May 22, 2012

"Undocumented workers" in U.S. = "Illegal infiltrators" in Israel

From the Jerusalem Post:
Illegal infiltrators threaten Israel’s character as a Jewish and democratic country, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said at the beginning of the weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday. 
Calling the issue “very grave” and a threat to the “social fabric,” Netanyahu said, “If we do not stop the entry, the problem, there are now 60,000 illegal infiltrators; could easily grow to 600,000 illegal infiltrators. This would inundate the state and, to a considerable degree, cancel out its image as a Jewish and democratic state.” 
The prime minister spoke of the importance of finishing construction of the Egyptian border fence and working to send away “those [illegal migrants] who are already inside.” 
Netanyahu said the latter will be done in part by punishing employers who hire illegal migrants. 
The growing population of more than 50,000 illegal African migrants has become a hot-button issue, with the weekend editions of all three major Hebrew dailies featuring lead stories relating to the issue. 
A little over three weeks ago, African migrants were targeted in a series of Molotov cocktail attacks in south Tel Aviv’s Shapira neighborhood. In addition, there have been a series of sexual assaults in Tel Aviv over recent weeks that police say were carried out by African migrants. 
Also on Sunday, Interior Minister Eli Yishai (Shas) repeated his call to jail illegal African migrants, most of whom he said were involved in crime.

Netanyahu is at a peak of popularity and power within Israel at the moment. He recently called for elections, then called them off when a major opposition party, seeing the writing on the wall, agreed to join his coalition as subordinate partners. So, he's dealing from a position of strength here, with his team holding 96 of 120 seats in the Knesset.

Generally speaking, much can be learned from Israel about how an intelligent people govern themselves.


  1. I'd be curious to know what American Jews who retire to Israel think about illegal immigration there. I wonder if airplanes travelling from Miami to Tel Aviv pass though a miasma or something that turns passengers into immigration patriots.

  2. In San Francisco on vacation. The unrelenting panhandling by blacks and hipsters is really making the experience less than pleasurable. This city needs a unabashed Jewish elitist like Bibi (or at least Bloomberg) to straighten it out. How do I let these people know that I follow Lolo Soetoro's advice on beggers?

    I was here 20 years ago and it was nothing like this. I wouldn't advise anyone to leave the warf area. When did it get so bad, it feels like Philly.

  3. Generally speaking, much can be learned from Israel about how intelligent people govern themselves

    Being half a world away from New York's Jews certainly helps. America would probably be pretty reasonable under those circumstances, too.

  4. i have to give full credit to Netanyahu for recognising the crux of the problem once third world imigrants infiltrate a western, liberal state, then no matter how small the intial invasion is, f no tough action from the state is taken, then their numbers exponate very rapidly until they threaten majority status in a very short time indeed.
    Basically there is a bottomless pit of desperate third world paupers, it's like trying to bail out the Pacific ocean with a thimble.
    The real crux is the problem is the continual failure of western leaders to actually do anything substantive to keep the third world out, actually enforce laws and deport those who have infiltrated with adegree of ruthlessness. No, western leaders have to show that they are too 'liberal' for all that - and thus they'd rather destroy their nations than to prick their vanity.
    Consider all the scarifice of blood and treasure the Israelis have made to establish their nation, consider all the hatred and opprobrium they have garnered due to the contentious establishment of that state - how in all honestly could they forgo that sacrifice for the sake of someone else?
    The European nations should heed the Israeli example, after all they also had to suffer and bleed to establish their nations.

  5. So Steve wants America to be sneaky and passive aggressive about our problems in emulating Israel instead of going back to our roots as a republic and being an open and honest society?

    Playing the ethnocentrism game would be the end for whites because Indians and Jews (who see you as the wrong kind of white) are far better at it.

  6. The panhandling in San Francisco was unbearable in the 80s, then it seemed to get a little better in the late 90s. Sorry to hear it has degraded again.

  7. The editors of Western newspapers such as the Financial Times and the NY Times must have been shocked by the scope of Netanyahu's victory. If you went by their editorials about him, you would have thought Netanyahu must be terribly unpopular in his country, what with his failure to make peace with the Palestinians, risking Israel's diplomatic isolation, etc.

  8. illegal infiltrators! that's a much better term than illegal immigrants! i'm gonna start using that right away.

  9. Israel didn't learn how to be multicultural.

  10. Israel also has its own PC terms for the infiltrators, which are used by leftists - "refugees" or "work migrants".

  11. I was always partial to criminal alien but illegal infiltrator sounds all the more sinister. Alien is a term too closely associated with ETs nowadays, and criminal alien brings to mind the movie character ET stealing some Reese's pieces in a hamburglar get-up. Thanka for the new term, Israel.

  12. Aaron in Israel5/23/12, 4:46 AM

    The media elite in Israel is pretty similar to that in America on this topic. (You'll notice that even the article you quoted, from the right-wing Jerusalem Post, referred to them as "illegal migrants," not infiltrators.) Same with the academic elite, it seems, especially the younger academics. The academic elite just copies its ideology straight from America, substituting "Jewish" for "white," and the media elite follows the academic elite. As in America, the Israeli masses oppose illegal immigration. I think the main difference between Israel and America is that in Israel, much of the political elite is still on the side of the Jewish masses. So far, at least, politics seems to be holding out against culture. Reminds me a lot of the Reagan years in that respect. The questions are, why, and how long can it last?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Playing the ethnocentrism game would be the end for whites because Indians and Jews (who see you as the wrong kind of white) are far better at it.

    That would be the "end for whites" -- as opposed to the trends now in place, I take it. Lol.

    And come off it, you can't equate Indians and Jews. You won't find anywhere near as many whites who care what Indians think as there are whites who care what Jews think.

    But I'll certainly grant that Jews are better at playing the game. Just look at this article: illegal infiltrators, not "immigrants." Why hasn't that ever occurred to American restrictionists? "Immigrants" is an emotional word. People are conditioned to think of immigrants are the most wonderful people in the world. You're going up against Mike Tyson when you take on "immigrants," illegal or not. But infiltrators, ah, they are nasty pieces of work you can stick the knife into and twist it.

  15. Does Not Compute!

  16. "I'd be curious to know what American Jews who retire to Israel think about illegal immigration there. I wonder if airplanes travelling from Miami to Tel Aviv pass though a miasma or something that turns passengers into immigration patriots."

    Your article suggests that their attitudes are hypocritical. They aren't. The law of the Jewish people establishes two castes, (1) Jews and (2)everyone else. There are 613 laws for Jews to follow. There are 7 laws for everyone else to follow. Among other laws, Jews are forbidden to miscegenate with the lesser caste. They are also supposed to prepare for the Messiah by taking over the Holy Land. This is not hypocrisy, it is just Jewish law.

    Read the Bible.

    Did God promise you dominion over America the way he promised Jewish dominion over the Holy Land?


    Did he tell you to clear out the American Indians the way he told the Jews to exterminate the residents of he Holy Land?


    In fairness to Jews, why SHOULD they care about our survival in our homeland? Do you care about Bantu survival in South Africa? Do you care about Azeri survival in Iran?

    And, frankly, if Jews were so bad, why would YOUR presidents propose three Jewish Supreme court justices and YOUR Senators confirm them? Their God-commanded job under Jewish law is to be an example to you. To teach you right from wrong. To heal the world.

    "I have to give full credit to Netanyahu for recognising the crux of the problem once third world imigrants infiltrate a western, liberal state"

    Nop. Bibi never talks about the "problem" for "western liberal states". His problem is a problem for Jews in the Jewish homeland under Jewish law. Bibi couldn't care less about "western, liberal states". Nor should we expect him to. His people are not our people and vice versa. Do you care about the problem of Tutsi infiltration of Rwanda?

  17. Playing the ethnocentrism game would be the end for whites because Indians and Jews (who see you as the wrong kind of white) are far better at it.

    So wrong. When whites act in their group interest, they conquer worlds.

  18. "Playing the ethnocentrism game would be the end for whites because Indians and Jews (who see you as the wrong kind of white) are far better at it."

    So we should continue the open and honest game while others play the ethnic networking game? this will benefit us somehow?

  19. Elite American Jews hate Netanyahu and what he stands for. They were the ones who started to use the word "likudnik" as an insult (a habit later mindlessly adopted by the paleos.) Initially, Netanyahu wasn't all that popular in Israel. It changed only after all the alternatives had been tried and it became clear that there is no other way. It's easy to deny reality if you live in Manhattan; much harder if you happen to be in Tel Aviv.

  20. The other piece to note is the Jewish response to the 50,000 African goyim. They are firebombing homes where the African goyim live. The religious Jews have started a campaign to rat on Jews that rent space to African goyim. Lots of talk about how this violates Jewish religious laws against ratting out Jews to the police, but as other Jews have pointed out, those laws only bar Jews from ratting out criminal Jews to goyim, not to fellow Jews.

    Finally, Arab and African Jews, who live in the neighborhoods where the African goyim are dumped, are complaining that the rich white Ashkenazi Jews (your typical rich American doctor/lawyer/banker Jews) are hiring the African illegals as cheap domestic help, driving wages down, and dumping African goyim on the poor African/Arab Jewish neighborhoods to deal with.

    Ashkenazis are fighting a desperate rear guard action to preserve their rich lifestyle and control of Israel.

    Won't work, tho, because the Ashkenazi just don't breed enough to replace themselves.

  21. Israel is very much like the United States, it has, along with the US a number of different groups each with radically different IQ profiles. As a result there is a huge income gap in Israel.

    In the USA, the percentage of super high IQ people that feel a kinship and sense of responsibility for their lower IQ fellow citizens is small.

    People on this blog assume that in Israel, the super high IQ people feel more kinship with their fellow citizens with low IQ but that is changing, and increasingly the super high IQ people in Israel are adopting a liberal or SWPL mindset. For example, more and more super high IQ people support bringing in massive numbers of guest workers from other countries to compete with low IQ Israelis and drive down wages of low IQ Israelis.

  22. International Jew5/23/12, 8:43 AM

    Israel's elite newspaper, Haaretz, is just as stupid on illegal immigration as is the New York Times. The Jerusalem Post is analogous to National Review.

  23. After hearing this, Bill Kristol proudly and loudly proclaimed, Y is for Yahu!

    Israel's "illegal infiltrator" problem amounts to 0.77% of its population of 7.8 million. America's "undocumented worker" problem amounts to 4% of our population, not counting anchor babies. Are illegal infiltrators in Israel allowed to make anchor babies?

    "This would inundate the state and, to a considerable degree, cancel out its image as a Jewish and democratic state."

    It will be a lovely day indeed when the US, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, and New Zealand are allowed to defend their image as Anglo-Saxon states.

  24. So Steve wants America to be sneaky and passive aggressive about our problems in emulating Israel instead of going back to our roots as a republic and being an open and honest society?


    Playing the ethnocentrism game would be the end for whites because Indians and Jews (who see you as the wrong kind of white) are far better at it.

    Aren't Jews already playing the ethnocentric game? How is that working out for Europeans? We should welcome Jews into our groups, but it is only fair to require them to assimilate.

  25. The real crux is the problem is the continual failure of western leaders to actually do anything substantive to keep the third world out

    No, the real crux of the problem is the failure of western governments to keep ALL other nations out, whatever numbered world they are from.

  26. I'm not a Jew, but when I heard Netanyahu's speech to Congress last year I was very impressed. I would gladly have the U.S. swap heads of state with Israel, but they wouldn't be fool enough to take Obama and give up Netanyahu. The Israelis I've met are a different breed from American Jews.

  27. Seattle is almost as bad as San Francisco when it comes to panhandlers. The liberal leadership keeps the panhandlers/thugs away from the main tourist area (Pike Place Market) but beyond that aggressive panhandling is the norm, especially in Belltown. The police are hamstrung and it's politically incorrect do do anything but suck it up, walk by and hope you don't get screamed at for not providing a handout.

  28. To quote The Guardian from last month:

    In January, the Knesset passed a controversial bill categorising anyone attempting to enter the country through its southern border as an "infiltrator" who can be detained for three years – longer if they are from a "hostile state" such as Sudan.

    "If we find any bona fide refugees, some will be able to stay and others will be sent to a third country that accepts refugees," said Regev.

    Of the 13,683 people who entered Israel illegally in 2010, 62% were Eritreans and 33% were Sudanese. According to UNHCR figures, 66% of Eritreans who arrive illegally in the UK are granted refugee status and 96% of those arriving in Canada.

    In 2010, Israel recognised three refugees, rising to six last year.In total, just 170 people claiming asylum have been granted refugee status by the Jewish state since it signed the refugee convention in 1949.

    If Israel finds a genuine refugee it will pass it on to the goyishe smuck nations.

  29. So, let's recap. Jews in America call illegal aliens "undocumented immigrants," while Jews in Israel call them "illegal infiltrators." They insist on America's character as an ideational, propositional nation, and Israel's character as a "Jewish state." They insist on "Separation of Church and State" in America, and a "Jewish State" in Israel. They demonize the very complaint that America is being (or could be) "inundated" with anything bipedal, while warning that 60k "illegal infiltrators" "could easily grow to 600k illegal infiltrators."

    They talk about "very grave" threats to the "social fabric" in Israel, but reverse polarity in America and call the threats to illegal infiltrators "very grave"; they are our "social fabric."

    They build border fences in Israel, and oppose them in America; they deport illegals in Israel, and work against deporting them in America. They put the issue on the front pages of all their major dailies, and hide or downplay it in America.

    In Israel there's a big fuss over an immigrant population that represents .83% of Israel's total, but they call us racists and xenophobes in America if we're worried about 30%. They firebomb their other, and it's no biggie, but it's Kristallnacht if we don't treat ours like best friends. They call out their Africans for rape, but we're racists if we even mention a criminal's blackness. Our politicians avoid mentioning black crime like it's the kiss of death, but theirs point it out repeatedly.

    And, of course, these two camps of Jews are not mortal enemies, but close friends.

    I could accept all of this, if people in America didn't routinely call Jews "leftists" and "liberals" with straight faces. This is the part that really stumps me. It's willfully ignorant.

  30. going back to our roots as a republic and being an open and honest society

    I'd respond to this comment, if only I could figure out what it is you are trying to say. What the hell is "an open and honest society" anyway?

  31. Playing the ethnocentrism game would be the end for whites because Indians and Jews (who see you as the wrong kind of white) are far better at it.

    WTF does that mean, really? How does one play a game well after being bum-rushed to the curb? Play it in the gutter?

    The editors of Western newspapers such as the Financial Times and the NY Times must have been shocked by the scope of Netanyahu's victory. If you went by their editorials about him, you would have thought Netanyahu must be terribly unpopular in his country, what with his failure to make peace with the Palestinians, risking Israel's diplomatic isolation, etc.

    Hey, at least they're making some effort at fig leafery.

    illegal infiltrators! that's a much better term than illegal immigrants! i'm gonna start using that right away.

    Yeah, that's the great thing about Israeli terminology, you can use it and then shut the American idiots up instantly about it by saying it's Israeli terminology. The only people who can object are far-leftist kooks.

  32. "Leftist" and "liberal" mean something very, very different in reference to Jews, than they do in reference to Whites. Polar opposites, in many ways.

    No, Jews are not largely "leftist" or "liberal." Not in any way that applies to Whites.

    "Racist" is a much better fit.

  33. Israel's "illegal infiltrator" problem amounts to 0.77% of its population of 7.8 million.

    My mistake, I was using the old "6 million" population. I stand corrected: 0.77% is a “very grave” threat to the “social fabric" of Israel, ready to "inundate" her social fabric and "cancel out its image as a Jewish and democratic state," not 0.83%.

    It will be a lovely day indeed when the US, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, and New Zealand are allowed to defend their image as Anglo-Saxon states.

    Bibi's bosom buddies are the vanguard of the opposition.

    Aren't Jews already playing the ethnocentric game? How is that working out for Europeans? We should welcome Jews into our groups, but it is only fair to require them to assimilate.

    I disagree. It is only fair to reciprocate: to take for ourselves in our territories what they take for themselves in theirs; to treat them in our territories the way they treat us in theirs; to constitute our nations in relation to them, the way they constitute theirs in relation to us.

  34. America should adopt an "American Zionism" with Theodore Herzl and his views on Nationalism and Self-determination as a model.

    First time I've ever wholeheartedly agreed with an entire comment of Whiskey's, I think.

    Israel's elite newspaper, Haaretz, is just as stupid on illegal immigration as is the New York Times. The Jerusalem Post is analogous to National Review.

    The difference being Israeli policies and outcomes, vs. American policies and outcomes.

    Elite American Jews hate Netanyahu and what he stands for.

    Yet they do jack shit to punish him. They do jack shit to punish Israel. Funny how the ethnic connections turn out for the tribe the exact opposite way they turn out for Whites. Anything remotely resembling Apartheid for Whites is gone, but the tribe, being the world's biggest "leftists" and "liberals" and "champions of immigration and civil rights" in the diaspora, is somehow immune to its own medicine in Israel.

    They were the ones who started to use the word "likudnik" as an insult (a habit later mindlessly adopted by the paleos.)

    Ooooooh, "likudnik." That beats a boycott or economic sanctions or divestment any day.

    Initially, Netanyahu wasn't all that popular in Israel. It changed only after all the alternatives had been tried and it became clear that there is no other way. It's easy to deny reality if you live in Manhattan; much harder if you happen to be in Tel Aviv.

    No. It's easy to wreck a nation when it's in your interests to do so, and much harder when it's not.

  35. "Jews are from Western Asia."

    So are Tuscans -- the Estruscans were descended from settlers from Turkey. So, therefore, by this logic, Europe doesn't get to count Dante, Donatello, Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Galileo as part of Europe's legacy of achievement.

  36. Initially, Netanyahu wasn't all that popular in Israel. It changed only after all the alternatives had been tried and it became clear that there is no other way.

    Oh really? There hasn't been a peace offer from Zionist Jews in 55 years--in other words, ever.

    Could you maybe enlighten us by pointing out where "Israel's" borders are?


    Initially, Netanyahu wasn't all that popular in Israel. It changed only after all the alternatives had been tried and it became clear that there is no other way.

    Oh really? There hasn't been a peace offer from Zionist Jews in >>65<< years--in other words, ever.

    Could you maybe enlighten us by pointing out where "Israel's" borders are?

  38. The media elite in Israel is pretty similar to that in America on this topic. (You'll notice that even the article you quoted, from the right-wing Jerusalem Post, referred to them as "illegal migrants," not infiltrators.)

    The English-language press, you mean. We have no idea WTF they're saying in Hebrew, which is for Israelis, not Anglophones.

  39. It's often said that the American Jewish elite "hates" the Israeli right. Okay, let's accept that for a moment, for the purposes of argument.

    So who does the American Jewish elite "love," by way of comparison? Show me someone the American Jewish elite "loves," that we can compare to the "hate" they show for the Israeli right.

    I ask because I don't see the "hate." For that matter, I don't see all that much difference between the Israeli right and left, once you set aside the rhetoric. To quote another poster:

    In 2010, Israel recognised three refugees, rising to six last year.In total, just 170 people claiming asylum have been granted refugee status by the Jewish state since it signed the refugee convention in 1949.

    170 people granted asylum in 62 years. That's 2.74 per year, under every kind of Israeli regime you could care to name.

    So, if American Jewry "doesn't get along" with Israeli Jewry, who do they get along with? Who are they closer to?

  40. So are Tuscans -- the Estruscans were descended from settlers from Turkey. So, therefore, by this logic, Europe doesn't get to count Dante, Donatello, Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Galileo as part of Europe's legacy of achievement.

    I wish Jews thought of themselves as White. I wish leftists thought of them as White (then they might treat them like Whites).

    As far as politics and behavior are concerned, Jews are not White, much as I might wish otherwise. Everything about their behavior, and White behavior toward them, screams "nope, definitely not White."

  41. Interesting how Jews want universal immigration to western countries and Jewish only immigration to Israel.

  42. If the American Jewish elite "hates" the Israeli right, what do they feel toward Iran, White Nationalists, Apartheid, etc?

    An inferno of pure cascading mass-murderous molten hatefulness? Whatever you call it, next to that, what they feel toward the Israeli right definitely looks a lot like love.

  43. Jews are white on the Census, for affirmative action, and for purposes of disparate impact discrimination suits.

  44. "Jews are from Western Asia."

    So are Tuscans -- the Estruscans were descended from settlers from Turkey. So, therefore, by this logic, Europe doesn't get to count Dante, Donatello, Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Galileo as part of Europe's legacy of achievement.

    No, you (Steve) should not draw that conclusion.

    (1) We do not in fact know that the ancient Etruscans originated from Turkey. One leading theory is they are indigenous to central Italy.

    (2) Turkey in any event has a greater affinity to Europe (part is actually in Europe) than the ancestral lands of the Jews (Egypt, Palestine, Iraq).

    (3) Even if some ancient Etruscans originated in Turkey, they were assimilated with other local peoples by the end of the Roman Empire.

    (4) That leaves 1000-1500 years for assimilation and intermarriage until we get to Renaissance Florence. We do not know the extent to which the artists and thinkers you refer to were descended from the ancient Etruscans. In fact, with some of them, it is doubtful they even originated from modern Tuscany Italians. See, for example, Dante (evidence of Germanic and Roman ancestry).

  45. Jews are white on the Census, for affirmative action, and for purposes of disparate impact discrimination suits.

    It's a smart move for this 2% minority to try to get into the largest quota.

  46. In the USA, the percentage of super high IQ people that feel a kinship and sense of responsibility for their lower IQ fellow citizens is small.

    A little off-topic, but has anyone noticed that Walmart has gone to hell since Sam Walton passed?

    Every time I go into a Walmart now, I feel like they've radically changed their business model, from "pet goldfish for white kids", to "T-Mobile prepaid phones for gangstas which are rung up at the cash register by their baby mommas with EBT cards".

  47. Jews are white on the Census

    What does that mean? Is there some instruction to that effect in the Census?

    In any event, last I heard, religion questions were forbidden to the census. I also heard that was largely due to Jewish lobbying. So AFAIK, there are no Jews on the Census - not as such, anyway.

    [Jews are White] for affirmative action, and for purposes of disparate impact discrimination suits.

    True. I can see them thinking of themselves as White in those senses, too.

  48. The "refugee" convention of 1949. Just one more example how the UN has achieved nothing but to wreck western countries. Which was probably its whole purpose....

  49. Guess who said this in 2006:

    "The final results in the Israeli election reveal the extent to which Bibi Netanyahu, who was long ago the best spokesman Israel ever had in the United States, has destroyed his own career and, perhaps, his own party as well."

  50. There was an anti-infiltrator protest today:,7340,L-4233509,00.html

  51. Europe doesn't get to count Dante, Donatello, Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Galileo as part of Europe's legacy of achievement.

    Weren't they descended from northern invaders i.e. the Indo-European Latins (the Etruscans were non I-E) and later Celtic and Germanic invaders?

  52. (1) We do not in fact know that the ancient Etruscans originated from Turkey. One leading theory is they are indigenous to central Italy.

    Perhaps the Etruscans were like the Basques, a non Indo-European group that is very old and indigenous to Europe.

  53. "A little off-topic, but has anyone noticed that Walmart has gone to hell since Sam Walton passed?"

    A little off-topic, but have you noticed that the population WalMart serves has gone to hell since Sam Walton passed?

    Sam Walton died in 1992. In the demographic history of the United States the last 20 years have been the equivalent of a mass extinction.

    WalMart today, when it has an option, opts to sell shit. A few years ago it tried selling higher quality merchandise, and it lost a mint. The people who shop at WalMart don't want quality items. They prefer a $2 ice cream scoop that'll break by next year over aa $10 ice cream scoop that'll last them forever.

    "Interesting how Jews want universal immigration to western countries and Jewish only immigration to Israel."

    Jews are special, specific: they are Jews. Everyone else is goyim: generic, non-Jewish human beings. Therefore every nation besides Israel is a generic, non-Jewish nation. Therefore those nations have no right to protect their cultures or their people. There is nothing uniquely Danish about Denmark, or uniquely English about England. They're just two more nations, interchangeable, full of da goyim.

    For most Jews there's nothing deliberately racist about this pattern of thought. It's just the default philosophy of a migrant people: 1) We have the right to our own country; 2) We also have the right to move to any country we can choose, including yours; 3) When one country turns unfriendly to us, every other country is obliged to take us in; 4) We have the right to flee the growing storm (e.g., World War II) by fleeing to America, while the "natives" (Frenchmen, Dutchmen, Russians, Greeks) are obliged to remain and face the onslaught.

    If more people pushed back when Jews expressed ideas such as this, perhaps they'd recognize their ethnocentrism. Or they'd report yo to the ADL as a flaming anti-Semite.

  54. Weren't they descended from northern invaders i.e. the Indo-European Latins (the Etruscans were non I-E) and later Celtic and Germanic invaders?

    It is not at all clear that the Etruscans were not at all Indo-European, although it is true that their language is considered non-I-E.

  55. "Playing the ethnocentrism game would be the end for whites because Indians and Jews (who see you as the wrong kind of white) are far better at it."

    They are better at it instinctively for a mixture of biological and cultural reasons.

    When Whites were still half the same not only did they conquer the world they conquered it as an afterthought of their incessant competition with each other.

    However time and biology has moved on and maybe it's true Whites can't recreate that instinctive thing now.

    In which case they need to make it a game.

    A game where the rule is judge every issue by "is this good for White people?" Alternatively for those who don't like being solely racial an alternative might be "is this good for getting to Mars?" The answers will be almost the same but not entirely.

    So judge everything by "is this good for getting to Mars?" If it is then it's good. If it's not then it's bad.

    The Great Game part II.

  56. I'm curious to know WTF American Jewry thinks it's doing, buddying up with Israeli Jewry. Why are the two on speaking terms, much less peas in a pod? Where are the boycotts, the screeds, the books? Where is the culture of critique?

    You must be living under a rock. Have you heard of a newspaper called the New York Times?

  57. Perhaps the Etruscans were like the Basques, a non Indo-European group that is very old and indigenous to Europe.

    It is possible. Unlike the Basques, however, the Etruscans assimilated 2000 years ago.

  58. In which case they need to make it a game.

    A game where the rule is judge every issue by "is this good for White people?" Alternatively for those who don't like being solely racial an alternative might be "is this good for getting to Mars?" The answers will be almost the same but not entirely.

    No, the game needs to be: Can we make this a universal rule?

  59. Regarding the cosmopolitan American Jews vs. nationalist Israeli Jews thing, it could be a kind of group-level hypocrisy that arises in a long and successful diaspora.

    By that I don't mean simply behaving contrary to your beliefs but rather preaching to others contrary to the behavior of your group. This means your group's "preachers-to-others" (in this case the more cosmopolitan American Jews) may behave quite selflessly and non-hypocritically. The key is they may be preaching more cosmopolitan behavior to other groups that their group is relatively immune to.

  60. There is uniparental DNA marker evidence that the Etruscans have genetic links to Anatolia. However, it is not likely the case that modern-day Tuscans are pure descendants of the ancient Etruscans. Tuscans fall roughly where they would be expected to fall based on geography on PCA plots derived from autosomal genotyping studies. They are not significant outliers.

    Anonymous 5/23/12 at 12:34 PM,

    Part of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry comes from Western Asia. However, nearly half of it comes from (predominantly southern) Europe. Jewish populations may share a common origin in the Levant, but different Jewish groups have absorbed significant admixture over the last 2,500 years.

    Razib's take on the Etruscan genetics study:

  61. Western countries are suckers and saps. We have allowed Jews to undermine our countries with their support of wide open immigration, while ignoring Israel's Jewish only immigration. Look how only western countries get suckered into accepting "refugees" (in reality economic migrants) while Israel, Japan and other Asian countries take in none.

  62. Part of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry comes from Western Asia. However, nearly half of it comes from (predominantly southern) Europe.

    Is Obama "White"?

  63. "Perhaps the Etruscans were like the Basques, a non Indo-European group that is very old and indigenous to Europe."

    I think they were part of an earlier wave from the same place (Anatolia) however i also think they were most likely concentrated in coastal colonies which eventually mixed with the indigenous in the hinterland and also the later invaders from the north.

    "No, the game needs to be: Can we make this a universal rule?"

    "Is this good for getting to Mars?" is a universal rule.

  64. This was in the news today. Here's Michael Bloomberg's "immigrant plan to save cities"

    "Ratcheting up his controversial proposal for revitalizing America’s cities, Mayor Bloomberg yesterday suggested that the federal government “deliberately force” large municipalities to take in immigrants as the only hope for salvaging their battered economies.

    “There’s no reason why you have to have a common immigration policy for all of America,” he argued. “You could let each state do it differently.

    “I would argue the federal government should go one step further. They should deliberately force some places that don’t want immigrants to take them, because that’s the only solution for these big, hollowed-out cities where industry has left and is never going to come back unless you get some people to move there.”"

    *Notice the language here - "only hope", "only solution".

    So "let" states do their immigration policies differently, except if they don't want them, the federal government should "deliberately force" them to take them in. In other words, don't let them do their policies differently.

  65. Mr. Netanyahu's personal history may have some bearing on his willingness to take strong measures against African infiltrators: his famous hero brother, Lt. Col. Yonatan Netanyahu, died leading the Entebbe rescue mission during a firefight with Ugandan soldiers who had co-operated with the Palestinian terrorist hijackers. His brother's death may have left the Israeli prime minister with a lingering distaste for Black Africans and a high level of distrust regarding their motives . and steadfastness as allies. Idi Amin Dada, Ugandan President, had previously worked with the Israeli government (it trained his military) and yet harbored the terrorist hostage takers on his country's soil.

  66. Anonymous 5/23/12 2:23 PM wrote:

    The difference is that Levantines (the other half of Ashkenazi ancestry) are among the groups closest to Europeans genetically. Obama's sub-Saharan ancestors are much more distant from Europeans.

  67. Mr. Netanyahu's personal history may have some bearing on his willingness to take strong measures against African infiltrators.

    There's really no need to look that far. Jewish Israelis don't look favorably on ANY kind of immigrant who isn't Jewish. Heck, even immigrants to Russia that had married into Jewish families or are only distantly Jewish genetically are regarded with distaste.

    Do you think they would be welcoming to a large influx of Christian immigrants?

  68. So "let" states do their immigration policies differently, except if they don't want them, the federal government should "deliberately force" them to take them in. In other words, don't let them do their policies differently.

    That, plus, if they don't like the state they are invited to, they can migrate freely to a state to which they weren't invited. And if that state takes steps to protect itself, it can expect to be beaten down by the federal government, in the courts or with the military.

  69. Here's the Senate roll call vote for the 2006 amnesty bill:

    Boxer (D-CA), Yea
    Coleman (R-MN), Yea
    Feingold (D-WI), Yea
    Feinstein (D-CA), Yea
    Kohl (D-WI), Yea
    Lautenberg (D-NJ), Yea
    Levin (D-MI), Yea
    Lieberman (D-CT), Yea
    Schumer (D-NY), Yea
    Specter (R-PA), Yea
    Wyden (D-OR), Yea

    Eleven Jewish senators, eleven votes for amnesty. Kerry, who is half-Jewish, also voted for amnesty.

    The bill never came up in the House (Republican leadership stopped it) so there is no vote there. Of the 34 senators who voted for cloture on the 2007 amnesty, 8 were Jewish.

    As for the House, there were about 30 Jewish members of the House in 2005. AFAIK, only one (Cantor, VA) was Republican. He's the only Jewish rep who voted for H.R. 4437, a strong enforcment bill which dead-ended there. 36 Democrats voted for this measure, but not one was Jewish.

    Incidentally, of the only 17 Republican House members to vote against enforcment, one of them was John Boehner.

  70. "Donatello, Leonardo, Michelangelo" - Not the ninja Turtles!

  71. So are Tuscans -- the Estruscans were descended from settlers from Turkey. So, therefore, by this logic, Europe doesn't get to count Dante, Donatello, Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Galileo as part of Europe's legacy of achievement.

    Hey, what are you, some kind of anti-samnite?

  72. ook how only western countries get suckered into accepting "refugees"
    they aren't 'suckered' its UN mandate- that overrides US immigration law.

  73. So who does the American Jewish elite "love," by way of comparison? Show me someone the American Jewish elite "loves," that we can compare to the "hate" they show for the Israeli right.

    Svigor, you are a hellaciously virulent anti-semite for asking such questions.

    Even more virulent than usual, I mean, since anti-semites are always virulent as a rule. You can't be an anti-semite and not be virulent. I've never heard them say, yeah, he's an anti-semite, but it's okay, it's not that bad, he's not all that virulent. Anti-semites are always virulent.

    I think it's time they just made it one word, the way they're trying hard to do with "antisemite." I think that's just in case anyone starts wondering what the hell a "semite" is and figuring that, no, I don't really have anything against "semites"; it's just Jewish hypocrisy that stinks to high heaven I've had my fill of. By making it one word they can extend the lifetime of the pretense that it's some kind of mysterious brain-disease that causes someone to become an "antisemite." You know, we really don't understand this affliction well, but it's out there and it's very dangerous, and very, very virulent, so people, please be on your guard and never stop policing your thought patterns in case you too succumb. So yeah, a possible next could be virulentantisemite. As in wow, look at Bill, he's got serious case of virulentantisemitism. Stay away from him. (Better yet fire him from his job and take away his kids. You can never be too careful when it comes to virulentantisemitism.)

  74. Is Obama "White"?

    Does he look white to you?

  75. "Donatello, Leonardo, Michelangelo" - Not the ninja Turtles!

    Yeah, I was going to ask what happened to Raphael. Wasn't he the self-destructive one?

  76. "they aren't 'suckered' its UN mandate- that overrides US immigration law."

    Why doesn't it override Israeli law? Or Japanese law? Or Singaporean law?

    And show me where it says in the Constitution that we're subservient to the UN.

  77. 5/23/12 3:28 PM

    Thanks for doing the counting, Matthew.

  78. Why doesn't it override Israeli law?

    Uh, why do you think Israel hasn't already deported all of these Africans?

  79. Svigor:"I wish Jews thought of themselves as White. I wish leftists thought of them as White (then they might treat them like Whites)."

    Every single Jewish person that I know regards himself as White. Every single one of my Jewish mother's relatives regards himself as White.As for those Jews who do not, they are playing SWPL PC games, like an Irishman talking about how he's not "really" White because the Irish only "became White" recently, or someone who is 5% Cherokee talking up his nativeness.

    As for leftist treating Jews like Whites, you need to hang around elite university campuses more often; the anti-Israel rhetoric is deafening.

    Svigor:"As far as politics and behavior are concerned, Jews are not White, much as I might wish otherwise. Everything about their behavior, and White behavior toward them, screams "nope, definitely not White."

    So politics and behavior determine "Whiteness?" Does this mean that Jane Fonda and Tom Hayden are not White?What about George W. Bush, the man who was willing to see his country turn into Mexico North?

    5/23/12 1:02 PM

  80. Steve....

    That one type of Jew does qualify for affirmative action.

    That is how that kid who sold illegal arms whose related to the tv Rabbi did it.

    You wrote that on your blog Steve. So now your saying Jews don't qualify for special privileges?

    If that kid qualified it's a short order to see other Jews tick a box when things are necessary.

  81. 170 granted refugee status. Remember that number for the next time someone complans about America's refusal to accept more Jewish refugees fleeing Europe prior to WW2.

  82. Isn't it interesting that Jews support diversity and immigration in every country in the world - except Israel!

  83. Jews are from Western Asia

    True: seeing as how Europe is Western Asia, all Europeans are Western Asians.

  84. A little off-topic, but have you noticed that the population WalMart serves has gone to hell since Sam Walton passed? Sam Walton died in 1992. In the demographic history of the United States the last 20 years have been the equivalent of a mass extinction.

    I completely agree with the demographic point - but my point is that I am convinced that the suits who now run Walmart INTENTIONALLY altered the business model - away from their traditional middle-class and lower-middle-class White clientele - and are now, instead, actively courting the EBT-carrying NAMs.

    I think that after Sam Walton's death, the suits looked at the demographics, and the explosion in gubmint freebies being lavished on those demographics, and declared, "To hell with the Whites - we're gonna pwn the EBT market!!!"

  85. Svigor:"I wish Jews thought of themselves as White. I wish leftists thought of them as White (then they might treat them like Whites)."

    Every single Jewish person that I know regards himself as White.

    Then why are American Jews so chummy with Israel? (Why did Mike Wallace counter Morgan Freeman's assertion that Wallace is White with "I'm Jewish"?) Leftist Whites would dismantle their Israels, if they had any to dismantle. Leftist Jews, at most, do nothing to Israel. They're often bosom buddies.

    As for leftist treating Jews like Whites, you need to hang around elite university campuses more often; the anti-Israel rhetoric is deafening.

    A fringe that gets nothing done.

    Svigor:"As far as politics and behavior are concerned, Jews are not White, much as I might wish otherwise. Everything about their behavior, and White behavior toward them, screams "nope, definitely not White."

    So politics and behavior determine "Whiteness?"

    In a political-ethnic sense, yes.

    Does this mean that Jane Fonda and Tom Hayden are not White? What about George W. Bush, the man who was willing to see his country turn into Mexico North?

    I'm talking about an entire group and its norms, not a few examples. And there is no value for X to plug into a "Leftist Whites are to X as Leftist Jews are to Israel." And no Jewish analogue to Bush either, for that matter.

  86. But infiltrators, ah, they are nasty pieces of work you can stick the knife into and twist it.

    Nah. "Infiltrators" would be magically transformed into the paranoid rantings of genocidal maniacs somewhere over the Atlantic. I can smell the Dr Strangelove references from here.

  87. "You must be living under a rock. Have you heard of a newspaper called the New York Times?"

    The New York Times has nothing on Netanyahu's most recent comments. They do have this from last year:

    Israel Acts to Curb Illegal Immigration From Africa

    JERUSALEM — The Israeli government on Sunday announced plans to spend $160 million on efforts to stem the growing number of Africans who enter the country illegally, seeking jobs and political asylum. The money will go toward work on an Egyptian border fence that is already under construction, an expansion of detention centers and increased policing of companies that hire undocumented workers.
    All well-off countries face the challenge of how to handle poor foreign migrants and how much credence to give their accounts of political persecution. But the situation in Israel is complicated by Jewish history and has led to a national debate. On the one hand, this is a small country that wishes to maintain a strong Jewish majority. On the other, the Jews’ past of eviction and persecution makes some here argue that Israel should have special sensitivity for those fleeing prejudice and conflict.

    Mr. Netanyahu said that the overwhelming number of Africans who slip into Israel are not political refugees, but are looking to improve their economic status. He said they pose difficulties for the people they settle among. Poorer Israelis, in particular, resent the Africans’ arrival and compete with them for jobs.

    Compare NYT's treatment of America's border with Mexico:

    Border Fence Affecting Black Bears, Too, Study Says

    Border Fence Upends a Rio Grande Valley Farmer’s Life

    Scaling the 'Wall in the Head'

    Walls and fences, electrified or not, protect people not from nameless barbarians, but from their own anxieties and fears.
    November 27, 2011

    Border Fence Raises Cost Questions

    Questions of practicality and effectiveness are raised as Republican candidates call for a longer or higher border fence.
    October 20, 2011

    OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR; Legacy Of A Fence

    Linda Greenhouse Op-Ed article asserts that the extraordinary powers given to the Department of Homeland Security in order for it to erect a fence along the United States-Mexico border have inflicted real damage to the concept of separation of powers
    January 23, 2011

    Virtual Failure on the Border
    Published: October 30, 2010
    The “virtual fence” was a misbegotten idea from the start, based on the faulty premise that controlling immigration is as simple as closing the border — and that closing the border is a simple matter of more sensors, more fencing and more boots on the ground. So long as there is a demand for cheap labor, a hunger for better jobs here, and almost no legal way to get in, people will keep finding ways around any fence, virtual or not.
    Border security cannot work unless it is accompanied by a real effort at comprehensive immigration reform. There is no getting back the $1 billion already wasted. We can avoid squandering billions more.

  88. >Do you think they would be welcoming to a large influx of Christian immigrants?

    Look up the South Lebanon Army.

  89. "I think that after Sam Walton's death, the suits looked at the demographics, and the explosion in gubmint freebies being lavished on those demographics, and declared, "To hell with the Whites - we're gonna pwn the EBT market!!!""

    Probably true. They moved left on the bell curve, so to speak - this accomodates low-income Hispanics and blacks but also white trash. IIRC, WalMart used to do a better job reaching respectable middle- and lower-middle income whites. Now even those types often wouldn't be caught dead there.

  90. Read the Bible.

    You mean, like Exodus 22:21?

    "Do not mistreat an alien or oppress him, for you were aliens in Egypt." Under your interpretation, only Jews have this obligation. And Jews are doing the exact opposite of what God told them to do.

    Did God promise you dominion over America the way he promised Jewish dominion over the Holy Land?

    He didn't promise the Jews anything. He promised the Hebrews. Not the same thing at all.

    And, frankly, if Jews were so bad, why would YOUR presidents propose three Jewish Supreme court justices and YOUR Senators confirm them? Their God-commanded job under Jewish law is to be an example to you. To teach you right from wrong. To heal the world.

    Deuteronomy 17:15:


    you may indeed set a king over you whom the LORD your God will choose. One from among your brothers you shall set as king over you. You may not put a foreigner over you, who is not your brother.

    You shall surely set him king over you, whom the LORD your God shall choose: one from among your brethren shall you set king over you: you may not set a stranger over you, who is not your brother.

    Et cetera.

    Psalm 81:9:

    "You shall have no foreign god among you; you shall not bow down to an alien god."

    Ergo, God is as much the God of any Christian as he is anyone else. Ergo, the privileges he granted only to Hebrews (not Jews) in the past, he subsequently granted to all Christians after Christ's sacrifice.

    Obviously, Christians have to believe that God is native to them; otherwise, they'd be bowing down to an alien god and violating Psalm 81:9. And if he is their God as much as anyone's, he obviously wants to preserve and defend them as much as any people, Hebrews included.

    The old covenant was dissolved by Christ, and a new one was made between God and man.

    Essentially, all the ethnic rules and warnings applied to the Hebrews in the OT, are now applied to all Christian peoples.

  91. The ubiquity of the notion that the NYT is anti-Israel is itself evidence of Jewish Supremacy and ethnocentrism; soft ethnocentrism is never enough for the hard-line ethnocentrists.

  92. Deuteronomy 28

    43 “The foreigners living among you will become stronger and stronger, while you become weaker and weaker. 44They will lend money to you, but you will not lend to them. They will be the head, and you will be the tail!

    It almost sounds like a bad thing!

  93. "even immigrants to Russia that had married into Jewish families or are only distantly Jewish genetically are regarded with distaste."

    The religious Jews and the Sephardim may look on Russian non-Jews or part-Jews with distaste. However, their presence bolsters the secular Ashkenazim in some ways. To the extent that a subset of the secular Israeli Ashkenazim don't like them, it is as much because they have conservative views or are perceived as low-brow as because they are not Jewish. Secular Israeli Ashkenazim aren't any more religious than their American counterparts.

  94. "Whiskey said...

    America should adopt an "American Zionism" with Theodore Herzl and his views on Nationalism and Self-determination as a model."

    We already did. Twice. The American zionists were the pilgrims; the second were the Mormons. As to the results of the second experiment, the jury is still out. But the first was disastrous.

    The Pilgrims, who believed themselves to be creating a new Israel, were largely to blame for that peculiar sickness which has poisoned this country since the founding - American Exceptionalism. If we had just thought of ourselves as another people, rather than as "The People", we would not be in the fix we find ourselves in today, or at least, not as bad.

  95. Joe Six-Pack5/23/12, 9:05 PM

    "The ubiquity of the notion that the NYT is anti-Israel is itself evidence of Jewish Supremacy and ethnocentrism; soft ethnocentrism is never enough for the hard-line ethnocentrists."


  96. Israel's elite newspaper, Haaretz, is just as stupid on illegal immigration as is the New York Times. The Jerusalem Post is analogous to National Review.

    I think the real question is, how do Jewish politicians in America vote with respect to immigration versus how do Jewish politicians in Israel vote with respect to immigration?

    Because unless the answers are the same, you can't use your "Oh those wacky Jews, that's just the way they are" response.

  97. The Pilgrims, who believed themselves to be creating a new Israel, were largely to blame for that peculiar sickness which has poisoned this country since the founding - American Exceptionalism. If we had just thought of ourselves as another people, rather than as "The People", we would not be in the fix we find ourselves in today, or at least, not as bad.

    "American Exceptionalism" is a neocon thing.

  98. The Pilgrims, who believed themselves to be creating a new Israel, were largely to blame for that peculiar sickness which has poisoned this country since the founding - American Exceptionalism. If we had just thought of ourselves as another people, rather than as "The People", we would not be in the fix we find ourselves in today, or at least, not as bad.

    The only destructive "American Exceptionalism" is a Zionist thing: Exceptionalism to justify invading the rest of the world for the Zionist project; Abominationism and Self-Loathing to justify inviting the rest of the world to displace the European-derived peoples in the United States for other side of that project.

    Such inconsistency should be familiar to all who have been observing Zionist politics over the years. Another poster (above) incisively mentioned the Neoconservatives.

  99. "This means your group's "preachers-to-others" (in this case the more cosmopolitan American Jews) may behave quite selflessly and non-hypocritically. The key is they may be preaching more cosmopolitan behavior to other groups that their group is relatively immune to."

    Man, the logic of anti-semites becomes really tortured when they start noticing reality.

  100. "Isn't it interesting that Jews support diversity and immigration in every country in the world - except Israel!"

    Not when it's stated in such a crude form for the millionth time on this and related blogs.

  101. Svigor:"Why did Mike Wallace counter Morgan Freeman's assertion that Wallace is White with "I'm Jewish"?)"

    That was the Whitest thing that Wallace ever said; I can't tell you how many SWPL White liberals that I know who try to deny their own Whiteness.Tom Hayden has made similar noises about his "Irishness" making him non-White.

  102. It seems to me, Svigor, that you are jealous of the fact that, virtually alone among Whites, Jews have managed to retain a a genuine sense of ethnic solidarity, that they have managed to assert notions of unity and exclusion that other Whites have lost.

  103. Did God promise you dominion over America the way he promised Jewish dominion over the Holy Land?

    Yes. He said it to me. Does that count?

    Why did Mike Wallace counter Morgan Freeman's assertion that Wallace is White with "I'm Jewish"?

    Larry King once pointed this out in defense of Michael Douglas, after the release of his controversial movie "Falling Down."

    Being a Jew does not make you a minority in any meaningful sense. Perhaps it did 200 years ago, when people still took religion seriously. But it doesn't make you a minority today, especially in a time when religious bigotry is often more likely to be directed at other denominations rather than completely different faiths. In an evangelical church one is far more likely to hear critical comments about Mormons or JW's than about Jews.

    Also the term minority is now more than just a numerical quality. It means poor, uneducated, and underrepresented in professions that matter. Jews are the most overrepresented, unoppressed minority in the country. Do they occasionally have mean things said to them? Yes, but who doesn't?

    The Pilgrims, who believed themselves to be creating a new Israel, were largely to blame for that peculiar sickness which has poisoned this country since the founding - American Exceptionalism.

    Those evil people managed to take this country from the natives. They bred at furious rates for generations. Puritan arrivals slowed dramatically after the English Civil War, yet they multiplied with incredible speed: generation upon generation of 8-10-12 children surviving to adulthood and having families of their own.

    American Exceptionalism? The people selling that toxic potion are not, for the most part, biological or ideological descendants of the Puritans.

    "Isn't it interesting that Jews support diversity and immigration in every country in the world - except Israel!"...Not when it's stated in such a crude form for the millionth time on this and related blogs.

    Forgive us. In most other places it's not stated at all.

  104. "Another poster (above) incisively mentioned the Neoconservatives."

    Mentioning the Neocons is hardly incisive. Yes, they have touted that "American exceptionalism" crap, and used it to great advantage. But the roots of it extend back to the calvinists of New England.

  105. ""Anonymous said...

    ""Isn't it interesting that Jews support diversity and immigration in every country in the world - except Israel!""

    Not when it's stated in such a crude form for the millionth time on this and related blogs."

    Translation: I don't want you to talk about this. Stop talking about this.

  106. The ubiquity of the notion that the NYT is anti-Israel is itself evidence of Jewish Supremacy and ethnocentrism; soft ethnocentrism is never enough for the hard-line ethnocentrists.

    This is kind of like those radical leftist for whom Obama and Co are "hard right". But then again, for you, everything under the Sun is evidence of Jewish Supremacy.

    Man, the logic of anti-semites becomes really tortured when they start noticing reality.

    Yeah, "soft ethnocentrism", "hard ethnocentrism" - epicycles within epicycles.

    Also, to the commenter with the New York Times quotes: try searching the newspaper for the period 2000-2006 when the Israeli wall was proposed and built. Here is some headlines from just the first page of the search:

    "A Wall as a Weapon"
    "Remove Wall, Israel Is Told By the U.N."
    "Palestinians Fear Being Trapped by Israeli Wall"
    "Help us stop Israel's wall peacefully"
    "An illegal annexation - Tear down Israel's wall"

    Nothing about bears though.

  107. "They are perceived as low-brow because they are not Jewish."

    I don't think "low-brow" accurately captures the situation. In the case of Russian non-Jewish or partly Jewish immigrants who are highly educated, it would be hard for even the secular Israeli Ashkenazim to look down on them. Even so, the secular Ashkenazim benefit more from the presence of the Russians than the Sephardim or Mizrahim. If any of them ocnvert, it will be under the auspices of the Ashkenazi rabbinate. And their beliefs and habits, apart from innate conservatism, are closer to those of the secular Ashkenazim than to those of the other groups. It is consistently the Sephardic rabbinate and Sephardi/Mizrahi religious who are the most exercised by Russian immigration because it threatens their power.

  108. "'Isn't it interesting that Jews support diversity and immigration in every country in the world - except Israel!'...Not when it's stated in such a crude form for the millionth time on this and related blogs."

    I grow tired of hearing the accusation that anyone critical of common Jewish behavior is an anti-Semite. I'm not an anti-Semite.

    Example: my family on my grandmother's side are Southern, Scots-Irish and, though quite educated, are mostly Evangelical. I love them all dearly, but some of their attitudes (to which I have been increasingly exposed, thanks to Facebook) are silly and downright counterproductive. I dislike the attitudes but not the people. The media establishment, Jews emphatically includeed, has never hesitated to be critical of this class of people. If I'm an anti-Semite for criticizing common Jewish attitudes, why aren't Jews racist for criticizing Southerners?

    I have no idea why so many Jews seem to make a special exception for Israel, believing that it should remain ethnically Jewish, while thinking America has to allow in everyone. All I know is that the hypocrisy exists. All 11 Jewish senators voted for the 2006 amnesty (S. 2611). Every. Damn. One. All but one Jewish representative (of ca. 30) voted against the 2005 enforcement bill (H.R. 4437). All but one.

    What's the source of this hypocrisy? Is it corruption in favor of cheap labor for big business? Is it deliberate anti-Angloso-Saxonism? Or is it a casual, subconscious racism most of them have never pondered?

    I imagine it's all of the above, depending on the individual. All I know is that the hypocrisy is dnagerous and real. And God forbid we bother to criticize a group with so much power and influence.

    Jews don't want to be criticized? Then stop being hypocrites.

  109. “There’s no reason why you have to have a common immigration policy for all of America,” he argued. “You could let each state do it differently.

    Bloomberg is being incredibly obtuse there: there's an obvious reason why, as things are, you need a common immigration policy for the US -- states can't control interstate migration, so if one state allows open borders, it means de facto open borders for all.

    "His brother's death may have left the Israeli prime minister with a lingering distaste for Black Africans and a high level of distrust regarding their motives"

    That seems a stretch. Wasn't the raid made possible by the cooperation of Kenya (allowing overflight and refueling)? And I believe Kenya later became a popular tourist destination for Israelis.

  110. Jews shmooz. The majority of the American Jews are not in some sort of a sinister in club with a secret handshake. They just happen to be somewhat more likely to do relatively well in life. That means that fewer of them are crack whores and a lot more of them are mid level managers, teachers, dentists, bookkeepers and nurse administrators. Yes, there are more Jews in Hollywood, Wall St and Washington than their overall numbers would warrant. Some Jew made it to the top somewhere and when it came to staffing his office, he hired people he happened to know. And then, perhaps, some other Jew went out of his way to hire only Jews because he was bitter and insecure. I'm sure both scenarios were common. Still, powerful people are incredibly few in comparison to the size of the masses, and the number of powerful Jews is nothing when compared to the number of your regular Joe-Shlomoes.

    In my experience, depending on their place in life, Jews are exactly like average whites. Suburban Jewish teachers tend to be very liberal. Urban Jewish teachers are significantly less so, although the only ones you'll ever hear about and whose quotes you'll read are the ones who use that experience as a stepping stone because to advance one needs to say all the right buzz words. Young, urban SWPL Jews are very liberal while their older, richer, more family oriented cousins in gated communities can be downright conservative. I never met a Jew whose political views stood out in his environment.

    From what I can tell, most Jews like the idea of Israel, but they most certainly wouldn't want live or retire there, and Israel-related issues wouldn't influence their voting much. To them it's a bit like a synagogue: seeing it in passing makes them smile and triggers some vague nostalgic emotion, but they don't actually care what goes on inside it and don't see it as an important part of their lives. SWPL Jews also don't give a damn about the purity of their tribe's bloodlines, judging by whom they marry. On the other hand, religious Jews seem to be very, VERY iffy about the recently agrarian masses.

    Forgive me, but even though I see that our elites have a lot of Jews in their mists, I fail to see how the Jews are our elites.

    P.S. I went to school in a historically Jewish area. At that time, pictures of dead Palestinian children were making rounds, and all the progressive, cool, hip, right kinds of people felt sorry for Palestinians. My school had voluntary debates every Friday where the topic was voted on the previous week, and those who were interested would show up. Then, the leader would maintain order as people around the room took turns to make their points, respond to each other and express themselves. A whole bunch of Jewish kids who were pro-choice, against corporations (and oftentimes vegetarian) felt passionately sorry for the oppressed people of Palestine.

  111. Not when it's stated in such a crude form for the millionth time on this and related blogs.

    Repetition is key to a successful culture of critique.

    Jews shmooz. The majority of the American Jews are not in some sort of a sinister in club with a secret handshake.

    The majority of Germans (and Nazis, for that matter) were not in some sort of a sinister in club with a secret handshake, either. Nor were the Russians in the 19th century, or the Catholic Spaniards during the Inquisition, or Whites during Segregation or Apartheid...

    That doesn't slow the culture of critique down though, does it?

    I'm sure both scenarios were common. Still, powerful people are incredibly few in comparison to the size of the masses, and the number of powerful Jews is nothing when compared to the number of your regular Joe-Shlomoes.

    Too true. And it's the Joe-Shlomoes who bear the brunt of the aftermath of elite Jewish hijinx, generally. And while I sympathize to an extent, I have to point out John Hartung's excellent point in Shiksa: Biblical Roots of Racism:

    In-groups sandwich an outline for animosity, an organizing principle for prejudice, between layers of social support. Whether Christian or Muslim or Jewish, every extremist is supported by a small number of less extreme admirers and each of those supporters is buoyed, in turn, by a larger group of sympathizers. These connections are continuous right down to the bottom of the pyramid, where vaguely sympathetic in-group members are offended by the very extremists who would have no base, and no basis, without them. It is that vague sympathy which needs to be examined.

    We're being held responsible for our inborn "White guilt" and invisible "White privilege," etc. (too-often by Jews), so why shouldn't we return the favor?

    In my experience, depending on their place in life, Jews are exactly like average whites.

    There are some important, fundamental differences. I've pointed them out already. Why act as if I haven't?

    Suburban Jewish teachers tend to be very liberal.

    Except when it comes to Israel. At the exact place and time that White liberals would prove their bona fides and dismantle their ethno-state chanting "not in my name," "liberal" Jews do an about-face.

    If Jews were really like Whites in this context (the most important, existential contexts), Israel would look nothing like what she looks like today. She'd be 25% NAM, have a NAM president, a 10% Christian Knesset, non-Jews would be privileged over Jews by the gov't, no settlers, etc. Israel's character as a Jewish state would have long since gone the way of Apartheid.

    And they'd be doing a hell of a lot more agreeing with the criticism than they do now, and far less arguing with it, far less defending their tribe.

    A whole bunch of Jewish kids who were pro-choice, against corporations (and oftentimes vegetarian) felt passionately sorry for the oppressed people of Palestine.

    Yet South Africa was dismantled, while Israel is feted.

  112. Svigor reads the Bible:

    Uh-oh. Always a bad sign when a Slav starts going Biblical.

  113. "Isn't it interesting that Jews support open immigration and diversity to every country in the world - except Israel."

    Not when it's stated in such a crude from for the millionth time on this and related blogs.

    What an utterly idiotic and lame comment. Stating the truth is never "crude". It's just stating the truth. You just don't want us "goyim" getting wise do you?

  114. Lol, I'm 3/4 Briton, 1/4 German or Dutch (haven't really followed that thread yet). I have negligible Slav ancestry, at least as far as I know. The handle's just a handle.

    And I don't read the Bible, but I was raised in a moderately religious Episcopal environment. I do read it, in the sense that I mine it for ethnopatriotic purposes, though. I got tired of people quoting Scripture at me, when it supports racialism infinitely more than it opposes it. I'm happy to get into a Scripture war with anyone who wants a taste, but I'm atheist/agnostic.

  115. Tom Hayden has made similar noises about his "Irishness" making him non-White

    Ah, is it Tommy O'Hayden from Country Cork?

    Hayden is not an Irish surname. He may well have some Irish ancestors but so does Obama.

  116. Svigor:"And I don't read the Bible, but I was raised in a moderately religious Episcopal environment. I do read it, in the sense that I mine it for ethnopatriotic purposes, though. I got tired of people quoting Scripture at me, when it supports racialism infinitely more than it opposes it. I'm happy to get into a Scripture war with anyone who wants a taste, but I'm atheist/agnostic."

    Who cares if it does promote racialism or not?Steer clear of the Bible quotes;they make you sound like some CHRISTIAN IDENTITY loser.Also, dump the Slavic handle;it makes you sound like a foreigner.If you are a mostly Briton, embrace that. Don't use a name that carries connotations of the East.

  117. "The majority of Germans (and Nazis, for that matter) were not in some sort of a sinister in club with a secret handshake, either. Nor were the Russians in the 19th century, or the Catholic Spaniards during the Inquisition, or Whites during Segregation or Apartheid..."

    Agreed. It doesn't make sense to hold a large group responsible for the morally reprehensible decisions made by a few of its members. How does that negate my point about this being an unfair treatment towards the Jews?

    "Suburban Jewish teachers tend to be very liberal.

    Except when it comes to Israel. At the exact place and time that White liberals would prove their bona fides and dismantle their ethno-state chanting "not in my name," "liberal" Jews do an about-face.

    If Jews were really like Whites in this context (the most important, existential contexts), Israel would look nothing like what she looks like today. She'd be 25% NAM, have a NAM president, a 10% Christian Knesset, non-Jews would be privileged over Jews by the gov't, no settlers, etc. Israel's character as a Jewish state would have long since gone the way of Apartheid."

    Your statements don't match my experiences with the liberal Jews. The truth is, I don't know what the majority of them think. I never conducted a valid, reliable survey, but Jews seem to be found in large numbers everywhere I go, from the town where I grew up and the university honors program to Teach for America, and, in my experience, liberal Jews tend to be iffy about Israel's conduct. But mostly they seem to not care all that much. Israel is a somewhat of a controversial topic where multiple sides can be argued, at least with some success, from a liberal perspective. Liberals like to talk about the topics they all agree on and pretend that they are saying something radical, and they actually hate controversies, no matter how mild. Much like the WASP liberals, Jewish liberals in my field of vision feel passionate about abortion, gay marriage, environmentalist gimmicks and trying food at obscure ethnic restaurants. That about sums it up.

    "Yet South Africa was dismantled, while Israel is feted."

    My whole point is that the Jewish elites aren't acting with permission, or for the benefit of their less powerful Jewish-American co-ethnics. That pretty, gay co-founder of facebook is now a rich and powerful Jew, and he claims to be in love with the state of Israel. When exactly did Mrs. Shlappentuches, your kid's 7th grade math teacher, get to decide if she wants this guy for her spokesman? Real Jewish teenagers of the vegan variety felt bad for the poor Palestinians. This didn't affect israel because it doesn't matter what your accountant Mark or his new girlfriend Rachel, the yoga instructor, think. They don't control the money supply. They don't control the media. And they don't decide anything.

  118. "You just don't want us "goyim" getting wise do you?"

    No, I just don't want you to be so boring and repetitive with your cliched and simplistic formulations.

    Kudos to Maya for commenting based on actual experience and observation, rather than ideology and prejudice.

  119. I am convinced that the suits who now run Walmart INTENTIONALLY altered the business model - away from their traditional middle-class and lower-middle-class White clientele - and are now, instead, actively courting the EBT-carrying NAMs.

    I think that after Sam Walton's death, the suits looked at the demographics, and the explosion in gubmint freebies being lavished on those demographics, and declared, "To hell with the Whites - we're gonna pwn the EBT market!!!"

    When you have the lowest retail prices and most locations in any given neighborhood you attract the poorest of the poor. It wouldn't matter if they paid with EBT or their last virtuously-saved dollar; the forces of supply and demand would ensure they are catered to.

  120. Reply to Anonymous at 1:36 AM:

    The truth is neither "boring" or "repetitive".

    Your comments are assinine.

    Jews follow their own ethnic interests first, last and always. In states where they are not the majority, they want as mixed up a population as possible, to stand out less. Where they ARE THE MAJORITY (ergo Israel), they want Jewish only immigration to keep themselves the majority.


  121. " When exactly did Mrs. Shlappentuches, your kid's 7th grade math teacher, get to decide if she wants this guy for her spokesman?"

    When I propose the Libyan solution that she supported be applied to the I-P Conflict of providing a 'No Fly Zone' for the Palestinian freedom fighters and she asks me if I'm an anti-semite.

    To which I reply no of course, I just assure her that I would merely cackle gleefully like Hillary Clinton did if Netanyahu, his family and Ashkenazim Likudnik regime were dragged dead through the streets; which like Hillary would have nothing to do with her hatred of Berbers. Which many of the Jewish school teachers in my heavily Jewish community were fine and supportive of when it happened to the Libyan Colonel and his kin. Of course that's completely reprehensible because Israel is a "Western democracy". Replete with segregation, anti-miscegenation laws, with racism as its' governing principle like so many other "Western democracies" of course.

    "Real Jewish teenagers of the vegan variety felt bad for the poor Palestinians."

    Which is a very interesting phenomena in Israel itself where those same atheistic American Jews are actually among the most radically Goy hating Israeli nationalists in Israel. I don't know why "The Settlers" cause so much consternation to the Palestinians honestly. They seem just like NYC Jews to me. In fact, they are NYC Jews. Odd isn't it?

    It's funny given our small population of non-fecund, disproportionately old Jews that we would generate both so many young Jews with this antipathy toward Israel that you describe that are somehow completely not related or even sharing in the same community ethic of all these other young Jews that are fanatical Zionists.

  122. K(yle),

    I'll repeat that I never actually studied the minds of American Jews scientifically. I merely happen to encounter a whole bunch of them (young, old, liberal and conservative) everywhere life takes me. That said, what you assert doesn't match my daily reality.

    "When I propose the Libyan solution that she supported be applied to the I-P Conflict of providing a 'No Fly Zone' for the Palestinian freedom fighters and she asks me if I'm an anti-semite."

    Where do your experiences come from? The reason I ask is that the whole exchange doesn't sound realistic. I dare you to go into your closest WELL PERFORMING middle school and ask all the teachers what's a "No Fly Zone". Since many of them won't be utter idiots, they will probably guess what it is, or something close. Then, go ahead, and ask for some examples. You'll hear tumbleweeds most of the time. Next, why don't you go to a gym in an affluent (heavily Jewish) suburb about an hour after the offices close, and ask the people there who's Netanyahu. The hypothetical Mrs. Tuches supported whatever happened in Libya? Really? Nobody in America cared about Libya. It was some blimp on the news, and it's forgotten already. This isn't because the SWPL, including the SWPL Jews, are dumb. It's because they aren't interested in this stuff. They don't feel passionate about it. You know what Mrs.'s Tuches's average Ashkenazi IQ of 115 look like in the wild? It means she was able to accomplish all the little things she needed to make herself comfortable (like a college degree), and that she reads whole books about weight loss instead of just perusing weight loss articles on yahoo. Maybe, this particular average Jew takes special interest in Israel, so she'll have some sort of an opinion and argue about it. But then, the next SWPL Jew will be more interested in opera, pop psychology or reading the international adoption blogs. Your average, somewhat bright liberal Jew will remember about his/her culture a few times per year (around the holidays or while watching Sarah Silverman) because it's another thing to make him/her feel special, kinda like his/her vegetarianism or eclectic music collection. But these people don't care enough to start paying close attention to something that bores them most of the time.

    " Which is a very interesting phenomena in Israel itself where those same atheistic American Jews are actually among the most radically Goy hating Israeli nationalists in Israel. I don't know why "The Settlers" cause so much consternation to the Palestinians honestly. They seem just like NYC Jews to me. In fact, they are NYC Jews. Odd isn't it?"

    Wait. I'm confused. Is there a large population of American born Jews in Israel? That's interesting. I didn't know that. It would make sense for an American Jew who feels passionately supportive of Israel to move there, especially, since he'd feel lonely among his apathetic American co-ethnics.

  123. "Likewise Maya's vegan Jews certainly feel sorry for the Palestinians, and are embarrassed by their extremist co-ethnics. Should we pursue a policy of doing the right thing even at the expense of the Jews? The answer is "Never (again)" of course.

    I'll take your vegan teenage Jews seriously when they advocate the "denazification" of Israel and the eradication of racism across the board including Jewish identity like they and white liberals do of white racism."

    My liberal Jewish schoolmates did chide Israel, suggest that Palestinian violence would end if Israel would quit oppressing them, and advocate for eradicating racism across the world. I heard them many times in English class and at the debate club, over pizza and diet pepsi.

    Why aren't they out on the streets protesting? Well, I imagine that a great many of them are currently busy daydreaming about sex in grad school. They are also not driving a food truck in Africa, and they only donate to cancer research when the checkout lady at Whole Foods puts them on the spot. You're missing the point: they don't give a falcon enough to lobby to promote their opinions on this topic. Debates about abortion, gay rights and prayer in public schools generated waaaaaay more emotional response than the Israel thing. You seem very passionate, but my buds Jackob, Tamar, Shevan and Aaron aren't thinking about you, Israel, Palestine or Netanyahu at all. I'm sure they stumbled onto an article and felt terrible for the African refugees before going to an Explosions in the Sky concert. They fantasize about their own and their children's elite education, and they want to go biking through Italy. Perhaps Manhattan Jews are a different species from the Midwestern Jews. I've never lived in New York.

  124. One thing that I need to make clear is that, so far, I've only described my liberal Jewish acquaintances, not the conservative ones. In high school, the only kids who identified as republican were Jewish. They were very much in support of Israel as a Jewish strong hold.

    Yesterday, i posted on facebook about being confused by the current situation in Israel, just to see what people would say. Immediately, a Jewish girl I know answered, claiming that Israel is doing the absolutely right thing, under the circumstances. I asked her how illegal Sudanese differ from the illegal Mexicans, and she answered that they don't. She said that she'd have absolutely no trouble deporting all of them.

  125. Wal-Mart's low prices need a big asterisk. For light electronics, I find them insanely overpriced. I pay 10 bucks at Newegg for something that costs me 50 bucks at Wal-Mart. And Newegg's prices aren't even the lowest, but service means something too. And don't even consider buying something off-brand at Wal-Mart if it's going to be subject to wear and tear. You'll be buying it again in 30.

  126. Who cares if it does promote racialism or not?

    I, Christians, Kinists, and Ethnopatriots do, for starters.

    Steer clear of the Bible quotes


    Also, dump the Slavic handle


    If you are a mostly Briton, embrace that.

    I do.

    Don't use a name that carries connotations of the East.

    Mind your business.

    From the other thread:

    Ah, a Slav who reads the OCCIDENTAL OBSERVER and who quotes the Bible. All is now clear.

    Yes, it's now clear that rhetoric isn't your forte. Obviously you have no problem with Bible-quoters, per se, or you'd have saved some opprobrium for the fellow I was responding to; he's the worse offender, having dragged the Bible into the conversation in the first place, after all. I was only responding in kind.

    Like I said, rhetoric isn't your forte. But don't worry, there's a task for every aptitude; maybe you could push paper at the SPLC.

  127. ".Also, dump the Slavic handle;it makes you sound like a foreigner.If you are a mostly Briton, embrace that. Don't use a name that carries connotations of the East."

    Yeah, embrace your heritage, Fool! Stop trying to shoehorn your way into some group that doesn't want to associate with you.

  128. They seem just like NYC Jews to me. In fact, they are NYC Jews. Odd isn't it?

    This is a false stereotype, propagated by the international left. The percentage of non-immigrants among the settlers is in fact lower than among the general Israeli population.

  129. >it doesn't matter what your accountant Mark or his new girlfriend Rachel, the yoga instructor, think. They don't control the money supply. They don't control the media. And they don't decide anything.<

    See who they contribute money to, whom they help, whom they vote for. Unlike feckless gentile whites, Jews do stick together; this is a compliment, not a criticism. The most solid bet you can make is that if Israel got into another major, nation-threatening war like the 7-day war, many of the formerly teenaged vegan pali-symps would leap to the defense of their country; even some yoga instructors would make Aliyah and volunteer for any duty. You may laugh at this, but you shouldn't.

    Contrast it with this: the authorities in America trumpet the news that gentile whites will be a minority soon, thanks largely to policy, and that this is a good and desirable thing - and what do the most race-conscious of white gentiles do in response? Nothing. Literally nothing. (Joining the Tea Party and quoting MLK is less than nothing.)

  130. Yeah, embrace your heritage, Fool! Stop trying to shoehorn your way into some group that doesn't want to associate with you.

    So, going by your handle, you're trying to pass? :)

  131. Hey Steve look at the latest Israel immigration story:

    Indian Jews from 'lost tribe' move to Israel

    An Israeli chief rabbi recognized them as a lost tribe in 2005 and about 1,700 moved to Israel before the government stopped giving them visas.>>Can't stop at 1700 when national curry self sufficiency is at stake<<

    Israel recently reversed that policy, agreeing to let the remaining 7,200 Bnei Menashe immigrate. Fifty-three arrived on Monday.

    Ha Ha read it and weep. Israel can create mass immigration by defining everyone as Jewish. Sounds sort of American. You know America as a proposition nation consisting of anyone that says they are American. ROFL.


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