June 29, 2013

National News: Eva Longoria gets Chicano Studies M.A. at CSUN

As A. Conan Doyle pointed out, dogs that don't bark are hard to notice.

One way to notice lack of distinction is to keep an eye out for what I call the exception that proves the rule. Yes, I realize that everybody wants to make objections, logical or etymological, to my use of that old phrase. If you can come up with a better phrase let me know, but what I'm talking about is that one way to notice a general negative truth (e.g., Mexican-Americans aren't very noteworthy achievers, on average) is to notice when a big whoop-tee-doo is being made over somebody just for being exceptional. From the NYT, an unintentionally funny look at how desperate the press is for a Mexican-American leader.
An Emerging Hispanic Voice Defends Her ‘Maids’ 
LOS ANGELES — At a premiere party at the Spanish-colonial-style Bel-Air Bay Club last week for the new Lifetime show “Devious Maids,” the center of attention was not the five actresses who play the lead characters, Latina maids who cook, clean and scheme while looking after wealthy white families in Beverly Hills. 
Instead, the spotlight fell on one of the executive producers, Eva Longoria, better known for her own role as the wealthy Gabrielle Solis on “Desperate Housewives.” ... But then she changed the script, positioning herself as a Hollywood power player on Latino issues and a highly regarded political advocate. 
Now she finds herself in a position of having to defend her latest project against critics who say the show relies too much on the cliché of the Hispanic maid. 
“When people talk about stereotypical maids, these maids are anything but,” Ms. Longoria, 38, said over a long lunch at the Chateau Marmont in West Hollywood two days before the premiere party. She said future plot points would reveal more developed people. 
She was eager to counter the negative reactions to the show. “I think it’s important for us to have a dialogue of identity in our culture, and even though this show may not be your experience, it is a lot of people’s experience,” she said. Latinos, she added, “over-index in domestic workers: that is a fact, that’s not an opinion.” 
The ratings for the premiere of “Devious Maids,” at 10 on Sunday night, were modest. Going up against the season finale of AMC’s “Mad Men,” the show attracted 2 million viewers, slightly below the Lifetime show that preceded it at 9, “Drop Dead Diva” (2.2 million). 
Ms. Longoria’s rise as a media force has been paralleled by her political ascent. She stumped for President Obama in 2012, helping round up critical Hispanic voters, and she was a founder of the Futuro Fund, which raised $32 million for the campaign. She recently spoke at the Clinton Global Initiative in Chicago; left a few days later for Colombia to film a documentary for the Half the Sky Movement, an international women’s advocacy group; and signed on to a fund-raising drive for the political group Battleground Texas, whose goal is to raise money to “put Democrats back on the map” in the state, in the words of her message on the group’s home page.

I dropped by the Milken Institute Global Conference in Beverly Hills last spring to see a friend from New York at Trader Vic's bar. I believe the prime pre-dinner speaking slots at the ex-con's Davos-style wing-ding were a choice between hearing Al Gore or Eva Longoria. (I may have this wrong, but I think the choice was Al or Eva.)
And in May she completed a master’s degree in Chicano studies from California State University, Northridge.

In contrast, to pick a random example, movie director Terrence Malick taught philosophy at MIT and translated Heidegger. But Christian Arabs in the New World (on Malick's father's side) tend to have their share of high achievers, so nobody much cares that Malick's a credit to his semi-ethnicity. But Eva Longoria getting an M.A. in Chicano Studies at CSUN is national news: the exception that proves my rule.


  1. Wow. Tough major. She must be truly bright.

  2. That seemed more like an aside, rather than the topic itself of national news.

  3. BTW, the two Mexican actors who've recently gotten Academy Award nominations--Salma Hayek and Demian Bichir--are both from the same small Christian Lebanese minority that produced Carlos Slim. Draw your own conclusions.

  4. The South American singer Shakira is Lebanese on her father's side, Spanish and Italian on her mother.

  5. Can't find it now, but the look of disappointment on Eva Longoria's face when it was revealed that she had 70% European, 27% Asian/Native American, and 3% African ancestry was.... priceless.

    It seems that part has been edited out in all of the "Faces of America" videos I've found on Youtube.

  6. Nassim Taleb is also Lebanese Christian. Such a tiny group produces one of the major thinkers of the day, meanwhile the entirety of Mexico and Mexican-Americans produces... uh, probably the chair of some Postcolonial Studies department somewhere.

    Not to mention all the babes coming from Lebanon, vs. horrid Mexicans.

    And did Human League ever write a song about The Mexico? Think not.

  7. CSUN's Chicano Studies program employs the Valley's favorite cultural dominatrix, the execrable Rudolfo Acuna, We literally pay him to call us names and degrade us. When his mandatory textbook "Occupied America" refers to Anglo Californians as Gringos, he doesn't even have the decency to throw quotation marks around the term. Mild epithets are fine by me, I just wish his slurs weren't publicly funded.

    -The Judean People's Front

  8. Dr Van Nostrand6/30/13, 4:59 AM

    Ms. Longoria’s rise as a media force has been paralleled by her political ascent. She stumped for President Obama in 2012, helping round up critical Hispanic voters"

    Seeing how the Hispanics didnt exactly turn up in droves in 2012, i think it is tad silly to even partially credit her with Obama's victory.

    Nassim Taleb is also Lebanese Christian. "

    Nicholas Nassim Taleb is a hack. His most famous book Black Swan is such pretentious,self absorbed,pseudo intellectual tripe!
    I couldnt believe that corporate heavies and intelligentsia were swooning over this drivel when I realized they think highly of Thomas Friedman as well..

    Another over rated Lebanese thinker is Khalil Gibran. His work is nothing more than the music of Enya put in words-New Age gibberish in a pleasing old world Araby bottle

    Not to mention all the babes coming from Lebanon, vs. horrid Mexicans."

    Euro Mexicans are pretty hot and resemble the Lebanese are great deal

    For whatever reason the Levantine Arabs gravitate to Central and South America and are succesful in pretty much any endeavor

  9. Ugghh... Read about the controversy ... and noticed that a free sample of the first episode was being offered on the internet.

    Thought I would watch... though I don't own a TV and seldom watch much on the MSM except on ocassion out of curiosity.

    Pretty basic Anti-White stuff ...but so over the top that it plays like a caricature of Law and Order meets Deperate Housewives
    (instead of desperate housewives we have desperate Latina maids... with same type of music and scene editing style as Desperate Housewives the show she got her start on...can't accuse her of too much originality).

    Warning... spoiler alert.

    The opening scene is a pretty Latina maid being fired by an identifiable caricature of WASP lady doing her best impersonation of a wicked Luvvy the wife of Thurston Howell III (living in Beverly Hills no less...OMG those wicked WASPs even dominate Hollywood!!) because she was having an affair with the women's husband ... except according to the maid she was raped.... the next scene is her being attacked by ..... drum roll please .. a young straight looking clearly non-Hispanic White guy who is trying to murder this damsel in distress apparently to silence her?

    I turned it off at this point because I could see where it was going with ethnic stereo typing...White's bad, bad, bad,... Latinas, Blacks, Gays, and Jews good!! Dontchaknow!)

    Yuccky cultural poison ..though based on a very brief sample.

    Since we all know that Blacks and Hispanics commit much more blue collar and violent crime and that the Scotch-Irish much more White collar crime on a per capita basis I find such cultural poison...don't beleive what your eyes see ... revolting.

    I am really tired of the Scotch-Irish refighting WWII with the WASPs as a place marker for the NAZIs.... but I don't expect it to end any time soon.

  10. the political group Battleground Texas, whose goal is to raise money to “put Democrats back on the map” in the state,

    Is there ANY Republican version of this?

    Are there any groups of republicans getting together discussing "how can we keep texas a red state"?

    Or what about "how do we turn VA red again?"

    Anything like this at all?

  11. Check out the Chicano/a faculty at Cal State Northridge.


    For most of the full-time faculty, you see their picture when you click on the names. Doesn't seem like an awful lot of real Mestizo experience out there on the faculty. Rather a nice collection of Conquistadors though.

    Caution: the photo of Yreina Cervantez is quite frightening.

  12. Her thesis: "Success STEMS From Diversity: The Value of Latinas in STEM [Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics] Careers."' (NOT a joke.)

  13. This whole ethnicity thing is about to become revolutionized.

    The present state of the art in low cost genetic screening is at the SNP level. So '23andMe' can tell me a lot about any anomalies that I have at the single locust level. But of course most interesting things about you genetically are not amenable to simple Mendelian analysis. Most interesting attributes like race and ethnicity are polygenic.

    When they analyzed my spit they informed me that I was 2.9% Neanderthal whereas the average European descend person was only 2.7%. The only possible value for this factoid would be legal. If I am tried for securities fraud my defense will be that it is just my caveman heritage expressing itself, not really me.

    Another example is height. There were four SNPs associated with height. I was tall on two and short on the other two. In the application I think I had to tell them that I'm 6'4". So when they tell me that I'm likely to be shorter than normal does that mean I was cheated by my genes? Should I have been seven feet tall?

    Height is of course one of the two text book examples of a polygenic trait. The other is intelligence. No one really knows but it is estimated that there are more than a hundred genes involved. So although we know that height is 95%+ heritable, we don't know just how.

    But that will change. Someone even now could be writing a new software snippet that may open up polygenic traits to analysis.

    Then Eva Longoria's racial profile will make some sense. It won't be just a computation of ancestors each assumed to be a 'pure type'.


  14. Eva's available and her biological clock is ticking. What up and coming politician is going to hook up with her? When Eva was reaching out to Republicans on behalf of CIR earlier this year, I thought George P. Bush might have his blond wife offed in a plane crash, then she produced a male heir. Oh Well.

    Gavin Newsom married a hot leftie blond actress/"documentary film maker", while Eva was married to NBA star Tony Parker. Will Gavin ever be Governor of Cali with a stunning "California Blond" trophy wife?

    Is a possible horrible deadly freak hot tub accident in Mrs Newsom's future?

    The problem with having been married to a former NBA star, is that lots of lesser men are going to figure you are a size queen.

  15. Dr Van Nostrand6/30/13, 9:08 AM

    Can't find it now, but the look of disappointment on Eva Longoria's face when it was revealed that she had 70% European, 27% Asian/Native American, and 3% African ancestry was.... priceless."

    She can afford to indulge in such ethno hysterics and cheer for LaRaza if she looks like a sultry Caucasoid and has fame and money. If she looked like the average indio illegal who can barely afford the rent, she conversely would be thrilled at having any European blood but keep that on the down low when she gets legalized and applies for college and housing loans.

  16. """"master’s degree in Chicano studies""'

    What does this involve, memorizing the Chiquita Banana Song?


  17. It is striking that with an average IQ of 85 and assuming an SD of 15 (which might be too high), only one fiftieth of that population has an IQ of 115 and above, vs one sixth for a population where the average is 100.

    Moving to two SDs, we are in one in 1,000 territory for average IQ 85 population and one in 50 for the average IQ 100 population.

    However, as some have suggested that the average IQ 85 population really has an SD more like 12, it is likely worse than that.

    No wonder the Bi-Coastal elite does not fear them.

  18. I wonder if this racist revanchist is going to get the Paula Deen treatment?

  19. Ricardo montleban was a Mexican.

  20. Wtf is Chicano studies?

  21. "In contrast, to pick a random example, movie director Terrence Malick taught philosophy at MIT and translated Heidegger."

    OOOh, philosophy at MIT huh? Isn't that a little like paying the kazoo at Carnegie Hall? And he got kicked out of the program at Harvard...I guess he was too stupid to cut it in STEM?

  22. Quoting National Lampoon from decades ago: "Did you know that Benjamin Franklin was a white person?"

    Second, we have here further evidence that the word "dialogue" means "lecture."

  23. pat/albertosaurus,

    SNP chips can be used for analysis of polygenic traits. One of the issues is having the multiple different loci affecting the complex trait represented on the chip. At present, not all of the loci affecting complex traits are known, and that's not so trivial to find that just brute force sequencing will make it obvious. The other issue is that there may be many possible alleles at each locus. Again, multiple alleles could be represented on the chip, but sequencing eliminates that limitation of detection. The only problem is that again the significance for phenotype of the myriad polymorphisms at each locus isn't known. Again, it will take work beyond just sequencing to figure that out. What neither sequencing nor SNP chips can do easily is model interaction of multiple genes or the influence of 3D genome architecture on gene expression. For the importance of the latter, see this recent blurb:

    The genome's 3D structure shapes how genes are expressed

  24. Longoria is a complete bimbo. Yet she goes around thinking she has valuable insights. She really thinks this bullsh*t degree validates her intelligence. This bucked tooth broad is heading straight for the wall, and no one will give a damn what she says after her beauty completely fades.

  25. Truth:"OOOh, philosophy at MIT huh? Isn't that a little like paying the kazoo at Carnegie Hall? And he got kicked out of the program at Harvard...I guess he was too stupid to cut it in STEM?"

    Incorrect. Malick graduated from Harvard with honors:

    Malick studied philosophy under Stanley Cavell at Harvard University, graduating summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa in 1965. He went on to Magdalen College, Oxford, as a Rhodes Scholar. After a disagreement with his tutor, Gilbert Ryle, over his thesis on the concept of world in Kierkegaard, Heidegger, and Wittgenstein, Malick left Oxford without a doctorate.[13] In 1969, Northwestern University Press published Malick's translation of Heidegger's Vom Wesen des Grundes as The Essence of Reasons. Returning to the United States, Malick taught philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology while freelancing as a journalist" (VIA WIKIPEDIA)

    As for your deprecating remarks regarding philosophy, do you really think that a discipline that has produced thinkers like Plato, Aristotle, Hume, Kant, Heidegger, etc, is somehow lacking in brainpower?

  26. John:"Ricardo montleban was a Mexican."

    A White Mexican. Both of his parents were from Spain:

    Montalbán was born Ricardo Gonzalo Pedro Montalbán y Merino in Mexico City, but grew up in the city of Torreón,[3] the son of Spanish immigrants Ricarda Merino and Jenaro Montalbán, a store manager.[4]" (via WIKIPEDIA)


  27. DVN:"Euro Mexicans are pretty hot and resemble the Lebanese are great deal"

    Agnostic's comments were rather obviously directed at the Mestizo and Amerind populations who form the bulk of the Mexican underclass. He was not referring to Mexico's tiny White elite.

    DVN:"For whatever reason the Levantine Arabs gravitate to Central and South America and are succesful in pretty much any endeavor"

    They are successful because they are intelligent and highly entrepeneurial.

    There are plenty of Christian Arabs in the USA: Michel E. DeBakey, Ralph Nader, John Sununu, Malick (of course), John Zogby, etc.

  28. Interesting how Longoria's MA in a pseudo-discipline attracts so much attention.No one seems terribly interested either in Peter Weller's MA in Renaissance Art (2004)or in the fact that he is working on a PHD in the same field from UCLA....But, of course, Weller is just a White guy, so a guess that no one is surprised.

  29. Sure, most maids can't speak English and are overweight.

  30. Dr Van Nostrand said:Nicholas Nassim Taleb is a hack. His most famous book Black Swan is such pretentious,self absorbed,pseudo intellectual tripe!
    I couldnt believe that corporate heavies and intelligentsia were swooning over this drivel when I realized they think highly of Thomas Friedman as well..

    Another over rated Lebanese thinker is Khalil Gibran. His work is nothing more than the music of Enya put in words-New Age gibberish in a pleasing old world Araby bottle

    Taleb is an overrated blowhard, but grouping him with Friedman and Gibran is overkill. Like Gibran, he is a charismatic Levantine bullshitter, but at at least his ideas are not the self-indulgent, solipsistic pseudo-profundities of an artistically inclined alcoholic.

    -The Judean People's Front

  31. Her thesis: "Success STEMS From Diversity: The Value of Latinas in STEM [Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics] Careers."' (NOT a joke.)

    LOL you're right:


    " Her parents, Enrique Longoria, Jr. and mother Ella Eva Mireles were there to help Eva celebrate her special day. Eva enrolled at California State University Northridge three years ago and is receiving her Master's degree in Chicano Studies with her thesis on 'Success STEMS From Diversity: The Value of Latinas in STEM [Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics] Career."

  32. I think Dr. Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa would work as a diversity hire for U.S. Surgeon General.

  33. Check out the Chicano/a faculty at Cal State Northridge.


    For most of the full-time faculty, you see their picture when you click on the names. Doesn't seem like an awful lot of real Mestizo experience out there on the faculty. Rather a nice collection of Conquistadors though.

    They look on average to be castizos, which are people of three quarters Iberian and one quarter Amerindian ancestry. This is apparently roughly Longoria's background as well.

  34. Anonymous said...

    Wtf is Chicano studies?

    It is what Chicanos study instead of STEM because Latinas do not value STEM despite what Meg Whiteman says. Or was it Carly Fiorina? All those inept execs at HP merge into one.

  35. "BTW, the two Mexican actors who've recently gotten Academy Award nominations--Salma Hayek and Demian Bichir--are both from the same small Christian Lebanese minority that produced Carlos Slim. Draw your own conclusions."

    I posted the gist of this as a comment to Steve's "Why is Carlos Slim the World's Richest Man" about 2 weeks ago, but I noted Hayek and Bichir are 2 of the 3 Mexican Academy acting nominations in the last half century. Adriana Barraza was nominated for Supporting Actress in "Babel" (2007).

  36. " Her parents, Enrique Longoria, Jr. and mother Ella Eva Mireles were there to help Eva celebrate her special day. Eva enrolled at California State University Northridge three years ago and is receiving her Master's degree in Chicano Studies with her thesis on 'Success STEMS From Diversity: The Value of Latinas in STEM [Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics] Career."

    Wait, it took her three years to get an MA in a pseudo-discipline like Chicano Studies?Most of my colleagues in the humanities got their MAs after one year, and those were degrees in genuine subjects (Classics, English Lit, American History, etc) from reputable unis (Berkeley, Tufts, Brandeis, U. of Chicago). How stupid/lazy do you have to be to take that long?

  37. I had no idea Chicano Studies was part of STEM. SCEM?

    >Wtf is Chicano studies?<

    The study of where the Chicanos went after being replaced by the Latinos.

  38. The five maids:

    Three were born in the US. None are mestizo. Ganem was born in Modesto, but grew up in Mexico. I've never seen Hispanic maids that look like that.

    "Arrested Development," and "Seeking a Friend for the End of The World," had more accurate representations of the average Hispanic maid.

  39. Anonymous said...
    "Thailand has the right idea about freeloading foreigners"

    6/30/13, 7:43 AM

    The UK is introducing Australian style "Visa Bonds." There's a dispute wrt whether the bond should be £1,000 ($1521.10) or £3,000($4563.30): http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2013/jun/25/nick-clegg-visa-bond-theresa-may

  40. "As for your deprecating remarks regarding philosophy, do you really think that a discipline that has produced thinkers like Plato, Aristotle, Hume, Kant, Heidegger, etc, is somehow lacking in brainpower?"

    They aren't my remarks, I'm extrapolating the general line here that any collegiate endeavor that does not involve math and science is the domain of imbeciles.

    Now here's a question for you; suppose for a second that instead of Chicano studies, Miss Longoria would have majored in Germanic studies; is there, for some reason, more brain power involved?

  41. Truth:"They aren't my remarks, I'm extrapolating the general line here that any collegiate endeavor that does not involve math and science is the domain of imbeciles."

    Whose "general line?" Certainly not Steve's; he seems highly appreciative of the pre-1960s Humanities.

    Truth:"Now here's a question for you; suppose for a second that instead of Chicano studies, Miss Longoria would have majored in Germanic studies; is there, for some reason, more brain power involved?"

    MMMM, seeing as how Chicano Studies is an affirmative action set-aside for third rate scholars,while German Studies entails solid work in fields like Germanic philology and German literature (Goethe, Schiller, Mann, Heinrich Heine, Kafka, etc),I would say that German Studies does entail a teensy bit more brainpower.

  42. The Hispanic maid from Family Guy is pretty realistic.

  43. The funny thing is, if Devious Maids was honest enough to make the wealthy Beverly Hills families Jewish, I'd actually watch the show.

    Alas, they're depicted as WASPs, so there's no point.

  44. They look on average to be castizos, which are people of three quarters Iberian and one quarter Amerindian ancestry. This is apparently roughly Longoria's background as well.

    The Longorias' non-Indian ancestry is predominantly Jewish, like the Hinojosas'.

  45. "Whose "general line?" Certainly not Steve's; he seems highly appreciative of the pre-1960s Humanities."

    That's because he didn't have the IQ to major in Physics or EE, right Steve?

  46. "I would say that German Studies does entail a teensy bit more brainpower."

    A teensy bit? Yeah, I'd buy that, even though you are being facetious. Do you not think people who study German literature are lacking in intellect vis-a-vis hard sciences? And exactly what benefit does the planet derive from one spending 4 years reading about Heidigger, than Ceasar Chavez?

  47. Dr Van Nostrand7/1/13, 2:09 AM

    DVN:"Euro Mexicans are pretty hot and resemble the Lebanese are great deal"

    Agnostic's comments were rather obviously directed at the Mestizo and Amerind populations who form the bulk of the Mexican underclass. He was not referring to Mexico's tiny White elite.

    DVN: Mexico's white elite is estimated to be around 10-20% , a minority of course but not tiny unless you want to argue that Hispanics in U.S.A comprise a "tiny" minority

    DVN:"For whatever reason the Levantine Arabs gravitate to Central and South America and are succesful in pretty much any endeavor"

    They are successful because they are intelligent and highly entrepeneurial.

    DVN: I was not talking about their ability but about their penchant for Iberian America

    There are plenty of Christian Arabs in the USA: Michel E. DeBakey, Ralph Nader, John Sununu, Malick (of course), John Zogby, etc.

    DVN: and Mitch Daniels, John Abizaid of course. The difference is in America they keep the Arab thing on the down low but in Spanish speaking countries they are somewhat more open about it

  48. The present state of the art in low cost genetic screening is at the SNP level. So '23andMe' can tell me a lot about any anomalies that I have at the single locust level.

    Is someone going to do it? I keep waiting for it. Waiting, waiting...


  49. The present state of the art in low cost genetic screening is at the SNP level. So '23andMe' can tell me a lot about any anomalies that I have at the single locust level. But of course most interesting things about you genetically are not amenable to simple Mendelian analysis. Most interesting attributes like race and ethnicity are polygenic.

    Patience, young grasshopper. When the technology exists to analyze multiple locusts at the, uh, swarm level, genetic services will become so effective I would expect a plague of them.

  50. American philosophy departments have largely resisted AA-hiring. Look at the make-up of the faculty at the top department, NYU Philosophy:


    There are pictures for 35 of the 36 scholars listed. 29 are white men (including the late Ronald Dworkin in memoriam, who died earlier this year). 5 are white women. Of the three remaining, 1 is an Asian man, Paul Boghossian is Armenian, and Jules Coleman doesn't have a photo but I believe he is also a white man.

    In the opinion of many, the greatest American philosopher of the 20th century was a postmodernist and graduate of illustrious Oberlin College.


    Not the type to be scared off by men wearing blankets. Indeed, referring to civil rights protesters at Harvard as "shabby blacks" and "frail, bumbling figures" out to promote a "new racism" did not hurt Quine's career or reputation at all.

  51. To the commenters feeding the troll 'Truth' (and to Steve even tolerating him), I say stop.
    For general inquiry: verbal IQ is more correlated with mathematical IQ than the other way around.
    In brief, someone who has a high verbal IQ would have a higher chance of getting a mathematical IQ near the same range than someone who who has a high math IQ would have the chance to have his/her verbal IQ in the same range.

    In brief, do you need me to spell out which is more correlated with a higher overall IQ?
    By the way, Im doing STEM myself and I am a pretty average writer but anyone who can seriously understand and write about Heidegger on a high level is a super high IQ individual. Can the same be said about some no-name at CSUN?

    'Truth' would let you believe it. Then again Truth has revealed that he lives, alone, in downtown, he is over 40 and he is the cuckolded friend of a black playboy who bangs white girls. Maybe he writes his comments with a big dildo up his butt, too. Black-colored of course.
    If 'Truth' would even attempt to read Heidegger his brain would explode as he was turning the first page.

    My comment is mainly directed towards those feeding him. Im trying to tell you: dont waste your mind and don't annoy me to the point of correcting you.

    By the way, this post here --> http://carrefoursagesse.wordpress.com/2009/06/25/asian-accomplishment-or-lack-thereof/

    is worth reading because it talks about the lack of accomplishment concerning high Asian(especially high mathematical) IQ. It's an unproved theory but it builds upon the verbal hypothesis. Basically the genius study done in the 1950s on STEM professors from the Ivies showed very high verbal IQ.
    It was amusing to read that those with the highest IQ tended to be physicists, who had higher verbal IQ than the biologists(considered 'softer'), but if you know a bit about how IQ works, and especially verbal IQ, this should be surprising.

    Especially not considering that when the humanities weren't overrun by marxists and 'chicanos', most serious scientists read high-level philosophy that cuckolded buttboys like 'Truth' would never understand.

  52. 'The problem with having been married to a former NBA star, is that lots of lesser men are going to figure you are a size queen.'

    Right, except that the average black male is on average just as big as the average American male. It's true that on the very, very high end they are disproportionate but we are talking about the top 1% here, literally.
    Also, Jonah Falcon.

    There's no real proof that NBA stars are bigger than the average black male. Do you have any proof or are you just shitting from your mouth?

    If anything, lesser men will bullshit themselves to defeat.

    And leave aside the fact that 66% of all women cant even reach an orgasm via vaginal intercourse. But that is something called scary statistics. But we dont like actually building our arguments with facts.

  53. "By the way, Im doing STEM myself and I am a pretty average writer but anyone who can seriously understand and write about Heidegger on a high level is a super high IQ individual."

    A pretty average writer? You didn't use a comma in that sentence, Sport; I'd say that's overconfidence.

    "can seriously understand and write about Heidegger on a high level is a super high IQ individual. Can the same be said about some no-name at CSUN?"

    I would argue that one of the hallmarks of intellect is the ability to market one's abilities for the maximum financial gain. This being said, I know E.L personally, and she has done quite a good job of that, much better, I would say, than some dork at Harvard spouting off about the antidisestablishmentarianism of the great reform.

    "Then again Truth has revealed that he lives, alone, in downtown, he is over 40 and he is the cuckolded friend of a black playboy who bangs white girls."

    Well, you got about 30% of that right, good show, old bean.

    " Maybe he writes his comments with a big dildo up his butt, too. Black-colored of course....that cuckolded buttboys like 'Truth' would never understand."

    Excellent proof of your overwhelming intellect there. Hey, you'd better pick up the phone, Steve Hawking is calling for your opinion on dark energy.

    "Patience, young grasshopper."

    Dude, that's my nickname reserved solely for Mr. Anon...It's kind of a trademark, if you don't mind.

  54. "Wait, it took her three years to get an MA in a pseudo-discipline like Chicano Studies?Most of my colleagues in the humanities got their MAs after one year, and those were degrees in genuine subjects (Classics, English Lit, American History, etc) from reputable unis (Berkeley, Tufts, Brandeis, U. of Chicago). How stupid/lazy do you have to be to take that long?"

    They give you five years to complete it. It took me almost the whole five years to get my MA because I was juggling work and family life, interrupted by a deployment to Bosnia and another to Iraq. Three years doesn't sound too bad for a busy actress.

  55. I taught at one of the CSU schools. Chicano Studies was the major of last resort for non-hispanics. It required zero math and had the most electives. I doubt their MA program stood out any better.

  56. The instantiation that proves the rule.

    Think that's what you intended. What do I know though? I'm mediocre mex as well. Good blog, btw. Glad to see some anglos still have some courage.

  57. To Truth at 6/30/13, 7:27 PM

    You are an imbicile. A statement of fact and not a personal attack. By which I mean you lack the mental skills to understand the reason people think math and science requires higher than average intelligence. This is because they require the ability to reason logically. Logical reasoning is not limited to STEM. It includes other things like philosophy and musical composition. Do you get it now? LOL

  58. Anon upstream @7/1/13, 11:24 AM concerning Truth:

    I think Steve keeps him on in order to generate more comments.


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