June 4, 2013

Why British elites covered up the Pakistani pimps' child gangrape horror

From my new column in Taki's Magazine:
Recent incidents of Muslims behaving badly—such as the butchering of British soldier Lee Rigby by two Islamic-convert African immigrants, the riots in Stockholm, and the never-ending revelations about numerous Pakistani pimps “grooming” very young white English girls for being gang-banged by their relatives—has European elites terrified … of European commoners.

Read the whole thing there.


  1. I hope you stick with this subject for a while. I'd like to know what it is you think the Euro elites are afraid the commoners will do.

  2. "If the girls’ parents cared about protecting their daughters, in their view, they would keep them locked up at home like good Muslims do."

    You assume these girls have "parents," plural. Probably not living in the same home, they don't. I suspect that girls with fathers in their lives are disproportionately not the ones getting caught up in this mess. Mothers are good for a great many things, but keying their children in to the reality of life is not one of them. Divorced/unmarried skank ho mothers are all on board with the diversity MultiCult, and they think their 14-year-old daughter's boyfriend, Mohammed Salaam Hussein Achmed Jamaal, 25, is just a sweet young guy.

    The sad fact is that these girls need dads. Lacking that, they need British politicians who actually give a shit about their welfare. Good luck with that.

  3. Good one, Steve. Laugh at them, scoff at them, disempower them, dispossess them, everybody all over the world is still scared of white males.

    Question for today: How many sheet (or blanket) wearing white males does it take to throw Oberlin College into a panic?

    Answer: Less than one. One imaginary white male, not even a real one, was enough to do the job.

  4. Nice article, Steve. This is it exactly. Same phenomenon as Hitchens deriding Enoch Powell. In the end, Powell and Griffin will be seen as men before their time.

    The elites are indeed scared, now as ever, at the possibility of whites organizing and asserting their own interests. At the same time, in prolonging and countering the threat that we are perceived to pose, there is something of the "we all hang together or we all hang separately" about their actions.

    When you look back and think about it, can you think of any treason on a similar scale as has occurred with the immivasion? If you took a man from 1900 and explained what was to take place from 1965 onwards and especially in the days of Blair onwards, I don't think he would believe that it was possible.

    Benedict Arnold has nothing on Blair et al. To find similar examples for what they have done, you would have to look back in time to Ephialtes, or across the seas to Wang Jingwei, or Mir Jaffar.

  5. Matthew said: The sad fact is that these girls need dads.

    I don't usually condone vigilante justice. That said, I can't help but think that in any remotely sane society, these men would live in abject terror of the poor girls' male relations.

    -The Judean People's Front

  6. We have a sex-obsessed culture where time of first copulation in a new relationship is often measured in days or even hours, rather than months. The free sex nirvana that should have been left to the realm of fantasy has been made real.

    In the West we have millions of young, lower-class teens - especially young girls - without strong father figures in their lives who have been taught (often by default - by television and movies, not their parents), whose only driving ambition, is to find themselves a boyfriend or girlfriend. Stronger fathers would warn them what young men can really be like, and would raise them to develop the character traits and skills that would help them see themselves as something more than sex objects, but those fathers too often don't exist.

    Our culture of free sex has destabilized marriages and has delayed people from marrying altogether. Where the sex should come later in a relationship, after two people learn whether they are compatible with each other, it now comes first, and drags on relationships which have no other reason to exist, and thus delays marriages and childbearing, sometimes permanently.

    We have killed God, for better and worse, but have yet to develop a philosophy of sex and marriage that adequately fills in the gap. Add that to the dumb non-judgementalism of multiculturalism, and that is the culture these young British girls find themselves in. They make easy prey to an invasive species, and that is why they may soon go extinct.

  7. "Question for today: How many sheet (or blanket) wearing white males does it take to throw Oberlin College into a panic? Answer: Less than one."

    Oberlin was not thrown into a panic. They trumped up a bogus event to strengthen the belief that minorities are everywhere oppressed by racist white men.

  8. Steve, Derbyshire thinks that "White people are pussies," and has made it known that he believes that all fight, planning, organization, and will have evaporated from White people all over the globe. I have a hard time arguing he is wrong.

    The BNP, EDL, UKIP, are probably all heavily infiltrated by the police and useless -- every third member a police informer. Generation Identitaire in France is probably the same.

    I don't see Whites being able to resist the onslaught of diversity and multiculturalism and cultural enrichment.

    Yet ... I am reminded that even the Bengalis, long thought incapable of fighting, gave a good account of themselves in the Bangladesh War. As did the RPF in the endless Central African Wars, and even the Ethiopians against Italy in the 1890s.

    I think the key issue is lack of gender unity. For a young woman, "throwing her life away" is more like a success -- she gets the sexy bad boy, admittedly at the price of a beating but that's literally Fifty Shades of Bondage novel-chick-lit. She gets the sexy son she wants. She gets all those dominant, sexy men who treat women like dirt which is PRECISELY what women (the vast majority and certainly the attractive/non-obese/elderly) want. She gets rid of all those icky beta males like Zuckerberg, or Gates, or Schockley, who create things that change society radically every ten-twenty years or so and create new winners and losers and not a fairy tale aristocracy of permanent winners and losers, interspersed by hot chicks sleeping up. What's not to love from a woman's perspective?

    The key IMHO is when Sharia gets more and more intrusive, no more beer (see Turkey, riots, etc.) no more naked women, no more internet porn, no more online games, no more fun.

    Will White guys slaughter half of the "diversity" crowd just to drink beer and ogle women? My cynical side says yes, and they will do so where they won't for personal freedom, liberty, and avoiding bondage. Up to now, the asymmetry of who wins and loses among men and women for the average White middle/working class has been heavily female, but ameliorated by cheap beer and porn and video games.

    Take away the bread and circuses, and you get an angry mob that properly directed is quite fearsome. I would guess that the model to look at is Flight Lt. Jerry Rawlings of Ghana or Master Sgt. Samuel K. Doe of Liberia. Or a certain Corsican.

  9. Apart from the other reasons

    1) It destroys the white is always the villain and non-white is always the victim narrative.

    2) It destroys the immigration is all benefit and no cost narrative.

    Both of which are neccessary for PC.

  10. A lot of interesting treacle raised there, Steve.
    As a Briton, let me offer my submission.

    Prior to 1948, England was a 99.9% white nation, with a smattering of continental European foreigners on its soil, and genetic science proves that despte all the talk you read of 'Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Norman, Viking etc invasions', basically the same stock of people inhabited the island for nigh on 10,000 years. Since the time Britain was cut off from the continent by post ice age floods, in fact.
    Famously, the English were highly xenophobic, even to fellow white Europeans. As for the dusky peoples of the world, aside from diplomats, academics and such like, the rank and file English yeoman, working class type had an instinctive and deep feeling of discomfort and racial distance when they first encountered en masse 'commonwealth' immigrants after 1948.
    Hence you had constant grumbling as on-white imigration surged in the 50s and 60s. This culminated in the Powell speeches of 1968. Basically, Powell articulated the feelings of a nation and caused a political earthquake.
    In short, the vas bulk of the English people were strongly and viscerally anti-immigration. There was no other issue in which public opinion was overwhelming strong and unhappy.
    The political class knew this full well and passed a string of (totally ineffective) anti-immigration acts. There si no real doubt that Powell swung the 1970 General Elcetion and brought in the Heath government.
    The political class - through reasons Powell could very well explain to you - created an impossible situation through their cowardice and stupidity. The best that they could do was to try to keep a lid on it by persecuting dissenters and through denial and brushing it under the carpet.
    The issue died down under Thatcher when the common opinion was that immigration had halted (in fact it never did, but was subdued). Tony balir's dastardly New labour government sneaked in immigrants when no one was looking purely due to ideological dogma - they swallowed WSJ and Economist dogshit whole.

    Anyhow, Britain will be a majority non-white nation by 2040 or so. This will ensure a permanent in built Labour Party majority as virtually all immigrants vote Labour (the party that fights for them). Likely the Conservative Party will dwindle and die. The opposition party will likely be UKIP, an English nationalist party by another name.

    1. A question if I may. I lived in the UK as a student in 1975-76. My peers, white English all, HATED Britain and everything about it.

      Not as much as they hated America, of course. That was quite unpleasant. But for their own green and pleasant land, not a shred of affection.

      These guys and gals are now your leaders. How did that happen???

  11. http://youtu.be/2tBZ0wgYIq8

    I think that's Dzhokar as boyfriend.

  12. Off-topic, but seems like it might trigger something on the Steve-o-radar.

    It's a reddit discussion on how making a comedy about Americans trying to *not* have their jobs outsourced simply were just too racist to be made. Even despite both Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn having signed up at the height of their popularity.


  13. Simon in London6/5/13, 12:18 AM

    It was specifically the Labour government and Labour-supporting social services who suppressed the story, along with the police.
    One thing your article does not mention is that most of the victims are not with their mothers, they are held by social services in local authority 'care' homes. These 'care' homes operate as free brothels for the Pakistani rape gangs. The girls are under the control of the authorities, mostly white women social workers, who in some cases actually forced them back into the hands of their abusers and called them racist when they complained.

  14. The EPL is increasingly laden with Africans - especially the top teams - for obvious reasons, and most are not Brazilian. From your distance you may not notice this, because if you look at team lists you will often see 'France', 'Belgium', 'Holland' or 'Portugal' as their nation of origin.

    When I hear that Arsenal have signed a new 'Frenchman' , I do not have a mental image of a mustachioed fellow with garlic on his breath, a bottle of Burgundy in one hand and a baguette in the other.

    Gilbert P.

  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDxOhIrAUn0

    Wedding footage of old
    college friend on youtube.

    How SWPL everything got.

  16. Mr Sailer I suggest you read some Roissy site or other game sites about the true nature of women.

    This apparently warm woman caring piece does not get the point. If you want attack the Marxist european elites I could not agree more, but the figure of women as innocent and pure victims is counter productive.

    Most of these women are well consensual to go with criminals thugs and terrorists, and for sure they are not excited by the good leftist Swede wimps. Of course when things go bad they play the victim card.

  17. Great piece, although 'soccer'-fans are arguably even more politically inept (as a group) than 'bloody students' wearing mass-produced 'V for Vendatta' masks protesting against globalised corporations. Sure Nick Griffin was right about Muslim pedo-grooming rape squads but so was David Icke about Jimmy Savile, the average American understands 'British culture' about as well as Sylvester Stallone understood 'Judge Dredd' as far as I can tell. 'Soccer' as a spectator-event has been locked to middlebrow since the late 80's.
    ^ hate the elites/corporations/media/police/quangos/criminals, as most sane Britons generally do.

  18. "No doubt Griffin feels vindicated today: for telling the truth before anyone else. And yet, paradoxically, it was his thuggish intervention that gave society another excuse to ignore the scandal. And thus the abuse continued."

    This is so evil I actually shivered. Modern journalism for ya.

  19. "No doubt Griffin feels vindicated today: for telling the truth before anyone else. And yet, paradoxically, it was his thuggish intervention that gave society another excuse to ignore the scandal. And thus the abuse continued."

    This can't be real...

  20. Traveller...

    Fuck off you evil cunt.

    These are little girls!

  21. As bad as the gang rape of little girls is, a loss of diversity would be even worse. Thus instructs (Mighty) General Casey.

    Again, Diversity is not A goal, Diversity is THE goal, and while raping little girls and dismembering little boys is unfortunate, if that's the price we pay for the Ultimate Good of Diversity, then pay the price we must.

  22. I can understand why the elite think the way they think, but I cannot fathom how the average cop thinks, the ones that do the elites enforcing. Do these cops wake up and honestly think to themselves that they are going to do an honest days work and go after all those nasty white people on twitter and ignore all those Pakistani pimps ignoring the white girls.

  23. I think the key issue is lack of gender unity. For a young woman, "throwing her life away" is more like a success -- she gets the sexy bad boy, admittedly at the price of a beating but that's literally Fifty Shades of Bondage novel-chick-lit. She gets the sexy son she wants. She gets all those dominant, sexy men who treat women like dirt which is PRECISELY what women (the vast majority and certainly the attractive/non-obese/elderly) want. She gets rid of all those icky beta males like Zuckerberg, or Gates, or Schockley, who create things that change society radically every ten-twenty years or so and create new winners and losers and not a fairy tale aristocracy of permanent winners and losers, interspersed by hot chicks sleeping up. What's not to love from a woman's perspective?

    From where I sit, I see both sexes in the bottom 80% holding out for the top 10% of the opposite sex to come along and wedding bells and fireworks is just going to happen. I also see women who would like to find a husband but can't for all the assholes who have studied how to get women to fall in love and have sex, for nothing more than a notch on the bed post.

  24. Must be strange being a member of the European elite: terrified of the immigrants, terrified of the indigenous. How much longer do they hold it together?

  25. The elites have always cared more about themselves and each other than for the commoners for whom they have contempt of and a fear of. One can see how little value they put on the lives of the masses by looking at how they fed them into the furnace of WWI. It's the commoners who have to be kept in the dark. Politicians, media, brainwashed drone true-believers have all been complicit. There's been a lot of fanfare about the supposed 'Arab Spring'. Perhaps there'll be a 'European Spring' also; if so don't expect the usual cheerleaders to come out for that one.

  26. This scares European elites. To them, Pakistanis are no challenge. Sure, they’re good at gang-raping little girls, but they’re hardly a threat to the establishment. It’s European men—with their talent for self-organization—who frighten Europe’s ruling class.

    If only.

    Here's an interview with the leader of the EDL, Tommy Robinson. Likable young bloke, of the sort who's hated by the British media classes and will be mincemeat of by them.



  27. When you look back and think about it, can you think of any treason on a similar scale as has occurred with the immivasion? If you took a man from 1900 and explained what was to take place from 1965 onwards and especially in the days of Blair onwards, I don't think he would believe that it was possible.

    Cor blimey... It's the fuckin' Bloomsbury group... EVERYWHERE!

  28. Traveller said: Most of these women are well consensual to go with criminals thugs and terrorists . . . .

    Hunsdon said: Those wily pubescent girls, tricking the poor Pakis into gangbanging them, eh? Like the way that conniving Lolita just twisted Humbert Humbert around her little finger?

    Why don't you take your bad self back to the feverest fever swamps of the manosphere?

  29. Grover Prosling6/5/13, 8:07 AM

    Recent incidents of Muslims behaving badly—such as the butchering of British soldier Lee Rigby by two Islamic-convert African immigrants, the riots in Stockholm, and the never-ending revelations about numerous Pakistani pimps “grooming” very young white English girls for being gang-banged by their relatives—has European elites terrified…of European commoners.

    Sailer's argument contains several weaknesses. The police made some errors but these were hardly due to "political correctness" but standard police slowness and blundering. European elites aren't "terrified" by commoners because of crimes committed by some Muslims. In fact EUropean elites, whle posturing in the usual progressive way have backed racial and religious profiling, and harsher police action on the street. They just don't celebrate it OPENLY like right wingers.

    And Le Pen is just another politician whose opponents are playing politics using the most convenient club to attack. If it wasn't charges of "hate" speech, it would be something else.

    the never-ending revelations about numerous Pakistani pimps “grooming” very young white English girls for being gang-banged by their relatives
    As to the Pakistanis, if the "little white girls" (cue shaky white female innocence meme) are dumb enough to fall for some pickup lines from the swarthy types, that's really a reflection of their idiocy, and the idiocy of their white parents, not "the colored peril." Where are the white parents- supposed paragons of greater evolutionary "protectiveness"? WHat? Nobody ever heard of silly broads being pressured or seduced into sex? The real issue here is those swarthy boys banging that blonde beaver- that's the real issue- else there would be little concern by Europeans.

    It might seem insane that this kind of Bronze Age predatory pattern would work so well in a sophisticated country such as England

    ^^Actually banging young teen beaver is a very old English tradition. Indeed raping black and brown females also is a long-standing English tradition as British colonial history demonstrates. The REAL subtext of the complaint is cuz those darker types are muscling in on the action. Would be defenders of white female purity, who claim to be so shocked, have no problem producing and consuming the largest proportion of child pornography on the planet- the bulk of which involves young white boys and girls. A 2010 UN study found that over 85% of all child pornography is produced in Europe. This confirms older analyses by US Customs which found the bulk of child pornography originating in Europe, with Germany being one of the prominent leaders. And Europeans are getting worse. Studies in the 2000s point to an increasing growth trend of more explicit child pornography- with Eastern Europe far in the lead of other regions.(SOURCE: Globalization of Crime: A Transnational Organized Crime Threat Assessment . United Nations Office on Drus and Crime, Geneva: 2010)

  30. http://www.nationalreview.com/article/350017/torching-utopia-tino-sanandaji

  31. "I hope you stick with this subject for a while. I'd like to know what it is you think the Euro elites are afraid the commoners will do."


  32. " I can't help but think that in any remotely sane society, these men would live in abject terror of the poor girls' male relations. "

    So true. Follow the Israeli Jewish lead.

    Israeli Jews have modesty patrols that look for Arab men on the street with Jewish girls and beat the sh!t out of them when they catch them.

    In the last few weeks a gang of Israeli Jews busted up an Arab man/Jewish woman marriage ceremony.

    Don't listen to the gutless weenie liberal Jews in The West. Watch what healthy, race supremacist Jews do in Israel and copy that.

    It sure helps that every male and female Jew in Israel is subject to the draft and is trained to use automatic weapons. Damned few anti-gun Jewish pussies there!

  33. It's an ancient tradition that the underclass live riotous lives like this instead of starting families. It had an eugenic effect. The do-gooder prohibition era thing was an historical aberration.

    Sara Josephine Baker

  34. Grover Prosling6/5/13, 8:29 AM

    Divorced/unmarried skank ho mothers are all on board with the diversity MultiCult, and they think their 14-year-old daughter's boyfriend, Mohammed Salaam Hussein Achmed Jamaal, 25, is just a sweet young guy.
    Laughable. Actually it has little to do with any supposed "multicult". There are plenty of unmarrieds who could care less about multicultural whose dumb daughters get banged up. The problem is not "multiculturalism" but the idiocy of white parents and their daughters. Seducing dumb broads is nothing new. The real subtext is because of that darker dick in the mix- that's the real complaint.

    Laugh at them, scoff at them, disempower them, dispossess them, everybody all over the world is still scared of white males.
    A quaint fantasy. Tell that to the Viet Cong and NVA who kicked the asses of said white males and sent them scurrying away seeking "peace with honor."

    The elites are indeed scared, now as ever, at the possibility of whites organizing and asserting their own interests
    Naive at best. White elites aren;t "scared" and who says they aren't vigorously "organizing and asserting white interests?" They are actually. They just don;t want to be openly racist about it and prefer a progressive veneer. But they follow the same bottom line of protecting white interests.

    When you look back and think about it, can you think of any treason on a similar scale as has occurred with the immivasion?
    Laughably overblown. What treason? WHat "invasion"? Britain remains 90-91% white. Blacks make up less that 3% of its population. The "teeming hordes" allegedly "swamping" jolly Old exist mostly in the imagination of white racists.

  35. In Germany I've read that there are areas in which even the police and the judges in the courts are afraid of prosecuting crime for fear of clan revenge. If this is really true it needs to be written about. Ethnicities with traditions of family and group loyalties that trump loyalty to the laws of civil society have a perverse advantage in countries where the rights and responsibilities of the individual are the basic building blocks. For such groups the mantra ought to be: integrate, assimilate, or emigrate. Otherwise civil society fails.

  36. http://alternativeright.com/blog/2013/6/4/white-self-loathing-and-its-discontents

  37. http://www.cineaste.com/articles/film-criticism-the-next-generation-part-ii-web-exclusive

  38. http://blogs.indiewire.com/criticwire/a-few-things-movie-critics-will-tell-you

  39. Good point again about the bottom-up nature of European athletics.

    Remember, apart from Putin the politician European elites Hate Hate Hate the most is Berlusconi. And *his* political movement (Forza Italia) used local booster groups of soccer teams as its original cell structure.

    In the online forums at The Atlantic last week they were discussing the old lefty novel/manifesto of the mid-70s, Ecotopia (Northern CA, OR and WA secede and close the borders), and how much it reads in 2013 like a Tea Party societal blueprint. One of the things notable about it is that the Ecotopians have pretty much scuttled all American-style mass-audience spectator sports, for pretty much similar reasons: they came to be seen as elite-fabricated panem et circenses.

  40. Traveller
    "Mr Sailer I suggest you read some Roissy site or other game sites about the true nature of women."

    You don't know what you're talking about.

    For the most part grooming involves a young man c. 18-24 pretending to want to be their boyfriend to get them emotionally involved followed by forced prostitution and gang-rape.

    As it got worse over time girls in the target neighborhoods came to understand what it was about hence the average age of the victims has been going down for years as the gangs needed to target the most naive for the grooming to work.

    They're not running "bad boy" game on late teenagers they're running "cuddly toy" "game" on 11 year olds.

    Followed by "terror" game afterwards.

  41. "It was specifically the Labour government and Labour-supporting social services who suppressed the story, along with the police."

    True but the current Conservative government nor the BBC have done anything except attack islamophobia.

  42. If people accept that Enoch Powell was right the next question is: who was wrong ?

    Just about everyone in authority. Church, Politicians, Monarchy, Academia, Law.

    You cannot have such a massive loss of faith in the authorities without chaos.

    This is why they are forced into an increasingly unrealistic narrative to explain what is going on around them.


  43. Steve,

    I think you've misunderstood the whole Ali G. persona. He isn't a Muslim at all.

    "Ali G." is short for "Alistair Graham," a white native-Briton whigger with Muslim-inflected aspirations. Sasha Baron-Cohen cleared the whole misundertanding up some years ago.

    Did you get the memo on this?

    Peace be upon you,

    Uncle Jamaal

  44. "No doubt Griffin feels vindicated today: for telling the truth before anyone else. And yet, paradoxically, it was his thuggish intervention that gave society another excuse to ignore the scandal. And thus the abuse continued."

    Actually, this is related to why I'm so skeptical about anthropogenic global warming. There is a probability of it being real. I'm not a meteorologist, so I don't know how high this probability is. However, the thuggish intervention of the New York Times, the Economist magazine, etc., in this issue has tainted it in my mind. The NYT doesn't care about science, the truth, or the future of civilization. Actually, it's inimical to all of those things. What could their angle on this be?

    If the lefty media took its thuggish hands off AGW, I and a lot of other people might become less skeptical about it.

    My apologies to Mr. Griffin for comparing him for a second to the lefty media. It's just that on this issue their pretend thinking processes are similar to my real ones.

  45. There is one person who could spin the entire society on a dime, if only she so chose.

    Instead, she uses her clout to endorse sodomite "marriage".

    What a waste of a skin suit.

    PS: Her grandson, Harry, on the other hand, seems like he might actually have some balls between his legs.

  46. Steve's bizarre anti-Irish fixation crops up in the most unexpected places. Really, the American League in baseball was founded as a reaction against "Irish brawlers"?

    This sort of thing makes me doubt the validity of everything else he says.

  47. Interesting theory about "localist/nationalist" organizations already in place, as presumably rowdy sports clubs. Might be true for the U.K., but if "almost every European country" includes Portugal and Slovenia, it doesn't hold up. Portugal does have immigration and soccer, but the latter, like the politics, is not notably loud. Slovenia's sports tastes are more diverse, and its journalists at least are more diligent about maintaining tedious ideological hygiene; but the idea that sports clubs are dormant right-wing political arms is an exaggeration. Slovenia does have, barely, a rightist/nationalist/patriotic movement, but the one soccer-fan club I ever heard of, the Green Dragons, was formed only in 1988 and appears to transact much of its business in English.

    That Portugal and Slovenia have grumpy impatient "elites," I guess I will buy, but I doubt their influence. I have seen anti-Gypsy sentiment on comment threads in both countries, but then that may be considered OK in Europe; I have however seen anti-Moslem comments in the latter country, and I don't think anyone was disciplined (or condemned) for it.

  48. "You assume these girls have "parents," plural. Probably not living in the same home, they don't. I suspect that girls with fathers in their lives are disproportionately not the ones getting caught up in this mess."

    Britain's welfare state and high unemployment almost guarantee a large number of neglected children being born out of wedlock. Men with 115+ IQ, which is to say, the elite minority, can probably make virtuous decisions about marriage and family; they can find a place in the skilled labor market and create stable provider relationships with women. The rest of the population live in drunken indolence and despair. All the factories have been shipped to India and Asia so the British working man doesn't have a chance to provide for a wife and children. Two out of work people living together end up fighting and blaming each other when really neither are to blame. To compound the tragedy of their lives are predatory Muslim wogs who rape their troubled daughters.

    I say the British financial and political elite need a good ass kicking. Time to bring back the triple tree.

  49. I always wondered about the choice of the word "grooming" to describe these activities. The word sounds harmless enough, as if these girls were merely having their hair untangled or being checked for lice and ticks.

  50. Britain defended herself so well against Nazi Germany, who in many ways had the greatest military machine the world has ever seen.

    It is beyond belief she let herself be invaded and occupied by primitive, unarmed Third World people.

    The power of ideas gone awry.

  51. I'd like to know what it is you think the Euro elites are afraid the commoners will do.

    The same thing Edward did in 1290

  52. It is absurd to blame Nick Griffin for the cover up over the Asian sex gangs- but Griffin isn't a wrongly maligned patriot like Enoch Powell or Pim Fortuyn- he is exactly what he is accused of being, a neo-nazi, and his history demonstrates that.

    Incidentally I suspect that Sean Thomas knows full well that it's ridiculous to say Griffin is responsible for the cover up- he is reminding people of Griffin's prophecy without getting himself into bother.

    I've read him in the comments of another blog over the years and he is someone who is very intelligent and clearly aware of HBD.

  53. This reminds of all the "religion of peace" garbage the press rammed down the public's throats of the American public in the aftermath of 9/11. There was also a focus on reminding angry White males not to seek reprisals against Muslims in the US as if we were all on the verge losing it.

  54. In regards to the comment about child pornography, the vast majority of it comes from the former USSR. Which is messed up for too many reasons to name.

  55. Simon in London6/5/13, 1:28 PM

    RWF said...
    "It is absurd to blame Nick Griffin for the cover up over the Asian sex gangs- but Griffin isn't a wrongly maligned patriot like Enoch Powell or Pim Fortuyn- he is exactly what he is accused of being, a neo-nazi, and his history demonstrates that."

    Would a real Nazi have tried to ingratiate himself with Bonnie Greer? I think Griffin is a sort of post-Neo-Nazi. He doesn't seem to have any visceral attachment to anto-Semitism. But the anti-Islam focus of the modern BNP seems instrumental - he is far less viscerally anti-Islam than Gert Wilders and the SIOE crowd.
    From what I can tell, Griffin would like the UK to be an ethno-nationalist authoritarian state with him in charge. But it would probably look more like 1950s Spain under Franco, than Nazi Germany or even Fascist Italy.

  56. A quaint fantasy. Tell that to the Viet Cong and NVA who kicked the asses of said white males and sent them scurrying away seeking "peace with honor."

    That war was a dumb liberal-social democrat project meant to bring about a non-Communist social revolution in Vietnam. Among those who opposed the war were the John Birch Society and the famed anti-Communist anti-Semite Fr. Charles Coughlin. See this book,written in 1965, for details on the war up to that point.

  57. Grover Posling:"Would be defenders of white female purity, who claim to be so shocked, have no problem producing and consuming the largest proportion of child pornography on the planet- the bulk of which involves young white boys and girls. A 2010 UN study found that over 85% of all child pornography is produced in Europe."

    Of course, Middle Easterners and Africans have little need to consume child porn, as they simply go out and rape children. Try looking up the pederastic proclivities of the the Arabs nor the huge market for child prostitutes in Africa.

  58. The elites are indeed scared, now as ever, at the possibility of whites organizing and asserting their own interests
    Naive at best. White elites aren;t "scared" and who says they aren't vigorously "organizing and asserting white interests?" They are actually. They just don;t want to be openly racist about it and prefer a progressive veneer. But they follow the same bottom line of protecting white interests.

    No one believes your BS. All anyone has to do is look at who gets relentlessly persecuted by the state and demonized by the media.

    When you look back and think about it, can you think of any treason on a similar scale as has occurred with the immivasion?
    Laughably overblown. What treason? WHat "invasion"? Britain remains 90-91% white. Blacks make up less that 3% of its population. The "teeming hordes" allegedly "swamping" jolly Old exist mostly in the imagination of white racists.

    The USA was 90% white when the immigration "reform" law of 1965 was passed. Non-Hispanic whites are now 63% of the population and a minority of newborns.

  59. Grover Posling:"Naive at best. White elites aren;t "scared" and who says they aren't vigorously "organizing and asserting white interests?" They are actually. They just don;t want to be openly racist about it and prefer a progressive veneer. But they follow the same bottom line of protecting white interests."

    Sure, that explains way the elite in the USA are moving heaven and earth to swamp America with Latin American mestizos....

  60. "No doubt Griffin feels vindicated today: for telling the truth before anyone else. And yet, paradoxically, it was his thuggish intervention that gave society another excuse to ignore the scandal. And thus the abuse continued."

    "This is so evil I actually shivered. Modern journalism for ya."

    Doesn't it ever occur to MSM that Griffin never could have ran with the issue if liberals had quickly faced and dealt with the problem in the first place?

    If the issue was giving ammo to the Right, then deal with the issue.

  61. Tell that to the Viet Cong and NVA who kicked the asses of said white males and sent them scurrying away seeking "peace with honor."


    Trump card !!

    Don't forget Shaka Zulu and Red Cloud!! And Tiger Woods and George Washington Carver, too.

    Clearly, white males suck at just about everything.

  62. http://frontpagemag.com/2013/bruce-bawer/a-joke-of-a-mens-studies-center/

    Jews get to run white gentile conservatism, and feminists get to run men's studies.

  63. @traveller - "Most of these women are well consensual to go with criminals thugs and terrorists, and for sure they are not excited by the good leftist Swede wimps."

    we're talking about 11 year-old girls here.

    one 11 year-old girl was branded with a hot piece of metal by her "boyfriend" and forced to have a backroom abortion when she got pregnant. in the meantime he was also selling her out to his pals. (that particular scumbag was not pakistani but eritrean - iirc.)

  64. Nothing ought to surprise anyone about it: liberals have worked to free murderers and rapists and all sorts of criminals for generations. Just watch 12 Angry Men (1957) for an example.

  65. @matthew - "I suspect that girls with fathers in their lives are disproportionately not the ones getting caught up in this mess. Mothers are good for a great many things, but keying their children in to the reality of life is not one of them. Divorced/unmarried skank ho mothers are all on board with the diversity MultiCult, and they think their 14-year-old daughter's boyfriend, Mohammed Salaam Hussein Achmed Jamaal, 25, is just a sweet young guy."

    what simon in london said:

    "One thing your article does not mention is that most of the victims are not with their mothers, they are held by social services in local authority 'care' homes. These 'care' homes operate as free brothels for the Pakistani rape gangs. The girls are under the control of the authorities, mostly white women social workers, who in some cases actually forced them back into the hands of their abusers and called them racist when they complained."

  66. "No doubt Griffin feels vindicated today: for telling the truth before anyone else. And yet, paradoxically, it was his thuggish intervention that gave society another excuse to ignore the scandal. And thus the abuse continued."

    This can't be real...

    Go read the article. You'll find that the paragraph that contains this statement was actually a replacement, after reflection, of a paragraph that appeared in the original. The replacement paragraph expresses his "true opinion"!

    What did the original paragraph say? I don't know, but presumably it was even more outrageous. The article says, the previous version "was edited in a way that made it appear that he was blaming Griffin for the grooming. He did not do so, and the final paragraph now reflects his true opinion."

  67. @whiskey - "For a young woman, 'throwing her life away' is more like a success -- she gets the sexy bad boy, admittedly at the price of a beating but that's literally Fifty Shades of Bondage novel-chick-lit."

    we're talking about 11 year-old girls.

  68. Again, Diversity is not A goal, Diversity is THE goal....

    You're on target, but diversity is a means to an end. It's more accurate to say that diversity is not A policy; it's THE policy that our rulers consider paramount for the attainment of their goals.

  69. The elites have always cared more about themselves and each other than for the commoners for whom they have contempt of and a fear of. One can see how little value they put on the lives of the masses by looking at how they fed them into the furnace of WWI.

    Are you sure that the upper classes didn't actually die at a higher rate than the lower classes in that war? I think you may be mistaken.

  70. "From what I can tell, Griffin would like the UK to be an ethno-nationalist authoritarian state with him in charge. But it would probably look more like 1950s Spain under Franco, than Nazi Germany or even Fascist Italy."

    Most Englishmen of that vintage would settle for 1950s England under Labour's Clem Attlee.

    "he is far less viscerally anti-Islam than Gert Wilders and the SIOE crowd"

    In a 2004 Spectator interview, Griffin said : "I’m not necessarily saying that our ways are superior to those of Islam. In many ways they do things better than us, in my opinion. For example, they’ll cut the hands off five or six thieves a year, and as a result virtually none of their elderly folk are burgled in their own home by some scumbag who pushes them over and they die from shock a year later. So we’re squeamish about five scumbags having their hands cut off, and we’re not at all squeamish about hundreds of our pensioners dying in misery as a result of a few scumbags running around. Islam can teach us a lot."

  71. @grover prosling - "As to the Pakistanis, if the 'little white girls' (cue shaky white female innocence meme) are dumb enough to fall for some pickup lines from the swarthy types, that's really a reflection of their idiocy, and the idiocy of their white parents, not 'the colored peril.'"

    you don't know what the f*ck you're talking about. THESE ARE 11 YEAR-OLD GIRLS! and they're not just having sex with some pakistanis (and eritreans and albanians and egyptians), THEY BEING ABUSED IN UNSPEAKABLE, HORRIFIC WAYS. and i mean abused in ways that would make your stomach turn (if you're human, that is).

    these scumbags are sadists -- twisted, evil monsters who not only shouldn't be allowed to be in britain, they should be removed from the planet.

  72. hbd chick: If you get tired of beating on these asshats, tap me in. Otherwise, keep on beating on 'em. They've got it coming.

  73. "The problem is not "multiculturalism" but the idiocy of white parents and their daughters. Seducing dumb broads is nothing new."

    Evil! We are talking about 11-14 year olds being gang-banged and enslaved. Your words are evil. You are evil! Leave this site.

  74. Eh must have hit a nerve. The classic conservatve reaction, a female is a child until 99 years.

    I am surprised not by the gratuitous insults but by the fact they are passed here. Mr Sailer so much needy of traffic? Anyway copy and paste:

    "Pakistani pimps in Britain were targeting white girls under 16"

    Are they 11 years old? Yeah referring them as under 16 is truly descriptive.

    "Pakistani pimps focus on recruiting very young postpubescent English girls"

    POST pubescent girls. Probably with all hormones in your American food they are all 11 years old.

    "Boston bombing have displayed a remarkable gift for getting attractive women to throw their lives away on them"

    I am sure they all have 11 years old.

    This does not mean there are not 11 years old girls as victims, but mixing them with 16 and older is ridiculous.

  75. I can't read this article, Steve. And I can't read any article on this story. I get shaking mad just thinking about it. And I'm more angry at the MultiCulti-worshipping enablers than I am at the animals who do this thing. Sociopathic animals are sociopathic animals. Our Diversity lovers in power (political, educational, media) are increasingly becoming consciously complicit in the commission of pure evil in their dismantling of the sovereignty of western countries.

    I try to ignore these things because there's nothing I can do. I can support VDare, I can support Steve, but both the "Left" and the "Right" are in cahoots with the MultiCulti agenda and any political opposition is fiercely demonized -- and what's worse is that support for those opposition parties is so small. We are a small group here, and we are very quiet.

    I was in ancient Athens recently and walking the Agora... I just wanted to throw my arms up in despair at the ghosts of Socrates and Pericles and cry.

  76. Traveller: So kidnapping and gangraping sixteen year olds is okay? And let me guess: "Her lips said no but her eyes said yes"?

    Gosh, am I whiteknighting here?

  77. For a collection of the newspaper articles that have come out about this since the dam broke a year or so ago.



    "This does not mean there are not 11 years old girls as victims, but mixing them with 16 and older is ridiculous."

    The critical point is these gangs aren't about looking for girlfriends and they're not specifically paedophile. They're primarily about raiding for girls who they can force into prostitution. As the activities of the gangs became better known in the areas where it was happening older girls would avoid them so they had to target younger and younger girls and girls from children's homes because they were the only ones naive and trusting enough to fall for it.

    That's why it's not a "game" type scenario.

    "The police made some errors but these were hardly due to "political correctness""

    They were absolutely to do with political correctness. This was happening out in the open because the gangs knew the police had been told to ignore it.

  78. I've been reading coverage of the rape gang issue for years; most of the girls who were raped were in the 11-14 year old range. The 15- and 16-year-olds were rare.

  79. Traveller: This does not mean there are not 11 years old girls as victims, but mixing them with 16 and older is ridiculous.

    Hear hear! I ask you, what gentleman among us has not indulged now and again in gang-banging and pimping out 16 year olds?

    Eh must have hit a nerve.

    Yeah, the one that registers rank stupidity and sleaze-baggery.

  80. @traveller - "Eh must have hit a nerve."

    yes, you have hit a nerve -- the nerve that makes me (and a lot of us) wretch at the thought of young women (no, these men aren't pedophiles) being tortured -- there's no other word for it.

    if it was just sex -- even if it was group sex -- i wouldn't be half so sickened. it's the torture. these girls have been beaten, had their families threatened, grossly violated with objects like tree branches, been shot up with heroin. this is major, major abuse.

    they've been sacrificed on the altar of diversity because they're mostly lower class girls that no one gives a sh*t about -- not their useless families, not the politicians in whitehall, not a single, mindless pc idiots at the bbc. and, sadly, not the police or the welfare [sic] services either.

    and the fact that you think you have something useful to say about this when you obviously haven't read anything about any of it is irritating to say the least.

    go inform yourself about these cases before offering up an opinion on the matter.

  81. @hunsdon - "If you get tired of beating on these asshats, tap me in. Otherwise, keep on beating on 'em. They've got it coming."


    these "grooming" cases put my blood pressure up -- literally. excuse me, but now i've got to go punch something (a pillow or something inanimate, of course!). (~_^)

  82. We are a small group here, and we are very quiet.

    I feel everything you say, viscerally. But it's not hopeless. Steve's writings are more influential than I think is realized. Information is getting out there. Every informative comment on other blogs helps.

    I keep harping on about this, but one only has to read the comments at any MSM outlet on these subjects to realize that there are many, many people who are now educated on these subjects. Intelligent people. And furthermore, there are thousands of people out there who are green arrowing the views from our side.

    There are more and more free thinkers who, now confronted with the evidence, are intelligent enough to make up their own minds and make them up in our favor. Do they believe the marxist claptrap or the truth? Increasingly, the truth. It's very heartening to hear even federal judges are having the courage to come forward.

    There are members of the younger generation too, who are on our side but not yet in a position of power to act. As the older generation dies off, the younger will come into a power that they will start to assert.

    At some point, you will get major political, financial and media figures breaking ranks. When this happens, the rout will not be far away.

    I guess in the meantime we can comment in MSM outlets, fund people such as Steve, and begin our own long march through the institutions.

  83. nb As soon as one of the major newspapers broke the story the police started investigating. So far a dozen or so gangs have been to trial with another 40+ gangs currently being investigated.

    The media are the critical link. If they told the truth none of this would be happening.

  84. How many of these Pakistanis are actually citizens of the UK?

    I'm just curious as to what the UKIP could do to aside from curtail immigration.

    Could they do mass deportations? Revoke visas? What exactly is the legal status of the groups we are talking about?

    And if they did leave the EC, what exactly does that mean? I understand there are lots of Poles already in the UK. Are they just there because of the EU connection? If the UK leaves the EU do they all have to go home?

  85. Arranged cousin marriages between Pakistani girls born in Britain and their fathers' daughters' sons back in Pakistan bring in a steady influx. The Danish government cracked down on this in 2001, but that's because, as everybody knows, the Danes are evil.

  86. sunbeam
    "How many of these Pakistanis are actually citizens of the UK?

    I'm just curious as to what the UKIP could do to aside from curtail immigration."

    There are two parts to it.

    1) Muslims not being able to have muslim girlfriends so they try and get white girl friends until their arranged marriage with someone from back home. This has been going on on a small scale for a long time but has become more difficult over time hence the drift to younger and younger girls.

    2) A huge increase in illegal immigrants working in the black economy since the Blair government opened the borders. This has driven the massive increase in demand for forced prostitution.

    The first morphed into the second but if the illegal workers weren't in the country they wouldn't create the demand so attacking the black economy and pushing illegal workers out would drain most of the swamp.

  87. Hbd I am talking about the Chechen widows. Even a 16 yr old is developmentally a child. A 20 r old is not. Whiskey from Nook Hd

  88. "You assume these girls have "parents," plural. Probably not living in the same home, they don't. I suspect that girls with fathers in their lives are disproportionately not the ones getting caught up in this mess. Mothers are good for a great many things, but keying their children in to the reality of life is not one of them. Divorced/unmarried skank ho mothers are all on board with the diversity MultiCult, and they think their 14-year-old daughter's boyfriend, Mohammed Salaam Hussein Achmed Jamaal, 25, is just a sweet young guy.

    The sad fact is that these girls need dads"

    YES! Children need a mom AND a dad.

    Where ARE all the dads of these girls?

    Unless the mom's had a restraining order put on him -- or biodad didn't know his good time resulted in a preg -- WHERE are the dads? These dads should be moving heaven and earth to live near his kid, to spend as much time as humanly possible with his kid, in order to prevent these skank single mothers from allowing this.

    The root problem is, of course, in partly slutty women -- but it's also the ol' Double Standard that says it's okay, nay, admirable, for guys to have casual sex. Because that casual sex too often results in baby girls that the biodads are not helping rear. I think that this phenomenon is accepted without remark is a weakness in pro-White circles.

    Just as female sluts / single mothers need to be shamed for the good of their children, so do the men *doing* them.


  89. It’s European men—with their talent for self-organization—who frighten Europe’s ruling class.

    They frighten the ruling class in the US as well. That is why the gay useful idiots are sent in to destroy the Boy Scouts. The BSA help Euro males develop exactly those traits that facilitate self organization. The BSA helps boys of any ethnicity, of course. But training always helps those with natural ability the most.

  90. No one has yet commented that the fact that scumbags like Traveller show the true decadence of the West. PUAs like him refuse to believe that girls 11-14 might be raped and insist that they are liars and sluts. Refusing to believe rape victims, when the evidence is is solid and irrefutable, is a characteristic of societies like Pakistan and Afghanistan where rape victims are often imprisoned for being raped. Protecting and valuing women is a traditional Western value. Traveller may not commit sex crimes but in character he is no different from many Pakistani men. The efforts of so many Western PUAs to pull rank over non-Western men due to the superiority of Western culture is sadly ironic when those men fail to live up the basic values of our tradition. And as a woman I can say that a man like Traveller has no more value to me than the most sexist mullah. Whatever value he might have had to me as a Western man is nullified by his refusal to defend and protect helpless 11 year old girls. And that goes for pretty much all PUAs.


  91. I guess in the meantime we can comment in MSM outlets, fund people such as Steve, and begin our own long march through the institutions.

    Thanks, reading your comment gave me a little hope. I can't help but feeling that we need to organize somehow, and soon. I don't know the right way to go about it.

  92. The media are the critical link. If they told the truth none of this would be happening.


    Truer words have never been spoken. And I interpret the word "this" very broadly.

  93. @jsm - "Where ARE all the dads of these girls?"

    there are no dads present -- and for most of them there are no moms present, either. the majority of these girls were "taken into care" [sic] by the state.

    these girls come from the lowest classes in britain -- from useless parents who care little for them. and many of them are probably low class themselves in terms of personality and intelligence, etc.

    but that sure as h*ll doesn't mean they deserve to be treated like this -- by the immigrant scumbag men, or by the rest of british society.

  94. There pointedly is no "English Governement", it's the British Goverenment. Conflating English with British is, for some reason, quite common for Americans.

    Nick South Africa

  95. "

    @grover prosling - "As to the Pakistanis, if the 'little white girls' (cue shaky white female innocence meme) are dumb enough to fall for some pickup lines from the swarthy types, that's really a reflection of their idiocy, and the idiocy of their white parents, not 'the colored peril.'"you don't know what the f*ck you're talking about. THESE ARE 11 YEAR-OLD GIRLS! and they're not just having sex with some pakistanis (and eritreans and albanians and egyptians), THEY BEING ABUSED IN UNSPEAKABLE, HORRIFIC WAYS. and i mean abused in ways that would make your stomach turn (if you're human, that is)."

    LOL, this series of comments provides the PERFECT summation for the comment board at ISteve.

    What's even more amusing is when Steve throws a screwball, meaning a story about white girls with non-white, non-black guys, into the mix.

    If the Pakis in this story were replaced with blacks, the comments would, well, let's say, assume a totally different tenor.

  96. Marlowe said

    >Nothing ought to surprise anyone about it: liberals have worked to free murderers and rapists and all sorts of criminals for generations.<

    I knew a psychologist (not psychiatrist) whose side business seemed to be offering "expert testimony" in local trials of young black males accused of violent crimes. He was quite committed to it. He worked with a judge who was a friend of his. They phoned each other almost every working day of the year; part of my job was switchboard operator for the psychologist. More than once I heard them gloat in passing about seeing reduced sentences or not guilty verdicts in these cases, on account of their work. It felt like I was living in an R. Crumb illustration of KMac. Both of these connected and powerful winners were Presbyterians making six figures (guessing about the judge).

    The elites are right to fear the specter of self-organization of European commoners. The only way it will happen soon is if there's money to be made out of it.

  97. Is anyone foolish enough to think that Whiskey is our friend? I hope he feels as filthy spewing his Protocols of the Learned Elders of Teh Bitchez as I do reading his vile anti-white propaganda.

    I refer to the various non-whites as Others for a couple reasons. I'm Othering them, of course. The more important reason is that while race is biological, ethnicity is not. Central American countries will fight wars over soccer games with each other. It doesn't take very long among whites for the fat little brown ones to realize they have quite a lot in common with fat little brown ones who lived on the other side of the river or whatever in Latin America- they melded into a 'hispanic' identity.

    The non-whites in Europe are a similar melting pot. Eritreans and Ethiopes in England won't be at each others throats in a couple generations. It looks like the various dumb non-whites in Sweden are merging into an 'immigrant' ethnicity. Indonesian and Somali look pretty much the same in the light from the fires they light together. Pakis may despise Negroes, but the two Negro Islamics didn't butcher a brown. The Negroes became Muslims. Nary a thought that Arabs treat Negroes who reach those wastelands as filth. Paki, black, and Arab find they are more like the other troglodytes than they are to the English. Their exact ethnicity is trivia. They're simply Other.

    What kind of non-white is a 'Grover Posling'? Is he aiding and abetting subcontinental rapists and slavers? Maybe, but he might be a lower sort of Asian, or a black, but who cares? He doesn't much. He craves white girls, but despises the children who are so young and innocent that they'd trust a non-white and end up on a brown dick.

    The Others abuse and sell their own females. I take 'Grover' at his word: white people are just bein' raciss cuz its non-Whites raping, torturing, and selling white girls. The Pakis commit their foul trade in fair flesh in the open. Groups of sexual predators are very different from someone like Ariel Castro. Castro's neighbors and family didn't know what he was doing. The Pakis squatting in England don't have that excuse. The entire Pakistani community is complicit: they're all criminals.

    When Others butcher someone on the street, the British are only a li'l raciss, so maybe an empty mosque burns. When groups of English gather to improve their communities, the cops intervene and keep the Others unharmed. They don't want lots of innocent people harmed for what a few bad apples did.

    The monstrous nature and scale of the Pakistani rape and slavery hasn't sunk in yet. Hundreds of little girls were kidnapped, raped, and tortured. Pakistanis kept them as slaves and let men rape them for money. That didn't happen in secret. The Pakistani community is guilty. The English will realize that it's not a few monsters in a see of decent people. The average Pakistani is evil. Empty Mosques won't go up in flame to send a message. Full ones will burn in broad daylight. The police won't stop the mobs: they'll see that justice is done.

    When one people engages in large scale kidnapping and rape of another, that's the sort of thing that provokes ethnic cleansing. If the Pakistanis occupying England want to survive, they should remember how easily the English dominated them before.

  98. Simon in London6/6/13, 12:57 AM

    re matthew - "Divorced/unmarried skank ho mothers are all on board with the diversity MultiCult, and they think their 14-year-old daughter's boyfriend, Mohammed Salaam Hussein Achmed Jamaal, 25, is just a sweet young guy."

    I want to point out think this is conflating two completely different phenomena.

    1) Lower class British white women are highly attracted to black Afro-Caribbean men (Jamaicans etc). They are seen as cool, sexy etc. Relations are generally consensual. An underclass class white woman generally won't object to her 14 year white old daughter having a black (West Indian/Afro-Caribbean) boyfriend. In many areas the white underclass is rapidly merging into the Afro-Caribbean population.

    2) Lower class British white women are in general very much NOT attracted to Pakistani and north-African-Muslim men. These guys come over as creepy and sleazy, not cool and sexy. Even an underclass white woman will try to protect her 12 year old daughter from them. Hence they prefer to prey on girls in local authority 'care'.

  99. And as a woman I can say that a man like Traveller has no more value to me than the most sexist mullah. Whatever value he might have had to me as a Western man is nullified by his refusal to defend and protect helpless 11 year old girls. And that goes for pretty much all PUAs.

    Of course I think his attitudes are abhorrent. The reason I don't comment is because I think there is a 99% chance that he is trolling, and I don't want to waste my time or feed him. Do you really think he comes on here with non-trolling intent?

  100. rob said...
    Is anyone foolish enough to think that Whiskey is our friend?

    you must be new here.

  101. rob said...
    Is anyone foolish enough to think that Whiskey is our friend?

    you must be new here.

  102. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o98PcPvS-54

  103. Just as a postscript, the "Children's Commissioner" who in recent weeks has been all over the airwaves arguing vigorously that race has nothing to do with these crimes, is one Sue Berelowitz.

    A former Labour minister who during the 1980s presided over a regime of institutional child abuse in a north London council, and carried out smear campaigns against the victims, is one Margaret Hodge, nee Oppenheimer.

    Why, it's almost as if...

  104. Simon in London6/7/13, 4:53 AM

    "Tell that to the Viet Cong and NVA ..."

    I think the Viet Cong and NVA would be pretty annoyed at the idea that the 'white guys' of the USA were easily-beaten pushovers, as opposed to a very powerful enemy that they had to struggle mightily to defeat.

    Denigrating your enemy denigrates your own efforts in opposing him.


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