May 9, 2013

Here's the kind of headline I like

The face of the Gang of Eight's immigration bill
From today's San Francisco Chronicle:
The Fury Over Mark Zuckerberg's Political Committee Is Getting Louder By The Second 


  1. NYC weighs allowing many immigrants to vote

    Do liberals believe in their own BS? Theres no way SWPL liberals would shoot themselves in the foot like this. If immigrants voted, they would tip the scales in favor of a candidate ending "stop and frisk". Anyone following Steve's blog or even using basic deductive reasoning knows the relative safety of NYC in the past few years is due to NYC's "stop and frisk" program.

    You never know liberals may believe in their own BS.

    1. If NYC allowed noncitizens to vote, David Dinkins would be voted back into Gracie Mansion.

  2. Excellent news. SF Chron is a pretty widely read paper. This is, admittedly, a facile take on Zuck's PAC, but the idea is spreading: that weird, sneaky Facebook guy really wants to see this immigration bill passed. Hmm ...

    Everyone who's ever read Steve's site and said "yeah, yeah, you have all these ideas, but when are we ever gonna DO something??" Well, we're doing it now. Here's your chance. Forward this SF Chron article to your cousins. Leave a few copies on the train. Look for more mainstream media articles - preferably those that mention Facebook's desire to bring in foreign programmers and engineers, to take high paying jobs - and spread those around to. Talk about it at work.

    "Immigration bill? Marco who? I don't know, but I heard that weaselly Facebook guy really wants to bring in a lot of foreign workers."

  3. In other news, a Christian Eugenics Society has launched:


  4. I love the weasel pics, Steve. The weasels are one of the better running gags I've seen on this blog so far. You are well known for your hilarious verbal takedowns, but your visual humor is just as cutting.

    -The Judean People's Front

  5. The Zuck is a schmuck.

  6. Hmmm didn't someone make a pastiche image of George Bush composed of chimps, and it was shown on a digital billboard in New York city?

    Maybe someone needs to make one of Zuckerberg made of weasels.

  7. It's not from the Chronicle (syndicated/aggregated content from Henry Blodget's Huffington rip-off, as it says right in the by-line).

    Though they're of course world-famous for Zodiac killers and Sharon Stone's ex and Herb Caen--well, they're famous for the serial killer at least--the Chron is a surprisingly provincial Pacific Heights-y paper. I always remembered it as the one Hearst didn't own. Not clear they're aware of events beyond the Daly City limits

  8. Prof. Woland5/9/13, 8:40 PM

    This is rich. The Sierra Club is angry that Weaselberg is colluding with Republicans but not that he is attempting to blow out the immigration limits and add 33 million new polluters to the US population. They ceased being relevant about 20 years ago, right about the time they embraced diversity as their prime directive and stopped pretending they were anything other than Democratic shills.

  9. "NYC weighs allowing many immigrants to vote

    Do liberals believe in their own BS? Theres no way SWPL liberals would shoot themselves in the foot like this. If immigrants voted, they would tip the scales in favor of a candidate ending "stop and frisk". Anyone following Steve's blog or even using basic deductive reasoning knows the relative safety of NYC in the past few years is due to NYC's "stop and frisk" program.

    You never know liberals may believe in their own BS. "

    Well, stop and frisk is actually very popular. Also, many of the more recent immigrants are working-class Asians who see no reason not to support the program.

    They are not only less violent than the browns/blacks but also less violent(by a smidgen) than the whites.

    And they are usually stuck in places with high levels of NAM-diversity.

    Many people mistake Asians for 'being with us'. No such thing. They're just ruthlessly pragmatic. The only thing that counts for them is "what is in it for us?". Therefore, they are only concerned with ending Affirmative action for Asians, they don't care about others (read: whites). That's also why the vote Democratic as they see, correctly, the GOP as the white party.

    So they will support the program on these same grounds. Who cares about the crime levels for everyone else? What about us?

    The calculus is clear, since very few who are stopped are Asian.

  10. You're making the gang look cute and cuddly. I love weasels.

    Use the skunk instead. Maybe not. They're cute too and only wants to be left alone.


  12. The weasels are much cuter than Mark Zuckerberg.


    Remarkable beask.

  14. We need to meme-ify this weasel --and fast!


    A few more comments and likes on the above facebook page, Zuckerberg sucks, might help.

  16. I don't think Zuckerberg is the brains behind the operation. I think he is just a patsy, conned by all the political consultants who are getting rich off of him.

    The Political Mercenary Class of consultants and pollsters and admen and social media gurus have been evolving from parasites to predators. Now, they target rich clowns like Zuckerberg, Fiorina and Romney and and flatter them into thinking that their millsions makes them Very Important People. Then, once they've deluded their marks into thinking they Can Make A Difference, they bleed them dry and move on to the next scam.

    "A Fool and his money are soon parted," was never more true than in 21st Century politics.

  17. I always remembered it as the one Hearst didn't own.

    Since '99 it's been the one Hearst does own.

  18. Of course Libs will let illegals vote. And letting illegals vote will end stop and frisk. Guess what group illegals belong to: Mexican immigrants, wealthy Chinese Entrepreneurs, or Korean investors? Guess which group routinely carries illegal weapons?

    For SWPL, this is a no brainer. Make New York "vibrant" aka 1970's era decay and dangerous, lower real estate prices, get federal bailout money, drive away the "bridge and tunnel" crowd in Staten Island, and make NYC like Rio only colder and more dangerous. That's the whole point.

  19. "Do liberals believe in their own BS?"

    If I may digress just briefly from the immediate topic, whether or not liberals/socialists/progressives/SWPLs believe their own BS is a question I have been asking myself and others for literally 40 years. While it seems impossible to give a definitive answer, I have come to believe that yes, they do believe a lot of their own BS -- certainly more of it than the younger me thought possible. They get especially agitated when their ideology and economic interests are in alignment, providing a kind of force multiplier for their self-righteous fury.

  20. Sailer, you do know that using a weasel to represent someone who happens to be Jewish, and happens to be engaged in behavior consistent with the vilest anti-Semitic stereotypes will be considered proof of anti-Semitism.

    Then the media will say we have to give Yucky Zucky everything he wants just to spite Anti-Semites.


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