July 15, 2012

Salon: Detroit now run by unelected white person, and that's a good thing

From Salon:
Welcome to the age of non-profit city government [link fixed]
Can NGOs run cities?

This is a long, laudatory article about some nice white lady named Sue Mosey, who heads one of those quasi-governmental Community Development Corporations invented during the Great Society. Sue is portrayed as the real power in Detroit these days, as evidenced by her getting a Whole Foods to open in the gentrifying neighborhood where she lives.

I must admit I couldn't manage to read the whole article intently, suffering from SWPL overdose, but I didn't see much concern for concepts like democracy, enfranchisement of blacks, and so forth. In the SWPL mind, apparently, Cheap Urban Real Estate + Whole Foods + Unelected Nice White Lady Rulers sounds a whole lot better in 2012 than more Black Self-Rule.


  1. Does this mean the house I bought there last year for 83 dollars and a pack of Topps cards is going to be worth some serious money soon? Cool!

    Thanks black guys! You drove house prices lower than I ever could've imagined! And "Truth" wants to give all the credit for these things to the Mexicans! We know the real truth!

    And thank you to all the white liberal hypocrites, too, who are reversing it all, to "help the community" (WINK WINK) while keeping their own kids safely tucked away in private schools! Never coulda done it without you!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. In the SWPL mind, apparently, Cheap Urban Real Estate + Whole Foods + Unelected Nice White Lady Rulers sounds a whole lot better in 2012 than more Black Self-Rule.

    Sounds better to me too, and I'm far from SWPL.

  4. First of all, nobody around here considers Ms. Mosley the "real" mayor of Detroit. Secondly, it is gonna take a lot more than a new Whole Foods™ market or another bar, coffee shop, art gallery, and such to help at all.

  5. Your link to the article isn't functioning.

  6. It is important what you learn not to say.

  7. link problem

  8. The way liberals see it, voters are to elect liberal politicians, who will approve, without much question- rubber stamp is a crude term- the policies developed by liberal government experts. If voters elect conservative politicians, they will be ignored or overridden by the courts if necessary, and liberal government experts will implement their policies anyway. In the 30's the experts got the machines on board, in the 60's, and pretty much ever since, they have been ignored.

  9. Yeah, I don't think Detroit is run by her. She is working to improve the Midtown district in Detroit, which is home to Wayne State University, DMC Hospital, and several cultural attractions/museums. It has the best prospects for gentrification in Detroit.

    The mayor and council in Detroit are happy to let her do this work, because she is doing the work that they (or the city) are supposed to do. She is giving them a cheap or maybe even free service. What they don't like is if someone comes in and tells them what they can and can't spend money on, which is exactly what has happened with the consent agreement (that they actually agreed to with the governor) to avert Detroit's bankruptcy.

  10. Yes. It is a good thing.

    I worked in Downtown Detroit in the mid-2000s. A pitching wedge's distance from the Detroit News Building.

    There are many competent locals working in that area and up in Midtown. But most of them lack the cultural capital that folks like Sue Mosey bring.

  11. Hey, they stole my idea!!!

    And they may have stolen it right here!!!

    Anyway, I'll give it away again.

    It seems reasonable that some kind of consulting group should be able to contract with cities, counties, provinces, even countries to run their governments for them. They could even do it by election. Competing consulting companies could campaign to enter into the contract by democratic vote.

  12. In the SWPL mind, apparently, Cheap Urban Real Estate + Whole Foods + Unelected Nice White Lady Rulers sounds a whole lot better in 2012 than more Black Self-Rule.

    Yikes - that's getting pretty raw.

    Is Ron MacUnz cool with you posting sentences like that?

  13. bad link to the article, Steve.

  14. Oh, there are plenty of people screaming about how the White Republican Governor of Michigan is "racist" for not simply shoveling money to Detroit for the successors of Kwame Fitzpatrick to continue the corruption.

    Blacks in Detroit staged a decades long effort to cleanse Whites out of the city. Very successfully. But they were not able to replace the wealth and wealth creation that left with Whites by their own. So any Black run city will have the same problem:

    ** It needs massive and eternal money transfers from surrounding White populations. **

    Therefore it is unsustainable. As Whites decline in numbers, act more tribal (eventually) and HATE HATE HATE money going to people not like them. Or really, them, themselves.

    Ultimately Black rule in cities is simply incompatible with a desire for a life above that of say, Lagos or Islamabad or Jakarta. It requires just too much money, while providing none at all for itself.

    Sooner or later every Black run city will have to be run by a "Nice White Lady" or turned into a real life RoboCop set.

  15. http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/news/tay-sachs-the-jewish-disease-almost-eradicated-1.147493

  16. http://takimag.com/article/from_patriots_to_expatriates_brian_lasorsa/print#axzz20ffvHjOR

    In our globalized open borders world, if immigration is good, so is emigration. If it's great for people to bring their wealth and talents here--as Lennon did in the 70s--, then it's only fair for Americans to take their wealth elsewhere.
    Economic nationalism/patriotism is so passe. Besides, we and especially the rich are 'citizens of the world'. What need for allegiance to a single nation.

    But it seems loss of tax revenues has libs talking like nationalists. I mean how dare Saverin not pay taxes to Washington.

  17. http://racehist.blogspot.com/2010/09/2010-forbes-400-by-ethnic-origins.html

    Hispanic (2/400)
    290 John Arrillaga 1.4 73 Portola Valley, CA real estate [Basque]
    385 Arturo Moreno 1 64 Phoenix, AZ billboards [Mexican]

    I checked google images. They don't look like Guiellermo.

  18. So what is the point?
    Blacks are simply incapable of running a polity, any polity and the whole civil rights thing was a waste of time?

  19. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_MSNBC_MICROSOFT?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2012-07-15-22-16-31

  20. Welcome to the age of non-profit city government

    Can NGOs run cities?

    Wouldn't they cease to be NGOs i.e. "non-governmental organizations" if they became city governments?

  21. http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/Tumul

    In his book Timothy Stanley recounts the personal life and political career of Pat Buchanan. Mr. Stanley recalls Mr. Buchanan's childhood in Washington, D.C.,

  22. Long live Queen Sue.

  23. Here's Arturo Moreno:


  24. http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FNVUVm9&h=qAQE0Yq7K

  25. The intelligence of the average commenter at Steve-O's has substantially decreased since I last visited the site (roughly 6 months ago). Also, I noticed that Steve's analyses on race became more anti-black after Obama was elected. There might be a connection.

    Whiskey Wrote:

    "Blacks in Detroit staged a decades long effort to cleanse Whites out of the city. Very successfully. But they were not able to replace the wealth and wealth creation that left with Whites by their own. So any Black run city will have the same problem"

    All but the third sentence are false, Whiskey. Blacks never staged a (conscious) effort to rid American cities of whites. Blacks, by and large, migrated to large cities in the 1940s/50s for job opportunities, not to agitate whites. Cities don't simply transform into bustling economic centers once whites move in, nor do they decline simply because whites move out. Take a stroll through any poor, rural town in the midwest or southern U.S. Not many black faces, but poverty abounds.

    ** It needs massive and eternal money transfers from surrounding White populations. **

    Therefore it is unsustainable. As Whites decline in numbers, act more tribal (eventually) and HATE HATE HATE money going to people not like them."

    I can't speak to the accuracy of the first sentence. But the connection between white ethnocentrism, racism and population size is well documented. For example, whites primarily instituted apartheid systems in countries where they were, historically, a minority group. During the reconstruction period, there more blacks in America than whites which is possibly why a century of Jim Crow ensued. South Africa and Zimbabwe have similar histories and many of the same contemporary issues of race.

    The UK and France display more solidarity between blacks and whites (not to suggest that there's no racism in those lands). Black resentment towards whites is generally concentrated in countries that have a history of apartheid and state sponsored terrorism against blacks. Racialism and racism are not genetically programmed into people, as some members of the HBD community will argue.

  26. A local SWPL news columnist here in Chicago,one Eric Zorn,once wrote a somewhat critical piece on the head of the teachers union,the Large & Lovely Karen Lewis.Since he did question her beahvior,(yes she is...black I mean)he hastened to add at the end of the piece a bit of major derriere-kissing,excusing Ms. Lewis'crude acting up with the caveat,"She has a passion for education...". Well this lady has a passion for cheeseburgrers,thats fairly certain,but education? It seems blacks have a passion--a throbbing passion! -for government money to be allotted for stuff they are in charge of,education being one of the biggest. Sometimes they see these well-funded organazations as sheep to be sheared,or chickens to be plucked. Black rule is hopeless as the level of stealing is so high,these programs are sooner or later untenable. What are we gonna do when we have to face up to that? We're gonna have to do a LOT of black butt kissing!!

  27. Perhaps this can be seen a variant of the 'Nice White Lady' idea. As such, it does seem like it would be easier to find a 'Nice White Lady' to run every majority black municipality, i.e. as opposed to finding one to teach in every black majority classroom. So as an idea, it works better scaled down rather than up: just not enough nice white ladies to go around...

  28. Wouldn't they cease to be NGOs i.e. "non-governmental organizations" if they became city governments?

    They just need a little rebranding. That's all.

    “The Revolution will be complete when the language is perfect.”
    ― George Orwell, 1984

  29. Kind of like Zimbabwe in reverse.

    I don't think what blacks were doing in Detroit could be described as "self-rule", though.

  30. " KenK said...
    For one, no one around here considers Ms. Mosley "the real" mayor of Detroit. Second, it is gonna take more than a new Whole Foods™ store to fix Detroit.

    7/15/12 5:15 PM"

    I want to go to Detroit to check out the hype, sometimes I feel the devastation is exaggerated, but I don't think I can convince Wifey to spend the vacation money in that direction.

    Whole Foods? What about a WallMart? I guess Detroit is too proud to be thrifty with other people's money. 20,000 sq.ft. with 60 to 80 employees is an event we're supposed to get excited about?

  31. Here's Arturo Moreno:


    Dadgum Nahuatls - can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.

  32. Henry Canaday7/16/12, 9:40 AM

    The founders, whatever their thoughts on who should be allowed to vote and thus share in the government of other people, would certainly have expected that the great majority of voters, whether male or female, young or old, black or white, would be self-supporting citizens and not reliant on government for their daily support. What if that is no longer true in some major cities? What if that is no longer true even for the nation as a whole?

    For the last four years, for the first time in American history, the middle quintile of the income distribution is paying net negative taxes, once transfer payments are taken into account, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

    Maybe America needs a Big Sister.

  33. What a wonderful solution! The German Jews colonized Israel in much the same way: create banks and educational institutions, parallel legal systems and the like. Keep out the rambunctious goyim and when the time comes you have all the cultural and social capital you need to take over completely. Nowadays we can us white tools like "historic districts" and "business improvement districts" to take control of a decent "white space".

    Read Etan Bloom's dissertation on Arthur Ruppin (available free on the net) for a wonderful lesson on race purity, how to maintain it, and on creating a race pure new people with new values in a new land.

    Think of Detroit as "a land without a people for a [goy] people without a land". We can't create racial restrictions on the land like the Jews did in Israel, but there are tons of other restrictive Israeli-ish policies we can do to make sure the Detroit Colony is safe and expands as black folks abandon the city.

  34. OT, but this one cries out for the Sailer Treatment:

    NYT Discovers Things

    The article discusses assortive mating and gives the stories of two seemingly similar women. See if you can notice a difference the NYT couldn't seem to discover.

  35. In the article they also make mention of the University Circle/Euclid corridor stuff in Cleveland; both of which are less about urban renewal and more about wealthy medical and education practitioners trying to carve a desirable niche out of savage badlands so that they don't have to drive an hour and a half to work.

  36. Today the media is ablaze with references to Obama's speech in which he lectures small business owners that they didn't actually create their businesses. They are apparently deluded when they imagine that found a way to finance their business. And they are they misremember their work hours in the early start up. He seems to be saying that they just chanced into a successful business.

    Some of this is the simple use of "code" words - racial code words. When Obama says "small business" he means white people. This is apt in a way because black people don't often start businesses. So Obama is saying that you - you hated white people - aren't really to be credited. Black people who built the roads and the government which built the Internet are really the heroes.

    There are a couple problems with this analysis. First of all blacks didn't build the roads or were responsible for any other feature of the supporting infrastructure.

    It is true that blacks are represented in government at greater rates than in private enterprises. So Obama seems to be garnering an area of contribution for blacks by attributing as much as possible to government involvement.

    But Obama states nakedly that the government created the Internet. Like Al Gore, Barrack Obama has a sophomoric understanding of data communications.

    The Internet - by which I mean the use the use of the TCP/IP protocol stack - is very definitely not a triumph of government top down planning. Just the opposite.

    When I was first teaching data communications I taught the ISO-OSI seven level communications model. This ISO/OSI (Inside Out/Outside In) model was also the basis for the ITU's protocol stack. The ITU met in France. It was the very finest example of big government in action. The US federal government officially embraced their protocol stack.

    A problem with the OSI stack was that it didn't work. The US military - the biggest single customer of communications hardware and software in the world - used TCP/IP. They were not eager to change to the vastly more complex and expensive OSI protocols but they were on notice that they must change over.

    The TCP/IP stack was not created by a governmental process. The French studied the problem in their governmental agencies and then issued a complete description of mandatory behavior. This is a typical top-down governmental process - the central guys write the regs and everyone else does as they're told.

    The Internet protocols were developed in a much different manner. They were created by "Requests For Comment"(RFC). Any individual without prior authorization or credentials could simply propose a system. If the community liked the proposed protocol it would be used. Many other ideas were ignored of dropped. All the TCP/IP protocols were developed this way. They worked.

    So Obama gets it exactly backwards. The Internet was created in a process quite similar to a free enterprise marketplace. The government created top-down communication protocols were a total failure. If he knew anything about the Internet he would know this.


  37. That Whole Foods in Detroit better up their fried food offerings and install a counter for check cashing/bill pay services if they want to stay in business.

  38. http://blogs.suntimes.com/ebert/2012/07/the_mega-epic_pissing_contest.html#comments

    Hobbit. Yech.

  39. Henry Canaday said:

    "The founders, whatever their thoughts on who should be allowed to vote and thus share in the government of other people, would certainly have expected that the great majority of voters, whether male or female, young or old, black or white, would be self-supporting citizens and not reliant on government for their daily support. What if that is no longer true in some major cities? What if that is no longer true even for the nation as a whole?"

    What if it is no longer economically possible for a sizeable fraction of American society to earn enough to have a normal life?

    I'm not talking about class warfare, or a rigged system (though I very easily could).

    Simply that for a number of reasons (some of which I could talk about a long, long, looonnnnggg time), what they do isn't particularly valuable anymore.

    I mean what happens when a healthy person with two kids and a wife, finds himself in a situation where no matter what it is not fiscally possible for him to support a family? Without social subsidies of some sort? Even if the wife is able to work?

    There ia an awful lot of this in America now. If it weren't for the limited welfare state we have now things would much worse.

    What gets me is guys on this site say it's due to laziness or personal habits. Maybe so. IQ has a lot to do with things too.

    But the base of the problem is simply that there aren't enough jobs out there that a large fraction of the population is suitable for. And of the jobs that are, it is nigh impossible to actually support yourself on one, let alone a family.

    So far a combination of outsourcing and automation, with a lesser contribution from illegal immigration has put us in this situation. In my opinion outsourcing and immigration are going to be passe. Automation is going to be the biggest driver by far.

    And it is going to climb up the job pyramid, to surprising heights I think.

  40. "The UK and France display more solidarity between blacks and whites (not to suggest that there's no racism in those lands). Black resentment towards whites is generally concentrated in countries that have a history of apartheid and state sponsored terrorism against blacks"

    There is a lot of anti-White racism among blacks in France... there were blacks out with T-Shirts saying that while France used to own Africa that they know own France.

  41. The Obama speech is a ripoff of the Elizabeth Warren speech: successful entrepreneurs owe the rest of us, because without our tax money paying for the infrastructure, the police, the fire department, etc., they wouldn't have the conditions for a successful business. Of course, there are two obvious problems with that:

    1) 40% of us aren't net income tax payers, so that 40% isn't paying for any of that infrastructure or essential government services.

    2) Successful entrepreneurs pay plenty of taxes to support the costs of that infrastructure and those essential government services.

  42. "The UK and France display more solidarity between blacks and whites (not to suggest that there's no racism in those lands). Black resentment towards whites is generally concentrated in countries that have a history of apartheid and state sponsored terrorism against blacks. Racialism and racism are not genetically programmed into people, as some members of the HBD community will argue."

    Were you even awake during the UK riots? I've never heard such horseshit in my life.

  43. "Some of this is the simple use of "code" words - racial code words. When Obama says "small business" he means white people. This is apt in a way because black people don't often start businesses. So Obama is saying that you - you hated white people - aren't really to be credited. Black people who built the roads and the government which built the Internet are really the heroes."

    Dude, I think your secret decoder ring needs to be serviced; or maybe you're distracted thinking about knocking up Kylie?

  44. Anonymous wrote:
    There is a lot of anti-White racism among blacks in France... there were blacks out with T-Shirts saying that while France used to own Africa that they know own France."

    Clearly, there is racism there, as I stated in my previous comment. But it's not as prevalent as it is in the U.S.

    Other anonymous wrote:

    Were you even awake during the UK riots? I've never heard such horseshit in my life."

    I was awake. Again, one can draw parallels between any two countries. Black-on-white racism exists in Europe, but it's not even close to the level of violence and hatred that exists in the U.S., South Africa or Zimbabwe. A significant number of white youtz participated in the London riots, even if most of them were black. You'd never see that many whites and blacks simultaneously rioting in American cities. It's a simple fact--western countries in which whites have always been the majority are less racist than others.

  45. This is basically the plan for D.C., right? Go to the link for Courtland Milloy yesterday--he even whines about Tiger Moms, if you want the bait

  46. "The Detroit Colony." That sounds about right. Whites have been re-colonizing big chunks of Chicago the last few years.

  47. I don't know if anyone has pointed this out, but Detroit is currently being run by a state imposed financial board. In a sense Detroit is in 'receivership'. I think Mayor Bing might be head of the financial board. I lost interest a while ago and didn't keep up on that. So under the financial emergency management regime that nice white lady might have more actual power than the elected officials.

  48. Marlo wrote:

    "During the reconstruction period, there more blacks in America than whites which is possibly why a century of Jim Crow ensued. South Africa and Zimbabwe have similar histories and many of the same contemporary issues of race."

    Marlo, you are full of sh*t.

    The 1860 Census lists fewer than four million slaves in the U.S. at the beginning of the Civil War, out of a total of about 31 million people. There may have been a couple million more free blacks, but it's unlikely there were 11 or 12 million of them (which is what would be required to make blacks the "majority" population of the U.S. as you idiotically asserted.)

    Moreover, for your "facts" to be true at the time of Reconstruction, the black population of the U.S. would have to have grown to 18 million or so by 1870--in only 10 years. Impossible.

    You are full of sh*t--try actually reading up on U.S. history before making your idiotic posts.


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