July 16, 2012

"Two Classes, Divided by 'I Do'"

The NYT has a long article on two women, one a red-haired single mother with three children, who makes $12.35 an hour as a manager in a day care facility, the other her boss, who is married and reasonably comfortable.

After many hundreds of words, the article finally gets around to explaining something that's obvious from the pictures of the fair-skinned single mother's children:
Although she grew up in the 1990s, Ms. Schairer’s small-town childhood had a 1950s feel. Her father drove a beer truck, her mother served as church trustee and her grandparents lived next door. She knew no one rich, no one poor and no one raising children outside of marriage. “It was just the way it was,” she said. 
William Penn University, eight hours away in Iowa, offered a taste of independence and a spot on the basketball team. Her first thought when she got pregnant was “My mother’s going to kill me.” Abortion crossed her mind, but her boyfriend, an African-American student from Arkansas, said they should start a family. They agreed that marriage should wait until they could afford a big reception and a long gown. 
Their odds were not particularly good: nearly half the unmarried parents living together at a child’s birth split up within five years, according to Child Trends. 
Ms. Schairer has trouble explaining, even to herself, why she stayed so long with a man who she said earned little, berated her often and did no parenting. They lived with family (his and hers) and worked off and on while she hoped things would change. “I wanted him to love me,” she said. She was 25 when the breakup made it official: she was raising three children on her own.

As Dennis Dale once commented, Barack Obama slid through the rapidly closing Novelty Window. His parentage could be sold to a gullible public as representing Hope and Change. Here's the opening to his 2004 keynote address to the Democratic Convention, which set him on the road to the White House:
Tonight is a particular honor for me because, let's face it, my presence on this stage is pretty unlikely. 
My father was a foreign student, born and raised in a small village in Kenya. He grew up herding goats, went to school in a tin- roof shack. His father, my grandfather, was a cook, a domestic servant to the British. 
OBAMA: But my grandfather had larger dreams for his son. Through hard work and perseverance my father got a scholarship to study in a magical place, America, that's shown as a beacon of freedom and opportunity to so many who had come before him. 
While studying here my father met my mother. She was born in a town on the other side of the world, in Kansas. 
Her father worked on oil rigs and farms through most of the Depression. The day after Pearl Harbor, my grandfather signed up for duty, joined Patton's army, marched across Europe. Back home my grandmother raised a baby and went to work on a bomber assembly line. After the war, they studied on the GI Bill, bought a house through FHA and later moved west, all the way to Hawaii, in search of opportunity. 
And they too had big dreams for their daughter, a common dream born of two continents. 
OBAMA: My parents shared not only an improbable love; they shared an abiding faith in the possibilities of this nation. They would give me an African name, Barack, or "blessed," believing that in a tolerant America, your name is no barrier to success. 
They imagined me going to the best schools in the land, even though they weren't rich, because in a generous America you don't have to be rich to achieve your potential. 
They're both passed away now. And yet I know that, on this night, they look down on me with great pride. 
And I stand here today grateful for the diversity of my heritage, aware that my parents' dreams live on in my two precious daughters. 
I stand here knowing that my story is part of the larger American story, that I owe a debt to all of those who came before me, and that in no other country on Earth is my story even possible. 
OBAMA: Tonight, we gather to affirm the greatness of our nation not because of the height of our skyscrapers, or the power of our military, or the size of our economy; our pride is based on a very simple premise, summed up in a declaration made over two hundred years ago: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal... 
... that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." 
That is the true genius of America, a faith...

But now, kids with a struggling white mom and a black dad who isn't around are rapidly becoming just a depressing commonplace.


  1. My girlfriend and I see the Jessica Schairer's of the world every so often and the first question out of either of our mouths is "where's papa?".

  2. One of the odder leftist ideas is that social problems can always be solved if the parties in conflict start screwing with one another.

    Much of the leftist support for gay rights originated in this goofy notion.

    Leftists have always attributed war to the deficiencies of the hetero male character.

    If only men would screw with one another, I've often heard my leftist friends say when I was young, violence and war would cease to exist.


  3. Steve one thing worth mentioning is that if a White woman has a Black male's kid(s), once he leaves, it's extremely rare that a White guy would want to be with her, investing in her and her spawn. She is essentially off-limits.

  4. Yes I am right. I take no joy from this. It is depressing.

    The girl could have had any guy. And chose to be a single mom by a thuggish Black athlete of middling promise athletically.

    The flipside of the Kanazawa studies showing Black women were the least desired of all women of all races by all men of all races, is that Black men are the most desired. Now. Because there is a premium on transient sexiness and a huge discount of fatherly/husbandly faithfulness.

    Schairer decided to forgo the dutiful beta White male who'd marry her and help provide, for sexy times with a Black thug (Black guys do thug better than anyone). She chose freely and without any gun to her head. That writ large is the problem.

    Obama's success is not the mulatto elite, but that he's Black and White women want him. Cue a thousand NYT articles by female writers fantasizing about having sex with him. No, not all White women. But enough.

    And considering the obesity epidemic, having a single mom like Schairer out of the mate market (three kids by the Black guy) forever, basically, generates resentment by beta White guys. Who get the shaft in the mate market while White women and Black guys get the best results. This is particularly true as increased Asian immigration cuts down on the Beta White guy with Asian chick tolerating his beta male nerdiness (cue Mrs. Zuckerberg).

  5. "My girlfriend and I see the Jessica Schairer's of the world every so often and the first question out of either of our mouths is "where's papa?"."

    The bigger question is 'where is the white guy?' If lower class white girls respected white males, they would be sticking with them. But lower class white girls are hooked to rap, porn, and sports. They see blacks as tougher and more manly while white boys grow dickless and cower before black boys. And so where did the white man go? They all went to become wussy white boys.

    So, before you ask 'where is the black daddy?', ask, 'where is the white man?'

    Just look at that wussy Mitt Romney who's afraid to take on Jews, gays, and blacks. He's such a wuss asking for an apology from Obama. I mean what a wuss.

  6. Her father drove a beer truck,...

    He lived the dream -- that was the favorite hoped-for job of every guy in high school. Even the ones who hadn't drunk any beer yet.

  7. Oh boy. Somebody rang the dinner bell for Whiskey (and Roissy, I'm sure, will be down momentarily).

    Call me a nurturist, but I empathize with Ms. Schairer here. In the description of her background, she reads as one of those clueless, small-town/rural white proles (the name Schairer sounds pretty Midwestern German to me) who never would've gotten the life lessons on class, race, and endogamy that SWPLs take for granted but would never in their lives state in explicit terms. Not in a town with a "1950's feel," a dad who drove a beer truck, and grandparents next door. The only impact the wider world would've had on her would've been what the system has chosen to put on TV that night. She could've reasonably expected to nurse at least middle-class ambitions but nothing prepared her for what she would find as a young woman in college without the proper cultural vaccine against the toxins waiting for her there. Tragic, tragic.

  8. We really are becoming like most of Latin America. A mixed race underclass, a great divide between wealthy and poor and not much middle class, and the government involved in virtually everything with terrible finances. I wouldn't buy long-term bonds on a bet.

  9. I am Lugash.

    I just skimmed the article, but does anyone else detect that the prep work is being laid to combat this 'social injustice' through transfer payments?

    Steve one thing worth mentioning is that if a White woman has a Black male's kid(s), once he leaves, it's extremely rare that a White guy would want to be with her, investing in her and her spawn. She is essentially off-limits.

    Over the past 20 years men's attitudes about being in a relationship with a single mom have softened, but they still won't go near a woman with kids that they can't pass off as their own.

    I once had an absolutely gorgeous fitness model hound me at the gym, trying to get me to go on a date. It was such a reversal that I was suspicious something was up, and later I saw the mulatto reason why.

    I am Lugash.

    P.S-- Steve, any comments on the Fast and Furious scandal?

  10. “Things remained extremely stable in the top third,” Mr. Western said. “The middle is increasingly suffering some of the same disadvantages as the bottom.”

    If, by "disadvantages" Western means a growing sense of entitlement and a shrinking sense of shame, then I agree with him wholeheartedly.

    A generation ago, it was considered humiliating to be on the dole. Today, "community outreach coordinators" and "eligibility specialists" are paid to find everyone qualified for government handouts and convince them they're fools not to take the free money, because they DESERVE it.

    A generation ago, it was OK to condemn and ostracize BOTH the single mother AND the guy who wouldn't marry her. A shotgun marriage was better than nothing. Today, that's being unsympathetic and judgmental. Shotgun marriages are out, and single mothers get showered with praise and sympathy.

  11. helene edwards7/16/12, 2:42 PM

    Obama's lucky rap didn't exist when he was 15. Otherwise, he'd have been swallowed up too.

  12. "I once had an absolutely gorgeous fitness model hound me at the gym, trying to get me to go on a date. It was such a reversal that I was suspicious something was up, and later I saw the mulatto reason why."

    That's the whole point, isn't it? Isn't it understood among black males that the impregnation of a white woman is the ultimate act of racial victory, removing forever that woman's white genetic interests, and therefore all white people's genetic interests. Every time you see a mulatto, we should recognize it for what it is: an act of racial violence and triumphalism.

  13. Beecher Asbury7/16/12, 3:25 PM

    And considering the obesity epidemic, having a single mom like Schairer out of the mate market (three kids by the Black guy) forever, basically, generates resentment by beta White guys. Who get the shaft in the mate market while White women and Black guys get the best results. This is particularly true as increased Asian immigration cuts down on the Beta White guy with Asian chick tolerating his beta male nerdiness (cue Mrs. Zuckerberg).

    I don't know where to start. You are really beginning to creep me out the way your write. Your use of white beta male almost comes across as though you are describing yourself.

    As for Zuckerberg. I can't count how many times you have mentioned that this guy is some sort of loser who can't score a woman. You gotta be kidding. A famous guy worth billions can pretty much have anyone he wants. There are guys who'd marry this dude! In his case he chose the gal he wanted. That she is not a silicon, bleached whore doesn't make him a loser.

  14. "Call me a nurturist, but I empathize with Ms. Schairer here. In the description of her background, she reads as one of those clueless, small-town/rural white proles (the name Schairer sounds pretty Midwestern German to me) who never would've gotten the life lessons on class, race, and endogamy that SWPLs take for granted but would never in their lives state in explicit terms."

    That might explain kid #1. What about kids #2 and #3 with the same deadbeat?

  15. Beecher Asbury7/16/12, 3:30 PM

    One more thing for Whiskey. Your breakdown of men into Alpha, those who score, and Beta, those who don't, is too simplistic. You really need to review this blog post at Vox Day where he expands on the categories of men which really is more closely related to real life than the simple Alpha/Beta model.

    For example, you might be considered a gamma or omega rather than a beta. It is very interesting and you actually might enjoy reading it.


  16. They imagined me going to the best schools in the land, even though they weren't rich, because in a generous America you don't have to be rich to achieve your potential.
    They're both passed away now. And yet I know that, on this night, they look down on me with great pride.
    And I stand here today grateful for the diversity of my heritage, aware that my parents' dreams live on in my two precious daughters.
    I stand here knowing that my story is part of the larger American story, that I owe a debt to all of those who came before me, and that in no other country on Earth is my story even possible.

    Yet, he acts to destroy the goose that laid the golden egg of generous America. Does he even believe his own words?


  17. The bigger question is 'where is the white guy?' If lower class white girls respected white males, they would be sticking with them. But lower class white girls are hooked to rap, porn, and sports. They see blacks as tougher and more manly while white boys grow dickless and cower before black boys. And so where did the white man go? They all went to become wussy white boys.

    Two words people:

    Public School

    Where are girls exposed to this?

    Where are races that mature at different rates integrated?

    Girls mature faster than boys. So most white guys are behind most black guys in stature and development at the same age. So the more physically mature girls go for the more physically mature guys.

    Asian guys get the same treatment. So smart Asian girls go for smart white guys. The white guys are more masculine and less boring.

  18. A mid-level manager White guy at work has been in a 2-year relationship w/ an attractive 40 y/o black female clerk. The couple just bought a new $150K home together and have been living together for over a year now. The bf is conservative, well-dressed, and well-spoken, having grown up in a military household, attended mostly White schools, earned an AA degree. Her parents are still married after 45 years.

    However, the bf has a dark-complected 4 year old son, born out of her brief marriage to a large black male minor league baseball player.

    I wonder what the White guy might be in store for?

  19. "If lower class white girls respected white males, they would be sticking with them."

    Nope, white guys don't want them. I see this every day. These are, for the most part, the cast-offs, not necessarily because they are ugly, although many times they are, or fat, because often they are (black males don't care if women are fat, might even prefer it), but always because they are needy, needy to the point of being subservient and enjoying their subservience.

  20. "They agreed that marriage should wait until they could afford a big reception and a long gown."

    Because, after all, that's what marriage is about: a big ceremony and a long gown. Obviously it has nothing to do with making sure that your kids aren't bastards.One of the innumerable stages in the downfall of America was the day when the term bastard became taboo.


  21. Obama: "in no other country on Earth is my story even possible."

    Typical Obama /Ayers myth making rubbish. His story is perfectly Brazilian.

    Gilbert P.

  22. "The only impact the wider world would've had on her would've been what the system has chosen to put on TV that night. "

    that, and the basketball spot?

    "Ms. Schairer has trouble explaining, even to herself,"

    She should personally meet the famed psychologist and breeding women's issues expert, Mr. Heartiste.

    "and that in no other country on Earth is my story even possible."

    A testimony to the American culture. Just that, it's nothing to be proud of.

  23. Florida resident7/16/12, 4:16 PM

    I have read the NYT article in full.
    1. Horrrific impression of tragically stupid Ms. S. She is the case where societal norms could help her make better choices in life.

    2. Cervical cancer is srongly tied to HPV: Human Papilloma Virus --- a kind of sexually transmitted desiese (STD):


    Sexually active boyfriend in the NYT description has higher probability to be the carrier of that STD.

    3. Tragedy is not just the existence of low IQ people, but that society makes their live much more endangered, by lowering moral norms.

  24. "However, the bf has a dark-complected 4 year old son, born out of her brief marriage to a large black male minor league baseball player.

    I wonder what the White guy might be in store for?"

    Hopefully the agent's fee on a multimillion dollar contract. I mean, I would wager that the odds of that are about as high as they are on what you are insinuating.

  25. I just heard some breif bit on the radio today about some military guy who is in trouble for "forcing himself" on a female recruit. (lets be clear:The pentagon reports that women have done an outstanding job in every capacity in the military and theyre a priceless asset in todays army. And theyre NOT just saying that cuz they have to,OK?)So the lesbian contingent is being allowed to try to make a little hay about the huge amount of rape in the army,to keep em happy til november I guess. But they cant get too far because all the rapists are BLACK! Dang!That nice theory I worked out in Womens Studies class about the oppression of women thru rape is shot to hell if its a bunch of ni-I mean black guys! Plus there will be push-back from the black caucus. Point? Why didnt the NYT criticize this fool and why didnt they dare criticize the black who so obviously set her up to carry his DNA with no intention of helping out? Why cant blacks EVER be put on the spot and confronted with their rotten behavior? As for this dope of a woman,as disgusting as it may be to "us" to see her carry a black baby,it doesnt mean she has any hate for white men a la Whiskey. I have rarely met a "race-traitor",as they say,who didnt make it clear that I could have a go when her man was not around. (A small sample,I'll admit,and "anecdotal" as you STEM guys say.But noticeable) The last was a pretty young suburban girl who had just grad.from a high powered high school.She was not as bright as her clasmates.She had no direction,didnt apply to college. Her BF was a mulatto,a nice guy. His Lebanese mother(yes,I met her and yes...but I was not attracted.)had divorced the army dad and was moving on. This was not a girl you would want to get serious with. Currently she is living with her now ex Bf--he seems much more level headed than she--and will stay in the lower working class. Point? I guess the nihilistic woe is me white male thing is getting a bit tired. Tho a woman having slept with a black guy is still GROSS!!!!

  26. "I wonder what the White guy might be in store for? "

    cuckold porn?

  27. If this were my daughter, I would have done what Orthodox Jews do when their children marry out and sit shiva.

  28. Sadly, these women are committing genetic suicide. Seems like when White guys marry Asian women, they stick with each other and raise healthy families. White gals usually get left behind as the Black guy moves on to impregnate others. Looks like the White guys get a better deal than the White gals when it comes to interracial dating and marriage. What is keeping these gals from getting a clue?

  29. What's not being addressed here, Steve, is the huge difference an active and participatory extended family (READ: Grandfather) made for Obama.

    In the NYT article, the single woman seemed to have little in the way of close extended family, especially a grandfather.

    Grandparents provide a bunch of benefits, especially extra resources: cash to do stuff.

    Think Obama and think Ben Harper, the singer. HUGE influence. Game cahnger

  30. Looks like Ms. Schairer has a fetish for violent, abusive men. She certainly sounds stupid, and my guess is she is not too bright, but the simplest explanation is that her judgement is usually overridden by her sexual desires. I know some men here think that all women are prisoners of their libidos but please look at Ms. Faulkner who managed to avoid this drama. Anyway, Schairer's life would only be slightly better if she'd had 3 kids out of wedlock with a violent, low-quality white man. She wouldn't have to deal with the stigma of having half-black kids but she'd still only have relationships with violent abusers who never paid child support. This woman is a loser and NYT is showing remarkable courage by profiling the a white woman and her abandoned half-black kids.


  31. I don't know how valid Steve's comparison of the Schairer and Obama stories is.

    There's nothing in the NYT story about Ms. Schairer throwing her mother under the bus when it became politically convenient.

  32. Obama: "in no other country on Earth is my story even possible."

    Typical Obama /Ayers myth making rubbish. His story is perfectly Brazilian.

    Gilbert P.


    Jamaica and Haiti have also been ruled by mulattoes.

  33. What is keeping these gals from getting a clue?

    Lack of shaming, like Syon said. And a cognitive disconnect enforced from practically pre-school.

    And Whiskey's partly right and partly wrong. I'm betting this fat dimwit didn't have much to offer even before she dropped three mulatto spawn with Tyrone. The most she could get would be a fat, low-T white guy so per Whiskey she opted for a better-proportioned thug. Where Whiskey builds a bridge too far is is women, even good-looking women, who end up with black baby-daddies are usually broken in some way.

    Like Sailer mentions, people should play the odds. Will Othello actually end up demonstrating good impulse control and low time preference? Odds are, no. But it seems the establishment's prime directive these days is to hammer pattern recognition out of people's brains.

  34. Sarah Palin also put out to a whole bunch of black studs while she was in college.

  35. Whiskey: "The flipside of the Kanazawa studies showing Black women were the least desired of all women of all races by all men of all races, is that Black men are the most desired. Now. Because there is a premium on transient sexiness and a huge discount of fatherly/husbandly faithfulness."

    Great way to look at it - in terms of investments and intrinsic value. The reality is that media has programmed both men and women to think that ending up with a top 5-10% specimen in the looks department, male or female, is a reasonable expectation. Yet for 90-95% population this is patently ridiculous.

    For the bottom 90-95% of women who would seek to do this, they get "pumped and dumped". For the bottom 90-95% of men who would seek to do this, they end up dating their hands and not procreating, or trying to be an alpha with some or limited success.

    The idea of "Alpha" as Whiskey is often derided for is just another way of referring to the top 5-10%. Without the moral strictures of the church and with the practicalities of contraceptives that allow sex without responsibility - man-whoring is a possibility. Thus a lot of the top 5% of men use contraceptives as a way to use women as masturbation devices these days.

    Racially, what ends up happening a lot is that the typical white top 5% (looks, intelligence, maybe money) do not want to sire a child to one of the bottom 90% he copulates with. He'll wait for someone in the top 10%. The black guy on the other hand, will generally not have the job prospects, he'll only have the looks. And there is not much incentive for him to worry about the child support payments - try getting blood from a stone.

    The end result is something like this article.

    I think one of the keys to be drawn is that if you are in the bottom 90% of people, i.e. not an "alpha" or a "10", then you need to realize that there are a lot of people in the opposite 90% who want to settle down but can't. Because of the over-prioritization of looks, there are a lot of people with great qualities - loyalty, intelligence, work ethic, honesty, thrift - that are currently undervalued.

    The other key is to take an honest account of yourself and realize what sort of value you offer. Then you have a realistic idea of what sort of partner is realistic to aim for. There is a lot to be gained by being reasonable. If you overachieve on looks, you risk infidelity and unhappiness in the long run.

  36. "What is keeping these gals from getting a clue?"
    Feminism, multiculturalism, liberalism.

  37. The author should have replaced "Their odds were not particularly good" with "She was an idiot" and ended the story right there. This pig never gets any better, no matter how much makeup is slathered on it.

  38. "Ms. Schairer has trouble explaining, even to herself, why she stayed so long with a man who she said earned little, berated her often and did no parenting."

    I think the racial angle here is overplayed on ISteve. Many women go thru the exact same thing with white partners. For lower-class young women of middling looks and talents, how much worse off are they in hooking up with black instead of white men?

  39. "That's the whole point, isn't it? Isn't it understood among black males that the impregnation of a white woman is the ultimate act of racial victory, removing forever that woman's white genetic interests, and therefore all white people's genetic interests."

    I would say it's more like moving your offspring several steps up the genetic ladder at once.

  40. @Steve.

    I have on several random occasions in past few months tried to donate via Paypal. I get the error message: "This recipient is currently unable to receive money."

    What gives?

  41. "What is keeping these gals from getting a clue?"
    To put it in Roisey's terminology, they are at the whim of their gina tingles.

  42. Just look at that wussy Mitt Romney who's afraid to take on Jews, gays, and blacks. He's such a wuss asking for an apology from Obama. I mean what a wuss.

    You don't have to go that far. Look at your own Steve Sailer. His familiarity with the problems that loving negroes as one's own has brought on far exceeds the average person's but just try and make the argument that "anti-black" is the way to go (anti-black to the degree necessary to fix problems, not to "get" negroes just because they're black). If you can't take a stand against blacks and the problems they cause and the bs they bring then it's hopeless. Pack up and go home right now, don't wait.

  43. It's getting of late in the day, but maybe non-elite whites should form communities based around strict Old Calendar Eastern Orthodox churches.

    FLDS might be good if they suspended polygamy. Mainline LDS seem suspiciously plugged into the current ruling elite-I expect them to back off from the gay issue if they haven't already.

    But all this kind of stuff (including Kievsky's full-spectrum rural communes) is about numbers too tiny to have social impact.

  44. The MacFrankfurt School7/16/12, 6:55 PM

    Why didnt the NYT criticize this fool and why didnt they dare criticize the black who so obviously set her up to carry his DNA with no intention of helping out? Why cant blacks EVER be put on the spot and confronted with their rotten behavior?

    Because to do so would be contrary to The Plan.

  45. "The flipside of the Kanazawa studies showing Black women were the least desired of all women of all races by all men of all races, is that Black men are the most desired"

    Not really. Just because black women are in low demand, it doesn't mean that black men need to be viewed as most desireable. Largely, the current situation is an artificial one, created by the media and schools. Young people are raised being told of heroic black civil rights activists, blacks being portrayed as though they can do no wrong, and white men being portrayed as the antichrist. Blacks are misportrayed as genius scientists, computer experts, wise judges; white men as criminals- those who are successful businessmen are portrayed as cold and heartless. Gone are the realistic portrayals- black men as criminals, dim-witted parasites, violent, child abandoners. White men as hard working, bright, kind. Good father material. The virtues of white men are now portrayed as conservative weakness.

    100 years ago when the average person went about their day without the constant barrage of media we now get, they based their views about the character of people on the real world around them, and white women in that day avoided black men like the plague.

  46. The MacFrankfurt School7/16/12, 7:03 PM

    "What is keeping these gals from getting a clue?"
    Feminism, multiculturalism, liberalism.

    You're welcome, you're welcome, you're welcome.

  47. Whiskey, link a study showing black men are especially desired. You can't because it doesn't exist. Instead women of all races penalize men of a different race in the dating market (asians give a pass to white guys, hence that unusually frequent coupling). And the white girls who do wind up with black guys tend to be bottom of the barrel, fat and not too bright. In sum "lower-quality". I am linking there to actual data from someone who knows what he's talking about, which you will presumably ignore but others will not.

  48. "If you can't take a stand against blacks and the problems they cause and the bs they bring then it's hopeless..."

    How many blacks are there in Greece?

  49. "eah said...

    ""Her father drove a beer truck,...""

    He lived the dream -- that was the favorite hoped-for job of every guy in high school. Even the ones who hadn't drunk any beer yet."

    Didn't end so well for Omar Thornton - or anyone he worked with. Hey - he also had a white girlfriend.

  50. Beecher Asbury7/16/12, 8:03 PM

    How many blacks are there in Greece?

    Actually Truth, there are a hell of lot more than one would think. I went to Greece in the 1980s and the country was basically full of Greeks. I had an associate visit last summer and she told me she was shocked at how many non Europeans inhabit the place. There are now no-go areas Euros dare not tread. Among the foreigners she noticed in Athens were large numbers of sub Saharan Africans.

  51. "Hey - he also had a white girlfriend."

    And hey, more importantly, you also don't.

  52. "Actually Truth, there are a hell of lot more than one would think."

    Well now that's interesting. According to Wikipedia, Greeks make up almost 94% of the population. Additionally, most of the foreigners are from other European countries, with some percentage of a paltry 0.65% of the country POSSIBLY being black:

    As of 2006, the number of foreigners in an estimated total of 11,148,533 people[11] was 695,979[12] or 6.24%. The main ethnic groups were[13]:
    Ethnic group Population %
    Greeks 10,452,554 93.76
    Albanians 481,663 4.32
    Bulgarians 43,981 0.39
    Romanians 25,375 0.23
    Ukrainians 19,785 0.18
    Pakistani 15,830 0.14
    Russians 13,635 0.12
    Georgians 13,254 0.12
    Indians 10,043 0.09
    Other 72,413 0.65

    And I'm guessing those 20,000 blacks caused the financial crisis?

  53. In my sad, small central texas town obese, tattooed white women with biracial children are almost as commonplace as those without at the local walmart. Depressing is right.

  54. "A famous guy worth billions can pretty much have anyone he wants. There are guys who'd marry this dude! In his case he chose the gal he wanted. That she is not a silicon, bleached whore doesn't make him a loser."

    Let's get real, Zuckerberg is a real piece of work. He has billions and he chose to marry an okay looking girl.

  55. "Truth said...

    ""Hey - he also had a white girlfriend.""

    And hey, more importantly, you also don't."

    I would hope not, as would my wife.

    You act as if you know a lot about us. Why is that? Most of us reveal very little about our personal lives. You, by comparison, wear your pathetic life on your sleeve. But given the tendency of black men toward braggadoccio, that is not surprising.

    We certainly do know one salient fact about you, based on the voluminous amount of bilge which you have posted here; namely, that you are really gullible and stupid.

  56. "I would hope not, as would my wife."

    Hey, one of those Christian Charities actually came through!

    "You act as if you know a lot about us. Why is that? Most of us reveal very little about our personal lives."

    And there's a reason for that; you haven't done shit you're proud of.

    "You, by comparison, wear your pathetic life on your sleeve."

    And there's a reason for that; I've done shit I'm proud of.

    "We certainly do know one salient fact about you, based on the voluminous amount of bilge which you have posted here; namely, that you are really gullible and stupid."

    Good job mr. fake PHD government scientist.

  57. My observation of the lower orders doesn’t support much of what I’m reading here. I’ve worked as a teacher with loser populations for years, in many age groups. I’ve got lots of white students from working class backgrounds. Not one of my white female students has a black or Hispanic boyfriend. They all have white boyfriends who work in auto body shops, or are in the Army. Lower class white males don’t seem to be any more interested in financially supporting their offspring than do their black counterparts. The girls generally end up staying in their parents’ homes and engaging in years-long pitched battles over child support with the kids’ fathers.

    As for lower class white female “subservience”, and “neediness”, pull the other one. Weighing the odds, based on their observations of their fathers (who have stayed with the family and do their best to support and parent, albeit with the odd drinking binge), as opposed to their useless, irresponsible brothers and most of their boyfriends, lower class white females have very few expectations of the white males to which they have access. They look down on them and feel superior to them, even as they love and need them, but they fully expect to be supporting themselves and their children forever, and they certainly are not backward about coming forward with any opinion about anything. However, for all of the disappointments associated with their level of white men, they never stray from the genetic reservation.

    I don't know where all the mixed kids are coming from, but I don't believe it's from the working class contingent; they are as hard nosed and pragmatic as they have to be, and they haven't drunk the Kool Aid.

  58. I went to Greece in the 1980s and the country was basically full of Greeks. I had an associate visit last summer and she told me she was shocked at how many non Europeans inhabit the place

    How many of these "non-Europeans" are Albanians?

  59. Truth and co :

    I'd imagine that most SSAfricans would be in Athens/Pireus ... so the numbers there would give a disproportionate idea of the total.

    IMHO it's Albanians the Greeks are more concerned about. Albania's famously dysfunctional.

  60. And there's a reason for that; I've done shit I'm proud of.

    Hey, he gave a few bucks to one of his baby mommas. Build him a statue since that puts him in elite company amongst black fathers.

  61. I was raised by a single mother (mom and dad divorced when I was very young and dad started a new family & saw me rarely) who was quite intelligent but made a string of bad decisions in her love life.

    So I feel a lot of empathy for Ms. Schairer, who appears to be hard working, loving towards her kids, and making the best of a bad situation and her own earlier bad life choices. And the account of no one showing up for her son's birthday party was heartrending.

    I guess I'm a bleeding heart, because I'm not willing to write off a decent, hardworking woman and her kids because she made a bad choice in romantic partners.

  62. "In February, she received $7,000 of refundable tax credits, the low-wage worker’s annual bonus. She prepaid her rent for six months and bought plane tickets to Orlando, Fla. After years of seeing pictures of Ms. Faulkner’s vacations, she wanted to give her children one of their own. "

    One difference between the 2 families is lack of capital. So it is telling that when the woman gets a hold of some cash she allocates what is left over after necessities to consumption. My guess is if she banded together with other women in her predicament they could have put together a down payment on a child care business. This also why Bernanke's money printing is not catching hold. The money is immediately spent on consumption, not capital.

    It is also a sad testimony as to the value of a college education, and Title IX.

  63. Controversial Obama Documentary Is a Hit in Texas

    Moviegoers packed a theater in Houston this weekend to see the hottest ticket in town, not “Ice Age 4″ but “2016: Obama’s America,” the documentary based on conservative Dinesh D’Souza’s book, “The Roots of Obama’s Rage.”

    In its first three days, the film grossed $36,000 from showings in the one Regal Cinema in Houston, a turnout that the documentary’s distributor said was a “pretty unusual gross for a limited independent release.”

    “We knew it had a lot of support just from demand on streets,” said Ron Rodgers, the executive vice president of Rocky Mountain Pictures, which is distributing the film. “But not quite that large.”

    Texas Gov. Rick Perry even tweeted his support for the film, writing it was “this summer’s must-see move!!”

    The documentary dives into Obama’s “unusual” past, as D’Souza calls it, and weaves through his multicultural history from Hawaii to Kenya to Indonesia to Chicago.

    D’Souza, who also serves as the president of The Kings College in New York City, said the movie aims to show “just how different” the president is, a claim the author bases off of Obama’s ”global and multicultural background that no previous Democrat has held.”

    The book and the film are critical of President Obama because of his background. Obama’s father, Barack Obama Sr., was from Kenya and his mother, Ann Dunham, was from Kansas.

    “[He has] had a very different upbringing, you have had a very unusual set of parents,” he said.

    D’Souza argues that Obama’s father instilled in him an anti-colonialist world view that dictates the president’s policy decisions and makes him “emphatically” different from past Democratic presidents.

    “Obama wants to shrink America’s footprint in the world because he thinks we’ve been stepping on the world,” D’Souza told ABC News. “And that is directly related to the ideology espoused by his father.”

    But when D’Souza asked Obama’s half brother, George Obama, who lives in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya, about the late Barack Obama Sr., he said he was an “intellectual guy.”

    “My mom was disappointed in me because actually I didn’t finish my schooling,” Obama said in a clip of the documentary fist posted by the Hollywood Reporter. “I really let her down and I let my father down.”

    Obama has only met his half-brother twice, once when George was 5 or 6 years old and again when Obama visited Kenya in 2006. But even with his powerful family ties, George Obama said he isn’t looking to his half-brother for help.

    “I think he has a family of his own,” Obama said in an interview with conservative writer Dinesh D’Souza, first posted by the Hollywood Reporter. “I’m part of his family but I’m over-age. I help myself.”

    D’Souza criticized the president for not pulling his half-brother up out of the slums.

    “Isn’t it ironic that a president who has been traipsing around the country saying that ‘we are our brothers’ keeper’ won’t lift a finger to help his own brother who is living in Third World destitution?” D’Souza said.


  64. I think the racial angle here is overplayed on ISteve. Many women go thru the exact same thing with white partners. For lower-class young women of middling looks and talents, how much worse off are they in hooking up with black instead of white men?


    Since they're not requiring parental investment, they could have the children of high-IQ and otherwise genetically gifted White men.

    Or they could simply have the children of White men who were "middling" like themselves to maximize the genetic similarity of their children to themselves.

    By having Black men's babies they get bad genes (by White standards; not objectively, of course) and alien genes. And they greatly reduce their chance at finding a stepfather who will invest in their children.

    That's a triple disaster for them biologically.

  65. Anyway, Schairer's life would only be slightly better if she'd had 3 kids out of wedlock with a violent, low-quality white man. She wouldn't have to deal with the stigma of having half-black kids but she'd still only have relationships with violent abusers who never paid child support.

    The choice is never between a non-investing Black man and a low-quality White man.

    If the father's not going to pay child support, then the woman can choose a high-quality man to be the father of her children.

  66. "...the account of no one showing up for her son's birthday party was heartrending."

    Agreed. That really got to me, too. I wonder if it was less a question of her not throwing her kid an expensive party and more a question of the parents of the invitees not wanting their kids to be around a kid with behavior problems.

    She was wrong to expose him to a foreseeable and high risk of social rejection. A family birthday party would have been a better idea.

    "I guess I'm a bleeding heart, because I'm not willing to write off a decent, hardworking woman and her kids because she made a bad choice in romantic partners."

    I'd feel the same--if she were not still in her fertile years. She could do it again. Besides, no matter how decent and hard-working a parent is, when she repeatedly makes decisions that benefit her in the short-term and negatively affect her and her kids in the long-term, yeah, I'm willing to write her off. From here, it looks as if she put her need for a romantic partner above her kids' need for a solvent and stable home life. Another commenter here pointed out that after paying up her rent in advance with part of her tax credits, she used the rest for a trip to Disneyland: "it is telling that when the woman gets a hold of some cash she allocates what is left over after necessities to consumption."

    Again, she decides in favor of the short-term benefit rather than the long-term. Kudos to her for paying her rent in advance, no points for not saving the rest for something her family really needs (as opposed to something she wants them to have). I know these aren't easy choices or decisions--that's what makes good parenting such a hard job. She's holding down a job and staying out of trouble but she's not making her parenting a priority in the way successful parents do. You don't need to be educated and privileged to do that--I knew a black mom in the projects who was able to do it and get her kid through high school and into college on a sports scholarship--but you do have to look beyond tomorrow in a practical way.

    I feel sorry for the kids, though.

  67. Ben,

    "The choice is never between a non-investing Black man and a low-quality White man.

    If the father's not going to pay child support, then the woman can choose a high-quality man to be the father of her children."

    Technically true, but that is usually not what happens. Well-educated single moms by choice often do head to the sperm bank to get custom-selected DNA from a tall, Ivy educated man. Or they have a one night stand with a smart, high quality man that they know socially.

    A not so bright, not so pretty woman like Ms. Schaierer didn't set out to have a baby on her own. She drifted into it as part of a relationship with a loser. If she'd been able to reach a baseline of organization and forethought she'd have used contraceptives effectively. Where would she have met a smart, high quality man to have a one night stand/sperm donation with?

    Getting donor sperm is not too expensive. I once read about a black single mom by choice who selected a Hispanic sperm donor so her child would be light skinned. I'm not praising yet another example of blacks' preference for non-black features but at least she put some thought into how race and appearance would effect her kid's life. Which is more than Ms. Schairer did.


  68. "Truth said...

    Hey, one of those Christian Charities actually came through!"

    I'm not a Christian. But, since you just make shit up, you would hardly care.

    "And there's a reason for that; you haven't done shit you're proud of."

    No, I'm pretty proud of my accomplishments. I don't feel the need to brag about them, as so many low-achieving black men often do.

    ""You, by comparison, wear your pathetic life on your sleeve.""

    And there's a reason for that; I've done shit I'm proud of."

    Proud of.....what....exactly? Being a J-school grad? Knocking up a woman (to use your vulgar expression) and spawning a son who wants nothing to do with you? (pretty typical black behavior, by the way). Believing that water can serve as a fuel for internal combustion engines, and any number of other ignorant, psuedo-scientific quackeries?

    Hey, whatever makes you happy, Sprog.

    "Good job mr. fake PHD government scientist."

    Another baseless assertion about something which you are incapable of knowing. But, whatever - I don't care what YOU think about me, Spooge.

  69. "Another baseless assertion about something which you are incapable of knowing. But, whatever - I don't care what YOU think about me, Spooge."

    Oh so were you lying about having a PHD, or about working for the government, or both, or are you just a pathological liar?

  70. "Rhetorical" huh? Dude, instead of a tie this year tell the wife the dictionary would be a better father's day gift.

    Hey, relax grasshopper, why are you so hostile all the time anyway? I'm just yankin' yo chain homie, You know we boys!

  71. "Truth said...

    "Rhetorical" huh?"

    Yeah, "rhetorical". It's a real word, that makes perfect sense in the context in which I used it. Look it up, Snot.


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