June 23, 2013

Surveillance or Megaphone: Which is more important?

Morris Dees wants you
All this talk about surveillance reminds me that ordinary people already can know a lot about the rich and famous, but what matters is less what’s knowable than the socially approved attitude we’re supposed to hold toward that person.

For example, there’s been plenty of information online for over a decade documenting that Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center is a pretty hilariously rotten guy. The more I read about good old Morris, the more I'm reminded of Gene Hackman hamming it up as sleazy Lex Luthor in the original Superman movies. 

But, who cares about the facts? Morris is widely believed to be a saint and a scholar because we are constantly told what a great guy he is. This member of the Direct Marketing Hall of Fame has no sense of shame, so all the revelations about him can't pry his fingers from the megaphone.


  1. Makes me think of Henry Ford. Huge scumbag but still has a very reputable legacy.

  2. He "tracks hate groups", so he is a Saintly Hero. End of story.

    (Well, not quite the end of the story. He and his group define "hate" as almost entirely limited to a certain kind of White people. That is why is really a Saintly Hero.)

  3. " If the Snowden Thing is a Battle Between the NSA and CIA... "


    "..with the CIA running the leaks,.then it should be of note that according to Interfax, the Director of the CIA made a sudden visit to Moscow on Wednesday/Thursday.

    For those keeping a timeline, that is only 3 days before Snowden's arrival in Moscow, apparently as a stop over destination. "

  4. Perhaps Haaretz or the J Post will cover it. Then, at least, we could read about it.

    Zerohedge covered a J Post article today with the post title "JPMorgan Out-Squids Goldman As Frenkel Tentacles The Bank Of Israel"

  5. http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/snowden-lies-gang-8-compelled-me-act_735415.html

  6. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/conspiracy-theories-abound-michael-hastings-death-article-1.1377392

    " As IBT notes, Hastings wrote in his book, "The Operators: The Wild and Terrifying Inside Story of America's War in Afghanistan," that he received a death threat from a former McChrystal staff member.

    "We'll hunt you down and kill you if we don't like what you write," the staffer threatened, according to Hastings, who calmly responded: "Well, I get death threats like that about once a year, so no worries."

    Hastings went on to say: "I wasn't disturbed by the claim. Whenever I'd been reporting around groups of dudes whose job it was to kill people, one of them would usually mention that they were going to kill me.""

  7. It's an old Christopher Hitchens line:

    "Your reputation is supposed to be judged by your actions. But the greatest achievement of people like Mother Teresa is to have their actions judged by your reputation."

  8. Morris Dees will be teflon-coated as long as the rest of the elite do not attack him too much. He has money and the megaphone, and that is enough. Remember that homo sapiens is a species that evolved with the special survival trait of being able to receive complex ideas from their tribal leaders and then re-transmit them to their other tribespeople. Just like the bees do their "where the flower nectar horde is" dance for the other bees so the rest of the nest can find a rich trove of flower nectar, so too did homo sapiens evolve to be able to receive complex "how we will trap the antelope herd" plans from the tribal leaders and then spread that plan to the rest of the tribe. Our special survival advantage: use that Big Brain to devise, transmit, receive, re-transmit, and implement complex plans.

    But back on the savannah, the tribal leaders were able to be held in check due to the small size of the tribe. These days, the tribe is hundreds of millions of people, and therefore the elite (tribal leaders) are exploiting, preying upon, and parasitizing the populace. How they do that is through propaganda. The brains of americans are receiving propaganda that is being used to manipulate us. How this works is that the elite are exploiting the fact that we are evolved to be able to receive, transmit and re-transmit the "how we will trap the antelope herd" plans, and they substitute self-serving propaganda for the "how we will trap the antelope herd" plans. We fall for it because that we are evolved to do so.

    So Morris Dees is all good. He has the megaphone and the money. And so most people are going to dance to his tune. Plus the propaganda he is putting out helps the rest of the elite.

    See the book DOMINANCE, DARWINISM AND DEMOCRACY by Drs. Somit and Peterson for some background.

  9. Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it and eventually they will believe it. The megaphone is more important.

  10. Being considered totally good provides a lot of scope for acting bad.

    When the Borgia held the Papacy, how many good, decent Catholics knew the truth?

  11. Mark Potok, perhaps out of genuine guilt, as opposed the fake variety the SPLC promotes, keeps trying to let the cat out of the bag:

    Most recently, as of this writing, Mr. Potok made an astounding admission to CNN that nearly mirrors what Watching the Watchdogs has been telling readers for years about the SPLC’s lucrative “hate group” marketing tool:

    “Mark Potok, a center spokesman, says there’s no shared definition of what constitutes hate speech.

    “There is no legal meaning. It’s just a phrase,” Potok says. “Hate speech is in the ear of the beholder.”
    (May 5, 2013, CNN.com, “When Christians become a ‘hated minority‘”)

    And what exactly are Mr. Potok’s exacting standards when it comes to applying the lucrative “hate group” stamp of disapproval? According to Mark Potok:

    “…a “hate group” has nothing to do with criminality… [or] potential for violence…” Rather, as Potok put it, “It’s all about ideology.”


  12. The communist states concentrated on making sure you knew what to think, but also that you actually thought it. Western leftism sticks more with telling you what to think. Dees runs a private national counterintelligence service, but mostly this work is done piecemeal by HR personnel and the propaganda is national.

  13. OT,

    Islamic Banking makes inroad in Europe.

  14. They hold (hypo)Kyrptonite of 'white guilt' to paralyze white power.


  15. "Makes me think of Henry Ford. Huge scumbag but still has a very reputable legacy."

    I'll bite. How is Henry Ford a scumbag? Would it be his double of wages and halving the costs of automobiles? Or would it have something to do with claiming the bankers were the sycophants that they assuredly were?

  16. Megaphone trumps microphone. He who controls the megaphone controls what gets broadcast from the microphone.

  17. The actual wording on the SPLC's lucrative "Hate Map" fundraising tool makes the incredible claim that:

    "Hate group activities can include criminal acts, marches, rallies, speeches, meetings, leafleting or publishing."

    Seriously. An alleged "civil rights organization" that conflates six of the most fundamental First Amendment rights with "criminal acts" and "hate group activities."

    And yet the suckers sent Dees more than $40 million tax-free donor dollars last year, or just over $4,500 each and every hour.

    There's gold in them thar "hate groups"

  18. Conservatives are deficient in all areas of art and culture because they are squares without eccentricity and adventurousness.

    Artists and culture-makers are libs because the bankers are libs.

  19. Jews went from resistance(when they were outsiders) to insistence(once they were insiders).

  20. "I'll bite. How is Henry Ford a scumbag? Would it be his double of wages and halving the costs of automobiles? Or would it have something to do with claiming the bankers were the sycophants that they assuredly were?"

    Presumably, the 1st anonymous was referring to this, but as you note he was also a great industrialist who improved the lives of a lot of workers and consumers. On the other hand, as Wikipedia notes, he also inspired folks like Baldur von Schirach, who sent 66,000 'bankers' to death camps.

  21. There is the Bhgavad Geetha Verse in Chapter 10 that goes like this.

    " I am deceiving of the Gambling; I am the Glory of the Glorious; I am victory, enterprise, and nobility of the noble"

    I am adding it to this;

    " I am the Ether in the Ethernet" nothing against Bob Metcalfe.

    and Sun Micro had this Slogan. " We are the dot in the dot net". Dot in Sanskrit is called "Bindu"; Philosophically is a point of infinite density, a point from where the Universe emanated., like in the "Big Bang Theory".

  22. Anonydroid at 10:51 PM said: Makes me think of Henry Ford. Huge scumbag but still has a very reputable legacy.

    Hunsdon asked: What makes Henry Ford a scumbag? "The International Jew"? And by what standard can you compare Morris Dees to Ford? If you say, "Ford was bad for his anti-semitism, and Dees is bad for his anti-Westernism, or anti-gentilism," then what does Dees bring to the table to match up with FoMoCo, the assembly line, and higher wages for employees?

    His winning smile?

  23. "Dave Pinsen said...

    On the other hand, as Wikipedia notes, he also inspired folks like Baldur von Schirach, who sent 66,000 'bankers' to death camps."

    Apparently, Henry Ford did not write nor did he publish "The International Jew". It was published independently in Germany, as a compilation of articles from Ford's newspaper.

    And, yeah - anybody anywhere who writes anything remotely critical of Jews is obviously responsible for any and all crimes committed against them by the Nazis. You've absorbed your lessons well.

  24. A lot of hot air will be let out of Dee$' money sails IF citizens will use the state laws counterpart to the federal Freedom of Information Act to shape specific information requests of local law enforcement entities re the amount of on duty phone time to numbers bearing the AC within which Dee$' operation is HDQd; the amount of on duty "leave" time to attend SPLC seminars; the number of persons about whom SPLC has provided information, etc. etc.

  25. Mr. Anon,

    "And, yeah - anybody anywhere who writes anything remotely critical of Jews is obviously responsible for any and all crimes committed against them by the Nazis."

    I assume you tossed out that pièce de résistance of a straw man rhetorically, but I'll bite anyway.

    I'll ignore the part about "anybody anywhere" because that's just trollish. Let's deal with Ford instead. Ford wasn't "responsible" for Schirach's actions. I said he inspired them, which was what Schirach himself said. In the same way, Morris Dees wasn't responsible for Floyd Conkin's actions at the Family Research Council, as Charlotte Allen noted in the Weekly Standard article Steve linked to.

  26. Kevin Macdonald blog does not appear in Bing search results.


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