June 30, 2013

What 70 IQ looks like

Candid_observer comments on the Trayvon-Zimmerman trial:
One thing that's remarkable about the testimony of Rachel Jeantel is that it puts on display a black whom one would simply never see under the standard media unspoken rules. Any depiction of a black who came across as so deeply ignorant, frankly stupid, transparently hostile, and flagrantly dishonest would be met with accusations of racism because it is so unflattering. One sees such blacks turning up in youtube videos of course, but I'm not sure I've seen any such in the media, even in news reports of crimes, which, I'm sure, are likewise sanitized for public view.

That's why Law & Order shows witnesses to cunning Park Avenue killings. The homicides they witnessed may not, technically, have happened, but they are a lot more interesting than the witnesses to actual killings.

Back in 2012, the press wanted this trial to be, to use Bonfire of the Vanities terminology, the triumphant culmination of "the hunt for the Great White Defendant," with George Zimmerman as Sherman McCoy, perfect for kicking off Obama's re-election campaign. Predictably, though, it's just turned into another Herbert 92X-style "piece a s---" case. (You can read Tom Wolfe's bravura description of Asst. D.A. Kramer's thoughts on pp. 105 to 108.)

This is reminiscent of the Supreme Court's 2002 decision that effectively banned the death penalty for murderers with IQs of 70 or below. In the extended families of Supreme Court justices, IQs of 70 or less are inevitably associated with a clear organic cases of mental retardation, such as Down Syndrome. But among African Americans, about 1/6th are no more than 70 IQ, just as about 1/6th are smarter than the average white American.


  1. "One thing that's remarkable about the testimony of Rachel Jeantel is that it puts on display a black whom one would simply never see under the standard media unspoken rules."

    Nah. Watch any episode of Judge Judy.

  2. One advantage of black females is that they usually look younger than their age than whites, but this one looks older.

  3. Media commentators are doing gymnastics to minimize Jeantel's all-around offensiveness.

    CNN's Erin Burnett smugly informed us that as Jeantel's testimony dragged on, her Twitter ratings actually improved to 50% positive. Twitter comments are public record and it didn't occur to her that peer and professional pressure probably influenced such "you go, girl" well wishes.

    Ambitious people -or anyone employed by a public agency- would be foolish to risk dissing this ghetto mascot on a public forum such as Twitter. So we have institutional censorship.

  4. Steve, do you watch The First 48?

    It's an endless stream of low iq morons of the sort that are never seen in the media and it's also the best show on television.

  5. One advantage of black females is that they usually look younger than their age than whites, but this one looks older.

    An argument can be made that they maintain their youthful appearance longer, but they do physically mature earlier.

  6. An exception (the exception that proves the rule?) was the movie Precious*. But that was also a black-produced movie, IIRC. If the Z trial were a mainstream Hollywood movie, the part of Rachel Jeantel might be played by Zoe Saldana.

    Incidentally, reactions to RJ's testimony by African Americans have run the gamut, from the linguist John Mcwhorter praising her "perfect" English to observers on twitter deriding her as "ratchet". Nevertheless, I imagine demoralization was a common, unspoken reaction. I was curious to see Coates's take on this, but it looks like his last post (on gay marriage) was a few days ago. It also looks like his twitter account is gone.

  7. I'm tired of this 'Everyone ages better than white women' bullshit.

    There is only one and one reason why it may have been true for a short time in world history.

    1960s/70s/80s Tanning.

    That's it. Once you get rid of obsessive tanning...The Blue Eyed Nordic Woman Ages Better By Far.

  8. I once watched some episodes of The Maury Show that don't follow the narrative. Unless we are already in the United States of Uhmerica.

  9. Everyone wishes blacks like Jeantel don't exist - just for different reasons.

  10. I'm tired of this 'Everyone ages better than white women' bullshit

    They have more wrinkles and things, but not really necessarily more saggy skin or age spots or discoloration.

    White women who are around 40 look about as good relative to similar age Black and Asian women as White around 20 look relative to similar age Black and Asian women anyway, even if the White women look more mature. What's so bad about looking more mature anyway?

  11. "One advantage of black females is that they usually look younger than their age than whites, but this one looks older"

    It's a class thing. It's true that middle class, and even functional working class black women often look remarkably young for a remarkably long time. However, this girl is the bottom of the barrel. The vast majority of people in the ghetto look... rough from a very young age, especially those who are obese. Extremely unhealthy habits coupled with extremely unhealthy childhoods take their toll.

    Have you ever see any episodes of "Horders"? Those people usually live in poverty stricken nowhere towns and look much older than they really are, regardless of race.

  12. That's roughly half of Africa and Bryan Caplan thinks they all have a right to come over here.

  13. "That's it. Once you get rid of obsessive tanning...The Blue Eyed Nordic Woman Ages Better By Far."

    If you admire the appearance of light-eyed nordic women most, your taste is, of course, as valid as any other. But how, do you figure, the most light skinned women would age at the slowest rate? Even without the excessive tanning, why would a white woman age best?

    Healthy lifestyle, strong daily sunblock and light botox can do wonders, but these steps don't work for white women exclusively.

  14. Robert the Wise6/30/13, 3:25 AM

    Glad to see I wasn't the only one reminded of "Bonfire of the Vanities".
    "George Zimmerman is the Sherman McCoy of the 21st Century was going to be my take on it."

  15. i think the "white people age worse than any other race" thing just comes from the fact that white people just find it easier to tell apart members of their own race over other races.

    i wonder if black / asian people say the same thing about their own co-ethnics vis-a-vis other races.

    the poster above is also completely right; tanning must go.

  16. Foreign expert6/30/13, 4:03 AM

    Notice that her memory isnt bad given a 70 IQ,

  17. This was tweeted out by Ed Realist...

    The Gap hasn't been closing since 1990 or so... also, there has been no improvement in the overall score despite improvement in all racial groups because blacks/hispanics make up more of the test takers.


  18. Re:
    1960s/70s/80s Tanning.

    US Melanoma incedence

  19. Dr Van Nostrand6/30/13, 4:32 AM

    Yes, the Law and Order Great White Defendant shtick is often comical but I think it is more because it is more dramatic and interesting to have a hidden agenda and powerful interests behind what appears to be a random mugging "gone wrong" incident than just black loser black criminal kills someone because he could-the end.

    And to be fair, Law and Order was probably the cop and lawyer show more sympathetic to the conservative viewpoint and had conservative cops,DAs and judges portrayed in an objective light.

    Contrast this with say The Practice where anyone who is vaguely hostile to the black and the gay is deemed a villain.

    Well those are pretty much the only lawyer shoes I watched and Im told most others are like the Practice.So if there are other Law and Order type shows Im all ears.

    Dave Pinsen:
    An exception (the exception that proves the rule?) was the movie Precious*. But that was also a black-produced movie, IIRC. If the Z trial were a mainstream Hollywood movie, the part of Rachel Jeantel might be played by Zoe Saldana"


  20. Dr Van Nostrand6/30/13, 4:40 AM

    There is only one and one reason why it may have been true for a short time in world history.

    1960s/70s/80s Tanning.

    That's it. Once you get rid of obsessive tanning...The Blue Eyed Nordic Woman Ages Better By Far"

    Not just tanning but the sun in general. Dont forget anorexia inducing diets.The tight skin reveals far more wrinkles which a little baby fat manages to conceal.

    Nordic women age better than other women as long as they stay in their natural habitat ,a fog under Northern Europe with the sun absent most of the year and when you do get the sun, the rays are quite gentle due to the latitude

    If she ventures outside it, she is toast!

    Then you have genetic factors as well. Blonde blue eyed Russian women dont get much sun either but you can stick a fork in their SMV when they are thirty as the babushka bomb has gone off

    Then you have the women that other Russians mock.Quite a few Russians have told that while their women do age fast, it is nothing compared to Armenian and Caucasus women. They are allegedly hags by 22!

  21. I love the part where the bald white guy in a suit says in unison with the lady "...creepy..ass...cracker?".

  22. I agree with everything you said here, steve. But yet again you and your commentors seem to avoid commenting on certain issues. No one seems to want to comment on or speculate on why or how this Jeantel situation came to pass. How or why did the media subculture come to need or desire a Hunt for the Great White Defendant? Clearly this phenomenon exists. But what are/were the forces that caused the development of such a media subculture?

    Obviously the media has a need or desire to dress up and protect this Jeantel creature. But why? What were the forces behind their actions?

    Yes, obviously, the so-called professional liberal subculture has a taboo about pointing out the biodiversity of the human species, especially regarding differences in IQ. Thus the pro-Jeantel defenses arising in the media.

    Finally, it has become starkly obvious to you and your allies online (the so-called paleo-con subculture) that this upcoming immigration amnesty is a chase for more profits on the part of the corporations and their rich investors. You have said as much on your blog. Also, yesterday, Peter Brimelow, a leading paleo-con, even referred to this immigration amnesty as a transfer of wealth from Labor to Capital because the amnesty will prompt millions more of cheap labor thirdworlders to move here, thereby dropping wages.

    OK, great. I like that the shades have been pulled from your eyes a bit. Money is behind the amnesty. More wealth for the wealthy. Now, could money also be behind the development of the media subculture that gave rise to the media response on Jeantel?

    Does the inclusion of blacks and other nonwhites into mainstream society mean more wealth for the wealthy? How? Why?

    Does the inclusion of blacks and other nonwhites into mainstream society, which increases diversity, mean that rich investors can better control the government? Diversity is strength! But for whom? And why?


    1. Didn't the housing bubble and minority mortgage meltdown kill Trayvon? The Retreat at Twin Lakes was a classic Sand State housing development where many owners were underwater and a few housing units had been bought on the cheap and turned into rental units for section 8 tenants like Trayvon's father's girlfriend. George Zimmerman started patrolling his neighborhood I thought because of the rising rates of property crime caused by section 8 renters and their guests. Indeed Trayvon was profiled by Zimmerman for good reason.

  23. I didn't watch the testimony because I hate watching people embarrass themselves. There was one part of the young lady's testimony where she admitted she could not read cursive.

    About 5 or 6 hours later CBS News posted an article declaring "Cursive is Dead". CBS literally has opinion columnists on call to normalize this kind of rarely seen glimpse into black intelligence.

  24. Cracker is our word, you can't use it.

  25. The use of the racist word c*****r comes from the time of slavery when free yeomen whites were impoverished by competition from cheap-labour plantations.

  26. Have any of y'all seen the move "The Sapphires," about a group of aboriginal girls from Australia performing for black G.I.s in Vietnam?

    Well, don't see it, probably the most flagrant and disgusting attempt at the culture of critique I think I've ever seen.

    My sister dragged me out to go see it after work (she's a good lefty) to a small movie theater that is frequented by a more geriatric crowd.

    This Weinstien piece of junk (note: never see a Weinstien movie, they are the worst with this kind of stuff http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUA7rr0bOcc) had the the whole nine yards: racist Australians, uptight racist Australian women looking a Tupperware, racist aboriginal girl who sold out for acting white etc etc.

    Then, they get to Vietnam, and the movie just takes a turn for the worse.

    Half the U.S. army is portrayed as jiving black dudes who were hip, cool, and about to get dem aboriginal womenz. There's a scene where the black medical officer (he's the love interest in the movie, with a "OH my Godzz he's got a six pack" scene) is trying to help a southern White soldier with a bullet wound.

    The Southern White soldier yells: "DON'T TOUCH ME NIGGER," and then apparently dies for preferring racism to medical care.

    This, in my opinion, is why that Hollywood massacre scene in the Brigade is the best part of that book.

  27. Boxer Muhammad Ali's IQ score was only 78, which is why he was rejected the first time around for the draft. Then they lowered the standards since he was such a walking public embarrassment for the system; a world champion athlete who could come up with catchy phrases and engage in debate and banter. This person, who was earning a fortune as an athlete, was too deficient to go into the Army while the most ordinary of citizens weren't? Jeantel's looks probably influence people's perception of her. Closing one's eyes and just listening to what she says she seems like just a run of the mill, average black nineteen year old who is on the spot and would much rather be elsewhere. This is what the reality is despite the avalanche of movies and commercials that show minorities all wearing white lab coats.

  28. What a FREAKSHOW this trial is!!!

    I'm just waiting for the riots really.

  29. "the n***** is still following me around."
    "now the n***** is following me."
    "the n***** is behind me."

    Clearly a case of a racist redneck southerner getting his just desserts. Why are we even having a trial for?

  30. True - on television and in the movies blacks are always doctors, lawyers, judges, police chiefs, mayors, and scientists.

  31. Even without tanning women from Northern European countries much more quickly than women of other regions of the world. The contrast is quite striking when you compare German or English women to Italian women.

    Tanning does a lot of damage but so does everyday kinds of exposure to the sun. Northern European women are quite vulnerable to this kind of damage and so they "hit the wall" very early. By hit the wall I mean lose that youthfulness that glows when women are young. Italian women start to fade in their 30s but Northern European women crash right into a wall around 27.

  32. @Dave:

    Precious also was only a partial exception in that the title character had good qualities despite her unpleasant exterior. It remains to be seen whether there's anything decent about Rachel Jeantel.

    Whether it was intentional or not I cannot say, but the three stable authority figures in Precious (the welfare caseworker played by an unrecognizable Mariah Carey, the lesbian teacher played by Paula Patton, and the hospital worker played by Lenny Kravitz) were all racially mixed rather than black.


  33. http://www.esquire.com/blogs/politics/trayvon-martin-trial-quote-police-interview

  34. I look forward to Slate and CNN soon hiring her as a reporter.

  35. Today the front page of the online Times site features a collection of final statements made from the gas chamber in Texas. There are 15 statements in the collection, of which three are from black people. In reality, 40 percent of the people executed in Texas are black, so it the sample were representative, they would have had six black people, rather than three.

    All of three of those statements are rhetorically effective, and contain poetic elements. They are also well-organized: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2013/06/16/us/execution-last-statements-copy.html?ref=us .

    In reality, the Texas death penalty system probably is flawed because black defendants in capital cases in Texas are often too stupid to advocate as successfully for themselves as folks from other groups do on average.

  36. Irony,

    US Olympian Lolo Jones made a joke on twitter regarding Jeantel, and the mainstream media immediately got into a huff about it, calling her "insensitive" and "controversial". Wonder why?


    "You are trying to kill me, because I have told you the truth." - John 8:40

  37. When I first saw her on TV I had exactly the same reaction - here was a real black person warts and all. But then it occurred to me that I had seen her - or rather her type - before.

    Almost no normal white persons ever meets this sort a black person anymore. If you see a black person like this you cross the street or roll up your car windows. But I lived with a black guy just as stupid and hostile as her.

    We were both in the same barracks in the Army.

    Today's Army wouldn't have such a person - too stupid to entrust with the range of new smart weapons that grunts must master. But in the early sixties this man's Army was filled with people who you would expect to be institutionalized for lack of brain power.

    So I've seen her type before but most American's have not. When the draft was abolished a lot of white middle class America lost forever any direst contact with the left side of the normal curve.



  38. Anonymous said...
    "One thing that's remarkable about the testimony of Rachel Jeantel is that it puts on display a black whom one would simply never see under the standard media unspoken rules.

    "Nah. Watch any episode of Judge Judy.

    Or Springer, Povich, Montel. First 48, COPS, America's Most Wanted ...

    But Good SWPLs don't watch those shows!!! That is except when underclass whites are featured. Otherwise, they know to avert their eyes in a preemptive act of crimestop. I remember The New Republic having a fit over COPS telling all "good liberals" that it
    pure evil to watch the show.

    Steve, you should write an article on how the 1987-88 writers strike impacted the 1988 presidential election. In reaction to the strike the major Networks, especially the infant Fox rushed to put true crime shows on the air to fill the void.

    America's Most Wanted was a huge hit for Fox. COPS was still a syndicated show, running under different name in many markets, but picked up by lots of Fox affiliates.

    Steve , do remember that in Chicago on Fox 32 you could watch COPS, AMW, then the hour long Fox local news featuring at least 30 minutes of "IF IT BLEEDS IT LEADS" murder and mayhem courtesy of the Gangsta Disciples and the crack epidemic.

    Willy Horton had such an impact because the "Perfect Storm" media environment of the time. Today's Cultural Marxist controlled MSM have learned a lot since then.

  39. That's the problem with black-white race relations: Too many white people without Patterson's First Axiom experience think of black people and think of Barack Obama instead of Rachel Jeantel, simply because of the media. The reality is that black America is about 10 parts Rachel Jeantel to every one part Barack Obama.

  40. "One advantage of black females is that they usually look younger than their age than whites, but this one looks older."

    That's only in middle age.

  41. The best antidote to all the tortured excuses for Rachel Jeantel is to look at the reaction of Tracy Martin to her in court- at one point he had his face down doing her testimony, and when she was asked why she didn't come forward to the police (her answer being "I didn't know I was a witness!"), Tracy Martin shook his head and facepalmed.

    Even the father of Saint Skittles himself knows how detrimental and embarrassing she was.

  42. Canadian Observer6/30/13, 9:59 AM

    One of the reasons that this is a "Great White Defendant" trial is because Trayvon himself called the defendant a "cracker". If he had initially called him a "Latin punk" and focused on his Latino-ness through his ongoing commentary with his girlfriend on that fateful day, perhaps Mr. Zimmerman's arrest and trial would have gotten nowhere near as much airplay.

    You're white if a black man says that you're white. That's the moral suasion that blacks as victims have in America today.

    It's also funny that later on, Trayvon started calling Mr. Zimmerman black, according to Ms. Jeantel's testimony: "the N*** is still following me..."

  43. Outside of "Cops," you won't see the real black underclass on mainstream networks. However, as several others have pointed out, cable networks are much less PC.

    Two words: Hardcore Pawn.

  44. Is that because you're not aging so well?

  45. Why an athletic, tall, successful student like Trayvon would "date" an unattractive girl like Rachel?


  47. OT:

    Bloomberg has a "race is real" article today about how Indians (1) get fat and get diabetes more easily (2) tend to store fat in pot bellies. (3) speculates the cause is an evolutionary response to famines.


    That's my experience as a mesomorphic N. Euro. I'm about 40 pounds above my ideal slim college years, but my extra fat is evenly distributed on my back, sides, and front, and as a result my stomach is still flat.

    Of course there are "skinny-fat" whites with lean builds and protruding bellies, including my brother-in-law, but this look is much more common in east and south asians.

    Among European groups, I think Italians and Germans are the least likely to have class pot bellies, and English and Russians the most common, with the general trend being the the further east or west you go, the thinner the build, with Germans and Italians generally being the most mesomorphic. Turks are also mesomorphic, but are Central Asians who've settled in and near Europe.

  48. Part of why there was outrage at Derb's comments, and there is general reluctance to believe the 1SD lower IQ evidence is that these are not the black people that most white people see. They see friends at school, friends in their neighborhoods, friends at work, people who they are doing business with in the community. It's not a representative sample.

    It's rather like the false memories of how much harder kids used to work and how much higher the standards were at school. Among your friends, sure. In general, no. Schools were worse then, we just can't see it because of unrepresentative samples.

  49. Turks are also mesomorphic, but are Central Asians who've settled in and near Europe.

    The Central/East Asian contribution to Turkish population genetics is on the order of 5-10% in studies. Most of the ancestors of modern Anatolian Turks were already living there at the time of the conquest but adopted the Turkish language and identity of the conquerors as well as their Muslim religion.

  50. "One advantage of black females is that they usually look younger than their age than whites, but this one looks older."

    Teenage black females who are obese often look much older than their age. It is not rare to start puberty around 9 because of the extra weight and junk-food hormones, and by age 13 or 14 to have an adult height and d-cups, looking like a 25 year old.

    By contrast, the aging well thing is mainly lack of wrinkles. Jesse Jackson is 71, but looks more like 53 to me:


    Here's Nelson Mandela at age 90, looking more like 75:

    He also had that "old man looking like old lesbian" thing going on.

  51. What exactly is the point of highlighting the inadequacies of people you know nothing about?

  52. "Among European groups, I think Italians and Germans are the least likely to have class pot bellies"

    cuz they got beer bellies.

  53. A comment above commented about the death penalty in Texas.

    First off, it doesn't matter how well or poorly blacks "advocate for themselves," because that's their lawyers' job, and it's the prosecution's job to prove guilt, not the defendant's job or the defendant's lawyers job to prove innocence.

    Second, you mention that 40% of those executed in Texas are black. How does that compare to the universe of people in Texas convicted by a jury of first degree murder? They're the only kind of people who are executed; those who plead guilty to Murder-1 do so to plead out the death penalty in favor of straight life.

    The reality is that whites who are convicted of Murder-1 are more likely, (I've read twice as likely) actually to be executed than blacks convicted of Murder-1.

  54. "Why an athletic, tall, successful student like Trayvon would "date" an unattractive girl like Rachel?"

    That's because she wasn't his girlfriend. That's one of many things the media initially got wrong and people still believe even here.

  55. Skipping all the pointless BS about aging in woman, the question is: Does Rachel hurt or help Zimmerman. My feeling is that she helps him before this particular jury, because she inadvertantly demonstrates the intellectual world in which he operated, the imprecision of his analysis, the bitterness and hatred that suffused his every move, and most of all, his completely haywire decision-making process. If Z goes down, it'll be because yet another young black male has made an insane, irresponsible decision and someone else has to pay for it (though, yes, Travon paid).

  56. "About 5 or 6 hours later CBS News posted an article declaring "Cursive is Dead". CBS literally has opinion columnists on call to normalize this kind of rarely seen glimpse into black intelligence."

    Yeah, that's another thing I've found funny- I turned 21 earlier this year and I had cursive drilled into me starting in 2nd grade in 00-01. She's only 2 years younger than me, and while I guess schools have been phasing it out going back to even the early 00's, there's no way cursive is to the point where it's such an alien, archaic writing system.

    I mean, there's a difference between knowing how to write it and knowing how to read it, the latter of which is NOT as hard and I expect plenty of people to be able to read to some degree after high school.

  57. OT, I guess, but still: if white women don't age so well (appearance wise) perhaps that combines with the later average age of marriage the US middle-class has now (due to economic pressure) to explain some of the interest educated American white men have in marrying Asian women. With educated men and women marrying later, the less haggard-looking Asians have more chance to score a good husband. Even if the white girls are sexier when young they can't exploit that to get married, since they have to wait to marry until their bloom has worn off.

    In support of this theory I will testify that I just spent the day at a water-thrills amusement park. Everyone was walking around and standing in line in swimming togs. By and large the young white girls were much sexier than the young asians and the young black girls were split into godawful hippos and sexy beauties about 5:1-- of course there were some fat white and asian girls too but the proportion was much less. There weren't so many mexicans around but (damn that fellow Rushton, anyway) they seemed halfway between the whites and blacks: pretty girls with too many tattoos and more slob girls than whites but fewer than blacks. However, among the many moms with young kids, the asians looked the best, the whites had mostly hit the wall, and the blacks were often young looking but nearly all fat, except for one or two who seemed to be foreigners (rich Haitians, maybe?). The white moms were both lower and middle-class (maybe 2:1) but the asians mostly looked middle-class except for maybe 20% who mainly looked Filipino or otherwise SW (there were very few S or Central Asia looking folks and all the sweatingly overdressed women appeared to be American Black muslims). The lower-class men and women frequently displayed many ugly tattoos.

  58. Why an athletic, tall, successful student like Trayvon would "date" an unattractive girl like Rachel?

    Ask a brotha about it some time; they have their reasons, and those reasons are rather cynical i.e. willingness to perform certain sexual favors. Plenty of whites make the same calculation.

    As for the question about the rate of aging among the races, of both sexes, it looks to me like another example of the black-white-E. Asian continuum. All things being equal, blacks age slower than whites, who in turn age slower than E. Asians—the exact opposite of their physical maturation rates. Skin pigmentation probably plays a role, as others have said, but I think skin softness and muscle tone are more important. E. Asians are generally darker than whites, but their skin is much softer and they have less muscle tone.

  59. watch The First 48? It's ... the best show on television.

    I watch it if the baseball game gets boring, and to me its most noteworthy aspect is how easy these cops' jobs are. If somebody would just start some ghetto seminars teaching the kids how to shut up (and in particular how the felony-murder rule works), those overweight duffers would never solve a case. Incidentally, not one of those cases ever involved a motivation as trivial as the current Hernandez thing. Apparently he ordered the hit because the victim "spoke to the wrong person."

  60. the most interesting aspect of this trial is there is no Hispanic support for Zimmerman. Is it his name? Suppose his mother was white and his father was Hispanic. Suppose his last name was Rodriguez.

  61. NY city can stop and frisk 100,000s of innocent black NYers, but Zimmerman was wrong to tail a suspicious looking black guy for a few blocks and then defend himself from being beaten to death.

    That's how liberal Jews think. They have no empathy for the 'enemy'.
    They spun the narrative as 'white guy' killing a 'black kid', and so they have to keep spinning the narrative.

    But if Zimmerman had defended himself by killing a white skinhead thug, we know this wouldn't even be a news story.

  62. alonzo portfolio6/30/13, 1:36 PM

    false memories ... Schools were worse then, we just can't see it.

    How do you back this up? For example, in the 1940's, didn't every high school graduate have to know how to diagram a sentence? Didn't every secretary up through the early '60's have to be competent with shorthand? I'm pretty sure even the dumber kids in my (tracked) junior high in 1969could have calculated .60 x 38 with pencil and paper. I use that example because a few years ago I gave that problem to a Bay Area high school junior who told me he was "good at math," and he couldn't do it.

  63. epistemic sphere closure6/30/13, 1:40 PM

    Candid_observer has obviously never heard of Star Jones from ABC/Disney's "The View," or her even dumber current Everywoman replacement Sherri Shepherd.

  64. Truth: your HTML skills must be at least one standard deviation off the angry AZNs', i.e. the other frequent customers here.

  65. ScarletNumber6/30/13, 1:46 PM

    @Anonymous 4:56 AM

    I hate to break this to you, but cursive IS dying.

    There have been a slew of articles on the subject.

    Not everything is the MSM trying to construct a narrative.

  66. If Zimmerman really had his heart set on killing a black guy — any black guy — that night, why did he call 911? Why not just sneak up on the Negro and shoot him?

    He was clearly trying to get the cops to check out the suspect.

  67. Just searched some other post titles (on Jeantel, seemingly an obvious case of less than meets the eye, plus anything with Richwine or bell curves) and I can't say I'm sure where Sailer stands on outlawing 70 IQs. If the subject is another immigration reform/surge he decries the g-loaded schemers "waging war" on the "left half." But otherwise the umbrage appears halfhearted; where no legislation that impacts his lifestyle is at stake yet the topic of "The stupid are always with us" arises, you can almost hear through the webs his mental gears whirring up for implementations of soylent processors.

  68. pat said

    >So I've seen her type before but most American's have not.<

    My first 10 years in the world o' work (office work) was inundated by Jeantels. This was in Nashville. Give Jeantel a diploma, a boost of hostility and a boost of energy, without changing anything else at all, and that was who got hired or promoted over me several times. (In one case a job offer I accepted was rescinded because a Jeantel who worked there learned of my hiring and promptly threatened to file a discrimination lawsuit because too many creepy crackers were already working there. "You're the wrong color," the mortified hiring manager told me.) Oh yes, "pat" - I have seen her type before.

    Many of us under 50 have.

  69. postracial America(tm)6/30/13, 2:20 PM

    It's no problem if Zimmerhombre walks. Florida knew it was lose-lose (vibrants would be dissatisfied with a manslaughter conviction anyway, why not shoot the moon) so they grabbed headlines with murder two and hoped for the best, fingers crossed. Publicity first, "justice" or "statesmanship" second or maybe third behind cost-cutting/fisc-looting. Real robbery has moved upstairs--meanwhile yesterday's restive rioters are 2013's contented clients of all creeds & colors, plied with EBT and Obamafones. We have solved the scarcity problem, as well as the dearth of paramilitary force projection by local police.

  70. Completely and massively OT: 150 years and about 15 hours ago, the deadliest battle waged on American soil began: the Battle of Gettysburg. It was the turning point of the Civil War, the blow that ended Lee's advance on Washington. Fifty thousand casualties, eight thousand dead, "uncommon valor" (to borrow a phrase from a later such battle) displayed by men in blue and men in grey.

    I wonder if Google will have a special doodle to commemorate it, or youtube. I wonder what remarks our president will make. I wonder, in fact, if our elites will even notice.

  71. Then you have the women that other Russians mock.Quite a few Russians have told that while their women do age fast, it is nothing compared to Armenian and Caucasus women. They are allegedly hags by 22!

    The woman who birthed the Tsarnaev brothers is in her 40's, but looks much older.

  72. "

    What exactly is the point of highlighting the inadequacies of people you know nothing about?

    What the fuck is this female shaming language?

    We're pointing out how most blacks are like Jeantel, not the astronaut sex gods that Hollywood keeps pretending.

  73. I'm tired of this 'Everyone ages better than white women' bullshit.
    There is only one and one reason why it may have been true for a short time in world history.
    1960s/70s/80s Tanning.
    That's it. Once you get rid of obsessive tanning...The Blue Eyed Nordic Woman Ages Better By Far.

    Dunno. There often are news stories in my area about the cops raiding Asian massage parlors. Most often the women they bust are in their 40's and 50's. It's pretty hard to imagine a white hooker that age.


  74. Why work out .6 x 38 with paper when you can just break it down into (.1 x 38) + (.5 x 38)?

  75. Btw, in every case, I had the doubtful satisfaction of learning that Jeantel washed out within a few months (in one case, a few WEEKS) of my exit, leaving at least one employer in real trouble. Poor Marty.

    In any case, when the Trayvon case Rachel J appears on TV I switch the channel or go for a walk. The early 1990s aren't a happy memory.

  76. Anonymous said...
    the most interesting aspect of this trial is there is no Hispanic support for Zimmerman. Is it his name? Suppose his mother was white and his father was Hispanic. Suppose his last name was Rodriguez.

    Zimmerman or Zapata, it wouldn't matter -- Latinos sympathize more with street thugs than with anyone patrolling the streets to keep an eye on the criminal element, especially when "profiling" is seen as being involved. That, and a volunteer community watchman in a single family home neighborhood is seen as a reasonable substitute effigy for Whitey, half-Peruvian or no.

    Also, Latinos don't support Zimmerman for the same reason why Asians don't support Republicans -- despite being harmed by high tax rates and affirmative action -- because "Fuck Whitey, We'll Work The Rest Out Later" is the unofficial motto of Diverse Americans and their "undocumented" brethren. If Whitey supports Zimmerman, it's time for them to line up on the other side. Yes, we can! Si, Se Puede!

  77. Anonymous said...
    Why work out .6 x 38 with paper when you can just break it down into (.1 x 38) + (.5 x 38)?

    Why break it down into (.1 x 38) + (.5 x 38) when you can just add (.6 * 30) and (.6 * 8)?

  78. East Asians easily age the best. No comparison.

    White women tend to get wrinkly skin. Black and Latino women get obese.

  79. Peter:"Dunno. There often are news stories in my area about the cops raiding Asian massage parlors. Most often the women they bust are in their 40's and 50's. It's pretty hard to imagine a white hooker that age."

    When I lived in a really White trash neighborhood, I got used to seeing quite a few White hookers who were in the 40-50 age range.

  80. "I'm tired of this 'Everyone ages better than white women' bullshit.

    There is only one and one reason why it may have been true for a short time in world history.

    1960s/70s/80s Tanning.

    That's it. Once you get rid of obsessive tanning...The Blue Eyed Nordic Woman Ages Better By Far."

    While it is exaggerated for the reasons you state, it's scientifically proven skin darken color protects against aging. Sorry if that widely known fact upsets your nordicist sensibilities.

  81. Edward Snowden looks kinda like Edward Cullen.

  82. Not to get all "progressive," but in my experience there is far more individual variation in attractiveness change while aging than there is difference between races.

    Also, if there are two 40 year olds and one "looks 35" while the other "looks 45," oftentimes the "looks 45" one is still more beautiful. I think a lady keeping her figure is much more important. Skin wrinkling can be forgiven if she keeps a fit, svelte body; while a glowing, youthful-looking fatty with a Tweety Bird tattoo isn't going to do it for most men.

  83. But if Zimmerman had defended himself by killing a white skinhead thug, we know this wouldn't even be a news story

    Are you sure?

    Plucky hispanic defends himself against evil rayciss. Of course that wouldnt have gone to court.

  84. Foreign Expert6/30/13, 5:12 PM

    The funny thing is that Rachel's parents (if those are the couple the TV kept cutting to) look quite reasonable. Not overweight and having sort of interesting, intelligent-looking faces. The kind of people you might hire if you needed to meet diversity quotas or something.

  85. Thanks for the Zoe Saldana gag! I realized that Zoe already portrayed an articulate polyglot, and stretched it into a smart-alec (wisecracking?) blog post here:
    Wha' Choo Talkin' 'Bout, Fool? And in Which Language are you Talking about it?

  86. Steve, who will get cast as Jeantel when H'wood comes to do the Trayvon movie? Halle Berry?


  87. old man river6/30/13, 5:38 PM

    "i think the "white people age worse than any other race" thing just comes from the fact that white people just find it easier to tell apart members of their own race over other races.

    One very athletic, sexy Indonesian of my acquaintance said frankly that Asian women aged suddenly and looked older at 50 or so. They didn't change so much in their 20s-30s. This lady looked great, looks great, but I would not say she now, at 53, looks younger than a similarly fit white of the same age. Just different racial type, so if that's your taste..She had her own age scare in her early 40s, and would pick up younger men who were surprised she'd try for them because she was --obviously -- older, however, good she still looked. I'm around a lot of older Asian ladies (library world) and they look ok, but not markedly better in their 50s-60s, than whites.
    I think what looks young to us past a certain age, does not necessarily look that way to younger people.
    As far as blacks, I can usually tell their ages, but the dark ones especially are harder to tell. That's true.
    Still, all things considered, I am more appreciative of a well preserved white than a well presevered black. That's just my taste.

  88. "Italian women start to fade in their 30s but Northern European women crash right into a wall around 27."

    Nonsense. Have you been to Scandinavia? Italy? Are you talking about peasants or urban sophisticates? In fact, have you been anywhere? I have grown up around Italians, Irish and Lithuanians, and I don't notice much difference. In fact, we used to think that middle eastern women aged very early (a Persian man told us he thought that and was even considering marrying an American because of it). Of course as I saw more Persians, and got older myself, I realized this was not the case. The healthier, younger Persians did not age early or more badly than anyone else.
    So anyway, the older Scandinavian women I've seen look gorgeous for the most part. I will never forget a Dutch woman,living for years in India yet, with an Indian husband, who looked absolutely amazing at 60 with remarkably smooth skin. I don't know how she did it, living in such a sunny country. When blonds are lucky enough to look good for their age, they look better than anyone else..

  89. Peter Crawford6/30/13, 6:03 PM

    Leather hair. That's a new one. Or is it a hat of some kind ? I'm Welsh and we haven't invented hats yet in Wales. We have to ward off potential hair thieves with sharpened slates.

    This woman is a joke. Why don't the court officials try to slap some sense into the repugnant bitch?

  90. For anyone with a medical degree: does she have goiter? Or is it simply being overweight in general?

  91. Zoink, maybe you haven't seen the Reverend Jackson lately.

  92. Black linguist John McWhorter wrote an article for time about RJ's language. (http://ideas.time.com/2013/06/28/rachel-jeantel-explained-linguistically/)

    Can anybody explain why he seems to be endorsing the following construction:

    “I don’t be listening that much”?

    I can't make heads or tails of his argument at the end of his article.

  93. the most interesting aspect of this trial is there is no Hispanic support for Zimmerman.

    Hispanics don't seem to have the same compulsion to instantly defend "their own" that blacks do, do they? Steve has pointed out that they don't show up to vote in very large numbers, even when the MSM tries to work them into a lather over "Hispanic issues." They prefer to watch entertainment created by whites and blacks to that from their own people.

    I'm sure there's some fellow-feeling -- more than whites have -- but it doesn't seem as automatic or intense as it is for blacks. Maybe it's partly because "Hispanic" is a pretty meaningless grouping, covering many groups with little in common.

  94. Ichabod said: Today the front page of the online Times site features a collection of final statements made from the gas chamber in Texas.

    Hunsdon said: Texas uses the "dead bed." I.e., lethal injection. Texas was the first state in the nation to adopt lethal injection, in 1982, and---barring any stays (ha ha)-- our 500th "customer" will be served on Wednesday.

  95. because "Fuck Whitey, We'll Work The Rest Out Later" is the unofficial motto of Diverse Americans and their "undocumented" brethren
    yes and NPR white liberals don't get it.. they think orientals are going to be their bestest buddies for life and celebrate diversity!

  96. Anon, McWhorter's just pointing out that the "don't be" construction is the proper construction in her dialect, and the "ain't be" isn't. Just as in my dialect it's proper to say:
    "I ain't got an apple." but not
    "I ain't have an apple."
    Though both are improper in standard English. And I agree his final argument doesn't seem to make sense. It's like a sentence got left out or something.

  97. "Truth: your HTML skills must be at least one standard deviation off the angry AZNs', i.e. the other frequent customers here"

    My Bad;


  98. who will get cast as Jeantel when H'wood comes to do the Trayvon movie? Halle Berry?

    No, Yaphet Kotto.

  99. Harry Baldwin6/30/13, 7:34 PM

    Most often the women they bust are in their 40's and 50's. It's pretty hard to imagine a white hooker that age.

    My hedonistic sister-in-law is in her mid-50s and still making decent buck giving those "happy ending" massages Al Gore was looking for one lonely night. Yoga, diet, and a few face lifts have kept her in surprisingly good shape but I'm surprised she's managed to stay in business this long. My wife and I wonder if there's a mandatory retirement age in that line of work.

  100. "Nah. Watch any episode of Judge Judy.

    Or Springer, Povich, Montel. First 48, COPS, America's Most Wanted ..."

    Those are reality shows about the underclass and generally watched by the underclass.

    "who will get cast as Jeantel when H'wood comes to do the Trayvon movie? Halle Berry?"

    Berry is in her late 40s now, so she's a little too old for the role, but in 1995 she was cast as a crack addict in Losing Isaiah

  101. There's no shortage of stupid characters on TV, but the racial polarities are reversed. Well, sorta - yellows and Jews seem to be left out of the reversal.

    It's an endless stream of low iq morons of the sort that are never seen in the media and it's also the best show on television.

    Yep, great show. What's amazing to me is how little their supposed "street smarts" avail them; why haven't "I want a lawyer" and "I plead the fifth" entered the street code yet?

    I watch it if the baseball game gets boring, and to me its most noteworthy aspect is how easy these cops' jobs are.

    For me, the most noteworthy aspect so far has been Joe Schillaci. My God, what a drama queen/narcissist. That one Joe tribute episode was Godawful. Painful to watch. In fact, I don't know if it's the reality TV effect, or the producer selection effect, or something inherent to cops, but they all seem to have quite a messiah effect going. Guys, you're tax vampires, give it a rest already.

    And you're right about this bunch of fat-ass paper-pushers; keep in mind that the cases they're solving are the stone-cold whodunits, the ones available that make for the best TV.

  102. Anon Said:Zimmerman or Zapata, it wouldn't matter -- Latinos sympathize more with street thugs than with anyone patrolling the streets to keep an eye on the criminal element, especially when "profiling" is seen as being involved. That, and a volunteer community watchman in a single family home neighborhood is seen as a reasonable substitute effigy for Whitey, half-Peruvian or no.

    What world are you living in? I call BS, at least when speaking of the average Latino. In my experience, they tend to be indifferent towards current events. Fish rots from the head. Their political, academic, and cultural representatives are part of the hate Whitey coalition, but most Latinos aren't angry activists.

    The social pathologies of the Latino community aren't usually ideological. The drunk drivers, litterers, dropouts and other ne'er do wells we've been importing bare little resemblance to the race warriors you've described.

    -The Judean People's Front

  103. the most interesting aspect of this trial is there is no Hispanic support for Zimmerman. Is it his name? Suppose his mother was white and his father was Hispanic. Suppose his last name was Rodriguez.

    No, I think it's the "white Hispanic" thing, plus the fact that he was patrolling for crime. The media gave the Hispanics an out with the "white Hispanic" thing. In fact, I saw "white Hispanic" recently in a Florida paper and wondered if it might be there at the insistence of the local Hispanic community. I think they're laying back because they've disowned him, like he's an Hispanic version of an Oreo, even though he helps mentor black kids, helped a homeless black guy, votes Dem, etc.

    His name probably helps with the whitewashing, though. Probably all really comes down to the Hispanics being punks, or granted favors for looking the other way.

    NY city can stop and frisk 100,000s of innocent black NYers, but Zimmerman was wrong to tail a suspicious looking black guy for a few blocks and then defend himself from being beaten to death.

    Well said.

  104. That Esquire article is pretty interesting. Does make him out to be a Goetz type, at least, moreso than I'd seen so far. On the other hand, if someone assaulted you and tried to beat the crap out of you, would you find it unreasonable to think ill of him, even after you'd shot him in self-defense? He probably should've kept his mouth shut though, not being able to keep it to yourself in a police interview after the act bespeaks a Goetz-like attitude.

    I find it a bit curious that Zim supposedly says “these assholes, they always get away,” in the interview; those are his exact words to the 911 dispatcher. That's pretty odd. I think I'd like to see the transcript or video of that interview to confirm. It sounds like it could be a hostile edit by the author.

    This time, the officer seems genuinely taken aback. “He wasn’t a fucking punk,” he responds.

    Yes he was. Zim was working without much info, but in hindsight he was right. Trayvon was definitely a punk.

    In any case, I think the author's wrong. There's definitely reasonable doubt here, so Zim will be acquitted, unless the case takes a profound turn. Witness said he saw Trayvon on top of Zim doing a ground and pound.

    The author's paragraph about paranoia and addresses is just silly; Zim didn't want to be overheard, which makes perfect sense.

    The rest doesn't add up to much.

  105. the most interesting aspect of this trial is there is no Hispanic support for Zimmerman. Is it his name? Suppose his mother was white and his father was Hispanic. Suppose his last name was Rodriguez.

    One issue at a time. Right now, it's amnesty.

  106. Luis Theroux can be grating, but he also does some great documentaries -- he definitely skirts The Narrative.

    Why do I bring this up -- because of his Miami Megajail' piece. I got the same feeling watching that as I did watching Jeantel -- namely, I can't possibly be a member of the same species as Jeantel (or the majority of the inmates in Miami). I mean, the sample is obviously biased, these are prisoners. But the only really intelligible, and logical, conversations Theroux had were with two Hispanic inmates. One, a nearly all 'white Hispanic' is no doubt a bad guy --violent, criminal. But you can understand him, related to him. (At least I could). The second Hispanic looked mestizo, a good part white. And, frankly, like someone who might in a fit of rage kill and dismember his girlfriend. But again, you could follow his interview, he made sense.

    The discussions with the black inmates, no. Even when I could understand the words -- that wasn't a given -- I couldn't understand the thought processes.

  107. "Witness said he saw Trayvon on top of Zim doing a ground and pound."

    This is a lie, the witnesses said they were unsure as to who was on top of whom.

    "The discussions with the black inmates, no. Even when I could understand the words -- that wasn't a given -- I couldn't understand the thought processes."

    Are you sure this speaks of their intellect? Could it possibly speak of yours?

  108. I thing wrinkles are byproduct of Hollywood. When East European Jews got to California from fogy, cloudy, winter gloomy Galicia, they went wild and by sheer power of Hollywood ruined the whole generation of not only american white women. In Central Europe, not to mention North, doctors actually advised people to get tan. I thing it is or used to be an absolute anomaly compare to the rest of the world.

  109. The social pathologies of the Latino community aren't usually ideological. The drunk drivers, litterers, dropouts and other ne'er do wells we've been importing bare little resemblance to the race warriors you've described.

    See this all the time online, those non-barking dogs. Some long thread about immigration will garner almost no input from (self-declared) blacks and hispanics. White liberals have to step in and hold up their side of the argument for them. I suppose they think, anytime now, all these silent warriors will join in - they never do though.

  110. ScarletNumber said...

    @Anonymous 4:56 AM

    "I hate to break this to you, but cursive IS dying.

    "There have been a slew of articles on the subject.

    "Not everything is the MSM trying to construct a narrative."
    6/30/13, 1:46 PM

    No, only 90-plus percent.

    PM couldn’t even get our name right

    "'The letter was scrawled so quickly I could hardly even read it and some of the words were half-finished. It’s just disrespectful.'" [I'd say it's just an example of his handwriting, which is a disgrace!]

    How Handwriting Trains the Brain

    "Other research highlights the hand's unique relationship with the brain when it comes to composing thoughts and ideas. Virginia Berninger, a professor of educational psychology at the University of Washington, says handwriting differs from typing because it requires executing sequential strokes to form a letter, whereas keyboarding involves selecting a whole letter by touching a key."

    Why Does Writing Make Us Smarter?

    "A new study that compared the different brain processes used for writing by hand and typing has found that there are cognitive benefits to putting a pen to paper. These findings give support to the continued teaching of penmanship and handwriting in schools."

    Being able to express yourself in an elegant longhand style is also a class marker.

  111. seem to have read long before HBD that the best aging women nordic and celtic scottish also the older your parents the better

  112. Yeah, most middle -to upper class people have no notion what a low IQ really means. In actual life.
    Basically, a low IQ individual is totaly unable to function in a civilized society. He´s unable to old a coherent conversation about almost anything other than banalities. Abstract concepts are out of reach for such a person. They can barely read. They cannot operate any device more complex than a broom or a mop. Morality often puzzles them.So do contraceptives.
    It should be mandatory for Ivy League graduates to do social work in the ghetto for a year. The type of programs lefties are so fond of. No more cushy NGO´s or leisurely Peace Corps stints in Guatemala (barring the occasional rape we read about).Why seek out vibrancy abroad? It´s just downtown for you to experience. The ghetto or the Barrio: take your pick. You won´t be pushing papers, but doing dirty work such as cooking or changing diapers.
    Morons aren´t a different species, but having them around can challenge your idea of humanity.

  113. Hispanics don't seem to have the same compulsion to instantly defend "their own" that blacks do, do they?

    Hispanic is a bogus externally imposed category. Why should there be unity within it?

  114. I think hispanic (or latino) is a label without a huge amount of emotional pull for most hispanics, who are way more likely to think of themselves as Mexican or Puerto Rican or Cuban than as hispanic. If racial identity politics for whites weren't taboo, I imagine you'd see most whites with about that same level of identification with white causes, complete with self-appointed spokesmen who made a lot of noise about representing white interests, but had a hard time getting the attention of many white voters. Immigration is probably the only issue on which you can get a lot of hispanics interested, because so many are recent immigrants who have family and friends who are either here illegally or who might want to come here.

  115. "Witness said he saw Trayvon on top of Zim doing a ground and pound."

    This is a lie, the witnesses said they were unsure as to who was on top of whom.

    No, you're wrong. There was only one eyewitness, Mr. Good, and he was certain Trayvon was on top. He wasn't certain that it was Zimmerman yelling for help, although he believed it was.

  116. This is a lie, the witnesses said they were unsure as to who was on top of whom.

    John Good testified Trayvon was on top of Zim doing a ground and pound.

  117. "My hedonistic sister-in-law is in her mid-50s and still making decent buck giving those "happy ending" massages ...My wife and I wonder if there's a mandatory retirement age in that line of work."

    there's a reason for the lighting

  118. Dr Van Nostrand7/1/13, 11:22 AM

    See this all the time online, those non-barking dogs. Some long thread about immigration will garner almost no input from (self-declared) blacks and hispanics. White liberals have to step in and hold up their side of the argument for them. I suppose they think, anytime now, all these silent warriors will join in - they never do though."

    In my arguments on all liberal shibboleths be they race,religion or what have you, on any forum be it youtube,blogs,disqus comments of magazines,newspapers ,it is always the white liberals(I assume this includes liberal Jews) who are the most vicious,abusive and aggressive. Hispanics and blacks have somewhat half hearted approach and are considerably more reasonable and civilized when debating

  119. playing early tomorrow7/1/13, 11:54 AM

    Thanks to Truth for those pics of the four white killers of two black people in Joliet. I've never seen 4 pairs of stupider eyes. I'd have crossed the street if I'd gotten within 50 yds. of those kids.

  120. >Some long thread about immigration will garner almost no input from (self-declared) blacks and hispanics. White liberals have to step in and hold up their side of the argument for them.<

    It's all kind of a white thing. Slam the borders shut and a few NAMs will holler for a week or so, then will simply accept the new reality. It's the lawyers, the activi$ts, and the crazy liberals who keep the thing going, all funded by the cheap-labor lobby, aka korporate Amerika. The average Chola just takes whatever's on offer.

  121. "ben tillman said...

    ""Witness said he saw Trayvon on top of Zim doing a ground and pound.""

    No, you're wrong. There was only one eyewitness, Mr. Good, and he was certain Trayvon was on top. He wasn't certain that it was Zimmerman yelling for help, although he believed it was."

    "Truth" may not know up from down, but he certainly knows black from white.

  122. The discussions with the black inmates, no. Even when I could understand the words -- that wasn't a given -- I couldn't understand the thought processes.

    I used to pride myself on my ability to get along well with the lower working class/welfare class/quasi-criminal class. So although I'd heard plenty of horror stories from relatives in Detroit, I figured I'd be able to do the same with blacks when I came to America. I gave up trying to have conversations with blacks in less than two weeks. It's certainly not impossible, but I figure you've got to pick your spots or the frustration will beat you.

    Theroux's doco on cops in Philly was pretty good too. He leaves you to draw your own conclusions but the material is there.

  123. Outright retardation--like bisexuality and homosexuality, along with pedophilia--are more common amongst blacks than any other category of human being on earth.

  124. Sexuality isn't retardation, but prudery and cretinism are.


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