March 19, 2013

Who said, "If you wish to live and work in America, then we will find a place for you"?

From the Associated Press:
Rand Paul Endorses Immigrant Path to Citizenship 
WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky is endorsing a pathway to citizenship for the nation's 11 million illegal immigrants, a significant move for a favorite of tea party Republicans who are sometimes hostile to such an approach. 
In a speech to be delivered Tuesday morning to the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the potential 2016 presidential candidate declares, "If you wish to live and work in America, then we will find a place for you." 

Like I've said a million times before, once the GOP decides it wants to talk about "amnesty," it winds up talking about a suicidal "path to citizenship." White people are suckers for high-mindedness, and "a path to citizenship" just sounds more idealistic than plain old amnesty.

The essential duty of American statesmanship is to preserve for Americans the advantages of being American. But does anyone in politics even know what I'm talking about anymore?


  1. This is well known of the same Trekkie libertoid Buchanan's been praising all week. Good one, Pat.

  2. "It is the supreme function of statesmanship to warn against preventable danger".

    Enoch Powell, 1968.

    (Excerpt from 'Rivers of Blood' speech).

    - the speech continued to these immortal lines. "Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad. We must be mad, literally mad as a nation....".

  3. If you want to live and work in a barrio, then we have a politician for you.

  4. Enoch Powell was always right.

  5. Isn't it obvious to any patriot that the very first thing the country needs is an outright moratorium on immigration? I say this as a son of immigrants, beneficiaries of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. It's disheartening that there isn't a single national-level politician that advocates for the betterment of the country, let alone for Whites.

    I'm Korean and the changes I've witnessed in the past 40 years are utterly depressing, even for me, but still not as depressing as the road ahead. Just about every facet of society one looks at is upside down and on the verge of bursting at the seams. It's just tragic.

  6. None of our present day politicians have the intellectual rigor of politicians even 30 years ago.

    Wasn't there a Robert Redford movie called "The Candidate" in which he was a blow-dried buffoon just playing a part? That is what we have today.

    These guys just go for issue to issue and try to figure out how to please the right people. The GOP is so stupid it's depressing.

    Refreshingly, I hear a lot of pundits argue that poor, illegal aliens will never vote for Republicans. I think the beltway fools think, "Those Mexicans hate gays -- way more than we do. If we just can get them to stop hating us, they will vote for us just to stop the encroachment of left-wing cultural policies like gay marriage."

  7. I think the beltway fools think, "Those Mexicans hate gays -- way more than we do. If we just can get them to stop hating us, they will vote for us just to stop the encroachment of left-wing cultural policies like gay marriage."

    The majority of gays I've come across in life have been Hispanic. I once knew someone that worked at a porn store (90's, before internet was big) and she said approximately 90% of the customers for gay porn were Mexican day laborers.

  8. Has Paul abandoned his own plan?
    Paul is working on a novel plan that he says would “assimilate” many of the 12 million illegal immigrants currently in the country. Those individuals, he said, could apply for legal status, but immigration would then be clamped down in the interim. He also says his plan would toughen security at the border.

    …“If we assimilate those who are here, however they got here — don’t make it an easy path for citizenship. There would be an eventual path, but we don’t make anybody tomorrow a citizen who came here illegally. But if they’re willing to work, willing to pay taxes, I think we need to normalize those who are here.”

    Paul said the “trade-off” would be “not to accept any new legal immigrants while we’re assimilating the ones who are here.” Asked if he is concerned about the ripple effect that could cause around the world, Paul said the details over which countries would be affected are still in the works.


  9. Billions of Third Worlders would love to live and work in America. They will be pleased to know that the door is wide open.

    America's political class really need to read Lawrence Auster's The Path to National Suicide. This passage has always stuck in my mind:

    The very manner in which the [immigration] issue is framed—as a matter of equal rights and the blessings of diversity on one side, versus “racism” on the other—tends to cut off all rational discourse on the subject. One can only wonder what would happen if the proponents of open immigration allowed the issue to be discussed, not as a moralistic dichotomy, but in terms of its real consequences. Instead of saying: “We believe in the equal and unlimited right of all people to immigrate to the U.S. and enrich our land with their diversity,” what if they said: “We believe in an immigration policy which must result in a staggering increase in our population, a revolution in our culture and way of life, and the gradual submergence of our current population by Hispanic and Caribbean and Asian peoples.” Such frankness would open up an honest debate between those who favor a radical change in America’s ethnic and cultural identity and those who think this nation should preserve its way of life and its predominant, European-American character. That is the actual choice—as distinct from the theoretical choice between “equality” and “racism”—that our nation faces.

  10. What's the coherent politically correct reason given by various groups for supporting amnesty?

    Jews, Democrats, Hispanics, Libs, Blacks, Asians, etc. Does anyone know? Enlighten me please. I've only heard a vague notion of being altruistic.

  11. Paul and the libertarians have been corporate shills from day 1.

  12. you are so full of it, steve, that your eyes are turning brown. I hate to drone on about the same points over and over, but the USA was formed for the express purpose of protecting the wealth of the wealthy from the majority working class and for allowing the wealthy to make profits. And immigrants does that perfectly--mass immigration of nowhites from poor nations is the perfect vehicle for 1) factionalizing the population of the USA and thereby weakening the unity of the electorate and allowing the rich to better control the USA and 2) increasing the supply of labor faster than the demand for labor, thereby lowering wages, thereby increasing profits (and also increasing advertising money for the mass media (biggest promoter of mass immigratio)).

    You expose the pols and media and fakeleftists for their propaganda, but you ALSO pump out propaganda. THere was never any golden past of America where the "leaders" acted in the best interests of the population. THe only immigration moratorium that ever happened here in america happened only because of the fact that the immigrants in the 1910s/1920 were bringing in socialism, and that scared the rich, and so they stopped it. But you and the vdare don't even know that. You are ignorant. But you want money, so even if you knew about that, you would ignore it. So you pound on the obvious, and you ignore anything deeper, anything that might cause actual thought.

    Because all you and the vdare crowd want is money. You don't actually care about fixing the problem. Pounding on the obvious is not going to fix the problem. You have to understand the dynamics. And that is hard stuff. And hard stuff don't make ya money, does it? Pound on the obvious, steve, do your act.

  13. Ignore desert lady, "she" uses a female avatar to appeal to the lonely idiot male demographic. "She" used to use Chole Vevrier as an avatar. Give it up already.

  14. I hardly think Steve can be accused of chasing money. His business model consists of asking for donations two or three times a year. You have the germ of an interesting argument, but why mess it up with bizarre and comical ad hominems?

  15. RE: Enoch Powell
    Here he is thrashing David Frost:

    Enoch Powell Interview Frost On Friday 1969

    Enjoy it before they take it down!

  16. Rand Paul's contact information is here. You can email him or use the numbers listed at the very bottom of the page. Even though most iSteve readers aren't from Kentucky, our voices could matter as potential supporters if Paul seeks higher office, or as potential contributors - to Paul or a primary opponent.

  17. Is there any evidence that illegals want a "path to citizenship"? My impression is that most Mexicans are happy being Mexican. They're glad to come here and work, but they don't want to be Americans so they can vote. Good lord, who cares about voting?

    I suppose there's the concern that the Democrat machine will lie to them and tell them they need to register to vote and vote to do some such thing.

  18. Desert Lady sez: "Because all you and the vdare crowd want is money. You don't actually care about fixing the problem. Pounding on the obvious is not going to fix the problem. You have to understand the dynamics. And that is hard stuff. And hard stuff don't make ya money, does it? Pound on the obvious, steve, do your act."

    Desert Lady, you really need to stop posting between bong hits. No one in this country has written more or written better about "the dynamics" and "hard stuff" than Steve. Honestly, I'm having a hard time even crafting a rebuttal to your assertions because they're so blatantly absurd. Was your post supposed to be satire?!? As for money..... I can't even begin to calculate the amount of money Steve's passed up by pursuing truth and writing about things as they are instead of pandering to politically correct blank-slatism. "You don't actually care about fixing the problem"??? He's one of the few people willing to even state the problem! Who the hell are you to question Steve's integrity? His body of work speaks for itself.

  19. "But does anyone in politics even know what I'm talking about anymore?"

    Your talk may be correct but talk is cheap. Politics is about power and money, and politicians listen to the talk of those in power.

    Why are so many cons--including Charles Murray--gravitating to 'gay marriage'?
    They all bend to power.

    Speaking of high-mindedness, who called Obama 'Mr. President' after all the dirty shit he's pulled against cons.
    Obama played dirty in 2008 and 2012 with full Jewish support, but McCain and Romney tried to be high-minded lest thy seem 'racist'.

    Remember Obama's stunt after the Zimmerman case? His promotion of gay agenda? His vilifying of people who oppose illegalism?

    This guy is just a punk puppet of decadent elitist globalists.

  20. With Rand Paul and the Republican National Committee both coming out in favor of amnesty, this issue is getting some traction. I've contacted Rand Paul, John Boehner, the Republican National Committtee, all three of my own congressmen.

    Contact the national leaders and your own congressmen. Call them from your cell phone, your work phone, and your landline (if you still have one). Don't let up.

  21. The problem with Mr. Paul and other conservatives on immigration (and some other issues) is that faith in the conservative world view has too much in common with religion. Conservatives tell people that if we all follow a few simple principles (free market, no sex before marriage, etc.), we will all be better off, because the mechanisms of capitalism etc. are plausible; less often is empirical evidence used. Plausibility of a mechanism on the one hand and observed data on the other hand are two valid reasons for believing in a theory, and I only fault conservatives for putting too much emphasis on the former.

    On days when I have religious belief, it is because the mechanisms of Christian theology appear plausible (the Bible's account God's redemptive plan elegantly explains a great deal). On days when I am agnostic, I am more interested in empirical evidence for the claims of religion than in the the plausibility of a mechanism (and the physical evidence for miracles of any kind having occurred is iffy).

  22. How about drumming up some work and finding a place for the citizens already here? Most illegals don't care about citizenship and the right to choose between tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee in an election; they just don't want these pesky laws enforced that infringe on them doing as they please. Most of these path-to-citizenship schemes seem to be Rube Goldberg contraptions that most illegals won't bother with anyway. They want amnesty, which means that laws are not laws after all.

  23. Like I said, time to the end the GOP.
    All should join the Dems and focus on joining with all groups against the globalist elites. Fight one enemy at a time, and fight the main enemy first.

    Mexers are not leading this amnesty movement. It's being funded by the globalists and rich libs, esp the Jews.

    PS. Paradoxically, class warfare and even Marxism might actually be good for white power.
    Without class struggle, all whites--even the poor and working class--are categorized as 'privileged' and 'powerful' under multi-cultism whereas non-whites(and special whites: Jews, conquis, gays)are tagged as 'victims'.

    Victim-hood is crucial in current politics. Class warfare can victimify most whites as most whites are closer to the 99% than to the 1%. Thus, class warfare 'ennobles' most white people as 'victims' of the uber-class.
    Communism in Europe didn't vilify most white people but victimified them against the upper class bourgeoisie.

    Though the Right has been against class warfare, the absence of such and its replacement by race conflict politics--dominated by leftist discourse--has actually weakened the Right since race politics took away the halo of victim-hood from whites. Instead, all whites got tagged with 'privilege' though most whites never knew privilege throughout history. Even the descendants of serfs, factory workers, and poor farmers got tagged with the 'sins' of the master class, the upper class, the owner class.
    And since ALL whites got tagged with privilege, it became convenient for rich whites to vilify and punish 'unenlightened' poorer whites in the name of fighting 'white privilege' while their own elite privileges keep expanding. White master attacks the white serf for 'white privilege' and takes moral credit for working for equality while his own wealth and privilege keep growing.

    This is why the 'new-new privileged globalist left' prefers the elite gay agenda and multi-cultism to old class struggle. Multi-cultism is great for rich whites. Class struggle would vilify rich whites, but multicultism allows rich whites to put on a good progo-show and just dump all the blame of 'oppression' on poorer whites.

    The rich class gave us Obama and section 8 housing.
    It's time for the right to take up class struggle.
    Class consciousness must be a component of the new right... at least the rich drop their dirty act of racial betrayal.
    Burn down the golf courses.

    This guy knew. He realized the GOP is useless and took up the rightist class struggle line. A man ahead of his time.
    Be like Webb. Quit the useless gop, all join the Dem party and subvert it from the inside by playing class politics.

  24. My resaerch shows a high number of unemployment among illegal immirgants in California. Santa Ana has an unemployment of 11 percent versus Misssion Viejo of6 percent. The garment industry which employed many of the illegal ladies in La is mainly gone overseas. Construcation will porbably not reached the 2005 level until 2020 or later. The economy chnaging and while there are lots of low skilled jobs created by home care many of them are being elinmated even farmwork is porbaably down because we import more food from Mexicio than we did 10 years ago. So the Mexican farmworkers will stay there now.

  25. What you need to seriously consider is that America is over. It's finished.

  26. Is there any evidence that illegals want a "path to citizenship"? My impression is that most Mexicans are happy being Mexican. They're glad to come here and work, but they don't want to be Americans so they can vote. Good lord, who cares about voting?

    I suppose there's the concern that the Democrat machine will lie to them and tell them they need to register to vote a vote to do some such thing. This is true and now most are coming to live off of relatives not work since there is less low skilled work available in the US. How do I know most heavily illegal immirgant towns in California have higher unemployment rates, so illegals immirgants contrary to myth are more likely to be unemployed these days but politicians and businessmen scream for them.

  27. Orange County Register had an article about people that started new business all of them were white which disproves you need Hispanics or Asians to create new businesses.

  28. "Is there any evidence that illegals want a "path to citizenship"?

    Of course they want citizenship. That means access to more government benefits and the ability to sponsor immigration of more of your relatives.

  29. Actually druing Obam unlike during Clinton which millions of illegals poured into the US and during Bush were milions poured in, its actually much slowewr because times are tough for them to get work. Both political Parties think they make a different, sometimes they do in the case of La where politics is heavily Democratic but Kern County they don't since whites there tend to out vote them by large margins.

  30. it has been over for america since the founding aristocrats illegally dumped the articles of confederation for the pseudo-democratic constitution. That happened over 200 years ago. A large nation with large political districts and with a federal strong checks and balances government is inherently less democratic than a smaller nation with a parliamentarian structure. With low democracy comes oligarchy. Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

    Until you start with that understanding, politics in america is doomed. Read all about it in federalist paper 10 and the secret notes to the constitutional convention and the 'divide et impera' letter, all by madison.

    And racial integration and mass immigration of nonwhites is simply adding more factions to an already hyper-factionalized pseudo-mega-nation. Fundamental principle of the elite's divide et impera tactic: decrease unity by increasing factions in all political districts. Fundamental. And yet because you were not introduced to this concept in your youth, the idea just bounces off your head.

    Understand the fundamental dynamics of statehood, of community building. First steps first. You don't try to build a car until you at least understand newtonian physics. The basics of modern science!

    You cite Putnam's BOWLING ALONE research and how racial diversity destroys community. Fine. Now take the next step. What forces cause this result? What the FORCES involved? Consequences are the result of FORCES. Every effect has a cause.
    What caused the Putnam results?

    Why has THIS question never been posed? Except by me....on the internet...time and time and time again and again and again and again...and the rare person who even has a mere glimmering of understanding is, oh, so rare...

    A species of ant-like primates. That is what sociobiologist Wilson called us. And oh so true.

    Why is it that all you paleocons refuse to even ask these fundamental "what are the forces involved" question? In all the hundreds of posts on the internet about Putnam's post-publication release of the results of his research, why is it that none of you has ever asked "Why"? Exploring that question will lead to far more answers than all this nonsensical rehashing of the same items and points again and again and again and again and again...etc. Oh, wait. Maybe money is the reason. Gosh. How radical a thought!

  31. Even Disneyland that hires a lot of part time workers doesn't hire them as much as the native born or legal immirgants, why because most of the jobs requre some english. Its the cook jobs at the lower levels and laundrey and maid jobs that the illegal immirgants get hired for. Disney is hiring more veterans for the the rides and even the parking lot attendants were some poor white or second or third generation Mexican.

  32. 'Anti-racism' is the new class snobbery.

    Just look at how Michael Apted sneers at Tony complaining about massive immigration to UK as a 'racist' in the documentary 56 UP.

  33. The Great Betrayal

  34. "The essential duty of American statesmanship is to preserve for Americans the advantages of being American. But does anyone in politics even know what I'm talking about anymore?"

    You're asking this in a nation that elected Obama twice, where elite college students cheered Clinton's pronouncement that whites will become a minority, and where most cons care about supporting Israel and winning over hip hop Republicans?

  35. The higher lowest wage law. Well, in California hotel workers in Long Beach are now required to pay 13 pre hr. If Mexicans had more political pull in Anaheim instead of the conservative Republicans from the Hills a similar law might happen in Anaheim rising from 9 to 11 or so forth. The Dems are even pushing this in Texas but in the heavily Hispanic towns like El Paso. San Jose now has the lowest pay jobs at 10 per hr and it hurt tip workers since their hours were reduced but in the Long Beach case a legal Flipino benefited from going to 10 to 13. It seems that places with lower wages had a big growth in illegal immirgants like the south in the last decade and this is one thing that could be use against illegal immirgants getting a job and the Democratics are pushing it by changing the lowest wages in cities.

  36. THe only immigration moratorium that ever happened here in america happened only because of the fact that the immigrants in the 1910s/1920 were bringing in socialism, and that scared the rich, and so they stopped it. But you and the vdare don't even True, maybe by the 2020's the rich will see that the Hispanics are helping with the the opposition a lot of these recent laws to rise the lowest wage in cities is back by Hisapanics who work in service a lot. The Long Beach 13 per hr was pushed by lower income Hispanics and Asians.

  37. The GOP establishment whores are secretly settled on amnesty and 'gay marriage' and slowly coming out of the closet. Slowly so as not to upset conservative masses.

    Just like there was too much money in narcotics for the mafia to resist in THE GODFATHER, there's just too many rewards and prizes for GOP politicos by pandering to globalists and gays-allied-to-Jews.

    The problem for the GOP is now looking for ways to break the news so that the conservative masses will sign onto the new policy. Since American conservatism has been so anti-gay and so white for so long, the new policy has to gradually eased in.
    Debate is over among the gop elites.
    It's no longer about debating but selling. Gop elites know there will be mass resistance. But history shows that any resistance can slowly be worn down.
    Look at how American conservatives came to worship Jews and weep over MLK. Rand and Lowry tell us they get all boo boo teary-eyed when they listen to MLK.

    Sailer has the mis-perception that the debate is still on. It's over in the halls of power. Gop elites are just biding their time to ease us over to their POV.
    So, one after another, we see the likes of Charles Murray coming out for 'gay marriage'. We see Rand Paul doing a switcheroo.

  38. Steve, you should be interested in the following research about cultures. It might explain many things about different ethnic behavior.

  39. America is not a nation anymore. It is just a very large marketplace which depends upon population growth. If Americans themselves cannot keep the population growing than our leaders will import others no matter their native abilities. Population growth is necessary it seems or GDP will not rise. Itz all about growth dam the consequences.
    The petrie dish experiment has to play out and reach itz logical biological conclusion. The formula is = Birth, Growth, Stagnation, Death.
    The formula applies to biological and social systems.

  40. The ever clever Jews.

    Reduce black population in Israel and blue cities but use two black posterchilds to fool us.

  41. You can qualify that statement by saying if your third-world and non-white we'll find a place for you. If you're white, and have a million or so, then pay up and we'll find a place for you.

  42. What the amnestied lack in quality they'll make up in quantity. Or something like that.

  43. "Silicon Valley Tech Cos Are Desperately Trying To Conceal How Many Minorities They've Hired"

    "Silicon Valley tech companies, including Apple, Google, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, and Microsoft, seem to be actively trying to hide how many minorities work for them."

  44. I am greatly looking forward to the schadenfreude I will feel on the night of November 8, 2016, when the death of the Republican Party as a national political organization finally becomes apparent to all.

    The Republicans have been complicit in their own demise. The number of times they have betrayed their core constituency---i.e., married white people from the South and the Midwest---is beyond reckoning. Why, then, should I, or anyone else, feel remorse at their demise?

    Anyone who places his faith in Rand Paul is a naif.

  45. The USA is a livestock operation. They farm us. The operators of the USA want as many cattle as possible. Cheap labor, more consumers, etc. They mold and evolve the culture to be one that welcomes immigrants.
    It's not a conspiracy; it's an ecosystem. Just like certain type of ants breed aphids, raise fungus etc. Just as homo sapiens breeds and raises catttle, the owners of america raise consumers and laborers. The more cattle in america, the more profits.

  46. Anonymous @ 6:52 said:
    "Burn down the golf courses."

    I was with you until that point.

  47. Paul would not attempt to crack down on employers by expanding working verification systems, something he says is tantamount to "forcing businesses to become policemen."

    This always gets me when politicians in the guise of supporting small business suggest that making employers use E-Verify is a terrible burden and forces them to become policemen.

    That is crap. I am a small business owner. I am not a tax agent or child welfare officer. Yet every month, quarter and year, I must withhold state and federal income taxes from my employees and remit them to the appropriate state and federal entities along with properly completed tax forms. And I don't get paid for doing this. In effect I am an unpaid tax collector for the government.

    Additionally, I have had to garnish wages for child support and remit them to the appropriate state child welfare agency. Apparently, there was a database I was supposed to check beforehand to see if any potential employees had any garnishment orders against them. But I don't remember anyone suggesting this was an undue burden on me or that I was becoming a child welfare agent.

    So I get a little pissed when I hear anyone complaining that making an employer use E-Verify hinders their pursuit of profit and turns them into immigration agents.

    You will note that one can tell which programs are effective against illegal immigration by watching where the chattering classes direct their attacks. The virtual fence was supported by everyone BECAUSE they knew it would not work. E-Verify, and a real physical fence BTW, are objected to vociferously precisely because they are effective.

  48. Of course America exists in the world as a beacon of hope & compassion to the downtrodden. The millions of Mexicans & other South Americans realize their right to be here. However, they are leaving homes to arrive here, are they not? What of the tens upon tens of millions who call the sidewalks & alleys of India their home? Compassion demands we bring them here. Now!

  49. Is there any evidence that illegals want a "path to citizenship"?

    Why would it matter to the debate whether or not they want citizenship?

  50. "White people are suckers for high-mindedness..."

    This isn't some lofty apotheosis of probity. It is oligophrenic treason against your fellow countrymen. It is the international Marxist assertion that the Amerikan taxpayer owes all 7 billion people an education, in their language, health care, EBT Cards, racial preferences and all those other collectivist benefits. It is the antithesis of Libertarianism; it is a tyrannic edict from banksters that this is not our land.

  51. Finally somebody is talking about wages being tied to productivity gains
    Senator: Should hourly minimum wage be $22?

    Elizabeth Warren said that a much higher baseline would be appropriate if wages were tied to productivity gains.

    The $22 minimum wage Warren referred to came from a 2012 study from the Center for Economic and Policy Research. It said that the minimum wage would have hit $21.72 an hour last year if it had been tied to the increases seen in worker productivity since 1968. Even if the minimum wage got only one-fourth the pickup as the rate of productivity, it would now be $12.25 an hour instead of $7.25.

  52. How about "a path to deportation" instead?

  53. Again and again I keep hearing this foolish and so oddly precise number of 11 million. Now HOW EXACTLY do they 'know' it is 11 million? Since these people are illegal and undocumented, WHO KNOWS how many of them there really are? It could just as easily be twelve, fifteen or twenty million. Perhaps more. Where did this "11 million" number come from anyways? Upon what is it based? Who can vouch for its accuracy? Also as in 1986, won't an amnesty just lead to yet another one down the road? What's to stop America from immediately filling up again with illegals once this current batch of ne'er-do-well's is amnestized as happened after 1986?

  54. Conservatives of the heart betrayed. Conservatives of the smart alienated.

    So, what is left? Conservatives of the mart?

  55. Democrats call for higher minimum wages and for more immigration. Don't they cancel each other out? More immigrants means businesses can hire for less.


    You Are Watching for Big Brother.

  57. Well, Rando just lost all my goodwill from the filibuster.

    Time for the Republican Party to go the way of the Whigs.

  58. Quit the useless gop, all join the Dem party and subvert it from the inside by playing class politics.

    I've been thinking more along these lines in recent years. It is interesting to me that with the possible exception of Britain and maybe Sweden, anti-white leftism is far more mainstream in the US than in Europe or Canada where many, perhaps most, whites vote for the Left. This could be accidental, but maybe not. Maybe the US is too far gone from a demographic perspective for this to work but the GOP has already failed. What are they going to give you other than more Big Gulp rhetoric and patriotardism? Nothing. Perhaps once the GOP is vanquished and its stench removed from important issues it will be easier for whites to argue against the non-white race hustlers. Right now the SWPL-friendly corporate-capitalist-filth-want-Scab-laborers argument is more appealing than the incoherent blathering we normally hear from the GOP opponents of amnesty.

  59. 'My fellow plutocrats, if you wish to maintain a semi-legal helot class in America to keep American wages down, I and my fellow Republicans support you 110%. My friends across the aisle in the Democratic party need clients for their ward heelers too- we all support a big semi-legal, semi-illegal helot class in America. America's nanny state privileges efforts to keep the entire country in a half-legal, half legal half-world and we are proud of it!'

    White people like high-mindedness, but low-flung 'I'm crooked and proud, f-y'all' sells good too. I bet this more candid statement would get him more votes.

  60. "Again and again I keep hearing this foolish and so oddly precise number of 11 million."

    11 million is not the issue. It could be 1 million or whatever.
    What really matters is that amnesty will send a message that US is now officially open borders and everyone should come here since there will be more amnesties in the future. Indeed, amnesty every 5 yrs.

  61. someone wrote:
    " Paradoxically, class warfare and even Marxism might actually be good for white power.
    Without class struggle, all whites--even the poor and working class--are categorized as 'privileged' and 'powerful' under multi-cultism whereas non-whites(and special whites: Jews, conquis, gays)are tagged as 'victims'."

    True Leftism cannot exist unless it is aligned with the majority. If you do not have a majority bloc in a nation, you have no left.

    Any true american Left must necessarily cater to the largest bloc, the white working class. But the putative left in the USA is anti-white. The elite infected it with anti-white pseudoleft decades ago. And look what they have wrought via their think tanks and nonprofit foundations and their influence in the edu-propaganda system.

    Google "The CIA and the Cultural Cold War Revisited" by James Petras

  62. Anonymous Matra said...
    Quit the useless gop, all join the Dem party and subvert it from the inside by playing class politics.

    I've been thinking more along these lines in recent years.


    agreed. The GOP does nothing they promise to do. THey even support affirmative action and mass immigration. And their economics is baldly pro-wealthy.


    It is interesting to me that with the possible exception of Britain and maybe Sweden, anti-white leftism is far more mainstream in the US than in Europe or Canada where many, perhaps most, whites vote for the Left. This could be accidental, but maybe not.

    Their use of non-english languages and different languages is a natural barrier to the memes of Capital. A natural immunological defense. It helps stop factionalization. The elite of course try to counter these working class ecological defenses by creating the EU. The European Union is faction-creating tool for the elite. It will create factions by enlarging political districts. The language barriers of the nations therein are slowly being subverted via injection of fakeLeftist (pro-minority, race-guilt, anti-white, sexuality and race and gender oriented) propaganda into the educational system in europe. Slowly but surely the elite are eroding these natural defenses of the working class in western europe. And with the increase in nonwhite populations, factionalization has further divided the populace there. But their histories and strong cultures are making it harder for the elite prevail there.

    Maybe the US is too far gone from a demographic perspective for this to work but the GOP has already failed. What are they going to give you other than more Big Gulp rhetoric and patriotardism? Nothing. Perhaps once the GOP is vanquished and its stench removed from important issues it will be easier for whites to argue against the non-white race hustlers. Right now the SWPL-friendly corporate-capitalist-filth-want-Scab-laborers argument is more appealing than the incoherent blathering we normally hear from the GOP opponents of amnesty.


    When the federal govt goes broke, income and power will devolve to the states. And the white majority will find it easier to unite in those states. The smaller and more white the better. Segregation may return, thereby decreasing factionalization and increasing unity, causing an increase in democracy and returning some measure of power to the majority.

  63. Well, the Republicans have finally jumped the shark.
    If Rand Paul gets the nomination in 2016, I'm staying home, after 35 years of voting Republican.
    I never thought I would see the day.

  64. Since everyone here believes that the fight against large scale immigration is essentially lost here's a suggestion:

    Find some group of non-Americans you like and try to get them to come here.

    (I also suggest procreating, but...)

  65. "What you need to seriously consider is that America is over. It's finished."

    I told a guy I know this same thing and said America will become Brazil. He said what is wrong with that. They have some good looking women.

    And this guy considers himself a conservative and hates the Dems..

    This shows how much it is over.

  66. "The USA is a livestock operation. They farm us. The operators of the USA want as many cattle as possible. Cheap labor, more consumers, etc. They mold and evolve the culture to be one that welcomes immigrants.
    It's not a conspiracy; it's an ecosystem.'

    It's true. 100 years ago the immigrants were taking the jobs of American too. They were cheaper back then just like today. Luckily they were white at least. We aren't so lucky now.

    There was a moratorium for 40 years then our leaders started to be obsessed with foreigners over their own people because it was "racist" to keep them out.

    Business had no problem with it because they got cheap labor and could still insulate themselves from immigrants and blacks.

  67. "Well, the Republicans have finally jumped the shark."

    Have you forgotten Bush II?

  68. "When the federal govt goes broke, income and power will devolve to the states. And the white majority will find it easier to unite in those states. The smaller and more white the better. Segregation may return, thereby decreasing factionalization and increasing unity, causing an increase in democracy and returning some measure of power to the majority."

    Maybe there will be city-states in the future where people can include or exclude anybody they want.Free association at it's best.

    The could also have various laws against smoking, alcohol and gambling or they could allow those things, which ever each city-state wants.

  69. "True Leftism cannot exist unless it is aligned with the majority. If you do not have a majority bloc in a nation, you have no left."

    I think, in the past, white mass power was possible without leftism or class consciousness. It was called nationalism. So, all classes of Brits felt pride as Britons. All French, rich, middle, and poor, took pride in Frenchness.
    All white Americans took pride as the great Americans who founded a great nation.
    Back then, white was not synonymous with guilt.

    But, victim politics is now what counts most. Since Jews and non-whites play the racial victim card, whites need a victim card too. Since whites are seen as historical victors, whites only have the class card to play. If rich whites were on our side, we could side with rich whites against non-whites. But rich whites betrayed us, so white masses have no choice but to play the class card to gain moral credence as the noble oppressed.

    This is why Occupy Wall Street had the more effective idea than the Tea Party. It's better for whites to identify with the 99% than with the 1% of liberal globalists who run Wall Street.
    NY shits on us. Why stand up for NY Wall Street interests?

  70. Libertarianism is a form of mental illness.

  71. Said Senator Genius from Butcher Hollow, "If you had to pay back all your back payroll taxes and you’ve been working here for ten years, that would be thousands and thousands of dollars . . . so to get your work visa, I wouldn’t have any kind of big penalty like that."

    Got that? It's asking too much to expect illegal aliens to pay taxes for all the years that they;ve lived here. The mind truly reels.

    What compromising position was Senator Paul caught in, and who has the pictures?

  72. Response to Anonymous:

    "Have you forgotten Bush II?"

    That is a fair response to my comment on Republicans "jumping the shark." I was very unhappy with Bush II, esp. his stance re the Community Reinvestment Act, but I'll admit I really did not give up on the Repubs until now.
    Misplaced loyalty, or just stubborn, I guess.

  73. democracy really only happens at the local level. What happens in mega-nation is quasi-democracy at best. USSR and Red China are some examples. THe USA is another example. The larger and more diverse, the lower the degree of democracy. The more white, the more democratic. Small and white? Highly democratic. Iceland is perhaps the most extreme example. Also perhaps one of the best places in the history of the world. I would also say the most leftist in the history of the world, true-leftist, that is.

  74. someone wrote:
    "There was a moratorium for 40 years..."

    That moratorium started because of elite fears of socialism growing in the USA. Google up the image database of political cartoon that served as the propaganda platform to begin the moratorium. Google "red scare". The images used to be stored at They are now elsewhere. These political cartoon were from the orientation of the business elite. They demonized immigrants because they were afraid they were bringing over socialism from southern, central and eastern europe. And they were: by the mid 1920s about 25% of all New York state reps were of the socialist party. NYC was basically held by the socialist party. That core of trueleftism was the cauldron for the battle of Labor against Capital that won us what worker rights and benefits we have today.

    At that time socialism was running rampant in most of europe. So the elite stopped immigration.
    With immigration stopped and jim crow and segregation the law of the law, factionalization was held in check, and labor supply decreased in relation to labor demand. This kicked off the golden age of labor.

    But by the 1950s the elite were beginning to fight back and win. They won via racial integration that was born of a genesis in elite academia. This was what I call fakeleftism. It began about 100 years or so and was primarily born of grants given by the large nonprofit foundations like getty, ford, rockefeller foundations. These foundations funded academics, writers, activists etc who focused on social leftism instead of economic leftism. This fakeleftism was so well funded that in time it became the dominant ideology in the elite schools--yale, harvard et al. And it molded the young and malleable minds that went on to dominate the supreme court and other places of power. Eventually this subculture of falseleftism gave rise to the judicial decisions that desegregated the USA and culiminated in the civil rights era that was shoved down the throats of the unwilling white majority. This was doable because of the low-democracy governmental structure of the USA.

    Now, post-civil rights era, the effect of that all is the increased factionalization of the USA, and the corresponding decrease in democracy. The voters now have little control because of low unity and low accountability.


    then our leaders started to be obsessed with foreigners over their own people because it was "racist" to keep them out.

    Business had no problem with it because they got cheap labor and could still insulate themselves from immigrants and blacks.

    This is all based on molding malleable young minds via control of the centralized education-propaganda system. Centralization is key, as is reaching young white minds and installing race-guilt and pro-minority attitudes in them at an age when they are still malleable.

  75. Lawmakers shouldn't be allowed to vote on amnesty until they've attended a USA-Mexico soccer match.

    In LA.

  76. Libertarianism is a form of mental illness.

    Is it? What about classical liberals? Aren't libertarians the modern day equivalent of classical liberals or are paleo conservatives the closet thing to classical liberals? I imagine modern liberals and neoconservatives are pretty different from classical liberals.

    It would be nice to have a blog post on this sometime.

  77. Ex Submarine Officer3/19/13, 8:11 PM


    I don't say something like this lightly, but why don't you start blocking this Desert Lady. All noise, no signal, and seemingly malicious as well.

    I love the commenters here and the lively dialog, best thing about this blog.


    Ex Submarine Officer

  78. Block "her?" What's so hard about scrolling past those comments (the avatar pic makes them hard to miss)? Why go to the effort of blocking anybody who's going to just create another account

  79. "THere was never any golden past of America where the "leaders" acted in the best interests of the population."

    Andrew Jackson? Not as a saint, but maybe as an outsider used to wielding direct power and understanding how to lead people by defending their interests... I mean the money doesn't matter so much if you've got the guns... "In 1814 we took a little trip..."

  80. "If you wish to live and work in America, then we will find a place for you."

    There already is a place for them.

    It's called "Mexico".

  81. "Anonymous said...

    Again and again I keep hearing this foolish and so oddly precise number of 11 million. Now HOW EXACTLY do they 'know' it is 11 million? Since these people are illegal and undocumented, WHO KNOWS how many of them there really are? It could just as easily be twelve, fifteen or twenty million. Perhaps more. Where did this "11 million" number come from anyways? Upon what is it based? Who can vouch for its accuracy? Also as in 1986, won't an amnesty just lead to yet another one down the road? What's to stop America from immediately filling up again with illegals once this current batch of ne'er-do-well's is amnestized as happened after 1986?"

    Back in 2007, it was routinely said that there were "11 - 20" million illegal aliens in the country. It is odd that the amnesty supporters proposed their "solution" to this problem, without even knowing to within better than a factor of two how big the problem was.

  82. "Since everyone here believes that the fight against large scale immigration is essentially lost..."

    No way. Population shifts can take place very rapidly these days... and that works both ways. Or more. Don't expect stasis.

    No depressed defeatism, please. End Prohibition Now.

  83. Is it? What about classical liberals? Aren't libertarians the modern day equivalent of classical liberals or are paleo conservatives the closet thing to classical liberals? I imagine modern liberals and neoconservatives are pretty different from classical liberals.

    I agree with you on these points, but a good many iSteve posters will not. As for classical liberals, modern paleocons would be the closet match. Neocons are nothing but Jack-Chick-en-hawks, to coin a phrase. Libertarians are pretty much a modern thing. Many of the personalities that would now be libertarian would either have been classical liberals - or Fabian socialists or anarchists. I am perfectly serious. Before 1917, nobody knew what would happen when left-winger seize control of a state. Nobody had the modern skepticism.

  84. Is it? What about classical liberals?

    The difference is that classical liberals didn't seem to hold their beliefs with fundamentalist religious intensity. They basically said look, based on our reasoning and interpretation of the evidence this is how a society creates prosperity. But you don't get the sense that they thought this was all there was to life. For example, it's hard to imagine an Adam Smith being convinced that his principles required he consider it permissible that London be turned over to Somalis and Pakistanis (much less that it ought to be turned over to them, 'cos they just wanna work, ya know). Whereas as with nutters like the Pauls it's only too easy to imagine them readily agreeing to the pristine permissibility of it.

  85. Lawmakers shouldn't be allowed to vote on amnesty until they've attended a USA-Mexico soccer match.

    Also, they should all have to replace half their assistants, pages, interns, and other assorted hangers-on with particular individuals they helped "out of the shadows." Given how bright, hard-working, and entrepreneurial these folks most certainly are, this would have to be a big win for the pols and the country.

  86. "If you wish to live and work in America, then we will find a place for you."

    There already is a place for them.

    It's called "Mexico".

    And, even better, Mexico is in America! Perfect!

  87. Ex Submarine Officer said...

    I don't say something like this lightly, but why don't you start blocking this Desert Lady. All noise, no signal, and seemingly malicious as well.

    There a thread on mypostingcareer about her. I'm too lazy to look for it, but she seems to be a loon. Maybe a loon who's on our side about a couple things. Still crazy.

  88. Read all of Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations," not just the quote about the hand. Libertarianism would have been considered anathema by the great Scots moralist.


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