July 3, 2013

Zuckerberg's latest Cheap Labor Lobby ad: "Decides the Golden Tool"

FWD.us (a.k.a., the National Association for the Advancement of Billionaire People) is at it again. Mark Zuckerberg's 30 second spot is called "Emma" and it features, you guessed it, the Statue of Liberty along with a rewrite of Emma Lazarus's schmaltzy poem to wedge in some new jargon, like "And give me the influencers." I didn't hear the term "disrupters" in there, but hopefully that word will be in the 60 second version.

Here's the automatic transcript on Youtube of the narration:

0:02 give me do it right your poorer huddled masses yearning to breathe
0:09 and kids who need the influences
0:11 entertainers
0:14 talent that is searching for a purpose
The Golden Tool
0:18 dole's dedicated to her
0:20 send all of these
0:22 brown this going to mean
0:25 agnes time and decides the golden tool

I couldn't have said it better myself.

In evaluating this ad, keep in mind that there are days, even weeks, when Zuckerberg's net worth drops from 11 digits to only 10 digits, so show some mercy to poor Zuck. 


  1. http://youtu.be/C5SeoY-mOtk

    Globalists are intellectual pickpockets.

  2. Is that Maya Angelou doing the narration?

  3. That is so perfect that it really can't be improved on.

    From now on, I propose Zuck to be known as "The Golden Tool," fighting to put our brown future on the dole.

  4. Oh, would that "the golden tool" be tost into a tempest.

  5. Who will rid me of this turbulent billionaire?

  6. Who will rid me of this r=turbulent billionair?

  7. "Talent that is searching for purpose?".....like the millions of underemployed American college grads?

  8. I was going to guess Cecily Tyson, but Maya Angelou sounds more like it. Maybe they got Maya to rewrite the poem, too, as part of her fee.

  9. On the one hand I dislike Zuck's machinations, but on the other hand I can't help but wondering if he's unintentionally promoting our side. He's kind of like the Downs Syndrome kid on the plutocrat football team, throwing the ball to the opposition and thinking he's doing a good job.

    1. As I've pointed out before, his wife is much smarter than he is. His Harvard Friendster idea is all he had. He is not a genius. If he weren't a billionaire he would be an unemployed programmer.

  10. It's there in the original: "I lift my lamp beside the Golden Tool." It's right there in the Constitution.

    Nativist cretins.

  11. Plenty of douchebags in the high tech industry, but Zuckerberg went there harder and faster than just about anyone else in history: unapologetically crooked, nasty, and dishonest, and completely contemptuous of his users and their privacy, because he thinks he can get away with it. If you can't bring yourself to delete your Facebook page, at least try to spend a lot less time on it.

    I find it fascinating that Jews, all but absent from the first 250 years or so of this country's history, and having gained control of the commanding heights of this country's important institutions, have redefined to us the meaning and purpose of our nation. The purpose of this country and what has made it great has nothing to do with Emma Lazarus.

  12. Auntie Analogue7/3/13, 9:11 PM

    Zuckerberg's ad says of reducing immigration that "[I]t's a policy unfit for today's world."

    In case Zuckerbarg and his ilk haven't yet noticed, no American voted for congressional representatives, or for a president, to GOVERN THE WORLD - just the United States. And then only to serve the purposes set forth in our Constitution's Preamble, not to serve the greed of the Zuckerbergian parasites who happen merely to reside here, to take advantage of the infrastructure and tax loopholes, among us Americans.

  13. I'm not American but it's quite obvious who the main players are here. Hilarious, tragic and a probably inevitable outcome.

  14. Portraying a Jewish person as a rodent-like creature is skirting the line into Third Reich type anti-semitism.

  15. OT: Gotta love the dailymail. "BBC chief admits: We had a 'deep liberal bias' on migrants... so has anything changed?"

    It's no surprise at all that dailymail is not owned by Murdoch. They DM need to set up franchises elsewhere in the Anglosphere, e.g. in the US and Australia. Opinion is growing against immigration and all else equal, people generally prefer to read news aligned with their own biases. The Daily Mail is exploiting this niche, allowing comments on both immigration and failings of the justice system.

  16. Deep State:


    "Those who were still awake seemed taken aback by the day’s events, and blamed the overthrow on members of former President Hosni Mubarak’s regime.

    "The problems that people could see, like the fuel crisis, stopped a day or two ago. The stock market rose on the 30th of June by 5 percent. How is everything solved moments before he leaves? I believe it is due to Mubarak and the deep state," said Sharif Ahmed, a businessman."

  17. Portraying a Jewish person as a rodent-like creature is skirting the line into Third Reich type anti-semitism.

    I don't recall Steve ever drawing attention to Zuck's Jewishness, at least in relation to weasels. If anything, Steve should be wary of being accused of anti-Mustelism.

  18. English chap7/4/13, 1:23 AM

    What percentage of the US population is made up of immigrants? It's a minority, for sure. Ever since there has been a country called the USA, the majority of its population has been native born, right? There's never been a time when a majority or anything close to a majoritu of US citizens, or even residents, have been immigrants. In what way can it therefore be said to be a 'nation of immigrants?' Is it because some people, while not immigrants, had ancestors who were (or settlers - no difference, right? Right?)? Is immigrantness passed down the male line? Is there a one-drop immigrantness rule? Aren't one-drop rules bad things though? So many questions.

    I guess if we're all immigrants, even when we're not, then "immigrant" is really just synonymous with "human being", in which case it becomes redundant to say it. Instead of calling the USA, or Britain, or France, or Australia, "nations of immigrants", we can just call them "nations". Is that ok, hostile ones? No?


    "Portraying a Jewish person as a rodent-like creature is skirting the line into Third Reich type anti-semitism."

    Weasels are not rodents, they are members of Order Carnivora, like bears, cats, and dogs.

    This makes sense, because rodents are exclusively prey species, whereas weasels are active, energetic predators.

    If Zuckerberg doesn't want to be compared to a predator, he should stop making the comparison so apt.

  20. Lawful Neutral7/4/13, 2:42 AM

    @ Emily B.

    Acting as a volunteer auxiliary censor is skirting the line into Soviet Union type totalitarianism.

  21. Portraying a Jewish person as a rodent-like creature is skirting the line into Third Reich type anti-semitism.

    I guess if Sailer were German and advocated a Final Solution for Jews, that might be an issue. But as any educated person ought to know, it was Germans, and not anybody else, who slaughtered millions of Jews. I understand why a Jew might want to saddle the entire world with collective guilt over merely one of literally uncountable genocidal events, but it's not clear why non-Jews should embrace it.

  22. I too feel uncomfortable with the Zuckerberg-weasel imagery.

    Weasels are loveable animals that do not as far as I know facilitate spying on American citizens nor advocate their democide.

  23. Intead attack the Koch brothers, they along with Big-Agricultial and Hotel and the Resturant industry are responsible why the Republican Party pushed the legalization and guest worker programs. In fact even in California Zack is probably listening to the Irvine Company that is responsible for building a lot of high tech builidngs. Lou Dobbs about 5 years ago shown the Irvine Company connected with pushing for anmesty. Don Bren ahead of the Irvine Compnay is a Republican and another billionaire who most people have never heard of

  24. "Portraying a Jewish person as a rodent-like creature is skirting the line into Third Reich type anti-semitism."

    But portraying any other type of person that way should be just fine...

  25. YouTube's automated transcription system absolutely rocks! Try it on the video of Alex Jones' rant at the BBC and you'll be rolling on the floor.

    As for the ad, the line "give me your influencers and the dreamers" would not have made it into Emma's original poem. All those bomb-throwing anarchists running around back then gave "influencers and dreamers" a bad name. Don't forget Leon Trotsky was chillin' like a villain in New York when the Russian Revolution started. How many Trotskys didn't go back?

  26. I personally endorse all comparisons of Mark Zuckerberg to rodents, weasels and other small mammals

  27. I find the idea of comparing Zuck to a weasel very anti-Mustiladic. A predator weasels play an important part in the ecosystem, helping to reduce the number of pests. Comparing him and his fellow billionaires(regardless of ethnicity) to parasites is more accurate.

    I also hate it when people think weasels are rodents! They are in the order Carnivora, making them close relatives of wolves and bears. The Wolverine, a fellow Mustilade is a very close relative of the weasel and can even be thought of as an over-sized weasel.

  28. "Portraying a Jewish person as a rodent-like creature is skirting the line into Third Reich type anti-semitism."

    And on the other hand a plutocrat business class are waging a scorched earth economic war on 300 million of their supposedly fellow citizens.

    What they're doing should count as treason.

  29. English chap: What percentage of the US population is made up of immigrants? It's a minority, for sure. Ever since there has been a country called the USA, the majority of its population has been native born, right? There's never been a time when a majority or anything close to a majoritu of US citizens, or even residents, have been immigrants. In what way can it therefore be said to be a 'nation of immigrants?' Is it because some people, while not immigrants, had ancestors who were (or settlers - no difference, right? Right?)? Is immigrantness passed down the male line? Is there a one-drop immigrantness rule?

    I, too, have long been perplexed by these questions. A "nation of immigrants" should be mostly immigrants, no? If one stays and sets down roots, this all ends with providing a history and a sense of place to one's posterity, no? Won't do, won't do. If one wishes to eternally celebrate one's immigrant-ness, one's gotta keep moving on. If not, one becomes a native. A native has a nation. "Immigrant" should be a temporary state of not having a nation. "Nation of immigrants" is an oxymoron, and the "perpetual immigrant" is in a state akin to that of the eternal adolescent, who wants the perks of adulthood without the responsibilities.

    Matthew: The purpose of this country and what has made it great has nothing to do with Emma Lazarus.

    To expand upon my perpetual immigrant/adolescent theme, I'll label this phenomenon "immigrant narcissism", a disorder associated with other infantile tendencies, and characterized by the preening belief that "this country was nothing until we showed up." (Please ignore the fact that lots of members of "we" immigrated elsewhere and yet somehow didn't make great nations out of those elsewheres. But you should be damned grateful that we did it for you!)

  30. Lawful Neutral:

    @ Emily B.

    Acting as a volunteer auxiliary censor is skirting the line into Soviet Union type totalitarianism.

    Touché, sir.

  31. "Portraying a Jewish person as a rodent-like creature is skirting the line into Third Reich type anti-semitism."

    It's actually animal abuse as weasels are fine creatures.

    Weasels should be reserved for the depiction of noble Chechens.

  32. Zuck is actually more like a snake.

  33. Rats are pretty pesty but I love most rodents. Gerbils, hamsters, squirrels, chipmunks, and etc. are pretty cute.

    And even though I don't like rats, they are amongst the greatest animals that ever lived. They survived just about everything.

  34. "Portraying a Jewish person as a rodent-like creature is skirting the line into Third Reich type anti-semitism."

    But portraying any other type of person that way should be just fine...

    As we all know, Jews are a special case, unlike the Kurds, Assyrians, Armenians, Tibetans as well huge numbers of nameless (except to area historians) nationalities and tribes that were massacred out of existence eons ago.

  35. "Anonymous Emily B. said...

    Portraying a Jewish person as a rodent-like creature is skirting the line into Third Reich type anti-semitism."

    What would be the result of heeding your admonition? So, no Jew anywhere, anytime, may ever be referred to as a weasel? Even when that person does in fact act like a weasel? That's a very convenient way to limit the rhetorical arena in a way that is advantageous to one particular group. And I'm guessing you don't think this prohibition should apply to a Jew who might want to refer to a gentile as a "weasel".

    That's kind of weasely of you, Emily.

  36. Here's a taste of the realism and general intellectual level of the billionaires' club. Bill Gates insists on giving away well over $100 million to put laptops in the dirt-floor shacks of people who don't have anything to eat.

    Some Kenyan parents oppose laptop offer to kids

    The government (administrating) and parents (receiving) are trying to give him a little ground-level feedback, but to no avail. Screams Gates: $$$ YOU WILL GET WIRED UP, NO MATTER WHAT $$$

    After all, how else can several million new people be turned into screen zombies?

    I guess the parents and kids can get money for food by selling the laptops. But with every single household around trying to sell, who will buy? A market will of course spring up (if it doesn't already exist), and probably an illegal market too. They will buy Bill's latest miracles for an extremely small fraction of retail. Anyway, the end result will look something like this.

  37. Leon Wieseltier of the Anti-(Weasel) Defamation League7/4/13, 3:23 PM

    "Comparing him and his fellow billionaires(regardless of ethnicity) to parasites is more accurate."

    Indeed. I think a tick, leech or liver fluke is a more apt comparison for everyone's current least favourite Hostile-American.

  38. Mark Zuckerberg is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life.

  39. Sailer is making Zuckerberg look cute and cuddly. Not very smart.

  40. Emily B. said...
    Portraying a Jewish person as a rodent-like creature is skirting the line into Third Reich type anti-semitism.

    Sailer isn't calling Zbug a weasel cuz he's Jewish. Sailer's calling Zbug a weasel because of his behavior. Note: his behavior.

    If you think Zbug being Jewish has something to do with his bad behavior, and therefore his Jewishness should prevent any critism, please tell us why.

  41. "I, too, have long been perplexed by these questions. A "nation of immigrants" should be mostly immigrants, no?"

    It's time to take it to the next level then, and make America truly a nation of immigrants. For starters, everyone born here would have to leave. Then they would be replaced with immigrants. And when the immigrants wanted to have kids, they would have to leave the country and start their families elsewhere, lest their kids be born here and miss out on the magic of immigrating here.

    So America would be a place where people came, worked for a few years, then moved on. Sort of like one of those extended stay business hotels. The United States of Extended Stay America.

  42. I'm just wondering, if Israel is essentially doing what white South Africa did during Apartheid, why is it that nobody installs sanctions against them?

  43. "I'm just wondering, if Israel is essentially doing what white South Africa did during Apartheid, why is it that nobody installs sanctions against them?"

    White folks feel 'white guilt' when it comes to blacks(cuz of the slave trade) and Jews(cuz of the Holocaust).

    Since Afrikaners oppressed blacks, they were the bad guys. Since Jews did the oppressing in Israel, they could still pose as 'victims of the Holocaust'.

    But who are the Palestinians? No 'white guilt' is associated with them, so white folks don't care if they're oppressed, humiliated, and murdered. Sympathy is a political weapon in politics. Sympathy is controlled by who-owns-the-media and historical context.
    Historical context makes blacks and Jews out to be victims in the Western consciousness, and Jews and liberals control the media.

    Now, what would have been interesting is if Israel had been created in Uganda, which was a serious idea for awhile. Then, the bitterness would have been between Jews and blacks, and it would have been much more difficult for the Western 'guilt' conscience to resolve. Which group do you side with? The slave folks or the holocaust folks? (To be sure, black Africans sold slaves to whites.)

    If Israel had been created in Uganda, it would have been a great blessing to the Western right. Jews would have a much more difficult time forming a moral alliance between Jews and blacks.. and Jews probably realized the problem this would cause, plus the fact that they really coveted the sacred land of their forefathers.

  44. All these guys are really spiders. We fall into their web.


  45. "I'm just wondering, if Israel is essentially doing what white South Africa did during Apartheid, why is it that nobody installs sanctions against them?"

    A) They're not doing what South Africa did.

    B) The Arab League has had a blockade on Israel since the country was founded.

  46. B) The Arab League has had a blockade on Israel since the country was founded.

    Along with every Muslim majority country.

  47. Along with every Muslim majority country.

    Except for Turkey.

  48. Plenty of douchebags in the high tech industry, but Zuckerberg went there harder and faster than just about anyone else in history: unapologetically crooked, nasty, and dishonest, and completely contemptuous of his users and their privacy, because he thinks he can get away with it.

    I've noticed that too about douchebag hi-tech industry leaders. They are arrogant SOBs but not in the same way as rock stars or 482-pound superjocks. The techno-fuhrers start out as ordinary nerds, then social-climbing self-hating nerds, then nihilistic "hate everything" nerds. That is sure to contribute to the cycle of abuse.

  49. "Hunsdon said...

    Mark Zuckerberg is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life."

    How about a nice game of solitaire, Hunsdon?

  50. "Portraying a Jewish person as a rodent-like creature is skirting the line into Third Reich type anti-semitism."

    Or perhaps the problem is people are too urban these days:

    "Weasels have a reputation for cleverness, quickness and guile."

    What's not appropriate about that?


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