May 22, 2013

Chechens Acting Checheny, Cont.

Vibrancy, Boston-style
There are what, about 100 Chechens in the U.S.? So, that's a pretty small sample size from which to draw national stereotypes. But, no true Chechen was ever daunted by long odds, and our small number of domestic Chechens are doing their damnedest to spread to America their homeland's stereotype among their Eurasian neighbors for maniacalness. From the Daily Mail:
Friend of Tamerlan Tsarnaev shot dead by FBI after 'pulling a knife as he prepared to sign a confession to 2011 triple homicide'
- Ibragim Todashev, 27, reportedly turned violent during an interview with an FBI agent
- He was being interviewed over his ties to Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev
- Todashev, from Chechnya, was shot dead by the agent just after midnight Wednesday
- He had reportedly confessed to the FBI that he played a role in a brutal triple slaying in the Boston area in 2011
- Todashev had met Tsarnaev while he was living in Boston and last spoke him about a week before the bombing
- He was arrested on May 4 in an unrelated incident after he knocked a man unconscious in a fight over a parking space


  1. Some useful background on Chechens and the North Caucasus:

  2. Some useful background on Chechens and the North Caucasus:

  3. Better to be a Chechen than a chicken.

  4. Remember the clone army in ATTACK OF THE CLONES?

    I think it would be cool to have a Checlone Army. 10 million of such men would be unstoppable.


    Invade the world, invite the world EPIC FAIL.

  6. When our rulers throw open the borders and invite the scum of the world, who they believe will magically become upstanding American citizens or residents merely by setting foot on our soil, do they actually follow up five or ten years later and measure outcomes? If so, is that data available anywhere?

  7. Bloomberg acting Chutzpahny.

  8. Can't figure out which member of The Who that is. Pete or Keith?


    Bloomberg acting Chutzpahny.

    The Link.

  10. Does this mean we're down to 196 patriotic, hard-working Chechen-Americans now? Who's keeping the count?

  11. This stink to anyone else? First, you cannot draw and fire quick enough to get a knifeman at close range. Try it you'll see. Second, you cannot get stopped for loitering and not get patted down. No way he got into the office without a pat down. Third, this guy could have kept our ridiculous immigration in the spotlight for weeks or months. Rather a neat way to tie this one up with a bow and take it off the table.

  12. Not that I doubt that a Chechen would act Chechen-y


    Let's think for a second about this story, given to us by Eric Holder's FBI

    The FBI says that this guy confesses to an anti-jewish slaying attack

    Discusses knowing the worst terrorist ever (tm)

    Is about to sign a confession

    Then becomes violent and pulls a knife the FBI somehow didn't bother to remove from him before interviewing him

    And the FBI agent "had to" shoot him to death.

    Well... okay

  13. Auntie Analogue5/22/13, 3:44 PM

    Import the Third World and you ARE the Third World.

  14. "This stink to anyone else?"

    Yes. Totally.

    I think it's a Bay of Pigs type scenario with Chechens as the Cubans and Russia as the target.

  15. Wonderful folks. As hot of blood as they are dim of mind. And not one of them has ever voted Republican, so they are ideal immigrants,.

  16. Todashev came to the US on a student visa but spent most of his time as a cage fighter. Observe the unset broken nose.

  17. I'd love to see a Chechen woman's boxing league. They could beat each other bloody while wearing veils.

  18. No-no, Steve. I was informed today by the neokhans at Fox News that he, like the Tsarnaev brothers, was a "southern Russian." Not a Chechen.

  19. Better to be a Chechen than a chicken.

    So, by your own standards, it's better to be a Chechen, than, say, you?

  20. These are bizarre times we live in.

  21. Chechens: Enriching us with their vibrancy and diversity.

    One homicide at a time....

  22. "Anonymous said...

    This stink to anyone else?"


  23. Ch-ch-ch-ch-Chechens
    (Wild and crazy guys)
    White pointy shoes and big gold chains
    (Chicks idealize)
    As legless men cry out in pain

    Crime is their forte
    They really know crime

  24. Chechens are like Zed in ZARDOZ.
    They have to the will to take on the system.


    Future PC

  26. Some of us had heard of Chechens. Some of us knew about Stalin's mass forced emigration. But most American's didn't. Now they do.

    We Americans are not likely to do anything about Chechens. We are unlikely to even restrict immigration. But Russia may very well try to kill them all. Thanks to the Tsarnaev brothers if they launch a genocide campaign America is not likely to intervene.

    We didn't intervene in the Hutu-Tutsi genocide and are not doing much in Syria today. It has been hard to mobilize American sympathy for Africans and Syrians. It will be harder yet for Chechens.

    Russia has twice been militarily humiliated by mountain people. First Afghanistan and more recently Chechnya. But there is an alternative to individual combat in the hills - genocide. It's hard to shoot mountain people if you think you need to pacify them. But if you simply want to kill all of them a modern state has a much easier time of it. Nukes, chemicals, and designer diseases become available.

    The world has about six or seven billion people now. As a species we don't need the troublesome Chechens anymore than the British needed the Tasmanians. The only things protecting the Chechens from complete annihilation as a people by the Russians has been political inertia and the disapproval of the West.

    The Tsarnaev brothers have helped move the process along. They have assured that America will not intervene when Russia tries to clean them all out.


  27. Looks like he's had his nose broken before. No doubt we could all use some more vibrancy like this in our lives.


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