June 22, 2012

Minnesota tax dollars at work

Who says government can't create good jobs? Check out what Duluth is up to. Being up close to the Canadian border makes them more moral, as D.P. Moynihan would say.


  1. This goes beyond the standard craziness. The people are portrayed as ugly as possible. The writing on their bodies is violence.

    It would have been nicer just to make them wear an identifying star. I belive this came from a university. If so, the white administrators should be forced to write resignation letters on their faces, handing over their privilege to a more deserving lot.

  2. That's horrifying...

  3. Haha. I like that tag line, "It's hard to see racism when your white."

    We could come up with a whole host of those:

    "It's easy to imagine racism in others whom you feel morally superior to anyway."

    "It's hard to see racism in non-whites when you need them at the polls."

    And IMHO the best for last:
    "It's easy to deny HBD when your surrounded by upper mid-west whites."

  4. "It's Hard to See Racism When You're White"

    Translation: Failing to see racism just proves how racist you are.

    - A Solid Citizen

  5. ...but not for the people who pay them.

  6. Simon in London6/22/12, 11:02 AM

    "It's hard to see racism when you're white"

    It's true - many whites seem to have a very hard time perceiving anti-white racism, even when it's directed against them personally. I hope this campaign works to raise awareness in the white community.

  7. Cultural suicide in a 30 second video. At least it's nice to see the Dislikes ahead of the Likes by 3,647 to 168.

    I'm sure the suicidal white imbeciles behind this see the huge number of Dislikes as proof of their moral superiority.

  8. Old news. AR covered it months ago, but it got lost in Trayvonalooza. Better late than never, I suppose.

  9. Stuff Black People Don't Like has been all over this for months, I would urge you to check "Paul Kersey's" site out at stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com .

    The whole "unfair" thing of course is a female oriented status mongering deal, just like Oprah and "the Help."

    Thought experiment: if every single White guy was somewhere between Russell Brand and "hood pass" John Mayer, would this stuff pop up? I'd say no.

  10. You guys following the story of the Obama phones?

  11. It's hard to see fairness when you're black.

  12. Good for Duluth. america has been awash in whiteness for too long at that needs to end

  13. Well, on a brighter note, I see some of the regional talk shows hosts are starting to loosen up on the whole "racism" charge...I think it was Gallagher or Boortz who laid into this ad recently.

    Boortz would be a good candidate to go full hbd, since he works of Atlanta.

  14. watch this video of an MSNBC talking head suggest that romney is only comfortable around other upper class euro americans:


    what's funny here is that it sure seems like obama is exactly the same way. those photos and videos of his staff and re-election campaigners, oh boy. they might as well be college yearbook editor meetings at the local starbucks.

  15. I'd be willing to bet money that no one in those adds lives in a majority black neighborhood or sends their kids to majority black schools.


  16. Someone did a parody of this, featuring a white with a badly bruised face. I don't know what the caption read, but I'd go with: "it's hard to see white privilege when your eyes are swollen shut".

  17. The Toronto School Board is now flogging this stuff. There are many "ethnics" there. The left wing Liberal party decided to import people who would vote for them (started in the 1970's).

  18. Very funny.

    This is sort of like my "White, Right, and Bright" t-shirt.

    Except that I mean it.

    Unfortunately, White liberals are too pussified to confront me about it.

  19. By the standards of the Left isn't this Hate Speech?

  20. "It's hard to see a double standard when you're retarded."

  21. The proper response to this stuff is ridicule. I'll be heading over to My Posting Career forthwith.

  22. Good going there guys. Minnesota is one of the few states where working class whites still lean Democratic. So of course we'd better get busy alienating them with this kind of BS. Better inform those laid-off factory workers that they are beneficiaries of white privilege.

    Ultimately, the Democratic party (partly thanks to realities, partly because the rich bought them up) has not delivered for the white working class for the past 30 years. It has not stopped NAFTA and outsourcing, it hasn't protected private sector unions, and it hasn't stopped immigration.

    The fact that it is now controlled by business interests means that it really can't deliver on economic issues. But the overlords are fine if frustrated party activists direct all their sanctimonious energies to racial issues, especially if it prevents the tightening of immigration controls.

  23. Yep, its terrible to live in an all-white town. Why, people with modest incomes can send their kids to a functioning public school, and they can walk or bike there safely. The police spend their time harassing high school kids drinking at the quarry, and dealing with stuff like a hood ornament stolen from an old lady's 1985 Buick. Because there's no "white flight", old houses remain well-maintained but still inexpensive to buy. Its hell.

  24. Whichever rent-seeking cellular provider got together the Obamaphone.net site (I'm suddenly picturing an Ochs-Sulzberger family meeting) they didn't bother to shell out for hiring an actual web designer. In fact it looks rather more like a Roger Stone project...

  25. Minnesota is apparently full of social decay these days but could be a distortion effect of the whiteness force field I suppose.

  26. Whiskey: any thoughts on how the Carly Rae Jepsen factor will play in the '12 race

  27. Duluth still feels guilty over this little incident.

  28. "It's hard to see fairness when you're black."

    I wonder how many black folks do indeed ask themselves why it is that other ethnic groups that have experienced discrimination from the larger culture (think Vietnamese, Koreans, Chinese, manage within two or three generations to become functional and well-off.

    In CA, they only have to look at Mexican-Americans to see that many who still speak with accents own their own businesses, usually restaurants, often landscaping and gardening "start-ups" and do quite well.

    There's no way I can buy that black people don't know that their group is to blame for their situation, all other groups having faced the same, YES, the same obstacles, yet managed to succeed.

    The mantra from all of American should be "Others have succeeded, but you haven't. Fix yourselves."

  29. Minnesotans, and by extension most midwesterners, are all like this.

  30. Richard Woland6/22/12, 10:34 PM

    The best way to get rid of these billboards would be to simply put up one the same size across the street using the same type of agitprop but with a black face rather than a white one.

  31. Arab Americans Seek Disadvantaged Minority Help


    Minority Business Development Agency

    15 CFR Part 1400

    [Docket No. 120517080-2080-01]

    Petition for Inclusion of the Arab-American Community in the
    Groups Eligible for MBDA Services

    AGENCY: Minority Business Development Agency, Commerce.

    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking and request for comments.


    SUMMARY: The Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) publishes this
    notice regarding the petition received on January 11, 2012 from the
    American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) requesting formal
    designation of Arab-Americans as a minority group that is socially or
    economically disadvantaged pursuant to 15 CFR art 1400. The formal
    designation of the Arab-American community as a group that is socially
    or economically disadvantaged would allow the members of this community
    to receive assistance from MBDA funded programs, such as the MBDA
    Business Center program. The ADC filed a petition, pursuant to 15 CFR
    part 1400.3, including information specifically related to social and
    economic discrimination against Arab-Americans. This Notice provides
    public notice that the United States Department of Commerce
    (Department) will consider the petition and requests public comment on
    the propriety of this designation. MBDA will make a decision on the
    application no later than June 27, 2012.
    I. Background

    The MBDA, pursuant to Executive Order 11625, funds business centers
    that provide business development services to business concerns owned
    and controlled by individuals who are members of groups determined by
    the Department to be socially or economically disadvantaged. Based on
    the current definitions, the groups considered ``socially and
    economically disadvantaged,'' listed in Executive Order 11625, are
    ``Black, Puerto-Ricans, Spanish-speaking Americans, American Indians,
    Eskimos, and Aleuts.'' \1\ In addition, Hasidic Jews, Asian Pacific
    Americans and Asian Indians have been included in the list of the
    groups who are socially or economically disadvantaged and thus eligible
    for assistance from the MBDA in 15 CFR part 1400.1(c).

  32. Off topic, but has Steve ever written about Harvey, Illinois, and the Dixie Square Mall?



    Or are stories like these ten a penny/dime a dozen?

  33. Whisky Bait !


    Sailerisms !


  34. These sanctimonious whites are actually exploiting blacks. They are using them as a vehicle for their desire to feel noble and wave their holier-than-thou banner. It's doubtful that any blacks were actually involved in the planning of this hipster-style campaign, apart from the usual tokens.

  35. The best response to this is not ridicule but silence. Ignore it. I know it's super retarded but, honestly folks, it's a MINORITY of the population that buys into this nonsense. Ignore it and let them have their little circle jerk. Piling on the ridicule just gives them more attention, and fans their flames.

  36. Whichever rent-seeking cellular provider got together the Obamaphone.net site (I'm suddenly picturing an Ochs-Sulzberger family meeting)...

    Matt Taibbi is out with a great* new article:

    The Scam Wall Street Learned From the Mafia

    As with all Taibbi articles, the unstated [yet glaringly obvious?] subtheme is the shocking preponderance of Scots-Irishmen involved in running these schemes.

    *Well, about as "great" as an epic tragedy can be [to all of us flyover-country simpletons who are on the receiving end of the tragic part of it].

  37. The best way to get rid of these billboards would be to simply put up one the same size across the street using the same type of agitprop but with a black face rather than a white one.

    To his eternal, undying credit, Jesse Helms actually had the gonads to do this very sort of thing.

  38. Steve - the more I think about it, the more I'm realizing that that new Matt Taibbi article hits on two really important themes which you've been emphasizing lately:

    1) Loss of societal trust in the face of increasing diversity [where the NYC Scots-Irish and Sicilians are ripping off grotesquely naive WASP losers out in the heartland], and

    2) The role that physical [geographical] distance plays in the sociopathic absence of sympathy for the losers.

    Might be worth its own thread.

  39. It's hard to see racism when your face has been bloodied in a flash mob attack.

  40. I get so tired of hearing the mantra that The Government Can't Create Jobs.

    That's just about backwards.

    Private enterprise and entrepreneurs don't try to create jobs. They try to create wealth. Wealth means a more efficient way to provide a wanted good or service. Often that efficiency is achieved by cutting jobs. Everybody should know this simple truth.

    Mitt Romney gets in trouble when he tries to claim that Bain Capital was in the business of creating jobs. It wasn't.

    On the other hand government is very good at creating jobs but very bad at creating wealth. Roosevelt's Civilian Conservation Corps created lots of jobs. The government could wipe out all unemployment overnight - just draft everyone for a land war in Asia. Government can create any number of "make work" jobs in any number of ways.

    In general a government created job is the problem not the solution. I first had this driven home to me at the Leaning Tower of Pisa. There were three guys in the lobby taking tickets - nice Italian young men participating in some well meaning governmental enterprise.

    So if you really want to just create jobs. Hire a second or third guy for every legitimate government job. Issue them an iPad and let them sit there and play video games. That's how they do it in Italy.


  41. What needs to be confronted is the out-of-date notion that racism is responsible for those whom this ad purports to support.

    Time for everyone to admit after 50years of spent money, time, effort, laws, "Why have other groups improved their lot and blacks haven't? It isn't racism, babe, it isn't racism."

  42. "Minnesotans, and by extension most midwesterners, are all like this."

    In their own way, they're as crazy as Californians, Minnesotans, that is, not most Midwesterners.

    How else to explain Jesse Ventura and Senator Stuart Smalley?

  43. "I wonder how many black folks do indeed ask themselves why it is that other ethnic groups that have experienced discrimination from the larger culture (think Vietnamese, Koreans, Chinese, manage within two or three generations to become functional and well-off."

    I don't wonder, I already know. The answer is few, far fewer than many white people can imagine.

    "In CA, they only have to look at Mexican-Americans to see that many who still speak with accents own their own businesses, usually restaurants, often landscaping and gardening 'start-ups' and do quite well."

    Yes, and blacks ascribe the success of all other groups to the "fact" that those groups don't experience racism (i.e., the white man keeping them down) the way they do.

    "There's no way I can buy that black people don't know that their group is to blame for their situation, all other groups having faced the same, YES, the same obstacles, yet managed to succeed."

    That because you're thinking while white.

    "The mantra from all of American should be 'Others have succeeded, but you haven't. Fix yourselves.'"

    I don't think there is any fixing for what's wrong. Again, I think you're too caught up in thinking while white.

  44. "I don't think there is any fixing for what's wrong. Again, I think you're too caught up in thinking while white."

    Damn. Just wrote a post responding to Pat, then lost it.

    Well, I recall a time in the Bay Area of CA, where I live, when black families in places like Richmond, Oakland, Alameda, and West Contra Costa County owned homes, had jobs, had a nuclear family structure with moms and dads, when kids had parents who yelled at them or otherwise disciplined them when they did something wrong or behaved impolitely. Perhaps you'd not recognize the black families of my youth. The war brought them here, to the ship building industry; they stayed, bought houses or rented homes in stable neighborhoods for decades, and while there was, of course, discrimination against them (not nearly of the type one saw in the South), they were better off as a group, as a functional unit than they are now.

    Yes, I know society has changed, and it's not just the black family that has disintegrated, but the white one and brown one as well, but whites haven't plummeted into violence and total disarray as have blacks. HBD at work--some groups fare better against forces that are destructive. Human nature at work--people who are indulged start behaving as if the world owes them something.

    However, someone wanting people to look at the truth needn't scream, "Blacks are just more violent than whites, by nature more aggressive. Blacks are animals." What changed?

    Yes, so the average black IQ is lower than that of Asians and whites. Yes, so black aggression is a product of a genetic chemistry whites and Asians lack. Okay. I'm a believer.

    However, post-WW2, there were decent, functioning black communities throughout the country. One of the best, most successful restaurants we frequented in my childhood was a black family-run establishment in Martinez. There were others too. I look around now and see no black-owned businesses. Were those blacks genetically superior to the blacks that populate the nation now?

    If not, then what happened? Welfare. Welfare happened...and a host of civil rights programs that destroyed the need for a functioning black family with a father. Decades of living off the government then spread to whites and to Mexicans using the system as well.

    It's not jut HBD that's the problem. People can be successful without being physicists, doctors, investment bankers, and graduates of elite schools. After all, most of us don't fit those categories either.

    Attack the social policies Steve, on their merits of utter failure.

  45. Well, I recall a time in the Bay Area of CA, where I live, when black families in places like Richmond, Oakland, Alameda, and West Contra Costa County owned homes, had jobs, had a nuclear family structure with moms and dads, when kids had parents who yelled at them or otherwise disciplined them when they did something wrong or behaved impolitely. Perhaps you'd not recognize the black families of my youth. The war brought them here, to the ship building industry; they stayed, bought houses or rented homes in stable neighborhoods for decades, and while there was, of course, discrimination against them (not nearly of the type one saw in the South), they were better off as a group, as a functional unit than they are now.

    Wow, does that ever bring me back. I grew up in a working-class neighborhood in Richmond, CA, on the edge of the Iron Triangle, and most of my black neighbors were the politest, quietest people on the block. Intact black families with hard-working parents who actually disciplined their children and taught them manners and self-respect. (At that time I estimate that 1 out of every 5 families there was black.) Flash forward 40 years and holy shit, what a difference! Now the place is a crime-ridden slum full of violent, racist, fatherless lumpenprole blacks (about 70% of the population). It's really depressing to see my old neighborhood today. Glad I got the hell out of there when I did.

  46. from the website - "Accept that you have unearned privilege and advantages—write them down."

    They can't possibly think this is going to do anything. I hate to be a psychoanalyst but this is transparent self righteous preening.

    Excuse me while I go listen to some gangster rap.

  47. Anonymous @10:56

    You are of course right. Thomas Sowell makes much the same point. There was a time when blacks had lower illegitimacy rates and stronger families.

    My favorite example comes from black pop music. Not so long ago many black pop stars emulated European royalty: Nat "King" Cole, "Duke" Ellington, "Count" Basie. All of these and many others were well respected at a time of strict segregation. Currently black musicians associate their music with pimps, gangsters, and hoodlums. Anthropologists call this phenomenon degeneration.

    Black people have been taking some very bad advice.

    Steve has written that blacks need religion more. That as I remember raised some objections but it's very true. The social snake oil salesmen seek out blacks because they are so much easier to hoodwink.

    When Perry's black ships sailed into Tokyo Harbor he presented the Japanese with a challenge. They could accept the West on the West's terms and become a client state or a colony like India and Qing China had. Or they could resist and learn. They decided to fight for their dignity. That was the Meiji Restoration. It took discipline and courage.

    In the sixties the US challenged the blacks - but the blacks failed to meet that challenge. When the Griggs decision was passed the black leadership could have united and rejected racial preferences. They might have been too proud. They might have had more faith in themselves.

    But they accepted the sweet tasting welfare potion. These former slaves went back to slavery.

    I know something of these matters. I was an AFDC Social Worker for the San Francisco Welfare Department in the late sixties. In that period we trained black people to be domesticated and dependent. At the time the biggest center of poverty was Chinatown not Hunter's point or the Fillmore. I not only never saw a Chinese woman on AFDC, I never even heard of one.

    So it's true that America ruined the blacks with welfare and other entitlement programs but it is also true that they were complicit in their own destruction.


  48. Off topic, but has Steve ever written about Harvey, Illinois, and the Dixie Square Mall?

    Or are stories like these ten a penny/dime a dozen?

    Yes, stories like that have become cliché throughout the NE, Midwest and South.

  49. I was on my way to a lynching when I saw the Minnesota post. I learned my lesson. Thank God for these wonderful people. I didn't know racism was bad til they told me.

  50. Quick. Hire those people and put them in a circus. Charge the public to see examples of maladaptation in the species.

  51. In their own way, they're as crazy as Californians, Minnesotans, that is, not most Midwesterners.

    How else to explain Jesse Ventura and Senator Stuart Smalley?

    Third-party activity. In each case, three out of five Minnesotans who voted rejected them.

    So think about it, next time you feel like suggesting third parties as an answer.

  52. This reminded me of the interracial porn sites that feature well-equipped black males pounding petite blonds and writing things like "Black Cock Whore" on them in black marker to make the humiliation complete.

    Now they don't have to bother. A certain number of whites will deface themselves.

  53. If not, then what happened? Welfare. Welfare happened...and a host of civil rights programs that destroyed the need for a functioning black family with a father.

    Remarkably, the 1960s saw the implementation of a number of policies that could be expected to destroy the White community (immigration and non-discrimination laws) and the Black community (welfare, immigration, and fair housing laws that allowed the talented tenth to move away from other Blacks).

    This suggests the existence of a third, competing group with great political power.

  54. Remarkably, the 1960s saw the implementation of a number of policies that could be expected to destroy the White community ... and the Black community...This suggests the existence of a third, competing group with great political power.

    You're so clever, except that all of these policies were signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson, who was a white gentile. Before that, they were approved by congressmen and senators, the vast majority of whom at that time were white gentiles.

  55. And how exactly do you figure that what he did was not a result of Jewish influence? What is your alternative explanation? That he was a true believer? But any such belief would come from propoaganda. Or corruption? LBJ was corrupt, but you always need a partner in corruption. Who provided the incentives?

    Johnson came from a family of philo-Semitic Zionists, so he was steeped in Jewish influence his whole life:

    “Take care of the Jews, God’s chosen people,” Johnson’s Baptist grandfather had told Lyndon as a young man. And Johnson recalled an aunt saying, “If Israel is destroyed, the world will end.” Johnson’s parents and grandparents, it turns out, were deeply affected by the lynching of Leo Frank by a mob in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1915. Johnson’s parents were so outspoken about anti-Semitism that they once had to stand guard with shotguns on their front porch against menacing Ku Klux Klan mobs. Young Lyndon never forgot it, and unbeknownst even to most of his later close political associates, in 1938–39, as a young congressman, Johnson went out of his way to rescue endangered European Jews by supplying American visas to Jews in Warsaw. He also oversaw the technically illegal immigration of hundreds of Jews into Galveston, Texas. In May 1967 President Johnson remembered all of this, and if his own memoirs are to be believed, he likened Israel in his mind to the surrounded, besieged Alamo, and Gamal Abdel Nasser to the hated Santa Anna.

  56. "Anonymous said...

    If not, then what happened? Welfare. Welfare happened...and a host of civil rights programs that destroyed the need for a functioning black family with a father. Decades of living off the government then spread to whites and to Mexicans using the system as well."

    It's also possible that the western nuclear-family model was nothing but a relatively thin veneer in black society. The current state of affairs in black social organization is not that different from that of sub-saharan Africa. Perhaps that is just their natural state.

  57. Duluth was once the port for all the ore mined out of northern Minnesota's Iron Range. That ore was sent via the St. Lawrence seaway to the steel mills out east.

    The ore in the Iron Range ran out by the 1970s. Duluth peaked at 107,000 people in 1960 and as of 2010 the census listed 86,000 residents.

    From that website:

    "Fewer residents than in other comparable communities say it is a good place for racial and ethnic minorities, immigrants, young adults without children, and talented college graduates looking for work."

    Why would anyone want to move to a city with a declining population and economic prospects, where the primary industry has died?

    Targeting Duluth for the eradication of white privilege is pretty funny insofar as the city was built on the backs of poor Fins and Irish (whereas among the numerous Scandinavian immigrants who settled in Minnesota the Norwegians and Swedes tended to settle further south in the Twin Cities and farming communities along the Iowa border).

    Humble, left-leaning, protestant residents of the Twin Cities don't really look on their neighbors up north as privileged.

    As to why anyone that would raise Duluth's diversity quota would want to move there is a question that begs answering.

    The University of Minnesota Duluth is a safety school for mediocre in-state students worried about not getting into the U of M Twin Cites with parents who cannot afford to send them to one of the lesser private universities in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area (any of the MIAC schools outside of St. Thomas and Macalester where admissions standards are higher).

    On a tangent, getting a B School degree from St. Thomas is the easiest path to getting a job in corporate with Target, 3M and a number of other large Minnesota companies. Macalester on the other hand is left of center for a private liberal arts college in the capitol of a state that has voted for a Republican presidential candidate just once since 1960. It proudly lists Kofi Anon, Walter Mondale and Ari Emanuel among its alumni.

    Any sufficiently bright kid that grows up in Duluth and gets into the U of M Twin Cities doesn't go back to Duluth after graduation.

  58. This reminded me of the interracial porn sites that feature well-equipped black males pounding petite blonds

    Oh definitely, I was thinking the same.


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