June 23, 2012

Meanwhile in Britain ...

The left is moving in the opposite direction on immigration. From the London Evening Standard:
Ed Miliband 
Labour leader [i.e., Shadow Prime Minister of Britain]
22 June 2012 
I am the son of immigrants and proud of it. My father arrived here as a boy to escape the Nazis. My mother came to this country just after the war as another Jewish refugee. In London, they found each other, a place to work and a home. 
I would not be here now if it was not for Britain’s historic role in welcoming people from overseas. 
And the London I love and where I grew up is a more brilliant, vibrant place because people from every single country have come here to live, work and play. Our food, arts, sport, music and business are all massively enriched by it. And because we are a global multi-ethnic city we have earned the right to stage the Olympics next month.
So I am going to be true to my family’s story and to that of our country by recognising that Britain has benefited from immigration — economically, socially and culturally.
But I also have to be true to the many people I have met who worry about immigration and feel let down by politics on this issue. So we need a grown-up debate which begins with an honest assessment of what has happened. 
For too long we assumed those who worried about immigration were stuck in the past — unrealistic about how things could be different, even prejudiced. 
Britain was experiencing the largest peacetime migration in recent history partly because of global factors like the lower cost of travel but also because the last Labour government severely underestimated the numbers who would come here when the EU expanded. 
We were too dazzled by globalisation’s impact on growth and too sanguine about its price. We lost sight of who was benefiting and the people being squeezed in the middle who were losing out. And, to them, Labour was too quick to say: “Like it or lump it.” 
But they were ahead of us in seeing some of the costs of migration as a whole. Rapid changes in population led to pressures on scarce resources such as housing and schools. Some areas were not equipped to cope in the short-term and it brought to the fore questions about entitlements. 
There were also problems with the pace of change in some communities. 
Ties of solidarity and community are not built overnight, and sometimes migration ran faster than the time it took to build them. These are vital questions because they are about how we choose to live together. Labour’s policy review will learn from what has happened because proper controls over who comes into our country and fair rules on entitlements are essential. 
But an effective immigration policy must also reform how our economy works so that it works for all working people in Britain. Although immigration has benefited our economy overall, there have been costs as well as benefits. And where those costs and benefits fall is related to class. 
Those people getting a conservatory built for their home were probably better off because of immigration. But many working in food-processing, hospitality or construction — maybe even building conservatories — were probably worse off because of immigration. ...  
There is nothing wrong with employing a Polish builder, a Swedish child-minder or a French chef. Nor is there anything wrong with people from other countries coming here to work legally. 
Large-scale immigration has collided, however, with a labour market that is too often nasty, brutish and short term. I have heard stories like that from my Doncaster constituency where East European migrants arrived to work in a local chicken factory for long hours at less than the minimum wage while sleeping 19 or 20 to a house. 
That is not good either for the migrants or for the people who used to do these jobs. ...
If there are wonderful examples in our country of firms who invest in training their local workforce, it is also the case that the ready supply of temporary, low-wage migrant labour has pushed too many other businesses further into taking a short-term, low-skill approach. 
There are even recruitment agencies serving them that are effectively open solely to migrants: boasting their workers are Polish, denigrating the talents of people already living and working here, locking local talent out of opportunity.  
We need a new approach that acknowledges that immigration always has costs, as well as benefits, and understands that we cannot solve concerns about it unless we change our economy. 
For too long we have had a phoney debate about immigration which has ignored how our economy works, ignored the costs and sometimes ignored the benefits. And we have ignored the real concerns of working people. 
Too often politicians only speak about this issue to close the conversation down. 
Today I am setting out a new direction for my party on immigration. It will be only the start of a much longer conversation with the British people.

All the examples in the speech are about white immigrants from Europe, whereas the respectable mainstream approach in America is to always racialize the discussion of immigration into totally Who? Whom? terms about the Vibrant v. the Racist, so that helps the British Labour leader make this speech, but still ...

I wrote about the rapid rise and quicker fall of an earlier Miliband ideas man, Lord Glasman, back in 2011.


  1. The leopard does not change its spots.
    I give you an absolutely solid pure gold 100% cash-back no fault guarantee that if the Labour Party (by some miracle) won the next general election with a big majority and Britain had to endure another 12 year stretch of their absurd, comedy, misrule (except it wasn't very funny), they'd do exactly the same thing all over again and sneak in - the operative word is 'sneak' (just like the filthy fellow who silently and violently passes the most odiferous and stomach churningly revolting 'parcel of wind' at the cocktail party, an 'open door', globalist, WSJ and 'Economist' salad-tossing regime of zero immigration 'controls' just like bullshit Blair did in the noughties.
    The fact is this. The Labour Party is desperate for votes - they know full well the fate that awaits them - out of power for a generation (just like the days when Maggie spanked their little socialist bottoms), and no more cushy jobs, big salaries and pomposity of office. The focus grooups tell them that they pissed off the few remaining English people big time and, alas, these oh-so-clever people with strings of Oxbridge degrees failed to notice the one real stubborn dyed-in-the-wool English character trait that is as English as roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, Shakespeare, warm beer, rooks in elm tree and cricket on the village green, with the bicycling vicar passing by for good measure. The English purely and simply just do not like foreigners. Period. And if the foreigners are wildly exotic, well that's a double negative triple word score.
    So here you have the pathetic spectacle of the Miliband boy grovelling and abasing himself for policies he vigorously applied.
    Ny own guess is that the 'Labour' brand is indelibly stained with the taint of mass uncontroled immigration, and thus Labour will spend a damn long time in the political wilderness.

  2. "Too often politicians only speak about this issue to close the conversation down." Shame on him. That's no way to talk about the antics of his own party for the last fifty years.

  3. Britain has 62 million people crammed into an area roughly the size of Oregon, they don't need any large scale immigration. (This overcrowding may give them some protection against Leftist colonialism.) A population reduction would be beneficial. If Miliband is serious, which he probably is not, and if he can bring most of the Labour party along with him, which he probably can't, it is a welcome turn. Leftist support for multi-culturalism has never rested on economics, on practicality. Whatever its roots it is now an irrational hate movement. From a recent blog:

    The liberals’ passion for abstraction stems from their illicit desire for a multiracial, Eden-like Babylon, presided over by a benevolent negro god. They must abstract such a utopian kingdom because it has no basis in reality. Babylon is hell, not paradise, and the negro is a cruel barbarian despot, not a benevolent ruler. Only in the abstract world of the liberals’ brains is there a multiracial paradise. And because the liberals’ paradise has no basis in reality, the dream of a liberal paradise must be maintained by murder. “In fixing his mind on abstract formulas, he is no longer able to see men as they are; through self-admiration he finally comes to viewing his adversaries, and even his rivals, as miscreants deserving of death" . . . And how can there be a dialogue with a group of people who have made an a priori assumption that you, and your people, need to be eradicated so Babylon can survive and thrive?

  4. The implications of immigration and other societal shifts are clear. Without the distortion of your white-nationalist racialism.

  5. Somehow, I don't think their biggest problems are with Polish chicken pluckers.

  6. Simon in London6/23/12, 11:15 AM

    He only talks about white immigrants, who compete with white Britons for jobs and drive down wages, but tend to pay more in taxes than they receive in benefits.

    East European immigration is a concern to the working class, but they and the middle class are far more concerned about non-white immigration. Some non-white immigration resembles white immigration - eg that from Latin America, or upper-middle class Africans. But much is parasitical; especially much Muslim immigration. Lefty Channel 4 News anchor John Snow once did a documentary where he mentioned that 88% of Somalis in the UK are on unemployment benefits. Disability benefit claims are through the roof; there are countless brand new expensive 'motability' cars, paid for by taxes, being driven by well off Pakistani men.

  7. Yeah, I'll bet they're worried about all those Polish laborers. The Jews are realizing that that the Muslim immigrants they welcomed to Britain are a threat to THEM and not just the British people - that's why they're getting religion.

  8. "The start of a much longer conversation for Britain."


    How Long? How about Repatriation? How long is this going to take 20 years?

    By then there won't be any whites left and the rat bastard knows it.

  9. Meanwhile, in the EU... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-18519395

    He's Scots-Irish! The real thing!

  10. The fanatics on the left will denounce him as a "racist" anyway. It doesn't matter which immigrants he is talking about.

    The problems with Eastern European immigrants are mostly economic in Britain. But when it comes to Muslim immigrants, the problems are both economic and cultural. The cultural aspect is especially alarming.

    The author makes no mention of Muslim immigrants and their descendants, usually Pakistanis, implementing or attempting to implement Sharia law in neighborhoods or towns where they are predominant. Muslims gangs even disrupt religious discussions or classes at schools and universities, even threatening to kill those who are "disrespectful" of Islam(not acknowledging that Islam is the One, True Religion is "disrespectful" to some of these fanatics). There is even a growing problem with Islamic creationism, even among Muslim medical students.

    And as we all know, they do kill people on occasion - honor killings, terrorist attacks and various criminal activities. The deluded British left though is just so disappointed that they can't blame the 7 July 2005 attacks on the extremely evil, racist British National Party. The left-wing maniacs wish they could have framed them somehow. Maybe they will next time.

    The very high rate of cousin marriage among many Muslim immigrants is also problematic since it prevents assimilation. Then when you consider their high fertility rate compared to the average native white Briton, Muslim immigration to the UK will have dire consequences in the coming decades.

    They don't necessarily need to ban all Muslim immigrants. They merely need to be more selective about the few they let in.

  11. Hilariously late.

  12. "I would not be here right now if it were not for Britain's historic role in accepting people from overseas".

    Now that is downright blatantly historical revisionism. Britain was a homogeneous mono-racial nation throughout almost all of its history. This only began to change after 1948. Nobody in times past would have ever called Britain an "immigrant country". Pure self-serving revisionism!

  13. German reader6/23/12, 12:22 PM

    Miliband shouldn't be believed - Labour just wants to get back in power again (which will unfortunately probably happen in 2015) and they know they have to change their image somewhat for this. But once in power they'll continue with their policy of mass immigration as before which will finish Britain (or at least England) off for good.
    It's also really disgusting how he only mentions European immigration (but then bashing other Europeans is the only "racism" still acceptable in Britain) and totally disingenuous how he blames the increase in immigration since 1997 on EU expansion (no mention of non-European immigrants whose numbers have exploded since 1997).

  14. "Mr. Mcgranor said...

    The implications of immigration and other societal shifts are clear. Without the distortion of your white-nationalist racialism."

    The implications of your cryptic post are clear. You are a nitwit.

  15. For anyone interested in the developing demographic situation in Great Britain:

    In 2010, 75% of births were to women born in the UK, 25% were to women born outside the UK. About 8% were to women born in Europe, the U.S., or Australia/New Zealand, so the percentage of white births is probably around 80%, given that not all of the women born in these countries, mainly the UK, are going to be white (though the vast majority of them will be). 9% are from the Middle East and South Asia, and 6% are from sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean.

    I'm sure those numbers aren't what a lot of people on this blog would like to see, but it's noteworthy that none of those figures have changed appreciably since 2008.

  16. I'm thinking Lucy, football, Charlie Brown here. Maybe it's just me?

  17. Maybe MacMiliband thinks the diversity is not grateful enough to his people: some NYC Presbyterians turns to Macneocons when the blacks mugged them just like other whites. The non-white driven London riots must have left an impression on the ruling class.

    Could be a false flag. By reducing or eliminating white, legal immigration, there's more room for non-White infiltrators of whatever legal status.

    Most likely it's just to keep the BNP out of power, or really to keep the conservatives from taking BNP positions for realsies, but maybe not

    After all, now that it's obvious that replacing whites is bad for whites and non-whites, one would think owners of capital would want to keep the nations they own from burning.

  18. I came across an academic study last week which reported that for every one IQ point lower, the nations lost .11% in their annual GDP growth. I'm looking for it but haven't come across it yet.

    It sounds about right.

    GDP growth is a measure of wealth creation which is related to brains. High IQ immigrant groups like Jews and Han Chinese start businesses. Mexicans and Africans don't.

    Mitt Romney wants to let in those with graduate degrees. That's a start. Standarized tests would be better. Simpler yet would be a demonstrated ability to program in one of the C languages (C, C++, C# or Java).


  19. With regard to births in the UK, I have the impression that a lot of white women give birth to men from the Caribbean so those children would not be white.

  20. Good for Miliband and Britain. If only we could find an American equivalent on the Democratic side.

  21. The Milibands learned their politics from Joe Slovo, a friend of their father's, and the leader of the military wing of the ANC. Slovo, closely allied to the SA Communist Party, was instrumental in the downfall of the white South African government by means of terrorism.

    Whenever either of the Milibands says or does anything, this has to be borne in mind.

    The idea that Ed Miliband holds the welfare of white people in Britain (or white people anywhere) near and dear to his heart, is utterly risible.


  22. How many political parties in Israel have British Protestant leaders? I am just asking this because Jews often accuse the British of being anti-Semitic. It strikes me as funny that in anti-Semitic Britain both the Labour and Conservative parties have leaders with Jewish ancestry.

  23. Milband is lying. Labor and Leftists here depend on non-White votes + "FIRE" money (ala Steve's post) for victory. Fire = Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, and though the post did not mention it, I'd add Entertainment.

    That will never change. What is changing NOW is a desperate struggle seen most clearly in Greece, as noted in the Financial Times. Universities there are havens for criminals, most of whom are foreigners. Greece is over-run with Sengalese, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, who get the hand-outs first (the article glosses over the competition there) and then form the majority of the criminal class. Students actually endorse this.

    A test of the thesis that consumerism and massive ad-supported media are a function of PC/Multiculturalism/Diversity would be to look at places within Europe with little consumerism/mass media and those with the most. Controlling for other factors, this should predict accurately rather than Marxism how much "Diversity" a place accepts or wants.

    Steve can say better than most, as he used to work IIRC for P&G, how much they were present in Communist Eastern Europe. But I find it funny that former Communists have the most ethnic/racial identity. The FT making a big point of "racist" behavior by Poles towards Black and other players in the latest European soccer play. The horrors!

  24. i'll believe it when they stop putting people in jail for even openly talking about how much they hate being invaded by third worlders.

  25. Anonymous said...
    Somehow, I don't think their biggest problems are with Polish chicken pluckers.

    Or Polish chicken hawks.

  26. I can assure you the UK left aren't moving one inch. This is all about a soundbite for the voters.

    We saw this through the Blair and Brown years. "British Jobs For British Workers" said Gordon Brown, and there are fewer British-born with jobs now than there were in 1997 - and three million foreign-born in employment.

    After all, the Conservatives came to power in 2010 promising to reduce net (not gross - lots of Brits leave each year) immigration to the tens of thousands. It's still at near-record levels in the middle of a recession. The idea that the Labour Party will do anything about it is "the acme of gullibility".

  27. Last of the Anglo-Saxons6/24/12, 2:57 AM

    Out of all the immigrant groups he could mention, Miliband mentions the Poles.

    But then I suppose, Miliband, being of proud Polish ancestry himself, is on safe ground there.

    After all, when the Soviet Union invaded Poland during the Polish-Soviet War, Grandfather Miliband did his patriotic duty, by joining the Soviet Red Army and fighting against his own countrymen.

    Mr Miliband’s paternal grandfather, who reputedly fought for the Red Army under its founder and commander, Leon Trotsky, in the Polish-Soviet War of 1919-21.

    Although Polish himself, Samuel Miliband backed the Soviets in the conflict...

    So, bearing in mind Miliband's Grandad risked his life for his own people, us indigenous Brits should not worry whether or not young Miliband has the interests of the people of his adopted land at heart.

  28. "The Labour Party is desperate for votes"

    That's basically it. The American frog has been boiled at a steady medium heat since 1965 but most of the European frogs were being boiled at a much lower heat up until 10-15 years ago when the heat was turned up very suddenly hence parties like Labour losing their native voters faster than they gained new immigrant voters.

  29. Former Labour Party Cabinet member Roy Hattersley :

    "For more than 30 years, I took the votes of Birmingham Muslims for granted. The Muslims themselves I treated with more respect. But if, at any time between 1964 and 1997 I heard of a Khan, Saleem or Iqbal who did not support Labour I was both outraged and astonished.

    My presumption was justified. It was the Muslim vote - increased by an influx of families from Kashmir, the Punjab and other parts of Birmingham - which expanded my majority from barely 1,200 to more than 12,000...

    I always assumed that their mothers and aunts (often on instruction) voted the same way as their husbands."

  30. In 2010, 75% of births were to women born in the UK, 25% were to women born outside the UK. About 8% were to women born in Europe, the U.S., or Australia/New Zealand, so the percentage of white births is probably around 80%.

    Many of the women born in the UK are not White, and many of the White women are giving birth to non-White children. An accurate figure is probably between 55% and 60%.

  31. "With regard to births in the UK, I have the impression that a lot of white women give birth to men from the Caribbean so those children would not be white."

    Why don't you look up the actual statistics, instead of giving us your impressions?

  32. I'm thinking Lucy, football, Charlie Brown here. Maybe it's just me?
    i'll believe it when they stop putting people in jail for even openly talking about how much they hate being invaded by third worlders.

    At this point immigrants provide too many votes for labour.. but what if both parties ignored them as they do with the white majority?

    I don't know if the west can surive the baby boom generation, which seems like the most most destructive selfish generation in western history.. my fear is my generation won't be much better (x) largely because baby boomers denied us so many opportunties - I always felt the baby boomers closed a lot of doors behind them.

  33. Well, if the left rather than the right is concern about immirgation maybe someting will be done since the left doesn't get the racists label. Its too bad that the left on the states is mainly interested in getting votes since hispanics are lower income than whites and asians tend to vote Democratic. In fact there is an article on the coming of the asians since now with work vistas and Mexicans coming less into the states asians have now immirgated more to the states in 2010 and 2011. In Steve Sailer backyard all asian ancestory including miexed asain in La County near 16 percent and in Orange County near near 20 percent and in San Diego now 14 percent and in San Berd around 8 percent and in Riverside around 8 percent. These are low figures compared to hispanics but showing growth rates and since asians finished high school and college more both parties should be interested, however the stupid party Republicans that win the vote slightly among Vietnamese isn't while the Dems are. Republicans can only think of the hispanic vote but with some asians increasing they don't think.

  34. It amuses me when I contemplate the fact that Mr. Miliband's father, Ralph, a prominent Marxist professor and stalwart of Trotsky's party his whole life, arrived in England from Belgium in 1940 alongside his father, originally a Polish Jew. I think the famous Mr. Ed's grandfather fought against his country (Poland) on the side of Trotsky's invading Red Army when it reached the gates of Warsaw in 1920. The Milibands have headed West (including across the Atlantic to the Land of the Free) for the whole of the 20th century.

    As for whom the leader seeks to appease - while it will calm the agitation of the lower class Labour voter, squeezed hard at the moment by foreign competition - I think Mr. Ed seeks to calm his trendy metropolitan supporters who view the blond beasts of Eastern Europe with alarm. The rise and sustained popularity of far right movements in former communist bloc countries has alarmed the British left. The BBC only a few weeks ago presented a documentary on neo-Nazi and fascist gangs racially abusing non-white footballers at European matches in the east - Poland & Ukraine. It formed a spoiler to the current Euro 2012 Association football championship - still not a sport entirely appealing to often privately educated, Oxbridge graduate upper middle class Londoners such as the BBC elite. The gist of the message was condemnation of these former communist states for failing to control these barbarians with the kind of superb anti-racist laws Britain now enforces on its population. Until the east civilizes its ways the London lefties will pull up the drawbridge.

  35. I don't believe a damn word of it. Even if he is sincere (which he isn't) then this has come fifteen years too late. The damage has already been done.

    The Labour Party is passionately, fanatically anti-English. Almost every word and deed of their time in government was designed to damage England or undermine its identity in some way. When they return to office, most probably not with Millipede as its leader, this will continue. Nothing will change. Immigration will be sustained, massive and uncontrolled. Those English people with the means to leave the country will leave, and those without the means will see what remains of their country destroyed.

    Milliband's comments aren't altogether new either. Labour politicans have periodically made "controversial" statements about immigration being too high, and have then done absolutely nothing to change it. It's a sop to the English voters that Labour needs in order to win another election. The proof of the pudding will be in their election manifesto, and I would stake money on it containing zero commitments to cut immigration.

  36. Marlowe,
    The Panorama 'racism spoiler' that the BBC broadcast just days before Euro 2012 was no doubt intended to deliberately embarrass FIFA and Sepp Blatter in particular for not giving England the World Cup (inexplicably it went to Dubai instaed).
    I'm long enough in the tooth to kbow how these things operate.

  37. This is Miliband's way of saying "Nice doggy, good doggy" to native Britons while looking for the nearest rock to bash their heads with.

    Labour is free to support better enforcement and dramatically reduced legal immigration as the minority party. Nothing says they have to be the majority before changing their spots.


    First anonymous mostly gets it right, but gets it wrong when he writes this: "The English purely and simply just do not like foreigners. Period. And if the foreigners are wildly exotic, well that's a double negative triple word score."

    No, the English are OK with foreigners. They just happen to dislike foreigners who hate them, who abuse welfare, who commit crimes at extraordinary rates, and who make their own neighborhoods no-go zones for the native English.

  38. Why on earth does England need ANY immigration? It is the most crowded country in Europe. How crowded is it?

    If the USA had England's population density its population would be 3,663,000,000. That's 3.663 TRILLION!

    France would have a population of 221,000,000 and even "crowded" Japan would have another 23 million people crammed into it just to equal England's density.

    All that beautiful English countryside lost forever to urban sprawl. That is a real crime, in my view.

  39. "Why on earth does England need ANY immigration? It is the most crowded country in Europe. How crowded is it? If the USA had England's population density its population would be 3,663,000,000. That's 3.663 TRILLION!"

    So? The more the merrier! Who do you think th English are, God's chosen people?

  40. Steve's an ignoramus on some issues. The title and headline paragraph of this blog posting should mock the obvious deceit of Miliband but it does not.

    Time to edit out the naivete, Mr Editor.

    PS England's futbol squad is now about half black on the field and they languish. Meanwhile Germany Italy and Spain remain 90% native on the field. The solution for England is obviously for these other teams to become half black also.

  41. Why on earth does England need ANY immigration? It is the most crowded country in Europe. How crowded is it?

    If the USA had England's population density its population would be 3,663,000,000. That's 3.663 TRILLION!

    Billion, not trillion. But your point is well taken.

  42. Simon in London6/25/12, 9:55 AM

    "PS England's futbol squad is now about half black on the field and they languish."

    Hmm, I watched England-Italy last night and during the match all the players seemed to be white. The goalie Hart (who was kept very busy) looks like a young, tall, blond Mel Gibson, even down to the crazy grin. Gerard, Lampard, Rooney, all white. There *were* two black players (Cole?) but AIR they only appeared at the end, to miss penalties and drop us out of the competition.

  43. Meanwhile Germany Italy and Spain remain 90% native on the field.

    Only half of Germany's World Cup finalist team was German.

  44. Mr Miliband’s paternal grandfather, who reputedly fought for the Red Army under its founder and commander, Leon Trotsky, in the Polish-Soviet War of 1919-21.

    Although Polish himself, Samuel Miliband backed the Soviets in the conflict...

    So, bearing in mind Miliband's Grandad risked his life for his own people, us indigenous Brits should not worry whether or not young Miliband has the interests of the people of his adopted land at heart.

    Here comes that old dual loyalty canard again.

  45. I am just asking this because Jews often accuse the British of being anti-Semitic. It strikes me as funny that in anti-Semitic Britain both the Labour and Conservative parties have leaders with Jewish ancestry.

    Isn't Tony Blair also of Jewish ancestry? I think one of his grandmothers was a Lifschitz.

  46. Pretending to be for immigration reform is Miliband's way of saying "Nice doggy, good doggy" to the ethnically English working class while looking around for a rock to bash their heads in.

    I'm not British but I seriously doubt that Miliband, a committed member of the socialist, anti-Western, anti-Christian Left has any intention of changing Labour's real position. They can vote for immigration reform and enforcement from the minority position, if they want to prove themselves.

  47. In politics,at leasst in democracies, you get what you deserve.


  48. "In politics,at leasst in democracies, you get what you deserve"

    Democracy requires an honest media to function properly. If the media is entirely pro-immigration and filters the news accordingly most people are going to base their electoral decisions on distorted information. It's only when they see the consequences with their own eyes - or go around the mainstream media - that they realise.

  49. Reply to Simon in London said:

    Did we watch the same game? The "English" team I saw looked as much African as European. I believe I saw one very out of place looking black player on the Italian team.

  50. The England team contained two fully black players - Young, presumably of Caribbean slave stock, and Welbeck, of African parentage - and three mixed-race players - Cole, Johnson and Lescott.

    Cole has been among our best players for many years. Welbeck is very young and fairly talented but as yet unproven. The others are average players who are below international class IMO.

    The quality of England's team has gradually declined as the proportion of black/mixed-race players has increased, but I'm not quite ready to assume causation rather than mere correlation - I think other factors are more important.

    Apart from Cole, there have only ever been two top-quality black England players - John Barnes and Rio Ferdinand, who is more mulatto/octoroon/who knows than "black". That's out of 60 or so who have played over the past ~35 years.

  51. "Democracy requires an honest media to function properly. If the media is entirely pro-immigration and filters the news accordingly most people are going to base their electoral decisions on distorted information"

    It starts long before people are watching CNN or the evening news. Kids get indoctrinated from childhood to believe that fucking Emma Lazarus poem stands head-and-shoulders with the Constitution. They are indoctrinated in the multicult, deliberately, from the age of 5 onwards. They are indoctrinated to believe that our conquest of this land was an evil act. Our nation may be the first in history to slip into decline because of guilt - race guilt.

    Get rid of public schools. Immediately.

  52. Reply to Londoner:

    I just googled images 2012 English soccer team. Five of the ten players shown in the very first image were black. I then did the same thing for the Italian team and ten of eleven faces were white. Not only was the Italian team much better then the English one, it was RECOGNIZABLY Italian too.


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