May 9, 2013

Gang of Eight's $45 million ATM ripoff: diversity in action!

For some reason, the New York Times doesn't include the names of all eight individuals charged with stealing $45 million from New York automated teller machines in its top story, but does provide a link to the federal indictment. As a public service, here are the names of the eight:
1. Alberto Yusi Lajud-Pena, also known as "Prime" and "Albertico"
2. Jael Mejia Collado
3. Joan Luis Minier Lara
4. Evan Jose Pena
5. Jose Familia Reyes
6. Elvis Rafael Rodriguez
7. Emir Yasser Yeje
8. Chung Yu-Holguin, also known as "Chino El Abusador"

We've got a guy with an American first name, Elvis Rodriguez, a guy with Arab given names, Emir Yasser Yeje, and a guy with a Chinese first name and a hyphenated Chinese-Spanish pair of surnames who is nicknamed "Chino El Abusador." The greatest philosopher of mulitculturalism's fondest wish has finally come true: We can all get along!

They are probably bipartisan, too.


  1. lajud = lahoud ?
    They sound like south-american cognitive elite types ( lebs and asians with some conquis for good measure).
    Peruvians ? Ecuadorians ?

  2. Yes we con!

  3. lajud = lahoud ?

    Like Obama Cabinet Secretary Ray Lahood, whose son got in trouble in Egypt?

  4. The funny thing is that Mexicans and Arabs actually _do_ get along, much better than Arabs and blacks or Mexicans and blacks or even Arabs and whites or Mexicans / mestizos and whites.

    I wouldn't at all be surprised if 100 years from now Islam is the majority religion of Mexico. There are now more Islam Centers in Mexico than in any other country in North America.

  5. I wonder how Spaniards take seeing so many mestizos around the world using their names and language. Would it be a source of pride of past greatness or something else.

  6. The posts about Ellis Island/Emma Lazarus reminded me that Italian & Puerto Rican-themed movies used to strongly emphasize, with artistic license, the intermingling of the criminal element with fresh-off-the-boat illiterate salt-of-the-earth. This was the way until the 80s, anyway ("Scarface" was a sort of less graceful spin on the trope)--by the time of "Working Girl" the Statue of Liberty kitsch was associated with commuting from Staten Island. Not sure if the cinematic tradition survives but there's an opening here for a clever filmmaker, taking one of these exciting Spanish/Mandarin/Arabic polyglot tech-savvy gangs and set it against the NYC Global Capital ethnicky flavor; sort of like "The Shield" but do it slicker, again with lots of fancy computer product-placement. If he gets questioned just say it's an update/homage to "American Me"-meets-"Across 110th St," or whatever

  7. Seems that culturally northern European societies have lower levels of corruption and financial crime than nearly anywhere else on earth.

  8. GOP consultant at The Improv5/9/13, 8:48 PM

    Mexico's going to the Muslim terror-gangs? I always knew they were religious and into La Familia but this is ridiculous! *rimshot*

  9. Steve,
    lajud does sound like a spanish transliteration of the lebanese (christian, i think) name lahoud.
    The same name was probably americanized into laHood, which funnily enough looks like some kind of black ghetto name.

  10. The Gang of Eight.

    They used to be mortgage brokers.

  11. JeremiahJohnbalaya5/9/13, 9:12 PM

    I wouldn't at all be surprised if 100 years from now Islam is the majority religion of Mexico. There are now more Islam Centers in Mexico than in any other country in North America.

    Good grief. Can you imagine worrying about whether every Mexican was a terrorist?

  12. $45 mil!? From ATMs? WOW! Overachievers!!! Still not as great as the other Gang of Eight, but it's nice to see what enterprising young men can accomplish in America. That's a lot of change.

  13. Alberto Yusi Lajud-Pena got whacked:

    "$45M Bank Hack Suspect Was Shot Dead While Playing Dominoes"

    "It was an ignoble end to a spectacular but brief career by all accounts.

    Alberto Yusi Lajud-Peña, one of a number of suspected ringleaders behind a coordinated and sophisticated global bank heist operation that netted the thieves $45 million in stolen funds, was mowed down inside his Dominican Republic home last month while playing dominoes, robbing authorities of the chance to bring him to justice with his alleged co-conspirators."

  14. Just doing the jobs Americans won't do ..

  15. Yes, Lajud is Arabic, I guess the same as Lahoud (and Lahood).

  16. San Franciscan nonmonk5/9/13, 10:03 PM

    OT: Tiger mom style not working?

  17. "Chino El Abusador"

    ROTFL. That's great. It's like a parody name of multiculturalism.

  18. "There are now more Islam Centers in Mexico than in any other country in North America."

    That's actually not true.

    Unfortunately, the US is home to the most Islamic centers in ALL the Americas.

    I say let's just stick to using facts, rather than pulling things out of our rear ends.

    We have plenty of facts at our disposal to counter this amnesty surge.

  19. Let's celebrate!

    The gap between our latino brothers and my fellow coreligionists has never been so narrow.

  20. "I wonder how Spaniards take seeing so many mestizos around the world using their names and language. Would it be a source of pride of past greatness or something else"

    Being half conqui, I have to say it really isn't. Heck, I mispronounce my first name through anglicization just because they're so embarrassing. At least the Krauts bothered to let accomplished thieves use their names. ;)

  21. A vibrant gang

  22. From what I understand of the story, the guys who were caught were the bottom-tier guys who were pulling out the cash. Having the leader of *that* group turn up dead strongly suggests that someone he was doing business with *really* didn't want to be identified.

    I assume the smart people on the backend of this scam took precautions not to be traceable. The interesting question is how they got paid. I wonder if they just sold the information to the bottom-tier guys. That's common in this kind of crime, as I understand it, but even paying pennies on the dollar, the bottom-tier guys would have had to come up with an awful lot of money.

    I wonder if there were more teams operating in other cities. I'd kind of expect that, since that would let you make a lot more money. On the other hand, the more people you give this information to, the more likely one of them is working for the cops, and the whole scam gets stopped.

  23. It's reported the headquarters of this scheme is located outside the US. Wonder what country? These guys may have been just the low level accomplices who actually went and made the withdrawals in person, getting their pictures taken in the process.

  24. A huge pension fraud scam has just been detected in the UK. Going by the - obscured - photos of the arrestees it looks like an Asian/Nigerian combo.


    Huge pension scam in the UK. Asian/Nigerain partnership!!

  26. Arabs and Mexicans united. That is called FIFA. My Arab students and Mexican students wear the same unifying symbol "Messi." The two most important people on the planet are both Argentinian of Italian descent. Who woulda thunk?

  27. $45 mil!? From ATMs? WOW! Overachievers!!! Still not as great as the other Gang of Eight, but it's nice to see what enterprising young men can accomplish in America. That's a lot of change.

    Nah, that was the worldwide network's take. The NYC branch only took 2 mil.

  28. Pikers. The other gang is stealing a whole country from its people.


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