June 4, 2013

More Uplift from the Press: Navy SEAL "Warrior Princess"

ABC News celebrates:
Transgender Navy SEAL 'Warrior Princess' Comes Out
A former member of the elite U.S. Navy SEALs has come out to say she's now a woman.  

She had a Y-chromosome-ectomy that replaced the Y-chromosomes in all the trillions of cells in her body with another X chromosome, so now she's a woman.

Oh, wait, that operation doesn't exist.

Sorry, my mistake.
Kristin Beck, formerly Chris, served 20 years as a SEAL and fought on some of the most dangerous battlefields in the world, but after she left the service she realized she wasn't living the life she wanted. 
"Chris really wanted to be a girl and felt that she was a girl and consolidated that identity very early on in childhood," said Anne Speckhard, co-author of Beck's biography "Warrior Princess," which was published over the weekend. 
Speckhard told ABC News Beck suppressed that secret for decades, however, through the trials of SEAL training and the harrowing missions that followed, growing a burly beard as she fought on the front lines of American special operations. 
... Speckhard said Beck first announced her decision to friends online with the declaration "No more disguises" and the book describes her going out to gay bars in Florida as a woman.

What kind of gay bars? Male or female?

Sounds like Speckhard might be one of the plagues of lesbian life: heterosexual men who put on dresses and hit upon lesbians.

There's a long history of lesbian feminists trying to exclude anybody born male from their events. For example, the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival has a policy of denying entry to anybody not "womyn-born womyn" -- i.e., no Navy SEALs in dresses. Olivia Records had a similar imbroglio.

I used to make fun of lesbian feminists for this. But I'm starting to feel sympathetic toward poor lesbians who just want to sit in the dirt and listen to dull folk songs without having to fend off a retired Navy SEAL in stripper heels.
Beck is currently on hormone therapy in preparation for sexual reassignment surgery and generally wears long hair, make-up and women's clothes, Speckhard said. 
In the book's Preface, Beck said she wrote the book "to reach out to all of the younger generation and encourage you to live your life fully and to treat each other with compassion, be good to each other, especially in your own backyard (where it be high school or your community)."

In similar news, economist Donald/Deirdre McCloskey, who played football at Harvard and has two children and an ex-wife, has published a memoir, Crossing, about getting amputations. 

Many years ago I read travel writer James/Jan Morris's memoir Conundrum. Morris is a delightful writer, but the I-always-felt-like-a-girl-on-the-inside-even-while-fathering-my-five-children party line sounded fishy to me even at the time.

There's an alternate theory, but Professor McCloskey doesn't want you to hear about it.

Thus, Professor McCloskey was a leader, along with two other high IQ transsexuals, Dr. Conway and Dr. Roughgarden, in the lengthy persecution of Northwestern psychology professor J. Michael Bailey for publicizing an alternative theory of the motivations of transexuals that undermined the party line that "I always felt like a girl on the inside."

The New York Times offered an insightful analysis of the conduct of McCloskey et al in this 2007 article by reporter Benedict Carey.

Bailey's crime was recounting the theory developed by sex scientist Ray Blanchard that most male to female transexuals fall into two categories: 

- Extremely effeminate homosexual men whose lack of masculinity puts them at a disadvantage in the gay dating market (where butchness is prized), and who therefore resolve to land a real (i.e., heterosexual) man by getting an operation to make them even more feminine.

- More masculine / more heterosexual men who have a bizarre sexual fetish in which the objects of their erotic obsessions are a feminized vision of themselves.

Neither explanation fits in well with today's dominant Victim of Society mode of thinking, so they must be suppressed. The supreme duty of 21st Century Americans is to be ignorant.


  1. Boy, he/she/it was a better hider in the closet than Osama Bin Laden was in the 'cave'.

  2. It's come to a point where the following would make a perfect coda to the Obama presidency.

    At the end of his term, Obama admits he's a fruiter, amiably divorces his wife, gets a sex change operation, marries Joe Biden, and they adopt a Chinese baby.

  3. I suppose letting trans be women is still cheaper than forcing society to accommodate trans as an entire group in their own right.

    Imagine if every business and organization had to have men's room, women's room, and trans room.

    The funny thing about trans is they are, at once, very exhibitionist and very secretive.

    For example, they declare to the world that they're gonna 'change', but once the change has happened, they want us to see them as the 'real thing'.

    "I was a man, but now I'm a woman, but please see only the woman as if I was always a woman and nothing else."

    It's like telling someone a lie and insisting it must be accepted as the truth.

  4. It's hard enough to function, you know, make a living when you're mildly screwed up inside. How these flaming creatures do it is beyond me.

  5. And if 'she' was a 'person of color'? And the one who shot bin Laden? Perfection.

  6. Cennbeorc:"I've always assumed that extremely effeminate men would attractive to many more-masculine gays. Is this not so?"

    Masculine gays exist in very small numbers.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. In healthier and less genital obsessed times, a man would join a monastery or become a hermit if he wanted to make a profound break with his old life. Our current culture worships gays, trashy women and attention seekers so this guy's move makes a kind of sick sense. His story comes out just after Angelina Jolie's elective double mastectomy story too. Body modification, tattoos and mutilation seems to be a popular form of self-expression now days.

  9. She had a Y-chromosome-ectomy....

    Most race realists are comfortable with the idea that there's biologically defined race and there's socially defined race, and the two don't coincide. For instance, Barack Obama is black as defined socially but not as defined biologically.

    Why not the same with biologically defined sex and socially defined gender? A lot of the polemics I read, in places like this and in mainstream conservative places too, seem to deny the logical possibility of socially defined gender. The Y chromosome snark here seems to be saying that.

    I understand the idea of fighting for one social definition of gender against another, but I don't get the idea of denying even the possibility of a social definition.

  10. Harry Baldwin6/4/13, 9:11 PM

    I don't really understand how the desire to change the body's sexual identity is much different than
    body integrity identity disorder, in which people become obsessed with wanting a limb amputated. Isn't such a disconnect between mind and body a sign of mental illness?

    My sister-in-law had a sexual relationship with a carpenter who wanted to get sex-reassignment surgery. He was only interested in women, but wanted to attract them as a lesbian, not a man. He did this when he was close to 60, divorcing his wife and alienating his three children. As a man he was quite good looking in a prettyish way, but as a woman he wasn't fooling anyone. Though he had giant implants, she [sic] was tall, broad shouldered, had big hands, and--yikes--was 60 years old! She still wanted to have sex with my sister-in-law, but the latter was less into it post-op. She died within seven years of the operation.

    I know another trans-gender person, the artist Jeffrey Jones who became Jeffrey Catherine Jones at age 54. He died 13 years later. I can't help wondering if all that messing with the body significantly shortens one's lifespan.

  11. @Harry Baldwin, the similarity of transgender whatever-you-call-it and BIID has been noted by lots of people. I don't understand why a sex-change operation is considered ethical but the amputation of a BIID sufferer's healthy leg is considered unethical. Seems they should both be OK or both be not OK.

  12. Perhaps it's the effect of too much SF at an impressionable age, but I've always thought transsexuals were just victims of shitty technology. What they want is the Culture version of sex change, where you end up with your Y chromosomes replaced with X chromosomes and an actual functional, normal female body, and you can switch back if you don't like how it turns out. What they get is a medevial horror of chopped off bits and grotesque and gruelling plastic surgery and hormone treatments.

  13. Clicked on Cochran's post. It's just stupid. I know the guy's a zillion times smarter than the rest of us, but he can still say some stupid things.

    If someone with Y chromosomes who developed as a male says she's a woman, maybe she means something different than "I have pairs of X chromosomes and a female-wired brain." So replying, "She's not a woman, because her brain was wired as a male" is about the dumbest thing you could say in response.

  14. - More masculine / more heterosexual men who have a bizarre sexual fetish in which the objects of their erotic obsessions are a feminized vision of themselves.

    There was that Canadian Air Force Colonel who got arrested a couple years ago. He stole hundreds of pieces of girls' and women's underwear from people's houses. He would wear the underwear and take pictures of himself. He also murdered a couple women (possible more) during the course of satisfying these bizarre sexual fetishes.


    "According to prosecutors, the colonel would break in to the bedrooms of young girls—nine was the youngest—and take photographs of his victims' rooms, beds, hampers, and underwear drawers. He'd then take the underwear out of the drawers and put it on for photo shoots."

    "He'd jerk off, lying on the kids beds, and then head home, underwear in hand (he took once 87 pairs from a single high schooler in one night) to begin his documentation. At his houses he took photographs of his bizarre collections and sometimes notated the evidence with captions like "Merci beaucoup." The evidence was kept on hard drives he stored in his ceiling.

    He kept a record of his break-ins and photo shoots on his computer, presumably in, like, Excel.

    Williams was so careful with his break-ins that many of the families victimized didn't know they'd been hit. In September of 2009, he went further, breaking into two women's homes and blindfolding them, forcing them to strip before taking photographs. A month later, he killed a flight attendant whom he worked with, Cpl. Marie-France Comeau. She had been beaten and had her breathing passages blocked with tape. In January, he killed his second victim, Jessica Lloyd and buried her near his home."

  15. Inane Rambler6/4/13, 10:12 PM

    "I don't really understand how the desire to change the body's sexual identity is much different than
    body integrity identity disorder, in which people become obsessed with wanting a limb amputated. Isn't such a disconnect between mind and body a sign of mental illness?"

    I find it hard to understand as well. I'd just as soon lose both of my legs and one arm than losing my dick.

  16. Inane Rambler6/4/13, 10:14 PM

    I'm also puzzled how this individual suppressed their desire to transition.

    Part of this story just doesn't add up, but what do I know?

  17. @NOTA

    As someone who's read and enjoyed a few Culture novels, whenever something like this turns up I just remember that the Culture is by far the most boring civilization in that particular fictional universe and that all the trans-humanism invoked is merely alienating rather than inspiring.

  18. >deny the logical possibility of socially defined gender. The Y chromosome snark here seems to be saying that<

    The social definition has to be based on or grow logically from the biological definition. In Obama's case, for example, he is partly black biologically. Therefore, the social definition of him as black, while not (in some social definitions, anyway) perfectly accurate, is based on the biological definition. He could just as easily be socially defined as white. He might, for instance, be considered among the whiter classes in present-day Brazil; and some conservatives in the US see him as a white Yankee liberal with a "cafe au lait" veneer.

    There can be many shades of race biologically. By contrast, there is no range or middle ground between biologically male and biologically female. It follows that socially constructed "gender" (NB: the accurate term is "race," not "gender"; the latter is a grammatical term) based on biology confines itself to, for example, defining how a biological woman should behave (i.e., what is "feminine") and how a biological man should behave ("masculine").

    The notion that social meaning can or ought to be constructed in 100% contradiction of biology isn't a logically possible approach to the setting of social norms. Instead, it's an attack not only on the biological reality, but also on Reality, period. The essence of transgenderism is contempt for the physical world. Its viewpoint is similar to the one issued by feminists earlier: biology isn't (shouldn't be) destiny. It's an extreme form of such an attack that's also manifested in less extreme forms. For example, some Asians paint their skin, not, as other Asians do, in harmony with their Asianness (e.g., to accentuate it in creative ways), but instead to look white. Black hair is a complicated case (there are issues of convenience and simple esthetics involved) part of the motive for straightening it was always more or less understood to be some kind of self-hatred.

    It's called "self-hatred," but the more accurate term, to repeat, is reality-hatred. That's the underlying urge uniting all cases of body modification that are intended not to bring out some part of what one is biologically but instead to oppose or attack it.

    This phenom has its roots in the soul-body dichotomy that permeates so much culture especially since Christianity. The notion here is that you're really a spirit, so your body, even any physical fact about the universe, shouldn't restrain you; should, in fact, be opposed, even warred on, in the name of the spirit (latterly conceived of as individual desire). Every troll is a prince; it's who you are on the inside that counts; luminous beings are we, not this crude matter; etc. The fetish of mutilation-as-liberation springs from dualism: it's dualism's underbelly.

  19. Simon in London6/4/13, 11:59 PM

    I thought Blanchard said there were a small number of 'real' m-to-f transsexuals who fitted the 'born a man in woman's body' (these ones naturally very effeminate), but the majority were the often-butch sexual fetishists? The former category seems different from your 'effeminate men who decide to be a woman to get a better man'?

  20. IIRC, a post like this attracted a very upset stalker to Steve's blog about ten years ago.

    The whole subject is confusing, and understandably disturbing to non-transgender, heterosexual males, I think.

    We are being told that we must accept that Y = X if someone wants, and to not openly celebrate this is criminal.

    The supreme duty of 21st Century Americans is to be ignorant.

    It feels more like we must all constantly practice our doublethink than be ignorant.

  21. Dr Van Nostrand6/5/13, 12:47 AM

    It's come to a point where the following would make a perfect coda to the Obama presidency.

    At the end of his term, Obama admits he's a fruiter, amiably divorces his wife, gets a sex change operation, marries Joe Biden, and they adopt a Chinese baby. "

    Heck in that case would he able to run again as President? I mean that two term limit thing for when he was fuddy duddy heterosexual male but now he is a sista with attitude so why not be eligible?

    6/4/13, 7:42 PM

  22. I wish these types would phoque off.

  23. Has anyone checked that this individual really was a SEAL? A lot of people lie about this sort of thing.

    Anyway, here are a couple extra hypothesis I wanted to throw out:

    1. Part of what drives these men is a desire for attention. Surely they have noticed that all things being equal girls get a lot more sexual attention than men.

    2. Another possible factor is overstimulation. With the ever increasing availability of pornography, some people need to do more and more bizarre things to get themselves turned on.

  24. Unfortunately for those who want to claim trans people are making it all up, brain scanning shows there are differences. Trans people have brains that are like the gender they feel to be.


    It's funny how conservatives think every characteristic except sexuality is immutable and genetic... and liberals think sexuality is the only immutable and genetic characteristic. This gay man finds both conceits amusing.

  25. "Extremely effeminate homosexual men whose lack of masculinity puts them at a disadvantage in the gay dating market (where butchness is prized), and who therefore resolve to land a real (i.e., heterosexual) man by getting an operation to make them even more feminine."

    this accounts for 99% of them. the usual HBD rules apply, so it's easiest for an asian homo to become a good looking "woman" and pass for a woman in public, and increasingly harder for other men as you move up the masculinity scale.

    however, how do you explain a guy like this?


    clearly not some effeminate homosexual. looks like a very above average, socially successful hetero. i can't explain cases like that.

  26. @David: "By contrast, there is no range or middle ground between biologically male and biologically female."

    Individuals with Klinefelter's syndrome are biologically XXY. Which sex are they?

    Many of the people who identify as transexual have some underlying hormonal or genetic issue, such as apparent females who over-produce masculine hormones. One genetically XX individual I know produces enough masculine hormones that she has to shave or she'll grow a beard. Unsurprisingly, she doesn't feel very female.

    There are some 'very masculine' and 'very feminine' people in this world, and there are some who are far more androgynous. I don't know what motivates all trans people, but many of them do not have cut-and-dry biologically male or female biology.

  27. The insistence that we accept these modified and mutated men as women has to be the perfect combination of Orwell's doublethink and Hans Christian Andersen's Emperor's New Clothes.

  28. In fact, there are many rare disorders where the chromosomal sex of a person is either not the standard XY/XX, e.g., they have an XXX or YYX genome, or despite having an XY genome the person winds up developing as a woman, although infertile and lacking the internal female reproductive apparatus. In one of these disorders, I cannot recall the medical name at the moment, receptors are lacking for male sex hormones and the individual defaults to female sexual development. These individuals often never learn that they are in some sense a man. They often develop extremely attractive female secondary sexual characteristics, marry, and neither they nor their partner ever learns the truth unless they investigate why they are unable to have children. One of my old medical texts asserted that one such became a major Hollywood star. I'll add that I'm a normal male and I found the illustrative photographs of such persons in my texts very erotically stimulating.

    Anyway, these are very different than the soi disant trans-sexuals I've run into in my life. I feel sorry for these people and I would not mock any one of them to his/her face but their attempts to resemble a member of the opposite sex are grotesque to say the least. They also impose unneccessary burdens on the rest of us, e.g. the women in my office who were forced to endure the presence of a man in their bathroom because he put on a dress, had some deforming surgeries, and claimed to be a woman. I'd go with the un-PC sex researcher on this one. My impression is that most of these folks are suffering from severe emotional disorders of various sorts.

  29. I have always found it odd that in the West transgenders are deemed less than homosexuals but in much of the rest of the world especially in conservative Islamic societies transgenders are somewhat celebrated. In Iran one can get a state sponsored sex reassignment surgery but put to death for homosexual acts.

    I remember when the liberal media scoffed at the Iranian presidents assertation that Iran had no gays. The mix up came about because in Iran and much of the world a sexual act isn't an identity. So while Iran may have men who engage in same sex few men go around prancing about that they're gay like they do here. At some point these men find a woman and get married. If they are too effeminate they just become transgendered. Thus no gays per se.

  30. Anon:

    Utopia is boring unless you're on the fringes defending or attacking it (The Culture novels, the Federation) or it's undergoing some dangerous challenge and change (The Probability Broach, Beyond This Horizon.)

    All the actin in The Culture novels takes place among the fringe types with a weird violent world-saving/hard decisions fetish. Normal Culture citizens spend their time at orgies and feasts and doing various extreme sports and such, hwhile the machines run things and keep them as pampered pets.

  31. It seems possible to me that our "Warrior Princess" has been confused by the media and the elites who continually point out that men a stupid and women are superior.

    He just wants to be the best he could be. Besides, he will get lots of attention as well.

    Of course, the five o'clock shadow is going to be a problem.

  32. At the end of his term, Obama admits he's a fruiter, amiably divorces his wife, gets a sex change operation, marries Joe Biden, and they adopt a Chinese baby.

    And then become a famous movie director and have a sexual relationship with the child when it grows up.

  33. Correction: s/b "the accurate term is 'sex,' not 'gender'". Apologies.

    Want to add that cutting your dick off has a long history. As Nietzsche pointed out, it was interpreted as the real meaning of "And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire."

  34. So this guy comes back from war, wants to lop his dick off, and instead of thinking that "Hmm, maybe all that time in combat operations fucked with his head a bit" its straight to WHAT A HERO.

    You can take all the hormones you want, but you're still a medical abomination, and this noise is simply a bunch of other idiots feeding into his delusion. There is no decadence the Left will not tolerate, because otherwise the mental sandcastle they've built around their belief system comes crashing down.

  35. Navy SEALS are a story of bravery of love.

    And elective castration.

  36. On the plus side, if trannies become the next direction of the broad anti-heterosexual movement, that'll spell its immediate doom.

    People have been saying that The End Is Near for the sexual radicals for 20 years, but unfortunately The End Is Not Near.

    Liberals feel the same revulsion for this stuff as conservatives, the trouble is, they don't view revulsion as a normal, usually healthy reaction to things that should be avoided. They regard it (in principle) as a kind of original sin, which good people should try to overcome and to which no concessions should be made.

    Of course they make the usual unprincipled exceptions: obese rednecks, May-December romances unless gay, and (so far) pedophilia. Everyone needs an outlet for their dark side.


  37. "robin said...

    The whole subject is confusing, and understandably disturbing to non-transgender, heterosexual males, I think."

    "non-transgender, heterosexual males"

    You mean.......normal men. I'm sick of having the terms of debate defined by degenerates and deviants. The ABC News article was a perfect example - buying into the whole deranged fantasy by referring to the guy as "she". "She" isn't a "she", okay.

  38. Aaron said . . .

    If someone with Y chromosomes who developed as a male says she's a woman, maybe she means something different than "I have pairs of X chromosomes and a female-wired brain."

    What is this thing that he really means when he claims to be a woman? Does he really mean "I have a particular mental illness" or "I have a constellation of symptoms typical of a particular mental illness?"

    The answer is: of course that's what he means. Why, then, should a sane society indulge the nutter's delusions, urges, or whatever? Is that kind to the nutter? Is it healthy for the society?

    Sailer's and Cochrane's reactions are just right. There is such a thing as sex, and he is a man. Smart, truthful, helpful, and healthy.

    Indulging in "what is sex . . . reeeeally?" talk is the kind of stupidity one expects from half-smart high school juniors.

  39. Just when i thought it couldn't get any better than the blond, lesbian, native American gal.....this comes along......

  40. I don't really understand how the desire to change the body's sexual identity is much different than
    body integrity identity disorder, in which people become obsessed with wanting a limb amputated. Isn't such a disconnect between mind and body a sign of mental illness?

    Bingo! I think that's it exactly. (There was a fantastic article about BIID in the December 2000 Atlantic, A New Way to be Mad, which I highly recommend).

    I have to say that if it were actually possible to change sex for real, I'd be willing to give it a try. And if it were possible to temporarily change into an eagle, or a bear, or a dolphin, and then change back, I'd be willing to try that too. The day we discover that magic really exists, our lives will change in many exciting ways!

  41. The funny thing about trans is they are, at once, very exhibitionist and very secretive.

    For example, they declare to the world that they're gonna 'change', but once the change has happened, they want us to see them as the 'real thing'.

    Actually, it is the old school gay male transsexuals who try to go stealth once they've gotten the willy lopped off. They are derided as "truscum" by the new wave of trans activists, the majority of whom are heterosexual males who have no intention of going under the knife. These transbians insist on simultaneously being accepted as female in every way (ladystick and all) and as a special victim group who get permanent victim status over actual females, regardless of race, class, etc. The old school trans gals who generally just want to blend in and go about their lives tend to be gay males. It's mainly the "lesbian-identified" trans women who hassle lesbians. There are a few aggressive gay-to-trans guys, though, like Monica "I have a six-inch neoclit" Roberts, who can't understand why the women they call "fish" don't want anything to do with them.

    Younger post-op trans activists like Julia Serano insist that they are not "MAAB" (male-assigned at birth) yet make a huge deal of their trans status. Like most cultural left dogma, it makes no logical sense, but one must pretend it does.

  42. Thus, Professor McCloskey was a leader, along with two other high IQ transsexuals, Dr. Conway and Dr. Roughgarden, in the lengthy persecution of Northwestern psychology professor J. Michael Bailey for publicizing an alternative theory of the motivations of transexuals that undermined the party line that "I always felt like a girl on the inside."

    They had a desire to crush and humiliate their enemy, didn't they? Not very lady-like.
    One of the very first clues I had that FeministX 1.0 wasn't who "she" said she was was because of his response to a short, pithy, sarcastic remark I made... Holy moly, the jib on that broad!
    I was completely knocked for a loop.

    That makes me feel so sorry for the women these guys hit on. To be hit on by a freak and one that will probably rain holy hell down on you upon rejection.

  43. Most trannies seem to be misogynists. Drag queens are too. I've always assumed transsexuals are deeply jealous of the attention that women receive. After all, there are way more M to Fs than F to Ms. Society is crazy to accept them as "shes."

    Transsexuals want to live as a caricature of femininity. The worst is when they try to compete on girls/women's sports teams.

  44. candid_observer6/5/13, 12:42 PM

    The reality is -- and no one will acknowledge it -- that we really have a very, very limited understanding of what impels people, particularly today, to become "transgendered".

    They have been in the past exceedingly rare cases, so far as is known (perhaps less than 1 in 10,000?). Nowadays it seems vastly more frequent, though still quite rare (perhaps around 1 in 1,000?). Why do there seem to be so many more today than in the past? How many of the "transwomen", either in the past or today, fall under the two sexualized categories described by Blanchard?

    Moreover, no one really seems to know how many so-called transgendered people "knew" they were so when children; nor, quite importantly, do we know how many children who have some gender identity issues, or even just mild doubts, become adults choose to be transgendered (might it be less than 1 in 10 who harbor doubts who would develop into a transgendered person?). Obviously, the "false alarm" rate -- i.e., the number of children who are subject to doubts who do NOT become transgendered as adults -- is critical to how their families and society should treat them. But, again, we effectively know nothing about this.

    In general, we don't understand in the slightest any of the fundamental issues that would bear on how transgendered individuals should be regarded and accommodated in our society.

    But the problem is that we are all going to be forced to assume that all those outstanding major questions have only the answers acceptable to the activists. All other answers will be "hate", because they will supposedly incite someone somewhere to think less of the transgendered.

    As dishonest as much of the discussion about gays has been, the discussion about the transgendered will be much worse.

    I actually think it will backfire, because the opportunities for it are too great; people react to them as freakish, and there's no way to compartmentalize the things that make them seem freakish, when those are the exact things that many of them insist on making a public display of.

  45. There are, indeed, a bunch of people who are pretty messed up physically, with both male and female features, but the famous examples are not: this Navy Seal, McCloskey who played football at Harvard, or James / Jan Morris, who was part of the 1953 Everest team. Here are pictures of Hillary, Norgay, and the other members of Everest expedition. Morris is the handsome bearded man in the bottom row:


  46. Homos are very narcissistic. They like to show off their bodies like greek statue stuff and they like to wear fancy stuff and put on fancy manners.

    Ours is a celebrity crazed narcissistic culture, so homos are just the coolest for so many shallo idiots.

  47. New navy slogan.

    Our Ships are Sealed.

  48. "It's funny how conservatives think every characteristic except sexuality is immutable and genetic... and liberals think sexuality is the only immutable and genetic characteristic. This gay man finds both conceits amusing."

    Neither side wants to concede that free-will doesn't exist. Gender identity anomalies are really just Darwinian mutations. Thomas Ligotti says "Nature proceeds by blunders: that is its way." We have to decide how we deal with the bearers of these "blunders."

    Beck heard the cultural injunction to "man-up" and he did so, to an exaggerated degree. Navy Seal has to be close to the pinnacle of masculinity. Good old Mother Nature had a different plan; she wanted him to cut his cock off and wear a dress. Maybe he is a human salmon, who when he was stuck in an entirely male environment, he had an incredible urge to become a woman to balance the gender of his school.

  49. "We have to decide how we deal with the bearers of these "blunders." - I take this back. We will deal with them the way we are programmed to deal with them.

  50. middle aged semipro consultant6/5/13, 6:27 PM

    Someone who probably knows a lot about this is John Derbyshire (transsexuals are a big deal in Chinese opera). Also Hemingway scholars (Ernest's son Greg was almost as brave as his father and had the type of operation discussed here). Michael Bailey's book is good but focuses on the subset of people who are men who badly want to experience sex and social living in the way they imagine the typical woman does, i.e., glorying in one's own beauty as the prime erotic pleasure and social urge - obviously this focus is disparaged by the matronly set of men who just want to pour tea while wearing the right dress over properly fitting woman's underwear. Our post-Christian culture's unending treatment of attractive people as fabulous in every way is dangerous for persons who have genetic, hormonal or PTSD predisposition to wanting to look as much as they can like the other sex (the PTSD predisposition theoretically coming from 15 or more years of childhood mistreatment by a psychotic or just plain nauseatingly boring parent of the opposite or same sex, the hormonal predisposition resulting in a type of personal-space-being-invaded claustrophobia stemming from years of being told by the hormones or other biological subfunctions to move one way and being constantly impeded in the proper sway or swagger by one's God-given body, and the genetic predisposition being the obvious feminine or masculine traits certain boys and girls are, respectively, unwillingly born with). Under a very moral system, these urges can be transmuted into imitation of the virtues of the other sex for the benefit of all, especially of those who are loved without conditions. Anyway, it is a cruel world and we all need each other's prayers.

  51. Still not believing this, but these days, who knows. In the '80s a guy/"gal" like that would've been coptered away from a Navy ship without any explanation.

  52. Of course there are some unfortunate individuals who got left in the middle somewhere between the two sexes, but there's a pattern of highly masculine transsexuals like this Navy SEAL, McCloskey (who played football at Harvard -- Harvard doesn't give football scholarships), and so forth. The bizarre sex fetish theory sounds more plausible than the I felt like a girl on the inside while I outcompeted all these other dudes to be a Navy SEAL theory.

  53. Suppose Osama had a sex change operation after 9/11. Would we have said 'she' done it and we finally tracked down and killed 'her'?

  54. What I don't get is this. If he wanted to be a woman all his wife, why did he join the most macho team in the world and grow a beard?

    Was he trying to repress his fruity nature? Or did he want to shower with tough looking guys?


  55. Look up repressed memory syndrome, if you haven't. Basically young women would go to therapy with typical complaints of depression or relationship difficulties and be persuaded by therapists that they'd been molested by male relatives and repressed the memories. The young women, relieved to have an explanation for their problems, usually caused their families pain and hideous embarrassment.

    This how I see a lot of transexualism. An effeminate young man begins searching his childhood for a reason that he isn't macho. He has heard about sex changes on TV, so he works backwards from his feelings of awkwardness and lands on transexualism as the solution. He instantly makes friends among other transkids who discourage him from listening to his family, and there he goes. Very sad.


  56. >Many of them do not have cut-and-dry biologically male or female biology.<

    1. How many in absolute numbers?

    2. Should society be upended to cater to them?

    3. Sex actually is cut-and-dry (an unfortunate phrase in this context...). Klinefelter's, for example, doesn't mean being born with no dick. And secondary sexual characteristics are "often" not affected by Klinefelter's, according to the article you linked.

    Someone truly in the middle sexually would have to be born without sex organs and have chromosomal issues as in Klinefelter's on top of that. But then this person would simply be of NO sex. So any expression of sexuality (including transgenderism) on "his" part would be not other than playacting for him and potentially a fraud relative to other people.

    >The day we discover that magic really exists, our lives will change in many exciting ways!<

    I understand you're snarking (and well, too), but belief in "magic" or some kind of soul/body division is a grave mistake that really does undergird a lot of transgenderism, I think. Would go so far as to say it's a necessary condition of it (tho certainly not a sufficient).

  57. The guy who became a pseudowoman mixed martial arts fighter to beat up women is a 'lesbian.'

    The dude liked fightin' and chicks. so he figgers he must be a woman in the wrong body. What on earth is feminine about dat? The NYT article about him and the 'discrimination' he's up against in his efforts to beat the shit out of the same chicks he wants to ef thoroughly convinced me that at least a big chunk of 'transwomen' are psychotic dudes. Maybe it's BIID and borderline personality disorder.

    Wonder if anyone's tried treating some trannies with antipsychotics. It wouldn't be too unethical to try with informed adults before resorting to irreversible surgery.

    Trannies act like huge dicks on feminist blogs and websites. The 'ain't I a woman!?!?' constant bullying is a sight to behold. Trannies and feminists are allies because they both wanna squik out the square. It's not a stable or happy relationship cuz the mere existence of trannies isn't really compatible with feminism.

    Trannies won't be getting many sympathetic media attention when trannies wear out their welcome with feminists, and trannies are the gays/blacks will fall down the memory hole.


    I didn't need to learn either 'ladystick' or 'neoclitoris' Thanks in advance for the nightmares!

  58. Right, how did I forget the NYT's promotion of that transexual who likes to beat up women in MMA fights?

  59. The sexual fetish thing actually makes a lot of sense to me. I've run into several guys who were heavily into cross-dressing and fantasizing about being the belle of the ball and I can see where at a certain point with the right stressors turning up in their lives it can hit a tipping point.

    A couple of them were well-adjusted outside of that and it was just a hobby, one of them were creepy and psycho all-around and obsessive in a way that made me think of Buffalo Bill (he stalked me for 2 years after I told him I wasn't interested and he'd invented this whole insane Wuthering Heights kinda delusion that we were meant to be together even though we'd gone out only once), and the one that I know who has actually started transitioning was a coworker who seemed before he decided to become a she to be going through a mid-life crisis where he felt his life was really dull and unsatisfying and I guess being a girl seemed like the most fun options hen it had previously been more of a hobby for him.

    Me, I would have suggested a career change and taking up something like rock climbing, but that's probably considered hate speech now.

    Interesting note: the coworker told me he wasn't planning on getting "bottom surgery" but he has done a lot of electrolysis, is taking hormones, and I believe he got a boob job. If it wasn't a fetish thing it doesn't make sense to me why he wouldn't go all the way if he really wanted to be as convincing a "woman" as possible. Is it to keep on being able to masturbate as usual or is he wise enough to know on some level he's play-acting and he wants to keep things in a reversible stage if he changes his mind later on, unlike the poor guys who realize they made a mistake after lopping their dicks off? (Not that I was going to ask him that, and I wouldn't expect him to admit it if it was the case.)

  60. Right, how did I forget the NYT's promotion of that transexual who likes to beat up women in MMA fights?

    The NYT made such an impression on you?

    Where are the "Womyn born Womyn only may attend" when a female born male MMA fighter is scheduled to fight a female born female fighter?

    Are some women lesser women than other womyn?

  61. I feel sorry for Chris Beck. He was one handsome, attractive man who would have no problem attracting male or females. His wife was beautiful. He has a long way to go. Most of the transgender introducing themselves at the start of The Kristen Beck story didn't know how to dress like a normal woman and they all still looked like men in inappropriate women's garb.They should seek God's help for their sexual confusion, not surgery and hormones to confuse their bodies even moreso! Chris was the Chief Petty Officer in charge. He was supposed to lead and "go first" at times. He wasn't putting them in more danger than they were already in, just by being there! Some of you people make less common sense than he/she does!!! Jesus help us all!


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