April 5, 2012

Oops, Again ...

Remember how last week the New York Times was trying to whip up a new hate crime frenzy with the headline "Iraqi Immigrants in California Town Fear a Hate Crime in a Woman’s Killing?" This was right after the NYT's analysis of how the anti-Semitic murders in Toulouse, France were due to the French being allowed to debate immigration policy.

Well, the dopier sorts of Americans have been ginning up a A Million Hoodies and Hijabs protest to tie together the whole Trayvon / Shaima meme. And, predictably, the fire-breathers in the Islamic World have taken this as another reason to hate Americans. 

Yet, the whole story, with the xenophobic racists leaving a note by the dead body of an Iraqi housewife in El Cajon, sounded implausible from the git-go, and the police were already signaling that the victim probably knew her killer. 

Well, Kristina Davis of the San Diego Union-Tribune has been doing some work and today she reported:
Records Hint Iraqi Woman's Death Not a Hate Crime 
During a search of the home and the couple’s vehicles in the hours after the attack, police found court paperwork to file for divorce in Alawadi’s Ford Explorer. The packet was not filled out, but a form requesting a court fee waiver was filled out in handwriting with Alawadi’s name, address and phone number.

That's hardly conclusive, but it sounds more plausible than the NYT's SPLCized version of the story.

There are patterns that people can notice if they let themselves. And once you let yourself notice the pattern, it's easier to notice more. For example, an awful lot of the hate crimes that make the news turn out to be hoaxes. That doesn't mean there are no such things as hate crimes, just that hate crimes like, say, Matthew Yglesias getting stomped for Walking While White is too boring and depressing to be news. The stuff that becomes big news is, typically, a noose is found in the Diversity Nook at some hyper-liberal college.

One of these days, I'm going to have to write up something on What We Can Learn from Claude Shannon about What Makes the Newspaper.

And there was some other drama in Alawdi family not long ago:
… On Nov. 3, police found [daughter] Fatima with a 21-year-old man after responding to a report of two people possibly having sex in a car, the documents state. Officers called her mother, who came to the location and picked up the girl. As they were driving away, Fatima said, “I love you, mom,” before jumping out of the vehicle onto Mollison Avenue at 35 mph. 
She was taken to a hospital with several injuries, including a possible broken arm. She refused to talk to police at the hospital but reportedly told paramedics and hospital staff that she was being forced to marry her cousin and didn’t want to.

Hey, well, what do you know, cousin marriage ... It's almost as if reality contains partly predictable repeating patterns.


  1. So the anti-White narrative has become so common, that recent immigrants know how to make up a story blaming White people almost immediately?

  2. Here is a video of the daughter talking about her mother's attack. It seems obvious to me that she is lying. She is a very very bad actress.


  3. That's hardly conclusive, but it sounds more plausible than the NYT's SPLCized version of the story.

    SPLCized indeed. Their HateWatch blog was quick to publicize this. Though I guess I should give them credit with prefacing "hate crime" with the word "possible". Maybe they have actually learned from past mistakes for once.


  4. Wes:

    They're not "recent immigrants" - they've been in the country for over 20 years.

  5. @ #1: Pfft. The anti-white narrative has become so common that immigrants know how to play it before they even arrive in the country.

  6. Another video. Around 1:25 a neighbour says that the glass from a smashed sliding door was sprayed out into the yard, as if it was smashed from inside.


  7. Not "too boring and depressing", Steve - rather, an inversion of the only approved who/whom narrative, and therefore a hatefact.

    Also, an increasingly inportant reason not to report any black-on-white crime is the terrible danger of The Backlash. Relatively harmless horseplay such as the Christian/Newsom unpleasantness could lead to white folks getting angry if it were properly reported. So it ain't. And if you talk about the fact that it isn't properly reported, well then you're clearly filled with hate anyway.

  8. Turning Matty into an iSteve meme -- hilarious!

  9. Steve,

    You are misunderstanding. When a noose found on a campus turns out to be fake, it is still a good opportunity to talk about what COULD have been a hate crime. It is also a good opportunity to feel morally superior to other whites

  10. But what does this have to do with Ellis Island and Jim Crow and Jackie O??

    More people are preoccupied today with the special concerns of their grandparents' generation than any people have been in the history of the world since Ancient Egyptian times. The mainstream is stagnant and reeking - no matter how much Snooki and CGI is floated on it.

  11. It's surprising the part about marrying a cousin slipped through. Someone wasn't being vigilant enough to catch it. That will probably be rectified later.

  12. How many of the "white" people the census records in Southern CA are not from Europe at this point?

  13. The second I saw that story I knew it was BS!

  14. These damn Middle Eastern immigrants. They will just not co-operate with our efforts to paint them as victims of racist white oppression.

  15. > The stuff that becomes big news is, typically, a noose is found in the Diversity Nook at some hyper-liberal college.

    You forgot to include the link to yesterday's paper.

    Noose, Hate Symbols Found At UMCP

    Police at U. Maryland, College Park are investigating "two incidents of bias and hate," President Wallace Loh said in a Wednesday e-mail to the campus.

    Loh said an elevator in an academic building was vandalized with anti-Semitic messages and that a campus facilities supervisor found a noose hanging in a space that was being renovated... police have no suspects.


    "abhorrent," Loh wrote. "not tolerate hate bias right all community environment feel safe respected included"

  16. James Lipton4/5/12, 7:16 AM


    Wow, this daughter of the murdered Iraqi mother comes across as lost deep in the valley of uncanny bad acting - she is going thru the gross motions but there is no human connection.

    Either she is an ice princess who is totally disconnected from her own emotions and is only able to manufacture a grainy facsimile of human grief or she is a very bad liar.

    My impression has been that Arab culture is pretty emotional and direct when it comes to exhibiting grief.

  17. are you saying there is a conspiracy?

  18. I think hate crime laws are pretty stupid in general but if we're going to have them then we should prosecute these fake hate crimes just as aggressively. You put up a fake noose and the media reports a hate crime then I don't care if you're black. You get charged with a crime and are brought to trial just like if it was a white person who did it. The effect is the exact same. To stir up controversy. The controversy doesn't magically go away when we find it was Shaniqua who put up the noose instead of Bill Bob.

  19. Steve, OT, but would love for you to comment on this:


  20. What murder isn't motivated by hate?

    Seems to me all murders should be called hate crimes, but they're different kinds of hatred.


    Even if this was not an ethnic or cultural hate crime, it still could be a personal hate crime.

    Otherwise, most murders aren't so bad cuz... they weren't motivated by 'hate'.

  21. And of course SEXUAL HATE CRIME. Blacks seem to commit lots of those.

  22. I don't know if the increased numbers and intensity of anti-white hype and lies means we're entering a new stage of repression or the elite is finally getting desperate because it feels it's losing control of the narrative.

  23. "Here is a video of the daughter talking about her mother's attack. It seems obvious to me that she is lying. She is a very very bad actress."

    Ah, Muslim family values. Mom is just a cow who births the kiddies, serves up the felafel, and turns a blind eye to hubbies pedophilia, sanctioned by the Koran. If dad kills her, the whelps think she probably deserved it.

  24. Just as with the murder case here, if someone's leaving threatening or nasty messages on your door, locker, office, etc., while it's possible they hate you for being black, jewish, gay, etc., it's probably a better bet overall to guess that they hate you personally for their own reasons, and that painting a swastika on your office or beating you up while screaming "die, fag" is just the best way they could think of do something nasty to you.

    And the distorting filter of the media is in full view here: Most ways some classless asshole can offend and upset people wirh his idiotic attention-seeking behavior is not visible to most of us, because it doesn't fit a narrative that media companies find useful for whatever reason. Spray paint "slut" or "fat cow" on some girl's locker, you won't make it into the news; spraypaint a swastika or an ethnic slur on her locker, you may make it onto the news. But giving that kind of idiot national media attention is 100% the wrong kind of incentive--ideally, he should get little attention from anyone except the cop that arrests him and the judge that sentences him to pick up trash onthe roadside for the next couple dozen weekends.

  25. Speaking of patterns, the NYT can no longer be trusted on issues of race. Or is that too obvious?

  26. Trayvon Martin should be called Martin Luther Prince.

    Notice the pattern. The REAL Martin L. King was a foul, aggressive, and sexually degenerate lout, but the media made him into a pure saint and prophet.

    We know that Martin L. Prince was a teenage lout posting hateful shit on facebook, but he's been turned into this nice wonderful clean-cut kid, the fantasy 'son of Obama'.

    Both blacks have been whitewashed.
    If fashion magazines airbrush images of women, mass media whitewashes blacks.

  27. A story rife with vibrant themes of cousin marriage, fear of honor killing, and muslim victimhood.

    The 17 year-old Fatima's performance was stunningly bad however, really more like the performance of 15 year old, I'd say. The wad of tissues and sunglasses accompanying the tearless sobbing were a distraction. The family Mercedes and Range Rover in the background were a bit much as well.

    First the clumsy Trayvon story falls flat, now this. The media just can't seem to produce effective evil white racist campaigns any more. What are they teaching them in Journalism school these days?

    Maybe the ant-Hispanic story they are working on now will be a little better. For the sake of vibrancy, let's hope so.

  28. When is Steve going to get around to this gem of prestige press reporting??:


  29. When is Steve going to get around to this gem of prestige press reporting??:


  30. the US television media had zero interest in the korean shooter in oakland. that's down from their usual 5 seconds of interest, check identity of shooter, drop story, cycle. so things actually ARE changing. a new pattern, however minor, has emerged.

    in fact it was barely reported it at all even on the web. it was dropped from headline news on the web in 1 day.

    it's amazing to me how EVERYTHING ON EARTH was wiped out of the united states 24 hour news cycle by the trayvon martin story. 1 day before it, the US was actually considering whether to get into a WAR with either syria or iran. and they'd been talking about it for months.

    remember how serious all those people were about stopping the killing in syria? thousands of people are being killed every month! we have to do something. we have to get into this war!

    how about the prime minister of israel coming to the US and dressing down the president of the united states, then giving an impassioned, fist pounding speech to american politicians that would have made nikita khrushchev proud. frothing at the mouth, DEMANDING that european americans go kill iranians, go fight and die for jews.

    funny how that all instantly became one million times less important than a single random teenager in florida. 1 day before, john mccaain was on the television circuit, giving interviews to CNN literally about how the US airforce should approach destroying syria's air defenses, with that usual gleam in his eye he gets when he thinks about killing people.

    the liberal control over the tone and narrative and intellectual milieu of the US is astounding.

  31. Concerning the 'French' gunman.

    A few weeks back, whilst the story was hot news, the French media were pretty insistant that the gunman was from a rogue renegade cell of French ex-paratroopers steeped in racialist politics.
    By way of 'proof' they kept banging on that the gunman had a 'tattoo on his face' and some right-winger paratrooper sported a self-same tattoo.
    I knew the second I heard this, that this was utter, utter bullshit. I've never been in the military, but I do know that virtually every army in the world worthy of the name is very, very strict on the matter of physical appearance - they are fanatical about 'smart' appearance, hair length, facial hair, grooming etc to the extent that regualr inspections are part of army routine. Anyone with a facial tattoo would simply never be allowed to join in the first place. If it was done during service, he'd be kicked out forthwith.

  32. JeremiahJohnbalaya4/5/12, 12:53 PM

    I assume everyone has heard about Don Cheadle's tweets regarding the NBC editing of Zimmerman's 911 call?

    There's a link to that at Ace of Spades

    And the preview there to The Guard is hilarious and very iSteve-y.

  33. Dear lord the daughter looks like she is about to start laughing in that video. Really bad performance, I'm surprised they aired it at all because she is so obviously putting on..

  34. The whole story is perfect.

    " She refused to talk to police at the hospital but reportedly told paramedics and hospital staff that she was being forced to marry her cousin and didn’t want to.

    Hey, well, what do you know, cousin marriage ... It's almost as if reality contains partly predictable repeating patterns."

    Is this the Father's brother's daughter cousin marriage(as per hbdchick) that is responsible for such happy fun times in the middle east? The kind that they were ostensibly fleeing from to boot?

  35. If I may repeat my suggestion for approaching the issue of violent hate crime:

    Any violent crime against another person needs to be dealt with and the perpetrator punished.

    In addition, a violent crime perpetrated on a person of another race is also a crime against civil society. This is because stable racial relations are important to everyone living in a multiracial society, and violence between races threatens that stability more than anything else.

    Therefore I propose that any violent offence perpetrated against a person of another race would carry an extra 30% on top of any sentence.

    No need to try and look into the heart of the perpetrator, to find out what particular brand of hatred inspired him most. You harm another person, you get punished. You harm the stability of civil society as well, you get punished a little more. Simple as that.

    This would also help to actually prevent crime, as the added sentence would be clear in the mind of any would-be offender, and thus have a deterring effect.

    I do confess that for myself, living in a Scandinavian hamlet, the matter is quite academic. Still, the suggestion above is in earnest, and if I´m wrong, then how?

  36. I do confess that for myself, living in a Scandinavian hamlet, the matter is quite academic.

    You wish. There are large, well-funded bureaucracies out there that will not rest until your Scandinavian hamlet is as 'vibrant' as a Paris banlieue.

  37. "Here is a video of the daughter talking about her mother's attack. It seems obvious to me that she is lying. She is a very very bad actress."

    But she's seen a lot of TV.

  38. Oh, all those 'hateful' messages... in a nation where rap music is mainstream music!

  39. I swear this is true. My neighbor is a black guy with a Ph.D in physics, and he's just the nicest guy in the world and his favorite music is SHOWBOAT, and he loves to sing OLD MAN RIVER.

    But last night, a bunch of hooded KKK goons came to his house, burned a cross on his lawn, screamed the n-word, shot his dog, raped his wife, and put chains around his children, one of whom happens to be gay.

    What is this country coming to? Does anyone know the number to NY Times? I gotta report this.

  40. NB: Cousin marriage is legal in California and illegal in Utah.
    Go figure?

  41. Beecher Asbury4/5/12, 3:28 PM

    the liberal control over the tone and narrative and intellectual milieu of the US is astounding.

    Tell that to Whiskey who seems unable to understand that a small handful of dedicated commissars in the right place can influence millions. He still thinks this is all the fault of white women.

  42. t's amazing to me how EVERYTHING ON EARTH was wiped out of the united states 24 hour news cycle by the trayvon martin story. 1 day before it, the US was actually considering whether to get into a WAR with either syria or iran. and they'd been talking about it for months.
    what else got knocked out? Briebart's OBama tapes and his 'critical race theory'

  43. Speaking of patterns, the NYT can no longer be trusted on issues of race.

    "No longer"? Luke, I don't think you just woke up after being in coma for 20 years?

  44. "abhorrent," Loh wrote. "not tolerate hate bias right all community environment feel safe respected included"

    ZOMG, that's right up there with "all your base are belong to us."

  45. Tell that to Whiskey who seems unable to understand that a small handful of dedicated commissars in the right place can influence millions. He still thinks this is all the fault of white women.

    I thought Whiskey had switched to "educated, wealthy White women control the media"?

    Which is bullschtein, of course. The "white" part contains all the magic; loads of educated and wealthy women in Japan...total dud in the control-the-media open-the-borders sweepstakes.

  46. "Cousin marriage is legal in California and illegal in Utah."

    How about mother and son, father and daughter, mother and daughter, and father and son? Will incestophobia be the next thing? Nah, I don't think incestphiles are particularly rich and well-organized. And I don't see incest pride parade.

  47. JeremiahJohnbalaya4/5/12, 7:55 PM

    Kylie said: I don't know if the increased numbers and intensity of anti-white hype and lies means we're entering a new stage of repression or the elite is finally getting desperate because it feels it's losing control of the narrative.

    I've had this admittedly-optimistic thought. The same is true of the Global Warming zealots.

  48. Yes, again. But also again, no outrage among white patriots. We should be marching outside NY Times. If Ny Times routinely defamed blacks this way, blacks would riot. If the media defamed Jews like this--that is if media were controlled by gentiles--, Jews would express outrage.

    But, we sit around and do nothing. And since the media will not be punished for defaming whites, they'll do it again and again.
    Things only changed for blacks when they began to stand up, protest, and march for their pride and rights.
    Unless we show our outrage--loudly and angrily--to the controllers of media, nothing will change.

    We need nationwide marches against media bias and defamation of whites.

  49. "I assume everyone has heard about Don Cheadle's tweets regarding the NBC editing of Zimmerman's 911 call?"

    Good on Don Cheadle. I assume he'll be called an "Uncle Tom" in some corners for this - similarly to how some whites who stood up for blacks during the Civil Rights era were called "n-lovers", it occurs too me.

    The Guard is a terrific movie, by the way - a cynical comedy with heart, and definitely suited for istevers.

  50. Unidiversity

    "For three decades the rising cost of attending American colleges has far outpaced inflation. As this higher education bubble continues to inflate, a university degree, which used to be a ticket into the middle class, is increasingly coming to resemble a ticket to decades of debt. And what are students, whose loan debt now exceeds $1 trillion, getting in exchange for a lifetime of financial servitude? According to Michael Barone, an educational experience that’s increasingly light on hard sciences and heavy on diversity specialists."

  51. Universities are into diversity and inclusion, but what about Happiness? I have a great idea: Happiness Studies. We need a Chancellor for Happiness, and Ph.Ds in Happiness studies. And it wouldn't be about pursuit of happiness but happiness as a right or entitlement. Why shouldn't all people to be happy? We need a grand unified theory on the History of Happiness. And we need to have Unhappy Crimes, which are actions that some people unhappy.

  52. But, we sit around and do nothing. And since the media will not be punished for defaming whites, they'll do it again and again.
    Things only changed for blacks when they began to stand up, protest, and march for their pride and rights.
    Unless we show our outrage--loudly and angrily--to the controllers of media, nothing will change.

    We need nationwide marches against media bias and defamation of whites.

    I don't know. "The establishment, academia, and the media were on Blacks' side. They're opposed to Whites standing up for themselves. I think Whites are going to have to get substantially more aggressive and motivated than Blacks did.

  53. He still thinks this is all the fault of white women.

    I dunno - Whiskey might be right after all - THEY SURE DO LOOK WHITE TO ME!!!

  54. "I don't know. The establishment, academia, and the media were on Blacks' side."

    Not all of them. There were many people who resisted social changes, even in major elite circles, but blacks pushed on.

    And besides, if we're not gonna act cuz lack of approval from elites, we are wimps and might as well give it up. Did Founding Fathers seek approval from British elites?


  55. Therefore I propose that any violent offence perpetrated against a person of another race would carry an extra 30% on top of any sentence.

    No need to try and look into the heart of the perpetrator, to find out what particular brand of hatred inspired him most. You harm another person, you get punished. You harm the stability of civil society as well, you get punished a little more. Simple as that.

    That wouldnt be allowed - disparate impact would be too obvious.

  56. Things only changed for blacks when they began to stand up, protest, and march for their pride and rights.

    You're confusing cause and effect.

  57. And besides, if we're not gonna act cuz lack of approval from elites, we are wimps and might as well give it up. Did Founding Fathers seek approval from British elites?

    The "elites" control our central nervous system. It's simply impossible for us to coordinate such a large-scale movement.

    It has nothing to do with wimpiness. We're literally paralyzed.

    However, I like your enthusiasm and don't want to discourage you. Do what you can on a small scale.

  58. "Good on Don Cheadle. I assume he'll be called an "Uncle Tom" in some corners for this - similarly to how some whites who stood up for blacks during the Civil Rights era were called 'n-lovers', it occurs too me."

    During and after. In the 1990's, I was hit in the face by two different white men on two separate occasions for being an 'n-lover'. Then again, I was slapped in the face and had my shoulder dislocated by three different black people on three separate occasions simply b/c they were drunk and belligerent and I, being a skinny white woman in their proximity, was an easy target*.

    Looking back, I really don't miss that neighborhood at all.

    *Anecdotal evidence supporting at least one point of Derbyshire's "talk".

  59. And besides, if we're not gonna act cuz lack of approval from elites, we are wimps and might as well give it up. Did Founding Fathers seek approval from British elites?

    I'm just trying to tell you that we're not going to have the establishment, media, and academia on our side. And unlike the founders, we're not going to have the Whigs on our side, either.

    Might as well be realistic about what we're (going to be) up against.

  60. "The "elites" control our central nervous system. It's simply impossible for us to coordinate such a large-scale movement."

    Chinese elites are even more powerful, but there are mass protests and riots in China everyday.
    And Jews didn't start out as elites in America. They struggled and fought their way to that position. They didn't sit on their butts and say, 'boo hoo, it's hopeless'.

    Algerians and Vietnamese at one time lived in a societies run by foreign elites. They still united and fought for national liberation.

  61. Chinese elites are even more powerful, but there are mass protests and riots in China everyday.

    Which will end the day the average Chinese is 1/2 as wealthy and well-fed as the average American-American.


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