![]() |
Charles Garcia Author of "Why 'Illegal Immigrant' Is a Slur" for CNN, and CEO of Garcia Trujillo, a consultancy for marketing to Hispanics |
Cat del Valle Castellanos Writer and daughter of GOP Hispanic strategist Alex Castellanos |
Jorge Ramos Univision anchorman and crusader for amnesty |
Xochitl Hinojosa Obama Dept. of Justice Civil Rights Division Aztec warrior princess / spokesmodel "Xochitl and Scarlett were roommates in college. Scarlett was Xochitl's big sister in Alpha Sigma Alpha. They have shared so many good memories of Spring Break, boys, sorority life, and drinking wine in Napa Valley, and look forward to the many more memories to come!" |
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) |
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) |
David Royston Patterson Author of "Will Puerto Rico Be America's 51st State?" |
Luis Munoz Rivera Puerto Rican statesman and Patterson's grandmother's cousin's father |
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Joshua Treviño GOP activist |
Jorge G. Castaneda Former Mexican Foreign Secretary, NYU Prof |
Sen. Bob Menendez (D-DR) Because underpaying Dominicans for "jobs Americans just won't do" is Good for the Economy |
Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) |
White Hispanic |
1 – 200 of 210 Newer› Newest»This is brilliant. It should go viral.
Frig'n WHITE PEOPLE, am I right Steve?
NIce one, Steve. A post after my own devious heart.
We will have to excommunicate you if you keep on being a thorn in our side.
Game, set, match.
There is no last name for the last white guy. What makes him "Hispanic"? Probably dubious family lore like Senator Warren.
Patterson is my favorite.
Jorge Ramos looks like Anderson Cooper's long lost twin brother.
The English blogger Sarah Maid of Albion put up a similar post in May, at the height of the Trayvon hysteria:
For those who have been locked in their mother's basements for the last year, the last one is George Zimmerman, the "white Hispanic" who shot a black kid who was prowling around his gated community in Florida. The media had orgasms of joy for a few days because they thought they had found the Great White Defendant - an evil racist white man who had slain an innocent black youth. A lot of the fun went out of the story when they found out that Zimmerman's mother was from Peru and maybe even had some African blood herself, but by then Zimmerman had already been indicted and it was too late to back away.
"It should go viral."
But it won't.
Doesn't this demonstrate the importance of genes rather than mere outward physical appearance? Michael Jackson didn't cease being black because he bleached his skin.
This is why I am strongly opposed to hispanic immigration - we already have enough white people.
You give up too easily. Take all of these images and embed them in one big image with a snappy tagline at the bottom. Ask Heartiste to help spread it.
heh! (^_^)
But it won't.
Must be frustrating in being one of the very few that can think straight.
Steve, you're focusing too much on skin tone. Take Garcia. Notice that his dress shirt is a point collar, not button-down? If he were truly Anglo, it would be a button-down. Among whites, only plaintiff-side trial lawyers wear point collars. I've actually tried lobbying LL Bean to get away from 100% button-downs, but so far they're ignoring me.
A clear fraud, perpetrated in the light of day to roars of laughter from its originators.
Look at Charles Patrick Garcia. The man makes John Adams look mestizo by comparison.
Looking at these pictures has inspired me. I'm going to rifle through my genealogical records for any trace of Spanish or Portuguese ancestry. Not possessing a conscience or any sense of shame, I, too, would like to become a Great Hispanic Spokesman.
Chavez definitely looks Hispanic. Cruz also looks Hispanic, just not to quite the same extent. I might have suspected that Diaz-Balart and Menendez (if I didn't recognize the latter from the picture) are Hispanic, though I wouldn't have been sure.
There's not a snowball's chance in hell that I ever would have thought that Garcia, Castellanos, Ramos or Patterson (!) are Hispanic.
All Hispanics are equally Hispanic, but some Hispanics are more equally Hispanic than others.
Obvious reference.
Okay, but if somebody posted this on, say, Reddit, how many would get the joke?
Here is the dumbest damned thing you'll ever read about interracial relationships in a MSM publication...
"According to Pew, couples who marry out tend to be slightly wealthier and more educated than ones who marry in."
Um no... that's not what they said at all... and the type of interracial relationship matters.
Doesn't matter... all Hispanics (white or otherwise) support amnesty for illegal aliens and unlimited immigration. One may argue that they are just as brown as George Zimmerman on the inside.
If you want Steve's stuff to go viral, follow Steve on Twitter and retweet his tweets that link to posts like this one. Right now, the tweet that links to this has been retweeted twice, even though probably 200 of us have read this post already.
You're right. You keep getting funnier.
Okay, but if somebody posted this on, say, Reddit, how many would get the joke?
Joke? You don't want it to be seen as a joke. You want a firestorm of indignant outrage. Yes, outrage!!
Because along with that wave of outrage a teeny, tiny little voice will start to whisper inside the white people. The voice that tells them what they already know, but fight so so hard to never face.
David Royston Patterson is easily the whitest of the group, he possesses no Hispanic surname and looks north-west Euro.
I would say Linda Chavez, Luis Munoz Rivera, and George Zimmerman are the ones that stand out as having some non-white admixture. Though with Chavez and Rivera their looks would not be overly atypical for the Iberian peninsula.
add Eric Garcetti future mayor of LA another white hispanic
Oh, the unbearable whiteness of Zimmerman!
Don't forget Matty Yglesias!
'Inexperienced operative' in India blamed for meltdown that wiped £1.7bn off bank shares
"The ‘inexperienced operative’ erased a massive swathe of information during a routine software upgrade for the Royal Bank of Scotland and its subsidiaries NatWest and Ulster Bank, according to reports.
The worker was understood to have been part of a team recruited in Hyderabad after the bank laid off more than 20,000 UK staff and outsourced work abroad.
Shares slumped 9.1 per cent
the computer operator was carrying out an upgrade to the CA-7 software banks
As he checked the update, he accidentally erased a mass of data
Millions of payments, including wages, disappeared from accounts leaving customers unable to withdraw cash, check their balance or settle bills."
posted this on, say, Reddit
Make it into a meme. You need to think of a caption to put on the picture.
With regards to Castellanos, in the immortal words of Bill Clinton, "I'd hit that."
I've got an Uncle Luis. Can I be hispanic, please?
It seems some there are plenty of whites out there who have already gotten the memo- to break AA, we all need to claim we have an African-American, (or White Euro Native American slaughtering Spaniard) in the woodpile somewhere.
Is Garcetti an Italian or Spanish name? Wikipedia says his father Gil, the D.A. who lost the OJ case, was Mexican and Italian.
The first picture of Eric Garcetti on Google makes him look like Don Draper picked him out to be the Arrow Shirt Man in 1960:
To the anonymous poster who wrote:
This is why I am strongly opposed to hispanic immigration - we already have enough white people.
Haha, brilliant.
Only the last one pictured is white because he did something naughty to Obama's son.
Mr. Sailer,
I stumbled across your blog several years ago and read it semi-regularly.
I read it because you still write things that are true.
I know for a fact that the multicultural left wing is using techniques that include computer hacking, (at best this might be called "machine manipulation") of social media to dominate the 21st century American discourse.
The single most important thing the Republican/Libertarian party could do is get together a group of extremely savvy computer professionals, and take the battle to the left on Reddit, Twitter, Facebook etc.
Republicans must embrace the grassroots enthusiasm and technical savvy of the Libertarian/Ron Paul movement.
Another way, and perhaps the BEST WAY to look at this is that we need the CATO foundation to pony up some capital for a "libertarian/conservative" HASBARA effort in the USA to shape public opinion and create the appearance of consensus on the Internet regarding our issues.
The libertarian/paleo-conservative alliance needs to get computer smart.
I would really like it if you could address the technology gap between the left and conservatives who are so out gunned they don't even know they are losing a war.
This is my first post after reading for here for years, and it is the most important thing that could be done to further our collective interests.
STEVE!!!! WTF?!?! Why didn't your favorite Aztec warrior princess make it onto the list? Where's Xochitl Hinojosa?!
Steve, if you want to put this bread on the water and hope for virulence, try a graphic as follows:
Below that, put the words HERE IS AN EVIL OLD WHITE MAN
... followed by the Zimmerman pic w/ the caption "George Zimmerman, WHITE".
Immediately below that, put the words YOUNG HISPANIC HEROES
... followed by the other pics (minus the Rivera pic; an old-timey pic is confusing), w/ brief descriptive captions like the Zimmerman caption. Stick to just three or four of the more ridiculously white-looking people (like Garcia, Castellanos, Patterson).
Maybe that doesn't represent the nuances of your position perfectly, but get around that by including a link to this post.
The popular conception in Los Angeles is that the Garcetti's are part Mexican and that Tony V. is pond scum. Most Mexican-Americans see V for what he is.
Back to the post. You can never visually peg Hispanic genotypes. Zimmerman reminds me of a guy I knew who we called Chuy when I was younger. He was darker than me, had more "Mexican" features than me, but he was half White. You can never tell. This works in reverse because I've known some very White-looking Hispanics who acted way more Mexican then me.
I wonder if Hispanics aren't the ultimate test of nature vs nurture.
Including this one would lift it into the realm of zany
Is Garcetti an Italian or Spanish name?
Italian. One way to tell Italian from Spanish is that Spanish has plurals in -s, while Italian has plurals in -i (sometimes -e).
Everything's better with more Wachital. (It's Hunsdon's take on Steve's Khaddiffi riff.) Steve, you can post as many pictures of Hoochitul as you like, you can't scare us off!
Here's a better picture of Xochitl Hinojosa (with her ubiquitous glass of wine.
Zimmerman is definitely mestizo. His mom is probably close to 100% Amerindian.
In more recent pictures, you can see that Zimmerman is also part black. He looks a little bit like President Obama.
I like the photo of Xochitl that Steve used better.
BTW, what's the deal with David Royston Patterson's hair? Did he just wake up, or is that some kind of style?
3 Retweets so far. Heck of a job, iStevers.
"Don't forget Matty Yglesias!"
Exactly right. This has long been my favorite picture of (to help with the caption) "Slate's business and economics correspondent".
If you are a white hispanic, aren't you just white? We don't say white German or white Romanian, etc..
WOW! Man do these people have a lot of nerve calling themselves "hispanic". Amazing they can do it and keep a straight face. And I thought 7/8ths white Jessica Alba was bad.
If George Zimmerman had invented a cure for cancer, how many people in the liberal mainstream media would be describing his race as WHITE ?
I doubt it very much. Most likely he would be described as a Peruvian American or Hispanic American if he invented something that benefited Humanity in a positive way. There would be absolutely ZERO mention of him being White by the press.
Probably it's just my own bad memory for faces, but whenever I see Cruz--even if it's a cover story for National Review or Commentary--I invariably wonder at first, "Why are they writing about that character from George Lopez's old sitcom
Steve, a photo of open borders advocate and neo-con warmongerer Josh Treviño might be appropriate as well.
There's also NY Times columnist Eduardo Porter.
When I first saw that pic of the David Royston Patterson dude, I wondered if you were putting this parody together with Gavin Mcinnes.
The Garcetti tribe are Mexican the way I'm a Chippewa-Cape Verdean mix... And I've been told in my youth I had some passing resemblance to the late Robert Urich, who always played generic white guys (notably for that show based on "The Faerie Queene")
Rather than retweet things to ourselves let's start up a whitehouse.gov petition to get Rita Hayworth or Isabella I on a postage stamp in time for Hispanic Heritage Month
Btw never realized Linda Chavez looks a lot like Alex Borstein (Family Guy)... same sheepish grin too
Charles Garcia looks like he could be one of the Romney clan, ready to send some jobs to China at the drop of a sombrero.
Doesn't Cat look like a younger, more attractive Ellen DeGeneres?
Rivera's a bit like a thinner Grover Cleveland
If you wanted to include some barely-influential professional Hispanics in that, you could augment the funny with pictures of Brian Sandoval and Kathryn Jean Lopez (the "y" there sort of undoes it, yes.)
Leading Hispanic comic Louis CK is also sort of a pundit.
Doesn't Cat look like a younger, more attractive Ellen DeGeneres?
Anne Heche was once a a younger, more attractive Ellen DeGeneres.
Okay, but if somebody posted this on, say, Reddit, how many would get the joke?
To maximize viral effect, you might want your link "White Hispanic" under Zimmerman to go to a google search of zimmerman + "white hispanic" and not your post, which is kind of tangential if skimmed
Xochitl reminds me of my own relatives, only paler.
Can I be a black civil rights leader ? I am at least *trying* to pass as a member of an aggrieved race.
Here's a picture of Z's black great-grandfather:
Doesn't matter... all Hispanics (white or otherwise) support amnesty for illegal aliens and unlimited immigration.
Hardly. Half of Hispanic citizens oppose amnesty, and virtually none support unlimited immigration. Why in the hell would they want an unlimited number of Nigerians and Indians moving to this country? They wouldn't, and they don't.
I assume you have seen the membership of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus?
Not to mention Ileana Ros-Lehtinen?
And the hits just keep on coming.
Mario Diaz-Balart and Brian Sandoval are in a distinctive category: while you wouldn't necessarily think they were Hispanic if you saw uncaptioned pictures of them and didn't recognize them, you wouldn't be particularly surprised if you then were told they actually were Hispanic. Once you knew about it you'd be able to see their "Hispanic-ness."
Xochitl Hinojosa is "So-chill Ee-no-hoe-sa" for the confused.
Garcia looks like a cross between Chris Hansen and John Tesh. And while we're at it Luis Gutierrez looks just like Cheech Marin.
If you were to do an anonymous survey of 1000 Mexican-American households to ascertain their race, 990 would tell you they where white. If you were to collect 1000 college admissions or job applications, 1000 would tell you they are Hispanic.
Are there any black hispanic leaders?
I've got an Uncle Luis. Can I be hispanic, please?
The Pew Hispanic Center says, "Si, se puede."
Italian. One way to tell Italian from Spanish is that Spanish has plurals in -s, while Italian has plurals in -i (sometimes -e).
Also the double "t" says it's Italian. You don't get that in Spanish.
Steve, ad Alicia Menendez to the list.
If George Zimmerman's claim to fame was a nomination for the Nobel Prize do you think the media be so eager to label him a White Hispanic?
Neither do I.
I look at all these white faces on these "hispanics" and wonder how any brown skinned person (I.E. a REAL hispanic) could possibly identify with them or consider them to be "one of us".
The best way to destroy this "Hispanic as a separate race" nonsense is for all people of Latin descent, including Romanians, Portuguese, French, and Italians, to declare themselves Latinos and Latinas as well. Something tells me it would upset all these "persons of color", and would be the last straw for affirmative action for Hispanics/Latinos.
Hey Steve, don't forget that wise latina, Charo. She's done more to raise the profile of Hispanics in America than all these clowns combined. Coochi, coochi!
"Another way, and perhaps the BEST WAY to look at this is that we need the CATO foundation to pony up some capital for a "libertarian/conservative" HASBARA effort in the USA to shape public opinion and create the appearance of consensus on the Internet regarding our issues.
The libertarian/paleo-conservative alliance needs to get computer smart.
I would really like it if you could address the technology gap between the left and conservatives who are so out gunned they don't even know they are losing a war.
This is my first post after reading for here for years, and it is the most important thing that could be done to further our collective interests.
12/1/12 4:50 PM"
Good point ... you should post here again...
The public is starting to see through the B.S. judging from the comments I read on Yahoo and other MSM sites that don't agressively monitor their comments section...but more could be done.
Even though I do not approve of the tactics you speak of ... and wonder how effective they are...sometimes you have to fight fire with fire
Leading Hispanic comic Louis CK is also sort of a pundit.
Believe he's of Hungarian heritage. CK is a rough approximation of the pronunciation of the common Hungarian surname Szekely.
But your name reminds me, what about the ultimate professional Hispanic, Gerlado Rivera
"It should go viral."
But it won't.
Viral is as viral does: you have to put it on YouTube for it to have a chance, Steve....and give it a title that gives it a chance.
"The single most important thing the Republican/Libertarian party could do is get together a group of extremely savvy computer professionals, and take the battle to the left on Reddit, Twitter, Facebook etc."'
You're right.
The second most important thing they could do is encourage, back, whatever, pop culture observers like Greg Gutfeld and Adam Corolla and others who are funny and attack the lunacy of pc.
What they are doing with Hispanics in the entertainment industry and mainstream news media (redundancy alert) is trying to convince us that Hispanics really are, or will be any day now, Whites. You see it all the time in commercials especially. There will be a family where the husband and wife look like Amerindian Hispanics, but their kids look like Wally and the Beav. Conversely I've seen the husband and wife look like Aryan Whites while the kids look like Los Angeles barrio rats. We're all the same you see. Pay no attention to color or any other physical features. Contrary to your experience, they mean nothing. Ha ha.
Another ploy is to show a Hispanic kid in elementary school who looks like a half-indian Mexican. The kid uses the advertised product to learn or eat healthy or whatever, and at the end of the commercial we see the kid several years later graduating from high school/college all because of the miraculous product and suddenly, magically the kid is now a fully-grown, good looking White with her/his proud Amerindian parents looking on happily. "Our child is now a White American! Yay!" This is NOT to convince Hispanics to assimilate. They can't do that in any case. The purpose is to lie to Whites and make the subliminal suggestion that the flood of hostile, third-world savages is no big deal because, they are all really just Whites you see. Nothing to be afraid of here.
The most insidious lie told by these race traitors is that the color differences are only skin deep. The biggest differences between the races have NOTHING AT ALL to do with the different skin tones. The race differences run extremely deep; intelligence and character and emotional responses are significantly different between the races. I've been around a LOT of Blacks and Hispanics in my life, and most of them are pretty dim bulbs. They also tend to have the impulse control of enraged badgers. Asians are natural collectivists who are rigid conformists (that is naturally evil Democrats).
Hey but Steve, you have to go back into the archives; once it was revealed that Zimmerman had killed a young black male, your readers started loving him like his name was Leif Von Magnusson.
"In more recent pictures, you can see that Zimmerman is also part black. He looks a little bit like President Obama."
I'd say, roughly as much as Ichiro Suzuki does.
"The second most important thing they could do is encourage, back, whatever, pop culture observers like Greg Gutfeld and Adam Corolla and others who are funny and attack the lunacy of pc."
And Mike Judge, of course. I hadn't seen this episode of the King of the Hill until recently, but it's somewhat relevant to this and the whole Elizabeth Warren thing.
If you have Netflix, you can stream it. Watch the scene at 8:15. The mostly white guys running the Indian gaming racket show up to help John Redcorn open a casino.
"ben tillman said...
Here's a picture of Z's black great-grandfather:"
Oh yeah, a dude holding a baby is Zimmerman's "black great-grandfather"; we know it's true, a lawyer defending a man awaiting a felony trial said so.
Hey but Steve, you have to go back into the archives; once it was revealed that Zimmerman had killed a young black male, your readers started loving him like his name was Leif Von Magnusson.
No, it was more just self-defense.
Whites were found collectively guilty of Trayvon's death. But there were three enormous problems with this finding:
1. Collective guilt is bullshit.
2. Zimmerman isn't White.
3. Zimmerman probably isn't guilty.
Along with Roy Patterson, you also have "Marcus Burke" director of Hispanic Society of America.
Where's that Oil of Olay chick?She looked real wholesome.
I think Jessica disavowed her Hispanicness or whatever. I couldn't care less- was never attracted to her as I don't go for that pre pubescent look.
If one was prone to conspiracy theories, one would think these Euro Hispanics in U.S were the handmaidens or (very photogenic) hobgoblins of their cousins back South so as to fulfill their duty of unburdening their homelands of unsightly and troublesome indios. And make Mexico, Guatamela, Dominican Republic and what have u more white and provide employment for those "hispanics" so that u don't have to go thru the trouble of reforming your neo latifundia type "economies"....Nah that's just crazy talk.
Xochitl looks like it pronounced by clearing your throat, poor girl.
Clearly the millions and millions of border jumpers from Latin America are overwhelming non-white. Now, anywhere else in the world if a distinct population group (white hispanics) were in power and an oppressed group (hispanic hispanics) were fleeing en masse, the US would lead the way at the UN in calling that 'ethnic cleansing' and we'd promptly establish embargoes, no-fly zones and call for NATO forces to be sent in. Remember what happened when all those Albanians fled Kosovo?
Yet, with the current situation not only do we not call it ethnic cleansing, which I think would not be too hard a case to make, but the white hispanics actually get to negotiate on behalf of the oppressed hispanic hispanics in this country.
If the US were the least bit consistent with its foreign policy, they'd train and arm the hispanic hispanics and send them back to Mexico to overthrow the white hispanics and maybe help create a nation where the masses might actually be able to own property and make a living. In fact, many on the right might actually suppport this type of intervention if it could help spread the wealth in Mexico.
"2. Zimmerman isn't White."
So a black guy killed a black guy, great; then why were the readers here so virulently pro one black guy over the other over 15 different threads.
Norville Rogers,
You don't grok how Twitter works: we wouldn't be tweeting it to ourselves. First, I doubt even 1% of my followers read this blog. Second, tweets often get retweeted by people who don't follow you. That was the case with my most-retweeted tweet: Sweden had picked a few ethnic minorities in a row to man that country's account (a different swede tweets every week), and I noted that, judging from its Twitter account, Sweden looks as diverse as DeGrassi High. That got 50 retweets, mostly by folks who weren't followers of mine, but were followers of Sweden.
Incididentally, that brings up something else you can do to increase the chances this goes viral: when you retweet it, cc the Twitter handle of Jorge Ramos, or one of the other folks featured here. That will catch the eye of Twitter users who search for those people on Twitter, as it will show up in their search results. Some may retweet it with a disapproving comment, but that spreads it too.
4 retweets so far. Get Tweeting.
As a white South African I find it sad reading these comments. Americans whites still don't understand just how mean and embittered the takeover of their country is. It's a really dirty fight, and they are still writing letters to the editor.
There will be no mitigating circumstances. Even if only one white guy remains, he will be called a racist, kept out of jobs, crimes will be committed against him, and he will be taxed to death. And then he will be told by the press and foreign powers, even his ancestral country, that he had it coming. This is what whites in Southern Africa have experienced over and over.
This just shows that when conservatives use the term "Hispanic" they play the left's game.
I propose that we substitute the term "Amerindian" (or "Amerindians and Mestizos) or something similar to describe the "problem" demographic arriving in large numbers (low average IQs, high social pathologies).
This way we'd go back to Tocqueville's "Democracy in America". In Volume 1, part 2, chapter 10, Tocqueville indicates that there are 2 races in America that are not part of the American mainstream: blacks and indians. And lo and behold, 200 years later, and blacks and Amerindians (now including Indians who have migrated from south of the Rio Grande) are STILL not properly integrated into American mainstream society.
The problem is not that Vincente Fox's half Irish, half Spanish Conquistador grandkids are moving here, the problem is the Amerindians and Mestizos vastly swelling the ranks of the indiginous american Indian underclass.
Shouldn't these people be genetically tested?
Dr. Van Nostrand,
"Where's that Oil of Olay chick?She looked real wholesome."
That was just another photo of Cat ("Anne Heche").
"Everything's better with more Wachital. (It's Hunsdon's take on Steve's Khaddiffi riff.) Steve, you can post as many pictures of Hoochitul as you like, you can't scare us off!"
You missed why Steve's Qatafe bit was funny: various media outlets had been spelling the man's name a dozen different ways for 40+ years; so it lent itself to Steve's reductio ad absurdum spelling flights of fancy. That's not true of Xochitl, which has only been spelled one way. Hence, Steve's use of a different humorous tack there, calling her a "warrior princess" to highlight the juxtaposition between her Aztec name (and the fierce connotations it invokes of human sacrifice, warriors with obsidian blades, etc.), and her real-life existence as a pretty, 20-something DC professional, and former sorority girl.
"Even if only one white guy remains, he will be called a racist"
Reminds me of something funny I saw on Twitter: "I'm a Liberal... And I don't believe that Senator John McCain is Racist". I didn't even click on the link to the video in that tweet; I just found it funny that Juan McAmnesty, of all people, now needs someone to defend him against charges of racism. Could happen to a better chap.
Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL)=Steve Sailer
(^_^) (^_^) (^_^)
yes!! that's what i had been thinking!!
(^_^) (^_^) (^_^)
Hey but Steve, you have to go back into the archives; once it was revealed that Zimmerman had killed a young black male, your readers started loving him like his name was Leif Von Magnusson.
You make it sound like Zimmerman was discussed here (and generally disliked) before he shot Trayvon, at which point opinion on the man flipped instantly. In reality, no one had ever even heard of Zimmerman before the shooting.
Methinks this is all a portent for the future.
As America increasingly hurtled toward its non-white, non-European future, something like the infinite color variations of the old Spanish empire 'pardo', 'criolo' etc will evolve or even something akin to the Indian caste system, will evolve since the old black/white dichotomy will become more and more meaningless and irrelevant, although the infinite gradations of HBD that will inevitably be thrown up will be obvious and relevant to all.
Anyway the 'hispanic' label meaning literally 'from Spain' is pretty much useless as a label to describe ethnicity and should be junked right now. The obvious white Europeans depicted who use that label are doing so because they know it carries partisan clout and privilege which they can tap into and even style themselves as leaders (inverted snobbery here).
Gazing into the future from 2012 is a fraught business, but my inkiling is that ethnicity (as in lines of descent) will matter MORE in the distant future than it does at present. A steadfast minority will refuse to mix and somehow these endogamous groups will be seen as 'benchmarks' of what was and what was lost.
[QUOTE]I propose that we substitute the term "Amerindian" (or "Amerindians and Mestizos) or something similar to describe the "problem" demographic arriving in large numbers (low average IQs, high social pathologies).[/QUOTE]
You will never get most Brown Hispanics to openly admit that they are part of the Amerindian race.
When Hispanics think of Amerindians, they think of people who live in Indian reservations.
Brown Hispanics think that just because they live in the city and not live in a Indian reservation or do not own a casino, that automatically makes them racially the same as Spaniards.
Another thing that I'm reminded of is the origin of the term 'blue-blood' (the term is another way of asserting noble descent).
Apparently the term arose in old Spain around the time of the 700 year long Moorish (Arab) occupation. (As an aside the present lunatic Spanish political class is set on recreating the occupation via unlimited north African immigration). Well, anyhow, one way 'pure blooded Spaniards' distinguised themselves from the rest, was by a simple physiological test. If the veins of one's arms were visibly blue benaeth the skin, then, apparently you were 'blue-blooded' and thus a 'pure' unmixed Spaniard.
"White Hispanic"
Brilliant post, Steve!
Sublime, Steve. A shot to the bow of the absurdity of affirmative action and the farce of modern-day America.
The first guy kind of looks like a fat Kevin Bacon, or a happy Chris Cooper.
And yes, it is a brilliant post.
Here's a better picture of Xochitl Hinojosa (with her ubiquitous glass of wine.
I bet Roissy knows her.
I once used the term 'Meso-American' on Marginal Revolution and another poster promptly yelped, WHAT'S A MESO-AMERICAN?!
I knew a lot of upper class Andean South Americans from college (read: white). I've never met a more racist group of people in my life. Most expressed a belief that the "cholos" (i.e. those of indigenous ancestry in their native lands) were sub-humans
And that is why the nerdy asian fetishists dream of an alliance of whites and yellows will never happen.
There is a flip side to this: many "whites" look like, or have children who look like, non-whites. Some examples:
One of Romney's sons looks like an arab.
Pat Buchanan and his sister look like Kazakhs
Boehner's sister looks brown
Etc, etc
DaveinHackensack scolded: You missed why Steve's Qatafe bit was funny:
Hunsdon, wounded: Dave, I got it. I also get the warrior princess joke, although I disagree with you. The humor is in the juxtaposition of Aztec name and Castilian blood, and I wish I knew how to make the s in Castilian sound like a lithp. It's like tidewater aristocracy naming their child Kunta Kinta Jones.
I was going for more of a transliteration thing with Wooshii. I mean, how many different ways can you spell Khmelnitsky?
" Hispanic Society of America."
The hispanic society is a museum - one of the most under visited and under-rated in New York City, with a fantastic collection of Spanish Art that rivals, if not surpasses the Metropolitan's Spanish galleries.
The founder of the Museum was a Huntington, if I recall correctly. It does however, receive funding from Spain on occasion.
YouTube for it to have a chance
The left/ADL, advise youtube on 'hate'- they also will do things like delete a video and make you re-upload it, or simply not count the hits -
much like Google subtly and not to subtly massage results in favor of globalists/multiculti/pc
This was truly a brilliant post Steve!
Steve Sailer keeps acting like he struck gold with this, and he has all his sycophants in a frenzy.
So what that they are White? Latino is a CULTURAL and not racial category.
Latin Americans of ANY race were regarded as inferior by WASPS historically. Could a Cuban-American become U.S president or Supreme Court justice in the 1960's? NO.
Hence, the fact that they are White does not merit any consideration.
Also, most of these White Latinos could not pass for White in 1940's America. A lot of the white Latinos have jet black hair and eyes, which is a far cry from the WASP/northern European phenotype that has Always represented the "typical" white American. So even if Latino were a raial and not cultural category, it is not certain that white Latinos would fit into the white category.
You could have included SCOTUS Justice Sonia Sodacracker as Roseanne Barr.
Flaxen-headed Strumpet
In fairness to Rubio, he is a little swarthy, but all the rest, excluding our "white hispanic," are obviously honkies.
So a black guy killed a black guy, great; then why were the readers here so virulently pro one black guy over the other over 15 different threads.
It seems that the supporters of the dead black guy resorted to something akin to fraud in getting the case to go forward. Something to do with the well-coached 16 year-old cell-phone witness. No, strike that, ummm, 18 year-old not so well coached cell-phone witness and some statutory rape issues?
There could be some embarrassing moments soon.
"I knew a lot of upper class Andean South Americans from college (read: white). I've never met a more racist group of people in my life. Most expressed a belief that the "cholos" (i.e. those of indigenous ancestry in their native lands) were sub-humans and giving them political rights was the worst thing that ever happened to South America."
Yet I have a suspicion they also vote Democrat and hold"Anglos" in at least a bit of snide contempt.
I agree with you that you won't get most immigrants from south of the Rio Grande to voluntarily identify as "Amerindian/Mestizo". Although it would be interesting if you made affirmative action benefits conditional on such self-identification.
I simply meant that that is what WE, in the "Dark Enlightenment"/Alt-Right should call them (or something similar if someone can come up with a better term).
The Left's basic claim is that Amerindians/Mestizos are the new Irish, or the new Italians -- a few teething problems, some hazing by white racists, and then a couple of generations pass and, boom, you have assimilated, integrated Americans. Calling illegals from south of the Rio Grande "Amerindians/Mestizos" makes it clear that this assimilationist hope is a delusional fantasy.
Social Rose-Mimosa
The caption : "Brown Pride!" Or "Not Latino! Not Hispanic! Mexican!"
Brilliant! They're whiter than I am and wealthier and better connected - yet they get affirmative action and I don't.
If the US were the least bit consistent with its foreign policy, they'd train and arm the hispanic hispanics and send them back to Mexico to overthrow the white hispanics and maybe help create a nation where the masses might actually be able to own property and make a living. In fact, many on the right might actually suppport this type of intervention if it could help spread the wealth in Mexico.
"I say stop every campaseno at the border, turn him around, hand him a rifle and some ammunition, and tell him good luck. Viva la revolucion. He knows who his enemies are."-Edward Abbey
Hardly. Half of Hispanic citizens oppose amnesty, and virtually none support unlimited immigration. Why in the hell would they want an unlimited number of Nigerians and Indians moving to this country? They wouldn't, and they don't.
When the "Hispanic" Joe Arpaio or Tom Tancredo shows up, I'll change my mind. But at this point, it seems that every single white Hispanic politician loves unlimited immigration and amnesty.
In the United States, "white Hispanics" are much like how many people think of Jews: a hard-left, hypocritical subgroup of whites trying to screw over the white majority, while trying to keep the whip hand strong in their own homelands.
You will never get most Brown Hispanics to openly admit that they are part of the Amerindian race.
When Hispanics think of Amerindians, they think of people who live in Indian reservations.
Brown Hispanics think that just because they live in the city and not live in a Indian reservation or do not own a casino, that automatically makes them racially the same as Spaniards.
Latin America practiced hyperdescent (to a certain degree), i.e., mixed-race people are identified with the dominant culture. Anglo America did hypodescent, with the one-drop rule and all, declaring mixed-race people as members of the subordinate culture.
Here's a White Hispanic
Yep way to ruin the joke with your lame he looks like this person he doesn't really look at but aren't I so fey tick.
I take that back the Grover Cleveland one was funny only it should have been taft.
David Royston Patterson makes me think of this movie scene:
So I guess he is kind of like Cameron Diaz.
Don't forget the comeback-attempting plagiarist and Derb-hater Ben Domenech (the one on the left). He claims to be Puerto Rican.
Can you pick out the white criminal(s) from this 'Most Wanted' list?
Take a look at the FBI most wanted list of pedophile fugitives. None of the 3 Hispanics looks mestizo or indio. Two look northern euro and one looks med.
"A) We only even became AWARE of Zimmerman AFTER he killed a black kid."
So did everyone, so what?
"we only cared because MSM and libtards tried to paint all Whites as murderous demons who spend their leisure time hunting down cute black boys to use for target practice."
Ridiculous, but I'll play along, what if the media had painted Robert Mugabi as white?
"We only started loving on Zimmerman because, after first being accused of being White,"
That's an "accusal" now?
"We only loved him when we saw how GREAT an example he is of MSM and libtard hypocrisy and lies and slander against White folks."
That's a reason to "love" someone?
"If not for YOU GUYS' howling at us Whites, we'd never have gotten involved."
What "you guys" the journalists are mostly white?
"Had Zimmerman not been accused of being White in the first place (and along with it the implication that all Whites are just itching to go shoot random innocent 12 y o black boys) we'd not have gotten involved."
So you just automatically accept what someone tells you now?
"It seems that the supporters of the dead black guy resorted to something akin to fraud in getting the case to go forward. Something to do with the well-coached 16 year-old cell-phone witness. No, strike that, ummm, 18 year-old not so well coached cell-phone witness and some statutory rape issues?"
You were there when she was being coached? You are a Florida lawyer who knows the state's stat. rape laws? What in the holy hell are you talking about?
"Anonymous eah said...
Can you pick out the white criminal(s) from this 'Most Wanted' list?"
Again, when George Von Magnusson came under fire for killing Martin, he was adopted as a white man here, so I suppose the North Carolina authorities are right in qualifying Latinos as "white."
I've been to Chile several times and the typical man on the street is mixed Spanish and Indian (although probably 75/25 instead of 50/50 like in Mexico) but they would be highly insulted if you suggested that they were anything other than pure white.
This keeps getting better. I think Garcia is the spitting image of Aaron Eckhart rather than Clooney, though.
Latin Americans of ANY race were regarded as inferior by WASPS historically. Could a Cuban-American become U.S president or Supreme Court justice in the 1960's? NO.
As Steve has pointed out, back in the racially un-enlightened 1950's no one thought there was anything at all wrong when one of the most beloved TV shows of all time featured a Cuban bandleader and his 100% white, all-American wife.
Latin Americans of ANY race were regarded as inferior by WASPS historically. Could a Cuban-American become U.S president or Supreme Court justice in the 1960's? NO.
Hence, the fact that they are White does not merit any consideration.
Also, most of these White Latinos could not pass for White in 1940's America. A lot of the white Latinos have jet black hair and eyes, which is a far cry from the WASP/northern European phenotype that has Always represented the "typical" white American. So even if Latino were a raial and not cultural category, it is not certain that white Latinos would fit into the white category.
You need to go back and read some of Steve's post under the category, "diversity before diversity". He addresses what you have written.
"So what that they are White? Latino is a CULTURAL and not racial category."
Good to know. I'm going to take salsa lessons and then check the Hispanic box on my upcoming grad school applications.
I am crying laughing.
Also, most of these White Latinos could not pass for White in 1940's "Latin Americans of ANY race were regarded as inferior by WASPS historically. Could a Cuban-American become U.S president or Supreme Court justice in the 1960's? NO.
Hence, the fact that they are White does not merit any consideration.
Also, most of these White Latinos could not pass for White in 1940's America. A lot of the white Latinos have jet black hair and eyes, which is a far cry from the WASP/northern European phenotype that has Always represented the "typical" white American. So even if Latino were a raial and not cultural category, it is not certain that white Latinos would fit into the white category."
So much bullshit (EL TORO!said Hemingway); so little time. You may be a Ricky Ricardo-retro-claim to victim status, as I have just watched a number of I Love Lucys with plenty of black haired, almost Levantine looking people in bit parts, and all of them were simply supposed to be white, because unless explicitly otherwise, that is what you were in 50s tv.
1940s America had loads of people of Italian and Spanish background, described as white at ports of entry (I've seen the documentation) and enrolled in all-white segregated schools and institutions (I went to one in the early 60s. There were Cubans and Italians in considerable supply there and no one seemed to to question the segregatedness of the situation. Then the Church clamped down on our annual outing, blacks were allowed to go to the amusement park (as they should have been) and all should have been well. But the amusement park, Gynn Oak in Baltimore, had to shut down because of black misbehavior only 4 yrs later. Repeat, rinse, repeat. Same outsome still today. But I digress.
Many who already married or assimiliated into the general white American milieu; because that is what they were considered. Individuals may have had prejudice towards an Italian or Spaniard, but it was not taken too seriously.
Countless whites had black hair, including my Irish mother. Rhett Butler was curly black haired, black eyed, and even swarthy (swarthy skin, not hair COULD make you questionable.) Countless Anglo-Saxon characters in Victorian novels were described as black haired, black eyed, and olive skinned. Meanwhile, many of the Caesars of ancient Rome, even before the Germanics, were described as golden haired and grey eyeds. The swarthy description fit the purely English Anne Bolyen for example, while Henry VIII's first wife, Catherine of Aragon (Spain) was a red head;
No, "Anglos" did not considered Latins "inferior." They did consider them cultually different IF they had ties to Spain or South Amrica. Also, religion was important. But none of the people in the examples here noted would have been considered anyting other than white in the 1940s. I should know. I had too many relatives of my parent's generation who looked not much different than, oh, Andy Garcia, and they would have been highly surprised to find they were not "white" after all.
You sound a troll just sent to squash just the sort of thing we are discussing, namely the surreal absurdiy of consigning "victim" status (and our taxpayer money and jobs) to people who would never in a million years, and that includes 1940 America, suffered any discrimination from "Anglos."
Black haired people w/heavy black eyebrows and names ending with a vowel -- even if they look like Romney or Pat Buchanan -- must be enlisted among the ranks of victimized people of color (by 1940s standards of course) and wreak revenge on the brown haired, lighter eyebrowed people. I think that's about how your Leftist fantasy narrative goes.
btw, Spanish names and identities (assumed for glamorous purposes) were extremely in vogue among young women in the late 1800s and early 1900s. It was only after "Spanish" began to be associated with mestizo migrant workers that the fad diminished.
I want to play! I am a descendant of the Algonquin princess Pocahontas (one of millions), though burdened with a Welsh surname and Germanic looks. I will not have a white ethnicity forced upon me.
I will self-identify as Native American on all government questionnaires/SBA loans/casino and smoke shop licenses and all government benefits to which I am entitled due to my descent.
Please respect my identity.
I want to play! I am a descendant of the Algonquin princess Pocahontas (one of millions), though burdened with a Welsh surname and Germanic looks. I will not have a white ethnicity forced upon me.
I will self-identify as Native American on all government questionnaires/SBA loans/casino and smoke shop licenses and all government benefits to which I am entitled due to my descent.
Please respect my identity.
but aren't I so fey tick.
And what, pray, is 'fey tick'?
I just made some chile con carne, and I can feel the pangs of some long lost Latino heritage welling coursing through my veins, as I hungrily cast my gaze towards some unchecked boxes on my son's college applications......MWAH HAH HAAAHH!!!!
Actually, it was the media that 'adopted Zimmerman as a white man' so they could sensationalize the shooting of Trayvon Martin as having been racially motivated, e.g. Zimmerman as a nasty white racial 'profiler'.
...so I suppose the North Carolina authorities are right in qualifying Latinos as "white."
Aha, I see.
So get on the line and tell Duke to stop with the 'Latino Community Outreach and Engagement' already -- they're white after all.
And what's with 'UNC Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month' ? Might as well call it 'White Heritage Month'.
You ass.
By the way, inclusion in this list might be unfair to some individuals. I'm thinking particularly of Ted Cruz, although I suspect he'll find it hard not to get sucked into going down the Marco Rubio route.
Steve you forgot Ricardo León "Rick" Sánchez de Reinaldo AKA Rick Sanchez from CNN. He may be a full time white person now since he has been identified as an anti-Semite.
Here is Rick in all his Native American glory:
>most of these White Latinos could not pass for White in 1940's America. A lot of the white Latinos have jet black hair and eyes, which is a far cry from the WASP/northern European phenotype that has Always represented the "typical" white American.<
Elite American whites were not all blue-eyed and blond in the 1940s...or ever. You are either a non-white in high school, or a white graduate student.
To the idiot who says that black-haired, Southern European whites did not have any political opportunities in the 1940s:
Meet Fiorello La Guardia, mayor of New York City in the 1940s:
Yes, you are a buffoon.
apparenlty fey's use as a synonym for whimsical is listed as the fifth definition in the dictionary so it was just a bad word choice
I've got a business proposition for you Steve. You can link to some plain looking fives on match.com tell your readers they look like Scarlett Johanson and hook them up with some of your readers. I like Whiskey so don't play this trick on him, but there are certainly some others who just need to lower their standards in order to settle down and start helping that white fertility rate out.
"So what that they are white. LATINO is a cultural and not a racial category".
So if these "Latinos" assimilate into American culture, then they are no longer Latinos then?
I'm thinking particularly of Ted Cruz, although I suspect he'll find it hard not to get sucked into going down the Marco Rubio route.
But wouldn't it be wonderful if he didn't?
[I mean, we can dream, can't we?]
Anon said:
who will never be capable of literacy or numeracy, who will never vote for limited government or the rule of law, and who will never tow their own weight in anything other than a pre-modern, highly-violent, subsistence-level existence.
and included a google link that lists this as its first target:
The fiscal cost of low-skill immigrants to the US taxpayer
However, the article is mistaken in its analysis when it lists the direct beneficiaries of all those government transfers.
The direct beneficiaries are not the hapless low-skill immigrants, nor even the intermediaries (government workers and other agency employees) but the politicians and power brokers who initiate the programs that transfer money around like that.
">most of these White Latinos could not pass for White in 1940's America. A lot of the white Latinos have jet black hair and eyes, which is a far cry from the WASP/northern European phenotype that has Always represented the "typical" white American.<"
What? Are you saying that both of my black haired brown-eyed grandmothers could not "pass as white" during their youth? They tell no such stories.
A majority of white Americans are brunettes, and a significant portion also have brown eyes- this was true even during our WASPiest era as a country. Were the Beatles secret hispanics because they weren't blondes? Lol.
"Actually, it was the media that 'adopted Zimmerman as a white man' so they could sensationalize the shooting of Trayvon Martin as having been racially motivated, e.g. Zimmerman as a nasty white racial 'profiler'."
And the readers on this site immediately jumped to his defense, totally, and completely, with no room for argument, so either he IS a white man, or the people on this site are too stupid to know that the media tells them what to think.
"Robert Mugabe" Oh, please.
The last name ain't White like Zimmerman could be White.
Until we saw a picture and knew what Z looked like, we Whites (for about 30 seconds) went, ah shit, if this White guy did this we'll never hear the end of it.
No way, even without a picture, even for 30 seconds, would anyone believe Mugabe was White.
That's an "accusal" now?
Since, according to leftists, all Whites are guilty until proven innocent (good luck with that!) of being racist crackers who are just itching to shoot innocent 12 y o black boys, somebody saying you're White when you're accused of murder leads MSM and libtards (I repeat myself) braying "you're guilty!!"
"So did everyone, so what?"
YOU brought it up.
Remember this:
"Hey but Steve, you have to go back into the archives; once it was revealed that Zimmerman had killed a young black male, your readers started loving him like his name was Leif Von Magnusson."
There was no "once", Truth.
YOu're implying as if we knew Z and hated him until we found out that it was a black kid he killed, like as if it gladdens our hearts that black kids get killed, or some shit.
No. We'd never even heard of Zimmerman until a media report that a guy named Zimmerman (plausibly White until we saw his pic) had killed a black (supposed 12 year old). Our hearts sank, like, ah shit us White folks will never hear the end of this now. Just like they never let us hear the end of about Bird, even tho it was, what? 30 years ago?
No. The FIRST fact we knew of Zimmerman was the victim was a black kid, so no, it wasn't "once it was revealed the victim was black, we started loving him."
We started loving on him when it became clear that he's a man who was defending himself and is now being railroaded as a murderer BECAUSE of his supposed Whiteness (which he isn't White).
It was the lies and slander and the accusation by MSM and libtards that he was White, and that meant he was guilty, QED, it was the highlighting of MSM and libtard hypocrisy and anti-White hatred that made us champion him.
Really, Truth, the quality of your snark has gone way down lately. We're getting to you.
"Again, when George Von Magnusson came under fire for killing Martin, he was adopted as a white man here"
You are such a poo-flinger. We here did NOT "adopt him as White man."
The MEDIA painted him as a White man.
WE adopted him as a mixed-race non-White (which he is) who shot in self defense and is now being railroaded as a murderer because the media *said* he's White.
This case highlights how, even if you are NOT White, just being accused of being white, in the lying MSM and libtards' minds, means you're guilty of murder, QED.
Dude, I hate to do it, but I'm going to let the cat out of the bag. The whole Trayvon and Zimmerman thing? We like totally planned that. Well, we didn't plan the shooting, but we got together, behind your back, once it had happened, and said, "Hey, let's see how far we can push Truth with this one."
It was Whiskey's idea.
y'r obd't srv't,
The Iberian Reconquista started in 718-722 (with a victory that kept a Visigoth kingdom alive in north-west Spain) and didn't end until 1492. After all this fighting, there was probably a danger of a boring old peace, but luckily Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492 and rest is history, as the rather practiced Spanish fighting man now had cities of gold and other wonders to pursue.
While it must be a rather small percentage of modern Latin American whites (Hispanics), according to the New Mexico DNA Project there are "Hispanics in New Mexico with Visigoth ancestry":
"...the Visigoths (an Eastern Germanic people) conquered Iberia, after they had conquered Rome, and settled there in the year 507 AD. The Visigoths’ ancient homeland was Sweden, which they had left around Christ's time. These three Nordic peoples brought Haplogroup I and sub-haplogroups I1 and I2 into Iberia. 13% of modern day Spaniards share this origin."
More government aid to Nordic Hispanics! It's the least we can do!
Brothers, you guys really don't know how to read.
"Also, most of these White Latinos could not pass for White in 1940's America. A lot of the white Latinos have jet black hair and eyes, which is a far cry from the WASP/northern European phenotype that has Always represented the "typical" white American. So even if Latino were a raial and not cultural category, it is not certain that white Latinos would fit into the white category." - All hispanics were considered white until the late 1960s when they demanded their own separate non-white racial category.
Truth said:
Ridiculous, but I'll play along, what if the media had painted Robert Mugabi as white?
That would take a lot of paint.
@department 11
"Moron. Are you saying you think Garcia (e.g.) speaks Spanish? When you find out he doesn't, is he still a "cultural" hispanic?"
But of course, moron. Could all those English-speaking Italian-Americans back in the 1940's successfully run for U.S president?
If an English-speaking White Hispanic back in the 1950's interactes in public, no one would know that he isn't Anglo, granted, and he might not be discriminated.
But as soon as he climbs in Society, his last name will become an issue, and doors will be closed to him because of his Hispanic last name. Could a man with the last name "Garcia" become president or Supreme Court justice back in the 1950's? NO. Stop acting like "Latino" is a racial rather than cultural category, and that only brown Latinos are regarded as inferior by American Society. THEY ARE ALL LOOKED DOWN UPON.
Funny that you call me, who's intelligence is at least twice that of yours, moron.
"As Steve has pointed out, back in the racially un-enlightened 1950's no one thought there was anything at all wrong when one of the most beloved TV shows of all time featured a Cuban bandleader and his 100% white, all-American wife.
I NEVER claimed that Latinos were discriminated as badly as blacks.
What Steve Sailer does is really callous and disgusting. He makes it seem like Italo-Americans and Iberian-Americans were on the same level as WASPS, WHICH IS NOT TRUE.
I repeat my question for the upteenth time?
I love how Sailer's sycophants keep attacking some straw man and claiming that I am disproved.
I NEVER claimed that Southern Europeans were discriminated against as badly as blacks. But to equate this to saying that they were never discriminated against AT ALL, which is what Sailer is doing, is really despicable and odious because you guys KNOW that it's not true. You KNOW that an Italian-American, for instance, could never have become president or Supreme Court justice back in the 1940`s. América was a Society with WASPS culturally entranched at the top. And those of Southern European descent were barred from the higher echelons of power and influence in the country. This is a FACT.
You guys keep brining up Desí Arnaz and Marilyn. Could Arnaz have successfully run for president back in the times of "I Love Lucy"? No! No way in hell would a man with that name become U.S presaident then and YOU KNOW IT!
And for those of who claim it was about "religion", you also knoiw it's not true. Na Italian-American who converted from Catholic to Epicopalian would NEVER be able to become president. Ever!
What Angers me is that Sailer and his sycophants(you guys) KNOW that what you are saying is not true and you LIE to push your agenda. Shame on you.
And the readers on this site immediately jumped to his defense, totally, and completely
This has been explained to you already, many times, but I'll do it again. His alleged guilt was imputed to us; we jumped to OUR OWN defense.
>"most of these White Latinos could not pass for White in 1940's America "
oh this again.. Admiral Farragot....
And the readers on this site immediately jumped to his defense, totally, and completely, with no room for argument, so either he IS a white man, or the people on this site are too stupid to know that the media tells them what to think.
People rushed to his defense both because it was clearly a politically motivated MSM-libtard hatchet job and because, metapolitically, the hatchet job was part of the endless, multi-decade campaign of demonizing whites and promoting blacks via inversion of reality.
"Republicans must embrace the grassroots enthusiasm and technical savvy of the Libertarian/Ron Paul movement."
They'd rather lose than embrace a man who has stood by the principals they claim to believe when they didn't and who is tremendously popular with young people.
It's amazing how little discussion there has been in the media about how war mongering has hurt the GOP. The neocons are very firmly entrenched. What would it take to get neocons out of the GOP and conservative movement?
2. Zimmerman isn't White."
So a black guy killed a black guy, great; then why were the readers here so virulently pro one black guy over the other over 15 different threads.
Truth consistently promotes the idea that his definition of "non-white" is "black." I think he's fallen off his rocker.
"América [sic] was a Society [sic] with WASPS culturally entranched [sic] at the top. And those of Southern European descent were barred from the higher echelons of power and influence in the country. This is a FACT."
Fiorello LaGuardia.
"Truth consistently promotes the idea that his definition of "non-white" is "black." I think he's fallen off his rocker."
On the contrary, Sport, it is you who consistently promotes the idea that "non-black" is white. Unless he gets arrested or starts porking one of your sisters.
Take a look at the FBI most wanted list of pedophile fugitives. None of the 3 Hispanics looks mestizo or indio. Two look northern euro and one looks med.
Blacks and browns don't regard statutory rape as a crime and don't report offenders.
On the contrary, Sport, it is you who consistently promotes the idea that "non-black" is white. Unless he gets arrested or starts porking one of your sisters.
But I'm not the one who says these things. You are. You say them so often that it's obviously become a fixation for you.
Truth, you were the one who clearly implied that non-whites who want to marry whites are black by definition, a few threads back.
Nick Diaz said: If an English-speaking White Hispanic back in the 1950's interactes in public, no one would know that he isn't Anglo, granted, and he might not be discriminated.
Hunsdon clarified: Well, not until he proved so inelegant in his use of the English language.
ATBOTL said: It's amazing how little discussion there has been in the media about how war mongering has hurt the GOP. The neocons are very firmly entrenched. What would it take to get neocons out of the GOP and conservative movement?
Hunsdon, despairingly: Sir, is it really amazing? Are you not presupposing some idealized media, dedicated to truth, justice and the American way, above all influences of party, faction, ethny and religion? Bastiat's parable of the broken window is much less convincing to, say, a family of glaziers.
Herbert Huber (Hoover), not a WASP. Dwight Eisenhower, not a WASP. Van Buren, not a WASP.
I NEVER claimed that Southern Europeans were discriminated against as badly as blacks. But to equate this to saying that they were never discriminated against AT ALL, which is what Sailer is doing, is really despicable and odious because you guys KNOW that it's not true.
I don't think you really get it, Nick. What you're saying is true, but most of us just don't care anymore. I'm not Italian, but it's the ethnicity I've most often been mistaken for, so shoot me if I feel a bit of common cause with them. I don't care about the past. I don't even care if it happens again ("discrimination"). I am so far beyond caring about any of that it's not funny. The most important fact -- or in terms you might better understand, FACT -- is that mass multiracialism is a sick, sick joke, with horrific human costs, and which can only subsist on the basis of horrendous lies. If fixing the mess that it has created requires standing up for the hated WASP -- and it does -- then that's what I'll do.
As a white South African I find it sad reading these comments. Americans whites still don't understand just how mean and embittered the takeover of their country is. It's a really dirty fight, and they are still writing letters to the editor.
There will be no mitigating circumstances. Even if only one white guy remains, he will be called a racist, kept out of jobs, crimes will be committed against him, and he will be taxed to death. And then he will be told by the press and foreign powers, even his ancestral country, that he had it coming. This is what whites in Southern Africa have experienced over and over."
Sorry dude, the South African model doesnt hold.Blacks are more like your Native Americans and unlike the whites you werent smart enough to hound them out of their lands or outbreed them but kept them us as not even 2nd but 4th class citizens for the purposes of cheap labor!
So you have managed to create a majority who are really the equivalent of blacks,Native Americans and Mexicans rolled into one all the while holding onto this unjust system while turning yourself into the worlds pariah.
Bravo! Another victory for high IQ whites!
@Nick Diaz I dont think most commentators deny the unjust history of darker peoples(even darker whites in this case). But the point of the article is that Euro Hispanics decietfully claim empathy for dark mestizos in U.S while treating them like dirt in their countries of origin.
I think the other commentator had a point when postulated that any illegal immigrant should be stopped at the border ,given some money and weapons and take La revolucion back to Mexico.
Heck this would compel the Euro Hispanics to flee to north ,thus increasing the white population and reducing the mestizo inflow.
Two birds and all that...
Herbert Huber (Hoover), not a WASP. Dwight Eisenhower, not a WASP. Van Buren, not a WASP"
Well not "Anglo" as in of English descent but Northern European yes.
I think even the guy who coined the phrase WASP included German and Dutch types,even Scots like McKinley and Buchanan in the designation as long as they were Protestant.
JFK actually led a more WASP lifestyle than Eisenhower.
But the point of the article is that Euro Hispanics decietfully claim empathy for dark mestizos in U.S while treating them like dirt in their countries of origin.
Do they really though? I talk race with hispanics on the internet quite a lot and I've never had anything like the impression that this is the case. (Unless "like dirt" is simply a leftarded reference to economic inequality, in which case we're not really talking about "treatment" at all.)
"Sorry dude, the South African model doesnt hold.Blacks are more like your Native Americans and unlike the whites you werent smart enough to hound them out of their lands or outbreed them but kept them us as not even 2nd but 4th class citizens for the purposes of cheap labor!
So you have managed to create a majority who are really the equivalent of blacks,Native Americans and Mexicans rolled into one all the while holding onto this unjust system while turning yourself into the worlds pariah.
Bravo! Another victory for high IQ whites!"
Cool story bro.
Steve, you slay me. You've really outdone yourself here.
"You say them so often that it's obviously become a fixation for you."
"Truth, you were the one who clearly implied that non-whites who want to marry whites are black by definition, a few threads back."
Please post ONE example of me suggesting that a non-white person is black. Use the archives, be my guest.
No, I simply asked you, and the other posters, if you minded Tiroshi Suzuki, Jin Su-Kim, or Muhammad Acha leaving his seed between your daughter's legs, now didn't I?
There was also a post the other day about Susan Rice's kids and whether they were black enough to receive black-assistance benefits, this prompted me to ask, "are they white enough to marry into your family." The consensus was no.
You see Svigor, it's very simple; the ultimate test of whiteness, is; would you be happy with this man, impregnating your daughter, everything else is bullshit. If you cannot answer this question in the affirmative, he is probably not right, and until you understand what seems to me a very simple point, I will continue asking it.
Leander Perez was a powerful example of "diversity before diversity" in the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s and 1960s:
Herbert Huber (Hoover), not a WASP. Dwight Eisenhower, not a WASP. Van Buren, not a WASP"
Well not "Anglo" as in of English descent but Northern European yes.
I think even the guy who coined the phrase WASP included German and Dutch types,even Scots like McKinley and Buchanan in the designation as long as they were Protestant.
None of that mumbo-jumbo stopped the cultural jihad against German-Americans when Wilson decided to enter the Great War.
War Nerd (whose picture is actually a Norwegian folkie) or Matt Yglesias?
New photo released of the White Hispanic.
"Could a Cuban-American become U.S president or Supreme Court justice in the 1960's? NO.
Hence, the fact that they are White does not merit any consideration."
Nick, you're spouting off narrative here. I can think of a Cuban right off the top of my head who had tremendous success in the middle of the 20th century, married an attractive 'WASP' woman and ran a successful career in entertainment and a top tv show. Could he have achieved such popularity and fame if the evil WASPs across the US making up 90% of the population were so hell bent on hating Hispanics?
What's most interesting about White Hispanics, those with dark hair and eyes that you whined about as being viewed negatively for being non-WASP, is that they are the direct descendants of the Spanish Conquistadors who committed the very raping, pillaging, murder and looting of S. American natives that they now demand retribution for from the descendants of WASPs who were north of the border, and not involved, and many of whom did not even arrive in the US until hundreds of years later.
A definite classic.
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