June 23, 2013

Front Page News!

You may have thought that gay marriage was the most important question of all time, but the real most important issue ever is just coming into view, as prominently featured yet again in the New York Times:
Agency Rules in Favor of Transgender First Grader 
A Colorado school district discriminated against a transgender student when it refused to let her use the girls’ bathroom, the state’s civil rights division said.

I just realized that it's been at least a month since the Times did a major story on that MMA fighter who is struggling for the right to beat up women. Isn't the right of ex-men to get paid to practice violence against women what this country is all about? Why the silence, NYT?


  1. Harry Baldwin6/23/13, 9:15 PM

    A transgender first-grader? I guess Freud's theory of the latency period has bitten the dust.

  2. What'd you expect from an agency of government called the"civil rights division"?

    Chuck Schumer today said that the immigration bill was a "civil rights issue" and that if it didn't pass, he expected the largest street demonstrations since the Sixties. He semed pretty excited about the prospect, too.

    Hmmmm. I didn't know that people who came here without permission had the civil right to stay here and/or to become a citizen. I guess that's written in invisible ink in our Constitution? Wonder what nice places I should try to inhabit by claiming it's my civil right?

    Anyway, let 'em demonstrate on the National Mall. Makes for good tv. Let whosoever wants to tear up DC, then Georgetown, do so. Let whooever wants to throw rocks at every damn government bldg that houses our "representatives" and entrenched "civil servants" do so.

    As they say, let it burn. The heat will disinfect.

  3. You people do realize that these are the death cries of a dying people and their dying civilization?


    If you won't believe Spengler's Rosenzweigian theory, then will you at least believe Tenney Frank?

    Tenney Frank
    American Historical Review
    July 1916, vol. 21, no. 4: 689–708

    ...We know, for instance, in Caesar's day of forty-five patricians, only one of whom is represented by posterity when Hadrian came to power. The Aemilii, Fabii, Claudii, Manlii, Valerii, and all the rest, with the exception of the Cornelii, have disappeared. Augustus and Claudius raised twenty-five families to the patriciate, and all but six of them disappear before Nerva's reign. Of the families of nearly four hundred senators recorded in 65 A.D. under Nero, all trace of a half is lost by Nerva's day, a generation later. And the records are so full that these statistics may be assumed to represent with a fair degree of accuracy the disappearance of the male stock of the families in question. Of course members of the aristocracy were the chief sufferers from the tyranny of the century, but this havoc was not all wrought by delatores and assassins. The voluntary choice of childlessness accounts largely for the unparalleled condition...

    There is no hope for the people who are perpetrating this evil.

    Already they are no more than ghosts.

  4. Oh geez..

    As far as the transgender fighter, Ronda Rousey's (current female champ) take seems most politically tenable


  5. Steve, you should do more with the Ex-Men pun. The cage fighter and the Navy Seal are superhero women who gained their powers by a surgical operation.....

  6. "A transgender first-grader? I guess Freud's theory of the latency period has bitten the dust."

    Off-point to your post, I know, but Freud's theory of everything has bitten the dust. Why anybody has to suffer through weeks of that crap in Intro Psych is beyond me. You could cover the whole thing in two lectures: (i) this is what he thought, (ii) this is why it is wrong.

  7. "These are the death cries of dying people in a dying civilization". Perfectly put. There is a horrible fascination in seeing this happening right before our eyes, rather like somehow watching your own execution on the 6PM news. What's really astonishing is how fast it is all collapsing.

  8. The bias is evident in the fact that the reporter constantly refers to this little boy as "she."

    In a sane society, this boy would be sternly told that he is a boy, not a girl. But, as Ezra Pound noted decades ago, all America's an insane asylum.

    Will they allow this "girl" to continue using the girls' bathroom when he's a senior in high school? I can just imagine it: a bunch of girls are standing at the mirror, applying make-up, when in through the bathroom door walks broad-shouldered, deep-voiced, stubbly-faced Coy.

  9. Freud's theory of everything has bitten the dust.

    That's what I thought, too, but now I understand that Freud was essentially correct on something important that we are just on the cusp of grasping and being able to observe ourselves.

    "We must recollect that all of our provisional ideas in psychology will presumably one day be based on an organic substructure." -1914

    "The deficincies in our description would probably vanish if we were already in a position to replace the psychological terms with the physiological or chemical ones." -1920

    Our understanding of the brain is growing by leaps and bounds due to improvements in neuroimaging technology.

    We may be to the point soon where we can put an MMA fighter or Navy SEAL or football player who has always felt that he was actually a little girl in a man's body in a brain scanner and pinpoint the physical substructure that is causing this confusion.

    This means that we may also extend racial phentotypes to the brain itself.

    "Lack of interest in parental investment? Of course. That's due to a very small xxxx."

    A lot of data may well already be out there.

  10. This move is largely benign at this point. What's gender between pre-pubescent children?

    I wonder how things will go in middle school/high school. I'm sure high school girls will disagree sharing a bathroom with a biologically male trans person. Especially if this trans person takes up the identity of 'lesbian'..

  11. "You people do realize that these are the death cries of a dying people and their dying civilization?"

    more like the beginning of the end. but yes, let there be no doubt. things like homosexual marriage i think are more like a symptom of the beginning of the decline, rather than a cause of the decline itself.

    when you dip below replacement birth rates, when you decide that you have no political justification to keep your country to yourself, when you decide that biologically alien human groups are excellent replacements for your own group, when you decide to invite muslims into your nation, when you deliberately elevate homosexuals into mainstream culture, that's the sign that the beginning of the end has begun. the pattern is repeated in most european majority nations.

    it will take a long time to decline all the way though. the US is starting from the highest position any nation has ever begun the descent from, and, it has 200 million europeans to use as mules on it's way down. to do all the heavy lifting, to tax, and to keep this frankenstein version of america shambling and clanking along into the future for decades.

    remember that only 4 million europeans are keeping south africa going. they're outnumbered 10 to 1 and they, barely, still keep things running.

    NASA astronaut candidates for 2013: 4 white women, 1 black man, and whoa, 3 white men managed to sneak in there somehow. the gynocracy moves forward swiftly.

  12. NASA astronaut candidates for 2013: 4 white women, 1 black man, and whoa, 3 white men managed to sneak in there somehow. the gynocracy moves forward swiftly.

    LOL. I saw that. Before they'd have one or two female astronauts but they just suddenly jumped it up to 50%. I imagine it'll have to be at least 50% female from now on.

  13. Kaz said...

    What's gender between pre-pubescent children?

    You obviously don't have children. The answer: a huge deal. Boys are unmistakeably different from girls starting at around five.

  14. It's probably a weakness of any conservative "movement" that it will tend to be too brainy, and not as bodily, hence little appeal to people's sense of disgust -- one of the most powerful motivators.

    And not just as a cynical lowest-common denominator strategy. Because things that are that vile and disgusting make us wretch for a reason. Whatever that is, we don't even need to know.

    But, movement conservatives would feel too awkward playing the disgust card because they're more concerned about maintaining their IQ status, and disgust is so base. Well, hold up a copy of your SAT scores while you talk about disgust then. Don't ignore it.

    And promoting gay marriage, etc. -- those are such strong signals that all communal norms are breaking down. We can't even hold the simplest of norms that says a boy can't barge in on the girls in the bathroom. By transitivity, we can't hold one another to any kind of norms at all.

    Promoting and normalizing deviance is a way to bring down the norm structure within a community. Conservatives have fooled themselves into taking these movements literally -- why bother caring about gay marriage, when so few faggots are marriage-minded in the first place?

    Wake up call -- it's not a literal-minded movement. These risible, trivial goals are part of a larger and more sinister crusade to dissolve all norms within a community. It's their symbolic value that the crusaders care about, and that we ought to as well.

  15. A different take on the transgendered fighter:


  16. A transgender first-grader?

    Harry, you clearly need recent updating on sexuality:

    non-Jewish boys began acting or thinking sexually ''from the age of five''

    teenagers from poor backgrounds had ''nothing else to do in life, only thinking 24 hours about sex'' with each other, members of their own families and even ''dogs''.


  17. Simon in London6/24/13, 4:19 AM

    America has fairly obviously been in moral-psychological decline since ca 1964. As for the West as a whole, Bill Lind said that it shot itself in the head in 1914 - while that may be an exaggeration, Britain & Europe certainly never recovered from the Great War.

    The big question is whether we follow a Roman type trajectory, and if so will it be at similar pace. Because the Roman Republic of the free citizen-soldier was dead for centuries by the time the Western Empire fell, and the Eastern Empire lasted another thousand years. I can see the American Empire and its client states shambling along for a long time after the founding stock and the free Republic they made are little more than a memory.
    Even when America is no longer economically dominant, even if she ceases to be militarily dominant, she may still be culturally dominant globally and will be secured by nukes from external threat.

  18. This unfortunate child will probably get puberty blocking drugs that will keep his shoulders narrow and his voice high pitched. Now, if these bizarre medical treatment makes life more bearable for someone struggling with this incurable mental illness that is his wish. But the fact that he demands that other people think of him as a girl and treat him as a girl is ludicrous. You can call yourself anything you want but that doesn't mean other people are obliged to agree with you.


  19. little miss sheet stirrer6/24/13, 6:42 AM


    What you said.

    The coup de grace is a catastrophic military defeat.

    Now, I know that everyone from the fake patriotic left, to the fist-pumping Conservatism, Inc. right-wingers will quickly say that USG's immense technological prowess is good enough to make up for even crappy troops. The only people who disagree with that premise are dissidents. Like me. I think Uncle Sam is headed for nose-bloodying.

    But where, under what circumstances?

    A gentle decline, I can take. But a hard blow to the guts in the form of a terrible military defeat will really be bad. Do you think this will happen, and where?

  20. Seth Rogan, are you listening? I'd love to see a comedy about a this kid in high school as a sort-of-creepy heteroseual, with girls' lockerroom privileges. He is faced with the choice, pursue a particular girl he is smitten with, and come clean about being a regular dude, or continue enjoying his look-but-don't-touch privileges to see every girl in the school.

  21. "Civilization is collapsing and I'm hiding under the covers."

    My wife is a classicist (studies Ancient Greece and Rome), and it turns out civilizations can flourish for hundreds of years with *far* more of what we call depravity. The most famous theory of why Rome collapsed is that Christianity drained the vital essence of the orgiastic non-stop Toga Party -- check out Gibbon's Decline and Fall.

    I'm optimistic about the long-term political, artistic, and scientific dominance Western civilization, but I the culture war is being won by those mutant superheros, the Ex Men.

    Still, I am rooting for this kid, and I bet he will grow up normal.

  22. The decay in the Roman stock was already well under way when Augustus came to power - that's why they could no longer govern thenselves as a Republic, they needed the Empire. Augustus kept up the facade of the Republic (just like we do), but by the time of the so-called "Good Emperors" it was an autocracy, everyone knew it, and looked back at the Republic with a mixture of bemusement and horror.

    But the Empire lasted another 400 years in the West, 1400 in the East. The American/European Empire will outlast the passing of the European race, even as it descends further into slavery.

    It's not very well written, but I don't think The Hunger Games is very far off - but the oppressed provincials won't be phot0genic blondes. They will be dusky mongrels, lorded over by a core of lighter-skinned decadent metropolitans...

  23. Re this issue of transgendered and bathrooms/locker rooms:

    We all know what the end result is going to be. It's going to be too expensive to create two new sets of facilities, one for women pretending to be men and the other for men pretending to be women, to match the facilities that already exist for men living as men and women living as women. So the only non-discriminatory thing to do is everyone in one big shower.


  24. Will they allow this "girl" to continue using the girls' bathroom when he's a senior in high school? I can just imagine it: a bunch of girls are standing at the mirror, applying make-up, when in through the bathroom door walks broad-shouldered, deep-voiced, stubbly-faced Coy.

    If they follow down this path, they'll start him on a puberty-suppression regime leading to "sex-reassignment" surgery and hormone treatments.

    One thing that can be said for this approach is that he would make a much more convincing "woman" as an adult, without the "uncanny valley" features of most transsexuals. But how well-adjusted will he be, really? Better, probably, than that kid John Money tried out his theories on, but even so...

    I'll bet a lot of people who support this also think it's "child abuse" to raise a child in a religious faith, on the grounds that they are too young to consent to religious indoctrination. "Let them choose when they are 18!"


  25. When my little sister was in 1st grade, she thought she was a horse.

    We fed her lots of carrots.

  26. when you dip below replacement birth rates...

    Keep in mind that homo sapiens are the rabbits of the primate world when it comes to breeding.

    My maternal grandmother had 12 children who survived to adulthood. She had exactly 50 grandchildren. There are now 200+ great-grandchildren and counting.

  27. When my little sister was in 1st grade, she thought she was a horse.

    High school too, apparently. The football team certainly rode her like one.

  28. It's probably a weakness of any conservative "movement" that it will tend to be too brainy, and not as bodily, hence little appeal to people's sense of disgust -- one of the most powerful motivators.

    And not just as a cynical lowest-common denominator strategy. Because things that are that vile and disgusting make us wretch for a reason. Whatever that is, we don't even need to know.

    Completely agree, but it wasn't always like this. The 80s seemed to be when conservatives were more fearless, driven, and carnal, frankly. The memory of Lee Atwater and some of those 80s commercials still haunt liberals to this day. The Willie Horton ad was masterful for doing all the things Agnostic recommends. Michael Dukakis in the tank? Can't help but bring a smile.

    I've been trying to recall it, but can't find this one ad that I vaguely remember that depicted gay men acting like fairies. I know it was for George H.W. Bush in '88 or '92. I think it was a general anti-perversion ad and the fairy-queer men were in the background, kind of out-of-focused and they were jumping around while a somber man's voice intones against moral depravity. Anyone else remember? I don't think it was widely run.
    It seems very Atwater-ish, but most sources want to discuss only his Horton ad.

    Going back to Agnostic's point, it's odd because Bush was considered such a moderate, and yet, it wasn't cynical of him. That's how conservatives of all stripes were then.

  29. Wake up call ... These risible, trivial goals are part of a larger and more sinister crusade to dissolve all norms within a community.

    As I've posted before, I saw the declaration of war in 1991 at Boalt Hall on a poster titled The Gay Agenda. Item #10:

    "To turn Western Civilization inside out!"

  30. What if a big fat bearded guy wears a dress and calls himself a 'woman'? Can he used the woman's room too?

  31. How come transracial isn't allowed? Shouldn't 'whiggaz' be favored by affirmative action?

  32. When this kid reaches high school, will he, with his penis still on, be allowed to shower with girls and play in girl's gym class?

    Maybe straight guys should pretend to be 'girls' and get some looksies.

  33. What with all the twilight and star trek fans, maybe the next big thing will be Fantasy Identity Movement.

    So, if someone says he or she's a vampire, schools will have to serve human blood as drink.

  34. Has there been a case of a man-into-woman marrying a woman-into-man?

    I'll bet MSM will go crazy over it as the greatest love story of all time.

  35. little miss sheet stirrer6/24/13, 2:23 PM

    Simon, etc.

    You cannot compare now with the decline of the Roman empire. Events are accelerating.

    I dunno, somewhere I see a terrible military defeat. Followed by much weeping, wailing, gnashing of teeth...and nothing. Checkmate.

  36. little miss sheet stirrer6/24/13, 2:29 PM

    Ya know, I'm not much in the habit of seeing silver linings, but I wonder if this transgender stuff isn't going to destroy the gay rights movement. I mean it was only day before yesterday that a gay guy was considered a pervert. Yesterday he became normal. Just a regular guy who happens to fancy other men, move along, nothing to see here. He didn't play with dolls and wear skirts when he was little, he was a regular boy and that's why there are so many of them in the major league sports, just desperate to get out of the closet. Isn't that the narrative?

    Now his movement is increasingly going to be taken over by, and identified with, transgenders.

    And maybe all those little boys who want to be girls will now be allowed to become girls? What will happen to the gay population? Think it will go down by maybe half?

    ALSO, what will the heterosexual population think of the "gay and lesbian" community? that it's really a transgender community in...drag? Men and women pretending to be men and women, but really men and women who want to be women and men?

    Whatever the case, I think that the rise of transgenderism is going to shatter the "gay community". The straight community is under all sorts of stresses, but this isn't one of them. It's a minor irritant.

  37. So what exactly does "transgender" even mean? Does the guy in question still have all his genitalia? So if a 6'4" 260 lb construction worker, we'll call him Jim, suddenly changes his name to "Jane" and puts on a dress, is he (she?) now a transgender person? Does this mean that because this headcase now decides he (she?) is a "woman" or identifies as a "woman", that he/she can use the same washroom and changerooms as my seven year old daughter?

    I sadly agree 100% with the poster who said we are a dying civilization.....

  38. I see your point that the mother and the paper are signaling their tolerance at the poor kid's expense, which is pretty stupid since the kid might just be going through a phase or maybe even pulling a stunt for attention. It is very possible she might be hearing "Mom, how could you do that to me?" In a year or so. Mommy should have asked that the kid use the bathroom in the nurse's office pending a little more development.

    But if this condition is real, what is so surprising? Natural Selection operates on random mutations, not purposeful ones, according to my deep research on Wikipedia. I don't really expect random not to be weird. Revulsion of others is really just a message that "hey, you've got one bad mutation!" Maybe that's just the way it is. I've got no answers, and because the occurrence of the condition is so rare, no strong opinions.

  39. John Craig: Good link. I also liked Rousey's take on the issue,and was surprised at how well she navigated the pitfalls.

  40. What interests me about stories like this is how loyal feminists are gay to activists who, at least in recent years, have done a 180 and will throw feminists and women in general under the bus for their agenda. Although gay men and straight women are supposed to be natural friends a whole lot of gay men (for more than will publicly admit it) resent and envy women because most men sexually prefer women while finding gay male sexuality repugnant. In the early days of Stonewall gays had to keep their mouths shut about this. But now they feel emboldened and will do all sorts of things to undermine the status and preferences of women. Especially socially conservative women who don't care to share the ladies' room with biological males. If you doubt that gay men are misogynistic look up some of their comments about Sarah Palin. I am no Palin fan but the liberties gay men feel entitled to take when they speak of her is shocking. Or would be if I believed that gay men really significantly cared about women.


  41. Simon in London6/24/13, 4:23 PM

    "The American/European Empire will outlast the passing of the European race, even as it descends further into slavery."

    Yes, that's my expectation. It will lose some wars, more frequently as the competence and patriotism of its soldiers declines, but given the continued existence of nuclear weapons an external conquest seems very unlikely.
    It will probably lose the technological lead to north-east Asia, which will remain full of north-east Asians, and eventually that may mean some form of new colonialism as the Japanese and/or Chinese try to keep their markets in the ex-West from collapsing. But I'd think that won't be in our lifetimes; most likely scenario for the 21st century seems to be that things keep getting worse along a somehat accelerating trajectory, punctuated by irregular shocks like 9/11, the 2008 crash, this US immigration amnesty etc.

  42. Simon in London6/24/13, 4:43 PM

    little miss sheet stirrer said...
    "Simon, etc.

    You cannot compare now with the decline of the Roman empire. Events are accelerating.

    I dunno, somewhere I see a terrible military defeat. Followed by much weeping, wailing, gnashing of teeth...and nothing. Checkmate."

    Oh, I think a major military defeat in the next twenty years is quite likely - some Republican idiot decides to bring democracy to Iran, for instance. But it'll be a Vietnam-scale defeat in mostly an insurgency/irregular war, and while traumatic it will not be something that will destroy the Empire. I don't think America will attack Russia or China, and they certainly won't attack America - there is a small chance of a North Korea or Taiwan flashpoint turning into a catastrophic war with China, but I think both sides are very keen to avoid that.

    I think the unknown factor is what will happen in Europe over the next few decades - the EU may collapse, there may be actual civil war in places. I don't know how the US will react to that or what the outcome might be. I suspect that the best chance for survival of the West would be if an elected Christian/indigenous nationalist government somewhere like France got into a civil war with Muslim insurgents as in Kosovo, then the US intervened on the side of the Muslims - and lost. That could have a shattering effect on the Multicult regime's grip on power globally.

  43. Hi Simon,
    I guess the next question is where do we go? Those of us who value the freedoms of the Anglophonic west will be uncomfortable, for a variety of reasons, in Northeast Asia. And we also prefer to be in a primarily white country. Is Australia the best place for us?


  44. About a dozen years ago a screenwriter friend's son was forced out of the trendy Hollywood day school he was attending when the other parents discovered to their horror that she and her husband were (lightly) spanking their son for misbehavior, and refused to stop when confronted (as one of the rare Mexican-Americans in Hollywood she saw nothing wrong with the practice.) The parents' lynch mob was led by an ER actor and his wife. Their kid was a boy who was insisting he was a girl, wearing dresses to school every day, and being supported in it by everyone around them.

    My friend's kid is going to MIT. No idea what happened to the ER actor's unfortunate son.

    The next twenty years are sure gonna be interesting.

  45. "I guess the next question is where do we go? Those of us who value the freedoms of the Anglophonic west will be uncomfortable, for a variety of reasons, in Northeast Asia. And we also prefer to be in a primarily white country. Is Australia the best place for us?"

    Ironically, the best place to be might be Russia. Russia just passed anti-gay legislation, prosecutes people for slandering the church, and alone among white countries is making a conscious effort to increase the white birth rate. Ironic, because the country that once adapted a political philosophy whose main goal was the destruction of western civilization, may be the one country that ends up saving it.

  46. Tenney Frank: We know, for instance, in Caesar's day of forty-five patricians, only one of whom is represented by posterity when Hadrian came to power. The Aemilii, Fabii, Claudii, Manlii, Valerii, and all the rest, with the exception of the Cornelii, have disappeared. Augustus and Claudius raised twenty-five families to the patriciate, and all but six of them disappear before Nerva's reign. Of the families of nearly four hundred senators recorded in 65 A.D. under Nero, all trace of a half is lost by Nerva's day, a generation later.

    Anonymous: The most famous theory of why Rome collapsed is that Christianity drained the vital essence of the orgiastic non-stop Toga Party -- check out Gibbon's Decline and Fall.

    I don't think that any of the people being studied by Frank were Christians, and most of them probably weren't even aware of the existence of Christianity.

    They were pagans who chose buggery over sexuality, or who, if they still copulated with fertile women, sent their pregnant wives and mistresses for abortions or post-natal infanticides.


    little miss sheet stirrer: You cannot compare now with the decline of the Roman empire. Events are accelerating.

    Here's a thought experiment for you: What would it mean if our circumstances had already accelerated a couple of centuries beyond where we thought they were?

    What if, several thousand years from now, historians look back at Marshall's anti-constitutionalism, in Marbury -vs- Madison, as being equivalent to Caesar's Crossing of the Rubicon?

    And what if the victory of Lincolnian anti-constitutionalism at Pickett's Charge is equivalent to Octavian's defeat of Marc Anthony at Actium?

    If that's true - if we are already a century or two beyond where we thought we were - then Ronald Reagan wouldn't be equivalent to a late Republican figure, but rather to a mid-Imperial figure, like a Marcus Aurelius.

  47. Every so often I comment here attacking the Jew-Obsessives and usually the comments either don't go through or go through a day after the conversation has moved along. Oddly, I notice that the Jew-Obsessives themselves often complain about comment control and I have to wonder how "Abe Fauxman", "Rabbi Boruch" and the Khazar killer (that would be Sv Igor) seem to have little difficulty getting through right on time.

    As an aside, did anyone notice Svigor recently mentioning that though it might be preferential for Zimmerman to be found innocent he personally considered it a Win/Win either way because Zimmerman isn't one of his own anyway so he doesn't care if he goes to jail for a crime he didn't commit? This is the quality of humanity your likely to find among Jew-Obsessives.

    To state the obvious, Abraham Foxman and his sort (Whiskey/Testing99/Evil-Neocon/etc too) are pretty rotten and there are things for which Jews (as a whole) can be criticized (and credited) more than others, but overall not only are Jews (as a whole) pretty fine folk but the people perpetually obsessed with Jew-hatred tend to be rather rotten folk.

    Oh, and even if they save their worst comments for other blogs and forums, they manage to get enough of their pernicious odor stinking up the comment section here pretty frequently. I'm not a fan of censorship so I applaud the decision to let them through but one wonders whether strong responses to these Obsessives shouldn't be allowed through as well.

  48. I guess the next question is where do we go? Those of us who value the freedoms of the Anglophonic west will be uncomfortable, for a variety of reasons, in Northeast Asia. And we also prefer to be in a primarily white country. Is Australia the best place for us?

    No. Both parties of Australian government are determined to bring in an East Asian overclass ASAP. We are near the top of the countries hell-bent on importing a new populace. And things are very PC here also.

    Why not just dig in, and overcome via birthrates? Rome wasn't built in a day.

  49. Anonydroid at 8:24 kvetched: Every so often I comment here attacking the Jew-Obsessives and usually the comments either don't go through or go through a day after the conversation has moved along.

    Hunsdon said: Perhaps if you argued, rather than attacked, you would meet with greater success?

    Also, nice trick: start with Jew-Obsessives, and soon its "obsessed with Jew hatred."

    I also liked the "some Jews may be rotten but Jews are really great on the whole and people who don't like Jews are pretty rotten" thing.

    Well, you've convinced ME, tovarisch.

    And you go out on a wonderfully passive aggressive note: I'm not a fan of censorship so I applaud the decision to let them through but one wonders whether strong responses to these Obsessives shouldn't be allowed through as well.

  50. "Jew-obsessives." Jews are all obsessed with their tribe, so I guess they qualify.

    I think one good criterion for "Jew-obsessives" is that they drag Jews into the discussion, were they previously were not. Go back and count how many times I dragged Jews into discussions here, where they previously were not. I'll wait.

    Yep, that's right, I almost never drag Jews into the discussion. Yep, that's right, I almost always just discuss them after they've been dragged into the discussion by someone else. Yep, that's right, I almost always restrict myself to calling "bullshit" when some Jew-obsessive insists on shellacking their keisters for them. About 3/4s of my comments about Jews would disappear if Jews would stop shellacking their own keisters in the comments.

    You don't have a problem with me because I'm obsessed with Jews. You have a problem with me because I hold opinions about Jews that you don't like.

    "Jew obsessive": someone who knows too much about Jews. Analogous to "racist": someone who knows too much about race. Only an "ANTI-SEMITE!!!" would know quite so much about Jews; only a "RRRRACISS!!!" would know quite so much about race.

    And yes, I care roughly as much about Hispanics and blacks as Jews care about Palestinians. Mean ol' me.

  51. Simon in London6/24/13, 11:50 PM

    "Hi Simon,
    I guess the next question is where do we go? Those of us who value the freedoms of the Anglophonic west will be uncomfortable, for a variety of reasons, in Northeast Asia. And we also prefer to be in a primarily white country. Is Australia the best place for us?"

    I suggest that for the most of us the best thing to do is stay put, have children, and try to bring them up right. Encourage them to have children too, giving us a genetic and cultural legacy that can outlive the ex-West. But do tell them that our leaders are wrong, when they're wrong (ie most of the time), and don't encourage our children to engage in sacrificial altruism on behalf of the Empire - eg don't encourage them to join the military and fight on behalf of the Empire.
    I came to the latter conclusion not after Iraq but after the Fort Hood massacre. Hearing General Casey "The greater tragedy would be if Diversity suffered..." sealed it for me. It's good if our children know how to fight, if necessary, but they should never fight for creatures like him.

  52. Simon in London6/24/13, 11:59 PM

    "If that's true - if we are already a century or two beyond where we thought we were - then Ronald Reagan wouldn't be equivalent to a late Republican figure, but rather to a mid-Imperial figure, like a Marcus Aurelius."

    Oh, yes, definitely IMO - Lincoln is America's Augustus-figure and we're in the equivalent of the late Principate or early Dominionate, not the late Republic. But if we're at ca AD 200 that means we'd have another 200 years before large-scale collapse.

  53. In a sane society, these people would be recognized as being either child abusers (the parents) or mentally diseased (the confused child). The parents would lose custody of thier children for this sort of behavior and require mental evaluation to determine their suitability to function in normal society vs. being locked away in an asylum for their own good and the good of others. The child would be given help to overcome the confusion created by such insanity that their correct identity as a young male human is under question, instead of being egged on and encouraged to become a freak.

    We are so far gone that it is instead child abuse to spank a wayward child in many places now, but it is applauded to tell a boy he is a girl, clothe him in dresses, demand that schools accept him as a female, and eventually mutilate his body with drugs and surgeries prior to the age of consent, all to placate some dress-up fantasy.

    That a delusional modern mother should do this to one of her children is sad, but not surprising. That a father who is a former US Marine should do so to his son is highly disturbing.

  54. Comments displeasing Jews are plastered on front pages worldwide, warrant arrests and criminal charges in many countries . Their author, after profusely apologizing, is in any case quickly fired, often in less than 48h.

    Meanwhile, genocidal and dehumanizing diatribes are OK, if profferred by Jews.

    It would come as a surprise to my best friends, some of them Jews, to be suspected of antisemitism; I discuss those infos freely with them.

    I merely call attention to these little-known facts in the name of fairness, an unknown commodity among your people, something I believe Steve has acknowledged.

  55. little miss sheet stirrer6/25/13, 7:01 AM

    I agree with Simon that it's best to stay in one's country.

    Americans think of Australia as the Crocodile Dundee land of happy go lucky truth tellers. Total BS. If anything the PC bullshit and multicult are worse than in the US.

    Russia is a toilet. In any case, it would be IMPOSSIBLE for Americans in large numbers to habituate to it, the alphabet and weather are impossible.

    I have personal experience with both countries.

    The US has plenty of places that are still wonderful, and will remain so. There are also pockets of wonderfulness in every state, in case you don't want to move states. Stop saying that the whole country is down the tubes - it is NOT.

    What whites who care about their future (that is, their kids and their descendents) is to carefully and rationally look at the best nearest place you can relocate to, and that your kids may want to stay in. Because there is no point in moving if the kids will be priced out eventually.

    In other words, maybe you should take a page from the Orthodox Jewish playbook, maybe? They don't just move to a place. They move - and take over.

  56. Jews were and are still in the mode of wasp-obsessives.

  57. A woman gets Zimmermanhandled. Why you need guns.


  58. Being 'obsessed' with Jews is necessary cuz it's honest and smart.

    One must always be 'obsessed' with power, not with the no-power.
    If you argue with a person, you are fixating on what's in his mind, not what's in his feet, liver, buttocks, shinbone, and etc. It's the mind that thinks.

    This is why Jews were 'obsessed' with wasps in the past. Wasps were the brains of America. Jews were not obsessed with Eskimos, Mexicans, Polish-Americans, Chinese-Americans, Greek-Americans, Armenian-Americans, and etc. cuz that's not where the power was.
    The power was with wasps, and so Jews went after wasps. Everyone has a brain but some brains matter more cuz they control banks, government, and media. An Eskimo and a Jew both have brains, but what an Eskimo thinks had no power over our lives. What a Jew thinks may have great power on our lives.

    Today, the power is with Jews. If you wanna counter the power, you have to focus on who has it. Most Jews are Liberal and anti-conservative. Naturally, cons must then be 'obsessed' with Jewish power--like Jews in the past had been 'obsessed' with wasp power.

    American conservatism is lost and confused cuz its main taboo forbids itself from noticing Jewish power.
    It's like Ann Coulter rails against Muslim terrorist immigrants in America but won't discuss who controls immigration policy, who controls government, and who controls the media.

    Jews were obsessed with wasps who were once the mind-center of America. But conservatives are obsessed with not noticing the fact that Jews are now the mind-center of new America.

    To notice Jewish power is not 'antisemitic'. If it is, then Jews were antiwaspitic for all of American history.

    Another thing...

    cons must stop taking Jewish statements at face value. cons must speculate as to what Jews REALLY mean.

    Jews do this all the time. Whenever a con says something, a lib Jew will protest, "that what he says with his lips but what's really in his mind is HATE!"

    If Jews psycho-analyze cons, cons must do the same to Jews. We must expose the ulterior motives of Jews.

  59. I agree with Simon that it's best to stay in one's country.

    Me too. I admire Russia's present direction, and think that that nation may serve as an example to the West, as America formerly was a shining example to the rest of the world - but best to stay in one's own country for now and work from within. This is subject to change, but holds true for now.

    Russia is a toilet. In any case, it would be IMPOSSIBLE for Americans in large numbers to habituate to it, the alphabet and weather are impossible.

    Alphabet? Perhaps, although I find it charming and fascinating. Weather? Can't agree there! Personally, I've never understood how white Americans can live further south than, say, Pennsylvania.

  60. little miss sheet stirrer6/25/13, 7:31 PM

    "If Jews psycho-analyze cons, cons must do the same to Jews. We must expose the ulterior motives of Jews. "

    Hm. Maybe you would be better off just getting married and having kids, hm?

    If anyone wants to know how gays really think about straights and women, read this:


    The only thing that consoles me is that as much as gays hate straights, they hate each other more. As one commenter said, "Lusting for gay guys? Doubt it. Most of us can't even stand the sight of each other, opting to jerk off to pictures of 18-year-old straight jocks instead..."

  61. "The only thing that consoles me is that as much as gays hate straights, they hate each other more."

    You silly silly boy.



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