November 6, 2012

Obama's second term agenda of Amnesty: I say, Bring it on

Here's what Barack Obama told the Des Moines Register off the record about his second term agenda:
The second thing I’m confident we’ll get done next year is immigration reform. And since this is off the record, I will just be very blunt. Should I win a second term, a big reason I will win a second term is because the Republican nominee and the Republican Party have so alienated the fastest-growing demographic group in the country, the Latino community. And this is a relatively new phenomenon. George Bush and Karl Rove were smart enough to understand the changing nature of America. And so I am fairly confident that they’re going to have a deep interest in getting that done. And I want to get it done because it’s the right thing to do and I've cared about this ever since I ran back in 2008.

On TV you will hear a large number of Republican talking heads saying the same thing. But, notice that you will hear 100% of Democrats saying that the Republicans have to do amnesty for their own good. Why are Democrats going out of their way to offer such good advice to Republicans? Because they love the Republicans and can't stand to see them lose elections.

Seriously, I say: Bring it on. Make immigration the first battle of 2013, the way Bush's partial privatization of Social Security got Bush's second term off to such a bad start.


  1. But there isn't going to be a "battle" over anything. Obama will simply do what he wants via executive order or bureaucratic fiat, and the Republicans will sputter and do nothing.

    Open season on Whitey starts now.

  2. Chief Seattle11/6/12, 9:07 PM

    With Obama in office we can count on house Republicans to oppose amnesty with a vengeance. Something that wasn't at all guaranteed with a republican president.

    Plus, a majority of the country is still against amnesty. And not just Republicans - plenty of democrats, unionists, Jews, etc.

    Mexican immigration is way down under Obama, and so is the Hispanic birth rate. Sure you can blame it on the economy. But we've got 4 more years of Obama, so we should be safe enough there.

    I'm still pissed at Bush for Iraq and the out of control deficit spending. I like to think that the rest of the country shares my sentiment, and that's why Obama won. But it's probably just the government cheese.

    One of these days the dollar's going to collapse and the freebies are going to end anyways. Maybe this year, maybe in 5. At this point it's whenever the Asians decide it's in their interest.

  3. "But there isn't going to be a "battle" over anything. Obama will simply do what he wants via executive order or bureaucratic fiat, and the Republicans will sputter and do nothing.

    Open season on Whitey starts now."

    Bingo. He can use executive order to do just about anything he wants regarding immigration.

  4. "Open season on Whitey starts now."

    Really? I thought it started in 2009.

  5. Sooner or later the GOP and whites in general are going to hit rock bottom. Then things will have to change. How obvious is it that the raison d'être of the Democratic party is just a massive wealth transfer program from white Americans to everyone else? How stupid are white women for being on the wrong side of their own interest? How stupid is the GOP for not taking a stand?

  6. First comment nails it. By executive order and/or agency administrative "law", tomorrow Team Obama will begin in earnest the destruction of White America. Obama himself will Golf, and Michelle and the spawn will jet-set, but the rest of the team will be hard at work. Congress is irrelevant. By the way, congrats to nate silver on helping steal the election.

    This was a stolen election, btw.

  7. Open season on Whitey starts now.

    Well it appears Mitt wasn't able to get 60% of the white vote. So if open season on whites might help them get over the 60% hump and adopt the Sailer Strategy, then I say let's have an open season on whitey, the more SWPL the better.

  8. Countries in which the ruling clique do not enjoy the support of the majority of the majority are never stable.

    The USA is solidly in this position now, and has been for some time.


  9. Looks like the GOP is looking to repeat history and court another white demographic for whom they will inevitably do nothing at all:

    Will Amish Voters Be the Deciding Factor in OH & PA?

    I think this is a big mistake. The best thing for the Amish is to just stay off the establishment radar.

  10. Pathetic American Whites.

    It's really quite amusing.

  11. "Bingo. He can use executive order to do just about anything he wants regarding immigration."

    Just doin' what Bain Capital and the Fortune 500 & C-of-C wants. When it comes to Amnesty, Obama is a true Republican.

  12. "Bingo. He can use executive order to do just about anything he wants regarding immigration."

    I thought the House had the ability to starve the Executive Branch into submission by not approving money for, say, the Justice Department or Homeland Security. I just feel the House should stonewall everything.

    The sad thing about a second Obama term is that we will have Justices Scalia and Kennedy replaced by a gay Latino and a black woman.

  13. Sorry Steve, the American people have been demoralised and defeated on immigration. There isn't a single national leader on the immigration issue.

  14. a Newsreader11/6/12, 9:40 PM

    The difference between Bush's push on Social Security and Obama's theoretical push on Immigration is that Obama is a Democrat and he will win. The official* public opinion will be on his side.

    *(opposed to that degenerate racist public opinion that cost Bush his amnesty)

  15. Direct quote from Karl Rove on Fox:

    "I'm worried about the Latino vote, because this ought to be our vote. They are socially, economically conservative, patriotic, churchgoing, family-oriented people who are very entrepreneurial and they ought to be part of our coalition."

    >_< These people are on whatever they just legalized in Colorado and Washington.

  16. i hear a lot of sore republican losers on the web talking about this as well.

    "We gotta let the Mexicans do whatever they want, then they'll vote for us."

    EL OH EL. this is high comedy. you can't make this stuff up. politically, most republicans are SO DUMB. yeah, let in even MORE mexicans. so they can all vote democrat too. smart!

    they're flummoxed out there, i can tell you. they don't really understand what's going on. at least they're ALL talking about race now, FINALLY.

    anyway, the republican house will probably (probably) block the oncoming amnesty. like other posters said. because obama wants it.

  17. I read remittances money dropped and birthrates dropped the housing construcation market is down.

  18. "Mexican immigration is way down under Obama"

    was that before or after he let 2 million just walk right in, and virtually signed them up for obamacare? those dreamers are dreaming big, i tell you. they just might vote for hillary in 2016.

    unemployment realistically above 10%, and obama lets 2 million illegals walk right in explicitly to compete for jobs. AND THEN, the republicans DON'T use that against him in the campaign! serious stupidity on display here. i mean, unemployment is even an economic issue, and romney was extremely careful to talk strictly about the economy, economy, economy. he barely allowed himself to speak about any other issue, yet he doesn't use a perfectly good weapon, because, well, why? because it's racist, i guess.

  19. "Sorry Steve, the American people have been demoralised and defeated on immigration. There isn't a single national leader on the immigration issue."

    I agree. I can't bring myself to visit the NumbersUSA website, anymore. I used to write lots and lots of letters. Now, I feel like Obama can just do amnesty by executive order and refusing to enforce existing laws. The local middle school is about 75% Hispanic, now. The demographic fight is lost. As the Neanderthals discovered, being clever is hardly an antidote to extinction.

  20. "Open season on Whitey starts now."

    Really? I thought it started in 2009.

    Good God, man, it started in earnest in 1965.

  21. The demographic fight is lost. As the Neanderthals discovered, being clever is hardly an antidote to extinction.

    Don't despair. Even Neanderthals are not quite extinct.

  22. "By the way, congrats to nate silver on helping steal the election."

    How did he "steal" it?

  23. If you can't even have voter ID, then what the hell difference does any of this matter?

  24. The only way to change whites' voting habits is to figure out a fast way to inundate the affluent whites with the dregs of society and illegals who don't speak English.

  25. Rove starts tonight his planning with Jeb Bush to be the next POTUS.

  26. "Bring it on"?

    The loudest (and dumbest) opposition to O are the TPers, and they're led around by their noses by the "enemy": Norquist, Koch, Armey, and (to some extent) Peterson.

    As a result, the TPers have largely ignored immig. issues. The TPers (and r/w bloggers) said almost nothing about the first two Dem attempts to pass the DREAMAct, and have said almost nothing about the latest (successful) attempt.

    Not only are the TPers unwilling and unable to take on amnesty fans (including their leaders), they undercut those few (humbly including me) who are willing and able to take on those amnesty fans and show them wrong.

    As I've said before: if you oppose amnesty you've got two fronts: its "liberal" supporters, and those "conservatives" who want to ignore it or who support it.

  27. What's the saying, don't talk unless you can improve the silence.

    From Obama's perspective, why burn political capital giving speeches and lobbying Congress for something he can get just by signing an executive order. He could sidestep Congress like he did with the DREAM Act and like he should have done to sidestep the debt ceiling with the trillion dolla-- err-- plunge for distance option.

    The aggravating thing is the GOP really is the stupid party. Republican leaders looked at the flood of illegals and saw the immediate benefit of cheaper labor costs. Democratic leaders looked at the flood of illegals and saw the long-term benefit of millions of new Democrats.

  28. "I'm worried about the Latino vote, because this ought to be our vote. They are socially, economically conservative, patriotic, churchgoing, family-oriented people who are very entrepreneurial and they ought to be part of our coalition."


  29. Steve, here's where you're naive. Peterike is right.

  30. The Tea Party is made up of small businesspeople who hate Obama's regs smothering them. That's who they are. So no, they don't care about immigration. Sadly.

  31. "Fuck white people" now trending on Twitter.

    I expect a big outburst of "youth" mob activity.

  32. Consider it done. Amnesty, stealth or not, is a done deal. Guaranteed to happen in the next four years. Want a bet?

  33. Nah, he'll be distracted/sucking up the oxygen with the pending replacement of Kennedy. Next year or following will be Scalia. Or maybe he will take that sportswriter's advice from 2010, and add more justices to the SCOTUS

    I feel Thomas will outlast the 1st black prez, in spite of morbid obesity and also being black, because the narrative is just too good. Narratives over all

  34. I think it's kind of interesting that you apparently view "Hands Off My Social Security" as the epitome of wise statesmanship

  35. Here we go again...
    When is the penny going to drop with you people? The GOP wants more immigration, just as much if not more so than the Democrats. The Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham GOP lusts after ever cheaper labor, while the Dems want their votes.
    Anyone who thinks the GOP is going to stand up on immigration is a fool.

  36. Obama's goal is to demographically engineer a majority non-white America, to destroy white dominance and reduce them to a productive but powerless minority that can be taxed and bled endlessly to pay for everybody else. In this he's helped by many delusional whites who don't realize this but who are blinded by false ideologies or short-sightedly believe they'll benefit financially. Schadenfreude is a powerful motivator for Obama.

  37. From Obama's view, so what? He got Obama care through and he got a second term. Now that he's not worried about a second term there's absolutely no reason why he won't go for amnesty -- by executive decree if necessary.

    Amnesty within two years -- I'm willing to take bets on this.

  38. "The only way to change whites' voting habits is to figure out a fast way to inundate the affluent whites with the dregs of society and illegals who don't speak English."

    Bill that should be passed:

    Diversity Act: Mandates that housing projects for underclass minorities be built in the suburbs of the upper-middle and upper class.

    1) Forces the leftists and their enablers, who comprise most of the upper-middle and upper classes to live the diversity that their rhetoric praises and thus forcing their morally righteous status posturing to have actual costs rather than having all those costs (of diversity) being passed off onto the white working and middle classes.

    2) If they try and oppose it they would be contradicting and hence undermining their own ideology.

    3) It would force them to move out of those neighborhoods and into the neighborhoods of the middle and white working classes, thus raising the property values of the middle and white working classes homes, from which they can then sell at the higher price and move out of, after which new housing projects would be built in this new upper-middle and upper class suburb under the Diversity Act and the whole process can start over again. Thus the middle and white working classes would be able to use this gentrification process to transfer economic value from the hostile elites to themselves.

    4) By forcing the elites to bear the costs of their policies, they might actually decide to abandon them.

  39. Over at Ace of Spades, they're already "conceding" that amnesty is necessary to win future elections.

    There's no stupid like neo-con stupid.

  40. Here we go: 51st State. The glorious and indispensable for our lives island of Puerto Rico.

  41. Amnesty will win, unlike bush's ss reform. Why? media will totally support it, gop will go along with it, and even opponents will spend more time explaining they are not 'racists' and really love mexicans and asians.

    hare and tortoise story. whites were so ahead in power and privilege that they just went to sleep while Jews, gays, and their allies gradually took over everything. In my travels through white Tennessee last month, I got the overwhelming sense of cultural laziness, inaction, lack of passion, and urgency among white conservatives.

    Go to NY or Chicago, and you can feel the energy. Even in quiet towns like Ann Arbor and Madison, there is the buzz. It's like most of Texas is mentally dead except Austin. Even big name conservatives work in liberal places cuz that's where the action abd buzz are.

    Conservatism is a sleeping giant. But by the time it awakens out of its hibernation and crawls out of its hole, it will be like an enervated bear about to be devoured by hungry wolves.

  42. Lawrence Auster reposts this:

    "The U.S., like Britain before it, has begun the long slow descent into the Third World."

  43. Cail Corishev11/7/12, 10:21 AM

    "Mexican immigration is way down under Obama, and so is the Hispanic birth rate. Sure you can blame it on the economy. But we've got 4 more years of Obama, so we should be safe enough there."

    Good point! Maybe in another 4 years, no one will want to live here. Thanks, I feel better already.

  44. Cail Corishev11/7/12, 10:36 AM

    Apparently Karl Rove has only met Mexicans who arrived here via time machine from 1850.

  45. Cail Corishev11/7/12, 10:54 AM

    "The Tea Party is made up of small businesspeople"

    It's also made up of nice people. They can oppose taxes and regulations and high spending, because those are large systems without a face. You can criticize them, and if someone points out that cutting, say, Medicaid might hurt someone, you can talk vaguely about making up the difference by cutting fraud and inefficiency.

    But as soon as you start talking about immigration, someone brings up Grandpa O'Brien from Ireland, or some hard-working family that lives down the street, and suddenly you're accused of hating people and being a racist. People who care a lot about being nice won't chance that.

  46. You have your head in the clouds, Steve. Obama has already done amnesty for 99% of the illegals, without bothering to go through Congress.

  47. Over at Ace of Spades, they're already "conceding" that amnesty is necessary to win future elections.

    Ten out of ten Jewish bloggers agree, open borders are delicious and nutritious!

    Ask them how well the Reagan amnesty did at winning future elections for Republicans.

  48. Now that he's not worried about a second term there's absolutely no reason why he won't go for amnesty -- by executive decree if necessary.

    Some people here don't follow the news - he's already done the amnesty by executive decree thing.

  49. Everyone keeps talking about how America is changing. But nobody ever aks WHY it is changing or needs to be changed.

  50. America won so many wars abroad, but was defeated from within by immigration. The moral here is to look very carefully after your own backyard and not those continents away.

  51. >The moral here is to look very carefully after your own backyard and not those continents away.<

    Agreed. But...

    The Right of 2004 is calling, and it replies to you as follows: "Anti-Semite! What about Israel? Are you an pro-clitorectomy surrender monkey?"

    The Right of 2011 is calling, and it says: "Are you a lazy bum who doesn't want to lift a finger to see democracy in Libya? Are you a dirty hippie, a Chomskyite self-hater?"

    The Right of 2012 is calling, and it says: "What about Benghazi? BENGHAZI, BENGHAZI, BENGHAZI!"

    If those messages are counterproductive, then before their next incarnation appears (in whatever form it does) perhaps we should "disconnect" the call and drop the "callers." And retake the nation.

  52. "But as soon as you start talking about immigration, someone brings up Grandpa O'Brien from Ireland, or some hard-working family that lives down the street, and suddenly you're accused of hating people and being a racist. People who care a lot about being nice won't chance that."

    The funny thing is that Tea party types spend a lot of time blowharding about many aspects of white liberals behaviors though, hating on their few policies which actually make sense, such as environmental protection, student loan reform or local food initiatives. Tea partiers are definitely not afraid to hate their white liberal neighbors.

  53. "Over at Ace of Spades, they're already "conceding" that amnesty is necessary to win future elections. "

    I didn't see where they conceded that. Ace conceded that Romney shouldn't have moved to Perry's right on immigration, but he also stated emphatically that we can't win Hispanics by agreeing to let more of them in.


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