. Some syncretism occurs around the edges, yet even the middle classes of the two races mix seldom and somewhat awkwardly.

  36. iSteve said...

    "So, let's say, just for the sake of brain exercise, that daughter Fatima was told that if she didn't marry her cousin, there just might be an honor killing. Would having her boyfriend kill her mom qualify as pre-emptive self-defense? The defense could have Ahmad Chalabi and Dick Cheney explain the concept of pre-emptive war to the jury."

    Eh, no need for fancy brain exercises. This stuff is so simple that even a Detroit public high school graduate (2009 graduation rate: 24%) could pull it off in his/her sleep.

    From the article:

    "The investigation into Alawadi's death revealed that a neighbor reported seeing a dark-skinned teenager or 20-something man running away from Alawadi's house around the time of her death, carrying a donut-shaped cardboard box."

    1.) If/when it turns out that the killers weren't French neo-Nazis from Toulouse or Illinois Nazis after all, the media will turn their attention to the neighbor who reported seeing the "dark-skinned teenager or 20 something" running away. This neighbor's account sounds eerily similar to George Zimmerman's "this guy's up to no good; he looks black" 911 call. How do we know that the neighbor wasn't, in fact, Zimmerman himself? After all, hasn't Zimmerman been in hiding lately? Somebody tell Spike Lee that it looks like we've finally found that racist cracker Zimmerman -- he's in San Diego now, but he's still up to his old tricks of causing trouble for people of color.

    2.) If/when the killer turns out to be either Fatima's dark-skinned boyfriend or the husband, Kassim Alhimidi himself, the media will begin calling him a "white Iraqi, or "white Arab."

    3.) If/when the "white Iraqi" gambit doesn't go over as well as expected, the media will determine that the pervasive climate of hatred for Muslims and immigrants ginned up by white conservatives caused the killer to commit a hate murder against the immigrant Muslim Iraqi housewife, Ms. Alwadi -- even though he happens to be a Muslim Iraqi himself.

  37. Please link to the article explaining why cousin marriage in Arabian countries would make them more difficult to democratize. I am not making the connection.

  38. Steve Sailer said...
    Obama did construction work in New York at times for extra money.


    What? That's a joke, right?

  39. WNs need to give up their fantasies about "taking back" America and get on board with the one movement that offers them genuine hope for a racial future: the movement that offers a racial future for all.

    The break-up of America into ethnic/credal nation-states? I'm all for it, but I don't think the resource wars are going to be pretty.

  40. "People like me are the future of America: "white" but not, you know, White."

    Right. And it will be "America" but not, you know, America.

  41. 2) Study for your GREs.

    Oops - meant to say:

    2) Study for your LSATs.

  42. He went back to school because Lynne told him she wouldn't marry him if he didn't.

  43. I have the most brilliant idea to (1) fix the economy (2) bring about equality (3) make everyone happy.

    How about universal presidency? Why should only one person be president at a time? Why not make every American a president? That way, we have political and social equality for everyone. We would all be commanders in chief.
    Also, if everyone is a president, he or she is deserving of a white house, limos, air force ones, secret service, tons of benefits, etc. Imagine the stimulus to our economy! If WWII gave life to the US economy by building a lot of tanks and bombers, imagine the jumpstart the economy would get if it had to build 300 million Air Force One jumbo planes, one for each American. There would be full employment from the massive stimulus! And of course, every worker involved in building air force ones would be a president too, and so he would get an air force one to fly around in. We would all have equal political and economic power. We wouldn't need stupid elections anymore since we would all be equally powerful as presidents.
    My idea is so brilliant that I deserve the Nobel Prize for both economics and peace. And Krugman's Keynesianism is wimpy stuff in comparison. He wants more stimulus, but his proposal cannot compare to building a white house, limos, and air force ones for every American.

  44. Cheney did not work the lines. I work the lines. Cheney was a Groundman and not a Lineman. He also got like three DUIs in one year. Real manly.

  45. We do know that Mr. Cheney's hands are free of the blood of thousands of white South Africans killed since apartheid ended.

    Not a single Congressional vote of his aided the overthrow of the white government - thus insuring the murders to follow.

  46. Obama did construction work in New York... What? That's a joke, right?

    Oh, no, it's not a joke.

    Not at all.

    It's completely serious.


    Trust me on that.

    You can take it to the bank.

  47. "Please link to the article explaining why cousin marriage in Arabian countries would make them more difficult to democratize. I am not making the connection"

    I'll make some connections. Cousin marriage is the essential component of tribal society, at least in any sense of the word "tribal" through history.
    The reason that tribal/partially inbred extended familial peoples have had a poor record of transitioning to democracy is that their fundamental mores are at odds with not only democracy, but civil society in general.
    Civil society divorces the individual from the tribe. The notion of individual responsibility, guilt, initiative, and conscience are simply not possible in a society where guilt, responsibility, etc are located in the clan. Elections, jury trials, and the daily execution of the spoils of an executive branch are impossible to undertake in such an environment.
    There are many writers, ranging from Sailer to Tocqueville, who have addressed the incompatability of local, traditional norms and civil, individual society in depth. One interesting dichotomy that has been brought up recently between the two is the differing ideas of justice in western "guilt" cultures and middle-eastern "shame" cultures. I recommend checking into this as well.

  48. Please link to the article explaining why cousin marriage in Arabian countries would make them more difficult to democratize. I am not making the connection

    I think the gist of it is that nepotism, cousin-marriage, and tribalism all go together. And they crowd out things like functional democracy, transparency, rule of law, public goods, etc. Low-trust society, if you're looking for one term.

  49. Obama also worked at a Baskin Robbins and then at a deli counter as a teenager-- a poignant reminder of when even middle class teens were expected to get part-time jobs for spending money instead of going to SAT cram courses.

  50. Oh, and he like totally knows all about Marbury -v- Madison, too.

    We was, like, a professor of Constitutional Law.

    Or a lecturer.

    Or something.

    Like totally.

    You can take it to the bank.

    A joesixpack construction worker who can lecture you all about Marbury -v- Madison.


  51. Neocons are Liberals with a more agressive foreig policy.

    Conservatism is DEAD.

  52. eh:

    Won't the NYT be embarrassed?! I'm sure they'll never do story like that again...

    I'd guess they take good resolutions that last 48h at least, but who knows?

  53. Auntie:

    Amen. Other than getting us into two pointless clusterfucks in the middle east, building all kinds of police state crap at home, and setting up torture chambers all over the globe, Cheney's time in office wasn't really all that destructive.

  54. "Please link to the article explaining why cousin marriage in Arabian countries would make them more difficult to democratize. I am not making the connection"

    I don't think cousin marriage would be much of an hindrance to democracy if Iraqis were one people. But they are not, and so cousin marriage makes sectarian/tribal differences worse.

    Still, the problem is less cousin marriage than a backward kind of patriarch that FORCES cousin marriage. Even without cousin marriage, a system where kids are forced to marry people they don't like is gonna cause problems.

    But suppose cousin marriage was common in the US and done voluntarily. I don't see it as undermining democracy. Also, in a free system, you could marry a cousin out of love(as free individuals)than for any tribal reaons. And you can have a powerful sense of tribalism or nationalism without cousin marriage.

  55. The reason that tribal/partially inbred extended familial peoples have had a poor record of transitioning to democracy is that their fundamental mores are at odds with not only democracy, but civil society in general.

    Their mores aren't at odds with democracy; they're at odds with LARGE-SCALE democracy.

    And what in the hell is "transitioning to democracy" supposed to mean? Societies almost always start out as democracies and then lose their
    democratic character as they get bigger and "bi-directional control" is lost.

    The transition is almost always in the other direction.

  56. Please link to the article explaining why cousin marriage in Arabian countries would make them more difficult to democratize. I am not making the connection.

    There is no connection. It's just a case of someone misusing the term "democracy". See Tullock & Buchanan's Calculus of Consent. There is, however, a clear connection between cousin marriage and the inability to build a Western culture. See MacDonald's What Makes Western Culture Ubique.

  57. Would having her boyfriend kill her mom qualify as pre-emptive self-defense?

    I think that's the Menendez brothers' defense.

  58. "How about universal presidency?"

    I agree with myself. PRESIDENCY IS A RIGHT!!!

  59. We blamed Hussein and Iraq for WMD.
    Some Iraqi girl blamed America for WMH--weapons of mass hate. Are we even now?

  60. HAHAHAHA :)


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