May 22, 2013

Why was Ibragim Todashev in our country?

Tomb of one of Waltham Three
ritually murdered on 9/11/11
From ABC News:
Todashev was a lawful permanent resident holding a Russian passport, when he arrived in the U.S. in 2008 on a student visa, a senior U.S. official told ABC News. 
Despite a recent assault arrest, his immigration file was devoid of derogatory information, the official said.

Like I said, why was this Chechen maniac in our country?

By the way, the FBI says the late suspect suddenly pulled out a hidden knife and stabbed the FBI agent just before he was about to sign a confession to involvement in the 9/11/11 Waltham triple murder, forcing the federal agents to shoot him dead on the spot. That's pretty dramatic.

I presume the FBI was recording the conversation, right? And we'll be hearing the tapes soon, right?



  1. As long as immigrants attack blue state liberals, do not complain.

    I don't see too many liberals asking, "why are there 12-20 illegal aliens in this country and undermining the political and legal process of this country?"

    Whenever conservatives in the SW try to stop illegal immigration to cut down crime and welfare cost overruns, blue state liberals hiss at them.

  2. "Our country"? What an archaic and outmoded concept, so 20th century.

  3. Shadowy figure hiding in the shadows with the assistance of a shadowy government.

  4. When America imports primitives from war-torn countries, they behave like...


  5. Auntie Analogue5/22/13, 3:41 PM

    Why was he - and why are all the other Third Worlders - in our country?

    Because since the 1960's, when the adults left the room, hopey-changey "Kumbaya" naïve adolescents, played for fools by super-rich globalists, have been in charge of everything.

  6. um, lowering waqes and fragmenting the populace for the plutocrats?

  7. OT-ish.

    Multi-cultural alert! Two jet black Mooslims attack British solider in street with machetes, hacking him to death.

    Multi-cultists unphased.

  8. Two no trumps.

  9. It would be a far worse tragedy if we were to stop accepting Chechen immigrants as a result of the bad behavior of a few.

  10. Because, as Cory Booker (D, Palo Alto) pointed out today, So many great Americans have been immigrants.

  11. Obviously, American mixed martial arts oligarchs imported foreigners to knock down the salaries of the native mixed martial...artists.

  12. Auntie Analogue said...
    Why was he - and why are all the other Third Worlders - in our country?
    Because since the 1960's, when the adults left the room, hopey-changey "Kumbaya" naïve adolescents, played for fools by super-rich globalists, have been in charge of everything.

    The hopey-changey kumbaya types have not been in charge of war-making. The military continues to grow and "spread democracy" all over the world.

    And that out of control war machine also seems to be run for the benefit of the super-rich globalists. Say, you don't think maybe the problem is more, ah, fundamental than the way you put it? How about peeling the onion another layer and asking whether the issue is the lack of control of the people over the federal govt?

  13. Evidently mixed-martial-arts fighting is a job Americans just won't do.

  14. Does he have an uncle married into the CIA too?

  15. Why are any muslims in the west? Why are any people from the third world in the west? Why do we have ANY immigration at all?

  16. The FBI probably wasn't recording:

  17. Like I said, why was this Chechen maniac in our country?

    A rhetorical question, I presume. Answer anyway: Because he wanted to be. And the US government obligingly accommodated him. Apparently, nowadays there need be no other reason; that's the way things seem to work (or perhaps not work, depending on your point of view).

    In fact, I hear that 'Si se puede' works as kind of a secret passphrase -- you just say that upon encountering immigration control, and they wave you right on through.

  18. Here's an old article on a reporter who looked into Russia/Jewish mafia in America, Zionist loons, Kahane assassination and 1st WTC bombing etc.

    He died in 2002 so he missed out on a lot of fun times.

    The Best Investigative Reporter You've Never Heard Of

  19. A Working Class American said...

    What is going on with you Weapon Penis Female? Why not just use one handle. I can't even remember your last one cuz it wasn't like Howitzer Rooster Hawtie. That was just an example. You can't have that one. That's mine.

  20. There has got to be a tipping point sometime soon, surely.

  21. We need more violent thugs, apparently, and the rest of the world is happy to ship them to us.

    The story of how he died sounds very odd, though. If the authorities decided they wanted to kill someone wihtout a trial, this might be how they'd do it.

  22. FBI policy is to forbid recording of interviews, because a recording might belie a later FBI claim that the interviewee lied about something and should (like Martha Stewart) go to jail for that even if he committed no actual crime.

  23. SWAG- The perp admits to killing 3 Jewish young men

    Brendan Mess wasn't Jewish, so two Jewish young men.

  24. FBI policy is to forbid recording of interviews, because a recording might belie a later FBI claim that the interviewee lied about something and should (like Martha Stewart) go to jail for that even if he committed no actual crime.

    I want cameras and mikes on all gov't employees every moment they're on duty. In fact, I want the lack of video and audio from any given moment to be treated as proof a gov't employee wasn't on duty. At the very least, this should be applied to all gov't employees whose jobs involve interacting with private citizens (teachers, police, DMV counter clerks, IRS auditors, etc.).

    Time to bring gov't jobs into the digital age, and make them un-fun. Gov't is not there to have fun.

    There is no legitimate reason not to do this.


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