May 23, 2013

Chechens dig chicks -- viciously anti-American ones

From the Boston Globe:
Stark overtones in ’11 Waltham killings

By Michael Rezendes and Bob Hohler |  GLOBE STAFF     MAY 24, 2013

... Initially, neighbors of the victims said they were told by police that the killings were probably drug related. But some family members disagreed, as did Zalkind. 
“With a drug killing, people come over and – bang, bang – it’s over,” Zalkind said. “They want to get out of there as fast as they can.” 
... But there is no question about Tsarnaev’s ties to Mess, who had recently moved to Waltham from Cambridge at the urging of Mess’s girlfriend, Hibatalla Eltilib, according to friends and relatives of the victims who spoke with the Globe. Mess and Tsaernaev had grown close as neighbors near Inman Square, sharing a love of fighting, as well as hip-hop music. 
Newly named Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan on Thursday said she would have no comment on any aspect of the investigation. But friends and relatives of the victims, in hindsight, said police should have examined the relationship between Eltilib, a native of ­Sudan, and Tsarnaev. 
Although friends knew ­Tsarnaev to be Muslim, they did not consider him to be an ­extremist. 
Eltilib, by contrast, was outspoken about her Islamic beliefs and disdain for many American values, friends said. 
“She and Tam got really close and became friends,’’ said a friend of Mess, Tsarnaev, and Eltilib. “This was closer to ­Brendan’s death. They would share stories of their distaste for American culture. She was extremely aggressive and violent and had this radical way of thinking.’’ 
All the friends and relatives of the victims who spoke with the Globe asked for anonymity due to fear of retribution from a killer who might still be at large. 
Eltilib has since returned to Sudan.

Why was she here in the first place?


  1. Enriching the drab American scene, no doubt. We have a vibrancy deficit, while Sudan has a surplus.

  2. ... Initially, neighbors of the victims said they were told by police that the killings were probably drug related. But some family members disagreed, as did Zalkind.
    “With a drug killing, people come over and – bang, bang – it’s over,” Zalkind said. “They want to get out of there as fast as they can.”

    Unless it was people previously involved in drugs who were symbolically cutting themselves off from it by cutting the people they had previously associated with.

  3. Think Tam banged Eltilib?

    More to the point, how did the killers manage to subdue and cut the throats of three men, all of whom were either boxers or into body culture?

    I think the killings started out with a (fake) convivial get together, with the victims smoking heroin-laced joints. Tam and his buddy (not Joker) took a few puffs from regular joints.

    Then Tam and buddy slaughtered the three infidels.

  4. girlfriend of london thug

  5. The cops found 21K in cash, plus weed, coke, oxycontin and whatever else in Weissman's apartment. That's quite a bit more cash on hand than some happy hippy slinging dimebags to friends would have on hand. Is that low-end distributor kind of cash?

    One might think that Tammy and the other Other didn't dump all the money and drugs over the bodies. They left everything that was scattered and covered in blood.

    On yet another hand, Tammy, the Sudanese female, Toadyshiv, Mess and Tekken weren't evil geniuses. It's entirely possible that they had a conversation something along the lines of:

    'what are you lookin' at, dipshit?'

    'Who you calling a dipshit, dipshit?!'

    incident, or a 'btw, your friend penises me better than you' instigation from the female African. Most any conversation could turn into a triple murder with this lot cuz that's how they roll.

    Toadyshiv certainly seems dumb and prickly enough that the FBI could goad him into a false confession. 'You had nothing to do with it? You're too much of a pussy?' Getting punched in the head a blood choked doesn't make many people brighter.

  6. "d said...

    I think the killings started out with a (fake) convivial get together, with the victims smoking heroin-laced joints. Tam and his buddy (not Joker) took a few puffs from regular joints. Then Tam and buddy slaughtered the three infidels."

    Pass the tobacco

    There are legends tracing the origins of Thuggee to the Old Man of the Mountain. They are probably not true. Never-the-less, it is a strange part of the world.

  7. Slightly O/T, this "cleric" has a bit of a disagreement about the nature of Islam with Messrs. Cameron & Clegg:

    "The Muslims in this country, they are so happy, proud of him. They see him as a freedom fighter attacking a military target."

    I wonder who knows more about Islam? British pols or Islamic "clerics"?

    He lives in Tripoli, Lebanon (not Libya). Is it really so hard to send a few good old boys there and deal with this dirtbag?

  8. "Why was she here in the first place?"

    The VAWA or some similar law applies to women of the world. There are some internet forums dedicated for the purpose.
    Recently nytimes ran a story about a 'brave' woman from mexico who took up the office of police chief and deserted it a few months later and ended up not dead but alive and hearty in the good ole' USA!

    mexican women are a bravery of drugs.

  9. Why was she here in the first place?

    Tikkun olam? I'm really starting to think that jihad and tikkun olam are two sides of the same coin.

  10. girlfriend of london thug

    He's not a thug. He's a soldier.

  11. No he's a traitor. A British citizen who has brought "war against our lord the king in his realm" by killing one of Her soldiers.


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