May 23, 2012

Xochitl Hinojosa: DoJ's Aztec Warrior Princess / Spokesmodel

The decision by pundit Matthew Yglesias to list himself officially on the 2010 Census as "Hispanic" has raised interesting questions about our new Hispanic elites.

For example, one striking name that has popped up in the news relentlessly during the Obama Administration is Xochitl Hinojosa, spokesperson for the Department of Justice on civil rights-related matters. Here's just the first page of Google News hits for Xochitl Hinojosa:
Motel pools rush to become compliant with updated ADA‎
"It's under review," said Xochitl Hinojosa, spokeswoman for the U.S. Department of Justice. A delay would be good news for businesses ... 
Alabama Women's Prison Inmates Sexually Abused By Guards ...‎
Xochitl Hinojosa, a Justice Department spokeswoman, said in an email that the agency is reviewing the allegations. A 2011 Huffington Post ... 
Voting Law's 'Preclearance' Provision Upheld on Appeal‎
Justice Department spokeswoman Xochitl Hinojosa said in a statement that the agency is pleased with the decision. The Voting Rights Act is “a ... 
Anastasio Hernandez Rojas Death: 16 Members Of Congress Call ...‎
When contacted for comment, DOJ spokesperson Xochitl Hinojosa told The Huffington Post that the "department's investigation remains ... 
Anastasio Hernandez Rojas Death Sparks Nationwide Call For ...‎
Department of Justice Spokesperson Xochitl Hinojosa told The Huffington Post that the "department's investigation remains ongoing," adding, ...  
Appeals court upholds key voting rights provision‎
... department will continue to vigorously defend it against constitutional challenges," said Justice Department spokeswoman Xochitl Hinojosa. 
Pool-lift rule confuses hotels‎
“An existing pool must do what is readily achievable” defined as affordable and easy, Department of Justice spokeswoman Xochitl Hinojosa ... 
Wells Fargo Says DOJ May Seek Penalties in Fair-Lending Inquiry‎
Xochitl Hinojosa, a Justice Department spokeswoman, declined to comment. Last year's lending inquiry, conducted by the Justice Department's ...  
Texas Gets Last Shot for July 9 Trial on Voter Photo Law‎
Lauren Bean, a spokeswoman for Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, and Xochitl Hinojosa, a Justice Department spokeswoman, didn't ... 
Trayvon Martin: FBI Actively Pursuing Hate Crime Charge For ...‎
As previously reported by Newsone, U.S. Justice Department spokeswoman Xochitl Hinojosa said the department is conducting its own, ...

Let's find out what's on the web about the Obama Administration's face of civil rights enforcement:
"Xochitl and Scarlett were roommates in college. Scarlett was Xochitl's big sister in Alpha Sigma Alpha. They have shared so many good memories of Spring Break, boys, sorority life, and drinking wine in Napa Valley, and look forward to the many more memories to come!"
I don't know what Xochitl majored in at The University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio, but her sorority big sister Scarlett has a degree in fashion merchandizing.

And here's a photo feature in The Washingtonian entitled The 23 Most Stylish People at Fashion: District:

Xochitl Hinojosa and Annalies Husmann

Xochitl is the daughter of a former Texas judge:
Joining Judge Hinojosa on the Senate floor were his daughters Gina Hinojosa-Donisi, her son Mateo, and Xochitl Hinojosa.
Xochitl's father, attorney Gilberto Hinojosa, is currently a candidate for chair of the Democratic Party of Texas. He even has his own Doonesbury cartoon about him in which Judge Hinojosa denounces Republican efforts to crack down on voter fraud. From Wikipedia's bio of Xochitl's dad:
While living in Washington, DC, Hinojosa worked as a Staff Attorney for the Migrant Legal Action Program, Inc.[citation needed] He later became the Director of the Migrant Division of Colorado Rural Legal Services, Inc., in Denver, Colorado.[citation needed] Upon his return to his native Texas, Hinojosa continued practicing law as the Managing Attorney for the Texas Rural Legal Aid, Inc., located in Brownsville, Texas. ...
Hinojosa was elected Cameron County Judge on November 8, 1994. During his administration, international bridges to Mexico were built ... 
On August 11, 2003, Hinojosa appeared before the United States Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works in support of Senate Bill 1329, which would provide assistance in the relocation of railroads to improve access for commercial traffic passing through Cameron County to and from the international border with Mexico. ... After the bill passed, the Cameron County West Rail Relocation Project was initiated which provided for the construction of a railroad across the Rio Grande River from Brownsville, Texas, to Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico, with approximately $21 million in federal funds provided.[3]   ... 
Hinojosa was elected Chairman of the Cameron County Democratic Party on November 12, 2007.[4] One day after the inauguration of President Barack Obama, Hinojosa attended the Democratic National Committee Winter Meeting held in Washington, DC. On January 23, 2008, he nominated Virginia Governor Tim Kaine to head the Democratic National Committee.[1] Thereafter, a unanimous vote made Governor Kaine the new leader of the Democratic Party. 

From Judge Hinojosa's announcement of his candidacy for chairman of the Texas Democratic Party, we have a clear statement of the Hinojosa Strategy:
President Barack Obama borrowed a phrase made famous by a small, humble and unassuming union leader from California by the name of Cesar Chavez: "Yes we can!" Or as Cesar Chavez called to action the once powerless farm workers of California: "Si Se Puede!" YES WE CAN be the Party that elects leaders who will build a stronger, better educated, more innovative and more caring Texas for ALL Texans. ... 
These strategies must primarily focus on achieving a majority by ensuring that, before anything else, the full potential of the Democratic Base is achieved. We will not give away any part of the electorate to the Republicans, but we must recognize that we will only become the majority party in this State when we have done everything possible to turnout the Democratic base at election time. 
Obviously, a key part of that base that is far from achieving its full potential are Latinos. When Latinos, who make up 40 percent of the people in this State and who vote for Democrats over Republicans by two to one margins, are turning out to vote at rates far below other demographic groups, it is difficult for our Party to a achieve a majority in this State. The only way that I believe we can ensure that Latinos are voting at or near normal rates is through a concentrated effort to register, engage, and turnout Latino voters utilizing innovative "boots on the ground" tactics which wisely and effectively use our limited resources. ... 
And we don't have to reinvent the wheel. States, like Colorado, Nevada and California, with far smaller Latino populations, have been able to achieve a Democratic majority with strong Latino mobilization efforts. Yes We Can! And Yes WE Will!

And here is a picture of Gilberto M. Hinojosa, professor of history at Xochitl's alma mater, University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio:
I don't know what the relationship (if any) is between Professor Gilberto M. Hinojosa and the younger Judge Gilberto Hinojosa. (By the way, the President of Mexico's name is Felipe Calderon Hinojosa, but I don't know of any evidence that Xochitl Hinojosa is related to the Mexican President's maternal family.)

A reader comments: "In general, it takes a couple generations of success before Hispanics go all liberal"

Indeed, elderly Professor Hinojosa appears to be a bourgeois Catholic antiquarian (perhaps related to the conservative Cristero movement of Guadalajara out of which emerged Mexican President Calderon Hinojosa's parents, or, perhaps more likely, a Tejano of old family), whose CV is largely lacking in po-mo titles.

Judge Hinojosa is a Hillary Democrat.

Xochitl Hinojosa is one of the leading names of the Obamaite Diversitocracy.

Yes, I know, it sounds like I just made up the Hinojosa family to illustrate what I've been saying for years about the Hispanic activist elites who get quoted so often in the newspapers. But, I'm not making the Hinojosa family up!

I want to come back to an epistemological question raised in Jim Manzi's book Uncontrolled. As a key example in his attack on observational (i.e., non-experimental) social science, Manzi devotes about a half dozen pages to the failure of Steve Levitt's popular Freaknomics theory that abortion-cut-crime.

But I draw a different example from that controversy. Sure, experimenting, when feasible (and, of course, experimenting is not feasible regarding abortions), is good, but, as Yogi Berra said, you can observe a lot just by watching. In particular, the deeper you dig into a subject, the more vivid become the examples, as with the Hinojosas.

With abortion-cut-crime, for instance, Levitt's theory was based on his observation that crime was lower in 1997 than in 1985, so, he reasoned, Roe v. Wade probably had something to do with it.

But then, when Levitt's theory got a big write-up in the Chicago Tribune in the summer of 1999, Greg Cochran downloaded the total number of homicides in America by year, which showed that murder had spiked up between 1985 and 1997. Oh, yeah, the Crack Years! Then I started looking at homicide offending by age group to see the impact of abortion legalization on the not-yet-born and it turned out that the homicide offending rate for the cohort of 14-17 year olds born in the half decade after legalization was almost triple that of the cohort born in the half decade before legalization. And then when I looked at black teens, because blacks had the highest abortion rates in the 1970s, the post-legalization homicide rate for black teens quintupled! And if you looked at the big states that legalized abortion before 1973's Roe v. Wade, California (late 1969) and New York (1970), well, that's where the Crack Wars started: remember West Coast rap v. East Coast rap?

In other words, the more you drill down into Levitt's theory, the more implausible it becomes. It seems more like the dominant effect on crime rates was that the more liberal a state with a lot of blacks had been in the late 1960s and 1970s, the more likely it would have a lot of abortions early and the more likely it would be that its blacks would get into crack dealing and murdering each other on a vast scale earlier in the 1980s-1990s.

In contrast, with the theories that I harp upon -- like my idea that Hispanic ethnic activists are largely self-interested white people trying to set their children up to live expensive lifestyles of drinking wine in Napa Valley and at Washington fashion events by expanding through immigration the number of brown Hispanics whom they can claim to  represent -- the more you drill down into the evidence, the more stereotypical -- and thus funnier -- the details become.


  1. not a hacker5/23/12, 3:10 PM

    Well, if she hangs around D.C. long enough somebody more vibrant will soon treat her like who she really is.

  2. Is/was Facebook investor Eduardo Saverin, who is Brazilian, Jewish, and Singaporean, but only formerly American, also a member of our new Hispanic elite?

  3. One knows one has joined the power elite when one appears in Doonesbury.

  4. I can see how mass immigration has benefitted her father, but not the former democrats he has displaced. Why were they foolish enough to think that they could keep a hold on this?

  5. So that cute little white girl with the white mommy, who went to the rich kid private school on the West Coast is some Hispanic race-pandering bureaucrat? Who does she date with a name like Xochitl and looks like that? Juan the MS13 dude with his machete, or Biff the white boy? Somehow I think the latter.

    I'm tellin ya, you need to get on the Hispanic Gravy Train. Did your ancestors live in Missouri or Vicksburg, MS before about 1812? Then they were living in New Spain and were Hispanic. I'm not saying you have to change your name to Jose, but you can call yourself Hispanic.

  6. Made all the more rich by what I can only imagine is an error in the original: "Si se puede" actually means "If possible." For "Yes, we can" you need a comma and an accent: "Sí, se puede."

  7. since britians originated from Iberia, couldn't we anglo-saxons claim to be hispanic/ Galeicia is celtic, so can't Irish?

    it's not different than that jewish guy who was allowed to buy a radio station in LA under value because he claimed, as a sephardic, he was hispanic.

  8. Esteban Sailer's got a ring to it.

  9. Ever since civil service reform started to eat away at the democrats bread and butter- patronage/pork/- they started to get around it with Civil 'rights' - its no accident that it started right around the time civil service reform reached its peak.

  10. If your ancestors lived in a part of Canada they lived in New Spain and therefore were Hispanic.

  11. Hilarious that this conquistador descended Mexican-American was given an Aztec name by her family.

  12. I bet she'd look darling in a Pocahontas costume.

  13. walter condley5/23/12, 4:39 PM

    Not sure I understand your bridge from Leavitt to Hinojosa. If you "drill down," aren't Texas hispanics a lot more americanized than those in California and Arizona? So isn't this chick unusual among hispanics in her willingness to mix with whites? For example, I know one Berkeley grad from Delano who's about 30 now. She says that "chicanos" (a California term?) pressure each other not to socialize with whites. And why can't the money striving coexist with ladling out bennies for the non-sorority hispanics?

  14. RE:Xochitl Hinojosa,

    Hey, her parents obviously decided to double-down on the "Brownness." One look at her, they obviously knew that a Spanish surname would not be enough; even a Spanish first name/last name combo would not be enough.No, this future member of the affirmative action-ocracy would need to go Aztec.

  15. My grandfather, a "real" Hispanic who worked in the fields, is one of the most conservative men I know. In general, it takes a couple generations of success before Hispanics go all liberal

  16. "In general, it takes a couple generations of success before Hispanics go all liberal"

    Elderly Professor Hinojosa appears to be a bourgeois Catholic (perhaps related to the conservative Cristero movement of Guadalajara out of which emerged Mexican President Calderon Hinojosa's parents).

    Judge Hinojosa is a Hillary Democrat.

    Xochitl Hinojosa is one of the faces of Obamaite divsersitocracy.

  17. See? I keep saying that the WNs should just change their names to something like "Axztatnatal", declare themselves "Hispanics," and immediately become a very powerful political leadership elite (since most current Hispanics tend to be politically lethargic and timid, there's an open niche available). Plus they're always complaining about the lack of attractive female WNs, so maybe they can do much better with all the Aztec Warrior-Princesses...

  18. seriously, what's to stop any of us from claiming 'hispanic' heritage??

    "Scientists have discovered the British are descended from a tribe of Spanish fishermen. DNA analysis has found the Celts — Britain's indigenous population — have an almost identical genetic "fingerprint" to a tribe of Iberians from the coastal regions of Spain who crossed the Bay of Biscay almost 6,000 years ago. "

  19. @Big Bill

    "Big Bill said...
    So that cute little white girl with the white mommy, who went to the rich kid private school on the West Coast is some Hispanic race-pandering bureaucrat? Who does she date with a name like Xochitl and looks like that? Juan the MS13 dude with his machete, or Biff the white boy? Somehow I think the latter.

    I'm tellin ya, you need to get on the Hispanic Gravy Train. Did your ancestors live in Missouri or Vicksburg, MS before about 1812? Then they were living in New Spain and were Hispanic. I'm not saying you have to change your name to Jose, but you can call yourself Hispanic."

    Given her surname and Mexican origin, I am assuming that she is of Spanish descent. So technically she is a Hispanic, if you assume the word Hispanic to derive from Hispania.

    And so what that she identifies as Hispanic? Since when are Spaniards considered whites by Anglo-America? Spanish immigrants to America would have been regarded as non-whites by the standards of Anglo-Saxon America up to recently. They would be regarded as "wops" or "dagos" or "swarthy meds" by WASPS throughout most of the 20th century.

    Also, even if genetically Spaniards are not that far from Anglos, they have a radically different culture. They tend to be more extraverted and less industrious than northern Europeans, altough they are pretty good at money-making.

    Spanish-descendants in America, like Cuban-Americans, tend to be significantly more affluent and better educated than the average for Anglo whites.

  20. "Scientists have discovered the British are descended from a tribe of Spanish fishermen.
    wouldn't be hilarious to see a liberal judge get around this? Well. umm by hispanic we mean....

  21. "Since when are Spaniards considered whites by Anglo-America? Spanish immigrants to America would have been regarded as non-whites by the standards of Anglo-Saxon America up to recently. They would be regarded as "wops" or "dagos" or "swarthy meds" by WASPS throughout most of the 20th century."

    Yes, that's what caused that tragic lynching of Desi Arnaz by a mob of angry WASPs live on "I Love Lucy" in 1950.

  22. Hapalong Cassidy5/23/12, 5:57 PM

    The name Hinojosa sounds vaguely Japanese.

  23. Steve: "Yes, that's what caused that tragic lynching of Desi Arnaz by a mob of angry WASPs live on 'I Love Lucy' in 1950."

    Yes, I remember that day well. As Charles Barkley would say, it was "turrible, turrible."

  24. Of course Spaniards are White. They were the colonial and genocidal conquerors of the peaceful indigenous peoples of the Americas.
    This is the definition of White in main-stream racial orthodoxy.

    Spaniards get a slight pass because they had more sex with the natives. Can we bang your women? Si, Se Puede!

  25. esteban marinero? esteban marinoro? ka-ching!

  26. Something else you haven´t thought of Steve: white hispanics and slave ownership. One parent of mine is American while the other is Brazilian. I am not 100% sure, but I think that qualifies me as hispanic.

    My Portuguese-Brazilian ancestors definitely owned slaves. However, I can guarantee my American side of the family never did. I would guess the proportion of white slave owners from South America far exceeds American white´s ownership.

    Yet, white SAmericans get goodies that started with blacks as a form of reparations for slavery. So the US gives many descendants of slave owners AA and other priveleges. Kind of stupid, right?

  27. anonymous:"And so what that she identifies as Hispanic? Since when are Spaniards considered whites by Anglo-America? Spanish immigrants to America would have been regarded as non-whites by the standards of Anglo-Saxon America up to recently. They would be regarded as "wops" or "dagos" or "swarthy meds" by WASPS throughout most of the 20th century."

    This is sheer bilge. Spaniards were always regarded as White. 30s Hollywood actor Jacob Krantz (star of the first version of THE MALTESE FALCON) changed his name to Ricardo Cortez in order to escape anti-Jewish prejudice.For that matter, nobody ever thought that White Puerto Rican actor Jose Ferrer (Princeton, class of 1933)was anything other than a White man.

  28. Yes, that's what caused that tragic lynching of Desi Arnaz by a mob of angry WASPs live on "I Love Lucy" in 1950.
    and talented seaman David Farragot was denied promotion in the navy and never got a chance to lead a major naval battle and have a statue erected in his honor in madison square park

  29. OT, but arch-neocon, Bush Speech-writer (he coined the phrase "axis of evil") and Zionist war-monger, David Frum, just wrote an article defending the Stalinist purging of John Derbyshire and Steve Sailer from National Review magazine.


    Today's Question: Fire John Derbyshire?

  30. I have always claimed Hispanic heritage via the Spanish Armada's retreat to the West Coast of Ireland. My mother doesn't have freakles, has green eyes and brown hair. Many people from Cork and Kerry (Kerrymen speak with machine gun rapidity, like hispanics) are Very dark and have pitch black hair.

    I agree with previous commenters, I've never been able to figure out why AA is extended to Hispanics. What wrongs are being righted? Weren't the Spanish often cruel colonizers?

  31. White people don't get asked "what are you?"

    They do the questioning. Thats the power dynamic that make racism = white supremacy.

    A friend of mine told me that being a white person is like coming to work on payday and just having the boss walk by and hand you YOUR check.

    If you get asked, "do you work here?"

    You're not white.

    *hell yeah I work here! give me my fucking check*

  32. "A friend of mine told me that being a white person is like coming to work on payday and just having the boss walk by and hand you YOUR check."

    This doesn't make any sense in the first place but nobody asks black- Americans "What are you?". The people being asked that are more than likely immigrants or children of immigrants from Asia or Latin America. I'd suggest they don't move to a country where whites currently reside. Too much stress on those poor dears with all the "What are you" accusations.

  33. Elderly Professor Hinojosa appears to be a bourgeois Catholic

    I frequent several religious blogs. There is a lot of talk in heartwarming tones about "traditional Mexbican Catholic culture." To my observation, the Catholics are bourgeois/petit bourgeois Iberians. The Meso-Americans are mostly areligious or Evangelical.

    I remember one such Iberian Catholic blogger (US immigrant) who just lost it when I asked why Vicente Fox was so much taller than most of his countrymen.

  34. The Soul of Man under Xochitlism5/23/12, 7:45 PM

    During the health care thing I noted repeated appearances of one White House pointwoman, Cecilia Munoz (I apologize if I've left out accents or Mayan glyphs). In speech & visage she is quite white, enough to be a star on Mexican TV. I think if you swim in those circles long enough you take on a sophistimacated world-weary Parisian view that the ethnicity angle is a new prop of palace intrigue and you don't even laugh at the Ben Jealouses and G. K. Butterfields who invert the concept of passing complexion; if he bought the right hat the latter could be a great Chesterton impersonator. Basically we are imitating the corrupt post-Cold War elites of South America now.

  35. Shakedown Inc.5/23/12, 8:08 PM

    The short post by David Frum is actually semi-insightful. His quote about the AM radio host calling conservatives "the new blacks" is, while likely apocryphal, not hard to imagine; right now they are getting indignant about union rednecks in South Carolina bashing a pinata of the governor. The other half that's mistaken is the consultoid/press flack's feverish belief that the End of White America is going to happen any moment now. The question that follows is about the political, regulatory, and economic shape of that "post-white" land, and whether anybody who's left in the 22nd Century will spend much time evaluating our manic racial bean-counting that transpired long beforehand.

  36. "Yes, I remember that day well. As Charles Barkley would say, it was "turrible, turrible.""

    He got knocked right to the moon.


    'police shoulda handled zimmerman case more intelligently.'

    'police need more dumb cops.'

  38. The tragic fate of Desi Arnaz was emblematic of later Hollywood Hispanics. The Addams family patriarch, Gomez (the faithful husband of Morticia) was pictured as a ludicrous nutcase, instead of the victim of vicious discrimination. No one wanted to sell them a house in the town and they had to live in a tenebrous ruin between the cemetery and a swamp.

  39. The Dutch and Brazilian slave trade had a heavy jewish presence...

  40. Actually, its the suburban higher income white areas of Texas and the rural areas near Ok that keep the Republicans in offce. Texas is kind like Orange County Ca, the older whites keep it Republican while the minorites voted Dem and Texas is more black than OC while OC is more asian. The white vote favors Republicans and this white vote in both Texas and OC Ca is going down.

  41. I couldn't follow all of that. Sorry.

    But I did notice that Scarlett has red hair (!).

    1. This story would have benefitted from more Scarlett and less Quetzalcoatl (or whatever her name is).

  42. Many people from Cork and Kerry (Kerrymen speak with machine gun rapidity, like hispanics) are Very dark and have pitch black hair.

    The "black Irish" look isn't dark or swarthy skin. It's very fair skin and dark hair.

  43. Simon in London5/24/12, 2:50 AM

    Spaniards pretending to be Aztecs. The funny thing is 'we' are supposed to go along with it. And unlike Australian pseudo-Aboriginals or American pseudo-blacks, these white Aztecs don't even need a drop of non-European blood.

  44. I forgot to say, the only reason Spaniards are NOW considered whites is because over the past 60 years Spain has literally quintupled it's PPP per capita, and is now one of the richest countries in the World. So they have been "upgraded" to white by Anglo-Americans. The same for Cuban-Americans, who are on average wealthier and better educated than white Anglos. So they are "white".

    No one considred Spaniards white back in the 1930's when Spain was broke and riveted by civil war and had the GDP per capita of a Third World country. They were then proof that northern Europeans are genetically superior to southern Eueopeans. Epic hypocrisy.

  45. @Steve Sailer

    "Yes, that's what caused that tragic lynching of Desi Arnaz by a mob of angry WASPs live on "I Love Lucy" in 1950."

    Steve, you are not very good at sarcasm because the key to great sarcasm is subtetly, and you are too obvious.

    Anyway, are you saying that Anglo whites always regarded other white ethnicities as their equals? This is easily proven wrong.

    If you went back to 1850, there were pubs in Boston that had warning signs at the entrance saying:"No dogs or Germans allowed." In fact, in the first half of the 19th century many Anglo politicians tried to stop German immigration on the premisse that the Germans were a threat to Anglo culture and were good at hard labor but intellectually inferior.

    As for southern Europeans, the discrimination was much worse. Many Anglo politicians in the first half of the 20th century tried to limit the immigration of southern Europeans on the premisse that they were indolent and untrostworthy, and would lead to a general decline of the culture. There are many films that show the open contempt that elite WASPS had for southern Europeans, and the way they didn't allow them into their clubs and universities. There was a famous scene in a film I forgot the name where an Italian immigrant is denied a permit to open a business on a certain part of town. He goes to the city councilman who created the law and he flat out tells the Italian man that they(Anglos) did not want "their people" there. The Italian guy responded in a devastating fashion:

    "My people...were living in palaces of marble and gold and dressing in silk robes at a time when your people were living in flea-infested villages and picking up lice from each other's hair like baboons. I do not feel inferior to you, Sir."

    Anglo whites never liked southern Europeans, and Iberians were the bottom of the barrel. Even eastern European immigrants were regarded as better than Spaniards or Portuguese.

    Do you really think that a New England WASP would be content with his daughter bringing a Spanish or Portuguese boyfriend home back in 1930? C'mon...

    Now, genetically, Anglos and Spaniards are VERY close. In fact, the English are technically more Celtiberian than Germanic. The English are genetically closer to Spaniards than they are to Germans. Consider Nigella Lawson. She has jet black hair and eyes, and yet she is the archetypical English woman. Do you think she got her eyes and hair from Viking ancestors? LOLOLOL.

    English is primarilly a Germanic language, from the Nordic branch of languages. But the English were originally linguistically Celtic like Spaniards, and also ethnically are western Atlanto-mediterraneans like Spaniards with only minor amounts of Nordic European blood from the Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Normands.

    But this is not about ethnicity, but about CULTURE, which is why it is ok for her to identify as Hispanic. Iberian culture is fundamentally different from Anglo culture. Spaniards tend to score higher than Anglos on the trait that psychologists call "extraversion".

    For instance, one of the most common complains of white Anglos in southern Florida is that Cuban-Americans are loud and obnoxious. They have extremely low crime rates, but they share with black people the trait of being extraverted. Not as much as blacks, but a LOT more than Anglos. Cuban-Americans remark that Anglos are cold and impersonal. This difference in culture makes it difficult to categorize Spanish-descended whites as "whites" in the Anglo-American mold.

    On the other hand, there is significant intermarriage between Spanish-descended whites like Cuban-Americans and Anglos. Most Cubans would never allow their kids to marry mestizos or other races, but they have no problem with marrying Anglos. They are quite racist.

  46. "I don't know what the relationship (if any) is between Professor Gilberto M. Hinojosa and the younger Judge Gilberto Hinojosa. "

    My first two guesses were, he is her other dad, or he used to be her mother.
    A sign of times.

  47. Actually, its the suburban higher income white areas of Texas and the rural areas near Ok that keep the Republicans in offce. Texas is kind like Orange County Ca, the older whites keep it Republican while the minorites voted Dem.....

    Everyone in Texas is a minority.

  48. Bruce Banner5/24/12, 6:42 AM

    How do you pronounce "Xochitl"?
    Something like "Hoechittle"? (No pun intended)

  49. "The "black Irish" look isn't dark or swarthy skin. It's very fair skin and dark hair."

    You are right about the skin, but 2 guys I worked with were swarthy, and that, combined with the fact that their English was incomprehensible, provoked a person to ask why the boss hired so many Puerto Ricans.

  50. When my grandmother was growing up in San Antonio (1930s), the elite families in town were of full-blooded Spaniards who were holdovers from the days when Texas was part of Mexico.

    And they weren't shy about identifying as Spanish/white.

    But obviously, the culture has changed, and it benefits today's elite San Antonio Spaniards (and other caucasians with "Hispanic" origins) to identify as oppressed LATINOS. Outside of iSteve, however, nobody else seems to notice.

    That's why nobody raised an eyebrow when Vicente Fox (the son of a German American father and a Basque mother) castigated Americans as racist for voting to build the racist border fence. Everybody who was anybody in American government/society bought into Presidente Fox's oppressed-minority schtick. Of course, it never occurred to any American elites that in Mexico, elite white men (like Presidente Fox) really do rule over a culture that holds People of Color™ down.

  51. I rarely have sympathy for race hustlers like Sharpton, but it must be dispiriting for them to suddenly be in resource (tax dollar) competition with a rich white girl with no Indian blood but an Aztec name claiming to represent Hispanics. "First they depressed our wages and took over our low-paying jobs. Then they overran our neighborhoods by outbreeding us. Now a bunch of the Mexican elite have moved to America to take advantage of the race hustling we pioneered and are pushing us out!" More proof that mestizos compete with blacks but white Hispanics (anyone who passes the flour tortilla test) compete with whites.

  52. So just to be clear, George Zimmerman is a dark-skinned Mestizo who, for political purposes, is classified as WHITE WHITE BABY.

    But Xochitl Hinojosa is a white-skinned caucasian who, for political purposes, is classified as a Wise Latina.

    That all calls to mind the time when Eva Longoria, San Antonio's favorite homegrown Hot Latina (who's not really all that hot), had her DNA tested and was shocked when she learned that she's not actually the "Aztec princess" she always thought she was.

  53. "Anonymous said...

    "If you get asked, "do you work here?"

    You're not white.

    *hell yeah I work here! give me my fucking check*"

    "Give me my fucking check!" pretty much sums up the affirmative action mentality - which you have nicely illustrated, creep.

  54. Mr. Sailer hits it again, so much of this problem boils down to subsidizing criollo elites, whether through immigration as revenue source for Mexico and safety valve, and domestic identity politics in the US.

    If you live any time in the Southwest you realize that while Indians or Latinos who are basically Indians have racial consciousness combined with class consciousness, sometimes pronounced, but they don't have the "I'm Spanish" chip on their shoulder like the criollos do. It would be impossible, but interesting to see a breakdown on conversion to Evangelicalism and pro-US sentiment amongst Hispanics. My money says the more Indian, the quicker the conversion.

  55. "Anonymous Anonymous said...

    White people don't get asked "what are you?"

    They do the questioning. Thats the power dynamic that make racism = white supremacy.

    A friend of mine told me that being a white person is like coming to work on payday and just having the boss walk by and hand you YOUR check."

    Your friend is stupid. And so are you.

  56. In fairness to Xochitl, I rather doubt that she took the job with the DOJ's human rights division because she wanted to score political correctness points or reconnect with her Amerindian heritage (if the latter actually exists). It's much more likely that she searched for public relations/spokesperson jobs with as many agencies as possible and took the first offer. She could just as easily have become a spokesperson for the Fish and Wildlife Service.

    Nor is her move to Washington likely to have been motivated by any political correctness considerations. Smart, cute young women from the provinces move to Washington all the time, not just in search of jobs but in search of men. Along with New York, Washington is an excellent city in which to be an upscale single woman because it's chock-full with affluent men. The odds are excellent too, as in Washington (and NYC) the number of men seeking women vastly exceeds the number of women seeking men. I'll bet Xochitl is juggling offers from at least 20 suitors.

  57. A deliriously funny satire film could be made out of all of this. Give me just $5,000,000 and I'll do it.

    Or somebody call Mike Judge and ask him to try.

  58. Unlikely the two Gilberto Hinjosas are related since the younger one was born in 1952 while the older one was probably born in the early 1940's, I would guess since he graduated with a B.A. in 1965.
    Still this article from NY Times' society page is instructive...

    WEDDINGS/CELEBRATIONS; María Hinojosa, Sean Hecker
    Published: November 10, 2002

    María del Carmen Hinojosa and Sean Hecker, lawyers in New York, were married last evening at the Harold Pratt House in New York. Judge Sidney H. Stein of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York officiated.

    Ms. Hinojosa, 30, is on the staff of Lawyers for Children, a nonprofit organization in New York that provides advocacy for children in foster care. She graduated from Yale and the Harvard Law School. Her parents, Gloria M. Hinojosa and Dr. Gilberto M. Hinojosa, live in San Antonio, where her father is the dean of graduate studies and research at the University of the Incarnate Word, a private Catholic university, and is a columnist for The San Antonio Express-News. Her mother, who is retired, was the assistant director of the Judson Montessori School in San Antonio.

    Mr. Hecker, 32, is an associate in the New York office of Covington & Burling, the Washington law firm. A graduate of Columbia, the bridegroom received a master's degree in public policy from Harvard and a law degree from Stanford. His parents, Beverly R. Hecker and Dr. Ronald Hecker, live in La Jolla, Calif. The bridegroom's mother works as accounts manager at La Jolla Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, and his father, who is retired, was an oral surgeon there.

  59. I thought for sure that you were going to make us guess which was which on that first picture. I know I would have gotten in wrong since my eastern european self looks more hispanic than either of them (I've long thought of changing the ol' name to something like 'Estevez' in an effort to get the family on the government gravy train).

    "Xochitl Hinojosa"

    Sounds like some sort of blood thinner or something.

  60. as far as the violent crime rate goes, another thing i saw was that the rate of violent crime due to crystal meth users, was dependent solely on one factor: the purity of the crystal meth available on the street in any particular year.

    any other factor mattered much less. what DEA investigators found was that it did not matter how any particular state was handling the law enforcement and justice system response of the methamphetamine epidemic. one state might be lenient on offenders, another harsh. both states would end up having the same crime rate based primarily on how good the drug was on the street and how intense it's effect was on users.

    if there was some huge, secret lab out there in the california central valley in 1994, cooking up massive amounts of super pure crystal meth, and distributing it outwards across the US, then crystal meth crime would spike in every state in 1994 as users got super high, super addicted, and fell hard down into a spiral of life destruction, robbery, assault, and murder.

    once DEA guys found those super labs and shut them down, the purity of the crystal meth on the street all over america fell, the users got less high and less addicted on the weaker stuff that was available, and the crime rate began falling by 1996. then the cycle would repeat, as a new super lab began operations somewhere else.

  61. it's really fascinating stuff, how the DEA, in particular one guy, gene haislip, was able to slowly cripple the crystal meth drug dealers, who were often mexican cartel types, by cutting off their supply of chemicals and materials from chemistry labs, which they were importing into the US from india, germany, and other sources.

    haislip used the same strategy, supply side destruction, back in the 80s, to crush the quaaludes epidemic. you never hear about quaaludes anymore, because the DEA cut off the source of supplies used to make them.

    gene haislip also spent 15 years trying to limit the US drug manufacturers to only selling 2 boxes of pseudoephedrine over the counter, which the drug companies resisted for years. he even met resistance from presidents bush and clinton.

    eventually in one state, washington or oregon, they made ephedrine and pseudoephedrine a prescription medication only, and their rate of crystal meth violent crime dropped like a rock, as drug dealers lost their easy supply of basic materials.

  62. I'd guess the two Gilberto Hinojosas are uncle-nephew or cousins, but they might not be that closely related.

  63. there are a lot of irish people with jet black hair and chalk white skin. we're not irish, but my brother has the same setup. although his skin tans and mine doesn't.

    when he's around asians, you can tell lots of them actually have very dark brown hair and not black hair, because his hair is a much darker, more uniform, light reflecting, jet black, coal black color than their hair. though lots of them do have black hair, particularly the chinese, even then it doesn't seem as deep or lustrous black.

    me and steve had a disagreement about the irish a few years ago, where i suggested that the english and scottish actually have a higher rate of the red hair mutation than the irish. i would argue the english are really fair. fairer than the irish. there's a decent rate of natural yellow hair in england. that's why the english were called "the whites". the stereotype of rainy, dreary england is correct. not much sun over those islands, which is why the natives are so pale.

  64. I haven't been to Dublin since 1965, but I've been to the West of Ireland a couple of times since, and there seemed to be more red-haired people there than in England or anywhere else I've been. (Haven't been to Iceland, Scotland, or Scandinavia.). The west coast of Ireland has a lot of redheads.

  65. Nobody in America seemed to notice that in pictures of summit conferences, Vicente Fox was half a foot taller than George w. Bush.

  66. Of course, AA is extended to hispanics because it is a racial form of political patronage, and more voters who think they may win from it means more support for it.

    If we were trying to right historical wrongs, blacks whose grandparents all came from the US and people of more than 50% American Indian ancestry would be the only ones eligible, since their ancestors really were royally f--ked over.

    If we were trying to speed up the repair of damage from Jim Crow and widespread legal and informal racial discriimination, again, it would be targeted only at blacks whose parents had been Americans, and maybe American Indians and hispanics whose parents were Americans. In none of those cases would immigrants be given any of that, since if Jamaicans or Mexicans who came here 10 years ago are on the bottom, that's probably not because of historic discrimination or mistreatment of other people who looked like them, long before they arrived. Also, the children of very successful people wouldn't be eligible--whatever damage that very ugly mistreatment of blacks did, it sure looks like Barack and Michelle Obama have overcome it, and so their kids probably ought to apply to colleges on their own merits, as should the children of, say, Herman Cain, Thomas Sowell, Adrian Fenty, etc.

    AA in high end universities and government contracting and professional jobs in government are all aimed at the top of the population of minority groups that otherwise underperform. It's very much like the way that Xochitl gets whatever benefit there is to being hispanic, while Pedro and Marisella clean the office and hope la migra never shows up. This makes sense in political terms--tPedro and Marisella don't vote, and probably wouldn't bother even if they were citizens. They certainly don't have the kind of political connections that someone like Xochitl has. t

  67. The ethnic group with the highest incidence of redheads in the world are the Udmurt people in central Russia.

  68. "Consider Nigella Lawson. She has jet black hair and eyes, and yet she is the archetypical English woman."

    Who wants to tell him ?

    "His paternal-grandfather Gustav Leibson, a merchant from Mitau (now Jelgava in Latvia) changed his name from Leibson to Lawson after becoming a British Citizen in 1911."

    Lawson has been married twice:
    Vanessa Salmon (1936–1985) whose family founded the Lyons Corner House chain, (married to Lawson: 1955–1980); (one son Dominic and three daughters Thomasina, Nigella and Horatia)

  69. She looks a lot like Kristin Davis from Sex and the City.

  70. "In fairness to Xochitl, I rather doubt that she took the job with the DOJ's human rights division because she wanted to score political correctness points or reconnect with her Amerindian heritage (if the latter actually exists). It's much more likely that she searched for public relations/spokesperson jobs with as many agencies as possible and took the first offer. She could just as easily have become a spokesperson for the Fish and Wildlife Service."

    - Spoken like a white man- Too used to having to work for your paycheck. Its highly doubtful with her familial connections and the left's desire to play racial politics that she had to do much searching at all.

  71. Excuse my confusion, I never thought that a site with what I presumed a basic understanding of physical anthropology or human biodiversity would be as confused as Eva longoria about genotype vs phenotype. There is/was a large variety of Indians tribes in Mexico, Caucasians (Europeans, Jews, Arabs, north Africans), and negroid Africans that have all mixed for centuries. It is very common to have full brothers and sisters born across all spectrums of these mixture. In short just BC you look a certain way (phenotype) does not mean you are that way (genotype) . You cannot be a true hbd race realist and classify people on appearance and not ancestry. If you do that you're holding race to be nothing more than social construct based on aesthetics.
    Based on populations genetics as a general rule the further north you go in Mexico the more Caucasian and less Indian. The further south more Indian and black. The center more uniformly MESTIZO, Indian and Spanish. Closer to the coast mestizos with a strong negroid influence.

    Eva longorias family is from the north, she is the darkest in her family, these facts a long with strong causian skull features suggest she is somewhere around 60% Caucasian. The DNA backs this up: she is 70 percent European, 27 percent Native American, and 3 percent African.

    Very few white Mexicans unless their fairly recent immigrants, president fox, Carlos slim, Salman Hayek ,ect are actually white. The whitest Latinos, argentineans, are around 10% Amerindian(see the details on razing Khan's site)

    Rember race realist, distinguish appearance/phenotype from ancestry/genotype. If not you're nothing but a race is a social construct loon.

  72. Mr. Sailer,

    Thank you for postin the original sloppy post. Please post this edited version, and remove previous post.

    Many thanks

    Anonymous said...
    Excuse my confusion, I never thought that a site with an audience that I presumed had a basic understanding of physical anthropology or human biodiversity would be as confused as Eva Longoria about the distinction of genotype vs phenotype. There is/was a large variety of Indians tribes in Mexico, Caucasians (Europeans, Jews, Arabs, North Africans), and Negroid Africans that have all mixed for centuries. It is very common to have fully related brothers and sisters born across all spectrums of these phenotypic mixtures. In short, just because one looks a certain way (phenotype) does not mean they are that way (genotype). You cannot be a true HBD race realist and classify people on appearance and not ancestry. If you do that, then you're holding race to be nothing more than social construct based on aesthetics.
    Well the Japanese Ainu look white, so they must be white. The Melanesians look “black”, so they must be black. Andaman islanders have blond hair, they must be part Nordic! Nonsense!

    Based on population genetics, as a general rule, the further north you go in Mexico the more Caucasian and less Amerindian the population is. The further south one goes, it’s more Indian and black. Closer to the center, more uniformly MESTIZO: Indian and Spanish. Closer to the coasts the Mestizos have a strong Negroid influence. There are Mexicans of all phenotypes, and their phenotype alone is a poor indicator of ancestry/genotype. The best indicator of ancestry short of DNA analysis is the Mexican region of family origin.

    Eva Longoria’s family is from the north and she is the darkest in her family. These facts along with strong Caucasian skull features suggests she is somewhere around 60% Caucasian. The DNA backs this up: she is 70 percent European, 27 percent Native American, and 3 percent African.

    Very few “white” Mexicans are actually Caucasoid, unless they’re fairly recent immigrants to Latin America. For example: President Fox (Fuchs), Carlos Slim (Sulim), Salma Hayek, ect (Non-Romance last names are almost always a give a way). The whitest Latinos, Argentineans, are around 10% Amerindian (see the details on Razib Khan's site)

    Remember race realists, distinguish between appearance/phenotype from ancestry/genotype. If not, you're nothing but a race is just a social construct loon.

  73. Simon in London5/25/12, 12:59 AM

    "Consider Nigella Lawson. She has jet black hair and eyes, and yet she is the archetypical English woman. Do you think she got her eyes and hair from Viking ancestors? LOLOLOL."

    LOL indeed, since Nigella Lawson is, of course, Jewish.

    OTOH my Northern Irish mother has black hair, and tans fairly dark in the weak Ulster sun. My English father has blond hair and a ruddy complexion. I have brown hair.

  74. >She has jet black hair and eyes, and yet she is the archetypical English woman. Do you think she got her eyes and hair from Viking ancestors? LOLOLOL.<

    Good gosh. Modern people's ignorance of white or European biodiversity is just incredible.

    White people with black hair are just as white as white people with blond hair. Think of Black Irish; it means dark black hair and fair skin. Think of the Normans v. the Anglo-Saxons. Or look up Alpine, Dinaric, etc.

    (Although, yes, the original example being discussed is a Jewish woman.)

  75. "That all calls to mind the time when Eva Longoria, San Antonio's favorite homegrown Hot Latina (who's not really all that hot), had her DNA tested and was shocked when she learned that she's not actually the "Aztec princess" she always thought she was."

    I read the article, and Longoria says she thought she was an Aztec or a Maya, with just a tiny bit Spanish admixture. I wonder, did she think this because she is blind, never looked in the mirror or never actually seen an Aztec or a Mayan?

  76. Do you really think that a New England WASP would be content with his daughter bringing a Spanish or Portuguese boyfriend home back in 1930? C'mon...

    If it's good enough for the King of England, it's probably good enough for Edie Stockbridge.

  77. How do you pronounce "Xochitl"?
    Something like "Hoechittle"?


  78. That all calls to mind the time when Eva Longoria, San Antonio's favorite homegrown Hot Latina (who's not really all that hot), had her DNA tested and was shocked when she learned that she's not actually the "Aztec princess" she always thought she was.

    I remember when I was first learning about Texas marranos/anusim about 10 years ago, I came across a website listing the nine extended families in Texas in which the Sephardic Jewish ancestry was most clearly pronounced. Two were named Longoria. (Another was named Hinojosa.) I know Longorias in the Valley (and across the border) who still marry their first cousins.

    But I'm not surprised at Eva's ignorance of her own ancestry. I worked with a woman of obvious Sephardic Jewish descent who explained how people in her family had to marry into a certain little circle. She also recounted a lawyer named Weinstein saying, "Come on, ------, admit it. You're one of us." He could tell, and I could tell, but she couldn't.

    It's a really fascinating phenomenon.

  79. "It's a really fascinating phenomenon."

    I think a lot of what appears as Jewish nepotism is actually the result of lots of these little clan circles where the same small group of extended families repeatedly inter-marry over generations.

    Most people in the world do this apart from northern or northenized euros.

  80. I suppose George Santayna's step-grandparents in New England welcomed their daughter-in-law's (who was Spanish) remarriage to another Spainard and the birth of George. Whether they would have been so happy with marriage to an Irish Catholic is another matter. And that was in the 1860's.

  81. Although I think of this site as sort of an out of the way niche, it turns out this is like the fourth or fifth google result when you search her name. Therefore, chances are she's read this article, right? Just weird to think about, as it raises Heisenbergian questions about the mere act of observing potentially changing the behavior of the observed object.


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