July 13, 2013

Zimmerman-Trayvon, from the files

I blogged on June 12, 2012:
George Zimmerman, Wrecker 
From the Chicago Tribune: 
New records released by prosecutors in the George Zimmerman murder case show federal civil rights investigators interviewed dozens of his friends, neighbors and coworkers, but found no one who said Zimmerman was a racist. 
And if they had? 
This whole brouhaha is basically the equivalent of a 1930s Stalinist show trial of "wreckers." The Five Year Plan not going as planned? Find some engineers to be blamed for throwing wrenches in their turbines out of spite. Blacks still shooting each other in large numbers? Find a Great White Defendant to play the symbolic role of Racist Wrecker. Of course, the whole thing rapidly turned into a fiasco with the GWD turning out to look like a cross between Barack Obama and Hugo Chavez, and the victim of profiling turning out to have a history of burglary. ... 
To step back: I've got to figure that, in contrast, the next time the gay lobby decides to go all in on some killing of a gay, they'll make sure to get their ducks in a row better than the black lobby did on Trayvon. And if the story still turns out to be a fiasco, the gays will be able to use their media power to massage The Narrative. Blacks still have a ton of symbolic clout, but they don't have a lot of competent people in positions of power to suavely manage the storyline, so things tend to unravel on them like this. No wonder nice white people are slowly switching from blacks to gays as their Most Favored Oppressed Minority. We live in an era that values skillful marketing above just about anything else, and blacks, while they have moments of genius, generally don't execute as well as gays.

The Oberlin case was, of course, a subsequent fiasco involving mostly blacks. Did the gay lobby go all in on Marco McMillian "the openly gay Mississippi mayoral candidate who was murdered"? That was another fiasco, but I think the big time gay lobby had the good sense not to fully commit to that rough trade killing and instead left it to blacks and the more Pavlovian haters of Southern whites to look like fools over that. 
December 1, 2012 
Quiz: Can you pick out the "white Hispanic" amidst all the Hispanic Hispanics? 
With immigration reform and Puerto Rican statehood much in the news as Republicans ponder how to leave behind their image as racist white men, I thought I'd go through my recent posts to find Hispanic experts in the media who have their finger on the pulse of What Hispanics Want, who know deep in their Latino bones how the masses of la raza feel. It's time for white people to stop ignoring Hispanics just because they look different and lack White Privilege! Fortunately, the press assiduously brings to our attention these fresh new voices with their fresh new kind of face. A gallery:


  1. "White Supremacy Acquits George Zimmerman"


    "A jury has found George Zimmerman not guilty of all charges in connection to death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. But while the verdict came as a surprise to some people, it makes perfect sense to others. This verdict is a crystal-clear illustration of the way white supremacy operates in America."

  2. http://nicholasstixuncensored.blogspot.com/2013/07/denmark-somali-stranger-calls-out-to.html

    Blacks act like this cuz white men have control of their women and because blacks in Europe--the very homeland of whites--know that white males are wussies who won't even defend their women.

  3. The beauty of this case is that white support for Zimmerman has been tremendous and very, very clear, from all of George's friends who contributed to his cause, and his neighbors who spoke up on his behalf. Self-appointed Hispanic leaders have led the charge against Zimmerman all the way. I've got to think that this will get Hispanics thinking that their co-ethnic "leaders" are a bunch of Judases who should be strung up. This whole courtroom ordeal should be wonderful for ethnic relations. Between whites and Hispanics, that is. While souring relations between blacks and Hispanics.

  4. Meanwhile, the Arizona case in which an unarmed, mentally-handicapped Hispanic man was shot and killed by a black man who had almost run him over is about to go to trial. Unlike Zimmerman, the accused in the AZ case was allowed out on bail. That will probably not be a plus for black and Hispanic ethnic relations.

  5. "We are outraged and heartbroken over today’s verdict," said Ben Jealous, president and CEO of the NAACP. "We stand with Trayvon’s family and we are called to act."

    The NAACP still exists? I thought they lost their relevance right about the time we stopped calling them colored people.

  6. If there had been evidence of racism on Zimmerman's part, it would have been easier to make the argument that he shot due to ill-will, spite, or hatred. In criminal proceedings, motivations count. So I don't think the Stalinist analogy works.

  7. Does Z now regret having voted for Obama? This'll become another race legend alongside that of Saint Emmett Till. Meanwhile, back to reality, more nightly shootings, more homicides by all the hoodie-wearing ghetto rats out there who ruin other people's lives, it all just keeps going; but please don't profile, that's the greatest sin of all.

  8. And if they had?

    Precisely. Can't defend yourself if you're raciss.

    (I wonder if the courts might hold that being a racist who defends himself might be a bridge too far in terms of rights; you have the right to free speech (and thought), you have the right to bear arms and defend yourself, but you don't have the right to speak crimethink and then defend yourself.)

    As always, these things depend on juries, but Zim would have definitely had to take the stand and defend himself if he had, say my posting history. 'Course, my posting history, at least, would have kept me in the truck. So, can we say - with considerable irony - that it was Zim's anti-racism that landed him in court on second-degree murder? Would he have gotten out of that truck with my posting history? And if not, can we also say - with even-more-considerable irony - that Martin would be alive today if George Zimmerman had been a racist?

    This verdict is a crystal-clear illustration of the way white supremacy operates in America.

    White supremacy = no blacks to intimidate the white women into hanging an innocent man. White supremacy = all that boring, white-bread stuff like rule of law, impartial juries, and blind justice.

    Blacks act like this cuz white men have control of their women and because blacks in Europe--the very homeland of whites--know that white males are wussies who won't even defend their women.

    The more consistent answer is that just like the skinnies know better to pick a fight with Delta, so do the poor bastards back in Denmark; both groups are held hostage to the white lib elite's monopoly on political power, and therefore control of military power. Who's a bigger threat to the psychotic elite?

  9. Zimmerman, the new Jeremiah Johnson.

    Get outta town, baby; they's coming for ya.

    I'll betcha some rapper has already written a song in praise of the man in the Hoodie who'll gun him down.

  10. No wonder nice white people are slowly switching from blacks to gays as their Most Favored Oppressed Minority.

    Right. And gays don't attempt a lot of homicides. They aren't the ones gunning down victims in the streets. Thus, nice white people can sympathize even empathize to some extent with them.
    And for the most part, truth be told, most gays are white.
    Funny about gays. They're now the one (mostly) white based group that its okay to be sympathetic toward and portrayed in a positive light since they're "victims".

  11. A list of celeb tweets about this. The only one supporting the verdict is Donald Trump:

    "Zimmerman is no angel but the lack of evidence and the concept of self-defense, especially in Florida law, gave the jury little other choice"

    Lena Dunham made sure to mention Rachel Jeantel positively.

  12. Zimms is not white nor in Brazil, LOL

  13. Funny about gays. They're now the one (mostly) white based group that its okay to be sympathetic toward and portrayed in a positive light since they're "victims".

    With the added bonus that they don't have children, so they help to ensure that the White Race will go extinct all the more rapidly.



  14. Right. And gays don't attempt a lot of homicides. They aren't the ones gunning down victims in the streets.

    Homosexuals seem a lot more prone to homicide than whites, if not blacks. They do seem gun-averse, though; they butcher one another with knives or bludgeon one another with household implements instead. They like painting the walls red. Makes sense that they turn violent a lot more often than heteros; two male temperaments, instead of just one. Yang vs. Yang.

    And for the most part, truth be told, most gays are white.

    There are a lot of black homos, but not so much the nice SWPL kind that SWPLs prefer. And there seem to be a lot of Hispanic homos, too. Just watch the episodes of The First 48 set in Miami for the aforementioned butchering and bludgeoning.

  15. As always, these things depend on juries, but Zim would have definitely had to take the stand and defend himself if he had, say my posting history. 'Course, my posting history, at least, would have kept me in the truck. So, can we say - with considerable irony - that it was Zim's anti-racism that landed him in court on second-degree murder? Would he have gotten out of that truck with my posting history? And if not, can we also say - with even-more-considerable irony - that Martin would be alive today if George Zimmerman had been a racist?

    This is one of the two best posts that I have seen about what probably ACTUALLY happened that night.

    [Remember that GZ is 1/8th black himself, and fully 1/2 hispanic, so it's entirely possible that "race realist" thoughts never even crossed his mind.]

    The other absolutely sterling post - about what probably ACTUALLY happened that night - was from the chick who posited that homosexual pedophilia is probably so rampant in the black community that Trayvon [vis-a-vis his life's experiences] had a very real reason to suspect that he was being followed by at least a homosexual ephebophile [if not an outright pedophile].

  16. What the heck was up with Geraldo last night? I haven't seem him this happy since "we" got "Osama." That night featured the great moment when his own producer told him to take the giddiness down a notch.

  17. What the heck was up with Geraldo last night? I haven't seem him this happy since "we" got "Osama." That night featured the great moment when his own producer told him to take the giddiness down a notch.

    Dunno. I missed both, unfortunately. But Geraldo is a "white Hispanic" who could easily be mistaken for Jewish, too.

  18. 'An intelligent, self-interested observer of this case, who happens to live in Florida, would not be wrong to do as George Zimmerman did--buy a gun, master the finer points of Florida self-defense law and then wait.

    "The legal lesson for Floridians: in any altercation, however minor, the easiest way to avoid criminal liability is to kill the counterparty."

    I am sure we will be hearing versions of this sentiment a lot, as the energy behind the martyrdom of Junior Skittles is relocated into changing Florida's self-defense laws. It sounds vaguely intelligent, since it allows you to use fancypants words like incentives.

    But it makes no sense. Is anyone actually eager to get into an altercation with the understanding that "hey, if shit goes wrong I can always shoot him! Sure, I will go through an insane legal process and have my name destroyed in the press, but I will get off! WOOHOO lets do it!"

    Any self-defense law is going to be tested by crazy shit in a country of 300 million people, but I don't see how stand your ground encourages any aggression or vigilantism or whatever. Most people wish to avoid fights and costly legal trials and, yes, killing people.

  19. Speaking of Zim taking the stand, sounds like his defense team thought keeping him off the stand, and letting the rest of the case stand on its merits, was the safest bet. They were probably seeing the same odds I, and others here, saw. Speaking of odds, does anyone know what Vegas had to say, leading up to the verdict?

  20. Well, the Hispanic spokesmen have started to come out of the woodwork to condemn the verdict. Not surprising that the Black spokesmen do so, but it says something that the Hispanic spokesmen are willing to do so in support of the Narrative. Guess they have more to gain through that than they do to letting a few stray Hispanics Who Notice Things fall through the cracks:


    They actually try to draw similarities between this acquittal and the acquittal of Casey Anthony

  21. How pathological racial egalitarianism helped George Zimmerman: If the prosecution had made a realistic case, instead of taking the academic/media priesthood's unreflective, "He just straight murdered him solely because he was black" line, they could have gotten Zimmerman on manslaughter, and it would have been a valid and deserving verdict.

    Race realism could have helped the blacktivists win, or win something. Steve Sailer would have been a more effective prosecutor in this case.

  22. even if he 'won' the bar was lowered - if he was white and wrote steve sailer like articles he would be GUILTY.
    even 'conservatives' who defended him unconsciously adapted the neomarxist color argument. Zimmerman was NOT white, (therefore) he did not act maliciously

  23. Last night, immediately after the verdict, my brother told me to be careful for the next couple of days (because we have a lot of blacks around here).

    I responded that I wasn't worried about violence from them; I don't expect they will venture much from venting on twitter I said. The most upset people, I told him, seemed to be liberal whites.

    So, lol, when I woke up this morning and saw that the vandalism being caused thus far was from some Lefty whites out in California!

    This is a very different case, not to mention time, from the Rodney King beating, but because the motivations of the liberals are so cynical, I don't believe they can appreciate the differences. Sadly, I see some conservatives being just as bad, relishing the idea of blacks-going-wild to "expose" them.

  24. Svigor begs the question. Why is political power held by libs and why do White women support them?

    Women plus gays plus non Whites equals elites greater than ordinary White guys. Womens interests fundamentally different and hostile and mutually exclusive to Whites. It was a miracle and raw actof courage by jury. But fundamentally women on the otherside of the equation.

    Whiskey on nook

  25. Just a humorous if unsurprising FYI, I used to live in Monterey. And every day on the way to work I would drive by a tony private school called York School, very near Laguna Seca Raceway on Hwy 68. I would think to myself, Lucky kids. At any rate, that's where NAACP Pres Ben Jealous went to school. O', the trials, travails and trayvons of the black man in Amerikkka today.

  26. saw that the vandalism being caused thus far was from some Lefty whites out in California!

    i would not be surprised if the left were to try to incite riots- they made HUGE gains from the black riots in teh 60s and the la riots...

  27. Its weird, most Blacks and Hispanics and Asians sided with Martin against Zimmerman, if Zimmerman shot a white guy it might be different how people viewed the case. This is probably why Obama won bigger with minorities since they tend to see blacks as victims as well as their other reasons.

  28. This trial shows why the Republicans willl not get the Hispanic vote since Whites usually think Zimmerman is railroad while Minorities think he went after a black kid and killed him. For example, an ethnic group that is usually to the right of hispanics, the Vietamese younger generation by a post by a Nyugen girl supported Martin. In fact the Republicans half lost their support among Cubans and Vietnamese among the minorities that use to vote for them since they were anti-commie but the second and third generation is less anti-commie.

  29. On twitter, latinos were pro-zim, but never alluded to tribal reasons. Almost every pro-zim black person seemed to have latino ancestry going by name. I don't think latino-on-the-street perspectives were sought out by any media.

  30. "Svigor said...

    And if not, can we also say - with even-more-considerable irony - that Martin would be alive today if George Zimmerman had been a racist?"

    That's a good point. If Zimmerman had been a regular iSteve or Amren reader, that little Andy-Hardy-like Eagle Scout, Trayvon, might be alive today.

  31. >manslaughter, and it would have been a valid and deserving verdict<

    No, it wouldn't be. Asking an unfamiliar person in your neighborhood who he is, is lawful, and stopping an in-progress attempted homicide of yourself isn't negligence et al.

    Zimmerman was completely innocent of crime. All his actions were legal. Getting out of the truck and starting a conversation (instead of cowering) was not crazy but brave and civil-minded. (Inadvisable in today's multicult but honorable.)

  32. So, lol, when I woke up this morning and saw that the vandalism being caused thus far was from some Lefty whites out in California!
    They did that a year ago in Anaheim when the Occupy Wall Street took up with the Brown Beret but most of the vandalism was done by Mexican gangs over a cop shooting a mexican gang banger. The white left in California are basically cowards and would not start anything without support by blacks or Hispanics as shown in Anahiem.

  33. "Dahlia said...

    Last night, immediately after the verdict, my brother told me to be careful for the next couple of days (because we have a lot of blacks around here).

    I responded that I wasn't worried about violence from them; I don't expect they will venture much from venting on twitter I said. The most upset people, I told him, seemed to be liberal whites."

    The damped response might be because the verdict was announced on a Saturday evening, when all the little Trayvons of the world were out scrounging up their blunts and purple-drank. It is still quite possible that there will be an uptick in Knockout King and Polar Bear Hunting incidents. White people should beware.

  34. Anonymous 1 said:

    Svigor begs the question. Why is political power held by libs and why do White women support them?

    Then anonymous 2 said:

    i would not be surprised if the left were to try to incite riots- they made HUGE gains from the black riots in teh 60s and the la riots...

    I'm sorry 1, you were asking me something?

    Cart, then horse. Why are all the powerful people liberals? Because it serves their interests, of course.


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