November 6, 2012

National Exit Poll: Asians vote 74-25 for Obama

From CNN on the national exit poll:

Vote by Race
White: 72%
African-Am: 13%
Latino: 10%
Asian: 3%
Other: 2%

You'll hear a lot of talk about how the Republicans would have won if only they'd welcome in more Hispanic immigrants, but get a load of the Asian vote!


  1. Don't worry Republicans. Once Asians get wealthy, they'll vote Conservative. Oh, wait.

  2. a Newsreader11/6/12, 9:00 PM

    What the hell is wrong with the Asians? Did I miss something?

  3. blacks only voted 93% for obama? wtf, all those decades of oppression and feelings of self-loathing and self-hatred imposed on them by the white man must have led to this. this is an outrage.

  4. Asians know that in the bidding for open borders and support for immigrants the Democrats are better than Republicans. And Asians aren't social conservatives. So that leaves money.

    And lots of Chinese are in the USA. Last time I looked China was a Communist country. If correct, why would immigrants from a Communist country vote Republican?

    Yes, I know despite everything Steve or anyone writes you just really, really, want to believe that someday Asians and Latinos will be true-blue Republicans. 'Cause wishes do come true if we wish really, really, hard.

  5. If only Mitt had reached out to African Americans he might have gotten Colin Powell.

  6. Interesting.

    So many people, especially in the HBD community, think that Asians will naturally vote Republican.

    This election is a slap in the face to that line of thinking.

  7. Aren't these supposed to be "natural conservatives" according to Michael Barone? You'll hear a lot about this on the Sailer-type blogs over the next few weeks but it is simply time to part ways with Conservatism, Inc. and their open borders colleagues such as WSJ, Chamber of Commerce, etc. Of course, the chances of that happening are virtually nil. Sigh.

    Still, the demographic discussion is going to be huge over the next few days. It could bring up some serious debate. I'm curious to hear what people like Mark Steyn will have to say as he will not have a problem pointing out the idiocy of Conservatism Inc.'s open borders assumptions to Karl Rove, etc.

  8. 1. Stop fellating Jesus

    2. Make people of other relgious backgrounds/agnostics/athiests truly welcome in the party.

    3. You will make major inroads with asians.

    It isn't a race thing. But it is a relgious thing.

    If jindal stayed hindu like his parents or Haley stayed Sikh like her parents, there is no chance they are in their current positions within the R party.

  9. Now would be an excellent time for Yan Shen to remind everybody just exactly why it's in the interests of white people to import millions of Asians who vote oeverwhelmingly for anti-white candidates.

  10. Guessing newly immigrated from China and SE Asia vote Democrat and American born Asians... well, they all go to college. I think only Taiwanese and Korean-decent vote Republican.

  11. Chief Seattle11/6/12, 9:18 PM

    Are these Chinese or Indians or Filipinos or what? How do the Orange County Vietnamese vote? For the government cheese or against the communists they escaped from?

  12. "1. Stop fellating Jesus 2. Make people of other relgious backgrounds/agnostics/athiests truly welcome in the party."

    This is quite a bit true, but there is absolutely a race angle to it, also.

  13. asians vote for the usa not csa

  14. All the Non-Whites will align against Whites for the foreseeable future.


  15. Well, both votes are bad take Orange County Ca where Mitt edge Obama because of whites. But the Oc is 34 percent hispanic and 18 percent asian, whites to vote 57 to 41 in favor of Mitt have to be more conserative. Obama did as well as he did with asians since he grew up in Hawaii. Sometimes the asians vote more Dem snd somtimes the hispanics do it just depends.

  16. p.s. in the oc Obama got his highest marks among hispanics since Santa Ana more hispanic then asians since they are Vietnamise a group that votes for Republcans compared to other groups. zzzzthen Koreans,Flipinos and then chinese.

  17. "Aren't these supposed to be "natural conservatives" " - Everyone is supposed to be a natural conservative. And you know what, they are. They are voting for conserving their group.

  18. Anyone know the White voting pattern for urban college grads in the west coast and the northeast? The Asian voting pattern probably resembles it.

  19. Don't forget Obama grew up in Hawaii...

  20. The reason the Republicans lost is the atheist vote. You see there are huge numbers of Atheists/Jews who would vote Republican if they got rid of the all those horrible Evangelicals.

    Sorry, I was forgetting about reality. In real life, there are 100 Evangelical for every internet atheist swing voter.

    So, never mind.

  21. Also, Republicans ignored Asians unless is Orange County again. Van Tran that ran against Loretta Sanchez and lost in a 60 percent Mexican and 24 percent asian district. Republicians outside of the Oc are not interested in sometimes getting the asian vote. If Republicians did some ads aimed at asians they might do ad good as hispanics. Orange County is warning you might have a big hispanic vote in the future but also an asian I predict that Oc will be about 38 percent hispanic by 2020 snd about 20 percent asian.

  22. Who are they counting as Asian?

  23. Asians come to the US and they are smart enough to quickly discover that anti-white is essential part of hegemonic ideology of US ruling class. They instinctively know it is best for their future in the US to conform to hegemonic ideology that says that good whites are religiously committed to self-extinction and others should agree.

  24. Why is anyone surprised by the Asian vote? Asians are super status conscious. In other words, they are basically SWPL voters. They may not know jack about any actual political issues, but they know exactly who the cooler candidate is, and that's who they vote for.

    In addition, young Asians that go to American schools actually pay attention, so they eagerly soak up the Gramscian propaganda they are fed. Liberals are made, not born. And Asians, being good little learners, listen to what they are told. My bet is that 95% of the Asians in the 18-25 demo that voted for Obama did so because of the "Republican war on women."

    Asians will never vote majority Republican. Not that it matters after tonight anyway, because we will never again have a Republican President, or one from any party that may replace the Republicans.

  25. "So many people, especially in the HBD community, think that Asians will naturally vote Republican."

    i've never heard this. but what i do hear in HBD land is, why do east asians go about 60-40 democrat, when one of the democrat's cornerstone, most important policy issues is brutal affirmative action penalties against "asians" in college admissions.

    east asians bear almost all the brunt of the penalty incurred by "asians".

    could they become single issue outliers. like, they prefer everything about democrats, except, they hate affirmative action?

    i've seen an increasing number of gay euro american men leaning this way. they like some of the things about the democrats but the new, emerging, overt anti-white stance is turning them off. they are encouraged to be proud for being gay, but at the same time they should hate themselves for being european.

  26. Most of the Fundamentalists are really postmodern American nationalists who worship Israeli nationalism as a proxy for now discredited American nationalism. They should be picketed for their warmongering and encouraged to adopt a more traditional, more subdued form of Christianity. Eastern Orthodox would be best, but that may be a bridge too far.

  27. Understand why Jews go 2-1 Democrat, despite being the wealthiest demographic, and you'll understand why Asians are the same.

    Hint: It has nothing to do with Israel.

  28. "All the Non-Whites will align against Whites for the foreseeable future. "

    even whites align against Whites.

  29. In Orange County the older generation is against communisim. Vietnamise have a dole problem but they have less babies than hispanics. Santa Ana a lot of illegal immirgants and more on the dole since they have more kids on the free and reduce lunch.

  30. Does this have anything to do with Romney's tough talk against China re: currency manipulation? He seemed to hammer the Chinese in the debates.

    Also, is there much divergence in NE Asian vote v. South (East) Asian/Filipino?

  31. Some knucklehead up the thread seems to think that the GOP pandered too much to the Fundamentalists by nominating a *Mormon.* That guy obviously knows less than nothing about LDS theology and how Fundamentalists view it. Not that the less serious-and typically secular hedonist- Fundies care much. As I said above they are really American-Israeli nationalists more than Christians.

  32. Well,eastern orthodoxy is anti-western because of the crusades. Also, eastern orthodox tend to like their Justinians and Putins. Merge religion snd the state together, old justy had a long reconquest war in Italy. Justy also kick pagans out of office, the evangelicals are mild compared to Justinian who castrated homosexuals.

  33. 1. Stop fellating Jesus

    2. Make people of other relgious backgrounds/agnostics/athiests truly welcome in the party.

    3. You will make major inroads with asians.

    It isn't a race thing. But it is a relgious thing.

    Uh, no. Stop importing Asians. In other words, stop surrendering. The GOP leadership is a bunch of surrender-monkeys.

    Make people of other relgious backgrounds/agnostics/athiests truly welcome in the party.

    This is stupid. Atheists don't feel unwelcome anywhere. All you have to do is keep your mouth shut, and you'll fit right in. Moreover, Luther himself said that atheists can be Lutherans as long as they follow the community's moral prescriptions.

    Moreover, the only reason -- the ONLY reason -- Asians are interested in the Democratic Party is that the party offers them a cut of the resources that belong to Whites in this country. And the only way for the GOP to compete for their votes is for the GOP to offer them a bigger share of Whites' resources. Yes, it is a race thing.

  34. Moreover, the only reason -- the ONLY reason -- Asians are interested in the Democratic Party is that the party offers them a cut of the resources that belong to Whites in this country. And the only way for the GOP to compete for their votes is for the GOP to offer them a bigger share of Whites' resources. Yes, it is a race thing.

    Asians Americans are pretty well off as a group and thus contribute a large chunk of their incomes in taxes. Jews are in the same boat and vote overwhelmingly Democrat. If you think minority turnout is entirely about grabbing "white resources", you are clearly just believing what you want to believe.

  35. Under Obama, the country, which is increasingly full of less or non-productive NAMS, including Blacks of course, has been kept afloat via $1T deficits. It's not clear how long this can continue...

    Anyway, to eliminate or reduce those deficits, taxes paid by Asians -- who in general do a lot better than native Blacks -- will have to go up. So Asians will be paying to subsidize NAMs, including Blacks, who by the way hate Asians.

    And Asians are supposed to be smart.

  36. "Asians Americans are pretty well off as a group and thus contribute a large chunk of their incomes in taxes. Jews are in the same boat and vote overwhelmingly Democrat. If you think minority turnout is entirely about grabbing "white resources", you are clearly just believing what you want to believe."

    It's not about resources, it's about position. Asians group together and so they would only dominate the organizations within their ethnic group. Even though affirmative action works against them at unis, it benefits them everywhere else.

  37. Well,eastern orthodoxy is anti-western because of the crusades. Also, eastern orthodox tend to like their Justinians and Putins. Merge religion snd the state together, old justy had a long reconquest war in Italy. Justy also kick pagans out of office, the evangelicals are mild compared to Justinian who castrated homosexuals.

    The historic West-the Catholics of 1492 and their descendants-is clearly engaged in a long term romance with the ideas of surrender and suicide. So maybe those whites not in love with death need to turn to the semi-Asiatic east.

    Take a look at this:Russian nationalists march in Moscow

  38. Moreover, the only reason -- the ONLY reason -- Asians are interested in the Democratic Party is that the party offers them a cut of the resources that belong to Whites in this country. And the only way for the GOP to compete for their votes is for the GOP to offer them a bigger share of Whites' resources. Yes, it is a race thing.

    Which resources are the Dems offering them?

  39. Even though affirmative action works against them at unis, it benefits them everywhere else.

    Where is "everywhere else"?

  40. "Mark Steyn will have to say as he will not have a problem pointing out the idiocy of Conservatism Inc.'s open borders assumptions to Karl Rove, etc."

    mark steyn doesn't give a stuff about open borders as long as muslims aren't involved.

  41. It's not about resources, it's about position. Asians group together and so they would only dominate the organizations within their ethnic group. Even though affirmative action works against them at unis, it benefits them everywhere else.

    Neither Republicans nor Democrats are going do anything about this sort of ethnic preference. It doesn't explain why Asians went 74-25 Democrat.

  42. 1. Stop fellating Jesus 2. Make people of other relgious backgrounds/agnostics/athiests truly welcome in the party. 3. You will make major inroads with asians. It isn't a race thing. But it is a relgious thing. If jindal stayed hindu like his parents or Haley stayed Sikh like her parents, there is no chance they are in their current positions within the R party.

    Dude, this is a paleocon HBD board.

    We acknowledge that there is a profoundly complex & intimate relationship between the genes and the religion.

    And, for that matter, between the genes and the politics.

    Some people just have Christianity in their blood.

    And other people don't.

    Some people have Phariseeism in their blood.

    And other people don't.

    Some people have "limited government and the rule of law" in their blood.

    While other people have "Hutus-n-Tutsis hacking each other to death with machetes" in their blood.

    That's just the way that it is.

  43. I would say it's mainly anti-white, anti-majoritarian resentment which causes Asians to swing so heavily for the Democrats.

    I got to witness a little nutshell portrait of Obama's victory at a comedy open mic tonight: a black woman, an Asian man, and a Native American man were sitting next to each other at the bar, all intoxicated both by alcohol and Obama's victory, letting loose random cheers of "Obama!" An anglo comedian got up to perform and immediately assured the audience that he too was an Obama supporter. But the audience jeered and said he looked like a Romney supporter. When he asked why, the Armenian propietress mockingly said it was because he looked like he had "a stick up his ass". The mocking and jeering continued throughout his act and at the end he said, half-jokingly, that he should have voted for Romney.

  44. a black woman, an Asian man, and a Native American man were sitting next to each other at the bar...An anglo comedian...the Armenian propietress

    This sounds made up.

  45. I would say it's mainly anti-white, anti-majoritarian resentment which causes Asians to swing so heavily for the Democrats

    Keep reading this blog's comments (or any other's) for a week or so... Half of 'em are real choice for the web bravery thing, "Superior Chinese System Will Soon Crush Yankee Running Dogs & Formosa Swine" kind of flavor

  46. In the race for Irvine mayor, City Council incumbent Steven Choi defeated fellow incumbent Larry Agran.
    Here are the standings, with 100 percent of precincts reporting:
    Here's an asian who won who isn't a dem. Irvine City Councilman Larry Agran.
    Steven S. Choi: 24,662 (45.5%)
    Larry Agran: 22,100 (40.8%)
    Katherine Daigle: 7,423 (13.7%)
    Agran is a political icon in Irvine who isn't accustomed to losing. He has been an Irvine councilman or mayor for a total of 26 years, with one gap just after he ran for United States president in 1992.
    Agran's loss and that of his political ally PK Wong ends the left-leaning majority that Councilwoman Beth Krom and Agran have enjoyed for the past decade with Councilman Sukhee Kang, whose term has ended. In losing the mayoral race, Agran will remain on the council to finish the two remaining years on his four-year term.
    In the City Council race, here are the standings:
    Beth Krom: 26,083 (21.2%)
    Christina L. Shea: 24,658 (20%)
    Lynn Schott: 23,272 (18.9%)
    PK Wong: 20,896 (16.9%)
    Gavin Huntley-Fenner: 14,796 (12%)
    Evan Chemers: 13,558 (11%)
    The Irvine council race is nonpartisan. However, the Republican Party of Orange County supported Choi and the Orange County Democratic Party supported Agran.
    Contact the writer:
    More from Irvine »

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  47. Anon 2:17

    Armenian propietress mockingly said it was because he looked like he had "a stick up his ass".


    Armenians are now anti-white?
    Or is it women?
    Or is she single?

    You guys swing at everything. So nothing lands.

  48. gop's china-bashing?

  49. "What the hell is wrong with the Asians? Did I miss something?"

    Read up on the doctrines of the Mormon Church. It's crazy. Let me repeat that- crazy. Because "crazy" is overused by white kids. And I want to get that across. Crazy.

    Do the homework you need to do. Not the homework that's assigned by your teachers.

  50. So much for John Derbyshire's hopes for an "Arctic Alliance."

  51. 'This sounds made up.'

    made up or not, it sounds about right.

  52. 1) Small sample size as Asians in the US dont vote (in the last Presidential election the Asian vote was around 3%) and those Asians that do vote are heavily skewed younger.

    2) Obama had an Asian stepfather, half-sister who is married to a Chinese-American man, has multiple Asian relatives and grew up in an Asian country (Indonesia) & Hawaii.

    3) Most Asians in the US are heavily concentrated on the East and West Coasts who are heavily left-leaning.

  53. What's interesting is that even in the 1992 and 1996 presidential elections the Republicans won the Asian vote. And then in a very short time the Asians swung left quite heavily.

    Part of this is doubtless demographic: In the past anti-communist Vietnamese and assimilated Filipinos made up a larger percentage of the Asian vote than nowadays. But that's probably not the whole story.

  54. "What the hell is wrong with the Asians? Did I miss something? "

    Face it: In many ways, the election was a referendum on whether you want a White president or a Nonwhite president. (As all elections in multi-racial societies tend to be).

    Asians are Nonwhite, and thus want prefer a Nonwhite president. It's simple.

  55. Actually, it is not outside the realm of plausibility for there never to be another White president of the USA.

    Think about it: All the Democrats have to do is field a Nonwhite candidate, and the Nonwhites will vote something like 5-to-1 for that Nonwhite (as they did this year). The Republicans will field Nonwhite candidates to counter this, and may, indeed, win some elections that way. But it increasingly looks harder for a White candidate to defeat a Nonwhite, nationally.

    Being White, as a presidential contender, is an automatic -20 or -25 point penalty. Imagine that!

  56. Fun answers ben:

    "Jews are in the same boat and vote overwhelmingly Democrat. If you think minority turnout is entirely about grabbing "white resources", you are clearly just believing what you want to believe."

    ben tillman is a left troll. Evidence? Declared fan of Neil Young and by implication the Who, the Rolling Stones, and Led Zeppelin.

    If I, as a lefty, wanted to mock the ultra-right...well, you know.
    Wink, wink. Hi Ben!

  57. I'd like to see a breakdown of the voting pattern of Asians: Indians, Pakistanis, Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos, etc.
    In general Asians are jealous of whites and consider them to be competitors as well as harboring anti-colonial grudges and nursing national slights for forever.

  58. What the hell is wrong with the Asians? Did I miss something?

    They're in America, you did miss something. They're going to vote for their racial interests just like every group but whites does. They'll vote for affirmative action, welfare and big government (they get far more than they lose from AA). In short, they'll vote to dispossess and rob whites just like every other non-white group does.

  59. Cail Corishev11/7/12, 10:07 AM

    There's more to gain from standing with your hand out along with other non-white groups than by joining whites in working to pay for it all. Small business loans for minorities, chain migration so you can bring more of your family over, increased immigration in general so you can fill your neighborhood with more people who look like you....why wouldn't Asians vote Democrat?

  60. Cail Corishev11/7/12, 10:24 AM

    I'm just curious: when Democrats lose, does anyone chide them for being so unwelcoming to traditional Christians?

    Good grief, Republicans have to pander to Hindus now? Romney lost by 2.6M votes; are there even that many Hindus in the USA? Do any of them live in the battleground states?

  61. "This sounds made up."

    Nope, it really happened, in Glendale, CA. Actually, I didn't even supply some of the more colorful details.

  62. Asians?

    As usual for the flagship HBD blog, afer so many years still seems to have no clue on whom are "Asians"?

    Right, it is a question that requires decent IQ to solve.

    Vietnamese are Asians?
    Filipinos ?
    Middle Eastern Muslims
    Pacific Islanders?
    Or who?

    Almost each one of them have millions population in the US.


    Saying "75% Asians vote ..."is no different from saying "70% human beings of the planet Earth vote..."

    Until HBDers (pun intended) start to get some basic clue on whom are "Asians", they can not be taken seriously since all the "data" suggest "garbage in, garbage out".

    That said, the only data I know of is that 75% of Hindus vote Obama.

  63. It's telling that the only Asian ethnicity that votes majority Republican are Vietnamese-Americans, who also happen to be the most dependent on Government aid: welfare, food stamps, housing assistance etc.

    On the other hand the Japanese-Americans are hard core Democrats, even more so than Jewish-Americans.

  64. The only Asians who are likely to boye Obama are South Asians (Indians...), South East Asians, Pacific Islanders Asians and Middle Easterners.

  65. Aren't these supposed to be "natural conservatives" according to Michael Barone?

    I'm not sure why anyone would take Barone's opinion about who is conservative at face value. Barone himself is quite liberal.

  66. Read up on the doctrines of the Mormon Church. It's crazy. Let me repeat that- crazy. Because "crazy" is overused by white kids. And I want to get that across. Crazy.

    Don't tell me - it involves taking a knife to the penis of all male children? I mean, that would be crazy, wouldn't it?

    Regardless of the church in question, all church doctrines sound crazy to outsiders.

  67. The only Asians who are likely to boye Obama are South Asians (Indians...), South East Asians, Pacific Islanders Asians and Middle Easterners.

    I am guessing that like Derbyshire, who has a Chinese wife, you too are dreaming of an "Arctic Alliance" between euros and northeast asians. Correct?

    Unfortunately for you japanese-americans vote Democrat the most out of all Asian Americans. Hawaii voted 72% for Obama, thanks largely to its large Japanese population voting as a bloc. My estimate is that they are second only to African-Americans in their loyalty to the Democrats. Remember that they were brought to Hawaii as indentured labor to work the plantations run by wealthy white Republicans who treated them as racial inferiors. It was the Democrats who lifted them up, and the Japanese have remained loyal to that party ever since. Both senators from Hawaii are Democrats and with the election yesterday of Mazie Hirono both are Japanese.

    By the way, Chinese and Koreans also prefer Democrats over Republicans, though not as overwhelmingly as do the Japanese.

  68. "Remember that they were brought to Hawaii as indentured labor to work the plantations run by wealthy white Republicans who treated them as racial inferiors."

    But what about continental Japanese-Americans? FDR done locked them up.

  69. "On the other hand the Japanese-Americans are hard core Democrats, even more so than Jewish-Americans."

    Japanese are extremely conformist. They are successful, and so they conform to liberal white/Jewish elites.

    I guess Satoshi is a kind of weirdo.

  70. Non-white immigration is a political disaster for the Republicans. In Britain it is a disaster for the Conservatives and also in Canada and Australia. Yet they do nothing to try to stop it.

  71. What i find surprising is the heavy Jewish support for Obama. He pretty much despises Israel's leader and now has little to lose by opposing him. A lot of Jews like to kid themselves into believing they are "minorities" and have a whole lot in common with non-whites. This is not at all how the actual non-whites see them though.

  72. Face it: In many ways, the election was a referendum on whether you want a White president or a Nonwhite president. (As all elections in multi-racial societies tend to be).

    Asians are Nonwhite, and thus want prefer a Nonwhite president. It's simple.

    So would Asians have voted for Herman Cain over Hillary Clinton?

    Asians overwhelmingly supported Hillary over Obama in the primaries, around 3 to 1:

  73. why would asians vote for the candidate people on this site vote for. Do you see the stuff written about every race in the comments? after reading this blog, a person of any race would get the feeling that all republicans hate them. including many europeans.

  74. The question is, what do the Asians think is the end game? They are allying themselves with American society's leeches (NAMs) against its productive component, which consists of whites and-ironically-Asians themselves. Somebody is going to have to pay for all the gimmedats. It makes little sense for the country's wealthiest racial group to vote for a party who's main policy is wealth transfer from rich groups to poor groups.

    The only way way this can possibly work for Asians is if at some future point when whites have become politically all but utterly irrelevant, tax is collected not only based on income but also race. When the democrats (or whatever other name the future dominant party may go by) can win power with 0% of the white vote, it's not hard to imagine them instituting differential taxation based on race, whereby whites pay taxes not just according to what they earn but also according to their "past sins." Under such a system Asians could escape the brunt of the financial punishment from being a part of a wealth transference society. I'm not sure though whether their voting patterns stem from such far-sighted strategizing or just retardedness.

  75. Asians Americans are pretty well off as a group and thus contribute a large chunk of their incomes in taxes. Jews are in the same boat and vote overwhelmingly Democrat. If you think minority turnout is entirely about grabbing "white resources", you are clearly just believing what you want to believe.

    "White resources" doesn't mean tax dollars -- it means 3.8 million square miles of land and (almost) everything within them.

  76. "why would asians vote for the candidate people on this site vote for. Do you see the stuff written about every race in the comments? after reading this blog, a person of any race would get the feeling that all republicans hate them. including many europeans."

    because gop hates us 'racists' more than any minority group.
    btw, isn't liberal hollywood remaking red dawn as yellow dawn?
    has obama addressed the problem of anti-asian violence among blacks as he did with trayvon martin?


  77. "Non-white immigration is a political disaster for the Republicans. In Britain it is a disaster for the Conservatives and also in Canada and Australia. Yet they do nothing to try to stop it."

    Jews and lib wasps turned 'racism' into a religion. It's now sacred and we all worship MLK.

  78. "retardedness?"

    Here's the reason. Square from an Asian.

    Mormon spirituality is a great step BACKWARD from Asian spirituality. So Asians have an almost instinctive distaste for Mormon (and all fundamentalist) candidates.

    Look no further for reasons.

  79. You see, you guys were all saying that Mitt was wasting his time pandering to blacks, he DOUBLED McCains percentage of the black vote!


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