April 25, 2013

Jeb Bush and the Decline of Disinterestedness

From the Washington Post:
Hispanic consciousness lends weight to Jeb Bush as GOP eyes 2016 presidential race 
By Manuel Roig-Franzia and Peter Wallsten, Published: April 24 
MIAMI — She was almost like a member of the family. An employee, but almost one of them. 
For three years, Maria Magdalena Romero had tended to the suburban Miami home of Jeb and Columba Bush, had helped to raise their three children, had twined into the fabric of their lives. 
Then, with lurching swiftness, she was yanked away. On a mild winter morning in 1991, two immigration agents appeared at the door of the family home looking for the woman Bush’s younger son and namesake, then just 10 years old, remembers as “a super nice lady.” They carried deportation orders. 
It didn’t matter that Bush’s father was president of the United States at the time or that a Secret Service agent had answered the door. Romero, who was in the country illegally but had a work permit, wasn’t getting a reprieve. 

Wow. So, way back under the Bush the Elder Administration, federal officials felt confident enough to inconvenience the President's own son for illegally employing a cheap servant?

John Adams, who called for "a government of laws, not of men," would have been proud.

Of course, these days, disinterestedness is just one of those tiresome WASP hang-ups.
... That long-ago deportation is one among many inflection points for the elder Bush in what has been a lifetime of intimate proximity to America’s Hispanic community, to its searing pain and its buoyant joy, to its mores and its politics. 
While Republicans cast about for leaders who can connect with Spanish-speaking voters, this tall Texas native with the Mexican American wife has remarkably come to represent a kind of Hispanic consciousness for the party. 
Living in Miami, mixing effortlessly with that city’s Cuban American power base and speaking near-flawless Spanish, Bush has managed to embody an adopted culture that has enthusiastically adopted him. As former commerce secretary Carlos Gutierrez put it at last week’s Hispanic Leadership Network conference in Miami, the former Florida governor is “just as Hispanic as everyone in this room, and maybe a little more.”

Carlos Gutierrez is the most extreme example of the Hidalgo-American types who have been lecturing us evil white folk on our evil white racism lately.
It is a distinction that lends considerable weight to Bush — who was successful in attracting votes from both Republican and Democratic Latinos in his gubernatorial races — in the handicapping for 2016’s GOP presidential candidates. Speculation about another Bush presidency is permeating the festivities this week as Bush, 60, joins his presidential brother and father and the rest of the family in Dallas for the opening of the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum. In a C-Span interview airing Wednesday night, George W. Bush stokes the speculation about his brother’s presidential prospects, saying, “My first advice is: Run.”


  1. In a C-Span interview airing Wednesday night, George W. Bush stokes the speculation about his brother’s presidential prospects, saying, “My first advice is: Run.”

    I love the open-ended interpretation that last sentence gives.

  2. Disinterest lost the country. America could never have existed on such a basis.

  3. Isn't there a theory that in a diverse nation with nominal democracy (like Syria/Lebanon/Iraq/Singapore now, and America soon) that one of the minority groups will end up on-top, but with a light hand, because none of the other minority groups will trust the majority to not pogrom, and the majority/plurality group reserves the right to try to pogrom anyway if the ruling faction goes to far?

    If that's the case, then (whether or not there's an official Amnesty next week) Hidalgo-Americans (i.e. White (Hispanic)) are the group that's going to rule America. All the other options are either too thin on the ground, incapable/inexperienced with ruling, or unacceptable to the majority.

    Good thing Hidalgos have a thousand years of experience ruling globe-spanning multi-ethnic multi-confessional empires.

    Catherine of Aragon's Revenge, just like you said months ago.

  4. Don't forget all the two-career families that wouldn't function if the woman didn't rely on cheap foreign labor (and for various reasons doesn't want to rely on US workers). Having servants was an upper class norm for a very long time, and only recently has it been more the exception. For instance, I'm sure Fareed Zakaria's family in India has servants, and he has servants writing his columns. So basically people like Bush and Bloomberg and Zakaria think "immigration means somebody else changes my kids diaper, and my wife gets a career and doesn't make my life miserable for ruining hers." For instance, here is panegyric to having some other schlub raise your kids by a philosophy professor in Brazil. There's even a name for it, allo-parenting. And it's totally OK that some people are caring for another person's kids when they could be raising their own, because she gave them an acknowledgment in one of her books. How cool is that?


  5. In a C-Span interview airing Wednesday night, George W. Bush stokes the speculation about his brother’s presidential prospects, saying, “My first advice is: Run.”

    So our family can finish off what's left of the country.

  6. " It didn’t matter that Bush’s father was president of the United States at the time or that a Secret Service agent had answered the door. Romero, who was in the country illegally but had a work permit, wasn’t getting a reprieve."

    Um, an alternative explanation is that this lady was just a fungible commodity after all.

    And if another use for her arose, such as maybe a marketing item for the 1992 Presidential race.

    I don't remember this as a news item from back then, but sometimes you take a flyer on things. No way of telling what the media will seize on to blow up.

    In the end this woman was going to serve. In one way, or another if she potentially could be more useful that way.

    Or does your world view tell you that in the world of 1991, that INS agents would go into the home of the President of the United States' son's house and take one of his servants? And no one bothered to mention this to the Prez beforehand?

    I bet they did, and I bet George called Jebbie up to make sure she wasn't really good at something or other, or whether Jebbie was boning her.

    Heck maybe Jebbie was boning her, this sort of thing is useless without a picture. (Of course the Governator proved that looks aren't everything in a gentleman's affairs.) Might have been a good way to get rid of an item that was past its sell date.

    Of course that would be risky if she decided to talk. But you could spin that as a disgruntled person breaking the rules, and still come out looking like Jesus if the media blesses you.

    There is also the question of exactly why the President's son felt all comfy having a person illegally in the country working for him for three years. You know one he would have had some face to face encounters and conversations with, unlike Marichal who worked in the yard.

  7. Doritos McGee4/25/13, 5:20 AM

    '“just as Hispanic as everyone in this room, and maybe a little more.”'

    In other words, he'll go beyond the point a Hispanic would, to prove his loyalty to Hispanics over 'ordinary Americans' and provide them with taxpayer-funded goodies like amnesty, welfare, disability, etc.

    Its like the blacks who are half-white or lighter, like Malcolm X, Elijah Muhammad, Obama, etc. who are the ones who go out of the way to gripe about whitey or become activists, etc to prove they are as black as anyone else in the room and maybe a little more.

  8. So much anxiety to not only replace the natives, but to get in politicians beholden to the new people.

    Not one word about his abilities. He just pushes the right ethnic buttons.

    The future is here.

  9. Maybe one or two members of the Bush Family wanted her gone and pulled secret strings to make it happen.

    Disinterestedness has declined, but that family was ahead of the curve, to put it mildly.

  10. Speaking of "Disinterestedness", is it worth mentioning that article is co-written by the jewrnalista Peter Wallsten, formerly of the La Times. Wallsten is infamous for refusing to release the Barack Obama/Rashid Khalidi videotape of the Khalidi memorial diner which was believed to also have been attended by Bill Ayers at at time in spring 08 when the journolists were covering up the Obama-Ayers connection.

    Looks like Wallsten is moving up in the Jouralista ranks. He is now charged with inflating the ultimately doomed candidacy of the Jebster.

  11. Its like Heather MCDonald stated even in liberal California, the whites voted for Coolney who was the moderate for Attorney General while the Hispanics voted for liberal Harris. Also, MCDonald in her article shows that Hispanics supported prop 30 over Whites. Why white Republicans are made to go after people that are different than their white based doesn't make sense even in conservative counties that remain in California like Orange and Kern whites voted a lot more Republican than Hispanics. In Orange Hispanics voted the most Democratic they tend to be the most poor. Take Santa Ana which went about 70 percent for Obama and white-Asian Irvine which went only 53 percent for Obama.

    1. There is nothing indicative in the political culture of Latin America to suggest they are conservatives. The overwhelming majority of Latin countries are left of center. Only Chile with its large Germanic population flirted with the right wing for a prolong period of time.

      The GOP is chasing after fools gold. If the GOP wants to remain viable they need to do away with Ted Kennedy's abomination if an immigration law and then go after birthright citizenship.

  12. ANAHEIM, CA - (April 18, 2013) - At Tuesday’s City Council meeting, the Anaheim City Council unanimously approved a Resolution in support of comprehensive federal immigration reform. The Resolution encourages the United States Congress to adopt and enact immigration reform based on six main principles, many of which have been outlined by both business and labor groups working in collaboration to promote reform at the federal level.
    As outlined in the resolution, the immigration reform would provide a path to citizenship for nearly 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States, focus on securing international borders while providing practical controls, improve the current visa program, assess the labor market’s needs accurately and admit foreign workers based on those needs, increase workforce talent outreach programs, and effectively process the backlog of existing visa applications streamlining the process.

    “Anaheim’s Resolution calls for immigration reform based in humanity that will address practical realities that we face at the local level,” said Anaheim Mayor Tom Tait.

    "This is a defining moment,” stated Council Member Jordan Brandman who asked for the Resolution to be placed on the agenda. “Labor, business, and community leaders across the country have joined forces in support of enacting comprehensive immigration reform. It was my honor to bring this matter forward for Council consideration in Anaheim – where we continue to set the standard for visionary leadership and respectful understanding by the passage of this Resolution."

    As outlined in the City’s Resolution, the City Clerk has been directed to send a copy to the President of the United States, the Speaker of the United States House of Representative, the President of the United States Senate, and the Members of the 113th Congress representing the City of Anaheim.

    A copy of the Resolution can be accessed by clicking he
    This is what happen to Anaheim using illegal immirgants for 30 years in the Hotel and Resturant industry they finally gave up the fight. In fact while the former Mayor Carl Pringle was not also good on high immirgation he wanted to genify the city but the market fell out the new mayor gives into demands by the Hispanic groups on gangs sometimes and on immirgation reform unlike Santa Ana there are whites and other minorities on the city council but the leftwing white groups and Hispanic groups along with Business and Labor are pushing to legalized Anaheim's 70,000 to 125,000 illegal population.

  13. Funny, that's what my reaction would be to another Bush presidency: "Run!".

  14. But these Hidalgo Castillians don't fool the mestizos.

    Seen on a CA constructiton site: bumper sticker w. outline of North and South America - caption,
    "Indian Country."

  15. From 'Yankee Go Home' to 'Yankee No Home'.

  16. God, not another Bush, truly a dynasty of dickheads with no guiding principles, the first of whom immediately set about dismantling the Reagan Revolution in the hope of creating a Kinder, Gentler America. Meaning, a socialist America.

  17. Steve, as you have correctly observed, the Bush presidencies had little to do with the GOP but a lot to do with establishing a Bush dynasty. Yet it seems the Republicans have learned nothing. Bush I pissed all over his core supporters by breaking his pledge not to raise taxes. The result? A GOP disaster in the 1992 election and eight years of Bill Clinton.

    In 2000, Bush II had an historic opportunity - the first Republican president in almost fifty years to enjoy a Republican congress. What happened? We all know, and, although II won reelection, in 2004, the 2006, 2008 and 2012 elections were further Republican disasters.

    Now we have yet another Bush who wants to move into the White House. If the Republicans pick him, they really are the stupid party.

    By the way, it seems Hillary would like to do her own part to establish another dynasty. And if she's getting on a bit, well, how old is Chelsea?

    We really do need a 28th amendment barring anyone named Bush or Clinton from ever being president.

  18. “My first advice is: Run.”
    A perfect quote. Perhaps people should stand, instead.

  19. ...its searing pain and its buoyant joy,

    ¡Madre de Dios! You can write mawkish mierda like that in a "serious newspaper" and not get a beating from your editor?

  20. Steve,

    OT, but here is a story on Carlos Slim profiting from phones for the poor.

    Congressional Republicans want to rein in a $2.2 billion U.S. mobile-phone subsidy for the poor, saying it’s riddled with fraud and benefits the world’s richest man, Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim.

    Slim’s TracFone Wireless Inc. received about a quarter of the funds from the U.S. government’s Lifeline program, according to the latest figures. Today, a House subcommittee convenes a hearing to ask why the program, paid for by fees charged to U.S. phone subscribers, tripled in cost since 2008.

  21. "...its searing pain and its buoyant joy,"

    ¡Madre de Dios! You can write mawkish mierda like that in a "serious newspaper" and not get a beating from your editor?

    I don't think the Post has editors anymore. We just saw another article from the Post in which the reported claimed that Slovakia doesn't exist. And that went to print.

  22. Good thing Hidalgos have a thousand years of experience ruling globe-spanning multi-ethnic multi-confessional empires.

    Not multi-confessional. They tended to be pretty Catholic. Perhaps not even exactly "multi-ethnic" since they insisted on some amorphous "Hispanic" or "Latino" ethnicity that was genetically heterogeneous.

  23. If that's the case, then (whether or not there's an official Amnesty next week) Hidalgo-Americans (i.e. White (Hispanic)) are the group that's going to rule America. All the other options are either too thin on the ground, incapable/inexperienced with ruling, or unacceptable to the majority.

    This would just be a continuation of the trend that began with the WASPs losing power because they were too white and not "ethnic" enough.

  24. Slovene Power4/25/13, 9:47 AM

    I don't think the Post has editors anymore. We just saw another article from the Post in which the reported claimed that Slovakia doesn't exist. And that went to print.

    Slovakia doesn't exist anymore. You might be thinking of Slovenia.

  25. Did you see this in the WSJ yesterday? The GOP establishment has reached a new level of insanity:

    Will a new law help Republicans?...Rubio says that Republicans shouldn't expect a surge of Hispanic votes, but Hispanics will at least be willing to "listen to us."

    Mr. Bell, a former adviser to Ronald Reagan and Jack Kemp, goes further, arguing that Republicans shouldn't worry about who gets credit for successful reform. "If Democrats get 10 times more credit, it's still in Republicans' interest," he says. "It will free them" to compete for votes that, more often than not, were beyond their reach.

  26. Today's Update from Numbers USA:

    Today: Four things we learned from the Senate Committee hearings this week

    The Senate Judiciary Committee held two hearings earlier this week in advance of marking up the Gang of Eight's comprehensive amnesty bill. The first was a nearly 8-hour long marathon with a parade of witnesses from Big Business to Big Labor to Special Interest groups with just a few witnesses sprinkled in to testify about the need for more interior enforcement, better border security, and the huge fiscal drain that an amnesty would have on the nation's future.

    The following day, the Committee brought in DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano.

    Here's what we learned. . .


    Every part of the bill was written as though America is facing a severe labor shortage crisis. Monday's hearing featured one industry spokesperson after another who testified that Americans from high-school drop outs to the laid off engineer were either too lazy or too uneducated to fill U.S. labor needs at the wages being offered. The only guarantees in the bill concern large increases in the pool of available foreign workers, including millions of illegal workers who receive amnesty.


    The legalization comes first. There are no hard enforcement triggers for the initial amnesty (legalization + work permits). Chris Crane, ICE Officer and President of the National ICE Council testified to that on Monday. No one disputed that point and it has been reported in the press.


    Sen. Schumer and company called Sen. Rubio's bluff: Back in January, Rubio promised, "If, in fact, this bill does not have real triggers in there...if there is not language in this bill that guarantees that nothing else will happen unless these enforcement mechanisms are in place, I won't support it."

    Since the bill has been available to read, Rubio has issued repeated statements that are contradicted by his own legislation and by Schumer.


    No one seems capable of explaining what will happen to future illegal aliens if the bill passes (see Roy's blog).

    The bill excludes post-December 31, 2011 illegal aliens. What happens to them? The bill also calls for expanded guest worker programs. What happens to the guest workers who don't go home when their work visa expires?

    Will the administration ramp up interior enforcement to detect and remove illegal aliens not covered by the bill? Or will the administration adopt the "attrition through enforcement" approach both the White House and Gang of Eight have decried? Or will the bill preserve the status quo immigration enforcement that gives "prosecutorial discretion" to non-violent aliens unlawfully residing and working in the country, thus building up a new illegal population to be amnestied at a later date? The bill doesn't say. The bill's authors won't say."

  27. Doritos McGee said: In other words, he'll go beyond the point a Hispanic would, to prove his loyalty to Hispanics over 'ordinary Americans' and provide them with taxpayer-funded goodies like amnesty, welfare, disability, etc.

    Its like the blacks who are half-white or lighter, like Malcolm X, Elijah Muhammad, Obama, etc. who are the ones who go out of the way to gripe about whitey or become activists, etc to prove they are as black as anyone else in the room and maybe a little more.

    A sadly common phenomenon, but one that could be used in the interests of the majority culture if the incentive structure encouraged it. As evinced by the existence of many Latin American "Whites", Iberian cultures have a good historical track record when it comes to getting half-breeds to identify with the dominant ethnic group. While I hope we needn't go the Brazil do Norte route, we may eventually have to take a page from the Latin playbook if current demographic trends continue. What a depressing thought...

    -The Judean People's Front


  28. NO

    No more Bushes or Clintons ever!

  29. ben tillman said: I don't think the Post has editors anymore. We just saw another article from the Post in which the reported claimed that Slovakia doesn't exist. And that went to print.

    Slovakia won't exist until the Slovaks start killing us, cheating us, or providing us with scab labor. When they do, I'm certain that newsmen across the land will delight in the nuances of their rich and tragic history.

    -The Judean People's Front

  30. "lurching swiftness"? Yeah, I guess it's technically okay, but really. Then again, a lurch can be swift, but how exactly can swiftness be "lurching"? Did they come after her like a movie monster, dragging one leg (only faster)? Reminds me of that Oasis song with the inexplicable lyric
    slowly walking down the hall,
    faster than a cannonball...

    Of course that was actually a pretty good song, and those guys were on some combination of drugs and alcohol.
    I think the Post editors were replaced with political officers, a la the old Soviet Union. The narrative discipline isn't lacking, to be sure.

  31. You keep saying, S.S., that Rubio and P. Bush want more Hispanics because they want more of their own tribespeople to make them President.

    Except Hispanic voters want nothing to do with any Republican, Hispanic or otherwise. They'll vote for a white Democrat over a Hispanic Republican because the Democrat can deliver more welfare benefits.

  32. >"She was almost like a member of the family. An employee, but almost one of them."<

    Guaranteed to bring a tear to the eye of every rich elite. "Mandingo has been with us for years."


  33. So the only controversy is, who will be Jeb's running mate — Eric Cantor, Ben Carson, or Ted Cruz (surely we can ignore that 'Natural-born citizen' bigotry by now). You are linked and commented again here:

  34. So, basically, a scant five years after the first amnesty, people like the Bushes were already hiring illegals again. Yeah, let's have another round! I'm sure it'll work out fine this time.

  35. Speak of the devil. I just asked an author of that WaPo piece about GWB enabling mass immigration in order to help P. gain votes. He seems to think it's "less than zero".

    I'm going to leave it to others to pick up where I left off, so fire up Twitter and ask him which universe he's in.

  36. Speak of the devil. I just asked an author of that WaPo piece about GWB enabling mass immigration in order to help P. gain votes. He seems to think it's "less than zero".

    I'm going to leave it to others to pick up where I left off, so fire up Twitter and ask him which universe he's in.

  37. Is Jeb Bush making his push now because the boy wonder Rubio looks lame in defense of amnesty and looks to go down with it?

  38. http://www.cnn.com/2013/03/26/opinion/navarrette-california-gay-marriage

  39. Steve,
    OT but I also posted this on Half Sigma's new website. This is just too funny for words. Good to see that our Speaker of the House is setting such a good example:


  40. Hmm, I wonder. Is there a "righteous gringo" term, as there is "righteous gentile"?

  41. It happened to John Hornburg, a real-estate developer and self-described conservative who is a member of the Mariners Church in Irvine, Calif. What he thought he knew about illegal immigration didn’t square with what he experienced volunteering as an English teacher at a local church center.

    “As I learned their stories,” he told the Wall Street Journal recently, “I started to look at these folks through a prism of humanity and my heart just opened up.” Many members of the Mariners congregation live in upscale Newport Beach, where per capita incomes hover around $80,000. But nearby sits Santa Ana, where the church runs volunteer programs; per capita incomes there are below $17,000.

    Stephen Hueber, a 30-year-old white Evangelical who attends Mariners, told the Wall Street Journal that his experience teaching English in Santa Ana “put a whole new face on the immigration issue.”

    It isn’t just happening to church members, this intersection of faith and public policy. It’s happening to church leaders, too. Consider Richard Land, who heads up the powerful Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Evangelical denomination in the U.S. Land is no stranger to a good public-policy debate, and no one confuses him with some of his more socially liberal Christian peers.

  42. Re: the link to Boehner's daughter's finance.

    No wonder we can't get the GOP on board with the program to preserve the historic United States. If they can't even be interested enough to prevent their kids from throwing away their heritage, what makes us think they will do anything to preserve ours?

    I already felt Boehner was a loser from his famous "weeping" interview he did on 60 minutes. I lost faith in his politics long ago. Now I have absolutely no respect for him as a man.

  43. Steve, OT but this is definitely something I thought you would take an interest in:

    Time to scrap affirmative action

    That someone would float these opinions isn't that surprising, but The Economist!? Am I being punk'd? April fools was almost a month ago.

  44. Is leapfrogging a form of universalism?

    If nationalism means 'I live for my nation' and if universalism means 'I belong to the family of man', then leap-frogging means to go beyond nationalism and embrace the whole family of man.

    The current reality is weird and contradictory on both the right and the left.
    Conservatives tend to be more nationalistic, but then, promote universalism within the nation.
    Liberals tend to be more universalistic, but then, promote ethnocentrism within the nation.

    Real conservatives want national borders sealed to maintain the Judeo-Christian/White character of the nation. But within the nation, they want all groups to assimilate into the mono-universal family, i.e. non-whites or non-Christians should assimilate to white/Christian cultural and legal norms. One might argue that this form of mono-universalism is favored by conservatives because white nations are dominated by white values(which are upheld as 'universal'), so it's really a means of imposing white/Christian values and norms on minorities.

    Liberals(and of course libertarians) are far less mindful of or even hostile to national borders. They see themselves as cosmopolitan 'citizens of the world'; thus, national boundaries are seen as anathema or 'reactionary' hindrance to the free flow of peoples and ideas. What does it matter who lives where since we are all fundamentally alike?

    But with their cult of 'diversity', liberals also promote differences among cultures and races and peoples. This stands in the way of assimilation within nations as minorities feel they should retain their 'differences' for the sake of diversity than assimilate with the majority.

    Nevertheless, there is a kind of glue that is pulling everyone around the world together. A kind of mondo-trasho-Americanism.

    Though the Right sees the world in terms of non-whites and Third World invading the West, this is only true in a demographic sense. In the economic, pop-cultural, political, and military sense, it's the West that is penetrating all over the world--look what happened to Libya. US corporations have unprecedented access to Africa, Asia, Middle East, Latin America, and elsewhere in search for markets and labor.
    Western elites 'invade' the world, and the world masses 'invade' the West. That seems to be the bargain. Western elites gain access to opportunities all over the world, and Third World masses gain access to the West. So, the West is both winning and losing, both invading and being invaded.
    (During the Cold War, the USSR stood as a kind of bulwark against this. But as US is the lone superpower--and as the rising superpower China is capitalist than communist--, globalism marches on. During the Cold War, US would never have dared to do what it did in Libya. But today, NATO does it and even the Middle East and Africa don't complain but look the other way. You don't mess with the lone superpower, especially if there's lots of cashes and prizes if you go along. In a way USSR was kind of a positive force for restraining the full reach of globalism.)

  45. And even though we do have problems of assimilation, the bigger problem may be that the world may be assimilating to Americanism even in their home countries. Kids all over listen to rap music and watch American movies and learn English and dress like American singers and actors. They imitate American fashions.
    In the 90s, I met a family that found refuge in the US with the invasion of Kuwait. During the Iraqi invasion, they sided with the Iraqis, but as Americans 'liberated' Kuwait, they came under attack from angry Kuwaitis who saw them as collaborators(with Iraqi invaders). So, they settled in the US and set up a small dollar store business close to the video rental store I used to work at. (Ah yes, the irony. US liberates Kuwait from evil Iraq but then accepts the collaborators of the evil Iraqi regime as immigrants.)

    What amazed me was how the kids--three sons--were totally Americanized in their English skills, obsessions--video games and sports--, and etc. (But then, even Kim Jong Un loves the NBA and hangs with Dennis Rodman.) To be sure, their father was a worldly man who'd made business trips to Europe and been around. But it was like the kids arrived in America already assimilated. They were 'Assyrian-Christian' but they could have been just like any other American kids.

    I like old nationalism better. And old cosmopolitanism, with its intellectual ambitions, had some value. But globalism today that is making the world into a disneyland with KFC in every street corner and video-game-crazed kids seems trashy and vapid. Do we want a world community where the common cultural currency is SEX AND THE CITY and GIRLS with porno miss piggy?

  46. Auntie Analogue4/25/13, 3:28 PM

    The instant that the first Affirmative Action program privileged the first undeserving Affirmative Action beneficiary, that's the day that disinterestedness died and was buried without a grave marker, and ever since then that's the spot upon which all the race hustlers, Grievance Industry scammer-profiteers, and pandering Rulers have urinated and defecated.

  47. http://www.theamericanconservative.com/gay-germ-censorship/#more-85182



  48. Dear God, please no, no, no.

    No more dynasties: no more Bushes, no more Clintons, no more Kennedys.

    No. Either party can do far better, and both need to do so.

    No, a thousand times NO.

  49. Aunie Analogue4/25/13, 3:48 PM

    My dear Slovene Power:

    Having gained independence in its Velvet Divorce from the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic has since existed.

    One of the Iwo Jima flag-raisers, Sergeant Mike Strank was a Slovak-American. Sergeant Strank later gave his life in the battle to take the rest of that sulphurous island.

    Since the first Slovak arrived in the United States Slovak-Americans have become first-rate, completely assimilated Americans. I would bet that no one here can name a Slovak-American who has done anything against our country.

    Following close on the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire at the end of the First World War, all of my Slovak grandparents immigrated from what had just become the independent Czechoslovakia. All of my grandparents labored at hard manual jobs, made sure their children became first-rate All-American citizens - within a generation all were perfectly assimilated.

    Together with almost all of my uncles, in World War II my father sailed the North Atlantic in a small escort ship; one of my uncles was in the D-Day assault waves on OMAHA Beach; another was an Army infantryman in several of the island assaults in the Southwest Pacific Theater; another was a flight engineer top turret gunner aboard a B-24 Liberator when his bomber was shot down on one of the Ploesti raids, and he spent the rest of the war in a Luftstalag. Everyone from my grandparents to my parents and their siblings and cousins and fellow parishoners came here, toiled at hard work, kept their noses clean, followed the rules, assmilated, built homes, put their grandchildren through college.

    So, yes, Slovakia exists. And I have never met - or heard of - any but a first-rate All-American Slovak-American citizen.

  50. Except Hispanic voters want nothing to do with any Republican, Hispanic or otherwise. They'll vote for a white Democrat over a Hispanic Republican because the Democrat can deliver more welfare benefits.

    That's true now. But what if Rubio is taking the long view. Look at 20 years from now, after this amnesty and the next one, with another 40 million or so mestizos in the country and demographics having put whites firmly in the minority. Mestizos will be numerous enough to control their own party, but blacks already have total control of the Democrats, so that leaves the GOP. Taking it over (which it's practically begging for anyway) would be a lot easier than forming a new party and growing it to a position of power. At that point, both parties will be liberal and handing out goodies; the difference between them will be entirely tribal, determining which non-white group gets the bulk of the spoils. Rubio and the Bushes can position themselves at the top of that non-white-non-black party now, and ride it into power when there are enough of those voters.

    Makes sense to me. Blacks already vote entirely on race lines, and mestizos mostly do. Whites don't yet, and may not until they're too outnumbered for it to matter. Heck, maybe that's when we'll finally get a third party that gets somewhere -- when the two main parties are brown and black, and whites are forced to start thinking tribally and start looking elsewhere.

    As I say, it's a theory.

  51. So, basically, a scant five years after the first amnesty, people like the Bushes were already hiring illegals again.

    Yes, because we certainly couldn't expect people of such humble means to pay what Americans would charge for domestic help.

  52. Didn't read the article, but Drudge's headline says BARBARA: 'We've had enough Bushes!'

  53. Auntie Analogue,

    I'm not hugely fond of the MSM's attempt to overplay the ellis island mythology to support third world, non-European immigration, but I agree with you about the good qualities of our Slovaks (and other Central Euros).

    Apparently, US Steel retains some institutional memory of the old Pittsburgh hunky work ethic as they've opened a factory in Kosice and sent over a Slovak-American from a steel working family to oversee operations. Yes it's still outsourcing, but better Kosice than Shenzhen.

    -The Judean People's Front

  54. I think it's long past time that our side give up disinterestedness and embrace nepotism and vested interest. We are the ones being screwed here. With the way in which the demographic reality has been shifted in most of our countries, the time has come to join with the peoples of color, religion and gender preference and demand: "What can our country do for us?"

    The Hasidim of Ramapo provide an object lesson in how this works. Whoever posted that, it is gold.


  55. I was thinking about the demise of disinterestedness recently in a very different context.

    My wife and I like watching CSI and CSI:NY. Recently we've been watching the last couple seasons of the latter, and I found myself becoming more and more impatient as nearly episode followed a similar pattern: horrific crime discovered; CSIs investigage -- and suddenly! -- it turns out the victim has some personal connection to one of the CSIs. No case in which the team can just do their jobs and act disinterestedly is good enough anymore.

    The context of the CSI franchises throws this phenomenon into relief with particular clarity, I think, since CSIs are otherwise such paragons of cold, objective science. That's something I initially liked about the show -- it was less of a soap opera disguised as a crime procedural. Sure, there had to be storylines about the characters' personal lives, but now that's not sufficient. The whole universe, including and especially every crime that occurs in major American cities, has to revolve around the individuals involved.

    A question for Steve and readers: thinking back on American movies/TV, was there ever a time that the characters in a long-running law enforcement drama could just fight the bad guys, and leave it at that, or has the phrase 'This time, it's personal' been around longer than I seem to recall? I mean, how many Gunsmoke episodes revolved around crimes that took place before Festus teamed up with Matt Dilon?

  56. Auntie Analogue4/25/13, 6:27 PM

    My dear Anonymous 4:33 -

    I, too, dislike that Enemedia-Pravda have overblown the Ellis Island/Emma Lazarus into a one-note mythology as a prop to keep the open borders door wide open, to keep the various visa scams running lucratively, to keep unelected State Department wonks resettling entire blocs of bogus refugees in our midst, and to keep the legal Diversity Lottery insanity importing yet more unassimilating, unassimilable Third Worlders.

    Pre-1924 mass legal immigration served a national purpose, and then restrictions were imposed in 1924 for a national purpose. Now, however, there is no national purpose behind open borders, behind the visa scams, behind the Diversity Lottery, or behind refugee resettlement: all of these have only an economic purpose that suits our Dear Rulers and their crony-globalist-capitalist one-pecenters, while ordinary Americans get the beshat end of that stick.

  57. The Conflict Between the Hasidic and Immigrant Communities in East Ramapo

    Lol. Those Hasids don't seem to know their own religion! Don't they know that stuff was over and done with 2,000 years ago? Some of our hasba- er, disinterested commentators should go to Ramapo and set these heretics straight. Judaism is very tolerant and multicultural. Love the stranger as thyself! Etc.

    Just watch, the Jewish press will be falling all over itself to condemn these heretics, real soon.


  58. Note how Mr. $4 Yarmulke doesn't mention the community of taxpayer graft. He mentions their poverty, their separatism and how it requires self-sufficiency, but doesn't say they don't leech welfare from the goyische taxpayers. He doesn't deny it, because they almost certainly do leech epic amounts of welfare from the goy taxpayers. I've read elsewhere that these upstate NY Hasidic shtetls do just that.

    Only their sins against the anointed blacks and hispanics matter, I suppose.

  59. Anon, I just watched my first episode of CSI; the first episode of season 1 of CSI:NY, which I assume is the first episode of CSI, period.

    I knew who the killer was, of course; he was the only blond guy in the cast who wasn't a CSI himself (the other blond guy, a CSI, was the only one singled out for condescending dialogue from the wise Latina and Mr. Sinise). A Russian, at that. The evil Russian MD demographic strikes again!

  60. What's really amusing about the media hate for the Russians is it started only after the fall of Communism. Throughout the Cold War, we practically couldn't pay the bastards to put Russian villains in films.

  61. There is nothing indicative in the political culture of Latin America to suggest they are conservatives. The overwhelming majority of Latin countries are left of center. Only Chile with its large Germanic population flirted with the right wing for a prolong period of time.

    The GOP is chasing after fools gold. If the GOP wants to remain viable they need to do away with Ted Kennedy's abomination if an immigration law and then go after birthrigh A lot of Latin America is not left but far to the right. Central America's problem is too little land for the peasant's to farm and conservatives there and here opposed any land reform or not much land reform. While Mexico owns its oil company, it welfare state is almost non-existence one reason why Mexicans come to the US. This means with some exceptions Latin America is further to the right of the Republican Party here, a vast under class and a small upper class. This is one hardcore Hugo C was popular in Latin America.

  62. OT but I also posted this on Half Sigma's new website. This is just too funny for words. Good to see that our Speaker of the House is setting such a good example:


    I bet John cried when they announced their engagement. Maybe he can squeeze some diversity cred out of it. Poor bastard.

  63. defining lawfulness down4/26/13, 12:16 AM

    IIRC Clinton's first 2 AG noms (Baird and Wood) were scotched--in rapid succession--by the same labor law violation, or rather the appearance of violation in the case of the latter. I don't think The Village had anything else on 'em (well, Wood was kind of a lightweight). Then we got the paramilitary Queen Janet, Scourge of the Branch Davidians... Yeah, it was kind of a bad time, unless you were just entering a career in the AM talk radio biz

  64. "Steve, OT but this is definitely something I thought you would take an interest in:

    Time to scrap affirmative action

    That someone would float these opinions isn't that surprising, but The Economist!?"

    AA was initially designed as a political weapon to use against White people. It's become a problem now because of Asian immigration and so they have to choose between siding with Black or Asian over the issue. As Black people are in the process of being replaced by Hispanics as the core demographic of the coalition anyway and they have nowhere else to go politically it makes sense to throw them under the bus and give those college places to Asians.

    o/t that page included a link to


    which is quite interesting - especially the part about women being more attracted to violent men when they live in a violent environment - which makes sense imo and squares the circle nicely vis a vis women's very different preferences in very different environments.

    It also ties into the whole beta thing. Beta males created the best countries before they were poisoned. They did this was by collectively creating an environment that made men like themselves more attractive and one of those ways was by making those environments less violent.

    Beta qualities are what got us to the moon. The only problem with european beta males is they let the environment they unconsciously built to be adaptive for their own genes be consciously wrecked before they noticed it was being wrecked.

    Interesting stuff.

  65. thinking back on American movies/TV, was there ever a time that the characters in a long-running law enforcement drama could just fight the bad guys, and leave it at that, or has the phrase 'This time, it's personal' been around longer than I seem to recall?

    Fits the first 4-5 seasons of Dick Wolf's Law & Order to a tee. Not only that, the perps, including the actually guilty ones, would just as often be black or Hispanic as rich whites!

    It was only after (about) the 1994 midterm elections that the show bible must have been revised, leading to the ridiculous situation that Steve has noted before, i.e. there was more white-on-white murder in a single season of L&O than in three comparable years of actual NYC history, and suddenly the back stories of the detectives mattered.

  66. Svigor said: I do know enough to doubt that the press will go as far with this thing as they would if it were any pale-skins but Jews doing it in Ramapo. "Doubt" is putting it mildly.

    Fair enough. A distinction must be made however, between the near universal Jewish tendency to circle the wagons in public conversation and the idea that the Jews generally act in each others' interest.

    I doubt, for example, that Bernie Madoff ever dreamt of publicly badmouthing the Jewish community, but he clearly had no problem bringing material ruin and disrepute to his fellow Jews. Equally, established American Jewry took up arms against Henry Ford's verbal expressions of anti-semitism but didn't do much to save European Jews from Hitler's slightly more physical expressions of Jew hatred.

    This is not to imply that that verbal group cohesion doesn't bleed into the real world, but my main point that speech codes!= behavior still stands.

    -The Judean People's Front

  67. "I do know enough to doubt that the press will go as far with this thing as they would if it were any pale-skins but Jews doing it in Ramapo. "Doubt" is putting it mildly."

    If it was whites doing the same thing, the media would make out it was the reincarnation of Hitler, they would be called white supremacists, and the situation would look like Waco in short order.


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