November 16, 2012

The insanity thickens

From the Washington Post's Slate:
Miguel Cabrera Is Mitt Romney 
The Tigers slugger was the candidate of old white men. Lucky for him, that’s who decides baseball’s MVP awards. 
By Josh Levin

All the old white men voted for the chubby Venezuelan pardo over Mike Trout, a handome all-American white kid who resembles the second coming of Mickey Mantle, because Cabrera looks kind of like George Zimmerman. In contrast, the new diverse, vibrant America is totally into advanced baseball statistical analysis. Just look at the prophet of Sabermetrics, Bill James:


  1. Yeah, there's nothing blacks and Hispanics love more than sabermetric analysis! You betcha.

  2. So the Hispanic was the candidate of the white guys, while the white guys was the candidate of . . . who exactly?

    Prime example of how not everything is about race.

  3. I was thinking the opposite. If Trout had won, people would be saying that the voters were racist because a hispanic can win the first triple crown in 40 years and still not get respect. Trout is Romney, and the voters had to prove that they were not racist.

  4. This is depressing. But I guess if there is a positive to draw from this, one might hope that the MSM's race hate directed towards us wakes up some of the 41% of whites who voted Democrat, and the Republican leadership.

    Where to go to from here? Stockpile guns, ammo, and canned goods?

  5. Single women and gays would've voted for Trout, too, if any of them cared about baseball.

  6. Harry Baldwin11/16/12, 5:27 PM

    . . . And it takes a Josh Levin to set the record straight.

  7. Rugby is the sport of Old White Men.

  8. Are there very many young baseball fans?

    Does anyone know the demographics of it? I'd almost bet the average age is 40+.

    Heavily white, and male. Except for some hispanics. Maybe a few Koreans and Japanese thrown in for spice.

    It's also the sport of choice for wonky people for some reason. It seems to me there are more people into baseball in the media than any other segment of society.

  9. Baseball is making a lot of money these days. Attendance is quite high, as are ticket prices. I'm kind of surprised by how well attendance is doing. I should look into the demographics.

  10. Stockpile guns, ammo, and canned goods?

    Man, I can NEVER get shiznat like that approved for publication.

    But I guess if there is a positive to draw from this, one might hope that the MSM's race hate directed towards us wakes up some of the 41% of whites who voted Democrat...

    Well it sure seems to have woken up Komment Kontrol.

  11. Do we need reminders of how stupid and racist Slate is?
    Baseball is one of the few places where one can avoid the soul crushing PC.

  12. My neighbor is Mitt Romney. He poisoned my dog. The white male bastard.

  13. Jojo Lafontaine11/16/12, 7:23 PM

    Why is Mr. Josh Levin, a white man, slandering white people? It makes absolutely no sense!!

  14. I know Mike Trout is really athletic, but last time I checked he looked pretty white as well. Based on his name he probably at least part English just like Romney. I agree the veteran black Hispanic wins and the and the young white WASP loses and now the white guy is baseball's Obama????????? Talk about straining analogies to the breaking point.

  15. my cold dead white hands11/16/12, 7:54 PM

    Know what's a funny scene in "The Omega Man?" The part where Charlton Heston is in the theater by himself watching the 1970 Woodstock film. Just thought I'd throw that in there.

  16. Well, I predict dreamer amensty not whole amensty. Whole amensty will be defeated since Fair will get people to opposed even more than dreamers. I think Fairs against dreamers while others are uncertain.

  17. It's purely (or even mostly) a racial argument he's making. He's equating 'old school' with 'old White Men.'

  18. So they gave the MVP award to the guy who won the triple crown? The Horrors! Next all a guy will have to do is bat .400.

  19. If the BBWAA voters he writes about had awarded the MVP to Trout, no doubt Josh Levin's article would have been about racist, nativist old white men hiding behind "sabermetrics" to prejudicially deny a third-world man-of-color his just reward for having accomplished an historical achievement.

    When you aren't the master tribe, and apparently the BBWAA isn't, but merely the be-happy-we-allow-you-to-work-in-the-fields tribe, nothing you do will be right.

    Also note Levin's use of America's current genius, Nate Silver. Silver's renown is built on successfully predicting, by use of statistics, which candidates would win elections. He did not statistically analyze which candidates were better, i.e. deserved to win. But when it comes to baseball, Levin turns Silver upside down: now he's an expert on which candidate for the MVP is more deserving; not, which will win.

  20. Levin's low-information article doesn't even mention that the same group of oldsters voted Trout AL ROY... You'd think he and his progressive stats-geek buds are the only cool kids in town who've ever heard of Trout.

  21. Whoops, I saw that unrelated Wycliffe A. Hill article here (Slate), not at Nate Silver's blog. I'd be surprised if Silver has even seen any movies recently not involving Japanese-spouting manic cartoons

  22. "Why is Mr. Josh Levin, a white man, slandering white people? It makes absolutely no sense!!"

    I wonder how many people's heads that joke just flew over.


  23. Lots of third-generation Messican-Americans and Whiskey Tangos at Angel's stadium these days.

  24. Based on his name he probably at least part English just like Romney. --anon.

    Most Trouts are of German ancestry.

    But they've been here since the Revolution, so most of those are gonna be part English, or more likely, heavily Scots-Irish. Like the Earnhardt family.

  25. There's a story in here somewhere:

    Black Coaches and Administrators report

    Two schools got an "F" because they didn't complete the report.

    Surprisingly, they didn't ask Stanford, which has a black head coach for both football and basketball, as well as a black AD.

  26. "Why is Mr. Josh Levin, a white man, slandering white people? It makes absolutely no sense!!"

    He's "Scots-Irish", not Scots-Irish, that's why.

  27. Trout had a great rookie season. Good for him. If he had won the MVP, no one could have really complained.
    But, part of the unstated qualification for MVP is that the winner be a great player, and no one can say what kind of career Trout will yet have. He came back to earth in August and September - BA .275, OPS around .850 (after an insane 1.266 for July), Slugging around .475 after August, and so on. Decent, but not great numbers down the stretch, not incidentally as the Angels were trying (but failing) to make the playoffs.

    Cabrera has done it for nine years, and was terrific all year long. He is unquestionably a great player. Trout might be, but we'll have to see. If Trout had won, and then turned in pedestrian numbers for the next five seasons, then everyone would be claiming in the future not only was Cabrera robbed, but they all knew it, too.

  28. Why is Josh Levin such a hater? Doesn't he understand affirmative action? North American white bread has won more than it's fair share of MVPs. Time for a slice of South American rye.

  29. When I want some hatred of white guys, authors with names like "Levin" are my first stop. They seldom disappoint.

  30. Why is Mr. Josh Levin, a white man, slandering white people? It makes absolutely no sense!!

    The "Scots-Irish" (AKA "YKW") are only genetically white. Ethnically, they're non-white. Ethnicity trumps genetics.

  31. "I wonder how many people's heads that joke just flew over."

    On this blog? Not many I'd say.

  32. Angry Old White Man11/17/12, 1:09 PM

    These sabermetric dorks have glommed onto baseball because the stats all stack up neatly for comparison. In basketball a guy making a 15 footer and a guy making an 18 footer each score 2 points but the degree of difficulty is different. In baseball the bases are all 90 feet, the pitching rubber is always 60' 6", etc. Yeah the dimensions change, some defenders are better than others, etc but for the most part, a base hit is a base hit. Also they play so many games and regular players get so many AB's that the sample sizes are sufficient for dorks that think they're the first people to understand regression analysis, normal distributions, etc.

    I'd be surprised if Josh Levin could catch 2 out of 5 baseballs thrown to him without at least one bouncing off his face.

    This MVP debate has been going on all week. The saberdorks have settled on Trout while the baseball people note that Cabrera won the friggin' Triple Crown. Last guy to do that was Yaz in 1967. Winning the Triple Crown gets you the MVP. QED. And Cabrera's team went to the postseason, which should also matter. The players, managers, and coaches in MLB (lotsa white guys you may have noticed there Levin) overwhelmingly favored Cabrera. The award is "Most Valuable", not "Guy with Highest WaR" or whatever.

    The only reason Romney and "old white guys" enter into it is so a smug, effete, hostile Jewish twit like Levin can be a smartass and take a shot at white people.

    Jewish aggression, while impossible to deny, takes a very womanly form. They avoid physical confrontation at almost any cost, and chiefly operate with snide remarks, character assassination, and name calling. I highly suspect that were a normal man to slap Levin across the face he'd do nothing about beyond try to sue.

  33. Mexicans were in attendance at an April 2011 Giants v. Dodgers game in LA. Several of them also beat 42 y/o White male, Bryan Stow, into a coma after the game; apparently the mexicans didn't like the fact that Stow was a Giants fan, but it's more likely the mexicans hate White people.

    The LAPD previously released sketches of the two suspects, described as Hispanic men between 18 and 25 years old who were wearing Dodgers clothing.

    The suspects approached Stow, who was wearing Giants gear, from behind and first taunted him before hitting him and knocking him to the ground, where he hit his head on the pavement and was then kicked repeatedly in the head and body.

    They then fled in a four-door sedan driven by a woman who had a boy with her, the LAPD said.

  34. This is probably more analogous to the Peace Corps than to immigration, but still kinda relevant and pretty funny:

  35. Yeah, but when they finally found Stow's attackers, only one was Mexican and the other wasn't. It was like one of those Hollywood interracial crime gangs.

  36. Liberalism IS anti-white racism.

  37. Pardon the pun, but Angry Old Man just hit it out of the park. Damn.

  38. weekly blog digest11/18/12, 1:03 AM

    Yeah, Jewish guys who write for middlebrow SWPL web sites are bedeviling us at every turn, ain't they? Why, that general theme hasn't come up here since 1 whole posts ago

  39. "Why, that general theme hasn't come up here since 1 whole posts ago"

    Then quit reading it, dipshit. No one asked you.

  40. " Toddy Cat said...
    "Why, that general theme hasn't come up here since 1 whole posts ago"

    Then quit reading it, dipshit. No one asked you."

    LMAO; calm down Toddy, I hear President Camacho has a few open cabinet posts.


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